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Page The New Electrical Engineering Law (R.A. 7920) The Implementing Rule an! Regulati"n (IRR) "# Repu$lic Act N". 7920 Pr"ce!ure #"r Applicati"n% E&aminati"n an!'"r Regi trati"n Pur uant t" R.A. 7920 (New Electrical Engineering Law) an! ("ar! "# Electrical Engineering Re "luti"n N". )*% +erie "# )99, ."!e "# Ethic #"r Electrical Engineer 3 32

-7 ,-


/. N". ))003

+. N". )700

Republic of the Philippines


"# the Philippine

Metro Manila Third Regular Session (egun an! hel! in 1etr" 1anila% "n 1"n!a2 the twent23#i#th !a2 "# 4ul2% nineteen hun!re! an! ninet23#"ur.

!RE"#BLIC ACT No. 7920$

AN A.T PR56I7IN8 95R% A 15RE RE+P5N+I6E AN7 .51PRE/EN+I6E RE8:LATI5N 95R T/E PRA.TI.E% LI.EN+IN8% AN7 RE8I+TRATI5N 59 ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEER+ AN7 ELE.TRI.IAN+ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

NEW E EC!R"C# EN$"NEER"N$ #W %R&#& '()*+

ARTICLE I TITLE AN% %EFINITION OF TER&S +E.TI5N ). !itle& 3 Thi Act hall $e ;n"wn a the <New Electrical Engineering Law.< +E.. 2. ,efinition "# !erms& 3 A u e! in thi Act% the #"ll"wing term hall mean= (a) <Practice "# electrical engineering< a per "n i !eeme! t" $e in the practice "# electrical engineering when he ren!er "r "##er t" ren!er pr"#e i"nal electrical engineering er>ice in the #"rm "#= ()) ."n ultati"n% in>e tigati"n% >aluati"n an! management "# er>ice re?uiring electrical engineering ;n"wle!ge@ (2) 7e ign an! preparati"n "# plan % peci#icati"n an! e timate #"r electric p"wer 2 tem % p"wer plant % p"wer !i tri$uti"n 2 tem inclu!ing p"wer tran #"rmer % tran mi i"n line an! netw"r; pr"tecti"n% witchgear% $uil!ing wiring% electrical machine % e?uipment an! "ther @ (3) +uper>i i"n "# erecti"n% in tallati"n% te ting an! c"mmi i"ning "# p"wer plant % u$ tati"n % tran mi i"n line % in!u trial plant an! "ther @ (-) +uper>i i"n "# "perati"n an! maintenance "# electrical e?uipment in p"wer plant % in!u trial plant % watercra#t % electric l"c"m"ti>e an! "ther @ (,) +uper>i i"n "# the manu#acture an! repair "# electrical e?uipment inclu!ing witch$"ar! % tran #"rmer % generat"r % m"t"r % apparatu an! "ther @ (0) Teaching "# electrical engineering pr"#e i"nal u$Aect @ an! (7) Ta;ing charge "# the ale an! !i tri$uti"n "# electrical e?uipment an! 2 tem re?uiring engineering


calculati"n "r applicati"n "# engineering !ata. ($) <Electric uppl2 e?uipment< i an2 e?uipment which pr"!uce % m"!i#ie % regulate % "r c"ntr"l the uppl2 "# electric energ2. (c) <Electric plant< i an e ta$li hment "r a 2 tem #"r the pr"!ucti"n an! m"!i#icati"n "# electric energ2. (!) <P"wer plant !e ign< re#er t" planning% peci#2ing% c""r!inating an! la2"uting "# electrical e?uipment in p"wer plant % u$ tati"n an! the li;e. (e) <+u$ tati"n< i an2 $uil!ing% r""m "r eparate place which h"u e "r encl" e electric uppl2 e?uipment c"nnecte! t" tran mi i"n "r !i tri$uti"n line an! the interi"r "# which i acce i$le% a a rule% "nl2 t" pr"perl2 ?uali#ie! per "n . (#) <Electrical 2 tem !e ign< re#er t" the ch"ice "# electrical 2 tem % inclu!ing planning an! !etailing "# re?uirement #"r pr"tecti"n% c"ntr"l% m"nit"ring% c""r!inati"n an! interl"c;ing "# electrical 2 tem am"ng "ther . (g) <6"ltage< i the highe t e##ecti>e p"tential !i##erence $etween an2 tw" c"n!uct"r "# the circuit c"ncerne! e&pre e! in >"lt . (h) <;6A< re#er t" the in talle! capacit2 "# an alternating current (A...) electric plant "r uppl2 e?uipment% "r the c"nnecte! l"a! "# in!u trial plant % c"mmercial e ta$li hment % in tituti"nal $uil!ing e&pre e! in ;il">"lt3ampere . (i) <;BC re#er t" the in talle! capacit2 "# a !irect current (7...) electric plant "n $"ar! watercra#t e&pre e! in ;il"watt . :) <:tiliDati"n e?uipment< re#er t" energ23c"n uming e?uipment inclu!ing m"t"r % heater % #urnace % light "urce an! "ther !e>ice which utiliDe electric energ2% #"r an2 purp" e. (;) <In!u trial plant "r #act"r2< re#er t" manu#acturing a em$l2 plant % inclu!ing engineering h"p % hip2ar! "r "ther

$u ine

en!ea>"r where electrical machiner2 an! e?uipment

are in talle!.


(I) <."mmercial e ta$li hment < are !epartment t"re % I upermar;et % h"pping mall % "##ice $uil!ing % h"tel % theater % ta!ium % c"n!"minium % c"n>enti"n center % re taurant an! the li;e% u e! #"r $u ine "r pr"#it. (m) <In tituti"nal $uil!ing < are ch""l $uil!ing % h" pital % mu eum % !i pla2 center % g">ernment $uil!ing an! the li;e. (n) <Batercra#t< i an2 water$"rne unit which i !e igne! an! $uilt t" ha>e an electric plant. (0) <Electric l"c"m"ti>e< re#er t" the p"wer plant m"unte! "n wheel a u e! in the railr"a! tran p"rtati"n in!u tr2.


+E.. 3. Composition of the Board& 3 The ("ar! "# Electrical Engineering% hereina#ter re#erre! t" a the ("ar!% hall $e create! a a c"llegial $"!2 un!er the general uper>i i"n an! a!mini trati>e c"ntr"l "# the Pr"#e i"nal Regulati"n ."mmi i"n% hereina#ter calle! a the ."mmi i"n% c"mp" e! "# a chairman an! tw" (2) mem$er t" $e app"inte! $2 the Pre i!ent "# the Philippine #r"m am"ng the rec"mmen!ee "# the ."mmi i"ner "# the Pr"#e i"nal Regulati"n ."mmi i"n% hereina#ter re#erre! t" a the ."mmi i"ner% wh" were ch" en #r"m the n"minee "# the integrate! an! accre!ite! a "ciati"n "# electrical engineer an! "# "ther regi tere! a "ciati"n "# electrical engineer an! allie! #iel! . +E.. -. Po-ers and ,uties of the Board 3 The ("ar! hall e&erci e e&ecuti>e'a!mini trati>e "r ?ua i3legi lati>e (rule3 ma;ing) "r ?ua i3Au!icial (in>e tigati>e) p"wer in carr2ing "ut the pr">i i"n "# thi Act. It hall $e >e te! with the #"ll"wing peci#ic p"wer % #uncti"n % !utie an! re p"n i$ilitie = (a) +uper>i e an! regulate the practice "# electrical engineering in the Philippine @

