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Q&A Session for EMC Proven Professional Engineer 2 Engineer Webcast Introducing EMC Symmetrix V-Max - May 5, 2009

Q: is there a drive count limits when configuring Flash drives ? A: No there are no drive count limits for Enterprise Flash Drives _________________________________________________________________ Q: Will there be an in place upgrade path from DMX4-xx to VMAX? A: We have migration services available. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Is there a limit on the maximum number of hypers ?

A: The Symmetrix V-Max can scale to support 2400 physical drives with 512 hypers (slices) per drive. _________________________________________________________________ Q: how is the hardware within the engine upgraded? What happens if an engine fails? A: Hardware within an engine can be non-disruptively upgraded through customer service. There is no single point of failure within an engine (it is fully redundant). A failure within an engine can be repaired non-disruptively. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Is there still the vendor configuration bin file setup requirement? A: There is a bin file as before, but it is simpler. Also, only a small number of changes require the bin file. Most configuration tasks can be done dynamically and concurrently. _________________________________________________________________ Q: What initiates and facilitates the data movement ? How do you encapsulate business rules within the array ? A: FAST data movement can be manual or automatic using policies to set the conditions on when and how the changes may take place. _________________________________________________________________ Q: What about migrations between DMX legacy platforms and new V-MAX? A: There are several options for migrations between DMX and V-Max - Open Replicator, SRDF/DM among others. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Is there a performance impact during VLUN migration?

A: There is very little performance overhead while copying data. Performance impact would generally not be noticeable at the application level. As always, proper planning and configuration will help ensure performance objectives are met. _________________________________________________________________ Q: When will Vitual LUN support Virtual Provisioning? A: VLUN support for movement of data between thin pools is planned for a future version of Enginuity. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Does V-Max support 8gbps?

A: EMC plans to add support for 8 Gbps FC and FICON later in 2009. Today the V-Max supports 4 Gbps FC and FICON. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Can virtual lun technology be used to migrate virtual provisioned luns between pools? A: You cannot currently use the virtual LUN capability to migrate data between virtually provisioned pools. This support is planned for the future. _________________________________________________________________ Q: any roadmap for 2TB drive support? A: 2TB drive support is planned for late 2009. _________________________________________________________________ Q: So I can do SRDF between different families of enginuity? A: Yes, SRDF for replication and/or migration is supported between V-Max and DMX, depending on the Enginuity version of the DMX _________________________________________________________________ Q: Data moving across the tiered storage is controlled by software/policy?

A: Correct, FAST moves data across tiers by policy as defined by the storage administrator. _________________________________________________________________ Q: is there a limit to the number of associated disks to a port group ? A: Yes, this is covered in the product guide. _________________________________________________________________

Q: How is auto-provisioning different from storage groups? A: Autoprovisioning works on host initiator port, storage front end ports and storage devices, enabling any host port to be connected through any front end port to any storage device quickly and easily. _________________________________________________________________ Q: what is the min/max number of front end ports and their speeds? A: Minimum number of front end ports is 16. Maximum is currently 128. FC and FICON are 4 Gbps, with 8 Gbps planned for later this year. V-Max also supports 1 Gbps Ethernet for iSCSI and SRDF connections. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Are you able to fully control the information that gets migrated between tiers? A: yes, there is no disruption from an application perspective, or from a replication perspective. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Can the V-MAX attach to external storage subsystems ? from different manufacturers? A: Symmetrix V-Max supports connections to external storage arrays of different manufacturers using Open Replicator, enabling efficient and low cost migrations from other arrays to Symmetrix V-Max. _________________________________________________________________ Q: why is srdf data migration not supported when the source dmx is on 5771 or 5772 A: DMX to V-Max SRDF migration requires 5773 on the DMX. Open Replicator can be used for other versions. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Is the 2400 physical drives is per V-Max engine? A: No, per complete array. _________________________________________________________________

Q: How many host initiators are supported per V-max node? A: up to 128 physical initiators are supported without RPQ. An RPQ is required for greater than 128 initiators. _________________________________________________________________ Q: What are the criteria for FAST to move storage from a fast tier disk to a lower tier disk?

