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From the Directors Desk From the Dean Desk

TISS Reimagining Futures


School Of Management And Labour Studies

8 - Faculty

9 - Research & Consulting 10 - Research Projects 12 - Publications 14 - National Corporate Social Responsibility Hub 15 - Field Action Projects 16 - Curriculum And Fieldwork 17 - Key Facts Regarding Fieldwork 19 - Course Curriculum 20 - Alumni 21 - Forums 22 - Committees

23 31 63


Batch Proles

Placement Committee Details

Pic: Yeshoda Prashanti Kalyan


It gives me immense pleasure to invite you to the Placement process of the Human Resources Management and Labour Relations (HRM&LR) programme at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. TISS is a leading institute of the country imparting quality education in the realm of social sciences and the development sector. The current batch of HRM&LR students come from diverse backgrounds and elds. The batch is an eclectic mix of both experienced professionals and fresh graduates hailing from streams such as engineering, arts, fashion technology, pharmacy and law. The HRM&LR programme places importance on both theoretical and hands on learning. Conceptual clarity is enhanced through participation in classroom discussions, assignments, case study analysis, presentations, etc. while practical inputs are provided through the rigorous eld work system, subject related practical projects and the summer internships. The Foundation Courses help sensitize students to the social, political, economic and ecological environments of the society. All these, coupled with the focused attention that the students get owing to the small batch size, makes personal learning highly effective. The concurrent and block eldwork programme is an integral part of the curriculum and provides an opportunity for students to reect, apply and integrate acquired skills to work situations in eldwork organizations. It thereby serves as an interface between theory and practice. I am condent that our students will add immense value to the industry as they are conscientious and good professionals in the domains of human resource management and labour relations. I welcome you to the campus to interact with the 1st year students and contribute to their education by placing them in your organization for the 2014 summer. Prof. S. Parasuraman Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Final Placements 2012-14


The Masters Programme in Human Resource Management and Labour Relations (Erstwhile PMIR) prepares Human Service professionals with a unique blend of social sensitivity and professional excellence that meets global standards. Our education model signicantly emphasizes on developing skills of 4Cs i.e. Critical Thinking and Analysis, Communication, Collaboration and Team Work, Creativity. Our curriculum has a rich blend of concurrent eld based learning vis--vis globally accredited classroom learning. Students are encouraged to build synergy with multiple disciplines across the Schools.They are also given the opportunity for global exposure through collaborations with European Union Universities under Erasmus Mundus programme. In the current scenario of increased

complexities and constraints, students of HRM & LR are encouraged to design and develop simple and honest solutions in their work space. We are pleased to introduce to you the 45th Batch of Human Resource Management and Labour Relations of Tata Institute of Social Sciences and invite you to participate in the Placement Process of 2013. We are condent that you will nd our students adding true value to your organization and meet the standards expected of them in their professional life.

Prof. D.K. Srivastava Dean, School of Management and Labour Studies Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Final Placements 2012-14


TISS is committed to substantially enhancing the availability and access to higher education, as well as the inclusiveness and social relevance of the same. Through increasing access to high quality in inter and trans-disciplinary programmes in social, health, habitat, management and physical sciences, these programmes will focus on the development and welfare of the people. Over the years, the Institute has made

consistent contributions to civil society, the industry and the development sector, through its education, research, eld action and extension. Today, TISS has earned recognition as an institution of repute from different ministries of the Government of India; various State Governments; international agencies such as the United Nations; the non-government sector, both national and international and from organizations in the private sector.

The vision of Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) is to be an institution of excellence in higher education that continually responds to changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge. It aims to create a peoplecentred, ecologically sustainable and just society that promotes and protects dignity, equality, social justice and human rights for all.


NAAC Rating of 3.88/4. Highest among all Universities in India. Celebrated 75 years of excellence, the Platinum Jubilee in 2011-12. Singh Obama Innovation Award. Recently inaugurated the National CSR Hub, responsible for the CSR activities of all PSUs across India. The Centre for Human Resources Management and Labour Relations received Bloomberg TVs Best HR Curriculum Award (Industry Related) and Dewang Mehta Business School Awards for Best Academic Input in Human Resources.

Final Placements 2012-14






Sir Dorabji Tata Memorial Library

The Sir Dorabji Tata Memorial Library (SDTML) continues to be proactive in supporting the new academic developments at the Institute. Its resources and services are aimed at providing the highest level of research and teaching support to all the programmes of the Institute. The Librarys collection is reviewed every year in order for it to be relevant to the emerging and developing areas of research. Being a digital library system, it is recognised by the UGC as National Document Delivery Centre in the eld of Social Sciences. It holds about 1,16,895 volumes, and subscribes to over 8,500 print and e-journals. The SDTML provides a host of information services to its users like current awareness bibliographic service etc. bulletin, new additions, selective It has established an institutional repository dissemination of information bulletin, for providing access to electronic thesis and online public access catalogue (OPAC), dissertations, faculty project reports, eld document delivery service, reference service, action projects and publications.

Convention Centre

The campus has a fully air conditioned, state of art convention centre that boasts of excellent acoustics and has a visual set up and a seating capacity of 500 people. The centre serves as the venue for several national and international seminars, workshops and conferences.

Cyber Library
The purpose of the Cyber library is to provide seamless access to over 4,500 online journals; data transformation and word processing packages; social, economic, health, demographic and environmental databases and internet resources. It has over ninety Pentium100 workstations with broadband internet access and is available for students on a full-time basis. With the installation of the wireless access points across the campus, the entire campus is now Wi-Fi enabled, including hostels and classrooms.

Final Placements 2012-14






Dr. D.K. Srivastava Centre for HRM & LR Dr. G.D. Bino Paul Dr. Sasmita Palo Dr. P. Premalatha Ms. Sarala K. Rao Dr. P. Vijayakumar Dr. Zubin Mulla Dr. Gordhan Saini Mr. Abhishek Kumar Centre for Labour Studies Dr. Sharit K Bhowmik Dr. E. Toppo Dr. Varsha V Ayyar Dr. Srinath Jagannathan Professor and Chairperson Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor M.A (Mumbai), Ph.D (Delhi) M.A, Ph.D (Pune) M.A (Shivaji), Ph.D (Mumbai) M.A (Mumbai), FPM (IIM-A) Professor and Chairperson, Centre for HRM&LR Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor (Sr. Scale) Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor M.A (Calicut), M.Phil, Ph.D (IIT-B) M.A, L.L.B, Ph.D (Berhampur) M.A (Alagappa), Ph.D (TISS) MBA, Mphil (Andhra) M.A (Calicut), M.Phil (Bharthian), PhD (TISS) B.E (Pune), PGDBM, Ph.D (XLRI, Jamshedpur) MBA (Udaipur), Ph.D (Banasthali) M.A (TISS) Professor and Dean M.Com, D.Phil (Allahabad), FDPM (IIM-A)

Centre for Public Policy and Governance Dr. B. Venkatesh Kumar Professor and Chairperson M.A, Ph.D (Mumbai)

Centre for Social Entrepreneurship Dr. Satyajit Majumdar Dr. Samapti Guha Dr. Nadia Marakkath Professor and Chairperson Associate Professor Assistant Professor MBA (IGNOU), Ph.D (Pilani) M.A, Ph.D (West Bengal), Fellow (LSE) M.Com (Calicut), Ph. D (NIT, Calicut)

Innovation and Research Facilities Incubation Centre for Social Entrepreneurship Dr. Satyajit Majumdar Dr. Rama Krishna Kunnitha Professor and Chairperson Programme Manager MBA (IGNOU), Ph.D (Pilani) M.A, Ph.D (Hyderabad)

Labour Market Research Facility Dr. G.D. Bino Paul Professor and Chairperson M.A (Calicut), M.Phil, Ph.D (IIT-B)

Final Placements 2012-14


Research and Consulting

The faculty and research scholars in the School actively contribute to both theory and practice through cutting edge research in the areas of informal sector, human resources management, social entrepreneurship, labour market and leadership. The School has initiated a number learning opportunities for students, research scholars and faculty members through weekly research seminars, human resources forum, entrepreneurship cell, national and international conferences, periodic workshops and special lectures by experts.


One of the key research initiatives is the Adecco-TISS Labour Market Research Initiative (ATLMRI). This is a research and policy advocacy programme, established in 2006, that aims to analyse and understand growth trajectories in the Indian economy and the character of the labour force. This initiative provides pivotal linkages between the government, industry, education training providers and prospective employees.


The institute is focused on providing consulting services, chiey in the area of Organization Development and Change Management. Towards this end, the Center for Social and Organizational Leadership (CSOL) of TISS is a unique initiative which has set up a social entrepreneurship incubator in collaboration with IIT, Bombay. This center provides consulting services and has recently set up the Global Emotional Intelligence Forum in association with Texas A & M University and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL).
Final Placements 2012-14 9


Research Projects
Title of the Project Sponsor Date of Present Sanction/ Position Commencement
Nov. 2009 Ongoing


Centre for Human Resources Management and Labour Relations CSR for Shipping Corporation of India Designing and Conducting Employee Satisfaction Survey for SCI Centre for Labour Studies Work, Livelihoods and Economic Security in the 21st Century: India, South Africa, Brazil * International Jan. 2011 Centre for Development and Decent Work, Kassel University FNV Mondiaal Oct. 2012 Completed Prof. Sharit Bhowmik Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. Prof. Bino Paul G.D. Ms. K. Sarala Rao and Dr. P. Premalatha

Dec. 2012


National Association of Street Vendors in India: An Evaluation * Home-Based Workers in Mumbai: A Study in Women Working Poor Food Security for the Working Poor


Prof. Sharit Bhowmik Prof. Sharit Bhowmik Prof. Sharit Bhowmik Prof. Sharit Bhowmik Prof. B. Venkatesh Kumar

Shastri IndoCanadian Institute Shastri IndoCanadian Institute Home Net South Asia Rutgers University

Dec. 2012


Feb. 2013


Mapping of Home-Based Workers in Nasik and Solapur Will They Return? The Willingness of Potential Faculty to Return to India and the Factors Affecting their Decision State of Technical Education in India

Nov. 2013


Centre for Public Policy and Governance Mar. 2012 Ongoing

All India Council for Technical Education US-India Education Foundation: Obama-Singh Knowledge Initiative Ministry of Human Resource Development, GoI World Bank

Apr. 2012


Prof. B. Venkatesh Kumar Prof. B. Venkatesh Kumar

Capitalising on the Demographic Dividend: Enhancing Talent Development Capacity for India and the US in the 21st Century