NEW ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LAW (R.A. 7920) ($) 7etermine an! e>aluate the ?uali#icati"n "# the applicant #"r regi trati"n with "r with"ut licen ure e&aminati"n an! #"r pecial permit @ (c) Prepare the e&aminati"n ?ue ti"n in acc"r!ance with @ ecti"n )9 here"# "r m"!i#icati"n there"#@ pre cri$e the 2lla$i I# the u$Aect an! their relati>e weight #"r the licen ure e&aminati"n @ #"rmulate "r a!"pt te t ?ue ti"n an! !ep" it them n a te t ?ue ti"n $an;@ !raw the te t ?ue ti"n at ran!"m thr"ugh pr"ce "# c"mputeriDati"n@ c"n!uct the e&aminati"n@ c"rrect an! rate the e&aminati"n paper manuall2 "r thr"ugh. Pr"ce "# c"mputeriDati"n@ an! u$mit the e&aminati"n re ult =0 the Pr"#e i"nal Regulati"n ."mmi i"n (PR.) within the Peri"! pr">i!e! #"r $2 the rule "# the ."mmi i"n@ (!) Pre cri$e% amen! "r re>i e the re?uirement #"r pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer an! u$Aect in the licen ure e&aminati"n #"r regi tere! electrical engineer an! regi tere! ma ter electrician an! their relati>e weight % u$Aect t" the appr">al "# the ."mmi i"n@ (e) Regi ter ucce #ul applicant #"r pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer an! applicant wh" ha>e pa e! the licen ure e&aminati"n #"r regi tere! electrical engineer "r regi tere! ma ter electrician an! i ue the c"rre p"n!ing certi#icate "# regi trati"n an! pr"#e i"nal licen e @ (#) I ue pecial permit t" in!i>i!ual #"reign electrical engineer an! electrician #"r peci#ic pr"Aect an! #"r a peci#ic !urati"n "# time@ (g) L""; int" the c"n!iti"n a##ecting the practice "# the electrical engineering pr"#e i"n% a!"pt mea ure #"r the enhancement "# the pr"#e i"n an! the maintenance "# high pr"#e i"nal% technical% an! ethical tan!ar! an! c"n!uct "cular in pecti"n "# place where regi trant practice their pr"#e i"n% uch a % $ut n"t limite! t"= electric plant % u$ tati"n % in!u trial plant "r #act"rie % c"mmercial e ta$li hment % in tituti"nal $uil!ing % watercra#t % electric l"c"m"ti>e % engineering "##ice % repair h"p an! imilar place t" !etermine an! en#"rce c"mpliance with

thi Act. The ("ar! hall auth"riDe the !ul2


integrate! an! accre!ite! electrical engineering a "ciati"n an! ar "ther regi tere! electrical engineering a "ciati"n t" ren!er a i tance in thi #uncti"n@ (h) Pr"mulgate rule an! regulati"n inclu!ing a c"!e "# EE ethic % a!mini trati>e p"licie % "r!er an! i uance t" carr2 "ut c the pr">i i"n "# thi Act@ I (i) In>e tigate >i"lati"n "# the Act an! the rule an! B regulati"n % c"!e "# ethic % a!mini trati>e p"licie % "r!er an! . i uance pr"mulgate! $2 the ("ar!. The rule "n a!mini trati>e a in>e tigati"n pr"mulgate! $2 the ."mmi i"n hall g">ern in

uch in>e tigati"n@

:) I ue subpoena "r subpoena duces tecum. t" ecure the # :.;:;~ atten!ance "# re p"n!ent "r witne e "r the pr"!ucti"n "# F % !"cument at an! relati>e t" the in>e tigati"n c"n!ucte! $2 the #. E ("ar!@ (;) 7elegate the in>e tigati"n "# the ea e t" the chairman% a mem$er "# the ("ar! "r a Pr"#e i"nal Regulati"n ."mmi i"n att"rne2 (PR. att"rne2). I# the ca e c"ncern trictl2 the practice "# the pr"#e i"n% the in>e tigati"n hall $e pre i!e! $2 the chairman "r a mem$er "# the ("ar! with the a i tance "# a PR. att"rne2@ (I) Ren!er !eci i"n% "r!er "r re "luti"n "n preliminar2 in>e tigati"n "r in?uir2% "n !"c;ete! ca e an! "n !"c;ete! a!mini trati>e ca e again t e&aminee "r regi trant which hall $ec"me #inal an! e&ecut"r2 unle appeale! with the ."mmi i"n within #i#teen (),) !a2 #r"m receipt "# the c"p2 there"#. The !eci i"n "# the ."mmi i"n ma2 $e appeale! t" the ."urt "# Appeal in acc"r!ance with the pr"ce!ure pr">i!e! in the Rule "# ."urt@ (m) A#ter !ue n"tice an! hearing% cancel e&aminati"n paper an!'"r $ar an2 e&aminee #r"m #uture e&aminati"n@ re#u e "r !e#er hi regi trati"n@ repriman! the regi trant with tern warning@ u pen! him #r"m the practice "# hi pr"#e i"n@ re>";e hi certi#icate "# regi trati"n@ !eli t hi name #r"m the r"ll "# pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer % regi tere! electrical engineer %


an! regi tere! ma ter electrician #"r c"ntinu"u n"n3pa2ment "# annual regi trati"n #ee an! n"n3c"mpliance with the ."ntinuing Pr"#e i"nal E!ucati"n (.PE) re?uirement @ rein tate "r reenr"ll hi name in the ai! r"ll% rei ue "r return hi certi#icate "# regi trati"n. A !eci i"n "# u pen i"n% re>"cati"n "# the certi#icate "# regi trati"n% "r !eli ting #r"m the r"ll $2 the ("ar! a pr">i!e! herein% ma2 $e appeale! initiall2 t" the ."mmi i"n within #i#teen (),) !a2 #r"m receipt there"#. The !eci i"n "# the ."mmi i"n ma2 $e appeale! t" the ."urt "# Appeal in acc"r!ance with the pr"ce!ure pr">i!e! in the Rule "# ."urt. (n) A!mini ter "ath in c"nnecti"n with the a!mini trati"n% implementati"n% "r en#"rcement "# thi Act@ (0) +u$mit an annual rep"rt "n the pr"cee!ing an! acc"mpli hment !uring the 2ear an! "n rec"mmen!ati"n "# the ("ar! t" the ."mmi i"n a#ter the cl" e "# each #i cal 2ear@ (p) Pr" ecute "r in titute criminal acti"n again t an2 >i"lat"r "# the Act an!'"r the rule an! regulati"n "# the ("ar!@ (?) A!"pt an "##icial eal@ (r) .""r!inate with the ."mmi i"n an! the 7epartment "# E!ucati"n% .ulture an! +p"rt (7E.+) in pre cri$ing% amen!ing an!'"r re>i ing the c"ur e @ ( ) Pre cri$e gui!eline an! criteria "n the .PE pr"gram #"r pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer % regi tere! electrical engineer an! regi tere! ma ter electrician an! renew their pr"#e i"nal licen e a#ter c"mpliance .with the .PE re?uirement @ (t) Per#"rm uch "ther #uncti"n an! !utie a ma2 $e nece ar2 t" implement e##ecti>el2 thi Act. The p"licie % re "luti"n % rule an! regulati"n % "r!er "r !eci i"n i ue! "r pr"mulgate! $2 the ("ar! hall $e u$Aect t" the re>iew an! appr">al $2 the ."mmi i"n@ h"we>er% the ("ar!C !eci i"n % re "luti"n "r "r!er which are n"t

interl"cut"r2% ren!ere! in an a!mini trati>e ca e% hall $e u$Aect t" re>iew "nl2 i# "n appeal. +E.. ,. /ualifications of Board 0embers& 3 Each ("ar! mem$er mu t% at the time "# hi app"intment=


(a) (e a natural3$"rn 9ilipin" citiDen an! a re i!ent "# the Philippine #"r at lea t #i>e (,) c"n ecuti>e 2ear @ ($) (e at lea t thirt23#i>e (3,) 2ear "# age% "# pr">en integrit2 with high m"ral >alue in hi per "nal a well a hi pr"#e i"nal c"n!uct@ (c) (e a per "n with n" #inal c"n>icti"n $2 the c"urt "# an "##en e in>"l>ing m"ral turpitu!e@ (!) (e a h"l!er "# the !egree "# (achel"r "# +cience in Electrical Engineering ((+EE) #r"m a uni>er it2% ch""l% c"llege% aca!em2 "r in titute !ul2 c"n titute!% rec"gniDe! an! accre!ite! $2 the Philippine g">ernment@ (e) (e a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer with a >ali! certi#icate "# regi trati"n an! a >ali! pr"#e i"nal licen e !ul2 ?uali#ie! t" practice electrical engineering in the Philippine @ (#) /a>e practice! electrical engineering #"r a peri"! "# n"t le w"rn tatement a uch@ an! than ten ()0) 2ear pri"r t" hi app"intment% with a