A: Policy criteria includes the status of the Storage Group data (heavily or seldom accessed), Priority of the Storage Group, and the mix of devices contained with the storage group e.g. EFD, FC or SATA _________________________________________________________________ Q: While doing migration between legacy DMX and V-Max is there any issues related to the track size? A: The track size in the V-Max remains the same as in DMX-3 and DMX-4. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Is FAST supported between the engines? A: Yes. FAST operates across the entire array on all tiers of storage. The engines act together as one system. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Do I need to still think about # of spindles, RAID protections and Tiers? A: You have choices of how you want to set up your tiers. Symmetrix supports flash drives, FC and SATA drives in any RAID protection type, enabling flexible cost effective storage tiering. _________________________________________________________________ Q: how does the fabric fit in between vmware hosts and the vmax? A: The VMWare hosts see the V-Max array just as they see the DMX-4. There is no awareness outside of the array that there is an internal fabric as part of the architecture _________________________________________________________________ Q: What about integration with other vendors storage systems? A: We support migration to or from other storage vendors with Open Replicator _________________________________________________________________ Q: is SAN Copy the option to move all my clarion data to VMAX or are we looking at any better replication product ??? A: Open Replicator with PowerPath Migration enabler may be a better solution depending on your environment _________________________________________________________________

Q: Is ECC the proposed managment tool for V-Max clouds?

A: Symmetrix Management Console (SMC) is the element manager for Symmetrix. ControlCenter (ECC) provides a view of the entire infrastructure and uses SMC to manage a Symmetrix.. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Will be V-Max compatible with older Symm's in meaning SRDF/S? A: Yes, replication via SRDF/S is supported to the latest Enginuity version in each DMX 3/4 platform. See eLab for details. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Is the requirement for 5 drives per DAE for the Direct connect System bays and 4 for the daisy chain bays the vault drives and sparing? A: Yes, vault and sparing drive the minimum drive requirements _________________________________________________________________ Q: Will the size of symmetrix devices be calculated by cylinder (960KB) or block size now? A: It is the same as in DMX-4. You will specify sizes by cylinder or MB/GB _________________________________________________________________ Q: I'm not able to visualize this system in my mind...Please correct me if the following perception is wrong: With V-Max, you've added a 'V-Max Engine' to the traditional Symm architecture building blocks...with which you can scale up by essentially cascadin A: Correct, a V-Max engine is a grouping of 2 front end boards, 2 disk adaptors, and two mirrored memory units. The V-Max scales by adding engines. _________________________________________________________________ Q: FAST functionality is a automatic tool? or we need to specify the volumes to change? A: FAST can work on automatic or user-approved mode. The FAST Controller is configured by the user to identify Storage Group targets which are monitored and assessed as candidates for promotion or demotion to different and available tiers within the array. _________________________________________________________________ Q: In the original announcement, there were theoretical statements made about ajoining multiple V-Max arrays / engines. Can you share "theoretically" how those arrays could be interconnected? A: Engines are planned to be connected spanning longer distances (say 100 to 200 meters) within a data center using optical interconnects. This is a planned future option. _________________________________________________________________ Q: what's the major advantage of V-max vs. Clariion for medium usage ? A: Symmetrix V-Max is a high end array, while CLARiiON is a mid-tier array. Symmetrix leads the high end market with advanced business continuity solutions for consolidated workloads. CLARiiON leads the mid-tier market and would be the right choice for a midtier product. Symmetrix is a tiered storage system, so it can also economically be used for all tiers in

a tiered environment.. _________________________________________________________________ Q: When talking about virutal data center, how about integration with other vendors? A: We support integration with other storage vendors to migrate data to a V-Max via Open Replicator _________________________________________________________________

Q: Can the V-Max microcode be upgraded without impacting attached clients from a variety of accounts? I.e., upgrades to engines without impacting clients/performance? A: Upgrades are non-disruptive. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Is SRDF/DM a free product? A: No, there is a license fee for SRDF/DM.. _________________________________________________________________

Q: What are the criteria in the software / policy that moving data from Tier1 to for example tier 2 storage is based on? Is it IOPS based? A: FAST software policy will frequently be IOPS based, for example moving rarely accessed data to inexpensive SATA drives, but it can also be other policies such as time based or service level based. It is very flexible. _________________________________________________________________