Jul. 2012


Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan

Sep. 2012


Prof. B. Venkatesh Kumar

Madhya Pradesh Higher Education Reform: Policy Options

Oct. 2012


Prof. B. Venkatesh Kumar


Final Placements 2012-14


Options Bihar Higher Education Reform: Policy Options Centre for Social and Organisational Leadership Innovation Through Design Thinking Centre for Social Entrepreneurship Organisation Culture Study at Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (BPO Unit): Phase 1 Micronance Model for Tribal Community in Jhabua Tata Consultancy Mar. 2012 Services Limited DBS Bank Ltd Aug. 2012 Completed Prof. Satyajit Majumdar Dr.Samapti Guha and Dr.Nadiya Marakkath Prof. Satyajit Majumdar Self Jan. 2013 Ongoing Dr. P. Vijayakumar World Bank Mar. 2013 Initiated Prof. B. Venkatesh Kumar


National Programme on Social Entrepreneurship

Oct. 2012 Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Self Western Coalelds Limited Nov. 2012 Feb. 2013


Women Micro-Entrepreneurs in Mumbai Slums Evaluation of Report on Sustainable Development for 20112012 Women in Management: A Study of Women Representation at Management Levels In Mumbai

Ongoing Completed

Dr. Samapti Guha Prof. Satyajit Majumdar Dr. Samapti Guha

Indian Council of Mar. 2013 Social Science Research


Final Placements 2012-14



Centre for Human Resources Management and Labour Relations Prof. Bino Paul G.D. Murti B. Ashutosh and Bino Paul G D (2014) Skill shortages and its determinants in Indian Firms: an exploration, forthcoming in Indian Journal of Industrial Relations Minz A. Johnson and Bino Paul G D (2013) Workers Representation in Organizations -Participation and Bargaining: Insights from a Case Study, forthcoming in Indian Journal of Industrial Relations Krishna, Bino Paul G D (2013)What explains wage in India, Indian Journal of industrial relations, 48, 3, 487-499 Bino Paul G D, Venkatesha Murthy R, Puja Dave (2013), CSR at Shipping Corporation of India, Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, 6, 1, 64-75 Bino Paul, Krishna (2013) Youth Labour Market in India: Opportunities and Choices in Padma Prakash (eds), State of the Urban Youth India 2012: Employment, Livelihoods, Skills. Mumbai: IRIS Knowledge Foundation and UN HABITATs Global Urban Youth Research Network

About Employer Branding and Intention to Apply? Journal of Brand Management (with PurviRai and Manoj Chaudhary), Forthcoming. Infusing Disaster Management Through Social Marketing: A Case Study Of New Delhi, India, Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol. 5 No. 1 (2013), pp. 1-23 (with Lakshita Boora) Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of the Social Segments in the Indian State of Goa, South Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 20 No. 1, pp. 145-156, January March, 2013 (with SatyajitMajumdar). Implications of Non-Tariff Measures on Firms International Business Operations Journal of International Economics, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 114-124, July - December, 2012. What Do Social Marketing Programmes Reveal About Social Marketing?: Evidence from South Asia, International Journal of Nonprot and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp. 303-324, November 2012 (with Kumar Mukul).

Centre for Labour Studies

Dr. Zubin Mulla Ms.VarshaAyyar Effects of Beliefs in Indian Philosophy: Mapping Color and Caste Discrimination Paternalism and Citizenship Behaviors, Great in Indian Society. In R.E. Hall (Ed.), Lakes Herald, 6 (2), 2635, 2012. (coauthor) The Melanin Millennium: Skin st Century International Color as 21 Dr. Sasmita Palo Discourse, Netherlands: Springer, 2012. From Indiscriminate Shooting by Corporate (co-author) Hunters to Creation of Responsible Boom-ERang Societies, Vikalpa, 37(2), 113116, 2012. Prof. Sharit Bhowmik (co-author) Industry, Labour and Society, Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2012. Ms. K. Sarala Rao Performance Evaluation of Public Sector Banks Mr. Srinath Jagannathan In India: A CAMEL Approach, International Do Business Method Patents Encourage Journal of Research in Commerce and Innovation? Boston College Intellectual Management, 2(7), 106112, 2012. Property and Technology Forum, http:// Gordhan Kumar Saini patents-encourage-innovation, 128, 2012. What Do Best Employer Surveys Reveal Parallel Imports and Unparallel Laws: Does
12 Final Placements 2012-14


the WTO need to Harmonize the Parallel Institutions, Cost Management, 26 (5), 619, Import Law? Journal of World Trade, 46 (3), 2012. (coauthor) 657694, 2012. (co-author) Dangers in Mismanaging the Factors Affecting the Operational Self-Sustainability (OSS) of Work Processes: Insights from Theatre of the Indian Micronance Institutions (MFIS): An Oppressed. In J. George, M. Kumar and D. Ojha (eds.), Working Class Movement in India Exploration into Indian Micronance Crisis, in the Wake of Globalisation, New Delhi: Asian Economic and Finance Review, 2 (3), Manohar, 2012. 448462, 2012. (co-author) Three Representations of Insecurity in Three Innovative Strategies Devised by Indian Micronance Institutions to Achieve Cost Narratives of Unorganized Workers, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 48 (3), 450 Efciency, International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies, 1(1), 1520, 2012. 459,2013. (co-author) Centre for Social Entrepreneurship Ms. Nadiya Marakkath Assessing the Efcient and Sustainable Performance of Indian Micronance Prof. Satyajit Majumdar Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of the Social Segments in the Indian State of Goa, South Asian Journal of Management, 20 (1), 145156, 2013. (co-author)

Final Placements 2012-14



National Corporate Social Responsibility Hub to Facilitate Inclusive Development

The National Corporate Social Responsibility (NCSR) Hub was formally set up by the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), Government of India (GoI) under the DPE Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) in March 2011. The NCSR Hub is required to full the responsibilities of nationwide compilation, documentation and creation of a database; advocacy; research; preparation of panels of implementation organisation/monitoring and evaluation agencies; promotional activities, including production of short lms, printing of brochures, and pamphlets; act as a Think Tank; organise international and national level conferences, seminars, workshops, and any other matter as entrusted to it from time to time by the DPE. that will bring sustainable change in the country. The primary and mandatory requirement for the CPSEs is to register their CSR activities with the NCSR Hub, and thus far 41 CPSEs have registered as required by the DPE. The NCSR Hub has developed a Management Information Systems (MIS) for recording and monitoring CSR activities to help create a national repository of all the CSR activities of CPSEs as well as the list of empanelled organisations.

The Hub aims at advocating a perspective change in the outlook of CPSEs towards Corporate Social Responsibility, and towards the communities they are closely associated with. With the evolutionary nature of globalisation, it is becoming increasingly important to stabilise the inter-dependency between corporates and the communities while bringing the areas to an The NCSR Hub is aimed at assisting the CPSEs equal platform through sustainable models of in identifying and implementing CSR activities development.


Final Placements 2012-14


National Corporate Social Responsibility Hub, estd. 2011 TISS, Mumbai

Framework for assessment of capacity and governance of the NGOs for funding Management Information System (MIS) for Objectives: the primary task of the Hub of creation of a Nation-wide compilation, documentation and nation-wide database, as well as monitor creation of database programmes and projects supported, progress, Advocacy of the concepts input, output and outcomes for each CPSE as Research on the subject, including publishing well as NGOs and TISS of research papers/articles and concept papers Constantly evolving website for transparent on specic issues governance model and dissemination of Preparation of panels of implementing information organisations, monitoring and valuation agencies; Project Staff: Promotional activities, including production of NCSR Team (in Alphabetical order): Ms. short lms, printing of brochures, pamphlets Dilnavaz Munshi, Ms. Harshada Patil, promotional materials etc. Ms. Shubha Srinivasan, Ms. Tara Srinivas; Organising Conferences, Seminars, Workshops (Programme Managers) Mr. Abhinav Prakash, both national and international; Mr. Avadh Bihari, Ms. Harshada Patil, Ms. Act as a Think Tank Neha Yadav, Ms. Priyanka Korde, Ms. Priyanka Setting up a National Data Base Shrivastava, Mr. Rohan Sarma, Ms. Shreya Any other matter or activity pertaining to Majumdar, Mr. Susanta Dutta; (Senior Research CSR and sustainability entrusted to it by the Associate) Rashmi Chordiya, (Research Department of Public Enterprises Associate) Ms. Sharvari Joshi; (Programme Ofcers) Mr. Amit Verma, Ms. Divya Jain, Mr. Programmes : Ghanshyam Kushwaha, Ms. Neeti Singhal, Ms. National CSR Hub Strategy Paper Pragya Sachan, Ms. Rashi Desai, Mr. Santosh Methodology, tools and survey instruments Kumar, Ms. Soumya Mishra, Mr. Vijay Jathore, for Baseline Surveys, Needs Assessment Mr. Vishal Soni; (Administrative Assistant) Studies, Impact Assessment Studies, Proposal Evaluation; and methodology for undertaking Ms. Rajisha Ramanakutty and Ms.Vaishali baseline surveys Gajbiye Indicators in social, health, education, demographic, economic and other areas Faculty In-charge: Prof. B. Venkatesh Kumar. derivable through baseline survey and monitoring progress. Against the baseline Social Impact Assessment of Anudip indicators, impact will be assessed. Foundation, est. 2012 Capacity building modules customised as per West Bengal training workshops and programmes required for sensitization and upgradation of skills of Sponsor: DBS Bank India. CSR personnel of lower, middle and top level Objectives: To measure the social impact of skill training and employability among management of CPSEs the under privileged groups of Framework for Empanelment of NGOs, people in West Bengal. institutions, universities and organisations to scrutinise them for good governance and Programme: Skill Development. Project Staff: Mr.Pradeep Singh. partnering with CPSEs for implementation Framework to apply for programme support Faculty In-charge: Prof. SatyajitMajumdar. by the NGOs
Final Placements 2012-14 15


The programme places importance on both theoretical and hands-on learning. Conceptual clarity is enhanced through participation in classroom discussions, assignments, case study analysis, presentations etc while practical inputs are provided through the rigorous eld work system, subject related practical projects and the summer internships. The Foundation courses in Sociology, Development Studies and Economics help sensitize students to the social, political, economic and ecological environments of the society. All these, coupled with the focused attention that students get owing to the small size of the batch, makes personal learning highly effective.

integrate acquired skills to work situations in eld work organizations. It thereby serves as an interface between theory and practice. The HRM&LR students are placed in four different organizations, representing different industry sectors, during the two year duration of their programme. The eldwork programme comprises of the following

Concurrent placement - In the rst two semesters, students attend eldwork in two different organizations, twice a week Corporate Block placement - In the third and fourth semesters, students undertake a month long block eldwork placement in two FIELDWORK different organizations NGO block placement - At the end of the The Fieldwork programme is an integral part fourth semester, the students work in an NGO of the HRM&LR curriculum and provides for one month opportunities for students to reect, apply and
16 Final Placements 2012-14


The programme is overseen by the Dean of the School of Management and Labour Relations and by the School Board. Currently, the school deals with more than 100 organizations with respect to eld work of students. The curriculum and practice is regularly revised and timely inputs are solicited from industry experts. The students are expected to record their

learnings and compare actual business practices with theory. Focus group discussions as well as individualized feed back sessions are conducted on a weekly basis with a faculty mentor. In effect, at the end of two years, the eldwork programme augmented with the summer internship, results in a diverse work prole and balanced learning.

