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Service Marketing Project Report On Caf Coffee Day

Submitted by :- Nandita Sadani Enrollment No. :- A30601909048

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

Marketing strategies are metho s !o""o#e $% most s&''ess!&" an #e"" kno#n 'om(anies to im(ro)e their s'o(e in an% market* It is a means $% #hi'h #e etermine #hether one 'om(an% is $etter than the other or not* +oo 'hains are a gro#ing in &str% in the mo ern #or" #ith an in'rease in the n&m$er o! #orking ho&rs o! the a)erage #orking (erson* Hen'e, e)en !oo 'hains nee to im(ro)e their marketing strategies to a((ea" to the mi "e,'"ass 'ons&mer* The main aim o! this (ro-e't is to make the rea er &n erstan the )ario&s strategies !o""o#e $% !oo 'om(anies to im(ro)e their s'o(e on the 'ons&mer an to a a((ea" to their $ran as a #ho"e $% $eing 'reati)e an &ni.&e* Here I am going to ta"k a$o&t the Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% as a ser)i'e in &str%* The Strengths, 0eakness, O((ort&nit% an Threats o! Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%* The En)ironment, Com(etitors et' o! Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%* The ser)i'e $"&e (rint o! Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%* The )ario&s te'hni.&es !o""o#e $% Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% ha)e $een "iste in this (ro-e't in an eas% an &n erstan a$"e manner* The 'ontents o! this (ro-e't !o'&s on the marketing strategies an te'hni.&es &se $% Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% to make it s&'h a g"o$a" $ran #ith &ni)ersa" a((ea"*


A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

"A#$E %F %N"EN"S
S. No. 1. (. (.1 (.( (.3 (.4 (.) 3. 3.1 3.( 3.3 3.4 3.6 4. 4.1 4.( 4.3 ) ).1 ).( ontent& E3e'&ti)e S&mmar% In &str% ana"%sis C&rrent tren s in the in &str% Ro"es o! te'hno"og% Ma-or ("a%ers Com(etition Tangi$i"it% s(e'tr&m T%(i'a" Ser)i'e O!!ering C&stomer:s e3(e'tations B&n "e o! $ene!its T%(i'a" ser)i'e (er!orman'e o! !irms Ser)i'es .&a"it% imensions C&stomer;s in)o")ement in the ser)i'e e"i)er% Ser)i'e B"&e(rint Ser)i'e en'o&nters = moments o! tr&th >a"&e o! $"&e(rinting Learning !orm this e3er'ise 2h%si'a" E)i en'e Ro"es o! ser)i'es'a(e ("a% in this in &str% As(e'ts o! ser)i'es'a(e in!"&en'ing the ser)i'e e"i)er% (ro'ess 0i" Car 2ri'ing 2romotion 2"a'e 2eo("e 2ro'ess 2ositioning Distri$&tion 2ro'ess In &str% Se'tion S0OT Ana"%sis 2orters +i)e +or'es Mo e" Con'"&sion an Re'ommen ations Bi$"iogra(h% Pa'e No. 4,5 6 ,78 74 74 74 , 75 76 , 19 19 17 17 , 11 18 , 15 16 16 , 1< 1< 1? 1@ 1@ , 87 87 81 81 A 88 88 A 84

6. 6.1 6.( 6.3 6.4 6.) 6.6 6.* *. *.1 *.( 8. 9.

85 85 , 8< 8< 8? 8? 8? 8@ 49 49 A 47 41 , 48 44 45

1. E+E ,"-.E S,//AR0


A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

ANA$0S-S %F "1E %FFEE #AR -N2,S"R0 Co!!ee has $een aro&n in In ia sin'e the 7<th 'ent&r%* Ho#e)er, 'o!!ee rinking has

tra itiona""% $een "arge"% restri'te to omesti' 'ons&m(tion, an most"% in the So&th In ian states o! Tami" Na &, Barnataka, Bera"a an An hra 2ra esh* Co!!ee has $een aro&n in In ia sin'e the 7<th 'ent&r%* Ho#e)er, 'o!!ee rinking has tra itiona""% $een "arge"% restri'te to omesti' 'ons&m(tion, an most"% in the So&th In ian states o! Tami" Na &, Barnataka, Bera"a an An hra 2ra esh* "1E * P3S %F /AR4E"-N5 /-+ 2ro &'t , (ri'e , ("a'e , (romotion , (ro'ess , (eo("e , (h%si'a" e)i en'e 'onstit&te the < 2:s * A"" the 2:s are es'ri$e in etai" in the (ro-e't* SER.- E #$,EPR-N" Ser)i'e $"&e(rints nee to es'ri$e time in a ser)i'e* This in'"& es the se.&en'e o! e)ents o! a ser)i'e e3(erien'e, its &rations an timings* A $"&e(rint sho&" gra(hi'a""% es'ri$e this time e"ement* A se.&en'e o! e)ents , sometimes 'a""e &se 'ases or !"o#s , is re"ati)e"% eas% to $"&e(rint as it 'an $e re(resente in a "inear !"o# i enti!%ing &ser a'tions, ser)i'e res(onses an the to&'h (oints or inter!a'es that ena$"e the ser)i'e re"ationshi(* Se.&en'es $e'ome 'ha""enge #hen there are m&"ti("e o(tions or ire'tions an #hen the ("anne (ro'ess goes a#r%* SER.- ES APE Ser)i'es'a(e ma% $e "ikene to C"an s'a(eC* It in'"& es !a'i"ities e3terior D"an s'a(e, e3terior esign, signage, (arking, s&rro&n ing en)ironmentE an !a'i"ities interior Dinterior esign F e'or, e.&i(ment, signage, "a%o&t, air .&a"it%, tem(erat&re an am$ian'eE*


A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

Ser)i'es'a(e a"ong #ith other tangi$"es "ike $&siness 'ar s, stationer%, $i""ing statements, re(orts, em("o%ee ress, &ni!orms, $ro'h&res, #e$ (ages an )irt&a" ser)i'es'a(e !orms the C2h%si'a" E)i en'eC in marketing o! ser)i'es* 2h%si'a" e)i en'e 'onsists o! ser)i'es'a(e 'om$ine #ith the tangi$"e e"ements, so ser)i'es'a(e is a (art o! (h%si'a" e)i en'e* S6%" Analy&i& It te""s a$o&t the strengths, #eakness, o((ort&nities an threats o! the in &str%* The strengths an #eakness are interna" an the o((ort&nities an threats are e3terna"* ANA$0S-S %F AF7 %FFEE 2A0 Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% (ioneere the 'a!/ 'on'e(t in In ia in 7@@6 #ith the ina&g&ration o! its !irst o&t"et in Banga"ore* CCD sa# the (otentia" o! the %o&th market an em$arke on a %nami' -o&rne% to $e'ome the "argest organiGe retai" 'a!/ 'hain #ith a istin't $ran i entit% o! its o#n* Thro&gh the assignment, #e #o&" St& % the marketing Mi3 a o(te $% 'a!/ mo'ha* Their target a& ien'e an market (ositioning


A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day (. -N2,S"R0 ANA$0S-S

In hos(ita"it% in &str% there is m&'h kin o! o&t"ets "ike hote"s an resorts, resta&rants, $ar, 'o!!ee sho( these are the ("a'e is ser)ing !oo an $e)erage here I am going to gi)e m% resear'h a$o&t 'o!!ee sho(s #hi'h (ro)i ing "ike hot an #arm 'o!!ees an .&i'k $ites to the '&stomers* I i m% resear'h #ork on In ian 'o!!ee sho( 'om(an% #ho ha)ing more than @99 'a!/ in @7 ma-or 'ities in In ia an o&tsi e In ia* The #or" 'o!!ee (ro &'tion in the 'o!!ee %ear 199@,79 is estimate to $e 718*6 mi""ion $ags signi!%ing a e'"ine o! o)er 4*5 mi""ion $ags in the CY 199?,9@ #hen (ro &'tion tota"e at 71?*1 mi""ion $ags* This is re)ea"e in a re(ort o! Internationa" Co!!ee OrganiGation market re(ort !or Han&ar% 1979 e3'"& ing a itiona" in!ormation that has to 'ome !rom Co"om$ia an >ietnam* The ICO re(ort a"so states o! a signi!i'ant !a"" in 'o!!ee (ro &'tion in BraGi" , $% a$o&t 74 (er'ent $esi es (ro &'tion short!a"" a((rehen e in 'o&ntries "ike Cote CI)oireI TanGania, Ugan a, 2a(&a Ne# G&inea, >ietnam, Me3i'o, E" Sa")a or, E.&a or an 2er&* The Co"om$ian (ro &'tion is &n"ike"% to register #orth mentioning in'rease* The o)er a"" #or" s&(("% o! 'o!!ee is "ike"% to $e tight in 1979 &e to "o# "e)e" o! o(ening sto'ks as #e""* "otal 8orld e9:ort& o; <o;;ee =(008 > (009? (008 Co"om$ian Mi" s Other Mi" s BraGi"ian Nat&ra"s Ro$&stas "otal 7117@ 11514 1?<14 847@@ @<666

