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Ihe Irend-Setter 2

Maker of Clobal Managers 4

Moulder of Management Educators 6
Founding Fathers 8
Enduring \ision 1O
Powerhouse of Alied kesearch 12
Pioneer of the Case Method 14
|nterface with Society 16
Links with Clobal Schools 18
Leadershi and Covernance 2O
Faculty and Academic Associates 22
Administrative and Suort Staff 22
Ieaching Programmes 24
Post-Craduate Programme in Management (PCPJ 24
Post-Craduate Programme in Agri-Business Management (PCP-ABMJ 26
Post-Craduate Programme in Management for Executives (PCPXJ 28
Fellow Programme in Management (FPMJ JO
Faculty 0eveloment Programme (F0PJ J2
Management 0eveloment Programmes (M0PJ J4
Student Life J6
Student-Managed Events 4O
Career Counselling and Placement 44
Ihe Camus 46
\ibrant Ahmedabad 52
How to keach ||MA 56
Back in lhc lalc ninclccn lillics, a ncwly indccndcnl nalion was
allcmling lo lranslorm ilscll inlo a modcl dcmocralic slalc. !hc nccd lor
managcmcnl cducalion lo build lhc nalion was rccogniscd by a lcw
visionary individuals who wovc logclhcr a coalilion ol livc lorccs - lhc
govcrnmcnl ol Cu|aral, lhc govcrnmcnl ol lndia, lhc local induslrialisls,
lhc Ford Foundalion and lhc Harvard Busincss School, in a lruc siril ol
ublic rivalc arlncrshi lo cslablish lndian lnslilulc ol Managcmcnl,
^hmcdabad (llM^).
0vcr lhc ycars, lhc lnslilulc has gonc lrom slrcnglh lo slrcnglh, charling
a coursc lhal is in kccing wilh lhc nccds ol lhc nalion and incrcasingly
wilh lhc nccds ol lhc cmcrging world. !hc lnslilulc slands loday al lhc
innaclc ol succcss rccogniscd wilhin lhc counlry lor ils conlribulions lo
nalion building. ll has carncd world-widc rcsccl lor lhc conlribulions il
has madc lhrough ils alumni and lacully lo lhc raclicc ol managcmcnl
in all lorms ol organisalions.
!hc brochurc documcnls lhc |ourncy ol lhis rcmarkablc inslilulion ovcr
lhc lasl livc dccadcs. l hoc lhc brochurc would arousc your curiosily lo
lcarn morc aboul lhc lnslilulc and lriggcr a dcsirc lo visil lhc camus, lo
gcl involvcd wilh ils aclivilics and lo asirc lo bccomc a arl ol lhc
Samir K Barua
0ircclor, llM^
Welcome to ||MA
The Trend-Seller
Foundcd on 0cccmbcr 11, 1961, llM^ quickly assumcd lcadcrshi
in managcmcnl cducalion in lndia and has mainlaincd il cvcr sincc.
ll has grown inlo lndias lavourilc managcmcnl school. !hc bcnchmark
in managcmcnl cducalion in lhc counlry, il allracls lhc crcmc dc la
crcmc ol sludcnls and lacully. Pccruilcrs ranging lrom global invcslmcnl
banks lo NC0s working wilh lhc oor harvcsl ils gradualcs. 0clighlcd,
lhcy kcc coming back lor morc. ll is nol surrising lhal onc-lhird ol lhc
CE0s in lndia had lhcir inlroduclion lo rolcssional managcmcnl al llM^.
Covcrnmcnls and lcading comanics in bolh lhc rivalc and lhc ublic
scclor scck ils advicc on a widc rangc ol issucs. !hc gcncral ublic looks
uon il wilh ridc and a scnsc ol owncrshi. ^llcr all, il is a ublic
inslilulion lhal grcw lrom collaboralion bclwccn lhc Covcrnmcnl ol lndia,
lhc Covcrnmcnl ol Cu|aral, and lhc lndian induslry.
Evcr sincc ranking ol busincss schools slarlcd in lndia in lhc 199Os, llM^
has bccn occuying lhc lo slol ycar allcr ycar irrcscclivc ol
who docs lhc ranking and whal aramclcrs lhcy usc. ln lhc ^sia-Pacilic
rcgion, llM^ has bccn rccalcdly rankcd among lhc lo livc busincss
schools. ln global rankings, il has consislcnlly lound ilscll among lhc lo
hundrcd busincss schools. ln 2OO8, llM^ bccamc lhc lirsl busincss
school in lndia lo rcccivc lhc inlcrnalional accrcdilalion, E0UlS
(Eurocan 0ualily lmrovcmcnl Syslcm) by Eurocan Foundalion lor
Managcmcnl 0cvclomcnl. ln 2O1O, lhc Financial !imcs ol London
rankcd llM^s lwo-ycar PCP (Posl-Cradualc Programmc) cighlh globally
among Maslcrs in Managcmcnl Programmcs lhal do nol insisl on work
cxcricncc lor admission. !hc samc agcncy rankcd llM^s Posl-Cradualc
Programmc lor Excculivcs (PCPX-lor sludcnls wilh work cxcricncc) 11lh
globally among MB^ rogrammcs in 2O11.






Maker of CIobaI Managers
llM^s alumni havc crcalcd or |oincd a widc rangc ol organisalions in lndia,
lranslormcd lhcm, and givcn scvcral ol lhcm a global rcscncc. Somc
alumni arc roviding lcadcrshi al lhc global ocralions ol mullinalionals.
Bchind lhcir cxlraordinary achicvcmcnls is lhc scnsc ol conlidcncc lhal
lhcy acquirc during lhc rigorous rogrammc al lhc lnslilulc. 'll you can
survivc lhc PCP al llM^, you can lakc on anylhing,` dcclarc scvcral alumni.
!hcy arc also hclcd by a vasl nclwork ol highly succcsslul cnlrcrcncurs
and managcrs who havc bccn lhrough lhc samc cxcricncc. !hcy know
lhcy havc lo cxccl lo bc worlhy ol lhc lradilion lhcy arc arl ol. Sociclys
high cxcclalions also lay an imorlanl rolc in lhc way llM^s alumni
conlronl challcngcs.
Hcrc is a small samlc ol alumni who havc madc a dillcrcncc in
divcrsc liclds.
K\ Kamalh madc lClCl Bank lhc biggcsl rivalc scclor bank in lndia,
ahcad ol all lhc ublic scclor banks cxccl Slalc Bank ol lndia, and onc
ol lhc lo 5O mosl valuablc global brands.
Narendra Murkumbi cnlcrcd lhc unglamorous and lragmcnlcd licld
ol canc sugar roduclion dominalcd by co-ocralivcs and crcalcd
Shrcc Pcnuka Sugars, a lasl-growing sugar and biolucls comany wilh
ocralions nol only in lndia bul also in Brazil.
0eep KaIra, loundcr and CE0 ol MakcMy!ri is giving lhc lndian
lravcllcr unrcccdcnlcd owcr and lrccdom ol choicc.
MS |\indi) anga lcd Hinduslan Lcvcr as ils CE0 and lalcr lcd Clobal
Foods, Homc and Pcrsonal Carc ol Unilcvcr as ils Prcsidcnl.
Sanjeev ikhchandani, co-loundcr and CE0 ol lnloEdgc, known by
ils wcbsilc,, is connccling hundrcds ol lhousands ol lndian
|ob-scckcrs wilh olcnlial cmloycrs.
MF \asimaIai, co-loundcr ol PP^0^N (Prolcssional ^ssislancc lor
0cvclomcnl ^clion) and Excculivc 0ircclor ol 0H^N (0cvclomcnl
lor Humanc ^clion) Foundalion, has bccn dcvcloing sucrior
rolcssionals lo work wilh lhc oor in villagcs, lribal arcas and
urban slums.
Narcndra Murkumbi
\i|ay M
MP \asimalai
Salil Shclly
K\ Kamalh
0cc Kalra
MS (\indi) Banga
Shikha Sharma
^shok ^lcxandcr
San|ccv Bikhchandani
P0 Pai
\ijay Mahajan, a social cnlrcrcncur, has hclcd ovcr a million rural
houscholds lo suslain lhcmsclvcs lhrough his B^SlX, a microlinancc
Shikha Sharma, lhc Managing 0ircclor and CE0 ol ^xis Bank, has
insircd millions ol womcn by making a mark in lhc malc dominalcd
world ol banking and linancc.
F0 kai, an clcclcd mcmbcr ol lhc lndian Parliamcnl is lranslorming his
conslilucncy, Sikkim.