Live Experience

Varied Industry Exposure


Opportunity to apply concepts to the workplace

Challenging Projects

Field Work Organizations:

BANKING AND FINANCE ABN-Amro Citibank Deutsche Bank Dhanlaxmi Bank FIS HDFC Bank HSBC ICICI Prudential IDBI Kotak Mahindra National Stock Exchange IT/ITES Accenture FirstSource IBM Patni Computers Polaris Software SAP Labs Tata Communications Tata Consultancy Services

Final Placements 2012-14



BhartiAirtel Ltd Indian Hotels McDonalds Pantaloons Retail

RPG Cables Pvt. Ltd. RPG Raychem Saint Gobain Schneider Electric ShapoorjiPallonji Co. Ltd. Siemens Tata Motors Tata Power Tata Quality Management Systems Tata Steel Unitech Limited Videojet Pvt. Ltd. Voltas Writer Corporation

Asian Paints Cadbury Colgate Palmolive Future Group General Mills India Ltd. Godrej Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages HUL J&J LOreal Marico Nestle India Ltd Pepsi India

Abbot Pharma AstraZeneca BoehringerIngelheim Glenmark Janssen Pharma Johnson & Johnson Medical Lupin Masina Hospital Monsanto MSD Pharmaceuticals Sandoz Pharma Sano -aventis UCB Pharma Wyeth


INX Media Ltd Radio Mirchi Reuters Viacom18

ABG Shipyard Ltd. ACC Limited AkzoNobel Group Asian Paints Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Bharat Shell Ltd. Crompton Greaves EicherEngg Components EsselPropack Ltd. Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Ion Exchange Larsen & Toubro Ltd Maersk Line Mahindra & Mahindra MIRC Electronics (Onida) Mukand Ltd. Privi Organics Ltd. Raymond 18 F i n a l P l a c e m e n t s 2 0 1 2 - 1 4

Aon Hewitt DDI Kornferry Consulting KPMG LBW Right Management White Spaces Consulting

Aditya Birla Institute of Management and Learning All India Trade Union Congress (A.I.T.U.C) Maharashtra Rural Livelihood Mission


M.A. IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND LABOUR RELATIONS COURSE CURRICULUM Distribution of Credit Hours Year I II I and II Total Detail Courses (compulsory) Field Work Courses (compulsory) Field Work Optional Courses Research Project Credit Hours 32 12 18 12 8 6 88


I Interaction with HR Heads II Round Table Discussion on FW followed by Industrial visits. Understanding Society Introduction to Basic Economics Development Experience, Social Conict and Change Sociology of Organisation, Theory & Design Management of Human Resources: Conceptual and Strategic Perspectives Industrial Relations and Trade Unionism Social Research & Case Analysis Employment Law - I Business Environment* Business Communication and Presentation Skills* Understanding Self and Facilitating Relationship (in form of personal growth laboratory) Organization Development and Change Management IV Application of IT in HRM Employment Law - II Labour Economics: Theory and Practice Employee Welfare, Decent Work and SHE Organization Behaviour-II Financial Accounting & Cost Management Negotiation Skill, Conict Management and Building Collaborations* Training Process, Delivery and Effectiveness Measurement* Advanced Compensation and Benet Taxation* How to Conduct Assessment Centre Organization Behaviour-1 Performance Management and Development Learning and Development Business Statistics and Quantitative Techniques Compensation Management Employee Resourcing Marketing and Sales Management Operations Management Assessment Centre


Business Strategy and Strategic Human Resources Management Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Human Resource Management in International Settings Gender and Diversity Management* Talent Management* Leadership Capacity Building*

(* Optional Courses) Final Placements 2012-14 19


Over the years, many of our distinguished alumni have soared the heights of success and have been a source of inspiration and support for the students. Adil Malia, Group President, HR, Essar Group Aparna Sharma, Country Head-Human Resources Lafarge Allen Sequeira, SVP Corporate Human Resources & Management Development, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Alok Mehta, Director & Chief People Ofcer at India Value Fund Aashu Calapa, Chief Human Resources Ofcer at Pilani Soft Labs Atul Sharma, Director HR, Monsanto Debashish Roy, HR Director Greater Asia Div, Colgate Palmolive Inder Walia, Group Director HR, Bharti Enterprises Ltd. Makarand Khatavkar, Managing Director & Head HR, Deutsche Bank Mandeep Maitra, Head Asia, Lynda GrattonFuture of Work and Hot Spots Movement Moheet Nagrath, Leadership Strategist Leadership Architecture Worldwide, LLC. Nalin Garg, President HR, Wockhardt Neelima Rao, Senior Director - Global Human Resources at Novartis Pramod Sadarjoshi, Consultant & Executive Coach - People Business Leadership
20 Final Placements 2012-14

Pranesh Anthapur, Vice President Human Resources at Walmart Global eCommerce Prasenjit Bhattacharya, CEO, Great Place to Work Institute, India Ranjay Radhakrishnan, Vice President Talent Unilever Rohini Seth, Director HR - India Foods at Frito Lay India Santrupt Misra, Director HR, Aditya Birla Group Shahrukh Marfatia, VP HR, Global Commercial at Shell Eastern Petroleum Co Shrihari Udupa, Chief People Ofcer, PwC India Pvt. Ltd. Suchismita Burman, Associate Director - HR, Cognizant Technology Solutions Sumitabh Bhatnagar, VP - HR DLF Home Developers Ltd. Suvamoy Roy Choudhury, South East Asia Director HR, Reckitt Benckiser Swadesh Behera, Director HR, Boston Scientic Uday Mohan, HR Lead Asia Pacic Zoetis Singapore Pte. Ltd Vikramaditya Bajpai, Head HR, Global Emerging Markets, Novartis AG


Manthan-2013 was a lot more than mere churning as the average lexicon would have us believe. It was the endless escapade into the abyss of contemplation, the unrelenting excavation of facts, the enriching analysis aimed at solution and the negotiation of ambiguities seeking conclusion. Manthan meant all of this, and beyond. Hosted within the academic frontiers of TISS Mumbai, Manthan, for several years now, has served to open newer frontiers of business thought, acumen and purpose. From sensing the direct pulse of the contemporary thought in the HR domain to showcasing some of the best minds in pursuit of coveted glories, Manthan in the 2013 avataar promised much more. An annual celebration of knowledge and curiosity where Udghoshtestedthe mettle, Srijan and Daksya mapped the managerial acumen while Jigyasa offered a reality check of your quizzing its endeavour to Inspire, Transform and Reect! Tattvabodha, the annual business conference of TISS, Mumbai, aims at addressing the pressing concerns and emerging trends in the area of Human Resources by bringing together politicians, industry stalwarts and academia at a common platform. The theme for this year is- Is HR losing its human touch? Daksya was a TISS agship IR event aimed at testing the participants intellectual rigor and technical prociency. This event threw open a challenge for future corporate leaders aiming for all round excellence. Udghosh, the Clarion Call, summoned students to a gruelling and challenging ght to prove their mettle across disciplines. Srijan was an HR exercise aimed to give a taste of these challenges to the aspiring HR managers of tomorrow. At the end of this gruelling exercise the victors would take home not only the much coveted prize money, but

also the satisfaction of being the best in the eld. Jigyasa aimed to liberate knowledge from its shackles of gender, generation and geography. This year, Manthan was not only about achievements and joyous spirit but it was about Inspire Reect Transform. It was not only about letting our spirit soar high but also reconnecting our soul with our heart. It was about putting a smile on the face and happiness in the heart and striving on the basics in short its about being human. Tattvabodha is a platform for business leaders, industry practioners and academicians to discuss current issues of business and socioeconomic signicance. Over the years the event has seen participation from industry leaders such as: AdilMalia, Essar AshishSen Anu Aga, Thermax Jogi Gill, Microsoft ArunMaira, Boston Consulting Group AzimPremji, Wipro Technologies Gurucharan Das, formerly with Proctor & Gamble Kishore Biyani, Future Group Rajeev Dubey, Mahindra & Mahindra RSS Mani, ITM SatishPradhan, Tata Sons Vikas Gupta, Deloitte

Final Placements 2012-14



Alumni Committee: The Alumni Committee for HRM&LR has been incorporated in 2011 as an independent body to strengthen and sustain relations between HRM&LR alumni and the institute and acts as a key interface in this endeavour. With this aim in mind, the committee would coordinate with the institute and the alumni to organize various events and activities, which would help in building and enhancing this relationship. Some of the responsibilities of the committee include conducting annual alumni meets across the cities of Hyderabad (ALTIHA), Delhi (ALTIDA), Bangalore (ALTIBA) and Mumbai (Dharohar), sending periodic newsletters and updates and facilitating alumni contribution back to the institute in the form of guest lectures, interactions mentoring, and eld work placements. Core Committee: The Core Committee for HRM & LR was formed in 2007 and is a body responsible for organizing, planning, developing, and conducting various events under the realm of Human Resource as a function. Every year, the School of Management and Labour Studies, join hands to conduct annual event called Manthan. The HRM & LR Forum provides a platform for interaction with industry practitioners, through guest lectures, seminars and workshops. The committee is responsible for bridging the gap between institutions, and corporates by engaging them in various competitions, discussion forums, challenges and much more. Teams from elite campuses across the nation, from around 60 B-schools pit against each other and are tested on a multitude of managerial and interpersonal skills across the disciplines of human resource management, nance, sales & marketing and operations. The committee aims at giving responsibility to individuals of HRM & LR to work in a synchronized manner and join hands to put up events like Daksya

a agship IR event, Udghosh a case study Challenge, Jigyasa a business quiz, Srijan- an HR Challenge and, Tattvabodha the annual business conference of TISS, Mumbai that aims at addressing the pressing concerns and emerging trends in the area of Human Resources. Apart from these facilitating various events like Global Innovation Forums and EQ Summits organized by the faculty also comes under the function of the Core Committee. Srijan, the ultimate HR Challenge was organised during Resonance, wherein 105 teams from the best business schools of the country participated in the event. The committee further has plans to transform the HRM & LR forum as an intellectual space facilitating knowledge sharing by organizing Outside In events; development of individuals by various Skill Development initiatives; striving towards excellence by exploring upcoming agendas through Intellectual discussions and debates; reaping the competitive spirit by arranging various HR Challenges and thus foster growth by creating a learning culture. The activities are not only about enhancing the skills but they are about letting our spirit soar high by reconnecting the knowledge and theories to the impact that the eld has on business today. Placement Committee: Placements at TISS are handled by the Placement Committee which consists of student representatives in conjunction with the Chairperson of the Centre of HRM&LR and faculty co-ordinators. The committee engages with prospective recruiters, arranges preplacement talks and coordinates the placement process on campus. The key activities coordinated by the Placement committee include: The Summer Internship Program The Lateral placement Program The Final placement Program


Final Placements 2012-14




The placement process consists of the following stages Pre-Placement talk The companies are invited for a Pre-Placement Talk for the batch. This aids the students in making an informed choice regarding the organization Student resumes and shortlisting The companies are provided with the option of circulating their customized application forms amongst candidates, or accepting resumes from interested candidates Slotting Process - The batch ranks the companies based on their order of preference. The companies are then informed about their respective slot for placements Recruitment process - The companies intimate the Placement ofce about the following details in advance: o Process of selection (Preliminary Test, GD, Interview, Case etc.) o Number of rounds of the GD and group size o Number of rounds of Interview o Approximate duration of the GDs and interviews

Note: The Placement Committee, in consultation with the student body and the faculty, arrives at the norms of the placement process. The committee reserves the right to modify any such norms, where such norms are in the overall interest of the candidates participating in the process. In the event of any conict in the interpretation and implementation of the norms, the decision of the Placement Committee shall be binding on the students and the companies.