(g) N"t $e an "##icial n"r a. mem$er "# the #acult2 "#% n"r ha>e a pecuniar2 intere t in% an2 uni>er it2% c"llege% ch""l "r in tituti"n c"n#erring a $achel"rC !egree in electrical engineering #"r at lea t three (3) 2ear pri"r t" hi app"intment% an! i n"t c"nnecte! with a re>iew center "r with an2 gr"up "r a "ciati"n where re>iew cla e "r lecture in preparati"n #"r the licen ure e&aminati"n are "##ere! "r c"n!ucte! at the time "# hi app"intment. I +E.. 0. !erm of 1ffice& 3 The mem$er "# the ("ar! hall i h"l! "##ice #"r a term "# three (3) 2ear #r"m the !ate "# I app"intment "r until their ucce "r hall ha>e $een app"inte! an! ?uali#ie!. The2 ma2% h"we>er% $e reapp"inte! #"r a ec"n! term. Each mem$er hall ?uali#2 $2 ta;ing an "ath "# "##ice $e#"re entering up"n the per#"rmance "# hi !utie . 6acancie in the ("ar! hall $e #ille! $2 the Pre i!ent #r"m the li t "# rec"mmen!ee wh" were ch" en #r"m the li t "# n"minee u$mitte! $2 the electe! $2 the ."mmi i"ner


integrate! an! accre!ite! a "ciati"n #"r the une&pire! term "nl2. +E.. 7. Removal "# Board 0embers& 3 An2 mem$er "# the ("ar! ma2 $e rem">e! $2 the Pre i!ent "# the Philippine % up"n the rec"mmen!ati"n "# the ."mmi i"ner #"r neglect "# !ut2% inc"mpetence% malpractice% c"mmi i"n "r t"lerance "# irregularitie in the e&aminati"n % "r #"r unpr"#e i"nal% unethical% "r !i h"n"ra$le c"n!uct% a#ter ha>ing $een gi>en the "pp"rtunit2 t" !e#en! him el# in a pr"per a!mini trati>e in>e tigati"n. +E.. *. Compensation "# Chairman and the Board 0embers& 3 The chairman an! mem$er "# the ("ar! hall recei>e a m"nthl2 c"mpen ati"n "# n" le than Twel>e th"u an! pe " (P)2%000.00)= Provided. That the chairman hall recei>e a m"nthl2 c"mpen ati"n "# ten percent ()0G) m"re= . Provided. further. That uch c"mpen ati"n hall $e increa e! "r m"!i#ie! pur uant t" the 8eneral Appr"priati"n Act "# the 2ear= Provided. furthermore. That the2 hall recei>e "ther $ene#it that ma2 $e pr">i!e! #"r $2 law. +E.. 9. E2ecutive 1fficer "# the Board& 3 The ."mmi i"ner hall $e the e&ecuti>e "##icer "# the ("ar! an! hall c"n!uct the e&aminati"n gi>en $2 the ("ar! an! hall !e ignate an2 u$"r!inate "##icer "# the ."mmi i"n t" act a ecretar2 an! cu t"!ian "# all rec"r! inclu!ing all e&aminati"n paper an! minute "# the !eli$erati"n "# the ("ar!.


+E.. )0. E2amination Re3uired& 3 All applicant #"r regi trati"n #"r the practice "# electrical engineering in the Philippine hall $e re?uire! t" pa a technical

e&aminati"n a herea#ter pr">i!e!% e&cept a "therwi e peci#icall2 all"we! un!er thi Act. +E.. )). Registration and icense Re3uired& 3 A >ali! certi#icate "# regi trati"n an! a >ali! pr"#e i"nal licen e #r"m the ))


."mmi i"n areC re?uire! $e#"re an2 per "n i all"we! t" practice electrical engineering in the Philippine e&cept a "therwi e all"we! un!er thi Act. +E.. )2. E2amination 4ees& 3 All applicati"n #"r C"ral e&aminati"n #"r pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer an! written e&aminati"n #"r regi tere! electrical engineer an! regi tere! ma ter electrician hall $e u$Aect t" pa2ment "# #ee pre cri$e! $2 the ."mmi i"n= Provided. That ninet2 percent (90G) "# the #ee i t" $e treate! a a pecial #un! #"r the pr"gram % pr"Aect an! acti>itie "# the ."mmi i"n an! the remaining ten percent ()0G) hall $e et a i!e a a tru t #un! #"r the e ta$li hment an! maintenance "# the center #"r c"ntinuing e!ucati"n an! re earch. +E.. )3. Registration 4ees. icense 4ees and 4ines& 3 All applicant #"r regi trati"n an! licen e t" practice a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% regi tere! electrical engineer% an! regi tere! ma ter electrician% hall $e u$Aect t" the pa2ment "# regi trati"n #ee % licen e #ee % an! #ine in ca e "# >i"lati"n "# the pertinent rule an! regulati"n #"r the am"unt pre cri$e! $2 the ("ar! an! appr">e! $2 the ."mmi i"n= Provided. That #i#t2 percent (,0G) #r"m the e c"llecti"n are t" $e treate! a a pecial #un! #"r pr"gram % pr"Aect an! acti>itie "# the ."mmi i"n an! the "ther #i#t2 percent (,0G) hall $e et up in a eparate pecial #un! #"r the uper>i "r2 an! regulat"r2 #uncti"n "# the ("ar!. +E.. )-. E2emption from E2amination and Registration& (a) E&aminati"n an! regi trati"n hall n"t $e re?uire! "# #"reign electrical engineer % erecti"n'c"mmi i"ning'guarantee engineer empl"2e! a technical c"n ultant $2 the Philippine g">ernment "r $2 pri>ate #irm % #"r which the pertinent pr"#e i"nal "ciet2 certi#ie that n" ?uali#ie! 9ilipin" pr"#e i"nal I i a>aila$le% "r "# #"reign electrical in taller #"r the erecti"n an! in tallati"n "# a pecial pr"Aect "r #"r an2 "ther pecialiDe! w"r;% u$Aect t" the #"ll"wing c"n!iti"n = (i) That the a$">ementi"ne! #"reign pr"#e i"nal are legall2 ?uali#ie! t" practice their pr"#e i"n in their "wn c"untr2 in which the re?uirement an! ?uali#icati"n #"r "$taining a licen e


"r certi#icate "# regi trati"n are n"t l"wer than th" e peci#ie! in thi Act@ (ii) That the c"pe "# w"r; t" $e per#"rme! $2 ai! #"reign pr"#e i"nal hall $e limite! "nl2 t" the particular w"r; #"r which the2 were c"ntracte!@ (iii) That pri"r t" c"mmencing w"r;% the #"reign pr"#e i"nal hall ecure a pecial permit #r"m the ."mmi (i>) That ai! #"reign pr"#e i"nal hall n"t engage in pri>ate practice "n their "wn acc"unt@ (>) That #"r e>er2 #"reign pr"#e i"nal c"ntracte! pur uant t" thi ecti"n% "ne 9ilipin" un!er tu!2 wh" i regi tere! un!er the pr">i i"n "# thi Act hall $e empl"2e! $2 the pri>ate #irm utiliDing the er>ice "# uch #"reign pr"#e i"nal #"r at lea t the !urati"n "# the alien e&pertC tenure with ai! #irm@ an!. (>i) That the e&empti"n herein grante! hall $e g""! "nl2 #"r i& (0) m"nth % renewa$le #"r an"ther i& (0) m"nth at the !i creti"n "# the ("ar!= Provided. That in ca e the #"reign pr"#e i"nal cea e t" $e empl"2e! in acc"r!ance with thi ecti"n an! engage in an "ccupati"n re?uiring regi trati"n a electrical engineer% uch pr"#e i"nal mu t $e regi tere! un!er @ the pr">i i"n "# thi Act. ($) N" regi trati"n with the ("ar! hall $e re?uire! "# the Ii= #"ll"wing= (i) Engineering tu!ent % apprentice an! "ther per "n empl"2e! "r acting a u$"r!inate "#% "r un!erg"ing training un!er a per "n h"l!ing a >ali! certi#icate "# regi trati"n an! a . >ali! pr"#e i"nal licen e un!er thi Act@ (ii) Per "n in charge "# "r uper>i ing the "perati"n% ten!ing an! maintenance "# an electric generating et #"r pri>ate u e empl"2ing >"ltage n"t e&cee!ing tw" hun!re! #i#t2 >"lt (2,0 6) an! capacit2 n"t e&cee!ing #i#t2 ;il">"lt3ampere (,0 ;6A)= Provided. That the "wner "r "perat"r hall $e re?uire! t" ha>e the electric generating et peri"!icall2 in pecte! at inter>al i"n@


