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We know that we are not alone.

The cause of liberty and justice finds sympathetic responses around the world. Thinking and feeling people everywhere, regardless of color or creed. Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmas pro-democracy leader and Nobel Peace laureate, has come to symbolize the struggle of Burmas people to be free. She has spent more than 15 years in detention, most of it under house arrest. She was released from her current third period of detention on Saturday 13th November 2010. TASK-1(Reading comprehension)
Answer the following Questions 1 Do you think that all freedom fighters are eligible for Noble prize? 2 Identify the qualities of thinking and feeling people 3 What similarities did you find between Mandela and suu kyi? 4 What would you do if you were in Burma? 5 Why people fight for democracy? Continue reading the narrative

However, there are hundreds of political prisoners in Burma and none of the repressive laws allowing the dictatorship to detain people without trial and restrict other freedoms have been repealed following the sham election on 7 November or under the new constitution. TASK-2(Conventions of writing)
Edit the bold and underlined words and re-write them correctly using conventions of writing

aung San Suu Kyi was born on June 19th1945daughter of burmas independence hero, Aung San, who was asasinated when she was only two years old. Aung San Suu Kyi was educated in burma india and the United Kingdom. While studing at Oxford Univercity,(1964-66) she met Michael Aris, a Tibet scolar who she married in 1972 they had two sons, Alexander and Kim
Continue reading the narrative

Aung San Suu Kyi returned to Burma in 1988 to nurse her dying mother, and soon became engaged in the countrys nationwide democracy uprising. The military regime responded to the uprising with brute force, killing up to 5,000 demonstrators on 8th August 1988. Following a military coup on 18th September 1988, on 24th September 1988 a new pro-democracy party, the National League for Democracy, was formed. Aung San Suu Kyi was appointed General Secretary. Aung San Suu Kyi gave numerous speeches

calling for freedom and democracy, and political activities continued across the country. TASK-3 (VOCABULARY) Identify the equallent words from the above paragraphs 1 Netaji was a great freedom fighter------------------2 There is no impartiallin British rule---------------3 Hitlers autocracy caused much bloodshed-------------Give the ANTONYMS of the following bold words 1 We know that we are not alone-------------2 She has spent more than 15 years in detention--------------3 Suu Kyi gave numerous speeches------------------Give the meanings/one word substitute of the following words 1 system of government held by elected representatives -------------------2 The NLD won a staggering 82% of the seats ----------------3 Suu Kyi began to campaign for the NLD------------------4 Suu Kyi was appointed as General Secretary.--------------Continue reading the narrative Facing increasing domestic and international pressure, the dictatorship was forced to call a general election, held in 1990.As Aung San Suu Kyi began to campaign for the NLD.The NLD won a staggering 82% of the seats in Parliament. The dictatorship never recognised the results of the election, and refused to hand over power. She was held under house arrest until July 1995. When released she faced restrictions on travel. On March 27 1999, Aung San Suu Kyis husband, Michael Aris, died of cancer in London. He had petitioned the Burmese authorities to allow him to visit Aung San Suu Kyi one last time, but they had rejected his request. He had not seen her since a Christmas visit in 1995. Detained again in 2000 placed under house arrest after repeated attempts to leave the capital, Rangoon, to hold political meetings in other parts of the country. In 2002, Aung San Suu Kyi was released from house arrest and with freedom to travel around the country. TaskComplete the following table using the date given in the above paragraphs

Year &date 1990 1999 1945 2010 1972 1995 2000 2002

Event took place (what happened)

Aung San Suu Kyi has won numerous international awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize, the Sakharov Prize from the European Parliament and the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom. She has called on people around the world to join the struggle for freedom in Burma, saying Please use your liberty to promote ours. Task- A(Creative expressions-writing) If you want to promote Burma for freedom how would you respond? Write a letter to the president using your liberty in supporting suu kyi. Task-B From the above article you have come across so many words relating to democracy find them and write at least 10


Task-C Write a biography about Aung San Suu Kyi

TASK-A(Grammar) Identify and underline the Relative clauses/ Relative pronouns in the following story Anyhow, there are those members of the family whom you regard as part of the family and it never occurs to you that the chap whom you call Dave is also someone to whom you could give the title uncle. You know him so well that it never occurs to you that he is in fact a relative. Then there are those that you only see on special occasions, which don't take place very often like weddings and funerals. In the former you're usually enjoying yourself so much that you don't take much notice of them and in the latter you hardly talk to anyone because it's a time when you don't talk much to anyone and a place where you don't normally go out of your way to be sociable Task-B (complete the following paragraph by using Relative pronouns) Last holiday, ______ was 2 months ago, Akhil and Harsha ____ were best friends went to the Ooty. They went there by flying strange bus _______was, well , strange and it took 6 hours to get there. It was really boring. They got the ticket to Ooty from someone _______ was suspicious and strange. He gave them the tickets ______ were new and fresh as one would expect from a man of his state.

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