Final Placements 2012-14


Abbott ABG Shipyard ACC Cements Accenture Aditya Birla Group Adobe Airtel Asian Paints Astra Zeneca Bennett Coleman & Co. Bharti Axa Bharti Group Boston Scientic BPCL Britannia Cadbury Cairn Energy Capgemini Citibank Coca Cola Colgate Palmolive Crompton Greaves Cummins DBS DDI Dell Deloitte Consulting Deutsche Bank Dr. Reddys Laboratories DVC

Edelweiss Financial Services Ernst and Young Essar Group Fidelity FirstSource GAIL GE Godrej Godrej and Boyce Hay Group HDFC Bank Heinz Hero Honda Hewitt Hinduja Group Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Hindustan Unilever HPCL HSBC ICICI Bank IndianOil Corporation Ltd. Infosys Technologies ITC Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. John Deere Johnson & Johnson KPMG LOreal Larsen and Toubro

Mahindra and Mahindra Marico Maruti Medtronic Microsoft Motorola Murugappa Group National Housing Board Nestle Nivea Nokia Nomura Novartis Pricewaterhouse Coopers Procter and Gamble Rabo Bank Reliance RPG Group Saint Gobain SAP SHRM Standard Chartered Sudarshan Chemicals Tata Motors Tata Sons Tata Steel TCS Texas Instruments Trident Wipro

Final Placements 2012-14




Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai is a premier institute of higher learning which was established in 1936, and has been offering a renowned 2-year Postgraduate Program in Human Resource Management and Labour Relations (erstwhile PMIR) since 1962. It is a NAAC 5 Star accredited Central Government Deemed University. Today, TISS enjoys national and international reputation for churning out the best HR talent around. TISS conducted its Summer Placement Process for the HRM & LR batch of 2013-15, on October 18, and October 19, 2013. The Placement Process was extremely successful with the entire batch of 60 getting placed in 1.5 days. All offers made were paid internship offers. The process witnessed the participation of regular recruiters like Asian Paints, Colgate-Palmolive, Deloitte, Hindustan Unilever, ITC, Marico, Microsoft, Mondelez, etc. The process also saw a substantial increase in the number of rst time recruiters on campus. Amazon, Bosch Manufacturing, CRISIL, Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (A Govt. of India Enterprise), HCL, Nomura, Philips, RIL and Sab Miller were all rst time recruiters.


Number of students in the batch Number of women participating Sign-outs / Opt-outs Number of students placed Number of offers in the HR domain Number of companies making offers Number of rst time recruiters Average Stipend offered (For 2 months) Highest Stipend offered (For 2 months) 60 26 0 60 60


Aditya Birla Group Accenture Amazon Asian Paints Bosch Manufacturing Crompton Greaves Citi Colgate-Palmolive CRISIL Cummins Deloitte US India Ernst & Young Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (A Govt. of India Enterprise) Edelweiss GE Hay Group HCL HSBC Hindustan Unilever ITC KPMG Marico Medtronic Microsoft Mondelez Nestle Nomura Philips Dr. Reddys Laboratories RIL RPG


10 INR 1 Lakh INR 2 Lakhs

Sab Miller Siemens Tata Steel Texas Instruments Wipro


Final Placements 2012-14



Work Experience (in months) 0-11 Months 12-23 Months 24-35 Months 35+ months Percentage 43% 16% 18% 23%

35+ months

0 to 11 Months

24 to 35 Months 12 to 23 Months

Educational Background Engineering Arts Commerce / Management Science Misc (Pharmacy, Fashion Technology, Law, etc.) Percentage 61% 13% 13% 8% 5%
Misc (Pharmacy, Fashion Technology, Law, etc.) Science Commerce/ Management Engineering

Arts Final Placements 2012-14 29

B ATC H P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 2 - 1 4



Summer Intern Tata Steel Ltd. Policy Analysis of Job Rotation and Career Planning (JRCP) through Focused Group Discussions, Survey and Personal Interviews Developed a framework to establish the interaction of existing Internal Recruitment Policy (IRP), 70:20:10 training model and PMS with JRCP Designed Career paths for Mining Engineers in Raw Materials function Software Engineer Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (43 months) On-site Change coordinator for a global Banking client in the Production Environment Key resource as an Application Developer for Lloyds TSB HBOS Merger Project, the biggest IT project in banking history Module Trainer and Performance Appraiser as Module Lead of the Change Implementation Team Winners, ITC Interrobang Case Study Challenge, Season 3, TISS, 2013 Returning Ofcer, Election Committee, TISS, 2013

Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Telecommunication) Institute of Technical Education and Research, B.P.U.T (Bhubaneswar)

Summer Intern - Mondelz International Identied areas of improvement in the existing organizational structure of large factory structures through individual interviews and benchmarking with major organizations Recommended alternatives for the organizational structure to make it effective, efcient and future ready Software Engineer Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (28 months) Interacted with the clients about the functionalities of the Ericsson Switch Management Software that needed testing and updating the test cases Developed re-usable modules in the automated new functionalities
Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) National Institute of Technology, (Kurukshetra)

Site Engineer Sikkim Airport Project, Punj Lloyd Ltd. (7 months) Responsible for client approvals, equipment mobilization, estimation and automation of material requirements for the entire airport construction Managed a work force of more than 200 people during the night shifts and received appreciation from the project manager Participant, Inter College Table Tennis and Cricket Competitions, TISS, 2013-14 Runners up, Microsoft Blitzkrieg - the HR Challenge and 2nd Runners up, ITC Interrobang Case Study Competition, Season 3, TISS, 2013


Final Placements 2012-14




Summer Intern Heinz India Pvt. Ltd. Structured capability building of self-managed teams via skill based progression system and career development plan Developed a mentoring program for SMTs Software Engineer Cognizant Technology Solutions Ltd. (54 months) Performed with expertise different types of Testing- Black box, SIT, UAT, System, Regression, Sanity and Smoke testing Provided technical leadership and direction to cross-functional teams and coordinated efforts of multiple technical groups Analyzed existing mainframe batch jobs (JCL, VSAM, Cobol, Rexx), code changes and wrote new batch programs Expertise in other tools like - File Aid, Spu and CA7 Job Scheduler Member, Outreach, a CSR Initiative by Cognizant Technology Solutions, 2009-12 Event Coordinator, Milan, National level Cultural Festival, SRM University, 2007

Bachelor of Technology (Biotechnology) SRM Institute of Science and Technology, SRM University (Chennai)

Summer Intern Hay Group Identied Key Responsibility Areas (KRAs) and designed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for key nance duciary role in the nance department of a client Streamlined existing performance appraisal system and incorporated changes for implementing joint performance appraisal mechanism Designed workshop for the stakeholders to communicate above changes Software Engineer Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (30 months) Worked as Business Intelligence analyst and PL/SQL developer Involved in requirement gathering, developing components, integrating and end-to-end Regression Testing of deliverables Member, Fun@Work Committee and organized team bonding events Member, Alumni Committee, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-14 Participated and won various prizes in robotics events and mentored junior batches for the same as an executive member of NIST Robotics Club, NIST, 2005-09

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) National Institute of Science and Technology, B.P.U.T. (Orissa)

Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern Texas Instruments Developed Change Management strategy post internal merger of three Business Units Developed a Communication Framework as a part of Change Management Process Devised a Branding Strategy for investment repurposing for EP business Technology Analyst Infosys Ltd. (55 months) Estimated work product in order to give overall project estimation to the client Designed and Implemented Database for Intel project as Database Administrator Ensured successful delivery of projects in conjunction with client and onsite team Received the only Fieldwork Placement Offer (FPO) in 2nd semester from SAP India Pvt. Ltd., 2013 Received the only Summer Internship Offer in 1st semester from Maersk Line India Pvt. Ltd., 2012

Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication) Dr. M. G. R. Educational & Research Institute, Dr. M.G.R. Deemed University (Chennai)

Summer Intern NIVEA India Designed a 3 Month long Strategic On boarding/Induction Program for lateral Employees Designed a Non-Monetary Benets-Employee Wellness program and contacted vendors on behalf of the organization for the same Benchmarked Company Policies across FMCG Sector Software Engineer Infosys Ltd. (33 months) Worked as Temporary technology consultant for clients O2 and Kraft Foods Inc. Led the offshore module for Kraft Foods Inc. for more than 5 months Responsible for analyzing performance of deployed programs including diagnosing and designing solutions on a real time basis Runners up, Microsoft Blitzkrieg - HR Case Study Challenge and 2nd Runners up, ITC Interrobang Case Study Challenge, Season 3, TISS, 2013 3rd Position in Quiz conducted by National Service Scheme (NSS), Panjab University, 2009

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering) Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University (Chandigarh)


Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern General Electric Identied key drivers of employee engagement that needed attention for Commercial, Technology, Supply Chain and Services teams of GE Healthcare by interviewing over 100 employees Identied industry best practices for the problem areas with respect to employee engagement and made recommendations for the same Senior Systems Engineer Infosys Ltd. (12 months) Implemented Options (derivatives) in Finacle - Wealth Management Solution product suite Conducted knowledge sharing sessions on stock markets
Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering) YMCA Institute of Engineering, Faridabad, Maharishi Dayanand University (Rohtak)

Systems Engineer Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (33 months) Module leader and Business Analyst for NSEs Futures and Options Trading System Maintenance project Awarded TCS Gems for solving critical production issues Achieved NSE Certied Market Professional Level-1, acquired NCFM certications in Derivatives (Dealers Module), Options Strategies and Mutual Funds Member and Speaker, SPARK committee, a CSR initiative of Infosys, 2011-12