(009 @1<? 19?67 89988 8457? @46@9

@ Aan'e ,14*9< ,<*8? 4*56 9*@8 ,8*95

So&r'eJ Internationa" Co!!ee OrganiGation, Co!!ee Market re(ort, Han&ar% , 1979


A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

In the e3(ort !ront 'a"en ar 199@ '"ose #ith a e'"ine o! 8 (er'ent at @4*< mi""ion $ags !rom @<*< mi""ion $ags in 199?* 0or" 'ons&m(tion ho#e)er is (ro)isiona""% estimate at 789 mi""ion $ags in 199? !rom 71? mi""ion $ags in 199<* Domesti' 'ons&m(tion in e3(orting 'o&ntries #as &( at 86*< mi""ion $ags 'om(are #ith 85*4 mi""ion $ags in 'a"en ar 199<* The BraGi"ian Co!!ee In &str% Asso'iation e3(e'ts 4*75 (er'ent in'rease in #or" 'ons&m(tion o! 'o!!ee* In ian Co!!ee Boar (&ts 'o&ntr%Cs 'o!!ee (ro &'tion at 1*@9 tonne D2ost monsoon estimationE an 8*96 tonne D2ost B"ossom EstimationE res(e'ti)e"%* +or the (resent 'ro( %ear $eginning O'to$er, the $oar has estimate an o&t(&t o! Ara$i'a at 797,515 tonnes an Ro$&sta 194,<55 tonnes* Barnataka "ea s the 'o&ntr% #ith 1*95 tonne D2ost monsoon estimationE an 1*17 tonne D2ost B"ossom EstimationE (ro &'tion !o""o#e $% Bera"a an Tami" Na &* A''or ing to ICO estimate, In ia (ro &'e o)er 8*7 mi""ion $ags o! 69 kgs ea'h in 199@ 'om(are #ith 8*8 mi""ion $ags in 199<*Co&ntr%Cs 'o!!ee e3(orts &ring !is'a" 199?,9@ stoo at 7*@6 "akh tonne signi!%ing marke e'"ine !rom 1*7? "akh tonne in 199<,9?*

-ndiaB& o;;ee Produ<tion =-n tonne? (006-0* 196915 5@4<5 7?115 49?5 7@9 (88000 (00*-08 7@75<5 4@999 7?799 87<5 759 (6(000 (008-09 7?8?69 5<199 76155 4?<9 775 (6(300 (009-10 195<99 5@159 7@859 57?5 775 (89600C

State Barnataka Bera"a Tami"na & Non,tra itiona" areas DAn hra 2ra esh F OrissaE North Eastern region "otal


A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

2ost Monsoon estimates C Sour<eJ +e era" Ministr% o! Commer'e, Go)ernment o! In ia In ia a''o&nts !or a$o&t 4*5 (er'ent o! #or" 'o!!ee (ro &'tion an the in &str% (ro)i es em("o%ment to 6 "akh (eo("e* Among the 'o!!ee gro#ing states, Barnataka a''o&nts !or <9 (er'ent o! 'o&ntr%Cs tota" 'o!!ee (ro &'tion !o""o#e $% Bera"a D11 (er'entE an Tami" Na & D< (er'entE* E&ro(e a''o&nts !or a$o&t <9 (er'ent o! In iaCs tota" 'o!!ee e3(orts* O! this again, <9 (er'ent is shi((e via S&eG Cana"* Ma-or In ian 'o!!ee im(orting 'o&ntries in'"& e Ita"%, German%, R&ssian !e eration, S(ain, Be"gi&m, S"o)enia, US, Ha(an, Gree'e, Nether"an s an +ran'e*

-ndiaB& E9:ort& o; o;;ee 0ear 1996,9< 199<,9? 199?,9@ 199@,79 DU(to Mar'h ?, 1979 Duantity =-n tonne? 14@91@ 17?@@? 7@<7<7 7?7115 .alue = -n R& <rore? 199<*@9 1946*1@ 1141*64 7@44*@?

Sour<eJ +e era" Ministr% o! Commer'e, Go)ernment o! In ia

0ith a )ie# to e3(an 'o!!ee '&"ti)ation, Co!!ee Boar has $een im("ementing e)e"o(menta" (rogrammes !or 'o!!ee e)e"o(ment in North Eastern Region an Non Tra itiona" areas* D&ring 77th +i)e Year 2"an, Co!!ee Boar has (ro(ose to s&((ort 'o!!ee e3(ansion (rogramme taken &( $% the Integrate Tri$a" De)e"o(ment Agen'% on 14999 ha* area in An hra 2ra esh an on ?59 ha* area in North Eastern Region, #hi'h #i"" !a'i"itate e3(ort o! 'o!!ee* As a (art o! e3(ort (romotion, the Co!!ees !rom i!!erent regions #ith their "ogos are (romote in'"& ing the 'o!!ee !rom the areas &n er Integrate Tri$a" De)e"o(ment Agen'%, as ;Arak&: Co!!ee* Constant en ea)o&r is $eing ma e $% the Go)ernment to he"( the 'o!!ee gro#ers to ease their $ank e$ts*


A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day


-ndia3& ;aEourite <o;;ee &Ao:F 8Aere tAe youn' at Aeart un8ind. Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is a (art o! In iaCs "argest 'o!!ee 'ong"omerate, Ama"gamate Bean Co!!ee Tra ing Com(an% Lt * DABCTCLE, the !irst to ro"" o&t the ;'o!!ee $ar: 'on'e(t in In ia #ith its !irst 'a!/ in Banga"ore* It:s a Rs* <59 'rore, ISO @991 'erti!ie 'om(an%* 0ith Asia:s se'on , "argest net#ork o! 'o!!ee estates D79,599 a'resE an 77,999 sma"" gro#ers, making its ho" er the "argest in i)i &a" 'o!!ee ("antation o#ner in Asia, this in a ition to $eing In iaCs on"% )erti'a""% integrate 'o!!ee 'om(an%* Co!!ee Da% has a ri'h an a$&n ant so&r'e o! 'o!!ee* This 'o!!ee goes a"" o)er the #or" to '"ients a'ross the USA, E&ro(e an Ha(an, making &s one o! the to( 'o!!ee e3(orters in the 'o&ntr%* 0e a"" kno# that Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is one o! the most (o(&"ar hango&t ("a'es* The 'o!!ee -oint is )er% !amo&s among %o&ngsters* Co!!ee is one o! the !a)orite $e)erages an has $e'ome more a((ea"ing $e'a&se o! its )ariet%* Co!!ee has $een aro&n in In ia sin'e the 7<th 'ent&r%* Ho#e)er, 'o!!ee rinking has

tra itiona""% $een "arge"% restri'te to omesti' 'ons&m(tion, an most"% in the So&th In ian states o! Tami" Na &, Barnataka, Bera"a an An hra 2ra esh* Co!!ee has $een aro&n in In ia sin'e the 7<th 'ent&r%* Ho#e)er, 'o!!ee rinking has tra itiona""% $een "arge"% restri'te to omesti' 'ons&m(tion, an most"% in the So&th In ian states o! Tami" Na &, Barnataka, Bera"a an An hra 2ra esh* In ia ranks si3th as a (ro &'er o! 'o!!ee in the #or" a''o&nting !or 4*5K o! the g"o$a" 'o!!ee (ro &'tion* In ia has a$o&t 7<9,999 'o!!ee !arms '&"ti)ating aro&n @99,999 a'res o! 'o!!ee trees* In ia is the "argest (ro &'er an 'ons&mer o! mi"k in the #or" #ith @?K o! mi"k $eing


A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

(ro &'e in r&ra" In ia* Co!!ee 'ons&m(tion in In ia is gro#ing at 6K (er ann&m 'om(are to the g"o$a" 1K ("&s* Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%:s men& ranges !rom signat&re hot an 'o" 'o!!ees to se)era" e3oti'

internationa" 'o!!ees, tea, !oo , esserts an (astries* In a ition, e3'iting mer'han ise s&'h as 'o!!ee (o# ers, 'ookies, m&gs, 'o!!ee !i"ters, et'* is a)ai"a$"e at the 'a!/s* It #as in the go" en soi" o! Chikmaga"&r that a tra itiona" !ami"% o#ne a !e# a'res o! 'o!!ee estates, #hi'h %ie" e ri'h 'o!!ee $eans* Soon Ama"gamate Bean Co!!ee Tra ing Com(an% Limite , (o(&"ar"% kno#n as Co!!ee Da% #as !orme * 0ith a ri'h 'o!!ee gro#ing tra ition sin'e 7?<5 $ehin it 'o&("e #ith the o((ort&nit% that arose #ith the ereg&"ation o! the 'o!!ee $oar in the ear"% nineties, Co!!ee Da% $egan e3(orting 'o!!ee to the 'onnoisse&rs a'ross USA, E&ro(e F Ha(an* Co!!ee Da%Cs t#o '&ring #orks at Chikmaga"&r an Hassan '&re o)er <9,999 tonnes o! 'o!!ee (er ann&m, the "argest in the 'o&ntr%* Co!!ee Da% has a #e"",e.&i((e roasting &nit 'atering to the s(e'i!i' re.&irement o! the 'ons&mers* The (ro'ess is 'arrie o&t &n er the 'ontro" o! e3(erien'e (ersonne" to meet highest .&a"it% stan ar s* The most mo ern te'hno"og% a)ai"a$"e is &se to maintain 'onsisten'% an roast the 'o!!ee $eans to the eman ing s(e'i!i'ations o! the is'erning 'o!!ee 'ons&mers* Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% DCCDE (ioneere the 'a!/ 'on'e(t in In ia in 7@@6 $% o(ening its !irst 'a!/ at Briga e Roa in Banga"ore* To a%, more than a e'a e "ater, Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is the "argest organiGe retai" 'a!/ 'hain in In ia #ith 'a!es !&n'tioning in e)er% nook an 'orner o! the 'o&ntr%* Dra#ing ins(iration !rom this o)er#he"ming s&''ess, Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% to a% has 'a!es in >ienna, A&stria an Bara'hi* 0hat:s more, ne# 'a!es are ("anne a'ross Mi "e East, Eastern E&ro(e, E&rasia, Eg%(t an So&th East Asia in the near !&t&re* In O'to$er 199@, CCD &n)ei"e a ne# $ran "ogo, a Dia"og&e Bo3, to #ea)e the 'on'e(t o! ;2o#er o! Dia"og&e:* In a''or an'e #ith this ne# $ran i entit%, CCD ("anne to gi)e a"" its e3isting o&t"ets a ne# "ook $% the en o! 199@* Ca!/s #o&" $e re esigne to s&it i!!erent en)ironments s&'h as $ook, m&si' gar en an '%$er 'a!es s&ita$"e !or 'or(orate o!!i'es,

79 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

&ni)ersit% 'am(&s or neigh$orhoo * The 'hange ("an in'"& e ne# smart men&, !&rnit&re esign, among others*