Q: What is the maximum cache at V-MAX? A: With 8 V-MAx engines, the maximum cache is 1 TB (raw). _________________________________________________________________

Q: Will the Virtual LUN, Virtual Provisioning, Virtual Matrix Architecture be rolled out to the Clariion line? A: Clariion has Virtual LUN and Virtual Provisioning today. The VMax architecture is unique to Symmetrix. _________________________________________________________________ Q: How do multiple arrays fit together in "the matrix"

A: A V-Max array even fully expanded is seen by the customer as a single array. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Do we have ISCSI ? A: Yes, the V-Max does support iSCSI. _________________________________________________________________ Q: 8GB Front end it will supported soon?

A: 8 Gbps front end is planned for later in 2009 _________________________________________________________________

Q: Is the data moving between tiers completely automatic, without tuning? A: FAST is completely automatic. However, it can also run in a special "advisor" mode if an administrator wants to approve each move. In advisor mode the array will identify data to be move and propose the movement through a GUI. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Will Symmetrix V-Max support ESCON or FICON in mainframe environment ? A: V-Max supports FICON only. ESCON support is available on Symmetrix DMX-3 and Symmetrix DMX-4. _________________________________________________________________

Q: What are the primary differences between the V-Max and the DMX-4? They appear quite similar in capacity/connectivity. A: DMX is industry leading for today's physical data center environments, V-Max has capabilities purpose built for highly virtual environments _________________________________________________________________

Q: Can thin Luns be easily converted back to virtual luns A: I believe that your question is about thick to thin data migrations. These can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Release 5.3 of Powerpath Migration Enabler has thick to thin migration capability. You can also use Symantec Smartmove if you use VxFS _________________________________________________________________

Q: Which soft V-Max will use - SMC or new ? A: Symmetrix Management Console and Solutions Enabler SYMCLI continue to be the primary management interfaces to the Symmetrix V-Max. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Are you planning to add tiered storage migration instrument that is used by V-max in DMX4? A: Fully Automated Tiered Storage (FAST) features are planned for Symmetrix DMX-4 and Symmetrix V-Max. _________________________________________________________________ Q: can a server use cpu/memory of multiple engines ?

A: Yes. The engines act together as one array. _________________________________________________________________ Q: What timeframe are we projecting to be able to use Virtual LUN to migrate Virtual Provisioning devices? A: VLUN will support movement of data between thin pools in a future version of Enginuity. _________________________________________________________________ Q: When will the V-max be able to scale beyond 8 nodes? A: The intent of the architecture is to scale out, future versions will leverage this capability. _________________________________________________________________ Q: minimum required engines for V-Max? A: The V-Max needs a minimum of one engine. A V-Max engine is fully fault tolerant with no single point of failure. _________________________________________________________________ Q: is there a plan to support other levels of microcode for SRDF migrations to the V-Max in the future? The 5773 restriction takes out srdf from all DMX1/2/3K machines A: DMX 1 and 2 can be migrated to V-Max via SRDF using Enginuity 5671, and DMX-3 and 4 via 5773. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Is it possible to run half of the engines in V-Max with one enginuity version while the other half of engines are upgraded to different enginuity version for testing purposes for example? A: No. At this time a V-Max system must run on a single version of Enginuity. _________________________________________________________________

Q: will all symcli command work the same? I am thinking about scripts A: Yes, symcli is available for V-Max. Existing scripting can be used on Symmetrix VMax. _________________________________________________________________ Q: are we still working with memory rings with the QoS product? A: Yes, Dynamic Cache Partitioning is available for V-Max _________________________________________________________________ Q: Wondering if I still need to deal with Bin Files, and spindle count for any type of applications load? Trying to assess how much real work I need to do to provision storage. A: While the bin file still exists, we have worked to make many configuration changes NOT require bin file modifications, as well as allowing concurrent configuration changes.