Summer Intern Citibank Leveraged spans and layers for optimization of Consumer Banking structure by analyzing gaps and making recommendations for optimization translating to direct bottom line impact Created a repository of roles and developed a detailed businesswise spans and layers report by liaising with stakeholders Software Engineer Infosys Ltd. (23 months) Managed a team for developing the payment channel for partners of Microsoft and worked as a developer on DOTNET and JavaScript in URL shortening project Got client appreciation for developing an automating testing tool for Microsofts SHOWCASE project Among Top ten teams, West Zone and Top four cases, Deloitte Maverick Business Case Challenge, TISS, 2012 Volunteer for organizing cultural activities at Infosys Ltd., 2010-12 Participated in talk shows as speaker on BTV News, 2008 and wrote letters to the editor which were published in The Hindu, 2011-12 Active member of various clubs and successfully campaigned for Jal Bands Concert, IET, 2008

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) Institute of Engineering and Technology, DAVV (Indore)

Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Designed a detailed framework for HR Capability Building by planning and kick-starting interventions with input and output metrics focused on WL 1D+ employees Designed career paths for HR employees and aligned them to global plans on skills and careers Business Technology Analyst - Deloitte US India Ltd. (24 months) Contributed Enterprise Value Delivery of project cycle, making it efcient and compliant with CMMI level 5 Accountable for qualitative analysis of the records for a leading health care and benets client in America Certied in Stepping-up To Management and Leadership Essentials courses, Harvard Business Publishing School Member, Core Committee responsible for Manthan and HRM & LR Forum, TISS, 2012-14 Runners up, ITC Interrobang Case Study Challenge, Season 3 and Regional Finalist, Deloitte Maverick Business Challenge, TISS, 2013 N.C.C Junior Cadet in 18 Maharashtra Battalion; Gold medal in 25 m rie shooting with 4 cm precision, 2004-06

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) Cummins College of Engineering, University of Pune (Pune)


Summer Intern General Electric Studied People Practices in Agile Teams Developed an EVP Framework for Potential Employees Awarded the Best HR Intern Award Software Engineer Infosys Ltd. (21 months) Resolved functional and operational issues and worked on customization of Product for West African banks as part of the Professional Services team of Finacle Maintained cordial and long term relationship through effective and timely communication as the Point of Contact (POC)for two West- African(Nigerian) Banks
Bachelor of Technology (Information Science and Engineering) Peoples Education Society Institute of Technology (Bangalore), Visvesvaraya Technological University, (Belgaum)

1st Position, UnnaTI, Texas Instruments Case Study competition, was awarded a PPI, TISS, 2012 Certied Master NLP Practitioner (Certicate from NFNLP, USA), 2011 Assistant Coach, NEOKIDS, a summer program for kids conducted by Neoway Academy, 2009


Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern Bharti Airtel Identied the critical, on-the-job developmental experiences of top talent at Airtel, with the end goal of preparing a toolkit for holistic and comprehensive career development plans Provided recommendations based on inputs obtained from interviews and responses to survey questionnaire from various stakeholders Awarded a Pre-Placement Interview (PPI) as recognition of the work done Professional Experience Dental Surgeon (28 Months) Ramanath Hospital Pvt. Ltd., Ashirwad Hospital Pvt. Ltd., Pragati Dental Clinic Undertook comprehensive assessments of patients using investigative and analytical skills to formulate individual management and treatment plans and utilized a wide range of treatment skills to formulate patient care programs Coordinated with other departments and was accountable for necessary referrals Actively engaged in and responsible for regular trainings of the associated Para-medical staff 3rd rank in the batch, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-13 Amongst the top 3 percentile in State in merit subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics), Class XII, 2004

Bachelor of Dental Surgery Ahmedabad Dental College and Hospital, Gujarat University (Ahmedabad)

Summer Intern Procter & Gamble Ltd. Suggested changes in the Organization Design of distributor organizations to achieve productivity gains Designed a model for capability building of sales team Systems Engineer Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (30 months) Worked on end to end completion of enhancements for sales tax application (WITS) of the client (Walgreens, US Retail Pharmacy) Completed certication in Lean Six Sigma Prociency as a green belt and successfully completed a process improvement project Conducted various technical and functional training programmes for new team members Student Coordinator, Zealicon, Annual Fest, JSSATE, 2009 President, Language club and lead a team of 40 members and organized several events and workshops, JSSATE, 2008-09 Captained the winning team in the Vengeance Cup cricket tournament, JSSATE, 2006-09

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) JSS Academy of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh Technical University (Noida)

Final Placements 2012-14




Summer Intern Fidelity Investments India Determined the factors that inuenced the Quality of Hires for the associate employees recruited since 2010 Determined a predictive model to dene Quality of Hires based upon ratings, bonus and at the time of hiring metric Engineer/Marketing Executive Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (35 Months) Responsible for Marketing and Project Execution for the Middle East Region (Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen) in 2009-10 Responsible for Marketing and Project execution for the CIS region (Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Belarus, Azerbaijan) in 2010-12 Part of three member team which secured maiden orders in Ukraine and Yemen Successfully executed rst project from Georgia for the supply of Well Heads. First Well Head project to nish within six months Member, Butteries responsible for handling street children at Nizamuddin Railway Station and initiated educational programs and sports activities at a night shelter for street children specically suffering from drug abuse, 2011-12 Member, Cricket team, PEC, 2009 and TISS, 2013

Bachelor of Technology (Electronics & Electrical Communication) Punjab Engineering College, Deemed University (Chandigarh)

Summer Intern Sudarshan Chemical Industries Ltd. Developed long term strategy for Employee Communications at Organisational, Departmental and Managerial level Developed Reward and Recognition plan for managers Developed an On boarding process for new recruits Manager (Operations) Tata Steel Processing and Distribution Ltd. (68 months) Administered overall production operations of plant and assembly lines to achieve the planned schedules and also achieved 300% productivity increase through various interventions over a period of 12 months Appraised the prevailing production systems and processes, identied loopholes if any and undertook result-oriented measures for improvements thereby achieving signicant increase in productivity metrics Developed training calendar for contract workforce and imparted continuous on the job training to the workforce for accomplishing greater operational effectiveness and efciency Founder and Member, Aspirants Relations Cell, TISS, 2013 Convener, Tata Business Excellence Model Assessment and Climate Change Committee, North Zone, Tata Steel Processing and Distribution Ltd., 2009 12
38 Final Placements 2012-14

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Birla Institute of Technology (Mesra)



Summer Intern HSBC Designed a library of key HR metrics to measure efciency and effectiveness of HR processes Designed a toolkit to build HR analytics with inbuilt functions for HR reports and dashboards Benchmarked key process from external companies and provide recommendations Member Technical Staff HCL Technologies Ltd. (34 months) Led Hardware board design implementation of chip modules for High Speed product applications Interacted with customers, component vendors and global manufacturers for cycle time reduction and ow development in product design Designed a tool for quality check for hardware design deliverables and trained in EMI/EMC Product compliance testing Runners up, ITC Interrobang Case Study Challenge, Season 3 and Regional Finalists, Deloitte Maverick Business Challenge, TISS, 2013 Chief Editor, Ripples, An Innovative club cum Institute magazine and Coordinator of National Service Scheme (NSS), Sona College of Technology, 2007-08

Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communication) Sona College of Technology, Anna University (Chennai)


Summer Intern Novartis AG Developed the Communication and Training Toolkit for compensation administration users as part of the Global HR Operations team designing, implementing and sustaining HRMS aimed at harmonization of HR processes Analyst Programmer Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd. (58 months) Implemented ERP solutions for clients in HR Consulting and Telecom domains Awarded the Accenture Celebrating Performance and Towers Watson Peer Recognition awards for anticipating and addressing critical issues in business work-streams Received the ASE Achievers Award for outstanding contribution to Accenture during the rst year as Associate Software Engineer, 2008 Organized talks on Alternate Careers and TED-like talks as Alumni-Liaison for India region, 2009-11 Volunteered in Social Service Projects enabling education of underprivileged children, 2004-10 Granted the Melton Foundation Intercultural Fellowship, BMSIT, 2004-07 Tutored and enabled children develop spoken-English skills as part of the Kids English Program of GELS, 2004-05
Final Placements 2012-14 39

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science) B.M.S Institute of Technology, Visveswaraiah Technological University (Bangalore)



Summer Intern Accenture Worked on accelerating HR Service Delivery to move into Zero defect zone on Stafng Refusals, end to end Exit Compliance, BGC Severe cases and LOA Compliance Worked on Corporate Audit Remediation Exercise to prepare a Key account for HR Audit Analyst Cognizant Technology Solutions (17 Months) Mentored and trained several associates as per the client requirements Executed components and integrated end-to-end processing for Post-Marketing Surveillance reports
Bachelor of Pharmacy K.M. Kundnani College of Pharmacy University Of Mumbai (Mumbai)

HR Trainee i-maritime Consultancy Services (3 Months) Designed a mentorship program for the consultants, marketing team and aided the revision of the process improvement plans Winners, Microsoft Blitzkrieg the HR Case Study Challenge, TISS, 2013 Founder, Trek Mates India, a trekking and adventure organization and currently monitoring Work-Force Management and Digital Marketing Received gold medals from Dr. A. P. J Abdul Kalam and Ex Goa CM Mr. Manohar Parrikar for a project on Child-Care, 2002

Summer Intern Boston Scientic India Performed process mapping of recruitment, induction, onboarding and performance management Created Hriday, an online repository of policy documents, form templates and organizational announcements using SharePoint on the intranet Created and implemented Idea Bank, to capture ideas from employees, implement feasible ideas and reward the contributor Software Engineer Infosys Ltd. (41 months) Delivered supply chain software solutions and enhancements to JC Penney, USA Member of the team for implementing and organizing Crown (Rewards and Recognition program) for more than 10000 employees of Retail Industry Business Unit at Infosys Winners, ITC Interrobang HR Case Study Challenge, TISS, 2013 2nd Position, UnnaTI, Texas Instruments HR Case Study competition, TISS, 2012 Member, Organizing Committee, Dakshya - an Industrial Relations event, Manthan, Annual Fest, TISS, 2012
40 Final Placements 2012-14

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science) G.B. Pant Engineering College (Pauri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand)



Summer Intern RPG Enterprises Compressive analysis and assessment of the Grievance Redressal System for sales function of the CEAT Ltd. Designed grievance handling policy document for the sales function of CEAT Ltd. Conceptualized and designed an online portal and a mobile application for grievance redressal system System Engineer Infosys Ltd. (17 months) Worked as a Software Tester in Microsoft Windows Operating System domain. Where, I was responsible for testing on Windows Vista, XP, 2K8 and 2K3 operating system test binaries using both automated and manual testing methods with a clear understanding of business Mentored fellow trainees to guide and transfer knowledge on the project components Coordinator for the School Adoption Program and trainer for the Rural Reach Program (Computer awareness camp), CSR initiatives of Infosys Executive member, Organizational Committee, Innovation Forum India and Manthan, Annual Fest, TISS, 2013 Core member, Student Body that conceptualized and executed Avishkar, National level Technical Symposium, SSGMCE, 2009-10

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science & Engineering) Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, S.G.B.A.U (Shegaon)

