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Excel Quick Reference Guide

Microsoft Excel A Quick Reference Guide

Created By: Opal Shah
Named Ranges: Used to quickly select a range of cells to make active in a worksheet. It can also e used as a su stitute to cell references in a formula. How to Use: Insert !ame "efine #to define a named range$ ie. G%&G'( ) !ewEm*loyees named range Hints: no s*aces in names used in the formulas in the following manner +)sum#!ewEm*loyees$, is the same as +)sum#G%&G'($, GoTo ialog !ox "is*lays the last - locations that were selected efore using a !amed Range .ox or Go/o "ialog .ox How to Use: Edit Go /o or 0trl G or 1( ata "orm ialog !ox Used to create a list y ty*ing data into each cell or to enter2 edit2 delete records using a data form dialog. 0an also use data form dialog ox to find3search3u*date records #Use the 40riteria5 o*tion$. How to use& 6elet the range #which includes the column field names$ where you want to start in*utting your data "ata 1orm !ew #orting numerical2 al*ha etical2 chronological #date$ 7 ty*es of sort orders& ascending3descending if a sort contains a lank cell2 the lank cell is dis*layed at the end of the sort. when sorting multi*le levels2 the least im*ortant sort criteria should e sorted first and the most im*ortant sort criteria should e sorted last. How to Use: "ata 6ort #dialog .ox$ H$NT 8 /o sort more than 9 criteria& :*en the 6ort dialog ox2 do a sort for the 9 least im*ortant sort criteria. :nce the sort is com*lete2 reo*en the dialog ox and sort the remaining criteria. Re*eat until all the criteria have een satisfied.

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Excel Quick Reference Guide

"ilter Extracts3dis*lays records that match a s*ecific condition #filter criterion$ How to Use& "ata 1ilter <uto1ilter %orks&eet 'anes Used to dis*lay different areas of a worksheet on the screen simultaneously. How to use: /o add a *ane& 0lick the cell where the *ane should egin #ie. something in the middle of the screen$. /hen click =indow 1ree>e ;ane /o remove a *ane& =indow Unfree>e *ane (omments 0omments can e inserted as a ta to a cell Right8click on a cell to edit a comment2 delete a comment or increase si>e of a comment. Great if you want to add a note to a *articular cell. /he comment stays hidden exce*t for a coloured ta at the corner of the cell indicating a comment is *resent. ?ove mouse cursor over the cell to view the comment. How to Use: Insert 0omment H)*erlinks 0an link a cell to another cell2 another work ook2 another sheet2 an email address a we *age etc. ie. If you have em*loyee num er on one sheet2 creating a hy*erlink may allow you to link to the user5s .lue*ages info or user info on another sheet. How to Use: Right8click on a cell and click hy*erlink. 1ollow the ste*s in the wi>ard. "ill down: < shortcut to co*y the same formula. How to Use: '. 6elect the cell containing the original formula 7. @old down the shift key and click on the last cell #in the series that needs the formula$ 9. Under the Edit menu2 click 1ill and then 4"own5

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Excel Quick Reference Guide

A+solute 'ositioning =hen a formula is co*y3*asted2 sometimes it is necessary to kee* a certain *osition that is not relative to the new cell location. /his is *ossi le y inserting a A efore the 0olumn letter or a A efore the Row num er #or oth$. /he dollar sign locks the cell location to a fixed *osition2 then when it is co*y3*asted or filled down2 the exact same formula is used in all cells How to Use: if A<A' is used in a formula2 the cell <' will e used in all formulas co*ied from this. if A<' is used in a formula2 the column < will stay constant2 while the row will vary relative to the original cell. 'i,ot Ta+les /o add a formula #0alculated 1ield$ as a new column in a ;ivot/a le re*ort& '. 6elect a cell in the ;ivot/a le re*ort. 7. ;ress <ltB; to select ;ivot/a le dro*down icon from ;ivot /a le tool ar2 select 1ormulas2 then 0alculated 1ield. 9. In the Insert 0alculated 1ield dialog ox2 ty*e the formula name in the !ame ox. -. In the 1ields list ox2 select the first field name to insert and click Insert 1ield. /he field name is co*ied into the 1ormula ox. (. /y*e 3 #in this exam*le$2 re*eat ste* - to insert the second field into the formula2 and then click :C. %. /o format the new field2 select a cell in the field and click the 1ield 6ettings icon on the ;ivot/a le tool ar. 'rotect a #&ared %ork+ook Useful when tracking changes while sharing work ooks with different *eo*le making modifications to it. How to Use: /ools ;rotection ;rotect 6hared =ork ooks

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Excel Quick Reference Guide

/he following @ow /o5s are extracted from the Excel *resentation& 'i,ot Ta+les Useful for disaggregating and summari>ing data ?ay extract summary from all the data #in a ta le$ or select s*ecific data fields can ask different questions of the data and look at it in different ways de*ending on which fields you decide to use for rows2 column2 data How to Use: "ata ;ivot /a les and 0harts #ecurit): 'rotecting a s&eet How to Use: /ools ;rotection ;rotect 6heet& In*ut a *assword #ecurit): 'rotect a %ork+ook How to Use: /ools :*tions 6ecurity /a in*ut *assword Hide (ells How to Use: 1ormat 0ells ;rotection check the 4hidden5 o*tion &looku* )hlooku*#looku*value2 ta learray2 rowDindexDnum2 rangeDlooku*$ ,looku* )hlooku*#looku*value2 ta learray2 columnDindexDnum2 rangeDlooku*$ (&arts How to Use: Insert 0hart 0hart=i>ard Macro /o start recording& /ools ?acro Record !ew ?acro "efine a ?acro name and click :C. ;erform the ste*s to e recorded. /o end recording& /ools ?acro 6to* Recording ?acro /o execute macro& /ools ?acro ?acros +?acro!ame, Run

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