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Dhaka International University

Department of Law LL.B (Hons) (Evening) Batch: 3 (B) Semester: 4 Session: 2 !"2 #

%ourse &lan for Law on Inter!retation of Statutes and the $eneral %lauses 'ct( )*+,
$o%rse &nstr%ctor:

Md. RaisuL Islam Sourav

Lect%rer Department of Law

E"mai': B'og: www.legalviewsofsourav. logs! $o%rse materia'(s) ma( avai'a)'e at htt!" $oals of the %ourse" *he goa's of this co%rse are to provi+e st%+ents with an intro+%ction to the techni,%es to constr%e Stat%tes an+ +eve'op their conception on the -enera' $'a%ses .ct/ 0!#1. &t wi'' a'so provi+e )ac2gro%n+ 2now'e+ge to ena)'e so%n+ an+ pr%+ent +ecisions when +ea'ing with constr%ction of Stat%tes 3 the -enera' $'a%ses .ct/ 0!#1.

Learning -utcomes" B( the en+ of the co%rse/ it is e4pecte+ that the st%+ent wi'' )e a)'e to: 0. 5n+erstan+ an+ imp'ement the 2e( approaches/ r%'es/ princip'es/ +efinitions to constr%e a Stat%te6 2. .ppreciate the f%n+amenta's of the -enera' $'a%ses .ct/ 0!#1. Methods of Instruction" 7etho+s of instr%ction ma( inc'%+e/ )%t are not 'imite+ to: 0. Lect%res an+ %s%a' ai+s6 2. Disc%ssion an+ pro)'em so'ving performe+ in c'ass6 3. 8%i9 an+ e4amination review performe+ in c'ass6 4. :ptiona' materia's given )( the $o%rse &nstr%ctor6 ;. -%est spea2er(s) (if possi)'e) etc. .Students are highly encouraged to !artici!ate in class and also encouraged to discuss their difficulties with the concern Mentor./ Lecture 0our1s2" 2 Ho%rs<=ee2 %ontent1s2 -utline" Lecture 3)" &ntro+%ctor( +isc%ssion an+ an overview on &nterpretation of Stat%tes an+ the -enera' $'a%ses .ct/ 0!#16 Lecture 34" Definition of &nterpretation/ >ecessit( of interpretation/ Do ?%+ges ma2e 'aw )( interpretation@ $onf'ict )etween 'egis'ative 3 A%+iciar(6 Lecture 35" Different .pproaches to interpretation/ -enera' Brincip'es of &nterpretation6 Lecture 36" Litera' r%'e6 Lecture 37" 7ischief r%'e6 Lecture 38" -o'+en C%'e6 Lecture 3," C%'e of Harmonio%s $onstr%ction/ B%rposive approach6 Lecture 3*" 5nifie+ conte4t%a' approach 3 rest of the approaches6 Lecture 3+" &nterna' 3 E4terna' ai+s to constr%ction/ C%'es of 'ang%age6 2

Lecture )3" %lass 9est 3) Lecture ))" 7a4ims of &nterpretation6 Lecture )4" &nterpretation of $onstit%tiona' Law6 Lecture )5" &nterpretation of Bena' 'aws6 Lecture )6" &nterpretation of *a4 'aws6 Lecture )7" &nterpretation of $ontract6 Lecture )8" &nterpretation of Dee+s 3 Doc%ments6 Lecture )," &nterpretation of &nternationa' 'aws6 Lecture )*" &nterpretation of Specia' 'aws6 Lecture )+" :)Aect/ nat%re/ scope 3 app'ication of the -enera' $'a%ses .ct 0!#1/ -enera' Definitions6 Lecture 43" Cest of the +efinitions/ -enera' r%'es of constr%ction6 Lecture 4)" -enera' r%'es of constr%ction (Cest portion)6 Lecture 44" Bowers 3 D%nctionaries6 Lecture 45" Bowers 3 D%nctionaries (Cest portion)6 Lecture 46" Brovisions as to :r+ers/ C%'es etc.6 Lecture 47" %lass 9est 34: Lecture 48" Brovisions as to :r+ers/ C%'es etc. (Cest portion)6 Lecture 4," 7isce''aneo%s6 Lecture 4*" Cest of the re'evant matter(s)6 Lecture 4+" Bro)'em so'ving 3 Cevision: Lecture 53" En+ing +isc%ssion re'ating to the co%rse. .;.<" Re=uired num er of cases will e discussed with related to!ic1s2: 9his content1s2 is su >ect to change y the concern Lecturer./ ?valuation &rocess 1marks2" 0. $'ass performance/ Barticipation: ; 2. Bresentation/ $'ass atten+ance: ; 3. $'ass *est (2): 2 4. 7i+"term E4am: 2 ;. Semester Dina' E4am: ; *ota': 0 3

Learning Resources" ). Inter!retation of Statutes and Documents@ Mahmudul Islam: 2. &nterpretation of Stat%tes" 7a4we''6 3. &nterpretation of Stat%tes" > S Bin+ra6 4. &nterpretation of Stat%tes" C D Srivastava6 7. 'iner <akkha - $eneral %lauses 'ct@ Md. 'khtaruAAaman 1<angla2: E. *he -enera' $'a%ses .ct/ 0!#1: DLC6 1. *he -enera' $'a%ses .ct/ 0!#1: . 7aim6 !. *he -enera' $'a%ses .ct/ 0!#1: > S Bin+ra6 #. Lega' 7a4ims: Broom6 0 . St%+(ing Law: Simon .s2e( 3 &an 7c'eo+6 00. Eng'ish Lega' S(stem: -ar( S'apper. $opies of re'evant han+o%ts ma( provi+e perio+ica''( thro%gho%t the $o%rse. It is the res!onsi ility of concern students to take all necessary lecture notes in addition to the information !rovided y the concern %ourse Instructor.

Designe+ B(: Md. RaisuL Islam Sourav

Lect%rer Department of Law

E"mai': B'og: www.legalviewsofsourav. logs!

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