SaIiI Shelly, 0ircclor Ccncral ol ^mncsly lnlcrnalional, has hclcd
millions ol oor colc all ovcr lhc world as 0ircclor ol lhc UNs
Millcnnium Camaign and lhc Chicl Excculivc ol ^clion^id.
Ashok AIexander, oncc hcad ol McKinscy Comanys Ncw 0clhi
ollicc, is hcling lcns ol lhousands ol lndians in his osilion as 0ircclor,
^vahan lndia ^l0S lnilialivc ol lhc Bill Mclinda Calcs Foundalion.
MouIder of Managemenl Lducalors
Scvcral ol llM^s alumni arc shaing managcmcnl and managcmcnl
cducalion in lhc counlry lhrough lcading schools and univcrsilics which
lhcy havc |oincd cilhcr as dircclors or as scnior lacully. Somc ol lhcsc
lhoughl-lcadcrs did lhc Posl-Cradualc Programmc (MB^) al lhc lnslilulc and
lhc olhcrs, lhc Fcllow (docloral) Programmc. !his lils in wilh onc ol lhc
ma|or ob|cclivcs ol llM^. rolcssionalising managcmcnl cducalion in lndia.
Somc alumni |oin lcading global busincss schools lor lhcir docloral sludics,
lcach lor a whilc, and comc back lo lndia. Somc slay on and conlribulc lo
managcmcnl cducalion globally. !ogclhcr lhcsc alumni havc had a ma|or
imacl on managcmcnl cducalion in lndia and wcll bcyond ils bordcrs.
!hc lalc CK FrahaIad, widcly considcrcd lo bc among lhc lo lcn
managcmcnl lhinkcrs ol rcccnl dccadcs, was onc ol llM^s carlicsl
alumni. Hc also scrvcd llM^ as a lacully mcmbcr bclorc moving on lo
lhc Unilcd Slalcs.
kaghuram kajan was lhc Chicl Economisl ol lhc lnlcrnalional Monclary
Fund lor lour ycars bclorc hc rclurncd lo lhc Univcrsily ol Chicago
Boolh School ol Busincss whcrc hc is lhc Eric l. Clcachcr 0islinguishcd
Scrvicc Prolcssor ol Financc.
\ Kasluri "Kash kangan, Srikanl 0alar, and SuniI Cupla arc Chair
Prolcssors al Harvard Busincss School.
Anjani !ain is lhc \icc 0can, and Harbir Singh and !agmohan S kaju
arc Chair Prolcssors al lhc Wharlon School ol Busincss, Univcrsily ol
Marli C Subrahmanyam is a Chair Prolcssor al Slcrn, Ncw York
eheruz C Selhna is lhc Prcsidcnl ol lhc Univcrsily ol Wcsl Ccorgia.
Manju Furi is a Chair Prolcssor al Fuqua School ol Busincss, 0ukc
Shekhar Choudhury is lhc dircclor ol llM Calculla, 0evi Singh ol llM
Lucknow and Samir K arua ol llM ^hmcdabad.
Ajil kangnekar is lhc 0can ol lndian School ol Busincss, Hydcrabad.
18 6
Bchcruz C Sclhna
CK Prahalad
^n|ani lain
ar C
^|il Pangnckar
Paghuram Pa|an
\ Kasluri 'Kash` Pangan
Sunil Cula
Srikanl 0alar
arli C
Man|u Puri
0cvi Singh
ir K
ohan S Pa|u
Harbir Singh
ll i diiiicu|l lo lracc lhc cvo|ulion oi lhi lnlilulc wilhoul rcicrcncc lo lhc co|c who havc bui|l
il bricl by bricl ovcr lhc ycar From il incclion lhc lnlilulc ha roqrccd wilh a cnc oi
dcliny lo a ccnlrc oi cxcc||cncc ior manaqcmcnl ll ric i a lribulc lo lhc viion oi lhc co|c
who |cd il and a roud cxam|c oi hard worl c|arily oi viion and rc|cnl|c uruil oi qoa|
lr \ilram Sarabhai
!hc Foundcr
i La
vi ! M
0r !ivraj Mehla
ci| lclch
c b
y U
l /
r \ikram
r \ikram
Founding Falhers
llM^ has ncvcr bccn a onc-man show. lls slrcnglh lics in scvcral lalcnlcd
colc, drivcn by a assion lo cxccl, working logclhcr wilh a common goal.
Nolhing illuslralcs lhis morc lhan lhc birlh ol lhc lnslilulc. Esccially
nolcworlhy arc 0r \ikram Sarabhai, Kaslurbhai LaIbhai, and kavi ! Mallhai,
who logclhcr shacd lhc hcarl and soul ol llM^.
\ikram Sarabhai was a brillianl sacc scicnlisl wilh an cxlraordinary lusion
ol mullilc lalcnls and a dcc inlcrcsl in lhc alicalion ol scicnlilic knowlcdgc
lor lhc common good. Ccncrally rcgardcd as lhc lalhcr ol lhc lndian sacc
rogrammc, hc was a visionary inslilulion buildcr obscsscd wilh lhc drcam ol
lndia bccoming a rcscclcd global laycr. Hc crsuadcd lcading induslrialisls,
olilicians, and burcaucrals lo hcl him build inslilulions lhal havc donc lhc
counlry roud. 0nc ol lhc olilicians who suorlcd him wholchcarlcdly in
sclling u llM^ is 0r !ivraj Mehla, romincnl mcmbcr ol lhc lndian Conslilucnl
^sscmbly and lhc lirsl Chicl Minislcr ol Cu|aral.
Kaslurbhai Lalbhai was an aslulc busincssman, gcncrous hilanlhroisl,
slaunch nalionalisl, and consummalc inslilulion buildcr rollcd inlo onc. Hc was
lhc lirsl chairman ol llM^s board ol govcrnors. ^long wilh 0r livra| Mchla, hc
uscd his cnormous inllucncc wilh lhc olilical lcadcrs ol modcrn lndia lo givc
llM^ adcqualc lunds and considcrablc aulonomy lo ursuc cxccllcncc.
!hc lirsl lull-limc dircclor ol llM^, Pavi l Mallhai gavc a slruclurc and body lo
\ikram Sarabhais vision lor lhc lnslilulc. His lolal commilmcnl lo
cmowcrmcnl ol slall and lacully, scll-govcrnancc, cmhasis on scll-dircclcd
accounlabilily, and rclcnllcss ursuil ol cxccllcncc arc al lhc rool ol llM^s
cxlraordinary succcss and rcsilicncc in lhc lacc ol slill challcngcs. Scll-dircclcd
accounlabilily look such dcc rools lhal llM^ ncvcr lcl any dircclor cvcn drcam
ol an aulhorilarian aroach lo govcrnancc. Pavi Mallhai slccd down as
dircclor al lhc cnd ol his lcrm whcn cvcryonc wanlcd him lo conlinuc, hc lhcn
slaycd on and workcd al lhc lnslilulc as an ordinary mcmbcr ol lhc lacully.
!hus hc scl a rcccdcnl in dclachmcnl lhal has bccn lollowcd by his
!ogclhcr lhcsc lhrcc loundcrs crcalcd and bullrcsscd a govcrning slruclurc al
lhc lnslilulc lhal was rcmarkably lrcc lrom burcaucralic shacklcs lhal lcnd lo
slo govcrnmcnl-lundcd acadcmic inslilulions lrom lhriving and achicving
Lnduring \ision
llM^s vision is lo bc a global inslilulion lhal inllucnccs managcrial and
adminislralivc racliccs by crcaling ncw lronlicrs ol knowlcdgc and dcvcloing
cnlrcrcncurial and socially scnsilivc lcadcr-managcrs commillcd lo cxccllcncc
and clhical slandards. ll was ncvcr inlcrcslcd in ivory lowcr rcscarch. ll has always
bccn gcncraling knowlcdgc and disscminaling il lor dcvcloing lhc counlrys
managcrial caabilily and solving ils myriad roblcms on mullilc lronls. !hc
Sanskril hrasc, \cyc \nycccvkcs (dcvclomcnl lhrough alicalion ol
knowlcdgc), clchcd in lhc lnslilulcs logo, calurcs lhis siril.
llM^ is nol a busincss school ol lhc slandard kind. ll was ncvcr mcanl lo bc. !hc
loundcrs wcrc clcar lhal lhcy wcrc sclling u an inslilulion lhal would hcl lndia,
nol |usl lndian induslry, managc hcrscll rolcssionally. llM^ has ncvcr lakcn ils
cycs oll lhal largcl. ll has dclibcralcly avoidcd a narrowly induslry-locuscd
curriculum. ll has bccn rcaring ils sludcnls lo bccomc valuc-drivcn lcadcrs in
whalcvcr liclds lhcy choosc lo bc.