"# n"t m"re than "ne ()) 2ear $2 a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% a regi tere! electrical engineer "n a nati"nal% cit2% pr">incial "r municipal g">ernment auth"rit2 e&erci ing legal Auri !icti"n ">er electrical in tallati"n . +E.. ),. Holding of E2aminations& 3 E&aminati"n #"r the practice "# electrical engineering in the Philippine h"ul! $e gi>en twice a 2ear in the .it2 "# 1anila an! "ther place "n !ate that the ("ar! ma2 rec"mmen! #"r !eterminati"n "# che!uling. The ("ar! hall che!ule inter>iew'"ral e&aminati"n "# e>er2 applicant #"r regi trati"n a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer "nl2 at the "##ice "# the ."mmi i"n. T" ?uali#ie! applicant #"r e&aminati"n% n"tice "# a!mi i"n hall $e i ue! n"t later than ten ()0) !a2 pri"r t" the #ir t !a2 "# e&aminati"n. +E.. )0. /ualifications of #pplicant for Registration as Professional Electrical Engineer& 3 An2 per "n appl2ing #"r regi trati"n a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer hall e ta$li h t" the ati #acti"n "# the ("ar! that "n "r $e#"re the !ate "# regi trati"n% he p" e e the #"ll"wing ?uali#icati"n = (a) /e i a citiDen "# the Philippine @ ($) /e i "# g""! reputati"n with high m"ral >alue @ (c) /e ha n"t $een #inall2 c"n>icte! $2 the c"urt "# an "##en e in>"l>ing m"ral turpitu!e@ (!) /e i a h"l!er "# the !egree "# (achel"r "# +cience in Electrical Engineering ((+EE) #r"m a uni>er it2% ch""l% c"llege% aca!em2 "r in titute !ul2 c"n titute!% rec"gniDe! an! accre!ite! $2 the Philippine g">ernment@ an! I (e) /e i a regi tere! electrical engineer. with >ali! certi#icate "# regi trati"n an! pr"#e i"nal licen e an! with #"ur (-) 2ear "r m"re "# acti>e practice rec;"ne! #r"m the !ate "# hi regi trati"n a a regi tere! electrical engineer. +E.. )7. /ualifications of &#pplicants for Registered Electrical Engineer E2amination& 3 An2 per "n appl2ing for


a!mi i"n t" the regi tere! electrical engineering e&aminati"n% a herein% pr">i!e!% hall e ta$li h t" the ati #acti"n "# the 30ar! that% "n "r $e#"re the !ate "# the e&aminati"n% he p" e e the #"ll"wing ?uali#icati"n = (a) /e i a citiDen "# the Philippine @ ($) /e i at lea t twent23"ne (2)) 2ear "# age@ (c) /e i "# g""! reputati"n with high m"ral >alue @ (!) /e ha n"t $een #inall2 c"n>icte! $2 the c"urt "# an "##en e in>"l>ing m"ral turpitu!e@ an! %e+ /e i a h"l!er "# the !egree "# (achel"r "# +cience in = EIectrical Engineering ((+EE) #r"m a uni>er it2% ch""l% c"llege% aca!em2 "r in titute !ul2 c"n titute!% rec"gniDe! an! accre!ite! IH the Philippine g">ernment. +E.. )*. /ualifications of #pplicants for Registered 0aster E"ectrician E2amination& 3 An2 per "n appl2ing #"r a!mi i"n t" le regi tere! ma ter electrician e&aminati"n % a herein pr">i!e!% hall e ta$li h t" the ati #acti"n "# the ("ar! that% "n # $e#"re the !ate "# the e&aminati"n% he p" e e the #"ll"wing < ?uali#icati"n = c (a) /e i a citiDen "# the Philippine @ ($) /e i at lea t eighteen ()*) 2ear "# age@ (c) /e i "# g""! reputati"n with high m"ral >alue @ (!) /e ha n"t $een #inall2 c"n>icte! $2 the c"urt "# an "##en e in>"l>ing m"ral turpitu!e@ an! (e) /e ha an2 "# the #"ll"wing technical $ac;gr"un! = ()) /a c"mplete! at lea t three (3) 2ear "# a #i>e32ear (achel"r "# +cience in Electrical Engineering ((+EE) pr"gram "r three32ear c"ur e in electrical engineering techn"l"g2 #r"m an

Engineering ch""l rec"gniDe! $2 the Philippine g">ernment an!% in a!!iti"n% ha a u$ e?uent peci#ic rec"r! "# "ne ()) 2ear


practice in electrical wiring an! in tallati"n% "perati"n an! maintenance "# utiliDati"n !e>ice an! e?uipment@ "r (2) /a gra!uate! #r"m a tw"32ear electricianC c"ur e "# in tructi"n #r"m a >"cati"nal "r tra!e ch""l rec"gniDe! $2 the Philippine g">ernment an!% in a!!iti"n% ha at lea t tw" (2) 2ear "# apprentice hip a#ter c"mpleti"n "# the c"ur e "# in tructi"n "n electrical in tallati"n% "perati"n an! maintenance "# utiliDati"n !e>ice an! e?uipment@ "r (3) /a c"mplete! a "ne32ear electricianC c"ur e "# in tructi"n #r"m a >"cati"nal ch""l rec"gniDe! $2 the Philippine g">ernment an!% in a!!iti"n% ha at lea t three (3) 2ear "# apprentice hip a#ter c"mpleti"n "# the c"ur e "# in tructi"n 00 electrical in tallati"n% "perati"n an! maintenance "# utiliDati"n !e>ice an! e?uipment@ "r (-) /a c"mplete! a #"ur32ear high ch""l e!ucati"n "r it e?ui>alent an!% in a!!iti"n% ha a u$ e?uent peci#ic rec"r! "# at lea t #i>e (,) 2ear "# apprentice hip in electric wiring% in tallati"n% "perati"n an! maintenance "# utiliDati"n !e>ice an! e?uipment. +E.. )9. Scope of E2amination& 3 A a prere?ui ite #"r regi trati"n a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% regi tere! electrical engineer an! regi tere! ma ter electrician% the applicant hall c"mpl2 with the #"ll"wing re?uirement = (a) Pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer= 9"r the purp" e "# c"n#irming the er>ice rec"r! an! clari#2ing the technical rep"rt u$mitte! $2 the applicant #"r regi trati"n a a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% an "ral e&aminati"n "r inter>iew hall $e c"n!ucte! "n the #"ll"wing !"cument t" $e u$mitte! t" the ("ar!= (1) .erti#ie! e&perience rec"r! #r"m the !ate applicant t""; "ath a a regi tere! electrical engineer in!icating the inclu i>e !ate % c"mpanie w"r;e! #"r% !e cripti"n "# peci#ic re p"n i$ilitie % igni#icant acc"mpli hment a well a the name an! p" iti"n "# imme!iate uper>i "r @


(2) Technical paper c">ering an e>aluati"n% an anal2 i % a tu!2 "r a critical !i cu i"n "# an electrical engineering pr"Aect "r u$Aect% "n "ne "r e>eral technical a pect uch a = !e ign% %
c"n tructi"n% in tallati"n% c"mmi i"ning% te ting% "perati"n% C

maintenance% repair% re earch an! the li;e. The technical paper hall $e upp"rte! $2 engineering principle an! !ata. Pu$li he! "r unpu$li he! cienti#ic paper "r treati e "n electrical engineering the"rie an! applicati"n ma2 $e c"n i!ere! a c"mpl2ing with the re?uirement@ (3) Three (3) certi#icati"n igne! $2 three (3) pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer t" the e##ect that the e&perience rec"r! u$mitte! $2 the applicant i #actual an! that the technical paper u$mitte! wa actuall2 prepare! $2 the applicant. The applicant mu t "$tain pa ing mar; "n the e&perience rec"r! an! "n the technical rep"rt in "r!er t" ?uali#2 #"r regi trati"n a a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer. ($) Regi tere! electrical engineer= The applicant hall pa a written e&aminati"n "n !i##erent u$Aect "r gr"up "# u$Aect a #"ll"w =

()) 1athematic % uch a = alge$ra% trig"n"metr2% anal2tic ge"metr2% !i##erential calculu % integral calculu % !i##erential e?uati"n % c"mple& num$er % pr"$a$ilit2 an! tati tic % a!>ance! engineering mathematic inclu!ing matrice % p"wer erie % 9"urier anal2 i % Laplace tran #"rm % an! "ther . The weight i twent23#i>e percent (2,G). (2) Engineering cience an! allie! u$Aect % uch a = general chemi tr2% c"llege ph2 ic % c"mputer #un!amental an! pr"gramming% engineering material % engineering mechanic % % #lui! mechanic % trength "# material % therm"!2namic % electrical II < engineering law% engineering ec"n"mic % engineering % management% c"ntract an! peci#icati"n % c"!e "# pr"#e i"nal ethic % Philippine Electrical ."!e% Part ) an! 2 an! "ther . The

weight i thirt2 percent (30G).


