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Address: Mewar University, Chittorgarh Rajasthan-312901 : +91-7877291639 su hashsoni27!g"ai#$%o"

Objective Intend to build a career with leading organization with Committed and Dedicated people which will help me to explore myself fully and realize my Potential, willing to work. Educational Qualification Degree Bachelor of echnology University Board !ewar "ni#ersity, Chittorgarh, $a%asthan 5hanti 6iketan - Bal 7id, !uzaffarpur, Bihar*CB52+ !ear &'()*Pursuing+ "erfor#ance C,P- ../0 *1n a scale of ('+ &''8 8(./9 Majors 2lectronics 3 Communication 2ngineering !athematics, Physics, Chemistry, 2nglish, Physical 2ducation 55C 5t. :a#ier;s <r.=5r. 5chool, !uzaffarpur, Bihar *CB52+ &''0 .(..9 !athematics, 5ciences, 2nglish, 5ocial 5cience, 5anskrit


$ec%nical S&ills

Micro'rocessor Micro( controller) "rocessors) Design $ools) "rogra##ing *anguages) O'erating Syste#s) Soft+are)

5oftware de#elopment using C language for )&=(>=. bit controllers .'0( ,-$!8 Proteus C ?inux ,@indows !atlab

Industrial Training/Workshop

5ix months industrial training based on AEmbedded Designing & DevelopmentA at !ultisoft 5ystems 6oida*".P.+. -ttended two days workshop on BPCB & Circuit DesignA conducted by Cetpa Infotech P#t. ?td. -ttended seminar on BAdvance Embedded SystemA conducted by Cetpa Infotech P#t. ?td. 1ne month in plant training at B56? !uzaffarpur ,Bihar

"rojects o control a remote robot through $C modules using .'0( microcontroller ,esture control, $C module robot using matlab *image processing+ ,"I control, $C module robot using matlab 7irtual Calculator in matlab using image processing and ,"I

Subhash Kumar

Page (D&

o make an alphanumeric keypad using .'0( microcontroller

Ac%ieve#ents -warded a certificate of appreciation in EuizDoD2ngineer competition organised by Cetpa Infotech P#t. ?td in association with imes -scent for standard of excellence in C language and Aptitude. -warded scholarship for excellence performance at uni#ersity le#el.

My Strengt%s 5elf moti#ated, hardworking and a team player Clexible with the ability to multitask 2xcellent Interpersonal skills 5trong troubleshooting skills and zeal to learn new technologies Positi#e approach

,nterests @eb 5urfing, 6umismatics eaching <uniors

"ersonal -acts Cather;s 6ame Permanent -ddress !arital 5tatus 6ationality ?anguages Gnown Date of Birth F F F F F F Grishan Gishore Prasad ,ola Bandh $oad, Behind !aha#ir -sthan, !uzaffarpur. Bihar, Pin H ./&''(. 5ingle. Indian. 2nglish, 4indi. &8D<anD(II'.

Date: Place: kumar)


Subhash Kumar

Page &D&

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