_______________________________________________________________ Q: recent flash drive limits throughput to 2G...are all VMax flash drive 4Gb A: All V-Max flash drives are 4 Gbps. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Does the new autoprovisioning feature of engenuity 5874 become available to DMX-3/4 customers by upgrade or will it remain unique for V-Max customers ? A: The Auto-provisioning groups feature is specific to Symmetrix V-Max. _________________________________________________________________

Q: any restriction for server end multipathing s/w ? A: See the eLab support matrix but it is similar to DMX-4 _________________________________________________________________ Q: What are the criteria in the software / policy that moving data from Tier1 to for example tier 2 storage is based on? Is it IOPS based? A: Moving data from tier 1 to tier 2 can be done manually, or using FAST it can be done according to different types of polices including time or IOPS.


Q: What sort of CPU is used on each of the engines and howmany?

A: There are four quad-core Intel processors in each engine. _________________________________________________________________ Q: when you say that a VMAX engine is a grouping of 2 FE and 2 BE cards & 2 memory, how much cards can I scale up to? A: You can scale up to 8 V-Max engines in a single array. _________________________________________________________________ Q: I'm seeing the V-Max engine as something very similar to a Clariion SP is this a wrong correlation? A: V-Max and CLARiiON share a basic Intel processing building block. V-Max uses different configurations and adds custom ASIC functionality to implement the virtual matrix, enabling many engines to act as one system through the Enginuity operating environment. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Can we cluster two or V-max together? A: V-Max machines today can be linked together via Open Replicator, SRDF and with PowerPath Migration Enabler (PPME), data can be moved from one system to another with NO application disruption. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Does it have the same 24 card slot? and applies the Rule of 17 or something?

A: No, the V-Max does not contain card slots, these are replaced by the V-Max Engines _________________________________________________________________ Q: can disk adaptors of one engine access all disks at the back A: Yes, all disk adaptors have access to all disks, via the Virtual Matrix. _________________________________________________________________ Q: How does VMax integrate or work in conjunction with EMC Invista? A: EMC Invista can virtualize heterogeneous arrays. The primary use case for Invista in conjunction with Symmetrix V-Max is enabling non-disruptive migration of data from heterogeneous arrays to V-Max. _________________________________________________________________

Q: So, there is a great simplification in storage provision: a pool of VMs is mapped to a pool of LUNs using all the available data paths. (if I remember correctly). How can I control the access to LUNs from physical and virtual hosts? A: Masking views are created by combining an initiator group (containing HBAs), a port group (containing FE ports) and a storage group (containing volumes). _________________________________________________________________ Q: i missed half of the session , sry for this question ... how much cache can use a device up to ? A: A single device can use up to 5% of the write pending limit. _________________________________________________________________

Q: SYMCLI works the same? A: Yes, the SYMCLI interface is the same, with the addition of new commands symaccess for Auto-provisioning and symmigrate for Virtual LUN. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Are you saying it is difficult to manage using symcli so use smc ?