(3) Electrical engineering pr"#e

i"nal u$Aect % uch a = electric circuit % electr"nic the"r2 an! circuit % energ2 c"n>er i"n% p"wer tran mi i"n an! !i tri$uti"n% in trumentati"n an! mea urement% circuit an! line pr"tecti"n% c"ntr"l 2 tem % principle "# c"mmunicati"n% electrical machine % electrical e?uipment% c"mp"nent an! !e>ice % electric 2 tem % p"wer plant% electr"nic p"wer e?uipment% illuminati"n% $uil!ing wiring an! "ther . The weight i #"rt23#i>e percent (-,G). The pa ing general weighte! a>erage rating Ehall $e e>ent2 percent (70G) with n" gra!e $el"w #i#t2 percent (,0G) in an2 gr"up "# u$Aect li te! a$">e. The e&aminati"n ?ue ti"n "n the #"reg"ing u$Aect hall c">er "nl2 $a ic the"rie an! principle % an! hall e&clu!e ?ue ti"n $a e! "n e&perience an! tra!e practice . The num$er "# ?ue ti"n hall $e uch that the e&aminati"n can $e #ini he! in three (3) c"n ecuti>e eight3h"ur !a2 . (c) Regi tere! ma ter electrician= The applicant hall pa ()) Technical u$Aect = 3 5hmC Law= .alculati"n #"r re i tance% current% >"ltage an! p"wer #"r !irect current an! alternating current circuit . 3 Electrical machine = 7e cripti"n an! "perating principle "# m"t"r % generat"r an! tran #"rmer . 3 ."ntr"l e?uipment= 7e cripti"n an! #uncti"n "# #u e % ">erl"a! rela2 % a#et2 witche % magnetic witche % circuit $rea;er % tar3!elta m"t"r tarter % tran #"rmer3t2pe m"t"r tarter % 7... m"t"r tarter . 3 Electrical c"mp"nent = 7e cripti"n "# re i t"r % capacit"r % in!uct"r an! emi3c"n!uct"r . 3 1aintenance an! repair= 7e cripti"n "# the pr"ce!ure in the maintenance "# electrical machiner2. a written e&aminati"n "n the !i##erent u$Aect "r gr"up "# u$Aect a #"ll"w =


3 Te t e?uipment= T2pe an! u e "# mea uring in trument . 3 Electrical engineering law pr">i i"n pertaining t" regi tere! ma ter electrician . 3 5ther relate! u$Aect a ma2 $e pre cri$e! $2 the ("ar!. CI (2) Philippine Electrical ."!e% Part ) an! 2= 3 8eneral re?uirement #"r in tallati"n "# electric wiring an! e?uipment. 3 Appr">e! wiring meth"! . 3 T2pe "# wiring material an! wiring !e>ice . 3 In tallati"n "# witch$"ar! an! panel$"ar! . 3 In tallati"n in haDar!"u l"cati"n . 3 Biring !iagram "# !i##erent t2pe "# m"t"r tarter with m"t"r pr"tecti"n@ 3 7rawing 2m$"l an! wiring plan . 3 5ther relate! u$Aect a ma2 $e pre cri$e! $2 the ("ar!. The num$er "# te t ?ue ti"n The relati>e weight ."!e. hall $e uch that the e&aminati"n can $e #ini he! in "ne () )Jeight3h"ur !a2. hall $e #i#t2 percent (,0G) #"r technical u$Aect an! #i#t2 percent (,0G) #"r Philippine Electrical

The pa ing general a>erage rating hall $e e>ent2 percent (70G) with n" gra!e $el"w #i#t2 percent (,0G) in an2 u$Aect.

+E.. 20. Report of Ratings& 3 The ("ar! "# Electrical Engineering hall% within "ne hun!re! #i#t2 (),0) !a2 a#ter the !ate "# c"mpleti"n "# the e&aminati"n % rep"rt the rating "$taine! $2 each can!i!ate t" the ."mmi i"n.


+E.. 2). Ree2amination of 4ailed Sub5ects& 3 An applicant hall $e all"we! t" reta;e% an2 num$er "# time % "nl2 the u$Aect' in which he ha "$taine! a gra!e $el"w #i#t2 percent (,0G). Bhen he hall "$taine! an a>erage gra!e "# e>ent2 percent (70G) in the u$Aect' repeate!% he hall $e c"n i!ere! t" ha>e pa e! hi licen ure e&aminati"n. +E.. 22. 1ath& 3 All ucce #ul can!i!ate in the e&aminati"n hall $e re?uire! t" ta;e a pr"#e i"nal "ath $e#"re the ("ar! "r an2 g">ernment "##icial auth"riDe! t" a!mini ter "ath pri"r t" entering up"n the practice "# pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% regi tere! electrical engineer% an! regi tere! ma ter electrician. +E.. 23. "ssuance of Certificates of Registration and Professional icenses& 3 The regi trati"n "# pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% regi tere! electrical engineer "r regi tere! ma ter electrician c"mmence #r"m the !ate hi name i entere! in the r"ll "# regi trant "r licen ee #"r hi pr"#e i"n. E>er2 regi trant wh" ha ati #act"ril2 met all the re?uirement peci#ie! in thi Act% up"n pa2ment "# the regi trati"n #ee% hall $e i ue! a certi#icate "# regi trati"n a a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% a regi tere! electrical engineer "r a regi tere! ma ter electrician that h"w the #ull name "# the regi trant an! with erial num$er% igne! $2 the ."mmi i"ner an! $2 the chairman an! mem$er "# the ("ar!% tampe! with the "##icial eal% a e>i!ence that the per "n name! therein i entitle! t" practice the pr"#e i"n with all the right an! pri>ilege appurtenant theret". The certi#icate hall remain in #ull #"rce an! e##ect until with!rawn% u pen!e!% "r re>";e! in acc"r!ance with law. A pr"#e i"nal licen e igne! $2 the ."mmi i"ner an! $earing the regi trati"n num$er an! !ate "# i uance there"# an! the m"nth "# e&pir2 "r renewa$ilit2 hall li;ewi e $e i ue! t" e>er2 regi trant wh" ha pai! the annual regi trati"n #ee #"r three (3) c"n ecuti>e 2ear an! ha c"mplie! with the re?uirement "# the ."ntinuing Pr"#e i"nal E!ucati"n (.PE)% unle e&empte! there #r"m. Thi licen e will er>e a e>i!ence that the licen ee can law#ull2 practice hi pr"#e i"n until the e&pirati"n "# it >ali!it2.


+E.. 2-. Continuing Professiona E!u"ation Progra#& 3 The .PE gui!eline hall $e pre cri$e! an! pr"mulgate! $2 the ("ar! u$Aect t" the appr">al "# the ."mmi i"n% a#ter c"n ultati"n with the integrate! an! accre!ite! electrical engineering a "ciati"n % "ther a "ciati"n "# the electrical engineering pr"#e i"n% an! "ther c"ncerne! ect"r . The ("ar! hall inc"rp"rate in the ai! gui!eline the creati"n "# a .PE c"uncil that hall $e c"mp" e! "# "##icer c"ming #r"m the ("ar!% the ."mmi i"n% the integrate! an! accre!ite! electrical a "ciati"n % an! "ther c"ncerne! ect"r . It hall $e >e te! with the #uncti"n % !utie an! re p"n i$ilitie t" implement the gui!eline an! hall ha>e the Auri!ical per "nalit2 that i !i tinct an! eparate #r"m an! in!epen!ent "# the ("ar!% the ."mmi i"n% the integrate! an! accre!ite! electrical engineering a "ciati"n% an! "ther a "ciati"n "# the electrical engineering pr"#e i"n. +E.. 2,. Integration of t$e E e"tri"a Engineering Professions& 3 The electrical engineering pr"#e i"n hall $e integrate! int" "ne nati"nal "rganiDati"n which hall $e rec"gniDe! $2 the ("ar! a the "ne an! "nl2 integrate! an! accre!ite! a "ciati"n "# pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer % regi tere! electrical engineer an! regi tere! ma ter electrician . E>er2 pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% regi tere! electrical engineer an! regi tere! ma ter electrician up"n regi trati"n with the ("ar! a uch% hall ipso facto. $ec"me a mem$er "# the integrate! nati"nal "rganiDati"n. Th" e wh" ha>e $een regi tere! with the ("ar! $ut are n"t mem$er "# the ai! "rganiDati"n at the time "# the e##ecti>it2 "# thi Act% hall $eC all"we! t" regi ter a mem$er "# the ai! integrate! "rganiDati"n within three (3) 2ear a#ter the e##ecti>it2 "# thi Act. 1em$er hip in the integrate! "rganiDati"n hall n"t $e a $ar t" mem$er hip in "ther a "ciati"n "# the electrical engineering pr"#e i"n. The pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% regi tere! electrical engineer% an! regi tere! ma ter electrician hall recei>e the $ene#it an! pri>ilege appurtenant t" thi li te! mem$er hip in the !ul2 integrate! an! accre!ite! electrical engineering