.-S-%N: To $e the on"% o!!i'e !or ia"og&e o)er a '&( o! 'o!!ee /-SS-%N: LTo $e the $est Ca!e 'hain $% o!!ering a #or" '"ass 'o!!ee e3(erien'e at a!!or a$"e (ri'es*M The o!!erings are esigne in s&'h a manner that one 'annot $e s(e"t #itho&t the otherI there are the hot 'o!!ee or 'o" 'o!!ee 'om$inations #ith e"e'ta$"e esserts an s(e'ia" 'o!!ee an eats 'om$inations !or e)en a gro&( o! !o&r !rien s* o;;ee 2ay om:ri&e& o; tAe ;ollo8in' Sub #rand& 7* Co!!ee Da% , +resh F Gro&n 1* Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% 8* Co!!ee Da% A >en ing 4* Co!!ee Da% , N(ress 5* Co!!ee Da% A E3(orts 6* Co!!ee Da% , 2er!e't 2ioneers o! the Ca!/ Con'e(t in In ia #ith its !irst Ca!/ at Briga e Roa , Banga"ore in 7@@6* This Ca!/ #as o(ene as a C%$er Ca!/ D!irst o! its kin E $&t "ater, #ith the $&rst o! '%$er 'a!es it re)erte to its 'ore 'om(eten'% i*e*I Co!!ee* Essentia""% a %o&th oriente $ran #ith ma-orit% o! its '&stomers !a""ing in the 75,1@ %ear age $ra'ket *Ea'h 'a!/, e(en ing &(on its siGe attra'ts $et#een 499 an ?99 '&stomers ai"%* It is a ("a'e #here '&stomers 'ome to re-&)enate themse")es an $e themse")es* 77 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

4ey Feature& 2ioneers o! the Ca!/ Con'e(t in In ia #ith the its !irst Ca!/ at Briga e Roa , Banga"ore in 7@@6* This Ca!/ #as o(ene as a C%$er Ca!/ D!irst o! its kin E $&t "ater, #ith the $&rst o! '%$er 'a!es it re)erte to its 'ore 'om(eten'% Co!!ee* Essentia""% a %o&th oriente $ran #ith ma-orit% o! its '&stomers !a""ing in the 75, 1@ %ear age $ra'ket Ea'h 'a!/, e(en ing &(on its siGe attra'ts $et#een 499 an ?99 '&stomers ai"%* It is a ("a'e #here '&stomers 'ome to re-&)enate themse")es an $e themse")es*

US2 o! the Bran J

7* A!!or a$"e 2ri'e 1* Co!!ee A 0inner o! 2"atin&m, Go" , Si")er an BronGe me a"s at the In ia
Cham(ionshi( 1991 Barista

(.1 ,RREN" "REN2 -N -N2,S"R0

5ro8tA o; a;G -ndu&try in -ndia Hot $e)erages ha)e a"#a%s $een a (art o! the tra ition o! In ia, es(e'ia""% So&th In ia* Co!!ee took the !irst seat in So&th In ia #hen the tra itiona" Brahmin '"asses $ro&ght o#n* In or er to s(rea the rink, 'o!!ee ho&ses emerge at )ario&s ("a'es in the 'o&ntr%, #hi'h a"so ser)e as the o((osite ("a'es !or "a#%ers an the e &'ate '"ass to ho" is'&ssions ranging !rom (o"iti's to 'inema* It is a"so $e"ie)e that man% s'ri(ts an i eas !or !i"ms e)o")e here* The rink a"so $e'ame !amo&s an as a res&"t e)en !i)e star hote"s $egan 'ashing in on it* Se)era" hote"s a"" o)er the 'o&ntr% starte o(ening 'o!!ee, sho(s that 'atere to high, en '&stomers* This sho#e the (o(&"ariGation o! 'o!!ee 'a!/s, to a"" se'tions o! so'iet%* 71 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

The rink has no# $e'ome more o! a 'on'e(t than mere"% a rink itse"!* The "ast e'a e #itnesses the gro#th o! n&mero&s 'o!!ee (&$s in the 'o&ntr%* A n&m$er o! 'o!!ee 'a!/ o#ners trie to #esterniGe the taste in 'ontrast to the !i"ter 'o!!ee* No#, "arge retai" 'hains "ike O#ik%s, Barista, an Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% ha)e o(ene &( aro&n the 'o&ntr%* The 'on'e(t o! a 'a!/ to a% is not mere"% a$o&t se""ing 'o!!ee, $&t a$o&t e)e"o(ing a nationa" $ran * Retai" 'a!/s no# !orm a m&"ti,'rore in &str% in the 'o&ntr%, an ha)e h&ge (otentia" !or gro#th "o'a""%, an internationa""%* The more than US P759 mi""ion organiGe 'o!!ee retai" $&siness in In ia is 'oming into its o#n, !e $% rising in'omes an a !ast,!oo se'tor that is gro#ing at 49 (er 'ent ann&a""%* Co!!ee 'ons&m(tion has in'rease !rom 55,999 tons to ?9,999 tons a!ter e'a es o! stagnation* In &str% so&r'es sa% the ni'he 'o!!ee retai" !ormat is gro#ing at 79,71 (er 'ent a %ear, #ith $ran e 'o!!ee a''o&nting !or 58 (er 'ent o! sa"es, &n$ran e 49 (er 'ent an 'a!es < (er 'ent* /AR4E" S-HE -N ,S Sna:&Aot: o;;ee SAo: Retai" Sa"es Estimates Year En 199@ Co!!ee Ca!esJ D$e)erage retai"ers #ith seatingE 7,159 "o'ations a)eraging P559,999 in ann&a" sa"es Q P 6*71 $i""ion or a &"ts #ho ha)e )isite a 'o!!eeho&se in the (ast #eekJ A)erage #eek"% s(en ing P5 or &n erJ 47K Rare"% or ne)er (&r'hase !oo J 4@K Cons&me the $e)erage o!!,(remisesJ 51K 2emo'ra:Ai<& Se)ent%,se)en (er'ent o! U*S* a &"ts rink 'o!!ee ai"%, an go&rmet 'o!!ee 'ons&m(tion has risen in the (ast !i)e %ears* A''or ing to S'ar$oro&gh Resear'h, a market resear'h !irm that st& ies me ia, "i!est%"e, an sho((ing (atterns in the Unite States, in O'to$er 199?, 71 (er'ent o! a &"ts ha)e $een to a 'o!!ee sho( in the (ast month* A"tho&gh (o(&"arit% o! 'o!!ee sho(s has 78 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

re'ent"% s(rea a'ross the nation, the 0est 'oast has the most 'o!!ee sho( (atrons* The i ea" ratio o! 'o!!ee sho(s to resi ents in a (arti'&"ar area is 7J79,999

(.( R%$E %F "E 1N%$%50

Te'hno"og% ("a%s a ma-or ro"e in Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% $e'a&se a"" the #ork "ike $i""ing, sto'k maintenan'e, in)entor% 'ontro", et' is one #ith the he"( o! 'om(&ters* +or making the 'o!!ee an tea the% re.&ire ma'hines, #hi'h gi)e an e ge to the ser)i'e (ro)i er o)er "o'a" ("a%ers "ike the sma"" tea sta"" or 'o!!ee sta""*

(.3 /AI%R P$A0ERS -N "1E -N2,S"R0

+o""o#ing are the ma-or ("a%ers in 'o!!ee sho( in &str%J A. #ari&ta $aEaJJa One o! In iaCs "argest !ran'hise 'hains o! 'o!!ee $ars, the Barista La)aGGa 'o!!ee 'om(an% o(erates aro&n 195 o&t"ets a'ross In ia A 75 'rRme "o&nges an the rest es(resso 'o!!ee $ars* It ("ans to o(en 899 ne# stores o)er the ne3t three %ears an has $eg&n aggressi)e"% marketing its (ro &'ts o&tsi e In ian $or ers into neigh$oring 'o&ntries* Consi ere the Star$&'ks o! the East, Barista o!!ers man% o! the same men& items "ike es(resso, "attes, 'a((&''ino an )ario&s (astries, in a ition to $asi' 'o!!ee* Des(ite $eing In ian, Barista sti'ks '"ose"% to its Ita"ian roots $% ser)ing Ita"ian 'o!!ees e3'"&si)e"%*


o&ta o;;ee

74 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

British 'o!!ee retai" 'hain Costa Co!!ee "a&n'he Se(tem$er 1995* its o&t"et in Ne# De"hi,

$e'oming the !irst internationa" 'o!!ee 'hain to start o(erations in In ia in

The 'hain is '&rrent"% o(erationa" #ith 86 o&t"ets an e3(an ing aggressi)e"% to ta( this (otentia" market*

a;G /o<Aa It #as starte $% a M&m$ai $ase entre(rene&r Ri%aG Am"ani, #ho has a "ong e3(erien'e in the hote"s an resta&rants $&siness* This store is striking"% i!!erent !rom others, the% "o)e $eing o)er,the,to( an th&s it:s a ("a'e that either %o& "o)e it too m&'h or !in it :O)er the to(:* St& %ing the marketing Mi3 a o(te $% 'a!/ mo'ha* O#ne $% Im(resario Entertainment F Hos(ita"it% 2)t* Lt * Mo'ha o(ene its oors at Ch&r'hgate DM&m$aiE in De'em$er 1997

75 o(erationa" o&t"ets a'ross the 'o&ntr% an its o#n 'entra" kit'hen

+&t&re ("ans !or Singa(ore, D&$ai an Ne# York an Chi'ago*

Retai" ("a%ers "ike Re"ian'e Retai" an Sho((ers Sto( are a"so retai"ing 'o!!ee #ith their m&"ti, (ro &'ts o!!ering o&t"ets "ike Re"ian'e Timeo&t an Desi Ca!/ res(e'ti)e"%*