A: No, SYMCLI or SMC are both great tools. The user has choice. SYMCLI is often used to manage many arrays at once. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Now SMC comes with service processor, what all applications we can load other than SMC in service processor A: No apps can be installed by the user. SMC is loaded on the SP at the factory. _________________________________________________________________ Q: These huge array's make future tech refresh projects using SRDF to migrate between entire array's very complex. Is any of the new technology evolving to make migrations between V-MAX and future array versions easier? A: Actually, having a fewer number of arrays in the data center can help simplify migration planning and execution. EMC recognizes the challenges of migrations and is working to address them. Stay tuned for migration simplification updates at EMC World!. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Is V-MAX modular architecture? A: Yes. Users buy storage infrastructure as they need it. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Can we use ECC to manage V-Max too? A: Sure. SMC and/or ControlCenter can be used to manage V-Max. _________________________________________________________________ Q: how would provisionning be done at the user level? is it through LVM? or symcli?or? A: Symcli and/or SMC _________________________________________________________________ Q: is FAST going to move data up and down, from tiers as needed? let's say from Tier 1 to Tier 3 and then From tier 3 to Tier1 automatically? A: Yes, FAST will automatically identify what data required to be moved either up or down in the tier structure of the array. There are considerable advantages in optimization and savings in efficiency-- for example. Potentially the majority of data will be moved to inexpensive SATA drives and the minority of the most critical data will be placed in a higher tier e.g. FC or EFD . _________________________________________________________________ Q: Why is SRDF supported on 5671/5773 but not 5771/5772... A: SRDF is supported from the latest Enginuity per platform (for DMX 1/2 that is 5671 for migration to V-Max and 5773 for replication with DMX3/4 to V-Max) _________________________________________________________________ Q: Does VMax support iSCSI or FCoE? A: Yes, both are supported on V-Max _________________________________________________________________ Q: Is there a one to one relationship with the physcial disk and engine? or can two hypers on one physical be part of two engines ? A: Each engine can service request for disks connected to another engine through the Virtual Matrix architecture _________________________________________________________________ Q: FAST its a new licence purchase or it a default functionality? Is this tool available at this moment? A: FAST is planned for availability later this year. License policies will be provided as part of the GA announcement. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Can I migrate from IBM ESS or HPXP to V-Max without going through a host? A: Yes - you can migrate from an IBM ESS or HP XP using Open Replicator to a V-Max. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Are some V-Max hardware customer serviceable like the CX4s? A: No. _________________________________________________________________ Q: What technology is used to reduce SRDF costs? A: You must be referring to SRDF/Extended Distance Protection. The Intermediate Site (Pass-Thru Site) uses cache only R21 dual role devices. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Does each VMAX engine have access to all of the physical disks or is it necessary to specify which physical disks pair with VMAX engines? A: Each V-Max engine has access to all the physical disks via the Virtual Matrix. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Is there any other tool, other than power path migration enabler to do thick to thin conversions? A: Yes, in addition to PPME, if you are a Symantec filesystem customer, you can use Smartmove. At EMC World, we will have a presentation with PPME details for this capability, and there will also be a Smartmove paper available. _________________________________________________________________ Q: how many FA ports are there in a node? A: There are up to 16 front end ports per Engine _________________________________________________________________

Q: Why would you use Dynamic Cache Partitioning with VMAX? It seems that you assign cache to a VMAX Engine. A: Cache is still global within V-Max and shared and mirrored across engines. Therefore, cache partitioning has all the advantages on V-Max too _________________________________________________________________ Q: "There are up to 8 front end ports per Engine" - Is it physical or virtual? Does this mean that we 1 engine per FA card?

A: No, up to 16 physical ports per engine. _________________________________________________________________ Q: thanks. So, how much impact this constant data mobility means to my machine performance?

A: The V-Max system is specifically designed to minimize any adverse performance impact from data movement. VLUN-2 capability significantly increases the concurrent move operations which means that moving data to a lower or higher tier can be scheduled and completed within a specific time window avoiding peak period demand. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Are there any built in deduplication capabilities on the VMax? A: No. EMC has a number of deduplication offerings though. _________________________________________________________________ Q: What host interfaces are available? Fibre Channel 4Gbps, of cause. Fibre Channel 8 Gbps in near future. How about InfiniBand or similar high-speed protocols?

A: V-Max also has 4 Gbps FICON and 1 Gpbs Ethernet & iSCSI. New options are continuously considered for release based upon market demand. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Is the V-MAX's physical view similar to DMX3/4? A: Yes. But more resources, of course. _________________________________________________________________ Q: When FAST moves the stale data to tier3 will it automatically defragment the tier1 in order to minimize head seeks? A: We believe when FAST is used with thin devices, this will deliver no advantage. We do not plan to defrag 'thick' devices. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Will there be any configurations specifically for SRDF/EDP? I.e., lots of cache, few disks? A: The rules for minimum drive counts in the Symmetrix system using Enginuity 5874 must be followed, as well as the best practice configuration rules for SRDF/S and SRDF/A apply for SRDF/EDP including those that apply to configuring cache. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Does Recoverpoint work with VMax? A: Yes _________________________________________________________________ Q: Can I force FAST to move data via symcli? If I will be issuing data commands that need SSD for example and I want to pre-emptively move the data? A: In user approved mode, FAST will recommended candidate Storage Devices for relocation. The actual movement may be completed manually via CLI utilizing VLUN2 mechanism.

