DP - Day 4

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Contents 1) Planning Area

Maintain Key Figures, Aggregation, Locking and Initialization (active)

2) Planning Books
Setup, selections ( nivariate, pro!o"), #ata $ie%s, Au&iliary Key 'igures( AP)#P#A*+ (aggregation)

5) Planning Area
Planning areas are the central data structures for Demand Planning and Supply Network Planning. The planning area specifies the following: Unit of measure in which data is planned Currency in which data is planned (optional Currency con!ersion type for !iewing planning data in other currencies (optional Storage "uckets profile that determines the "uckets in which data is stored in this planning area #ggregate le!els on which data can "e stored in addition to the lowest le!el of detail in order to enhance performance $ey figures that are used in this planning area Settings that determine how each key figure is disaggregated% aggregated% and sa!ed The assignment of key figures to aggregates

Configuration: S#P menu & #d!anced Planning and 'ptimi(ation & Demand Planning ) *n!ironment ) #dministration of Demand Planning and Supply Network Planning Transaction Code: +S#P#P'+,SDP-#D,.N

Steps to Create:


'nce it is sa!ed then we need to acti!ate the planning area as follows and *0ecute.

,SAPAP),MS#P-A#MI* . Ad!inistration o' #e!and Planning and Supply *et%ork Planning

Please note, Start #ate s/ould 0e 1years Past and 2nd #ata s/ould 0e a'ter 1years 'uture3


*ote4 Be'ore creating t/e ti!e series to planning area, %e need to !aintain so!e 5$56s in MP)S3

*0ecute. See now Planning #rea will "e 1reen. #CT./*.

2inally Planning #rea Status should "e 1reen.

6) Planning Books:
# planning "ook determines the content and layout of the interacti!e planning screen. 3ou use planning "ooks in Supply Network Planning and Demand Planning. They allow you to design the screen to suit indi!idual users4 planning tasks. # planning "ook is "ased on a planning area. There is no restriction on the num"er of planning "ooks you can ha!e for a planning area. 5ithin a planning "ook% you can also define one or more !iews. /iews allow you% for instance% to tailor the information displayed for !arious users (for e0ample% to display different key figures for different users

Configuration: S#P menu & #d!anced Planning and 'ptimi(ation & Demand Planning ) *n!ironment ) Current Settings & Define Planning 6ook Transaction Code: +S#P#P'+SDP76 Steps to Create:

Select the Create 6utton

8efer the Planning #rea and Select the Uni!ariate Profile(To Display the .con in .nteracti!e Planning "oard Ta"le and ,anual Proportion ,aintenance(#P'DPD#NT ) #ggregation and Dis #ggregation

Select the necessary $ey 2igures with the help of

#nd Characteristics

Use the Planning Buckets (Maintain +i!e 0ucket pro'ile #P, S*P) %/ic/ /ave already


Select the Complete.

Use this 'ption to create the #u0iliary $ey 2igures creation (2or calculation purpose only

#P'DPD#NT ) #ggregation 9 Dis #ggregation purpose. See the detail to dou"le click the Proportional 2actor

#nd create the 5**$ data !iew also.

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