75 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

(.4 %/PE"-"-%N #ari&ta i& tAe maKor <om:etitor

Barista 'o!!ee #as esta$"ishes in 7@@@ #ith the aim o! i enti!%ing gro#th o((ort&nities in the 'o!!ee $&siness* In'reasing is(osa$"e in'omes an g"o$a" tren s in 'o!!ee in i'ate immense gro#th (otentia" in one (arti'&"ar segment* More signi!i'ant"%, the% $e"ie)e the% ha)e $een .&i'k to s(ot a "atent nee #aiting to $e tra((e J Co!!ee "o)ers seek a 'om("ete e3(erien'e* One that 'om$ines inte""igent (ositioning #ith the right (ro &'t Mi3 an 'are!&""% esigne 'a!/s* In other #or s, '&stomers seek an Le3(erientia" "i!est%"e $ran M* As o! to a%, Barista e3ists in o)er 11 'ities, an o(erates o)er 749 o&t"ets nationa""%* In the "ast 1 %ears, Barista has o(ene o)er 799 o&t"ets in the 'o&ntr% an #ith a ne# o&t"et o(ening nationa""% e)er% 74 atesI Barista is '&rrent"% e3(erien'ing (henomena" gro#th* 0ith o&t"ets o(ening in Sri Lanka an D&$ai, Barista is "ooking at (otentia" gro#th o((ort&nities in Asia, making it high"% 'om(etiti)e internationa" $ran *

/arLetin' /i9
76 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

Pri<e /i9 Barista has a ;Skim 2ri'ing 2o"i'%:* The% $egan #ith a higher (ri'e, an skimme the 'ream !or the market* 0ith the s& en s(&rt o! gro#th in n&m$er o! o&t"ets, 'ame the $ene!its o! e'onomies o! s'a"e* Be'a&se o! this, the% ha)e $een a$"e to gra &a""% "o#er their (ri'es, an a((ea" to i!!erent segments o! their target market* C&rrent"%, their (ri'es are the "o#est the% ha)e e)er $een, an the% 'an 'om(etiti)e"% mat'h their (ri'es against Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%:s (ri'es* The (ri'es are 'onstant"% 'hanging tho&gh, an the "ast 7,%ear has seen 8 'hanges Dmost"% re &'tionsE in (ri'es* This gra &a" (ri'e re &'tion meant that Barista 'o&" maintain its (ro!it, ma3imiGation (o"i'% &nti" it 'o&" earn "arge 'ost sa)ings $e'a&se o! the $ene!its o! high )o"&me* The main !a'tors that a!!e't their (ri'ing are their 'ost o! goo s so" * The 'osts are .&ite high $e'a&se im(orts a ma-orit% o! its (ro &'ts an (ro &'t* Consi ering that Barista is tr%ing to target a market #hose age range is $et#een 7? an 69 %ears, a (ri'ing (o"i'% a((ea"ing to this segment is i!!i'&"t* E3treme"% "o# (ri'es a't as a eterrent to some '&stomers #ho might regar it as an in i'ator or .&a"it%, #hi"e )er% high (ri'es 'annot $e a!!or e $% most o! the %o&th* B&t sin'e Barista:s '&rrent 'ons&mer (ro!i"e is .&ite %o&ng, their (ri'es are most"% ine3(ensi)e, an at (ar #ith their 'om(etitors* Pro<e&& /i9 The or er an e"i)er% (ro'ess at Barista is $ase on se"!, ser)i'e, #here a '&stomer goes &( to the 'o&nter to ("a'e his or er, an goes $a'k to the 'o&nter to (i'k his e"i)er% on'e it is (re(are * Produ<t /i9 Co!!ees F Teas Re!reshing A"ternati)es SmootAie& G&a)a Mango Gra(e 5ranita& B"&e C&ra'ao Lime I'e Mi3e +r&it Tango G&a)a Cr&sh /ilL #a&ed Stra#$err% +reeGe Mo'ha +reeGe I'e(resso Eata$"es

o;;ee 8itA /ilL Ca((&''ino Ca!!e Mo'ha Ca!!e Latte #la<L o;;ee Es(resso Ita"iano Es(eranoTM Ameri'ano 2e&&ert o;;ee& Latte Bian'o Ca!!e Borgia 7< ! 2 a g e

Sand8i<Ae& 2aneer Tikka Cheese F Tomato Chi'ken Tikka Smoke Chi'ken Roll& Ba hai 2aneer Ro"" Chi'ken Masa"a Ro"" Pa&ta& Tang% Tomato 2asta Cream% Chi'ken 2astas

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

old o;;ee& Brrrista Brrrista +ra((e Brrrista B"ast I'e Ca!!e Mo'ha o;;ee Add-on& >ario&s +"a)o&rs Cho'o"ate +& ge 0hi((e Cream Es(resso Shot I'e Cream S'oo( -<ed "ea Lemon 2ea'h %tAer 2rinL& Ginger +iGG Bin"e% 0ater 1%" "EA Assam Eng"ish Break!ast Dar-ee"ing Ear" Gre% 2e&&ert& 0a"n&t Bro#nie Mo'ha E3'ess Cho'o"ate E3'ess Dark Tem(tation Cho'o"ate Mo&sse Cho'o"ate Chi( M&!!in A"mon Raisin M&!!in A(("e Cake

Peo:le /i9 The (eo("e at Barista are 'hara'teristi'a""% traine to $e 2"easant, 2o"ite an 2ositi)e* The% ens&re %o& ha)e a .&iet, &ninterr&(te )isit an (ro)i e an es'a(e !rom the ai"% (ress&res o! "i!e* Their &ni!orms are in so$er sha es o! $ro#n an orange, an 'ontri$&te to the o)era"" "ai , $a'k !ee"ing o! the 'a!/* Promotion /i9 A''or ing to resear'h, o)er 65K o! Barista:s '&stomers are in the 75, 89 age, gro&(* The ma-orit% o! these are st& ents an %o&ng &r$an (ro!essiona"s* Barista (ositions itse"! as a $ran !or an%one #ho "o)es 'o!!ee* Their (ro &'ts, ser)i'es an o&t"ets are more "ike the tra itiona" E&ro(ean 'a!/s, #here (eo("e #o&" meet !or the "o)e o! 'o!!ee, an !or an inte""e't&a" a((ea"ing time* The% (osition their o&t"ets as a ("a'e L#here the #or" meetsM, an the% "ook to a((ea" to an%one in the 74, 69 age gro&( that "o)es goo 'o!!ee an "ooks !or a ni'e .&iet time*

a? $o'oF olor&F -ma'e&: Barista, sin'e the $eginning has "ooke to &se 'o"ors in its 'a!/ interiors, "ogos an imagesI to (ro-e't a L#arm, earth g"o#, s%non%mo&s #ith 'o!!eeM* Barista &ses sha es o! Orange F Bro#n to goo e!!e't to (romote its L"ai , $a'kM atmos(here* The "ogo is a 'om$ination o! Bro#n, Orange an Light Ye""o#I #ith the #or LBaristaM #ritten in an &(#ar '&r)e, an the #or LCo!!eeM &n erneath* A sim("e "ogo that (er!e't"% e3(resses Barista:s $ran imageJ A tra itiona" 'a!/ !or 'o!!ee "o)ers* b? 2G<or and Ar<Aite<ture: 7? ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

Barista:s interna" /'or an ar'hite't&re e3(resses the sim("i'it% %o& #o&" norma""% asso'iate #ith tra itiona" 'a!/s* The !&rnit&re is ma e o! "ight sha es o! #oo , an there are 'om!orta$"e so!as in $igger 'a!/s* The #a""s are sha es o! orange, #ith )ario&s (hotogra(hs o! the "o)e !or 'o!!ee s(rea aro&n ea'h o&t"et* <? $iterature: The "iterat&re (ro)i e $% Barista is in i'ati)e o! its $ran image* The men&s, (osters, (am(h"ets are a"" tra itiona""% esigne , #ith a '"assi' an sim("e "ook* One as(e't o! (arti'&"ar note is their magaGine, #hi'h is (ri)ate"% 'ir'&"ate in the 'a!/s* The magaGine en'o&rages '&stomers #rite, ra#, make et' an%thing 'reati)eI an this is then (&$"ishe in the magaGine* The magaGine not on"% (ro)i es an a)en&e !or a )ertising, $&t a"so an o((ort&nit% !or Barista to e3(ress its $ran image Barista '&rrent"% 'arries o&t mass (romotion 'am(aigns* This is main"% in the !orm o! (romotions in the 2ress, T> an Ra io Me ias* At (resent, the% o not re"% hea)i"% on a )ertising, $&t re"% more on s(onsorshi(s an strategi' a""ian'es #ith other 'or(orations* Barista a"so takes (art in )ario&s sa"es (romotion a'ti)ities to he"( in'rease sa"es at their o&t"ets* d? S:on&or&Ai:&: Barista s(onsors )ario&s e)ents an !esti)a"s, #hi'h (ro)i es them )a"&a$"e (romotion ire'te at strategi' markets* The s(onsorshi(s are main"% in kin , a"tho&gh ma-or e)ents are s(onsore in 'ash a"so* e? Sale& Promotion: Barista &ses a s(e'ia" Barista Coffee Card !or its sa"es (romotion a'ti)ities* The Barista Co!!ee Car entit"es %o& to one 'om("imentar% hot $e)erage #hen %o& are one si((ing se)en* It is a)ai"a$"e to a"" Barista 'o!!ee reg&"ars* No mem$ershi( !ees, no re!eren'es re.&ire * +i"" o&t the 'ar an %o& are a mem$er* As a Co!!ee Car ho" er, %o& earn one stam( on the 'ar e)er% time %o& (&r'hase a $e)erage* Sim("% (resent the 'ar to the 'ashier #hen %o& ("a'e %o&r or er at an% o! their o&t"ets* On'e %o& ha)e 'o""e'te se)en stam(s, %o& 'an han o)er the 'ar to re'ei)e %o&r 'om("imentar% hot $e)erage* Barista ho(es this 'ar 'an he"( ri)e sa"es gro#th, an in'rease '&stomer retention ;? ollaboration&: Barista has entere into s(e'ia" 'o""a$orations an a""ian'es #ith )ario&s (artners !or 'o , marketing $ran s* +or e3am("e, Barista entere into a ea" #ith Leo Mattel to%s to (ro)i e the (o(&"ar $oar game Scrabble at e)er% Barista o&t"et a'ross the 'o&ntr% *This is an i ea" a""ian'e !or $oth the organiGations, $e'a&se it (ro)i es Leo Mattel #ith an im(ortant a)en&e !or (romoting their (ro &'t, an it (ro)i es Barista:s '&stomers an a e attra'tion !or s(en ing more time at Barista o&t"ets *Barista has a"so entere into (artnershi(s #ith )ario&s mo)ies, !or (romotions thro&gh Barista, an re'ent"%, the% tie &( #ith Star 0or" !or its L Absolutely EverybodyM 'am(aign*

