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Forest Restoration in Theory and in Practice

A PhD-course to be held in Hr, Skne, southern Sweden, December 10-14, 2012

The course is organized by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre (

Our societies are facing several problems with the present land-use systems. A worldwide destruction of forests, grasslands, wetlands, streams, rivers, lakes, and the loss of species in many types of ecosystems is acknowledged. Therefore, the past decades has witnessed an acceleration of restoration activities around the globe. Restoration Ecology is the science of restoring and repairing degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystems. The goals of restoration often include increasing the land-base of a particular ecosystem, increasing biodiversity, increasing ecosystem resilience and resistance, and increasing ecosystem sustainability. Forest restoration is a complex task that challenges existing knowledge of forest ecosystems. What to do? How to do it? Who should pay? These are obvious questions that are surprisingly difficult to answer to the satisfaction of all groups holding a stake in the outcome. Restoration generally implies a return to some more natural, pre-existing state but the attempts to identify reference states illustrate the difficulty of objectively defining the desired condition in credible terms. Much research has been accumulated in the field during the last decades. Presently many PhD-students in forestry, forest ecology, forest economy and forest planning etc. are working with tasks within the concept of forest restoration. However, many of them do not have a full view of all restoration research and activities going on around the globe. Moreover, they are not able to place their work in its broad context. The course Forest Restoration in Theory and in Practice will offer an introduction to the theoretical approaches and practical applications of boreal, temperate and tropical forest restoration.

The purpose of the course is to provide a deeper knowledge of different restoration approaches and what factors are determining the success of forest restoration measures. Specifically the course is intended to: familiarize the participants with the rationales, concepts and perspectives of restoration and describe and analyze different approaches of restoration of forest ecosystems. It will also give the students an insight into research opportunities in disturbed forest ecosystem and to explore the challenges of restoration in light of carbon offset proposals.

Student assignements and examination

The course will consist of lectures from national and international researchers within the field of forest restoration. It will also consist of a field excursion, discussions, and student presentations. The course books listed below should be read before the arrival to Hr 10th of December. In addition, each student should write a short text and prepare a 10 min oral presentation about their research project. See course schedule below for the oral presentations. The written and oral project description should be elaborated in relation to the theory and practice of forest restoration. Thus, we are not expecting a normal silvicultural or ecological project description. The text should be submitted to the course leader no later than December 3 (see format below). The course will give 3 ECTS. Examination will be based on attendance, active participation in discussions, accomplishment of exercises, as well as the implementation and quality of the individual text and oral presentations. All elements must be passed to obtain 3 ECTS. Text format: Max 2 A4 including any references, tables or figures, Times New Roman, 12 ppt, single line spacing

Course literature
Stanturf, J.A., and Madsen, P. (2005). Restoration of boreal and temperate forests. CRC Press. Van Andel J. and Aronson J. (2006). Restoration Ecology. Blackwell Publishing, Victoria, Australia

Course scedule
Monday 10/12, course start 12.00: Introduction (1 h, M Lf), Forest restoration - theory (1 h, M Lf), Management alternatives for temperate conservation forests (2 h, F Gtmark), Forest restoration within boreal forest ecosystems (2 h, J Hjltn). Tuesday 11/12: Tropical forest restoration (2 h, PC Oden), Forest restoration, soil protection and water management (2 h, A Malmer), Forest restoration advances in theory and practices (2 h, D Jacobs), Forest restoration within Mediterranean forest ecosystems (2 h, J Oliet), Student presentations (3 h) Wednesday 12/12: Field excursion - forest restoration and landscape management at Sdersens national park (5 h, Lf and local managers guided by Jesper Witzell), Group tasks and discussions (3 h) Thursday 13/12: Forest restoration under climate change (2 h, J Stanturf); Forest restoration and tree diseases (2 h, J Witzell), Forest restoration in relation to wood based energy systems and overabundant ungulate populations (2 h, P Madsen), Adaptation of forest management to climate change in central Europe (2 h, A Bolte), Course dinner Friday 14/12: Presentation of group tasks (2 h), Course evaluation and final discussion (2 h), course end 12.00. A detailed program will be published at the department homepage ( before the end of November.

Course location, lodging and Hr train station

The PhD-course will be held at Frostavallen in Hr, Skne, southern Sweden. Frostavallen is a hotel and conference center just outside the village of Hr. Contact information below. Carina Arup Frostavallen 00 46 (0)413 55 33 00 E-mail:

Hr local train station and information:

Course leader
Prof. Magnus Lf
SLU, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre P.O. Box 49, SE-230 53 Alnarp, Sweden Tel.: +46 (0)40 41 51 19 E-mail:

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