_________________________________________________________________ Q: Does the virtual matrix comprise multiple arrays? If so, can FAST move date between them? If so, what is the connection? A: The virtual matrix acts as a single array. FAST works between all engines in the array. _________________________________________________________________

Q: Is there similar service processor in v-max like in dmx? A: Yes there is. _________________________________________________________________ Q: so, thinking on the DMX4 and prior architectures... How does an engine ensures best performance for a subset of spindles? Before it was done on DA pairs, how about now? A: Andrew, engines are cross-connected, as with DA pairs. _________________________________________________________________ Q: What is the minimum config. interms of engine & disks of V-Max? A: Minimum config is 1 engine with 48 disk drives _________________________________________________________________ Q: So, thinking on the DMX4 and prior architectures... How does an engine ensures best performance for a subset of spindles? Before it was done on DA pairs, how about now? A: Think about each engine as a DA pair, FA Pair and memory Pair _________________________________________________________________ Q: It seems the virtual Matrix becomes the central point of the V-Max. what about consistency technology? Is it supported across all? A: V-Max fully supports all aspects of Symmetrix consistency operation. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Will I be able to leverage lower cost arrays (clariion for example) for the SATA storage and leave the high end storage in the symm? A: The Symmetrix V-Max can economically accommodate SATA drives, enabling customers to put all tiers directly inside the V-Max. The CLARiiON is a great alternative for SATA tiers outside the V-Max. _________________________________________________________________ Q: will sym optimizer work as before ? A: Just as before!

_________________________________________________________________ Q: How many V-Max engines can go in one cabinet? A: Maximum of 8 engines _________________________________________________________________ Q: Why would someone buy a single V-Max engine with 48 drives? A: We have requests for this configuration to be used in test/dev environments as well as SRDF/EDP bunkers _________________________________________________________________ Q: Will the Virtual LUN, Virtual Provisioning, Virtual Matrix Architecture be rolled out to the Clariion line? A: CLARiiON has versions of these capabilities. The Virtual Matrix Architecture is supported on V-Max only. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Are you going to run SPC tests on V-MAX to see real performance of the system. Your competitors do it. A: We have real-world performance information available. See your local SPEED guru for information. SPC measures disk performance in a non-real environment. It is not a measure of how an array performs in a real high end environment. There are no plans to run SPC _________________________________________________________________ Q: Will the single-cabinet V-Max be usable for EDP?

A: Not sure of what you are asking but a single engine V-Max can be an EDP source, bunker or target _________________________________________________________________

Q: with a maximum of eight engines am I still restricted to 2400 physical drives? If I need more drives than that will I need a 9th engine by itself? A: The current limit is 2400. _________________________________________________________________ Q: so, what's the maximum # of spindles I can handle before I need another "Engine"? A: That varies depending on the circumstances. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Is partition alignment for Virtual Environments still an issue with VMAX?

A: Please refer to our white paper for VMWare and V-Max best practices, as well as our VMWare Tech Book which has been updated with V-Max content for additional information. both are available on Powerlink _________________________________________________________________

Q: Does the Virtual LUN move up and down in tier hierarchy as a whole? A: Virtual LUN allows you to move to a different RAID or disk type - up or down is your choice _________________________________________________________________ Q: just to confirm, for 8 engines with 512GB 512 the number after mirror or before mirror? A: With 8 engines, the total cache is 1 TB, without mirroring. _________________________________________________________________ Q: SRDF blocks 2 ports? A: Yes, SRDF will use port 0 on the SRDF director, and port 1 may not be used. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Is there 8 physical FE ports per engine or is this per director that would egual 16 per engine. A: Correct 16 per engine _________________________________________________________________ Q: can we split the cache to ckd and fsb ?

A: Yes. Dynamic Cache Partitioning can do this. _________________________________________________________________ Q: Do you have pre-determined V-Max Engine configurations for applications? A: We have reference architectures and proven solutions for different applications. There are performance guidelines to scale V-Max Engines to meet performance requirements of different applications. _________________________________________________________________

Q: My question was about FAST - can the different data of one VLUN be placed on different media depending of usage patterns. Sorry for my English wording...

A: Yes that is the goal of FAST. Automated movement (or recommendations) of data based on usage _________________________________________________________________ Q: What is the minimum config. of V-Max? A: The minimum configuration of the V-Max is 48 disks, and one engine. A V-Max engine is fully fault tolerant.

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