Summer Intern Tata Steel Ltd. Developed norms for amenities for standardization as per statutory compliances in West Bokaro and Jharia coal mines Senior Marketing Executive Supreme Education Pvt. Ltd. (12 months) Responsible for the marketing strategy, planning and execution of promotion initiatives and events at branch level Class Representative, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-14 Developed an e-forum ( digitizing various operations and played an integral part in facilitating Manthan, Annual Fest, HRM&LR Forum and Alumni meet, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-13 Chief coordinator, Innovation Forum India and Emotional Intelligence, TISS, 2012-13 Worked as a consultant with the HRD Ministry of India on project Rashtriya Ucchtar Siksha Abhiyan (RUSA), 2013 Volunteer, TISS Uttarakhand Relief team, TISS, 2013 Free-lance trainer and speaker at network marketing forums across the country to build salesmen competency and team building exercises, 2006-09
Final Placements 2012-14 41

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science) Sardar Patel Institute of Technology University Of Mumbai (Mumbai)



Summer Intern - Novartis AG Designed the transition from succession planning to Talent pools for nance division Improved and standardized New Leader Assimilation workshop process Designed a global survey to evaluate the effectiveness of My Career (Career Development Tool) Quality Assurance, PeopleSoft HRMS - Oracle India Pvt. Ltd. (10 months) Lead QA for PeopleSoft HRMS 9.1 TL (Time and Labor) module and Back-up QA for HR Core and Global Payroll teams Conducted functional training in HRMS - TL for third-party vendors of PeopleSoft HRMS 9.2 Assistant Systems Engineer - Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (23 months) Team Lead, Project Billing Team, TCS-Bank of America (BoA) relationship and was responsible for handling end to end project management for over 180 resources Conducted training for one month for the newly set up TCS-BoA China team 4 time Regional-level nalist in Science exhibitions and 3 time distinctive performer in National Olympiads, 1997-2002

Bachelor of Engineering (Information Technology) Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University (Manipal)

Summer Intern HSBC Designed and implemented a comprehensive on-boarding programme for women returning to work post maternity leave Reviewed the efcacy of HSBCs Employee Referral Programme and implemented interventions to revive it Drafted and successfully executed a Telecommuting pilot project Associate Client Manager RR Donnelley (24 Months) Liaised with international clients, maintained the billing tracker and other MIS and recognized and rewarded employee performance Achieved a Double promotion in January 2011, becoming the youngest Manager in the division Received a perfect score of 5 during three consecutive performance appraisals, and was conferred the Aspirer award for achieving client excellence Member, Placement Committee, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-14 Founder and Head, Welfare and Events Committee, RR Donnelley, 2010-11
42 Final Placements 2012-14

Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communication) St. Josephs College of Engineering, Anna University (Chennai)



Summer Intern Abbott India Awarded the Best Summer Intern Award in Abbott India Prepared a culture assessment instrument and conducted a culture survey Designed a culture transition roadmap having a set of actionable recommendation based on the result of the culture survey Assistant System Engineer Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (5 months) Rated as one of the Star Performers (4 Grade points out of 5) during training, 2012 Domain Based Training in C++/Java. Stood second in the Engineering Final Semester Exams with an aggregate of 89.6%, Techno India, 2011 Co-editor of College Magazine- Graphiti, Techno India, 2010-11 Class Representative of the Batch for four Consecutive Years, Techno India, 2007-11

Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) Techno India, West Bengal University of Technology (Kolkata)

Summer Intern Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd. Diversity and Inclusion plan for Microsoft Global Delivery for the nancial year 2014 Landing and Talent sourcing plan for talent in PwD (Persons with Disabilities) category Designed a GD&I Cultural Inclusion booklet of actions to be used across ve countries and various virtual teams Executive, HR HCL Technologies Ltd. (23 months) Program ofce coordinator, EPIC (Employee Passion Indicative CountTM), organization wide OD initiative Stakeholder and communication SPOC (single point of contact) for Employees First Customers Second and 360 Degree Feedback pan HCL Co-Authored a paper on EPIC, published in 4D International Journal of Management and Science, Issue July 2012 and Case Study on EPIC, published in Business World, 2010 Conducted training sessions for over 400 Managers and 150 HRs, across the globe on OD initiatives Achieved Outstanding rating during appraisal and double promotion from Graduate Trainee to Executive HR
Final Placements 2012-14 43

Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) St Stephens College, University Of Delhi (Delhi)



Summer Intern Mondelz International Identied competencies and created a competency framework for front line sales managers at Mondelz International Created a framework for capability building for front line managers for Sales and other functions Developed and implemented a managerial development program for front line sales in line with the 70-20-10 methodology Received an offer for Pre-Placement Interview (PPI) from Mondelez International, 2013 Software Engineer Accenture Service Pvt. Ltd. (28 months) Member of the client side team of a large investment bank who interacted with the client, understood business requirements and provided quality data warehousing solutions Designed, developed and tested a module of a globally integrated data warehouse Winner of 2 Accenture Celebrates Excellence awards for contribution to delivery excellence and productivity improvement in 2011 1st position, UnnaTI, Texas Instruments HR Case Study competition, TISS, 2012

Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) V.E.S Institute of Technology, University Of Mumbai (Mumbai)

Summer Intern Deloitte US India Ltd. Analyzed FY 13 Talent Survey and formulated an action plan on identied areas POV paper publication on The State of Industry Learning at Deloitte US India and Rewards and Recognition feedback survey roll out Assistant Manager NABARD (9 months) Enabled the appraisal of RIDF projects for the State Project Department [SPD], Bhopal R.O in an on and off- eld capacity Streamlined the liaison between MP Govt., regional ofce, consultants and other stakeholders
Bachelor of Technology (Electrical and Electronics) SCMS School of Engineering & Technology, Mahatma Gandhi University (Kottayam)

Faculty T.I.M.E (17 months) Trained and Developed Bank P.O, MAT and campus recruitment test aspirants Oriented new batches and mentored the subdued performers Probationary Ofcer Federal Bank (9 months) Retail banking operations in ATM management, Deposits, Accounts, Cash chest, Gold, Lockers, EOD, NEFT/RTGS and Net banking 3rd Position, Banks all India merit/seniority list for Probationary Ofcers


Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern - Accenture Performance Management Audit: Analyzed and Suggested Operational Improvements in PMS moderation process for FY 13 performance cycle, along with Demographic trend analysis Senior Support Analyst - Nomura Services India Pvt. Ltd. (35 Months) Won a special token of appreciation from MD, Nomura at SPARK, for suggesting innovative ways to measure the Effectiveness of Training Programs Awarded a certicate of Excellence by ED of Equities IT, Nomura for contribution in Application Production Support Member, WAVES- Employee Engagement Team in 2010 2nd Runners up, ITC Interrobang Case Study Challenge, Season 3, TISS, 2013 Member, Alumni Committee, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012 Winner, Viewers Choice Award in a play called Aaina at CULRAV, NIT Allahabad, 2007 Completed NSE Certication course, Financial Markets: A Beginners module with Distinction, 2006

Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication) Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (Allahabad)

Summer Intern- RPG Enterprise Restructured workmen compensation Senior Engineer Ericsson India Global Services Pvt. Ltd. (26 months) Coordinated as offshore Team Lead and point of contact for onshore project team - Sprint PCS, USA Involved in designing and assessing network capacity plan which reects the current and future needs of business Certied by TOEIC -Test of English for International Communication
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Telecommunication) Assam Engineering College, Gauhati University (Assam)

Assistant Manager Tata Teleservices Pvt. Ltd. (22 months) Involved in diagnosis and performance resolution of capacity related incidents and problems Handled a team and ensured the implementation of cost justiable measures to improve the network key performance indicators Achieved Six Sigma Certication for enhancing performance quality in two different projects in the North-East Awarded for Tata Indicom Theme Leadership Initiative held for GETs to identify cost saving opportunities in the organisation
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Summer Intern Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Designed Job Descriptions for different positions that fall under the purview of HR department Aligned the role tasks with the on-going business process reengineering by suggesting changes in job content Consultant Methods Apparel Consultancy India Pvt. Ltd. (22 months) Trained teams of engineers, and supervisors in PMTS, Method Study and Work Study Designed Audit Checklist for monitoring performance currently in use by 150+ centers in 4 countries by IL&FS-CDI Rated the performance of training centers across India for sewing operators run by IL&FS-CDIs and AEPC India Industrial Engineer Banswara Garments (14 months) Performed Line Planning through N.S.R.S, monitored line efciency, wage calculations and led the team that created the Operators Training Manual Organizer, Fashion Business quiz, Mad-Ads, Logo design competitions for Spectrum, Annual Fest, NIFT, 2007-08 Awarded 4 consecutive NIFT scholarships and the Grotz Beckert Scholarship, NIFT, 2004-08

Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Fashion Technology) National Institute of Fashion Technology (Gandhinagar)

Summer Intern Gujarat Narmada Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd. Cross cultural training and formulating policy guidelines for Expatriates and Inpatriates as a Global Knowledge Management Initiative in GNFC for a Nigerian Project Retention of Knowledge and Managing production costs through Case studies A way of Learning and Development Regional Product Manager (Pune & Goa) CL Educate Ltd. (35 months) Recruited and Trained fresh recruits and completed above 11000 hours of training in 7 years Provided leadership to cross-functional teams by launching, nurturing and devising training modules for existing and new Products Assistant Manager (Products) - IMS Learning Resources Pvt. Ltd. (19 months) Headed Product Development and Training team for various products Assistant Manager (Products) Career Forum Ltd. (41 months) Undertook strategy sessions and workshops for various TestPrep domains Member, Core Committee responsible for Manthan and HRM & LR Forum, TISS, 2012-14 Author, MBA Actualizer by Pragati Publications, 2007

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Bhilai Institute of Technology (Durg)


Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern Cummins India Ltd. Undertook a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the Team Based Work System (TBWS) across all the plants at Megasite, Phaltan Designed and standardized Rewards and Recognition Framework for shop oor employees across all four plants at Megasite, Phaltan Designed a framework for trainings, skill assessments and enhancements for shop oor employees Software Engineer Infosys Ltd. (23 months) Specialized in conict resolution on the Finacle CRM system and coordinated with the functional and testing team SPOC for the team in managing servers and databases for the Finacle CRM application Mentored four new recruits and conducted knowledge transfer sessions Co-convener, Marketing Team, UIETs Fest, planned and coordinated the activities of the team for sponsorships, event management and promotions, UIET, 2010 Volunteer, Indian National Portage Association (INPA), an NGO, conducted eld visits to aanganwadis and handled the promotional activities of INPA, 2008

Bachelor of Engineering (Information Technology) University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University (Chandigarh)

Summer Intern Colgate Palmolive India Ltd. Developed employee relation enhancers for Sri City plant by creating opportunities for employee involvement and devising a reward and recognition scheme Designed tests to be used during team member (operator) recruitment Support Analyst Deloitte Consulting India Pvt Ltd. (10 months) Supported the technical landscape of a multinational chemical company as an SAP Netweaver consultant Performed the setup and maintenance of technical sandboxes for internal training purposes Involved in the setting up of a Knowledge Exchange (KX) portal on SAP Netweaver Member, Alumni Committee, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-14 Quiz Coordinator and Quizmaster at B.M.S.C.E and TISS, 2011-13

Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communications) B.M.S. College of Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University (Bangalore)

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Summer Intern Deutsche Bank AG Designed and implemented a new Behavior Based Reward System aligned to the strategic goals of the organization Designed and implemented Employee engagement Activities and built the activity calendar Assistant Manager - Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Ltd. (13 Months) Designed the structure and roles of the stakeholders for Nurturing Young Talent, a new organization wide mentorship programme Developed and implemented Technical and Method Competencies for all six companies owned by Bosch India
PGDBM (HR and Operations) Institute of Management Technology (Ghaziabad)

Senior Executive - IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd. (12 Months) Deployed and tracked the performance management in order to ascertain training needs or gaps for employees Formulated the incentive and the variable pay schemes of the retail broking division Co-ordinator, IMT Quiz Club, IMT Ghaziabad, 2008-09 Co- editor, Horizon, the HR magazine, IMT Ghaziabad, 2008-09

Summer Intern Wipro Technologies Developed an engagement Charter for a Fast Growing Global Business comprising of: Career and Capability Development, Leadership Connect, Rewards and Recognition, Innovation and Communication Systems Engineer Infosys Ltd. (23 months) Worked as a Technology Consultant to an Insurance Firm Worked on development and testing after understanding client requirements Trained the new project recruits by organizing and facilitating Knowledge Sharing sessions Winner, Insta Award for excellent client and team feedback in Q3 in 2012 Team Organizer, Inter level project competition, Infosys Ltd., 2011 Organizer, Blood Donation Camp, GCET, 2009 Founder Member, Infotech, GCET, 2009

Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Uttar Pradesh Technical University (Greater Noida)


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Summer Intern Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Reviewed and benchmarked job rotation policy Created application document for 4th CII HR Excellence Award 2013 Software Engineer Infosys Ltd. (23 months) Winner, Insta Award for outstanding performance and excellent client feedback Part of the team involved in Back end implementation of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as Obama care) for US based client Responsible for analysis of the requirement, preparation of design document, coding, testing, live support Event Coordinator, Srijjan- HR Case Study Competition, Manthan, Annual Fest, HRM & LR, TISS, 2013 Member, Literary Club, JUIT, 2007-08 2nd position, Jewel Thief, inter college treasure hunt competition, JUIT, 2008

Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT) (Solan, Himachal Pradesh)

Summer Intern Accenture Accenture India BPO: Developing Next Generation Talent Management Practices Systems Engineer - Infosys Ltd. (24 Months) Worked as a Java Developer in the Financial Services and Insurance (FSI) Business vertical of Infosys Worked as a Module Lead in the development of a trading portal for NCB Capital, the investment banking arm of NCB, Saudi Arabia Secretary, Infosys Toastmasters Club, responsible for keeping accurate records of club business including correspondence with Toastmasters Internationals World Headquarters Member, Alumni Committee, HRM & LR, 2012-14 Host, EQ Leadership Summit by TISS and FEIL in association with HPCL and SHRM India, 2013 Runners-Up, Microsoft Blitzkrieg the HR Case Study Challenge, TISS, 2013 Certied Competent Leader by Toastmasters International Club, Infosys Ltd., 2012

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (Indore)

Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern Infosys Ltd. Designed and implemented on boarding program for Global Markets in Marketing and Sales Leadership program (US & EMEA) Revamped policies across Infosys with analysis on approval cascading Software Engineer Verizon (5 months) Transformed business requirements into Verizon enterprise solutions with key role in development Associate Software Engineer - Stridus InfoTech India Private Ltd. (27 months) Core member of Research and Development team under direct guidance of CTO Provided technical leadership and direction across teams, coordinating efforts with them for collaborative development Developed modeling framework along with key deliverables and accomplished the same Runners Up, ITC Interrobang Case Study Challenge, Season 3 and Regional Finalist, Deloitte Maverick Business Challenge, TISS, 2013 Member, Core Committee, College level symposium, CSEISMIC, 2009

Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science) KCG College of Technology, Anna University (Chennai)


Summer Intern ITC Ltd. Identied Organization and Employee Needs through literature review and factory visits Designed HR Systems, Processes and Policies for a New Manufacturing facility Designed the overall framework of systems/actions in the area of Employee Relations Senior Software Engineer Capgemini India Pvt Ltd. (25 months) Designed, Developed, Coded and Mapped DataStage Jobs as per the requirement of client Validated data from source to target Databases and addressed new changes and enhancements in the source systems Prepared project documents such as Overview Document and Technical Specications Organizer, National level Technical Fests, JNTU, 2006-09 Board member, Christ International Ministries, 2009 onwards

Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication) Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (Hyderabad)


Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd. Dening the Value Proposition for Global HR Operations (Shared Services Unit) Project Manager iGenero Web Solutions Private. Ltd. (9 months) Managed design, social media and web development projects Responsible for Client communication to ensure high client satisfaction necessitating a pro-active approach to need assessment and providing solutions
Bachelor of Engineering (Telecommunication) PES Institute of Technology, Visveswaraiah Technological University (Belgaum)

Systems Engineer Infosys Ltd. (22 months) Performed analysis of Supply Chain Management project solutions and application in scripting phase of SDLC Carried out scripting, defect xing and testing in Yantra/ Sterling Commerce using Yantra 8.0, HP Quality Center Member, Alumni Committee, HRM & LR, TISS 2012-14 Designed Logos, Posters and Signages, Manthan, Annual Fest, HRM & LR, TISS, 2013 Played a key role in organizing, branding and performing in 9 Indian classical music concerts across Hyderabad, 2010-12

Summer Intern Colgate Palmolive India Ltd. Designed and developed robust on-boarding for new joinees at Sanand Plant incorporating development of videos and processactivity document of Baddi plant. Probed, negotiated and nalized the contract with vendors for video shooting and scripted the entire video Systems Engineer Infosys Ltd. (20 months) Worked on .Net and SharePoint for the Baker Hughes Portal involving activities related to the up gradation, maintenance and migration of the portal from Java to SharePoint Increased efciency of the DocQuest portal by providing the robust search functionality; and storage of les on a central location Mentored and trained new joinees in the project and conducted many Knowledge transfer session Organizer of various cultural events at SGSITS, Infosys Ltd. and TISS, 2008-13 Practiced and choreographed eight dance forms, worked as an assistant trainer at Shiamak Davar Institute of performing Arts and awarded as best dance performer, 1993-2013 Authored a Research paper entitled Trace moisture sensor development for permanently shadowed craters of moon selected in National Space Science Symposium, ISRO, SGSITS, 2008
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Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) SGSITS, RGPV University (Indore)



Summer Intern Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd. Streamlined stafng processes across business groups in India to build a consistently superior candidate experience. Software Engineer Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (29 months) Provided technical leadership and direction to cross-functional teams on an outdated Mainframe Platform Provided 24*7 Technical support to the client Served as the single Point of contact between Onshore and Offshore team Involved in the Recruitment process of resources for the team
Bachelor of Technology (Electrical and Electronics) Vellore Institute of Technology (Vellore)

Volunteer, Blood Donation Camp, Christian Medical College, 2006-08 Member, Executive Committee, Riviera, Cultural Fest, VIT, 2007

Summer Intern Marico Ltd. Designed a Career Transition Program Undertook Branding and Cost Benet Analysis for program implementation Software Engineer Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (9 months) Part of TCS GE relationship in the domain of business intelligence One of the top performers in the ILP training batch, received an excellent rating Recipient, TCS Gems for outstanding performance
Bachelor of Technology (Industrial Biotechnology) SASTRA University (Tanjore)

Winner, ITC Interrobang Case Study Challenge, Season 3 and was awarded PPI, TISS, 2013 Youth Grade Violin Artiste, All India Radio, Prasar Bharati, 2005-13 Secretary, SASTRA University Department Students Association, 2010


Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern General Electric Identied skill gap and training need analysis, GE Intelligent Platforms & Home Business Solutions Developed career paths for frontline roles in Sales function, GE Intelligent Platforms Graduate Engineer Trainee Lahmeyer International India Pvt. Ltd. (11 months) Acted as Power Consultant for GMR Infrastructures 420/245/132 kV substations at Alwar and Deedwana Acted as Power Consultant for Reliances 40 MW Solar PV Power Plant (Indias Joint Largest PV power plant) at Dhursar, Rajasthan Coordinated end-to-end processes ensuring hassle-free functioning of the above projects School Secretary, School of Management and Labour Studies, TISS, 2013-14 President, IET-DTU (UK Based Technical Society), Student Chapter, Delhi College of Engineering, 2010-11

Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) Delhi College of Engineering (Delhi)

Summer Intern Medtronic Created a framework for Internal Career movement across the different job families Designed a fully automated EXCEL macro based Medtronic Trait Strength Finder tool for employee development to identify the area of focus for an individual employee Converted the Strength Finder into Smart tool that can process the history data stored on the sheet to measure the improvement or effectiveness of any intervention Assistant Systems Engineer Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (30 months) Managed offshore project delivery Organized and conducted training sessions for new recruits Received several appreciation mails from managers and client project managers Member, Virtual Collaboration project, TISS- University of Bayreuth (Germany), TISS, 2013 Member, Marketing Committee, Manthan, Annual Fest, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012

Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, University of Mumbai (Mumbai)

Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern Nestl India Conducted an internal audit on the Compliance foundation of Nestl Continuous Excellence, analyzed attendance recording systems of 7 Nestl factories and proposed solutions and streamlined the Development planning process for Nestl Nutrition Business unit Among the 3 interns to have secured a nal round Pre Placement Interview (PPI) with Nestl India Member, Virtual Collaboration project, TISS- University of Bayreuth (Germany), TISS, 2013 Hired to manage a Consulting Assignment for Marico, TISS, 2013 Awarded Gold medal for TCS Best Student Project Award out of 1800 eligible applicants across Campuses, SRM University, 2012 Played U-14 Cricket at the State Level, Madhya Pradesh, 2003

Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication) SRM University (Chennai)

Summer Intern Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Worked with the HR Service Delivery team of HUL: To improve the Service Delivery for existing HR services delivered by Accenture by bringing about a change in the processes thereby increasing efciency, reducing cost and undertaking steps to inuence user behavior; Extension of the HR services to Blue Collar workers across all HUL units Awarded a Pre-Placement Interview (PPI) from HUL Ltd. post completion of summer internship Member, Placement Committee, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-14 Campus nalists, Strike or Yield, agship IR event of Ensemble, XLRI, 2013 6th position, Gujarat State, in the Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics category in the H.S.C. Examinations and received several awards and scholarships for the same, 2008 Represented Banaskantha district in Badminton at the state level twice, 2003 (Under 14 category) and 2006 (Under 19 category) and have played several other sports at district and school level