7@ ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

Pla<e This is a (rime !a'tor in etermining the s&''ess o! a retai" 'hain* Ho#e)er, Barista Co!!ee has a o(te a to( o#n a((roa'h, #herein the% !irst i enti!% the 'ities an then e'i e on (re'ise "o'ations #ithin its "imits *0hi"e se"e'ting a 'it% Barista has e)ote s&$stantia" management time an e!!ort in Geroing in on the 'ities #here the% are no# sit&ate * The se"e'tion o! the 'ities #as $ase on the !o""o#ing 'riteria* SiGea$"e (o(&"ation o! e3e'&ti)es, st& ents an !ami"ies in SEC A F Barista 'ategor%* High is(osa$"e in'ome #ith (eo("e "ooking !or ne# )istas in "eis&re an "i!est%"e oriente 'on'e(ts* High "e)e" or organiGe retai" a'ti)it%* Ra(i so'io, e'onomi' e)e"o(ment* Le)e" o! 'ommer'ia" im(ortan'e DIn &stria" 'ities, state 'a(ita"s et'*E N&m$er o! e &'ationa" esta$"ishments an o((ort&nities a)ai"a$"e !or em("o%ment*

On the $asis o! the a$o)e 'riteria, the% ha initia""% targete 'ities "ike De"hi, M&m$ai, Banga"ore, Chennai an H% era$a * Chan igarh an L& hiana #ere "ater a e &e to tie, &(s #ith ;2"anet M: an ;E$on%: to set &( store,in, stores at their o&t"ets* The% are a"so (&rs&ing an e.&a""% aggressi)e internationa" $&siness e3(ansion strateg%* The% ha)e o)er 59 o)erseas "o'ations (resent"% &n er their 'onsi eration *The% ha)e a"rea % one their gro&n #ork in terms o! getting $ran an name registrations in o)er 89 o! these "o'ations* To !a'i"itate their g"o$a" e3(ansion, the% ("an to #ork #ith strategi' (artners, #ho share the same )ision o! e3(an ing an (romoting the $ran #or" #i e* C&rrent"% the% ha)e o(ene ne# o&t"ets in Sri Lanka an D&$ai as a (art o! their internationa" strateg%*

(.)"AN5-#-$-"0 SPE "R,/

19 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

3. "0P- A$ SER.- E %FFER-N5 3.1 ,S"%/ER3S E+PE "A"-%NS

0hen a '&stomer )isits a 'o!!ee sho( the% e3(e't a goo e3(erien'e* The% #ant the ser)i'e (ro)i er to (ro)i e them #ith the $est ser)i'es the% ha)e* +rom the 'hart gi)en $e"o# #e 'an 17 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

easi"% make o&t that the '&stomers gi)es high (re!eren'e to the .&a"it% o! ser)i'es an the% gi)e "east (re!eren'e to the (ri'ing* The ma-or reason $ehin '&stomer gi)ing "east (re!eren'e to the (ri'e is $e'a&se the% #ant a goo e3(erien'e #hi'h is $e%on (ri'e*

+rom the a$o)e 'hart one 'an easi"% make o&t that 41K (eo("e 'onsi er the .&a"it% o! ser)i'es o!!ere $% the 'o!!e sho( $e!ore going to it* The ne3t im(ortant !a'tor 'onsi ere $% '&stomer $e!ore 'hoosing a 'o!!ee sho( is the am$ien'e* The% #ant the 'o!!ee sho( to $e a 'oo" hango&t ("a'e #here the% 'an hango&t #ith !rien s an o some 'om$ine st& ies

RA"-N5 "% AF7 %FFEE 2A0 #0 "1E ,S"%/ER ARE S1%6N -N "1E 1AR" #E$%6

11 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

+rom the 'hart a$o)e Da%J, 7* C&stomers gra 1* C&stomers gra 8* C&stomers gra 4* C&stomers gra 5* C&stomers gra

one 'an easi"% make o&t the !o""o#ing things regar ing to Ca!/ Co!!ee e Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% )er% goo #hen it 'omes to am$ien'e* e Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% goo #hen it 'omes to (ri'ing* e Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% )er% goo #hen it 'omes to ser)i'e o!!ere * e Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% )er% goo #hen it 'omes to .&a"it% o! (ro &'t* e Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% )er% goo #hen it 'omes to Lo'ation*

0hi'h sim("% (ro)es that Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is one o! the $est hango&t ("a'e !or the %o&th #ho 'onsi er the !a'tors mentione a$o)e #hi"e se"e'ting a Co!!ee Sho(*

3.( #,N2$E %F #ENEF-"S

+o""o#ing are the $ene!its that a '&stomer 'an get !rom Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%J 18 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

1. #ene;it& tArou'A :ri<in' o; :rodu<t& Consi ering that Ca!e Co!!ee Da% is tr%ing to target a market #hose age range is $et#een 75 an 69 %ears, a (ri'ing (o"i'% a((ea"ing to this segment is i!!i'&"t* The (ri'ing is e3treme"% "o# an a't as a eterrent to some '&stomers #ho might regar it as an in i'ator or .&a"it%, #hi"e )er% high (ri'es 'annot $e a!!or e $% most o! the %o&th* B&t sin'e Ca!e Co!!ee Da%:s '&rrent 'ons&mer (ro!i"e is .&ite %o&ng, their (ri'es are most"% ine3(ensi)e, an at (ar #ith their 'om(etitors* (. #ene;it& tArou'A di;;erent :rodu<t line The% are Co!!ee Da%Cs most &ni.&e as(e't is that it gro#s the 'o!!ee it ser)es in its 'a!es* Co!!ee Da% has a #e"",e.&i((e roasting &nit 'atering to the s(e'i!i' re.&irement o! the 'ons&mers* The (ro'ess is 'arrie o&t &n er the 'ontro" o! e3(erien'e (ersonne" to meet highest .&a"it% stan ar s* The most mo ern te'hno"og% a)ai"a$"e is &se to maintain 'onsisten'% an roast the 'o!!ee $eans to the eman ing s(e'i!i'ations o! the is'erning 'o!!ee 'ons&mers* The 'o!!ee $eans are s&(("ie to a"" the 'a!/s !rom Chikmaga"&r* The eata$"es at Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% are 'atere $% i!!erent )en orsJ e3am("eJ i'e 'reams are 'atere $% Cream Be"", Mi"k $% Am&" an samosa:s $% 2atsiers Ga""er%* Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% a"so se""s mer'han ise thro&gh its stores* 5 (er 'ent o! the re)en&e 'omes !rom sa"e o! mer'han ise* Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% (ro &'t Mi3 'onstit&tes a #i e range o! (ro &'ts that a((ea" (rimari"% to In ian 'o!!ee an sna'k "o)ers* 2ro &'ts ha)e a e'i e In ian taste to it , $e it !oo or 'o!!ee* Most o! the eata$"es ha)e $een a o(te to meet the In ian taste $& s "ike samosa, $ir%ani, masa"a san #i'h, tikka san #i'h et'* Th&s the% ha)e $een tr%ing to 'a(t&re the In ian taste a"ong #ith '"assi' 'o!!ee* The $est se""ing item in s&mmer is !ra((e, #hi'h is 'o!!ee an i'e 'ream $"en e together* The %o&ng (eo("e !a)or it* In #inter it is 'a((&''ino* Their mer'han ising in'"& es !&nk% st&!! "ike t,shirts, 'a(s et'* o;;ee and "ea 1ot o;;ee Es(resso Es(resso Ameri'ano 14 ! 2 a g e Re;re&Ain' AlternatiEe& 5ranita& B"oo Orange Coo" B"&e Eatable& /eltin' /oment& Banana n: 0a"n&t Cake Banana Cho'o"ate Mo&sse

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

Ma''hiato Ca((&'hino Ca!/ Latte Cho'o'inno Ca!/ Mo'ha Irish Co!!ee -nternational o;;ee Co"om$ian H&an >a" eG Ethio(ian Oah#ah Ben%an Sa!ari old o;;ee S#eet Mint Co" S(ark"e Bran ie Banana Tro(i'a" I'e$erg I'e Eskimo SmootAie& Mango Co"a a Stra#$err% Co"a a remo&a& Lit'hi Ginger S(i'e 2ina Co"a a 2inea(("e Cr&sh Emera" I'e R&$% S&r(rise Banana Carame" (ie Cho'o"ate Do&ghn&t Cookies Mar$"e Cake 2inea(("e Geta&3 Cho'o"ate Cake -<e ream& >ani""a Cho'o"ate Seasons Best Dui<L #ite& Samosa 2&!! 2iGGa Croissant +ren'h +ries Bathi Ro"" 0ra(s Bir%ani San #i'hes B&"'ha B&rger 2asta Masa"a San #i'h o;;ee Add-%n& Hone% +"a)o&re S%r&(s Re E%e 0hi((e Cream S'oo( (! I'e 'ream Cho'o"ate Sa&'e "ea& Assam Tea 15 ! 2 a g e ool Re;re&Aer& +r&it H&i'es Minera" 0ater