a "ciati"n "nl2 up"n pa2ment "# the re?uire! mem$er hip #ee an! !ue . SEC. 2*. %ea of Professiona E e"tri"a Engineer& 3 All licen e! pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer ma2 "$tain a eal "# a !e ign pre cri$e! $2 the ("ar! $earing the regi trantC name% the certi#icate num$er an! the legen! <Pr"#e i"nal Electrical Engineer.< Plan % peci#icati"n .% rep"rt an! "ther pr"#e i"nal !"cument prepare! $2 "r e&ecute! un!er the imme!iate uper>i i"n "#% an! i ue! $2 a licen ee% hall $e tampe! "n e>er2 heet with ai! eal when #ile! with g">ernment auth"ritie "r when u$mitte! "r u e! pr"#e i"nall2= Provided. ho-ever. That it i unlaw#ul #"r an2"ne t" tamp "r eal an2 !"cument with ai! eal a#ter the regi trantC name ha $een !eli te! #r"m the r" ter "# pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer "r a#ter the >ali!it2 "# hi pr"#e i"nal licen e ha e&pire!. The regi trant hall $e all"we! again t" u e hi eal "r tamp in the !"cument he prepare % ign "r i ue "nl2 a#ter he i rein tate! t" the practice "# hi pr"#e i"n an! rei ue! a new pr"#e i"nal licen e. SEC. 27. In!i"ation of Registration&Professiona Li"ense Nu#'er. 3 The pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% regi tere! electrical engineer% "r regi tere! ma ter electrician hall $e re?uire! t" in!icate hi regi trati"n'pr"#e i"nal licen e num$er% the !ate regi tere!% an! the !ate "# it e&pir2 in the !"cument he ign % u e "r i ue in c"nnecti"n with the practice "# hi pr"#e i"n. SEC. 2+. Refusa to Issue Certifi"ates. 3 The ("ar! "# electrical engineering hall n"t i ue a certi#icate "# regi trati"n t" an2 per "n c"n>icte! $2 the c"urt "# an2 criminal "##en e in>"l>ing m"ral turpitu!e "r t" an2 per "n guilt2 "# imm"ral "r !i h"n"ra$le c"n!uct "r t" an2 per "n "# un "un! min!. I, the e>ent "# re#u al t" i ue certi#icate #"r an2 rea "n% the ("ar! hall gi>e the applicant a written tatement etting #"rth the rea "n #"r uch acti"n% which tatement hall $e inc"rp"rate! in the rec"r! "# the ("ar!.


A#ter n" le than a 2ear #r"m the #inalit2 "# the ("ar!C !eci i"n% the ("ar!% "ut "# e?uit2 an! Au tice% ma2 rec"mmen! t" the ."mmi i"n the i uance "# the certi#icate "# regi trati"n t" the applicant. SEC. 29. Re(o"ation of Certifi"ates of Registration an! . %us)ension fro# t$e Pra"ti"e of t$e Profession. 3 The ("ar! r hall ha>e the p"wer% up"n pr"per n"tice an! hearing% t" re>";e an2 certi#icate "# regi trati"n "# an2 regi trant% t" u pen! him #r"m the practice "# hi pr"#e i"n "r t" repriman! him #"r an2 cau e peci#ie! in the prece!ing ecti"n% "r #"r the u e "#% perpetrati"n "# an2 #rau! "r !eceit in "$taining a certi#icate "# regi trati"n% "r #"r gr" negligence "r inc"mpetence "r #"r unpr"#e i"nal "r !i h"n"ra$le c"n!uct@ #"r >i"lati"n "# thi Act% the rule an! regulati"n an! "ther p"licie "# the ("ar! an! the ."!e "# Pr"#e i"nal Ethic . It hall $e u##icient gr"un! #"r the re>"cati"n "# a certi#icate i ue! t" a per "n un!er thi Act% an! hi #r"m the practice "# hi pr"#e i"n #"r unpr"#e i"nal "r !i h"n"ra$le c"n!uct% i#= u pen i"n

(a) (eing a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% he ha igne! an! a##i&e! hi eal "n an2 plan% !e ign% technical rep"rt % >aluati"n% e timate% peci#icati"n "r "ther imilar !"cument "r w"r; n"t prepare! $2 him "r n"t e&ecute! un!er hi imme!iate uper>i i"n@ ($) /e ha repre ente! him el# a ha>ing ta;en charge "# "r uper>i e!= an2 electrical c"n tructi"n "r in tallati"n@ "perati"n% ten!ing an! maintenance "# an2 electric plant@ manu#acture "r repair "# electrical e?uipment% teaching "# electrical engineering. u$Aect @ ale "r !i tri$uti"n "# an2 electric uppl2 "r utiliDati"n e?uipment re?uiring engineering calculati"n "r applicati"n "# engineering principle an! !ata% with"ut actuall2 ha>ing !"ne ". The !eci i"n "# the ("ar! hall $e #inal an! e&ecut"r2 unle it i appeale! $2 the re p"n!ent t" the ."mmi i"n within #i#teen (),) !a2 #r"m the receipt "# uch !eci i"n. The ("ar!C "r ."mmi i"nC !eci i"n i appeale! $2 the re p"n!ent to the


Court "# Appeal in acc"r!ance with the pr"ce!ure pr">i!e! un!er the Rule "# ."urt. An2 per "n% #irm% a "ciati"n "r c"rp"rati"n ma2 #ile charge in acc"r!ance with the pr">i i"n "# thi ecti"n again t an2 licen ee% "r the ("ar! ma2% "n it "wn initiati>e %motu proprio+ in>e tigate an!'"r ta;e c"gniDance "# act an! practice c"n tituting cau e #"r u pen i"n "r re>"cati"n "# the certi#icate "# regi trati"n $2 pr"per re "luti"n "r "r!er% uch charge hall $e in writing an! hall $e w"rn t" $2 the per "n ma;ing them an! hall $e #ile! with the ("ar!. The rule an! regulati"n "# the ."mmi i"n "n a!mini trati>e in>e tigati"n hall g">ern the pr"ce!ure an! c"n!uct "# a!mini trati>e in>e tigati"n $e#"re the ("ar!. The re p"n!ent hall ha>e the right t" a pee!2 an! pu$lic hearing an! t" c"n#r"nt an! cr" 3e&amine witne e again t him. SEC. -0. Re*issuan"e of Re(o+e! Certifi"ates an! Re) a"e#ent of Lost Certifi"ates. 3 +u$Aect t" the appr">al "# the ."mmi i"n% the ("ar! ma2% a#ter the e&pirati"n "# "ne ()) 2ear #r"m the !ate "# re>"cati"n "# a certi#icate% #"r rea "n it ma2 !eem u##icient% entertain an applicati"n #"r a new certi#icate in the ame manner a applicati"n #"r an "riginal "ne. It ma2 e&empt the applicant #r"m the nece it2 "# un!erg"ing an e&aminati"n. A new certi#icate "# regi trati"n t" replace an2 certi#icate that ha $een l" t% !e tr"2e! "r mutilate! ma2 $e i ue!% u$Aect t" the rule "# the ("ar!. ARTICLE I. S#N%R/ "RO.ISIONS RELATI.E TO THE "RACTICE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
+E.. 3). 9iel! "# Practice. 3 The #iel! "# practice #"r pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer % regi tere! electrical engineer % an! regi tere! ma ter electrician hall $e a #"ll"w =


(a) A pr"#e

i"nal electrical engineerC #iel! "# practice inclu!e the "le auth"rit2 t" eal electrical plan % etc.% an! t" practice electrical engineering in it #ull c"pe a !e#ine! in thi Act % ($) A regi tere! electrical engineerC #iel! "# practice inclu!e the charge "r uper>i i"n "#= "perati"n an! maintenance "# electrical e?uipment in p"wer plant % in!u trial plant % watercra#t% electric l"c"m"ti>e% an! "ther @ manu#acture an! repair "# electrical uppl2 an! utiliDati"n e?uipment inclu!ing witch$"ar! % p"wer tran #"rmer % generat"r % m"t"r % apparatu % an! "ther @ teaching "# electrical u$Aect @ an! ale an! !i tri$uti"n "# electrical e?uipment an! 2 tem re?uiring engineering calculati"n "r applicati"n "# engineering !ata@ an! (c) A regi tere! ma ter electricianC #iel! "# practice inclu!e the in tallati"n% wiring% "perati"n% maintenance an! repair "# electrical machiner2% e?uipment an! !e>ice % in re i!ential% c"mmercial% in tituti"nal% c"mmercial an! in!u trial $uil!ing % in p"wer plant % u$ tati"n % watercra#t % electric l"c"m"ti>e % an! the li;e= Pr">i!e!% That i# the in tallati"n "r the machiner2 i rate! in e&ce "# #i>e hun!re! ;il">"lt3ampere (,00 ;6A) % "r in e&ce "# i& hun!re! >"lt (000 6) the w"r; hall $e un!er the uper>i i"n "# a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer "r a regi tere! electrical engineer. SEC. -2. "0o1ibitio,2 i, t1e "03ctice o4 Elect0ic3l E,5i,ee0i,5. 3 N" per "n hall= (a) Practice "r "##er t" practice electrical engineering in the Philippine with"ut ha>ing pre>i"u l2 "$taine! a certi#icate "# regi trati"n an! a pr"#e i"nal licen e #r"m the ("ar! "# Electrical Engineering e&cept a pr">i!e! #"r in +ecti"n )here"#@ ($) : e% "r attempt t" u e a hi "wn% certi#icate "# regi trati"n% pr"#e i"nal licen e "r the eal "# an"ther@ (c) 8i>e #al e "r #"rge! e>i!ence "# an2 ;in! t" the $"ar! "r t" an2 mem$er there"# in "$taining a certi#icate "# regi trati"n "r pr"#e i"nal licen e=


