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The Empty Tomb Answers the Empty Heart

by Pastor Thomas Schaller
April 15, 2009

Pastor Schaller

I sense the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We gather and are sensitive to
God. He has answered prayer and answers prayer and speaks to us
personally. It is a privilege. We know something. The Lord is with us.
The empty tomb is a msg. for an empty heart. The tomb is empty. So,
you are not alone. God has words for you, thoughts, love, for you and

Lets begin with Pv. 25:2 - it is the glory of God to conceal a thing. God
hides something. He knows what He is doing. Picture a person and
inside the person. There is two parts to us found easily. The things we
talk about easily, feel, experiences, problems, disappointments, my
friendships, my communication, often times is on the surface. Hey,
how are you doing? In Europe they are ready to give an explanation,
and people walk away. Hey! Do you want to know how I'm doing.

Sometimes, we say this as a greeting, how are you doing? God is God
through and through. When it comes to the things of God, the creation
of God, He has concealed things. Things are hidden. God doesn't show
his hand, or what He is doing. When it comes to suffering, we ask why,
and sometimes we don't hear an answer.

When Jesus was raised from the dead, where did He go? They didn't
see him go anywhere. They saw the empty tomb. Its the glory of God
to conceal a thing. He hides things. With us, there are things hidden
among us, by God. God wants to reveal to us things.

The next part of the verse says, but the honor of Kings is to search out
a matter. Who is the King? God is King of Kings. He made us Kings. Its
our honor to search out what God has hidden. There are things that
are hidden in this world that God has hidden. Jesus Christ is a good
example. Who does the world say I am? You are Elijah.. or a prophet.
Peter said, you are the Christ. Jesus said, flesh and blood didn't reveal
that to you. My father showed you that.

In our life, we want someone to talk to us and speak personally with

love. We are hungry for that. Often, in our relationships, this happens.
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Its not happening, but we rejoice in the deep calling to the deep. You
sense in your heart, there is something going on. Its beyond the
surface, touching me. No one knows that I have a problem in my life
the way I know I have one. God knows I have one. Those around me
don't know what we are going through in our life. As we are in
Fellowship with them, and they look at me, and take time, and I feel
that in our speaking to one another, we take our time. The one
ministering to me, they have a sense of purpose for my life. They care
about me. They look at me prayerfully, with love in their heart bec.
they are Spirit filled people.

Spirit filled people have a sense in their own life. Externally, we know
what life is. The life we live isn't the absence of difficulty, but the
presence of God in the midst of it. When the people left Egypt, they
said, I'm hungry and thirsty. Where is God?

Moses knew where God was. When he spoke, there was the authority
of ministry. But, often...we cut this off. We stop what we need
somehow. We cut it off. We are earthly minded, looking for the
solution to our problem. Maybe, God wants to show us what is
concealed. What Kings look for is the reality of Christ in life. WE are
looking for the real vein in the land, Job. 28. Hitting the silver vein
that runs in the mountain. Its like finding wisdom. When you find it,
Pv. 24:14, your expectation will not be cut off. Its growing and
increasing. Its in the body of Christ. Its through death. We're not
always there...but we come here bec. we anticipate that someone, by
grace, through the HS, will speak to my heart and edify me in the new

Maybe our problem will not be answered this way. How about a man
who has a problem with pornography. You could say, stop it! That's
good advice. There is something else. God has hidden it. He will make
it known. Right inside of the person there is a capacity for desire for
God. Pornography isn't a problem when you have found and hunger for
God. When you desire God, there is no sin that is in competition.
Really, it is a piece of cake. Many men of God through history don't
live in the problems of sins and addictions bec. their passion and
desire, and the way they live and talk is based on the finished work,
and that we are cared about and we are connected to God and God's
people and God's purpose, and it fuels a passion in our heart.

Say it again pastor. Say it again. We are cutting beyond the surface
man...the strengths, addictions, troubles, difficulties, there is a cutting
through as life as we may know it, and there is edification in the inner
man. When these people look at you and talk to you, you sense there
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is love and purpose for you in your life. There is also prayer in that
communication. But, you don't hear the prayer. The person that
ministers to you desires your growth. Imagine if all believers were
touching the green inside all believers and we were all being
passionately touched and edified and there was finished work doctrine
and teaching. Wow! We have a future. God has a plan. I know God's
people care about me. I believe there is something going on that has
been hidden but is now manifested and kings search it out.

WE put our nose in the book. WE walk in the Spirit. WE say no to the
flesh, and the worlds spirit, the attitude of the world and we walk

Pv. 24:2 - the heart of kings is unsearchable. Do you think, if you sat
with Jesus at the last supper, you'd say WOW? What if you followed
Jesus around...would you hear him and see him...and say Wow?

We can say that about us too? Our hearts are unsearchable. The big
question is: Who is on the Inside of me when I'm alone in NY city? Can
the newspapers, the banker, the lawyer, the doctor...they may touch
my teeth and kidneys. But, who can really touch us? Its going on in
our lives. If it doesn't happen to you, and you are lonely, and hungry
and thirsty. Blessed are you! Matt. 5. Blessed are those who hunger
and thirst after Righteousness shall be filled.

