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Title of Paper

First Author1,2, Next Author1 & Last Author2 Author Address Author Address Email: Email Address
2 1

Abstract. Use 10 pt Times font for body of the text with one spacing between lines, and 12 pt spacing for the next heading !eft and right indent 0 "cm #aximum length 200 words Ke words! use 10 pt; lower case; italic; Times; write alphabetically in 5-10 words.


The section title use 12 pt, bold, Times, title case with $ pt spacing to the body text Use 12 pt Times for body of the text with one spacing between lines, 12 pt spacing between paragraph and 1% pt spacing for the next heading 1 To set the style, simply use this template and follow the instructions on section 2 2 $t le a#d For%atti#&

This template already set the style and formatting for the paper, so you can use those styles by typing the style name on the st le box as shown in the figure below:

The styles used in this paper are:

1 2 ' ( " $ ) % ,

Title, for paper&s title Author, for author&s name Address, for author&s address Abstract, for abstract 'eadi#& 1, for section title 'eadi#& 2, for sub section title 'eadi#& (, ), *, +, ,, -, . for the next sub * sub+section title Text, for body text /0uatio# and /#u%eratio#

-or typing footnote, simply choose Insert Footnote on the menu bar, it numbered automatically

10 Fi&ure, for figure caption 11 Table, for table caption 12 1efere#ce, for references 1' Ac2#owled&e, for .eferences and Ac/nowledgement header


3athe%atical For%ulatio#

E0uation should be type with indent 1 2) pt, and numbered consecuti1ely starting with 213 set flush right To set the style, type E uation in the st le box 4ut this style only set the tab stop position To put the e0uation on the right place 5ust press tab button one time And to type the e0uation number, press tab button once again from the right side of the e0uation
!2 + y2 = "2 213


$ectio# a#d $ub4sectio# Title

6ust type #eading 1 for section title, #eading $ for sub section title, and #eading % for sub sub+section title The number will set automatically 2.1.2 Fi&ures a#d Tables

All figures and tables should be centered and numbered consecuti1ely


Fi&ure 1 Type Figure in style box The caption should be typed in lower case 7hoose center if the caption fit on one line Table 1
No 1 2 ' ( "

8ummary of physical parameters

$e&%e#ts A+4 4+7 7+9 9+E E+Le#&th


2" )" 1" (( )" )2 " 21 2"

'0 10 "0 10 10

( etc )


#aximum length of article is + pa&es including all pictures, tables, nomenclature, references,

No%e#clature 5if #ecessar 6

!ist the nomenclature in alphabetical order !ist .oman letters followed by ;ree/ symbols followed by subscript and superscripts
& 'd fe (i < < < < < < Amplitude drag coefficient lineari=ation coefficient modification factor wa1e number 7omplex wa1e number


>ithin the text, references should be cited by gi1ing last name of the author2s3 and the order number in the reference as: >hitson ?1@ has studied * the resulting e0uation is ?2@:
! y + = r2 ( ,
2 2


Aote that in the case of three or more authors, only the last name of the first author is cited and the others are denoted by et al The same rule is also hold for header title in e1en page Use the same typeface as the body of the text for the references, or 5ust type )eference in style box Examples are: ?1@ ?2@ ?'@ ?(@ 8utasurya, ! A B .iyanto, 4 , Title of *aper, Aame of 6ournal, -2(3, pp 20+2", 1,,, 26ournal3 8utasurya, ! A , Cando5o, A B .iyanto, 4 , Title of boo+, 2nd ed , Dublisher, "+10, 1,,, 24oo/3 >illiams, 6 , ,ame of *aper, Aame of 4oo/, Aame of the editor2s3 2ed2s3 3, Dublisher, pp $)+$,, 2001 24oo/ with paper title and editor3 >illiams, 6 , Title of paper- in Aame of Droc , Aame of the editor2s3 2ed2s3 3, pp "+10, 200( 27onference Droceedings3

?"@ ?$@

Aame of the author2s3, Title of paper 2if a1ailable3, Ergani=ation, U.! !in/, 21 April 1,,,3 2U.! !in/3 .ashid, ! , Title of .issertation, Dh9 dissertation, Aame of 9ept , Aame of Uni1 , 7ity, 1,,) 2Thesis or 9issertation3 3a#uscript 8o#te#t

The contents of the paper should be in the following order:

1 2 ' ( " $ ) Title of Daper Author names and affiliation Abstract 4ody of the text 2:ntroduction *** 7onclusion3 Ac/nowledgements Aomenclature .eferences

Article is written on one side of good 0uality of A( papers

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