(!) 9al el2 imper "nate an2 regi trant "# li;e "r !i##erent name@ (e) Attempt t" u e a re>";e! "r u pen!e! certi#icate "# regi trati"n "r an e&pire! pr"#e i"nal licen e@ (#) : e% in c"nnecti"n with hi name "r "therwi e a ume% u e "r a!>erti e an2 title "r !e cripti"n ten!ing t" c"n>e2 the impre i"n that he i a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% regi tere! electrical engineer% "r regi tere! ma ter electrician with"ut h"l!ing a >ali! certi#icate "r a >ali! licen e@ an! (g) +ign a !"cument in>"l>ing electrical !e ign% plan% technical peci#icati"n% >aluati"n an! the li;e "n $ehal# "# a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer. +E.. 33. Personnel Re3uired& 3 E&cept a "therwi e pr">i!e! in thi Act% e>er2 electric plant% in!u trial plant "r #act"r2% c"mmercial e ta$li hment% in tituti"nal $uil!ing% watercra#t% electric l"c"m"ti>e "r in an2 "ther in tallati"n where per "n an! pr"pertie are e&p" e! t" electrical haDar! hall n"t ha>e le than the #"ll"wing c"mplement "# pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% regi tere! electrical engineer% an! regi tere! ma ter electrician= (a) Electric plant with t"tal in talle! generating capacit2 "# an2 iDe an! empl"2ing >"ltage "# an2 tan!ar! rating 3 "ne ()) pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer "r "ne ()) regi tere! electrical engineer. /"we>er% #"r capacitie up t" #i>e hun!re! ;il" >"lt3ampere (,00 K6A) an! empl"2ing >"ltage "# up t" i& hun!re! >"lt (000 6) 3 "ne ()) regi tere! ma ter electrician@ ($) In!u trial plant "r #act"rie % c"mmercial e ta$li hment % "r in tituti"nal $uil!ing ha>ing a c"nnecte! K6A l"a! "# an2 iDe an! empl"2ing >"ltage "# an2 tan!ar! rating 3 "ne ()) pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer "r "ne ()) regi tere! electrical engineer. /"we>er% #"r c"nnecte! l"a! up t" #i>e hun!re! ;il">"lt3ampere (,00 K6A) an! empl"2ing >"ltage up t" i& hun!re! >"lt (000 6) "ne ()) regi tere! ma ter electrician@

NEW ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LAW (R.A. 7920) (.) Batercra#t "r electric l"c"m"ti>e with in talle! generating capacit2 up t" the ma&imum iDe an! >"ltage

a>aila$le #"r the e unit 3 "ne ()) pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer "r "ne ()) regi tere! electrical engineer. /"we>er% #"r generating capacitie up t" #i>e hun!re! ;il">"lt3ampere ';il"watt (,00 ;6 NKB) an! empl"2ing >"ltage up t" i& hun!re! >"lt (000 6) 3 "ne ()) regi tere! ma ter electrician. Provided. ho-ever. That in all the a#"rementi"ne! ca e % a!!iti"nal ?uali#ie! per "nnel hall $e empl"2e! t" en ure a#e "perati"n an! a#eguar! pu$lic wel#are% li#e an! pr"pert2= Provided. further. That when the "perati"n re?uire m"re than "ne hi#t "# per "nnel e>er2 twent23#"ur (2-) h"ur % the minimum c"mplement "# ?uali#ie! per "nnel hall $e empl"2e! in each hi#t. Thi ecti"n% h"we>er% hall n"t appl2 t" an2 in tallati"n which ha a c"nnecte! l"a! "# #i#t2 ;il">"lt3ampere (,0 ;6A) "r le an! empl"2 >"ltage "# n"t m"re than tw" hun!re! #i#t2 >"lt (2,0 6) an! #"r in tallati"n which areC !e igne! t" $e aut"matic an! !" n"t re?uire re i!ent per "nnel #"r their a#e "perati"n= Provided. ho-ever. That their maintenance an! repair hall $e un!er the charge "# a !ul2 regi tere! per "nnel= Provided. further. That a 2earl2 in pecti"n will $e c"n!ucte! an! certi#ie! t" $e in a a#e "perating c"n!iti"n $2 a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% a regi tere! electrical engineer% "r a regi tere! ma ter electrician. SEC. -6. Pre)aration of P ans, %u)er(ision of Insta ation, A)) i"ation of t$e P$i i))ine E e"tri"a Co!e. 3 It hall $e unlaw#ul #"r an2 per "n n"t auth"riDe! un!er thi Act t" prepare plan % !e ign % >aluati"n "r peci#icati"n #"r an2 electrical wiring%C e?uipment "r 2 tem@ an! n" in tallati"n there"# hall $e un!erta;en unle the plan % !e ign % >aluati"n an! peci#icati"n ha>e $een prepare! $2 "r un!er the re p"n i$le charge "#% an! igne! an! eale! $2 a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer@ an! a c"n tructi"n permit #"r the e&ecuti"n there"# i #ir t ecure!@ an! unle the w"r; i !"ne in acc"r!ance with the Philippine Electrical ."!e an! i e&ecute! un!er the re p"n i$le charge "r uper>i i"n "# a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer% a

NEW ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LAW (R.A. 7920regi tere! electrical engineer% "r a regi tere! ma ter electrician% a the ca e ma2 $e% an! the r"utinar2 #i cal an! mini terial re?uirement "# the g">ernment agenc2% i# an2% e&erci ing Auri !icti"n ">er the particular in tallati"n ha>e $een c"mplie! with. SEC. -7. Pra"ti"e Not A o.e! for /ir#s an! Cor)orations. The practice "# electrical engineering i a pr"#e i"nal er>ice a!mi i"n t" which i $a e! "n in!i>i!ual an! per "nal ?uali#icati"n . /ence% n" #irm "r c"rp"rati"n ma2 $e regi tere! "r licen e! a uch #"r the practice "# electrical engineering. /"we>er% per "n pr"perl2 ?uali#ie! an! licen e! a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer ma2% am"ng them el>e % #"rm a partner hip "r a "ciati"n an! c"llecti>el2 ren!er electrical engineering er>ice. In!i>i!ual mem$er "# uch partner hip "r a "ciati"n hall $e re p"n i$le #"r their "wn re pecti>e act . SEC. -*. Posting of Certifi"ates. 3 The "wner% manager "r the per "n in charge "# an electric plant% in!u trial plant "r #act"r2% c"mmercial e ta$li hment% in tituti"nal $uil!ing% watercra#t% "r electric l"c"m"ti>e hall p" t "r cau e t" $e p" te! in a c"n picu"u place within uch plant "r e ta$li hment the certi#icate "# regi trati"n "# the engineer "r electrician empl"2e! in uch plant "r e ta$li hment% in a #rame pr"tecte! $2 tran parent gla "r e?ui>alent. SEC. -7. Certifi"ate of %)e"ia t0. 3 .erti#icate "# pecialt2 hall $e i ue! $2 the ("ar!% u$Aect t" the appr">al "# the ."mmi i"n% t" pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer wh" ha>e $een I creene! an! rec"mmen!e! $2 the integrate! an! accre!ite! A. electrical engineering a "ciati"n. The e are #"r peci#ic #iel! in which the applicant ha>e pecialiDe! ;n"wle!ge% training an! I e&perience an! ha>e !em"n trate! their c"mpetence an! e&perti e. The ("ar! hall% u$Aect t" the appr">al "# the ."mmi i"n% an! a#ter c"n ultati"n with the ai! a "ciati"n% pre cri$e an! i ue the nece ar2 gui!eline #"r the i uance "# the e certi#icate .