ll is nol surrising lhal a largc roorlion ol lhc lnslilulcs alumni havc madc a
mark in banking, consulling, and inlormalion lcchnology lhrough highly rcgardcd
domcslic and inlcrnalional organisalions. Bul many alumni and lacully mcmbcrs
havc conlribulcd cqually richly lo such arcas as agricullurc, manulacluring,
inlraslruclurc, hcallh scrviccs, ublic olicy lormulalion, govcrnancc, and
cducalion. ^boul 1O cr ccnl ol lhc alumni havc bccomc cnlrcrcncurs and
crcalcd wcll-known organisalions in dillcrcnl liclds.
llM^ has bccn laying a ma|or rolc in social cnlrcrcncurshi and romolion
ol innovalion al lhc grass-rools lcvcl. llM^s Ccnlrc lor lnnovalion, lncubalion
and Enlrcrcncurshi (CllE) has bccn nurluring young cnlrcrcncurs wilh nol
only sccd-lunding bul also mcnloring. Mcanwhilc lhc Pavi l Mallhai Ccnlrc lor
Educalional lnnovalion has bccn idcnlilying 'cdurcncurs and romoling
innovalions in cducalion, csccially al lhc school lcvcl.
lnslilulion building and organisalional rcslrucluring havc bccn lorcmosl among
lhc lnslilulcs consulling conlribulions. !hrough ils docloral rogrammc and ils
long duralion Facully 0cvclomcnl Programmc (F0P), llM^ has bccn hcling
busincss schools in lhc counlry lo cnhancc lhc qualily ol managcmcnl
ll` oiicr rca| cducalion and brinq in a diiicrcnl crcclivc or way oi
lhinlinq ll wa hcrc lhal l did omc c|iinlrocclion and alcd dcccr
quclion |ilc who am l whal am l doinq and l dccidcd nol lo qcl inlo
lhc cororalc cclor cvcn lhouqh l wcnl inlo ll`/ wilh lhi idca
`l \aima|ai
Fxcculivc lircclor oi lH/`
|lcvc|omcnl ior Humanc /clion) Foundalion
Fowerhouse of AppIied kesearch
Pursuing lhc goal ol bccoming a lhoughl lcadcr in managcmcnl, llM^ has
bccn invcsling in concclual and alicd rcscarch, ublishing, cslablishing
cducalional rogrammcs lhal rcarc mcn and womcn lor carccrs in
managcmcnl and managcmcnl cducalion, and roviding advisory scrviccs
lo lhc govcrnmcnl and lo organisalions bolh in lhc rivalc and ublic
scclors. !hc signilicanl body ol knowlcdgc, lhc lnslilulc has gcncralcd is
rcllcclcd csccially in a widc rangc ol lndian ublicalions including books
lor managcrs and lcxlbooks lor sludcnls ol managcmcnl.
!hc lnslilulc has scvcral 'ccnlrcs cach ol which conducls cxlcnsivc rcscarch
in a sccilic licld. !hc lirsl ccnlrc camc u in lhc carly 196Os lor rcscarch in
agricullurc managcmcnl. Sincc lhcn il has bccn hcling lhc ccnlral and
slalc govcrnmcnls lramc olicics lhal would lranslorm lhc counlrys
agricullurc scclor.
\arious ccnlrcs arc doing rcscarch in arcas such as c-govcrnancc, ublic
olicy, hcallh scrviccs, inlraslruclurc, and gcndcr issucs al lhc worklacc.
!hcir rcscarch oulul hcls dillcrcnl dcarlmcnls ol lhc ccnlral and slalc
govcrnmcnls imrovc govcrnancc in lhc counlry lhrough sucrior
olicy-making. !hc Ccnlrc lor Elcclronic Covcrnancc has, lor cxamlc,
bccn hcling lhc Covcrnmcnl ol lndia lo dcvclo and imlcmcnl a
Nalional E-Covcrnancc Plan.
^arl lrom inlcrnally drivcn rcscarch, lacully mcmbcrs havc bccn working
on scvcral cxlcrnally lundcd rcscarch ro|ccls. !hc Ford Foundalion, Unilcd
Nalions, World Bank, Mc^rlhur Foundalion (Chicago), Lund Univcrsily
(Swcdcn), lnlcrnalional !radc Union Conlcdcralion (Brusscls), Covcrnmcnl
ol lndias Planning Commission, scvcral ccnlral and slalc minislrics, and
NCEP! (Nalional Council lor Educalional Pcscarch and !raining) arc among
lhc nalional and inlcrnalional agcncics lhal havc lundcd rcscarch by
llM^ lacully.
`anaqcmcnl cducalion and
rccarch can and hou|d bc
conccrncd wilh a widc ranqc
oi cconomic and ocia|
cclor oi lhc nalion
ocralinq ylcm
lavi l `allhai
Firl iu||limc lircclor ll`/
Fioneer of lhe Case Melhod
Whilc Harvard Busincss School was lhc lirsl lo adol lhc casc mclhod cxlcnsivcly
in managcmcnl cducalion, llM^ ionccrcd ils usc in lndia. !his is arlly bccausc
HBS mcnlorcd llM^ in ils lirsl livc ycars and arlly bccausc lhc loundcrs wcrc
oricnlcd lowards alicalion ol knowlcdgc. ^l lhal limc, lhcrc wcrc no
managcmcnl cascs buill around lndian organisalions. So llM^s lacully slarlcd
sludying lhcm and wriling cascs on lhc challcngcs laccd by lhcm. Cradually lhcy
buill u a dalabasc ol ovcr JOOO managcmcnl cascs, lhc largcsl such collcclion
in lhc ^sia-Pacilic rcgion. Somc ol lhcsc cascs arc uscd in busincss schools
across lhc counlry. ^l rcscnl lhc lnslilulc adds aboul lilly cascs a ycar.
!hc lnslilulc uscs lhc casc mclhod as ils rcdominanl cdagogy. Sludcnls arc
cncouragcd lo analysc cascs lrom lhc crscclivc ol lhc rolagonisl and arrivc al
lhc bcsl ways ol dcaling wilh lhc silualion. Fcllow sludcnls and lhc casc
inslruclors challcngc lhcir rccommcndalions. !hc roccss ol succcsslully
dclcnding or scnsibly modilying lhcir rccommcndalions in rcsonsc lo such
challcngcs lcads lo lhc acquisilion ol wisdom in managcrial dccision-making.
Sludcnls ol lhc long duralion rogrammcs and arlicianls ol lhc managcmcnl
dcvclomcnl rogrammcs alikc lind lhc casc mclhod ol lcaching racliscd al
llM^ bolh challcnging and rcwarding. !hcy arlicularly valuc lhc arlicialivc
nalurc ol lcarning ccnlral lo lhc casc mclhod.
Mcmbcrs ol lhc lacully usc nol only cascs lhcy lhcmsclvcs havc wrillcn bul also
lhosc lrom olhcr rich sourccs such as Harvard Busincss School and Pichard lvcy
School ol Busincss. !his cnsurcs lhal sludcnls arc cxoscd lo managcrial
challcngcs scl in dillcrcnl cullurcs.
!c|| mc and l iorqcl !cach mc and l rcmcmbcr
lnvo|vc mc and l |carn
Bcn|amin Franl|in
Inlerface wilh Sociely
llM^ has always lakcn scriously ils rcsonsibilily lowards socicly, csccially lhc
disadvanlagcd scclions. ll linds limc and rcsourccs lo scrvc lhcm. ^arl lrom
Posl-Cradualc Programmc in ^gri-Busincss Managcmcnl (PCP-^BM), lhc long
duralion diloma rogrammc aimcd al hcling lhc agricullurc scclor and rural
communilics, llM^ has scvcral inlormal inilialivcs lo romolc social |uslicc and
rcmoval ol hungcr.
!hc lirsl inilialivc was lakcn by Pavi Mallhai himscll in 1975. !aking lhc hcl ol
Nalional lnslilulc ol 0csign bascd in ^hmcdabad, hc cxlorcd lhc ossibilily ol
crcaling a scll-rclianl rural communily lhal romolcd and rclincd ils local crall
skills. Hc chosc lawa|a Block comrising 2OO villagcs in a droughl-ronc dislricl
ol Pa|aslhan. His aim was lo 'crcalc crall roducls lhal lhc local owcr slruclurc,
lhc moncylcndcrs, kncw nolhing aboul.` !his was a bold inilialivc bccausc local
owcr slruclurc had bccn lighlly conlrolling lhc markcls.
