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202 C Assignment 2: Proposal

Essay Purpose: 1. To practice problem/ solution organizational pattern 2. To target the needs and concerns of a specific audience through content, tone, etc. 3. To practice the conventions of technical and business writing Essay Definition: A proposal is an offer to carry out research or to provide a product or service, according to Markel (440). Essay Content: Choose a topic that has a need: 1. a need for researchthat means you'll propose a research question/hypothesis and you'll propose to do the research OR 2. a need for a product/purchase OR 3. a need for a service You can choose a need that you have experienced personally at work, internship, sport or school. You can choose a need that is being discussed in classes within your profession. Do some research (in person by asking questions or at the library/ online before you make your final topic choice so you know the finer points and not just generally what you think is needed. Choose a specific audience who needs the research results, product or service. Do some research on this audience to discover her/his/their needs and concerns. The proposal will persuade this audience that the need is urgent and that your proposal suggests the best solution to this need. Finally, your written letter proposing complex and meaningful research or a needed product or service must include introduction, proposed need/problem/solution, your qualifications and, where fitting, a schedule to implement the solution. Use Markels structure as a starting point and then modify it according to the needs and concerns of your audience. Essay Format: Write a 2-3 page single spaced letter in block format (double space only between paragraphs) addressed to a specific person in your audience.

Evaluation Criteria Audience Adaptation The Proposal consistently addresses a specific audience, tailoring word choice, organizational pattern, etc. (all the rhetorical strategies). The purpose, problems and solutions clearly target the audiences needs and concerns.

Completeness and Essay includes all required sections. The author effectively uses rhetorical strategies to persuade the audience that the proposed research and solution are Content needed, viable and worthwhile. The Proposal reflects the organization, field or disciplines goal(s) and culture. The Proposal proposes to solve the audiences problem. The proposal topic (thesis) is appropriately complex and engaging to the audience. Organization Proposals overall organizational pattern fits the content and purpose of the essay. The pattern is made clear through transitions and headings, which support readers understanding and also increase readability. Paragraphs are well-structured, well-developed, and clear. A topic sentence provides the main idea of the paragraph. Proposal appearance is professional: visually appealing, usable and easy to navigate. Headings, font, and appearance aid the reader in understanding the information. Use of graphics and/or words support the essay purpose and audience needs/concerns. Format and layout increase readability. Proposal sentences are concise, accurate, straightforward and varied (structure). Sentences flow smoothly, and meaning is clear and unambiguous. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are correct. The writing is consistently correct, concise, accurate, honest, clear, comprehensive, accessible. Voice/tone fits the audience and content.

Format and Layout

Style and Mechanics

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