Our problems are solved by the new wisdom that comes into your
heart and the passion that comes into your life by the love of God.
When brethren love each other, then you take eye ball to eye ball and
you love them in your heart. You think, they have a future. They are
made in God's image. Its a sacred thing that they are with us.

vs. 4, take away dross from the silver and there will come forth a
vessel for the refiner. There is purification. Reading...and I don't know
how many read. Have you read a book and fallen asleep? Isn't it a
discipline. Have you read a Watchmen Nee book...a pastor Stevens
booklet...have you listened to the Word of God...and then you are with
a brother, and you realize someone there is hurting. They have life
and sometimes are hurt.

We may lie down at night and feel alone. We counter it with...NO...No.

We know God loves us. WE sense the presence of God. God says, I
want you to know that I love you with amazing love. The tomb is
empty. God made it possible to live in us, and the Bible to fall like dew
from heaven...upon a broken life, out of sorts, in trouble, in prison, on
the bench, a life of hypocrisy and emptiness.
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We spoke the other night, sometimes religious people build walls and
give the impression of not sinning. People have walls or self R. When
you go to church, does anyone touch you? Is there any activity and life
from inside, or is there just walls...walls...walls?

If the Holy Spirit in our hearts, the Bible, faith, and we live, its Christ.
Christ is in us. When we are with others, we live this way also. WE
say, I've sinned, but I'm not talking about it. WE have all sinned...we
are much more than we realize. The sin we know of, we
confess to God, and He cleanses us from all UnR, what we don't know
about, so we can walk in the light. From our belly comes a flow of
living water, and we care about the invisible. WE have found the joy of
our faith and we know its in every one of our brothers and sisters and
they need that to be touched, to be roused, in sighted, ignited, kind of
messaged and nurtured and brought along and say, O No...No. You
are not alone. You are in God's presence. He knows how to handle us
with love in everything. He speaks truth to us in love.

vs. 11 - a word fitly spoken, Job 6:25, how forcible are right words.
Right words, they may be only two or three, but how forcible they are.

Monday night, a brother in our 7 footsteps was touched. I told him to

build his life on messages that will never change. This happens. A
word fitly spoken...vs. 12 - as an earring of gold.. so is a wise
reproved upon an obedient ear.

Maybe we have earrings, golden earrings. Reproof on obed. ears. I

hear, the doctrine, the truth, we hear and receive it, and there it is. Its

vs. 15 - by long forbearing is a prince persuaded, a soft tongue breaks

the bone.
Now, here's a person that isn't persuaded. They have heard a lot of
words that touched the outside, its inventions, discussions, ideas,
maybe even a lot of books, and movies, activities, social activities.
But, where is what we are looking for? Its hidden in Christ. Where is
God in my life? Maybe its at that church down the street.

WE had a person in a foreign country. This lady came in at the end of

the song service. Before the meeting ended, she left. She did this for a
few years. I asked, does anyone know that girl who comes and leaves?
They said, No. She heard and left. By long forbearing, we become
convinced. Not by force, but by our patience, our love, our listening
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and under'g. God is speaking and hides and reveals. Someone could
be in a church like this and something is hidden and they never find it.
For another, they find it and they find reproof and its on their ear like
a beautiful picture.

The hearts of kings is unsearchable. God goes to the depth of the

human heart. In body life, we are all normal people, but we are
touching that part of us that is from the reality of Christ raised from
the dead, and gives us new life, even amidst a lot of trouble.

WE say, Ok! Yea... Ooohhh... Owwww. In this chapter, 25, its about
surface things and deep things.

vs 20 - as he takes away a garment in cold is he that

sings songs to a heavy heart. It doesn't minister to them. It irritates
them. Come on...its time to have a good time. The heavy heart says,
No. Its not helping me. Who can touch, understand, heal, speak to
me? No one, but the living God. The tomb is empty so your heart can
be full.

A foolish person says, I'm going to have a new life. I'm moving to
Africa. They do so, and then realize it doesn't work. Then, they move
to India. It doesn't work there. So, then they move to China. They
never discover what God has hidden. He hid from them a satisfying
life, joy unspeakable, what humility and passion for God, that God
gives. Its hidden. Its hidden from the wise, the proud, the superficial.
God is grieved. But, we have body life. Its a mystery. We know what it
is and what it is not. We say, connection. That man, that brother, that
sister, no matter their background, what they look like, the Spirit of
God comes through them and touches us...Hallelujah! We have
problems, but we have God in the midst. Christ is in us. We have a
ministry that is touching us.

I'd rather dwell on the corner of the housetop...on the edge, standing
on the corner, than in a wide house with a brawling woman. This
relates to all that is exterior, that people think is so important, a wide
space and all the stuff we have in our life. It may be want to
live in that, she will kick you around the house and you will never be
satisfied. That's how it is...I think! Would you pray with me?

If you are here tonight, and you say in your heart, two prayers, for the
person who isn't sure about their salvation or knows they are not
saved, but they are making a decision to believe in Christ, say in your
heart, Jesus, I believe in you! He hears you. He loves you and cares
for you. Yes...Thank you Jesus! Anyone here tonight? Would you raise
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your hand. You are asking Jesus into your heart tonight. On the

For all of us here, we are instructed to love one another fervently.

Maybe God will give you a ministry where you sit and listen, pray and
love and share in wisdom, spontaneously, with words fitly framed, for
new believers and all of us. We edify the body. That is how we live. We
are making mention of it bec. its needed to be done. We need it in our

Thank you Lord for speaking to us, leading us, guiding us, blessing our
marriages. This is how a healthy marriage is derived. From touching
each other with this type of love and purpose in our hearts. WE love
one another. WE love Baku...we have love in our hearts bec. its Christ
in us...Amen...!!! Thank you God...In Jesus name Amen!

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