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

Masa"a Chai Lemon ;n I'e Tea Bashmiri Oah#ah A(("e n Cran$err% i'e tea

3. #ene;it& tArou'A $o<ation Ca!e Co!!ee Da% "ooks to 'ater to their target market #ith strategi'a""% "o'ate o&t"ets* Their o&t"ets are genera""% "o'ate at High Street= +ami"% Entertainment Centers* Consi ering their generi' a((ea", there are Ca!e Co!!ee Da% o&t"ets in an aro&n Ma""s, Cinemas, Co""eges, an O!!i'es et'* This en orses their $ran image o! a 'a!/ that a((ea"s to 'o!!ee "o)ers o! a"" ages* 4. #ene;it& tArou'A Peo:le The (eo("e at Ca!e Co!!ee Da% are 'hara'teristi'a""% traine to $e 2"easant, 2o"ite an 2ositi)e*

3.3 "0P- A$ SER.- E PERF%R/AN E %F F-R/S

16 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

+rom the a$o)e 'hart one 'an easi"% make o&t that the ma-or 'om(etitor to Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is Barista* Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is !a'ing h&ge 'om(etition !rom Barista as $oth o! the ser)i'e (ro)i ers are targeting the %o&th segement*

3.4 SER.- ES D,A$-"0 2-/ENS-%NS

Reliability It is the a$i"it% to (er!orm the (romise ser)i'e e(en a$"% an a''&rate"%* Ea'h an e)er% 'o!!ee sho( D"o'a" one or Internationa" $ran E (romises $est taste in terms o! Co!!ee* These (romises sho&" me met a''or ing"% in ea'h an e)er% as(e't "ike .&a"it% F .&antit%* A&&uran<e Ass&ran'e (ositioning #o&" ha)e to $e $a'ke &( $% e)i en'e o! the kno#"e ge an tho&ght!&"ness o! a ministrators, !a'&"t% an 'on!i en'e* It in'"& es the kno#"e ge an 'o&rtes% o! em("o%ees an their a$i"it% to 'on)e% tr&st an 'on!i en'e* The em("o%ees at Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% are #e"" traine to ta'k"e (ro$"ems #itho&t 'a&sing harm to '&stomers* 1< ! 2 a g e sta!! an their a$i"it% to ins(ire tr&st an

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

"an'ibility It ta"ks a$o&t the !&rnit&re, men&s, the interiors et' i*e* 2h%si'a" !a'i"ities, e.&i(ment F a((earan'e o! (ersonne"* Em:atAy Caring, in i)i &a"iGe attention the !irm (ro)i es to their '&stomers* The mission o! Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is LTo $e the $est Ca!e 'hain $% o!!ering a #or" '"ass 'o!!ee e3(erien'e at a!!or a$"e (ri'esM. "Ai& &tatement :roEe& tAat tAey 8ant to &erEe tAe tar'et marLet i.e. tAe youtA 8itA ;ull &erEi<e& tAat tAey 8ant at an a;;ordable :ri<e. Re&:on&iEene&& 0i""ingness to he"( '&stomers an (ro)i e (rom(t ser)i'e* Em("o%ees in Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% are not .&i'k to res(on to the .&eries o! their '&stomer sin'e the #orking sta!! is "ess in n&m$er* B&t sti"" the% someho# manage to res(on to '&stomers as (er their eman *

3.) ,S"%/ERNS 2E$-.ER0





In Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% ser)i'e C&stomer in)o")ement in the ser)i'e e"i)er% oes not e3ist as e)er%thing is one $% the sta!!* +rom taking the or er ti"" e"i)er% o! the or er, #ho"e (ro'ess is taken 'are $% the sta!!*

4. SER.- E #$,EPR-N"

1? ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

4.1 SER.- E EN %,N"ERS O /%/EN"S %F "R,"1

1@ ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

0hen the '&stomer !irst enters the resta&rant he 'an !in AD (osters on the !ront g"ass o! the Ca!e Co!!ee Da%* A!ter entering into Ca!e Co!!ee Da%, '&stomer is g&i e $% an em("o%ee, #here he is (ro)i e #ith a men& 'ar !or the or er* Here '&stomer 'an !ee" the am$ien'e an the /'or o! the resta&rant* A!ter gi)ing an or er to the em("o%ee, em("o%ee (asses the or er to the !ront se'tion o! the kit'hen* The em("o%ees in the !ront se'tion #o&" (ass the or er to $a'k,en kit'hen #here the or er is (re(ai * 2ara""e"%, em("o%ee #o&" &( ate the $i""ing ma'hine* The (re(ai or er is then ser)e to the '&stomer* A!ter a)ai"ing the ser)i'es an the (ro &'ts o! Ca!e Co!!ee Da%, '&stomer #o&" ask !or Bi""* Em("o%ee #o&" then gi)e the &( ate $i"" to the '&stomer* C&stomer #i"" (a% the $i"" either thro&gh 'ash or thro&gh 're it= e$it 'ar * A!ter (a%ment is one the ata$ase o! Ca!e Co!!ee Da% gets &( ate * A!ter (a%ment o! the $i"" the '&stomer "ea)es the resta&rant*

4.( .A$,E %F #$,EPR-N"-N5

+o""o#ing are the &ses or a )antages o! ha)ing a $"&e(rint !or a ser)i'eJ ProEidin' a Plat;orm ;or -nnoEation +irst an !oremost, ser)i'e $"&e(rinting (ro)i es a 'ommon ("at!orm !or e)er%one A '&stomers, em("o%ees, an managers A to (arti'i(ate in the ser)i'e inno)ation (ro'ess* B"&e(rinting (ro)i es a 'ommon (oint o! is'&ssion !or ne# ser)i'e e)e"o(ment or ser)i'e im(ro)ement Da (i't&re is #orth a tho&san #or sE* The ser)i'e $"&e(rint gi)es em("o%ees an o)er)ie# o! the entire ser)i'e (ro'ess so the% 'an gain insight as to ho# their ro"es !it into the integrate #ho"e* This rein!or'es the notion that the tota" ser)i'e is greater than the s&m o! its (arts* This $ene!it o! a '"earer organiGationa" )ision is rea"iGe $% )irt&a""% e)er% !irm that &ti"iGes $"&e(rinting* 89 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

Re<o'niJin' Role& and -nterde:enden<ie& The (ro'ess o! $"&e(rinting an the o'&ment itse"! generate insights into )ario&s ro"e an re"ationa" inter e(en en'ies thro&gho&t the entire organiGation* The '&stomer:s a'tions an intera'tions are high"ighte , re)ea"ing (oints at #hi'h he or she e3(erien'es .&a"it%* The $"&e(rint re)ea"s a"" o! the to&'h,(oints that are 'riti'a" in meeting '&stomer nee s an he"(s in i enti!%ing "ike"% (oints o! ser)i'e !ai"&re* Uti"iGing the )is&a" "ang&age o! ser)i'e $"&e(rints (&ts e)er%one in)o")e in the ser)i'e esign (ro'ess on the same (age, 'reating more 'omm&ni'ation e!!i'ien'% an in!ormationa" (re'ision &ring the t%(i'a""% L!&GG% !ront en M o! the ser)i'e e)e"o(ment (ro'ess* Fa<ilitatin' #otA Strate'i< and "a<ti<al -nnoEation& Ser)i'e $"&e(rints 'an $e mo i!ie to s&it an% "e)e" o! ana"%sis esire * The metho o"og% has $een &se to im(ro)e ma'ro, an mi'ro,"e)e" (ro'esses, !a'i"itate strategi' an ta'ti'a" e'ision, making, as #e"" as esign 'om("e3 an sim("e ser)i'es #ith high an "o# "e)e"s o! i)ergen'e* Managers at a"" "e)e"s res(on !a)ora$"% to ser)i'e $"&e(rinting #hen the% are intro &'e to it in #orksho(s an seminars* "ran&;errin' and Storin' -nnoEation 4no8led'e Ser)i'e $"&e(rints 'an $e (rinte o&t or $e store e"e'troni'a""% an ma e a)ai"a$"e to e)er%one in)o")e * B"&e(rints $eing e)e"o(e 'an $e (oste on a 'o""a$orati)e #e$site, (ro)i ing a"" (arti'i(ating (arties #ith a''ess to an e ita$"e !orm o! the o'&ment* S&ggestions an e its 'an $e (oste , #hi'h 'an then $e !&rther is'&sse , $"ogge a$o&t, in'or(orate or ni3e * In !a't, a great ea" o! the entire $"&e(rinting (ro'ess 'an $e one remote"%, or )irt&a""%* 2e&i'nin' tAe /oment& o; "rutA

87 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

B"&e(rinting (romotes a 'ons'io&s e'ision on #hat 'ons&mers see an #hi'h em("o%ees sho&" $e in 'onta't at ea'h moment o! tr&th* In man% ser)i'es it is re"ati)e"% eas% to e'i e #hi'h e"ements o! the ser)i'e sho&" $e (ro)i e in )ie# o! the '&stomer an #hi'h e"ements sho&" $e (er!orme $ehin the s'enes, or $a'kstage* +or instan'e, at a hote", ho&sekee(ing ma% (ro)i e t&rn o#n ser)i'e in the (resen'e o! a '&stomer, $&t the "a&n r% is '"ear"% a ho&sekee(ing a'ti)it% $est (er!orme $a'kstage* lari;yin' om:etitiEe Po&itionin'

