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Types of Conflicts O O O O Approach(+) Approach(+) conflict Approach(+) Avoidance(-) conflict Avoidance(-) Avoidance(-) conflict Multiple conflicts

Frustrations and Conflicts Frustration O O A negative emotional state that occurs when one is prevented from reaching a goal It is associated with motivation since we wont be frustrated if we were not motivated to achieve a goal. Sources of Frustrations 1. Physical Environment- calamities, earthquake, landslide, tsunami. 2. Social Environment- laws, customs and traditions, superstitious beliefs. 3. The Organism Itself- disabilities Responses to Frustration O Defense Mechanism - manners in which we behave or think in certain ways to better protect or defend ourselves. Defense mechanisms are one way of looking at how people distance themselves from a full awareness of unpleasant thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Responses to Frustrations O O O Aggressive Reactions Withdrawal Reactions Compromise Reactions

Aggressive Reaction O O Overt expression of frustration can be directed to the source of frustration or displaced. Displaced Aggression: O O Withdrawal Reactions O Withdrawal from frustrating situation; maybe in the form of physical flight or retreating within the shell of psychological defense. Withdrawal Reaction Scapegoating Free-floating


Beatnik Reaction Stands apart from society & avoids most responsibilities of a citizen. Repression- the process of excluding from the consciousness a thought or feeling that causes pain, shame and guilt.

Apathy a response to a frustrating situation is the opposite of active aggression. Instead of being destructive and hostile, the individual may show apathy, indifference or inactivity.


Fixation tendency to repetitive, stereotyped behavior. (thumbsucking or stuttering) Identification similar to fantasy in nature. One takes on the characteristics of another person & thereby enhances elf-esteem.

Regression- when a frustrated individual unconsciously seeks to return to an earlier, more secure period of his life.

Compromise Reaction O In many life situations, frustrations cannot be reduced by either aggressive or withdrawal reactions but only by compromise; an individual partially gives in to threats that the frustration implies. There is a lowering of ambition. Compromise Reactions O Reaction Formation People may disguise their motivation by believing that their motive is exactly the opposite. O O O Projection individual directs these aggressive feelings towards others rather than himself. Sublimation drive is redirected towards socially accepted forms of expression. Compensation- to disguise or cover up felt deficiencies or undesirable traits by emphasizing a desirable type of behavior. O Rationalization process of interpreting behavior in ways more acceptable to the self by using reasoning or alibis to substitute for the causes. O O O Sweet lemon Sour grapes

If defense mechanism are succesful, they would persist. They can provide a protective armor while learning more mature and realistic ways of solving problems. However, defense mechnism can also fail to provide satisfactory adjustment. The person can defends on defense mechanism for protection may never be forced to learn more mature ways of behaving.

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