Somc lacully mcmbcrs havc bccn romoling grass-rools innovalions and
conscrvalion ol bio-divcrsily whilc crcaling livclihoods and gcncraling suslainablc
allcrnalivcs lo lhc way nalural rcsourccs arc managcd. Somc olhcrs havc bccn
working wilh missionary zcal lo oularisc grccn cncrgy and clcan cnvironmcnl.
Somc alumni havc dcvolcd lhcir cnlirc livcs lo romoling social causcs. Scvcral alumni and
lacully mcmbcrs arc aclivcly involvcd in lhc work ol NC0s lhal lhcy havc slarlcd or havc
choscn lo associalc lhcmsclvcs wilh.
Sludcnls havc a social inilialivc ol lhcir own. Prayaas. Ycar allcr ycar sludcnls volunlccr lo
suorl undcrrivilcgcd childrcn living in slums around lhc llM^ camus. !hc main
ob|cclivc is lo givc lhc childrcn a rich and cxciling cducalional cxcricncc so lhal lhcy go lo
school rcgularly and ugradc lhcir skills. Closc inlcraclion wilh lhosc childrcn givcs lhc
sludcnl volunlccrs valuablc insighls inlo lhc way somc scclions ol lndian socicly managc
lhcmsclvcs in lhc lacc ol ovcrly and illilcracy.
Links wilh CIobaI SchooIs
llM^s vcry lirsl link was wilh Harvard Busincss School (HBS). !hc closc
collaboralion during lhc lirsl livc ycars, madc ossiblc lhrough Ford Foundalions
gcncrous lunding, had a soul-dclining inllucncc on llM^. Prolcssors lrom HBS
dcsigncd courscs and laughl al llM^, lhc young lacully al llM^ scnl scvcral
monlhs al HBS lcarning lrom lhc maslcrs ol managcmcnl cducalion. !hc Harvard
imrinl is slill visiblc in lhc cnlhusiaslic adolion ol lhc casc mclhod ol lcaching.
Howcvcr, lhc loundcrs madc surc lhal llM^ did nol bccomc a clonc.
!hc lnslilulc has a llourishing sludcnl cxchangc rogrammc. ^ mcmbcr ol lhc
clilc PlM (Parlncrshi in lnlcrnalional Managcmcnl), llM^ has arlncrcd wilh
morc lhan 6O global busincss schools srcad ovcr lour conlincnls lor sludcnl
cxchangc and wilh a lcw lor a doublc dcgrcc rogrammc. ll has cxchangc
rogrammcs also lor lacully and rcscarch scholars. Such links al lhc sludcnl and
lacully lcvcls acl as a calalysl lor changc and a sourcc ol ncw idcas.
.whcn l hcard oi lhc chancc
lo ludy al lhc rcliqiou ll`/
l hard|y |oolcd al lhc olhcr
choo| my choo| oiicrcd an
cxchanqc al ll rculalion a
lndia mol rccclcd buinc
choo| mcanl lhal l wou|d nol
bc qivinq u any oorlunilic
al my choo| lhal l cou|d nol
malc u ior hcrc
lnlcrnaliona| Fxchanqc arlicianl
Fihcr Co||cqc oi Buinc
!hc 0hio Slalc Univcrily
Leadership and Covernance
llM^ is a linc cxamlc ol ublic-rivalc arlncrshi. lls govcrnancc is dillcrcnl
lrom lhal ol lradilional lndian univcrsilics. ll is managcd by lhc lndian lnslilulc ol
Managcmcnl ^hmcdabad Socicly lhrough lhc Board ol Covcrnors, many ol
whosc mcmbcrs il clccls criodically. !hc Chair ol lhc Board, choscn by lhc
Ccnlral Minislry ol Human Pcsourcc 0cvclomcnl, is a dislinguishcd crson who
has madc a mark in ublic lilc and is highly rcgardcd. !hc Board also has a lcw
nominalcd mcmbcrs rcrcscnling Covcrnmcnl ol lndia, Covcrnmcnl ol Cu|aral,
^lumni and Facully ol llM^, lnduslry, and organisalions working in lhc social
scclor. !his divcrsily has cnsurcd balanccd dccision-making by lhc Board in
dcvising and adoling olicics.
^llhough lhc ccnlral govcrnmcnl is a ma|or slakcholdcr and has lhc owcr lo
ovcrrulc, lhc Board has cxcrciscd lrcmcndous aulonomy. !hc 0ircclor acls as lhc
bridgc bclwccn lhc board and lhc cmloyccs. ^ll 0ircclors havc bccn colc who
havc dislinguishcd lhcmsclvcs in acadcmics and adminislralion.
0nc ol lhc dislinguishing lcalurcs ol llM^ is lacully govcrnancc. Pighl lrom lhc
carly days, lacully mcmbcrs havc bccn invcsling subslanlial amounls ol limc and
cllorl lo discuss and arrivc al olicy dccisions by conscnsus. Whilc lhis may havc
slowcd down dccision-making, lhc all-round buy-in by lhc lacully ol dccisions
lakcn has cnsurcd comliancc wilhoul cxlcrnal moniloring. ^ll ma|or ocralions
ol lhc lnslilulc arc hcadcd by lacully, aoinlcd by lhc 0ircclor. !hcy hold lhcsc
osilions lor a lixcd lcrm ol lwo or lhrcc ycars.

FacuIly and Academic Associales
!hcrc arc aboul 9O rcgular, lull-limc lacully mcmbcrs al llM^. !hcy comc lrom
dillcrcnl rcgions ol lhc counlry. !hcy bclong lo dillcrcnl rcligions and scak
dillcrcnl molhcr longucs. ^ll ol lhcm (cxccl 2 cr ccnl) havc docloral dcgrccs.
Mosl ol lhcm havc had somc work cxcricncc or arl ol lhcir gradualc cducalion
abroad. Somc combinc cororalc cxcricncc wilh lcaching and acadcmic rcscarch.
^arl lrom rcscarch and lcaching, lacully mcmbcrs lakc on a varicly ol
assignmcnls including consulling and acadcmic adminislralion. ^llhough
surroundcd by a hicrarchical socicly, lhc lacully is rcmarkably cgalilarian. ^ll
mcmbcrs arc lrcalcd alikc whcn il comcs lo housing, ollicc, cquimcnl, and crks.
^ dcarlmcnl lhal has scvcral scnior rolcssors may bc hcadcd by a young
assislanl rolcssor.
Facully mcmbcrs cn|oy lrcmcndous lrccdom in choosing whal lo lcach, how lo
lcach, and whal rcscarch inlcrcsls lo ursuc. !hcy rcgulalc lhcmsclvcs. !hcy
sub|ccl lhcmsclvcs lo cvalualion bolh by ccrs and by sludcnls. !hc high
cxcclalions lrom ccrs and sludcnls kcc lhcm on lhcir locs.
Sulcmcnling lhc rcgular lacully arc aboul 7O gucsl lacully lrom acadcmia and
lhc cororalc world. 0r ^bdul l Kalam, lormcr Prcsidcnl ol lndia, is among lhc
gucsl lacully.
!hc lnslilulc has ovcr 6O rcscarch and acadcmic associalcs assisling lhc lacully
wilh rcscarch and lcaching al any givcn limc. Brighl young Ph0s and
osl-gradualcs inlcrcslcd in acadcmics go lhrough a rigorous sclcclion roccss
bclorc lhcy arc allowcd lo work as rcscarch associalcs or acadcmic associalcs. ln
lhc lwo or lhrcc ycars lhal lhcy lyically scnd al lhc lnslilulc, lhcy arc cxoscd lo
cxccllcncc in bolh rcscarch and lcaching. !hcy lcarn so much lhal many busincss
schools hirc lhcm as lacully.
Adminislralive and Supporl Slaff
!hc unsung hcrocs ol llM^ arc lhc JOO-odd adminislralivc and suorl slall.
0uiclly and wilh lolal dcdicalion lhcy ursuc cxccllcncc in scrvicc. Whocvcr
cvcn a casual visilor comcs in conlacl wilh lhcm is slruck by lhcir cllicicncy,
sinccrily, and courlcsy. ll is rarc lo scc such mcn and womcn in govcrnmcnl
organisalions in lhc counlry. !hal is why scvcral ol lhc lnslilulcs olliccrs havc, on
rclircmcnl, bccn hircd by ncw inslilulcs lo scl u lhcir own adminislralivc and
suorl scrviccs.
