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Question Excerpt

1. Marie Osmond lost 50 pounds on Nutri-System. She goes on TV to tell us. This is an example of
A.testimonial B.appeal to fear C.plain folks 2. A commercial for Pepsi has a slogan "the choice of a new generation". This implies that everyone who wants to be part of something new and special should drink Pepsi. This is an example of what technique? A.bandwagon B.misuse of statistics C.testimonial 3. The commercial features a family at Christmas. One of the sons is coming home from a long trip to Africa. He arrives to the smell of Flogers coffee. The commercial makes the audience feel good and associate that feeling with the product. This is an example of A.hyperbole B.loaded words C.transfer 4. All of Mrs. Hall's English II classes have scored above the state average for the past three years. Mrs. Hall's English I classes will score above the state average this year as well. This is an example of what kind of reasoning? A.Inductive B.deductive C.reasonable 5. Shout it from the highest mountain tops or from the depths of the ocean... this would be exaggeration for effect called... hominem B.hyperbole C.alliteration 6. When your logic is faulty because you start with an idea that is false or inaccurate you call that using a A.logistical nightmare B.logical fallacy C.deductive reasoning 7. It is raining so hard that I left my umbrella at home. Example of ? A.non sequitur B.transfer C.bandwagon 8. Many speakers use ____________________ to create a musical sound and emphasize their point. It is the repeating of the beginning consonant sound of a word. A.assonance B.alliteration C.onomatopoeia 9. In a speech at a convention, the speaker pointed out the effects of the company's efforts to "go green." He pointed out that their efforts had resulted in an energy savings of 15% for the company. What is the likely structure of this speech? A.cause/effect B.sequential C.problem/solution 10. A magazine ad for perfume features Scarlett Johannsen in a beautiful gown in front of a fountain in Rome. A limosine is picking her up. The persuasive technique being used here is A.plain folks calling C.snob appeal 11. The speaker refers to the Gettysburg Address when he says "five score". This is an example of A.illusion B.referring reference C.allusion 12. All blue cars are slow. Jeff's car is blue. Therefore Jeff's car is slow. This is what kind of reasoning? A.deductive B.inductive C.non-sensical

13. The new vitamins are supposed to give 100% protection from heart attacks and strokes. However, the studies
are not named and they are not government approved. This would be A.simile B.plain folks C.misuse of statistics 14. Don't trust that guy with your heating and air conditioning. He is ugly. This is an example of A.transfer hominem C.false dilemma 15. The speaker continues, "We know we have achieved freedom. We have come a long way. Do we ever want to go back?" The crowd knows the answer but the speaker is not expecting a repsonse. He asked a ______________ question. A.stupid C.rhetorical 16. If you buy that dress, you might get too cold. If you get too cold, you might get sick and have to go to the hospital. If you go to the hospital, you might get a bad infection and die. So you better not buy that dress.This is an example of the logical fallacy of A.non sequitur B.slippery slope hominem 17. You are either for me or against me. There is no other choice. Which logical fallacy is this? A.false dilemma B.appeal to fear hominem 18. The speaker was addressing a group of children. He made sure to mention things that they would like such as fun, candy, and video games. This is the persuasive technique of A.loaded words B.pop culture C.underhanded persuasion

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