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Anne Frank Research Use the following websites to make notes on the following questions; you will need

this information to help you write a biography on Anne Frank. !":#$/!/Anne_Fra nk.htm'frankA.htm http://www.woodlands()*omework/war/annefrank.html !. +hen , where was Anne Frank born.. +hat was her sister called. +hat year did the Frank family lea/e %ermany , where do they go-

$. +hy did they lea/e-

#. 0n !1$2 life for 3ewish people changed4 how and why-

". *ow old was Anne when she had her diary for her birthday5. +hen did the Frank family do into hiding and why-

6. +hat did Anne take with her-

1. +here did they hide-


+ho else hid there with the Frank family-

!!. !.. ! .

*ow long did they hide for+hen were they disco/ered+hat happened to them when they were found-


+hat happened to Anne7s mother-


+hat happened to Anne and her sister-

Any other notes you think may be useful

Anne Frank Use the following websites to make notes on the following questions; you will need this information to help you write a biography on Anne Frank. !":#$/!/Anne_Fra nk.htm'frankA.htm http://www.woodlands()*omework/war/annefrank.html !. +hen , where was Anne Frank born !.th 8ay !1.1 Frankfurt %ermany .. +hat was her sister called8argot . +hat year did the Frank family lea/e %ermany , where do they go!1 4 Amsterdam4 *olland

$. +hy did they lea/eAdolf *itler had become 9hancellor of %ermany in !1 and belie/ed 3ewish people to be inferior; he started sending 3ewish people to concentration camps. #. 0n !1$2 life for 3ewish people changed4 how and why3ewish people were persecuted4 :hey had to wear a " pointed yellow start to identify them :hey were not allowed to tra/el on trams :hey had bicycles taken off them :hey could only shop in 3ewish shop between and # pm 9hildren were only allowed to go to 3ewish schools :hey had to be indoors by 6pm ". *ow old was Anne when she had her diary for her birthday!

5. +hen did the Frank family do into hiding and why0n !1$. after 8argot had a call up notice 6. +hat did Anne take with hera. b. c. d. e. f. *air curlers *andkerchiefs ;chool books 9omb <ld letters *er diary

1. +here did they hide0n the attic of a building where 8r Frank had an office4 o/er looking the canal !2. +ho else hid there with the Frank family:he =ann >aan family ?! son , cat@ Albert >ussel ?dentist@ !!. .yrs !.. *ow long did they hide for+hen were they disco/ered-

!1$$ August ! . +hat happened to them when they were found:hey were arrested and sent to a concentration camp in *olland. Aater they were transferred to AuschwitB in Coland. !$. +hat happened to Anne7s mother-

;he died of star/ation !#. +hat happened to Anne and her sister-

:hey died in !1$# of :yphus

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