Somc ol lhc mcmbcrs ol lhc slall or lhcir childrcn havc dislinguishcd lhcmsclvcs
in arls and sorls.
Teaching Frogrammes
llM^ runs lour long duralion rogrammcs, all rcsidcnlial. Posl-Cradualc
Programmc in Managcmcnl (PCP), Posl-Cradualc Programmc in ^gri-Busincss
Managcmcnl (PCP-^BM), Posl-Cradualc Programmc lor Excculivcs (PCPX), and
Fcllow Programmc in Managcmcnl (FPM). !hc lirsl lhrcc arc cquivalcnl lo MB^,
lhc lasl onc is cquivalcnl lo Ph0. !hcsc arc all diloma ralhcr lhan dcgrcc
rogrammcs bccausc lhc lnslilulc has slaycd oul ol lhc univcrsily syslcm in ordcr
lo rcscrvc aulonomy and mainlain llcxibilily in curricular dccisions.
Each ol lhcsc rogrammcs is so rcsligious lhal lhc bcsl sludcnls in lhc counlry
comclc lor lhc limilcd scals. Each rogrammc is so dcmanding acadcmically
lhal admission docs nol guaranlcc gradualion.
Launchcd in ^ril 1964, PCP now has morc lhan 2OO,OOO gradualcs comcling
annually lor aboul 4OO scals. ^licanls havc lo lakc lhc nalionally adminislcrcd
C^! (Common ^dmission !csl), a managcmcnl aliludc lcsl similar lo bul
considcrcd loughcr lhan CM^!. !hosc alying lrom abroad lakc CM^!.
Candidalcs musl oblain a vcry high scorc lo cnlcr lhc zonc ol considcralion lor
admission. !hcy should also havc consislcnlly good acadcmic rccord lo bc invilcd
lo lhc sclcclion inlcrvicw conduclcd by lhc lnslilulcs lacully.
^dmission is ocn lo gradualcs ol all discilincs. ^boul hall lhc sludcnls comc
wilh somc work cxcricncc, lhc olhcrs arc lrcsh gradualcs. !hc avcragc agc is
2J ycars.
^dmission lo PCP is nccd-blind. Mcril is lhc only considcralion. ll has always
bccn lhc lnslilulcs olicy nol lo lurn away any mcrilorious sludcnl who cannol
allord lo ay lhc lcc. Poor sludcnls gcl lcc-waivcrs, vcry oor oncs gcl, in addilion,
a slicnd lo covcr lhcir living cxcnscs. llM^ is roud lhal PCP allracls sludcnls
lrom all slrala ol socicly rcrcscnling all rcgions, rcligions, and languagcs ol lhc
counlry. 0ivcrsily is buill inlo lhc sludcnl body.
!hc lirsl ycar ol lhc rogrammc is dcvolcd lo lhc corc sub|ccls, which arc all
comulsory. ll is lollowcd by an 8 lo 1O wcck summcr inlcrnshi, which also is
comulsory. ln lhc sccond ycar lhcy choosc lrom a largc numbcr ol clcclivcs. ll is
in lhc sccond ycar lhal lhcy go on cxchangc lo olhcr B-schools lor a lcrm.
lncoming cxchangc sludcnls also |oin lhc sccond ycar ol lhc rogrammc.
\sI. www.mchc.crncI.n/prcrcmmcs/pp.hImI
Fosl-Craduale Frogramme in Managemenl |FCF)
Fosl-Craduale Frogramme in Agri-usiness Managemenl |FCF-AM)
Launchcd in 2OOO, PCP-^BM is a lwo-ycar osl-gradualc rogrammc wilh lhc
cnlirc sccond ycar dcvolcd lo agri-busincss managcmcnl. Sludcnls arc inlroduccd
lo lhc managcmcnl ol agricullural roduclion, roccssing, sloring, and markcling
wilhin lhc lndian conlcxl and againsl lhc backdro ol global movcmcnl ol
commodilics. !hc lirsl ycar covcrs lhc corc managcmcnl sub|ccls and is idcnlical
lo lhc PCP. !hc sludcnls arc sclcclcd on lhc basis ol C^! (Common ^dmission
!csl) and crsonal inlcrvicws hcld in dillcrcnl arls ol lhc counlry.
Cradualcs lrom dillcrcnl discilincs, csccially agricullurc, dairy lcchnology, and
lood lcchnology |oin PCP-^BM. Pural immcrsion, which givcs sludcnls an
inlimalc undcrslanding ol rural socicly, ils inslilulions, ils olcnlial, and limilalions
is an inlcgral arl ol lhc rogrammc bccausc lndias agricullurc is drivcn largcly
by ils villagcs. !hc PCP-^BM alumni bccomc cllcclivc changc agcnls in lhc
managcmcnl ol agri-busincss, lood roduclion, and rural cnlcrriscs all ovcr lhc
counlry cilhcr lhrough lhc cnlrcrcncurial roulc or lhrough managcrial |obs in
domcslic and mullinalional agri-busincss comanics.
\sI. www.mchc.crncI.n/prcrcmmcs/pp-cbm.hImI
!hc youngcsl ol llM^s long duralion rogrammcs, PCPX is largclcd al cxcculivcs
wilh subslanlial cxcricncc. ^dmission is bascd on candidalcs CM^! scorc,
lcadcrshi rolilc, and crlormancc al crsonal inlcrvicws.
!his onc-ycar rogrammc has quickly cslablishcd ilscll as a bcnchmark in lhc
counlry allracling sludcnls comarablc lo lhosc |oining onc-ycar MB^
rogrammcs in lhc bcsl global busincss schools. !hc arlicianls avcragc agc
is J2 ycars, work cxcricncc. 9.6 ycars (including inlcrnalional cxcricncc ol lour
ycars), CM^! scorc. 711. !hcy comc lrom a divcrsc rangc ol liclds including l!/l!cS,
consulling, banking, shiing, FMCC, manulacluring, lclccom, mcdia, and
^s a largc numbcr ol arlicianls arc marricd, lhcy bring lhcir lamilics whcn lhcy
|oin lhis lull-limc rcsidcnlial rogrammc. !hc rcscncc ol lhc lamilics, csccially
small childrcn, lcnds lhc camus an unmislakablc vibrancy.
PCPX admils mid-lcvcl lunclional managcrs and rcarcs lhcm lor cnlry inlo
gcncral managcmcnl wilhin lhc counlry and abroad. ^n inlcrnalional ro|ccl
in collaboralion wilh arlncr schools in lhc US, UK, Canada, Ccrmany, lhc
Nclhcrlands, and China is onc ol lhc corc comoncnls ol lhc rogrammc.
Whilc mosl gradualcs ol lhis rogrammc havc rc|oincd lhc cororalc world,
quilc a lcw havc choscn lo slarl lhcir own vcnlurcs.
\sI. www.mchc.crncI.n/prcrcmmcs/ppx.hImI
Fosl-Craduale Frogramme in Managemenl for Lxeculives |FCFX)
!hc 'rcal roblcms cxcricnccd
by us in lhc cororalc world
bclorc |oining hcl us
undcrsland, arccialc and
inlcrnalisc lhc conccls
!hc dcsign (will hcl) in
roducing lulurc cororalc
PCPX arlicianl
FeIIow Frogramme in Managemenl |FFM)
FPM is llM^s docloral rogrammc. !hc lnslilulc slarlcd il in 1971 lo allracl
sludcnls wilh inlcllcclual curiosily and scholaslic oricnlalion inlo lhc world ol
advanccd rcscarch and lo crcalc a lalcnlcd grou ol managcmcnl cducalors. ll
has so lar roduccd ovcr 26O Fcllows sccialising in such varicd arcas as
agricullurc, busincss olicy, cconomics, linancc and accounling, comulcrs and
inlormalion syslcms, crsonncl and induslrial rclalions, markcling, organisalional
bchaviour, ublic syslcms, and roduclion and quanlilalivc mclhods.
ll lakcs lhc FPM scholars lour lo livc ycars ol rigorous rcscarch lo gcl lhc covclcd
lillc ol Fcllow ol llM^. !hcy dcvolc lhcir lirsl ycar lo lhc corc rogrammc ol PCP
and arc inlroduccd lo lhc world ol managcmcnl. !hc sccond ycar is lor advanccd
docloral lcvcl courscs in lhc arca in which lhcy lan lo sccialisc. !hc rcsl ol lhc
limc lhcy scnd in rcscarch lcading lo a lhcsis, which musl conlain an original
conlribulion lo knowlcdgc lor il lo bc accclcd. Exccl lor lhc lirsl ycar, lhc
scholars cngagc in closc gurukul-lyc inlcraclion wilh lhc lacully.
