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Chapter 4 Requirements Modeling

1. When studying an information system, you should collect examples of actual documents using a process called_______. a. sampling b. polling c. asking d. surveying 2. In_______ brainstorming, each participant speaks when it his or her turn, or passes. a. unstructured b. structured c. random d. systematic 3. This chapter describes_______, which involves fact-finding to describe the current system and identification of the requirements for the new system, such as outputs, processes, performance and security. a. output design b. requirements modeling c. requirements design d. output modeling 4. _______refers to hardware, software, and procedural controls that safeguard and protect the system and its data from internal or external threats. a. Monitoring b. Security c. Performance d. Output 5._______is a user-oriented technique for fact-finding and requirements modeling. Because it is linked to a specific development methodology, systems developers use this whenever group input and interaction are desired. a. SAD b. JAD c. FAD d. GAD 6. The end product of _______is the new information system a. JAD b. RAD c. both a and b d. neither a nor b 7. The _______ phase resembles the final tasks in the SDLC implementation phase, including data conversion, testing, changeover to the new system, and user training. a. documentation b. cutover c. expansion d. evaluation 8. In a use case diagram, the user becomes a(an)________, with a specific role that describes how he or she interacts with the system. a. model b. actor c. singer d. performer

9. The department head must enter overtime hours on a separate screen is an example of a(n) _______ a. output b. Input c. processes d. performance 10. _______questions responses. a. Open-ended c. Range-of-response encourage spontaneous and unstructured

b. Closed-ended d. Leading

11. A _______sample would select any 20 customers from a list. a. random b. systematic c. stratified d. structured 12. A popular refers to u opportunity, or a. researching method of obtaining input is called_______, which small group discussion of e specic problem, issue. b. brainstorming c. planning d. questioning

13. _______refer to electronic or printed information produced by the system. a. Outputs b. Inputs c. Processes d. Performance 14. _______analysis identies the data owing into a process, the business rules that transform the data, and the resulting output date flow. a. Structured b. Data c. Enterprise d. Process 15. While JAD typically focuses only on fact-nding and requirements determination, _______ provides a fast-track approach to a full spectrum of system development tasks, including planning, design, construction and implementation. a. SAD b. RAD c. GAD d. FAD 16. The RAD model consists of four phases that does NOT include____. a. cutover b. user design c. construction d. long-term planning 18. A _______diagram shows the timing of interactions between object as they occur. a. progress b. process c. sequence d. output

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