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Engineering) Institute of Technology, Nirma University (Ahmedabad)


Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern Tata Steel Ltd. Conceptualized a novel functional competency framework for ofcers and supervisors Devised competency proling for ofcers and supervisors and competency assessment for ofcers Received letter of appreciation from Head (HR), Tata Steel Bearings Actively led a 24 member council for addressing issues pertaining to international students and directed and organized International Students Festival as Ofcer, International student council in LMU, 2011 Conceptualized and ag shipped Campus Cash program for undergraduates, initiated use of declining cash balance on student IDs for dining and retail opportunities at Moorgate, problem solving (for freshman class) through collaboration with LMU ofcials as a member, Events Ofce, 2009 Captain, Hockey and Cricket team and participated in State level Sports Competition organized by Maharashtra Sports Association at Jai Hind College and Fatima High School

Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) (International Business Management) Management London Metropolitan University (London)

Summer Intern ITC Ltd. Created an Employee Value Proposition for ABD-ILTD Developed a roadmap for social media initiatives for ABD-ILTD and provided recommendations on how to leverage social media for recruitment Member, Placement Committee, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-14 Member, College Basketball team, TISS, 2012-14 2nd Runner-up, Indo American Society Young Ambassador Award, 2011 Awarded the Best Outgoing Student (Mr K.C.), 2011-12 and the Outstanding Student Award, 2010-11 by faculty of K.C. College

Bachelor of Arts (Economics-Statistics) Kishinchand Chellaram College, University of Mumbai (Mumbai)

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Summer Intern Asian Paints Ltd. Identied the current leadership/supervision style at the plant, determined its compatibility with the characteristics of the workforce and staged an intervention with all the departments to suggest improvement potential in the current context. Member, Placement Committee, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-14 Won prizes in several quizzes organized by IIT Kharagpur, IIM Calcutta, ISI Calcutta, IIFT, NIT Durgapur, XLRI Jamshedpur, Calcutta Medical College, TISS, etc, 2008-12 Member, Organizing Committee, Young Economist Students Meet, Jadavpur University, 2011 Member, Organizing Committee, and Content Provider, Qriosity an annual quiz organized by Enquiry the quiz club of Jadavpur University, 2010-11 Won the 1st prize in Paper Presentation at Conuence - an economics summit organized by St. Xaviers College, Kolkata for a paper on the N.R.E.G.A, 2009

Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) (Economics) Jadavpur University (West Bengal)

Summer Intern Adobe Systems Set up a governance structure for a new learning program and performed Needs Analysis, collaborated with consultants in developing content of the learning modules, conceived Action Learning programs for the participants and evaluated the learning program using Kirkpatricks 4-step Evaluation method Performed Needs Analysis and was responsible for module content creation for 3 ancillary short-duration training labs along with the main learning program
Bachelor of Technology (Electronics and Communication Engineering) CVR College of Engineering, JNTU (Hyderabad)

Volunteer, Innovation Forum India, TISS, 2013 Member, Marketing Team, Manthan, Annual Fest, HRM & LR, TISS, 2013 Co-founder,, 2011 Member, Organizing Committee, Ciencia, CVR College of Engineering, 2010


Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern - Deloitte US India Pvt. Ltd. Revamped the Welcome to Deloitte program (orientation program) and was awarded the Best POV (secondary project) document award among 20 talent interns; Understood the best practices and trends to attract and engage the Gen Y through a white paper research Sports Secretary, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-14 Worked as a volunteer for TISS-LAHDC for rehabilitation work after the Ladakh oods, 2010 Member, Hockey and Football team, Hansraj College, 2007-10 National hockey player U-19 and U-14 for IPSC and Rajasthan respectively: captained the west zone U-14 hockey team at CBSE nationals at Bangalore and Chandigarh, 2003-05 Best all round sportsman (middles), Mayo College, Ajmer, 2004

Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.) Hansraj College, University of Delhi (Delhi)

Summer Intern Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd. Developed a multi-year Inclusion plan for Microsoft Sales and Marketing Services Group, India, through internal stakeholder interviews and analysis, analysis of the Diversity & Inclusion Maturity Model and status, external benchmarking of best practices, and identication of inclusive and non-inclusive behaviors and competencies Was awarded a Pre-Placement Interview (PPI) from Microsoft India post completion of summer internship Campus Brand Ambassador, RPG Group, 2013 Finalist, Strike or Yield, agship IR event of Ensemble 2013, XLRI and HR Attire, Neev 2012, SCMHRD, 2012 Volunteer, Commonwealth Games, 2010, WWF event Earth Hour 2010 and Swastayan, an NGO, 2009-12 Successfully designed and fabricated a Tadpole structure tandem tricycle in the SAE India event Efcycle 2010

Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical and Automation) Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (Delhi)

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Summer Intern Vodafone India Ltd. To prepare a blueprint on social media presence, impact and resourcing approach of Vodafone India Ltd. and was also involved in implementing a researched and refreshed Employee Referral mechanism in place Class Representative, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-14 Represented TISS in Premier 30 League Tree, conducted by Hindustan Unilever Ltd., as one of Indias Top 30 Student Leaders, 2013 Secured 1st Rank in Semester I, HRM&LR, TISS, 2012 Recipient of Eight Gold Medals for academic excellence in different subjects including a gold medal for securing 1st Rank in agriculture across University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, 2008-12 Recipient of National Talent Scholarship from Indian Council of Agriculture Research, Government of India, New Delhi, 2008-12

Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences (Dharwad)

Summer Intern Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Worked on multiple projects which included a Reaching for the stars in Learning program which focused on creating a Brand Value and Identity for learning, creating communication packs for different target groups and proposing a framework for the transfer of learning related to leadership programs; involved in increasing the value proposition for IITians for the Supply Chain roles in the company; and proposed a framework for transfer of learning related to leadership programs Awarded a Pre Placement Offer (PPO) from HUL Ltd. post the summer internship
Bachelor of Science (Hons.) (Statistics) St. Xaviers College, University Of Calcutta (Kolkata)

Treasurer, Students Union, TISS, 2013-14 2nd rank, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-13 Organized multiple events such as Global Innovation Forum India, 2012, SXC Alumni Associations Beyond Barriers Chapter Eleven 2011, a panel discussion by Aasra-Kolkata 2010, The Telegraph Merchants Cup 2009, NSS Shishu Mela, 2009 Presented two papers, 98th Indian Science Congress, Chennai, 2011


Final Placements 2012-14



Summer Intern Standard Chartered Structured the Wellness agenda for the Bank, prepared detailed RFPs for comparison of vendors, negotiated with all the stakeholders and short listed vendors for the EAP and a TPA, and prepared a cost benet analysis of the same and recommended changes Member, Core Committee, responsible for Manthan, and organizing the HRM & LR Forum, TISS, 2012-14 Logistics Coordinator, EQ Leadership Summit by HPCL and Global Innovation Forum India, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-13 Coordinator, annual college departmental fest, Exuberance, and organised a stock market simulation in which over 70 teams participated from over 12 colleges, SGGSCC, 2008-11 Awarded the distinctive Scholar Badge for being in the merit list for six consecutive years, Kulachi Hansraj Model School, 2006

Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) (Business Economics) Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University Of Delhi (Delhi)

Summer Intern Bharti Airtel Identied Employee Value Propositions (EVPs) for four functions (sales, marketing, nance and CSD) and prepared Video JDs having these EVPs Conducted a Theoretical study on how to leverage social media and made recommendations on branding via increased social media presence with a focused study on how to exploit LinkedIn groups Member, Virtual Collaboration project, TISS- University of Bayreuth (Germany), TISS, 2013 Best Entry, Article Writing, Marketing Magazine, IIM Shillong, 2013 Certicate for successfully doing Bungee Jump from height of 83 m, 2013 Member, Peer Support Group, Centre for Life-Long Learning, TISS, 2012-13

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) G.H.Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Sardar Patel University (Anand)

Final Placements 2012-14




Summer Intern ITC Ltd. Created a diversity framework and implemented a roadmap for ITC ABD ILTD; Identied and froze diversity dimensions, studied literature and best practices across organizations, interacted with key stake holders, created a feasible framework and developed an implementation roadmap Member, Organizing Committee, Dakshya- an Industrial Relations Event, Manthan, Annual Fest, HRM & LR, TISS, 2013-14 Awarded certicate of excellence in Advanced Computer Training organized by TCS Maitree, 2012 Organized, supervised and trained a group of visually challenged girls in computer skills, 2011-12 Won a number of accolades in debating, quizzing, car rally and performed plays across India including Prithvi Theater Mumbai, 2008-12 Awarded the most Hard-working Student, Carmel Convent Senior Secondary School, 2008

Bachelor of Commerce Sarojini Naidu Govt. Girls Post Graduate (autonomous) College, Barkatullah University (Bhopal)

Summer Intern Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Studied the Leadership Pipeline Project and Visioning Process of HPCL Authored articles for Burning Feathers, A Narrative of Patriarchy ISBN: 978-93-5067-066-8, 2012 Completed a 120-hour certicate course in Legal Literacy, conducted by the National Law School of India University at St. Josephs College Bangalore, 2012 Volunteered for the National Service Scheme, 2011-12 Member of college football team that won the Champions Trophy at VIE and nished runners-up at the Rotary Indira Nagar Inter Collegiate Football Tournament, Bangalore, 2011-12 Participated in a month-long programme on Employable Skills Development, 2009

Bachelor of Arts (Industrial Relations, Economics, Sociology) St Josephs College, Bangalore University (Bangalore)


Final Placements 2012-14




Summer Intern Tata Steel Ltd. Worked on facilitating the outsourcing of canteen facilities of 19 canteens of Tata Steel to an external vendor after thorough cost analysis, one-on-one interviews with all the stake holders and benchmarking the canteen facilities at other manufacturing companies in Jamshedpur; and Designed an Assessment Centre on behavioural competencies for Management trainees at Tata Steel, Jamshedpur Member, Students Event Committee, Manthan, Annual Fest, HRM & LR, TISS, 2012-14 Member Coordinator, The EQ Leadership Summit organized by the Forum for Emotional Intelligence in Leadership, TISS, 2013 Coordinator, Arox, Alumni Meet, St. Xaviers College, 2010-11 Coordinator, Xavierotsav, Annual Fest, St. Xaviers College, 2009-11 Organizer, Annual Sports Meet, Jawahar Vidya Mandir, 2006

Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.) (Accountancy) St. Xaviers College, University of Ranchi (Ranchi)

Final Placements 2012-14



Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Bino Paul G.D. Email: Phone: 022 2552 5804 Placement Committee: Akhila Babu: 91676 81672 Email: Anurag Saha: 99875 07410 Email: Kushal Bhat: 98677 20087 Email: Meghna Menon: 96194 77812 Email: Prateek: 84510 30502 Email: Srinidhi Ramesh: 77386 15981 Email: Email: /

Final Placements 2012-14


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