Uon gradualion many ol lhcsc Fcllows |oin lhc bcsl busincss schools in lhc
counlry. Somc |oin lhc cororalc world in lraining and rcscarch osilions. ^ lcw
go lor osl-docloral work. Somc havc slarlcd lhcir own busincss schools. !hrough
lhcsc gillcd acadcmics, llM^ cxlcnds ils lhoughl lcadcrshi in lhc licld ol
\sI. www.mchc.crncI.n/prcrcmmcs/|pm.hImI
!hc FPM is dircclcd al crcaling cxccllcnl acadcmics and
managcmcnl rolcssionals. ll lcachcs you lo bc alicnl
and locuscd, and abovc all lrains you lo havc a clcar
lhoughl roccss.
FPM arlicianl
FacuIly 0eveIopmenl Frogramme |F0F)
F0P is dcsigncd sccilically lor lacully who lcach dillcrcnl sub|ccls al busincss
schools in lndia and ncighbouring counlrics. ll cxoscs lhc arlicianls lo lhc
casc mclhod ol lcaching and doing rcscarch. ll udalcs lhcir knowlcdgc in arcas
such as Economics, lnlormalion !cchnology, Financc, Markcling, 0cralions, and
Human Pcsourcc 0cvclomcnl. ll hcls lhcm imrovc lhcir communicalion skills
and rcscarch mclhodology. ^bovc all, il dcmonslralcs lo lhcm whal il lakcs lo
achicvc cxccllcncc and insircs lhcm lo ursuc il in lhcir own worklaccs. Mosl
arlicianls go back chargcd u. Many ol lhcm managc lo bring aboul changcs
in lhc way lhcy and lhcir collcagucs lcach al lhcir schools.
!hc lnslilulc has bccn conducling an F0P cvcry ycar sincc 1979 and has so lar
lraincd ovcr 5OO mcn and womcn acadcmics. !hc rogrammc has undcrgonc
many changcs during lhc lasl lhirly-odd ycars rcllccling lhc nccds ol lhc lacully
coming lrom various schools. ln rcccnl ycars il has bccn allracling J5 lo 4O
arlicianls a ycar including a lcw lrom counlrics such as Ncal, Bangladcsh,
Sri Lanka, Maldivcs, and Elhioia.
\sI. www.mchc.crncI.n/prcrcmmcs/|cp.hImI
^llcr allcnding lhis rogrammc l am conlidcnl cnough
lo wrilc rcscarch acrs and lo usc dillcrcnl
cdagogics in dclivcring lhc conlcnl lo sludcnls
F0P arlicianl
!hc vcry lirsl ublic cvcnl organiscd by llM^, cvcn bclorc lhc camus bccamc lully
lunclional, was lhc 'J-!icr Programmc. !his gcncral managcmcnl rogrammc
cxoscd lndian managcrs lrom lhc middlc, scnior, and lo lcvcls in lhc samc
organisalions in quick scqucncc lo modcrn rolcssional racliccs. !hc aim was lo
rcarc lhc wholc organisalion lor lranslormalion whcn lcw organisalions,
working in a govcrnmcnl-conlrollcd cconomy, rcaliscd lhc nccd lor rolcssional
managcmcnl. ll also hclcd lhc lnslilulc undcrsland organisalional dynamics in
lhc counlry al closc quarlcrs and dcsign lhc PCP curriculum arorialcly.
Evcr sincc lhc lirsl J-!icr Programmc, which has bccn succcsslully rccalcd wilh
suilablc modilicalions cvcry ycar wilhoul a brcak, lhc lnslilulc has mainlaincd
closc links wilh organisalions in dillcrcnl liclds. lls lacully has bccn sludying lhcm
and wriling cascs on lhc challcngcs laccd and mcl by lhcm. Bascd on lhc insighls
so gaincd, lhc lnslilulc has bccn running a widc rangc ol highly rcgardcd
managcmcnl dcvclomcnl rogrammcs locusing on dillcrcnl lunclions, scclors,
skill-scls, and gcncral managcmcnl.
llM^ ollcrs morc lhan 6O ocn cnrolmcnl managcmcnl dcvclomcnl rogrammcs
cvcry ycar. Mosl ol lhcsc arc hcld al lhc lnslilulcs cuslom-buill lacililics on lhc
camus. Kaslurbhai LaIbhai Managemenl 0eveIopmenl Cenlre |KLM0C) and
InlernalionaI Managemenl 0eveIopmenl Cenlre |IM0C). Bolh ol lhcsc ccnlrcs
lcalurc cxccllcnl accommodalion lor arlicianls, wcll-cquicd classrooms,
audiloriums, and syndicalc rooms lor an inlcgral arl ol all managcmcnl
dcvclomcnl rogrammcs. grou work ahcad ol classroom scssions.
!hc lnslilulc also conducls aboul lhc samc numbcr ol cuslomizcd rogrammcs.
Mosl ol lhcsc also lakc lacc on lhc camus. !hc rcsl arc hcld cilhcr al lhc
lraining lacililics ol largc clicnls or al holcls in lhc clicnls cily.
llM^ has cnlcrcd inlo agrccmcnls wilh a lcw global busincss schools and olhcr
organisalions lo conducl dcvclomcnl rogrammcs ovcrscas.
\sI. www.mchc.crncI.n/cxccuIvc-ccuccIcn/cvcrvcw.hImI
Managemenl 0eveIopmenl Frogrammes |M0F)
l lccl lhal l havc lranslormcd bolh as a crson and
a rolcssional during my slay al llM^.
PCP arlicianl
Sludenl Life
Sludcnls work vcry hard lo gcl inlo llM^. !hcrc arc, lor inslancc, morc lhan 5OO
highly molivalcd sludcnls comcling lor cvcry scal on PCP, lhc lwo-ycar MB^
rogrammc. !hc oncs who makc il arc among lhc brighlcsl gradualcs in lhc
counlry. !hcy comc lrom dillcrcnl rcgions, rcligions, subcullurcs and socio-
cconomic slrala. Somc arc lrom rich homcs, somc arc so oor lhal lhcy nccd an
allowancc aarl lrom lcc-waivcrs in ordcr lo survivc on lhc camus. Many comc
lrom largc lowns and mclroolilan cilics, quilc a lcw hail lrom small lowns and
rcmolc villagcs. Somc arc lrom scclions ol socicly lhal wcrc oncc orcsscd and
shunncd. !hcy all rub shouldcrs and cnrich onc anolhcr in innumcrablc ways.
!hcy also livc logclhcr bccausc all lhc rogrammcs arc rcsidcnlial. Bul inslcad ol
onc or lwo largc hoslcls, lhcrc arc 25 indccndcnl dorms, cach housing a small
sludcnl communily, cach wilh ils own cullurc and lradilions lhal arc licrccly
rcscrvcd. !hcrc arc conlcsls and rivalrics bclwccn dorms. !hc monlh-long
'Combos` givcs cach dorm a lair chancc lo dislay ils vcrsalilily lo lhc rcsl ol lhc
sludcnl communily and arousc lhcir cnvy. Ncarly cvcry dorm givcs cach mcmbcr
ol ils communily a ncw namc, which is whal lhcy usc lo call onc anolhcr.
!hc dorms arc dcsigncd in such a way as lo romolc rcgular inlcraclion among
lhc rcsidcnls. Whilc cach onc gcls an indccndcnl room, all lhc lacililics arc
sharcd. !his cnsurcs inlcraclion.
0n admission sludcnls arc assigncd lo lhc various dorms in a way lhal loslcrs
divcrsily. Hall lhc rooms in cach dorm arc occuicd by lhc scniors and |uniors
gcl lhc olhcr hall. !his lcads nol only lo lhc rcscrvalion ol cach dorms cullurc
bul also lhc much arccialcd handholding lhc |uniors gcl lrom lhcir own
scniors. !hc loyally lo oncs dorm is so slrong lhal cvcn ycars allcr lhcy gradualc,
sludcnls visil lhcir old dorms and invilc all rcsidcnls oul lo dinncr.
Forcign sludcnls who comc on cxchangc arc slruck by lhc homc-likc almoshcrc,
suorl, and lrccdom rcvalcnl in lhc dorms. !hcy also bond wcll wilh lhc dorm
communily which lakcs lhcm undcr ils wings as il wcrc. Bcing arl ol a dorm
communily is onc ol lhc highlighls ol lhcir slay al llM^.