Ser)i'e $"&e(rinting a""o#s !irms to '"ari!% 'om(etiti)e (ositioning $% !a'i"itating the 'om(arison o! the esire ser)i'e an a't&a" ser)i'e, or 'om(an% an 'om(etitor (ro'esses* Ma((ing &a" (ro'esses !or the i enti!i'ation o! ke% ser)i'e .&a"it% ga(s is a high"% &se!&" a(("i'ation o! $"&e(rinting* This is not s&r(rising, gi)en !irms: 'ontin&o&s e!!orts to (osition their ser)i'e o!!erings 'orre't"% in the high"% 'om(etiti)e g"o$a" market("a'e* ,nder&tandin' tAe -deal SerEi<e E9:erien<e 0e a"so (er'ei)e ser)i'e $"&e(rinting as $eing a(("i'a$"e #ithin the rea"m o! market resear'h in &n erstan ing an esigning i ea" ser)i'e e3(erien'es* +or instan'e, $ran s &n ergoing re(ositioning o!ten seek in!ormation regar ing '&stomer (er'e(tions o! #hat an Li ea"M $ran #ithin a gi)en (ro &'t or ser)i'e 'ategor% #o&" "ook "ike* C&stomers are aske to i enti!% #here s&'h a $ran #o&" $e (ositione a"ong ke% attri$&tes or imensions* +or ser)i'es, it is o!ten &se!&" to ha)e '&stomers i enti!% the i ea" ser)i'e (ro'ess !or a gi)en ser)i'e 'ategor%* Ser)i'e $"&e(rinting 'an he"( market resear'hers o)er'ome the "imitations inherent in asking '&stomers to es'ri$e s&'h a ser)i'e $% &sing #or s a"one* The ser)i'e $"&e(rint 'an (ro)i e a means !or ser)i'e $ran managers an ser)i'e esigners to )ie# an 'om(are the '&stomer:s i ea" ser)i'e, the !irm:s a't&a" e3isting ser)i'e, an o!!erings* an% n&m$er o! 'om(etitors: ser)i'e

4.3 $EARN-N5 F%R/ "1-S E+ER -SE

81 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

This e3er'ise has he"(e me to &n erstan the #ho"e (ro'ess a$o&t ho# the #ork is 'arrie in a 'o!!ee ser)i'e (ro)i er* I #as a$"e to &n erstan the im(ortan'e o! ser)i'e $"&e(rint* Be'a&se o! this e3er'ise I #as a$"e to &n erstan the 'on'e(t o! ser)i'e $"&e(rint in etai"*

). P10S- A$ E.-2EN E
7* 2G<or > Ar<Aite<ture
Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% ha gone in !or image 'hange an re)am(ing o! interiors in the "ast .&arter o! 1997* Ca!/ interiors ha)e $een gi)en a #ho"e, ne# "ook* In a 'hange !rom the "arge"% #oo an granite $ase interiors, there is more o! stee" an "ots more 'o"o&r no#* The %o&ng 'o"o&rs o! to a%, "ime green, %e""o#, orange, an (&r("e (re ominate* These 'o"o&rs are &ni!ie an &se in a"" the o&t"ets an stores o! Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%*

1* $iterature
The "iterat&re (ro)i e $% Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is in i'ati)e o! its %o&th!&" image* The men&s, (osters, (am(h"ets are a"" esigne to attra't %o&ng an %o&ng at heart* The% a"so ha)e their magaGine 'a""e as ;Ca!/ Beat:, #hi'h is (&$"ishe month"% at their Banga"ore hea o!!i'e an istri$&te thro&gho&t the $ran'hes*

8* 2re&& ode
The ress 'o e is $"a'k ress #ith the "ogo o! Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% on one si e* This is a"so is one o! the e)i en'es*

).1 R%$ES %F SER.- ES APE P$A0 -N "1-S -N2,S"R0

The environment in which the service is assembled and in which the seller and customer interact, combined with tan ible commodities that facilitate !erformance or communication of the service" Servicesca!e By #oom& and #itner

88 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

A ser)i'es'a(e is not a (assi)e setting F it ("a%s an im(ortant ro"e in ser)i'e transa'tions* An e)a"&ation o! the ro"es the% ha)e in ser)i'e en'o&nters #i"" re)ea" ho# im(ortant it is to esign an a((ro(riate ser)i'es'a(e*

Be"o# iagram sho#s the im(ortan'e o! Ser)i'es'a(e = 2h%si'a" E)i en'e in terms o! 'o!!ee retai"ing in &str%J

+rom the 'hart gi)en a$o)e one 'an easi"% make o&t the the !o""o#ing ana%sesJ, 0hen it 'omes to gi)ing highest (riorit%, ma-orit% o! the (eo("e #o&" "ook !or O&a"it%, am$ien'e an (h%si'a" e)i en'e* 0here as the other !a'tors o not a!!e't m&'h* "Aere;ore it <learly :roEe& tAat better &erEi<e& ba<Led u: by 'ood &erEi<e&<a:e i& one o; tAe mo&t im:ortant a&:e<t in term& o; attra<tin' <u&tomer&F 8Aen it <ome& to o;;ee Retail -ndu&try or any ;a&t ;ood retailin' bu&ine&&.

).( ASPE "S %F SER.- ES APE -NF$,EN -N5 "1E SER.- E 2E$-.ER0 PR% ESS
From <u&tomer Point o; Eie8:84 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

A* E3terior an Interior Design B* Am$ien'e C* +oo D.&a"it%, .&antit% F )ariet% E

From tAe &erEi<e :roEider& :oint o; Eie8:-

7* $o'oF olor&F -ma'e&

Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% has &se $right re an green 'o"ors in its "ogo* RED stan s !or "ea ershi( an )ita"it%* It a"so stan s !or (assion DS !or 'o!!eeE* The 0HITE S0IRL signi!ies (&rit% o! (&r(ose, in)igorating (ro(erties o! gro#ing 'o!!ee* The GREEN stroke harks $a'k to their 'o!!ee gro#ing heritage an the 'o!!ee ("antations that the% o#n* It signi!ies 715 %ears o! 'o!!ee gro#ing heritage o! this )erti'a""% integrate gro&(* Ca!/ is noti'ea$"% "arger than the rest o! the te3t insi e the "ogo $o3* This enotes that Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% (ioneere the 'a!/ 'on'e(t in In ia #a% $a'k in 7@@6* Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% #o&" "ike to o#n the #or L'a!/M in the min s o! its '&stomers* 0hen one thinks o! a 'a!/ it:s got to $e Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%* The !ont &se !or LCa!/M is 'a""e SLURRY* The !ont "ooks as tho&gh the "etters ha)e 'ongea"e o&t o! a "i.&i * It gi)es the im(ression that the #or is sti"" !orming itse"! an e)o")ing into something ne# an something $etter 'onstant"%* This is the 'hara'teristi' o! Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%:s '&stomers an this is the 'hara'teristi' that the $ran too #ants to a o(t* The &(#ar S0IRL insi e the "ogo $o3 stan s !or the in)igorating an &("i!ting nat&re o! 'o!!ee an the am$ien'e at Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%*

1* 2G<or > Ar<Aite<ture

Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% ha gone in !or image 'hange an re)am(ing o! interiors in the "ast .&arter o! 1997* Ca!/ interiors ha)e $een gi)en a #ho"e, ne# "ook* In a 'hange !rom the "arge"% #oo an granite $ase interiors, there is more o! stee" an "ots more 'o"o&r no#* The %o&ng 'o"o&rs o! 85 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

to a%, "ime green, %e""o#, orange, an (&r("e (re ominate* These 'o"o&rs are &ni!ie an &se in a"" the o&t"ets an stores o! Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%*

6. 6ild ard 6.1 Pri<in'

Consi ering that Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% kno#s its ma-or '&stomer "ies in the $ra'ket o! 75, 1@, it has trie to eri)e a (o"i'% #here$% it 'an satis!% a"" its '&stomers* The (ri'e !or a '&( o! 'o!!ee ranges !rom Rs*19 to Rs*199* +rom the time it !irst starte its o(erations, there has $een on"% minor 'hanges in the (ri'ing (o"i'% o! Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%* The 'hanges ha)e $een more &e to the go)ernment ta3es than an% thing e"se*

86 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

+rom the (ie iagram a$o)e one 'an easi"% make o&t the 'ons&mer is rea % to s(en Rs * 799 A 199* So !rom this one 'an make o&t that Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% nee to kee( the (ri'es "o# inor er to 'ater the '&rrent segement*

6.( Promotion
a;G o;;ee 2ay doe& not belieEe in ma&& media :romotion&. #ut tAey are inEolEed in all "Arou'A teleEi&ion a 'ontest aro&n a )er% (o(&"ar (rogramme on Tee Eng"ish 'a""e

tAe area& o; &eriou& <on&umer :a&&ion.

Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% he"

#riends$ A"" the si3 "ea 'hara'ters are sho#n o!ten )isiting a 'o!!ee sho( an a "ot o! %o&th "ike #at'hing the (rogramme* That is #h% the% ha a 'ontest r&nning #here '&stomers 'o&" #in #riendsC mer'han ise* The "inkage #as that it is a %o&th $ase (rogramme an it ha a 'o!!ee ho&se* The% ha)e tie &( #ith Channe" U>VCs Get Gorgeo&s 'ontest* The reason $eing that a "ot o! their %o&ng 'ons&mers are intereste in 'areers* Mo e"ing is a 'areer that a "ot o! %o&ngsters are intereste in an this #as an e3'e""ent ("at!orm* The% ha)e a"so one (romotion !or Histor% Channe", #here the% ha)e r&n (romotion !or %ollywood %eroes* The% ha aske a !e# .&estion an a "&'k% #inner #on a tri( to Ho""%#oo * W "i<Let &ale&

Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is in)o")e in ti'ket sa"es in .&ite a !e# e)ents, Enri.&e $eing one o! them* The% #ere in)o")e in 00E, E"ton Hohn, an Br%an A ams ti'ket sa"es* These a'ts are )er% m&'h a((re'iate $% their 'ons&mers* It he"(s $oth the organiGers as #e"" as Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%* OrganiGers nee to te"" (eo("e #here the ti'kets are a)ai"a$"e an sing"e Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% "ogo sa%s it a""* +rom Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%:s (oint o! )ie#, the% a"#a%s ask !or a 'ertain amo&nt o! ti'kets aro&n #hi'h the% ha)e a 'ontest* Co&("es 'an #in ti'ket !or !ree* This in t&rn raises the a#areness "e)e" as 'a!e sta!! a((roa'hes the 'ons&mers to in!orm them a$o&t the 'ontest* There 8< ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

is not a $etter (&$"i'it% me'hanism then the (erson #ho is ser)ing %o& te""ing %o& a$o&t the same* W A&&o<iation 8itA moEie&