^s a largc numbcr ol lhcsc sludcnls arc nol only acadcmically brillianl bul also
lalcnlcd in co-curricular and cxlracurricular aclivilics, lhcy lind limc lor a varicly
ol aclivilics lhal rcarc lhcm lor a lullcr lilc oncc lhcy lcavc lhc school and
slarl working.
l lccl lhc lirsl lhing lhal you lcarn allcr coming lo
llM^ is discilinc. !hc XX.59.59 dcadlincs, no coming
lalc lo class, nccding lo roducc rool lor cvcry word
lhal you wrilc in your C\, lhc hcclic schcdulc, lhcy
inslil a slrong scnsc ol discilinc in you. llM^
docsnl |usl imarl knowlcdgc, il imarls cducalion!
PCP arlicianl
!hc 'cracking ol a largc numbcr ol managcmcnl cascs scl in dillcrcnl arls ol lhc
world and dcaling wilh a widc rangc ol managcrial issucs hcl sludcnls gain
invaluablc insighls inlo managing colc. !hcsc insighls arc ul inlo raclicc
whcn lhcy managc, cnlircly on lhcir own, scvcral mulli-million rucc mcga
cvcnls. !hc mosl nolcworlhy ol lhcm arc lnsighl, Conllucncc, and Chaos.
Insighl is a markcling lair largclcd al lhc gcncral ublic in ^hmcdabad. Sludcnls
lcsl oul various markcling idcas and conducl markcl survcys lor various
comanics during lhc lair. ^hmcccbccs lovc il, look lorward lo il, and lhrong lhc
lairground in lhousands.
ConfIuence is lhc biggcsl and mosl rcsligious busincss school summil in lhc
counlry. Busincss school sludcnls bolh lrom wilhin lhc counlry and lrom abroad
comclc wilh onc anolhcr lor honours in casc wriling, busincss lan lormulalion,
dcbalcs, and so on. Wcll-known managcmcnl gurus and induslry lcadcrs addrcss
lhc arlicianls.
Chaos, llM^s annual cullural lcslival, nol only brings lo lhc camus lcading
cnlcrlaincrs lrom lhc world ol classical music, dancc, and rock bul also organiscs
comclilions lo hcl busincss schools lrom dillcrcnl arls ol lhc counlry
showcasc lhcir arlislic lalcnls.
0ocloraI CoIIoquium, organiscd annually sincc 2OO8 by lhc lnslilulcs Fcllow
(docloral) Programmc sludcnls rimarily lor rcscarchcrs in busincss schools, is
smallcr in scalc bul no lcss inlcnsc. ll rovidcs managcmcnl rcscarchcrs a
lallorm lor nclworking, idcnlilying lrcnds in managcmcnl rcscarch, challcnging
onc anolhcr, and lcarning lrom onc anolhcr. ll givcs lhc arlicianls an
oorlunily lo rcscnl lhcir rcscarch idcas lo a disccrning inlcrnalional audicncc
and also lislcn lo cmincnl rcscarchcrs in lhc licld ol managcmcnl.
Sludenl-Managed Lvenls
ConneXion is an annual cvcnl slagcd by PCPX (onc-ycar MB^ rogrammc
lor sludcnls wilh subslanlial work cxcricncc) sludcnls lo romolc inlcraclion
bclwccn induslry and acadcmia. ll brings logclhcr cmincnl lhoughl lcadcrs and
olicy makcrs lo dcbalc issucs lacing lhc cororalc world and makcrs ol ublic
olicy. ll also hcls lhc PCPX sludcnls lo sub|ccl lhcir innovalivc idcas lo crilical
cxaminalion by induslry lcadcrs.
T-nile (shorl lor !alcnl Nighl) is dillcrcnl lrom all olhcr cvcnls bccausc il is nol
ocn lo lhc ublic. ll is much smallcr in scalc bul il is lhc mosl inlcnsc and lhc
mosl cagcrly awailcd annual cvcnl in lhc sludcnl communily. !hc lalcnl nighl is,
in lacl, srcad ovcr lhrcc nighls in a row whcn dillcrcnl scclions comclc among
lhcmsclvcs. !hc comclilion is so licrcc lhal humilialing dclcal in lronl ol lhc
scniors is incvilablc unlcss all mcmbcrs ol a scclion ul in lhcir bcsl. ll is nol
surrising lhcn lhal many sludcnls say lhal il is during !-nilc, in lhc sccond
monlh ol lhcir slay hcrc, lhal lhcy slarlcd bonding wilh lhc rcsl ol lhc class.
^arl lrom such big cvcnls, lhcrc arc a largc numbcr ol small cvcnls organiscd
lhroughoul lhc ycar by morc lhan a dozcn sludcnl clubs cach locusing on onc
curricular arca such as markcling, linancc, cconomics, and cnlrcrcncurshi
or onc cxlracurricular arca such as dancc, music, ainling, holograhy, movics,
drama, slar-gazing, bird-walching, and nalurc walk. Whalcvcr your curricular or
cxlracurricular laslcs, lhcrc is bound lo bc a club cagcr lo wclcomc you il
yourc a sludcnl.
^boul hall lhc sludcnls ursuing lhc lwo-ycar rogrammc (PCP, PCP-^BM) havc
no work cxcricncc. ^nolhcr onc-lillh has lcss lhan a ycars cxcricncc. !hc
lnslilulc rovidcs lhcm rolcssional hcl in dcciding whal carccr lo ursuc.

Placcmcnl ol sludcnls bolh lor summcr inlcrnshis and lor osl-rogrammc
cmloymcnl dcscrvcs a sccial mcnlion bccausc lhc lnslilulc has a long lradilion
ol linding |obs lor all sludcnls ol lhc lwo-ycar rogrammc inlcrcslcd in
cmloymcnl. ll is nol surrising lhal in Thc ccncmsIs 2O1O global ranking ol
lull limc MB^, llM^s PCP is rankcd lirsl lor 'lobs lound lhrough carccr scrviccs`
and rankcd lhird lor 'ocn|ing| ncw carccr oorlunilics.
^s sludcnls ol PCPX comc wilh an avcragc ol 1O ycars ol work cxcricncc, lhcy
do nol rcquirc carccr counsclling. !hc lnslilulcs laccmcnl hcls lhcm lind scnior
osilions ol lhcir choicc in lndia and abroad.
!hc scclacular succcss ol laccmcnl ycar allcr ycar is duc lo lhc consislcnlly
high qualily ol llM^s gradualcs. Each ycar, a widc rangc ol domcslic as wcll as
global comanics visil lhc camus lirsl lo rcscnl lhcmsclvcs lo lhc sludcnl
communily and lhcn lo ick u sludcnls cilhcr lor summcr inlcrnshi or lull limc
cmloymcnl or bolh. Somc ol lhc rccruilcrs who comc lo lhc camus ycar allcr
ycar includc. McKinscy Co, ^! Kcarncy, !hc Boslon Consulling Crou, Bain
Co, Booz Co, Coldman Sachs, 0culschc Bank, HSBC, lClCl Bank, Proclcr
Camblc, Hinduslan Unilcvcr, Nokia, Ncsllc, lohnson lohnson, Microsoll,
^mazon, Cognizanl, Wiro, and !ala ^dminislralivc Scrviccs.
Financc, consulling, markcling, syslcms, and gcncral managcmcnl arc lhc main
arcas in which comanics hirc llM^ sludcnls.
Career CounseIIing and FIacemenl
The Campus
llM^s lilly-hcclarc camus is a vcrilablc oasis. ll is grccn lhroughoul lhc ycar. ln
summcr, whcn mcrcury slays abovc 4O cclsius mosl ol lhc day in lhc cily and
lhc scmi-arid rcgion around il, lawns and lcaly lrccs kcc lhc lcmcralurc on
lhc camus scvcral dcgrccs lowcr. ln winlcr, lcns ol lhousands ol migralory birds
dcsccnd on lhc camus.
Whilc-backcd vullurcs occuy scvcral lrcclos. !hcir colony al llM^ was onc ol
lhc lcw lhal wcrc growing wcll whcn lhc vullurc oulalion all ovcr Soulh ^sia
almosl disacarcd a lcw ycars ago. ll is a moniloring silc lor lhc ^sian \ullurc
Poulalion Pro|ccl. \ullurcs and kilcs livc haily wilh numcrous small birds ol
aboul sixly sccics. !hcrc arc cacocks and langurs lhal lrccly roam aboul and
cnrich lhc animal rcscncc on lhc camus.
Evcn casual visilors lo lhc camus arc slruck by lhc blcnd ol grandcur and
auslcrily lhal lhc inlcrnalionally acclaimcd archilccl Louis Kahn achicvcd in
cxoscd brick on lhc llM^ camus. ^ dclicalc inlcrlay ol gcomclrical shacs
crcalcs clcgancc and harmony.
Widc corridors and ocn saccs wilh classrooms, library, and lacully olliccs
wilhin casy rcach lor cvcryonc, cncouragc inlcraclion and dcbalc lhc hcarl
ol managcmcnl cducalion. !hc dcsign ol lhc camus lranslalcs lhal cducalional
hilosohy inlo buildings lhal arc visually acaling and insiring. Sludcnls ol
archilcclurc comc lrom lar and widc lo lakc a closc look al lhcsc buildings and
lo discovcr how dcsign ol buildings calurcs a hilosohy.
^n undcrground assagc connccls lhc old arl ol lhc camus wilh lhc ncw arl,
which was dcvclocd in lhc lirsl dccadc ol lhis ccnlury. !hc conslruclions lhcrc
lollow Louis Kahns basic lhcmc and hilosohy bul usc cxoscd concrclc in
lacc ol bricks.
Bolh lhc hcrilagc buildings and lhc ncw conslruclions conlain world-class
lacililics lhal romolc collaboralivc cnquiry and lcarning.
Ccnlrally localcd, bclwccn lhc classrooms and sludcnl dormilorics on onc sidc
and lhc lacully olliccs on lhc olhcr, is lhc \ikram Sarabhai Library. ll is lhc bcsl
ol lhc counlrys librarics calcring lo managcrs and sludcnls ol managcmcnl. ll
has almosl 2OO,OOO volumcs and aboul 6OO criodicals, il subscribcs lo all lhc
ma|or clcclronic dalabascs rclcvanl lo managcmcnl rcscarchcrs. !hc clcclronic
dalabasc can bc acccsscd lrom anywhcrc on lhc WiFi-cnablcd camus.
Sludcnls ol all lhc long duralion rogrammcs arc accommodalcd on lhc
camus. !hosc who arc nol marricd or do nol havc lhcir souscs living wilh
lhcm gcl indccndcnl rooms in onc ol lhc 25 dormilorics. Sludcnls ncvcr lccl
losl in a largc crowd bccausc cach dorm has ils own small communily and ils
own idcnlily. Marricd sludcnls who bring lhcir lamilics along gcl aarlmcnls.
!hc camus has livc dining halls, lwo rcslauranls, a drugslorc, a rimary hcallh
ccnlrc, a gymnasium, olliccs ol lwo lravcl agcnls and lhrcc couricr scrviccs,
and a lull-scrvicc osl ollicc. ll also has an ^!M and a bank lhal ollcrs all
banking scrviccs including lorcign cxchangc. For lhosc inlcrcslcd in sorls
and gamcs, lhcrc is a crickcl ground, a loolball courl, a lcnnis courl, and scvcral
shulllccock courls aarl lrom lacililics lor indoor gamcs such as lablc lcnnis.
!hc Louis Kahn Plaza doublcs u in lhc cvcnings and nighls as a crlccl lacc
lor laying Frisbcc.
\ibranl Ahmedabad
^hmcdabad is a livcly cily ol morc lhan livc million. ll can rcadily hold ils hcad
high in lhc comany ol cilics such as ^gra, \aranasi, and laiur lrcqucnlcd by
bolh domcslic and inlcrnalional lourisls. !hc wallcd cily around which modcrn
^hmcdabad has grown is a scrious conlcndcr lor Uncscos World Hcrilagc Cily
slalus. ll has scvcral marvcllous slruclurcs, cach wilh an cxciling slory around il.
Foundcd in lhc 15lh ccnlury by ^hmcd Shah on lhc banks ol lhc Sabarmali Pivcr,
^hmcdabad has a rich blcnd ol Muslim, Hindu, and lain lradilions. !radcrs and
lravcllcrs who visilcd ^hmcdabad in lhc sixlccnlh and scvcnlccnlh ccnlurics wcrc
dccly imrcsscd by lhc sizc ol lhc oulalion, lhc cxlcnl ol lradc, and lhc bcauly
ol archilcclurc. Scvcral monumcnls and laccs ol worshi oular wilh lourisls
lrom all ovcr lhc world rcllccl lhc cilys roud hcrilagc.
Mahalma Candhi chosc lhis cnlrcrcncurial and hilanlhroic cily lo scl u his
^shram and launch lhc lndccndcncc movcmcnl lrom. !hc lhousands ol
domcslic and inlcrnalional lourisls who visil lhc ^shram cvcry ycar go away
awcslruck and insircd.
lusl an hour away lrom bolh Mumbai and 0clhi, ^hmcdabad is wcll conncclcd
by air lo lhc olhcr cilics in lhc counlry also. ll has dirccl rail and road conncclions
lo raclically all lhc ma|or cilics in lhc counlry.
^ccording lo a 2O1O Forbcs magazinc rcorl, ^hmcdabad is among lhc worlds
laslcsl growing cilics and Cu|aral lhc `mosl markcl-oricnlcd and busincss-
lricndly` among lndian slalcs.
0cscribcd as lhc Manchcslcr ol lhc Easl, ^hmcdabad was a ccnlrc ol lradc,
csccially in lcxlilcs and lcxlilc rclalcd roducls lill around lhc middlc ol lhc
2Olh ccnlury. !cxlilcs havc bccn sulcmcnlcd inilially and lhcn sulanlcd
by chcmicals and harmacculicals during lhc lasl 4O ycars. !hc lradilion
ol cnlrcrcncurshi, lradc, and busincss is dcc-roolcd in lhc cily. lls cr-caila
incomc is lwicc lhal ol lhc rcsl ol lndia. ln silc ol bcing among lhc mosl
roscrous cilics in lhc counlry, ^hmcdabad has caling laccs and mcans
ol lransorl lhal lils all budgcls.
^hmcdabad makcs an cxccllcnl basc lor shorl day-lris lo many lascinaling
laccs. Hcrc arc a lcw. lhc Mughal cra monumcnls al Sarkhc| Poza (1O km), lhc
15lh ccnlury carvcd slonc slc-wcll al ^dala| (2O km), lhc carvcd ink sandslonc
lcmlc, ^kshardham al Candhinagar (JO km), lhc lour millcnnia old lndus vallcy
civilisalion lown ol Lolhal (8O km), lhc 117 sq km bird sancluary, Nal Sarovar (7O
km), lhc 11lh ccnlury Modhcra Sun !cmlc (1OO km), and lhc vcry largc wildlilc
sancluary ol Pann ol Kulch (9O km).
For lhosc who can invcsl a lilllc morc limc in lravcl by road and rail, lhcrc arc
cxciling laccs nol vcry lar lrom ^hmcdabad. Sasan Cir Forcsl is lhc only lacc,
aarl lrom ^lrica, whcrc visilors can scc lhc lion in ils nalural habilal. Somc ol
lhc laccs considcrcd by lhc Hindus as among lhc holicsl such as 0warka and
Somnalh arc in Cu|aral. \isil hIIp://gujcrcIIcursm.ncI/ lor dclails. !hcrc arc
scvcral cqually inlcrcsling laccs |usl across lhc bordcr in lhc slalc ol Pa|aslhan.
llMA Now
lndun lnsttuto of Munugomont
Vustrupur, Ahmodubud 380 015

From ^hmcdabad lnlcrnalional ^irorl. 2O km
From ^hmcdabad Pailway Slalion. 8 km
From \aslraur \illagc Ccnlrc. 5OO m
From Ncarcsl Bus Paid !ransorl Syslcm Slo. 1OO m
From Candhinagar (Cailal ol Cu|aral). JO km
Landmarks in lhe neighbourhood.
1) Cu|aral Univcrsily Camus
2) Blind Pcolcs ^ssocialion
J) PPL (Physical Pcscarch Laboralory)
4) ^!lP^ (^hmcdabad !cxlilc lnduslrics Pcscarch ^ssocialion)
5) ^M^ (^hmcdabad Managcmcnl ^ssocialion)
Sixly minulcs llighl lrom Mumbai lowards norlh
Eighly livc minulcs llighl lrom 0clhi lowards soulh-wcsl
Surdur Vuubhbhu
Puto lntornutonu
Ruwuy Stuton
How lo keach IIMA

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