Ca!/ 'o!!ee a% has $een asso'iate #ith a (oo" o! mo)ies to $roa 'ast it se"! *Its main intention is to in'rease the )isi$i"it% rate #ithin the 'ro# #ho are a (art o! the a& ien'es* The% ha)e $een a (art o! mo)ies "ikeJ Bas Y&n Hi Bhakee Main Hoon Na B%&n Ho Ga%a Na M&-hse Shaa i Baroge L&'k% So'ha Na Tha An a "ot o! Te"eg& F Tami" mo)ies W Sale& Promotion

Ca!/ 'o!!ee a% has $een a )er% (romising initiator than 'om(are to its 'om(etitors !or sa"es (romotion "ikeJ Gi)ing a#a% Gi!ts &ring o''asions e*g* )a"entine a% O!!ering Co&(ons Ca!/ CitiGen 'ar #hi'h a""o#s reg&"ar mem$ers to a)ai" is'o&nts &(to 19K an $e'ome a mem$er a!ter a (&r'hase amo&nt o! &(to 1999 Rs* S&gar !ree 'am(aign #hi'h #as main"% one to s(rea a#areness o! sta%ing hea"th% an !it $% &sing the s&gar !ree sa'hets Dis'o&nts &ring !esti)e times to mem$ers 8? ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

6.3 Pla<e
Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% "ooks to 'ater to their target market #ith strategi'a""% "o'ate o&t"ets* Their o&t"ets are genera""% "o'ate in High Street= +ami"% Entertainment Centers* Consi ering their generi' a((ea", there are Barista o&t"ets "o'ate in an aro&n Ma""s, Cinemas, Co""eges, O!!i'es, et'* This en orses their $ran image o! a 'a!/ that a((ea"s to 'o!!ee "o)ers o! a"" ages*

6.4 Peo:le
2eo("e at Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% $e"ie)e that L2eo("e are hire !or #hat the% kno# $&t !ire !or ho# the% $eha)eM* Moti)ation an (ersona" ski"" are "ai em(hasiGe &(on*

6.) Pro<e&&
The or er (ro'ess at Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is $ase on ser)i'es, #here the '&stomer 'an rea the men& an or er* 0hereas the% ha)e a !"e3i$"e e"i)er% (ro'ess, #here the '&stomer 'an go ire't"% an take #hat the% ha)e or ere !or or the or er is e"i)ere on his ta$"e*

6.6 Po&itionin'
Resear'h sho#s that 8<K o! the '&stomers are $et#een 19 an 14%ears* 1<K o! the '&stomers are $et#een the age gro&( o! 15,1@ %ears* 69K o! the '&stomers #ho )isit the 'a!/ are ma"e an 49K are !ema"e* 51K o! '&stomers #ho )isit the 'a!es are st& ents*7?K o! the '&stomers: )isit the 'a!es ai"% #hi"e another 44K )isit #eek"%* Ea'h 'a!/, e(en ing &(on its siGe attra'ts $et#een 599 an ?99 '&stomers ai"%, main"% $et#een 4(m an < (m* C&stomers es'ri$e Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% as the ("a'e the% !re.&ent most a!ter Lhome an #ork("a'e='o""egeM* It is a ("a'e #here the% meet !rien s an 'o""eag&es, in gro&(s o! 8 or more* The (ri'es here are (er'ei)e to

8@ ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

$e reasona$"e an it is a ("a'e #here '&stomers 'ome to re-&)enate themse")es an $e

themse")es rather than a ("a'e to $e Lseen atM )is a )is other 'a!es*

6.* 2-S"R-#,"-%N PR% ESS

49 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

*. -N2,S"R0 SE "-%N
F,",RE P$ANS:-

7* Ser)ing to the Air De''an Cons&mers in air*

47 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

1* 2"anning to o(en 'a!es in Mi "e East, Eastern E&ro(e, Eg%(t an So&th East Asia in
'oming month*

8* In H&ne, 1979 Ca!e Co!!ee Da% 'hain a'.&ire Em(orio !or Rs 75 'rore* Em(orio is a
CGe'h Re(&$"i',$ase 'a!/ 'hain (resent at 77 "o'ations* CCD ("ans to 'o,$ran the 'hain as Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% Em(orio an "ater transition it to Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%* CCD is a"so (resent in >ienna* The 'om(an% #ants to e3(an in the East E&ro(ean region, 0est Asia an the Asia,2a'i!i' region*

4* Ca!e Co!!ee Da% has aro&n ?17 o&t"ets in 775 'ities in In ia* CCD ("ans to take the tota"
n&m$er o! 'a!es to 7,999 $% Mar'h 1979 an o&$"e it to 1,999 $% 1974* In O'to$er 199@, CCD anno&n'e that it #i"" in'rease its internationa" (resen'e !rom the '&rrent si3 o&t"ets in >ienna an 2akistan to a tota" o! 59 stores a'ross E&ro(e an Mi "e East in t#o %ears time*

*.1 S6%" ANA$0S-S


2ro &'ts o! e3treme"% goo .&a"it% an taste* Its a %o&th oriente $ran , hen'e h&ge (otentia" sin'e 49 K (o(&"ation is $e"o# 19 It (ro &'es=gro#s the 'o!!ee it ser)es hen'e re &'ing the 'ost* US2 o! $ran is its 'onsi ere a high"% a!!or a$"e $ran * In iaCs "argest retai" 'hain o! 'a!es* ISO @991 'erti!ie 'om(an%*


0eak $ran image an "a'ks strength to maintain $ran "o%a"t%*

41 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

2oor am$ien'e an (romotions*

e'or* Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% o&t"et ser)e (rime s(a'e !or a )ertising an

Man% o! the Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% stores are in'&rring "oses &e to #rong site se"e'tion*


Co!!ee 'a!e in &str% is one o! the !astest gro#ing in &stries in Asia* More (eo("e "ike to )isit Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% !or in!orma" meetings* Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% has gone internationa", an is ("anning to attra't man% ne# internationa" markets, hen'e gaining internationa" re'ognition


Com(etition #ith other 'o!!ee 'a!es "ike Barista, Mo'has* Internationa" Bran s "ike G"oria Heans, Co!!ee Bean F Tea Lea! an I""% Ca!/*

Other h&kka (ar"o&rs are a"so gaining "ot o! attention an (re!erre $% %o&ng generation to hang aro&n #hi'h in t&rn is attra'ting the market 'a(ti)ate $% Ca!/ Co!!ee Da%*

*.( P%R"ER3S F-.E F%R ES /%2E$

"Areat o; ne8 entrant& 48 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

Threat o! ne# entrants is high* As more an more internationa" $ran s are "ooking to#ar s In ia as the ne# target Market* E*g*J, G"oria Heans Star B&'ks I""% Ca!/ Co!!ee Bean

#ar'ainin' :o8er o; <u&tomer& Bargaining (o#er o! '&stomers is high as more an more Ca!es are 'oming* So Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% nee s to kee( the (ri'es as (er '&stomers* The (ri'e sho&" satis!% the '&stomer an attra't them* Be"o# mentione are three !a'tors to $e 'onsi ere J, 2ri'e 'om(arison >ariet% o! (ro &'ts Ser)i'e (ro)i e

#ar'ainin' :o8er o; Su::lier& Bargaining (o#er o! s&(("iers is )er% "o# as Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% man&!a't&res its o#n 'o!!ee $ean* More o)er the !oo items the% $&% !rom "o'a" s&(("iers are easi"% a)ai"a$"e an the% 'an easi"% 'hange the s&(("iers as an #hen the% #ant* Be"o# are !e# !a'tors mentione regar ing the $argaining (o#er o! s&(("iersJ, +oo items o$taine !rom "o'a" s&(("iers +o""o#s $a'k#ar integration Co!!ee $eans !rom its $ase in Banga"ore

44 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

"Areat o; &ub&titute& Threat !rom s&$stit&tes is )er% high* As there are H&kka 2ar"o&rs, Other !r&it -&i'e -oints are $e'oming the ne# -&n'tion !or %o&th* E*g*J, I'e tea o!!ere $% Costa 'o!!ee Co!!ee o!!ere $% other 'om(etitors Co" rinks ser)e in sta i&m

om:etition 8itAin indu&try Com(etition #ithin the in &str% is )er% high* As there are n&m$er o! o" ("a%ers "ike Barista, Ca!/ Mo'ha, an Miner)a are #e"" esta$"ishe ("a%ers in the market* Barista is a"so targeting the same market segment i*e*I %o&th*

8. %N $,S-%N AN2 RE %//EN2A"-%NS

45 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day

+rom the (ro-e't #e 'an 'on'"& e the !o""o#ingJ, That Ca!/ Co!!ee a% is ("anning to go internationa"* The other ma-or things regar ing ser)i'e marketing is that '&stomers gi)e to( (riorit% to the .&a"it% o! the ser)i'es = (ro &'ts an am$ien'e* The ma-or 'om(etitor o! Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% is &n o&$te "% Barista as $oth o! the ser)i'e (ro)i ers 'ater to same market segment In ia as the% !in In ia ne# target market*

Re<ommendation&:7* To im(ro)e the interiors an /'or*

1* To ha)e more an more tie,&(s* 8* On"% 59 K or "ess than 59 K (eo("e !in Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% .&a"it% o! ser)i'e, am$ien'e, (ri'ing an "o'ation to $e )er% goo #hi'h (ro)es that sti"" Ca!/ Co!!ee Da% nee to o "ot o! home#ork in or er to satis!% its '&stomers* 4* It sho&" intro &'e a !ee $a'k !orm s%stem in or er to kno# a$o&t the '&stomers satis!a'tion "e)e"*

9. #-#$-%5RAP10
46 ! 2 a g e

A Project Report on Caf Coffee Day Site& Re;erred: shtt(J==###*'asest& %in'*'om='o!!ee, a%,$ran ,strateg%,in ia htt(J==###*(r,insi e*'om=in ia,!oo ,an , rink,re(ort,.,r1764144*htm htt(J==en*#iki(e ia*org=#iki=Marketing htt(J==###*'a!e'o!!ee a%*'om= htt(J==###*$arista*'o*in=&sers=in e3*as(3

4< ! 2 a g e

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