SEC. -+. /oreign Re"i)ro"it0. 3 N" #"reign engineer hall $e a!mitte! t" ta;e a $"ar! e&aminati"n% $e gi>en a certi#icate "# regi trati"n% "r $e entitle! t" an2 "# the right an! pri>ilege un!er thi Act unle the c"untr2 "# which he i a u$Aect "r citiDen peci#icall2 permit 9ilipin" engineer t" practice within territ"rial limit "n the ame $a i a the u$Aect "r citiDen "# uch c"untr2. SEC. -9. Enfor"e#ent of t$e A"t '0 1ffi"ers of t$e La.. 3 It hall $e the !ut2 "# all c"n titute! "##icer "# the law "# the nati"nal g">ernment% "r an2 pr">incial% cit2 "r municipal g">ernment "r "# an2 p"litical u$!i>i i"n there"# t" pr" ecute an2 per "n >i"lating the pr">i i"n "# thi Act. The +ecretar2 "# 4u tice "r hi a i tant hall act a legal a!>i er "# the ("ar! an! ren!er uch legal a i tance a ma2 $e nece ar2 in carr2ing "ut the pr">i i"n "# thi Act. SEC. 60. Pena t0 C ause. 3 An2 per "n wh" hall >i"late an2 "# the pr">i i"n "# thi Act hall $e guilt2 "# mi !emean"r an! hall% up"n c"n>icti"n% $e entence! t" a #ine "# n"t le than Ten th"u an! pe " (P)0%000.00) n"r m"re than 9i#t2 th"u an! pe " (P,0%000.00) "r impri "nment #"r a peri"! n"t le than i& (0) m"nth n"r m"re than #i>e (,) 2ear "r $"th at the !i creti"n "# the c"urt.


SEC. 6'. Ter#s of 1ffi"e of 2oar! 3e#'ers. 3 :p"n appr">al "# thi Act% the incum$ent chairman an! tw" (2) mem$er "# the ("ar! hall c"ntinue t" er>e until their term "# "##ice e&pire "r until their replacement ha>e $een app"inte! $2 the Pre i!ent an! hall ha>e $een !ul2 ?uali#ie!. SEC. 62. Ne. Certifi"ates of Registration an! Professiona Li"enses& 3 (a) A "ciate electrical engineer an! a i tant electrical engineer with >ali! certi#icate "# regi trati"n an! pr"#e i"nal licen e i ue! un!er Repu$lic Act N". )*- hall. regi ter within tw" (2) 2ear #r"m the e##ecti>it2 "# thi Act an! $e


i ue! new certi#icate "# regi trati"n an! new pr"#e i"nal licen e a regi tere! electrical engineer un!er thi Act t" replace their "riginal "ne . Their erial num$er hall $e pr">i!e! $2 the regi trati"n !i>i i"n "# the ."mmi i"n. ($) 1a ter electrician with >ali! certi#icate "# regi trati"n

an! pr"#e i"nal licen e un!er Repu$lic Act N". )*- hall %

regi ter within tw" (2) 2ear #r"m the e##ecti>it2 "# thi Act an! $e " i ue! new certi#icate "# regi trati"n an! new pr"#e i"nal licen e a regi tere! ma ter electrician with the ame erial % num$er a their "l! "ne t" replace their "riginal certi#icate an! licen e .


SEC. 6-. Re)ea ing C ause. 3 Repu$lic Act N". )*- an! e&i ting pr">i i"n "# pr">incial% cit2 "r municipal "r!inance "r regulati"n pertaining t" e&aminati"n #"r electrical c"ntract"r % electrical in pect"r % "r electrician % an! all "ther law % part "# law % "r!er % "r!inance "r regulati"n in c"n#lict with thi Act are here$2 repeale! "r amen!e! acc"r!ingl2. SEC. 66. %e)ara'i it0 C ause& 3 I# an2 part "# thi Act "r the applicati"n "# uch pr">i i"n "r circum tance i !eclare! unc"n tituti"nal% the remain!er "# thi Act "r the applicati"n "# uch pr">i i"n t" "ther per "n "r circum tance hall n"t $e affected $2 uch !eclarati"n. +E.. -,. Effectivity Clause& 3 Thi Act hall ta;e effect a#ter
thirt2 (30) !a2 #"ll"wing it #ull pu$licati"n in the 1fficial $a6ette

"r new paper "# general circulati"n. Appr">e!%

(+g!.) E78AR75 4. AN8ARA President of the Senate

(+g!.) 45+E 7E 6ENE.IA% 4R. Spea7er of the House of Representatives


Thi Act which i a c"n "li!ati"n "# /"u e (ill N". ))003 an! +enate (ill N". )700 wa #inall2 pa e! $2 the /"u e "# Repre entati>e an! the +enate "n 9e$ruar2 2)% 1995.

(+g!.) E78AR75 E. T:1AN8AN

(+g!.) .A1IL5 L. +A(I5

Secretary of the Senate Secretary $eneral

% House of Representatives Appr">e!= 9E(R:ARH 24, 1995 (+g!.) 9I7EL 6. RA15+ President of the Philippines

I \'



T/E I1PLE1ENTIN8 R:LE+ AN7 RE8:LATI5N+ (IRR) 59 REP:(LI. A.T N5. 7920

Republic of the hilippi!e"

Pr"#e i"nal Regulati"n ."mmi i"n

1anila (5AR7 59 ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEERIN8 I("ar! Re "luti"n N". )* +erie "# )99, I1PLE1ENTIN8 R:LE+ AN7 RE8:LATI5N+ (IRR) 59 REP:(LI. A.T N5. 7920 Pur uant t" +ecti"n -(h)% Article II "# Repu$lic Act N". 7920% "therwi e ;n"wn a <The New Electrical Engineering Law%< the ("ar! "# Electrical Engineering here$2 pre cri$e % i ue % an! pr"mulgate it Rule an! Regulati"n that hall carr2 "ut the pr">i i"n "# the ai! law. ARTI.LE I TITLE AN7 7E9INITI5N 59 TER1+ R:LE ). TITLE3 Thi Re "luti"n hall $e ;n"wn a <The New Rule an! Regulati"n "# the ("ar! "# Electrical Engineering.< 32


R&'( 2. )(%I*I+I$* $% +(R,- #

&!le"" other.i"e pro/i0e0, the follo.i!1 "h2ll be u!0er"too0 to 3e2!:

2. -4ll2bi # outli!e" e3bo04i!1 topic" 2!0 co!cept" of 325or "ub5ect" pre"cribe0 i! "pecific c"ur e "# tu!2 t"
"er/e 2" b2"i" for te"t 6ue"tio!" i! the lice!"ure e723i!2tio!"

b. Co33i""io! # rofe""io!2l Re1ul2tio! Co33i""io! c. Co33i""io!er # the Ch2ir32! of the rofe""io!2l Re1ul2tio! Co33i""io! 0. 8o2r0 # 8o2r0 of (lectric2l (!1i!eeri!1 e. C ( # Co!ti!ui!1 rofe""io!2l (0uc2tio! f. R9 1:4 # $l0 (lectric2l (!1i!eeri!1 '2. (194;) 1. (( # rofe""io!2l (lectric2l (!1i!eer h. 9--$ (( # 9""oci2te (lectric2l (!1i!eer i. 9--+ (( # 9""i"t2!t (lectric2l (!1i!eer 5. R(( # Re1i"tere0 (lectric2l (!1i!eer # +ho"e .ho .ere re1i"tere0 2" "uch un!er RA '()* an! th" e wh" were pre>i"u l2 regi tere! a A++5 EE "r a A++T EE un!er RA )*- an! u$ e?uentl2 regi tere! a REE.
;. 1E 3 1a ter Electrician 3 Th" e wh" were regi tere! a uch un!er RA )*-

I. R1E 3 Regi tere! 1a ter Electrician 3 Th" e wh" are regi tere! a R1E un!er RA 7920 an! th" e 1E wh" I were regi tere! a 1E un!er RA )*- an! u$ e?uentl2 regi tere! a R1E un!er RA '()*

m. IIEE 3 In titute "# Integrate! Electrical Engineer n. 7E.+ 3 7epartment "# E!ucati"n% .ulture an! +p"rt ". ./E7 3 ."mmi i"n "n /igher E!ucati"n p. TE+7A 3 Technical E!ucati"n an! +;ill 7e>el"pment Auth"rit2 ?. +.5. N". (() 3 +pecial 5r!er Number

IRR OF REP42LIC ACT N1. 7920 ARTICLE II 599I.IAL +EAL R:LE 3. 599I.IAL +EAL. 3 The eal "# Pr"#e i"nal Electrical Engineer a pr">i!e! #"r in +ecti"n - (?) "# Repu$lic Act N". 7920 with it !e ign $el"w=

<'<' \'6 ,::='<" ~~> R$.l'<~ 11111 (' .c.~ ~/<<'#<<\\<\\1 ?~ III

E%..2 E.%..E CP. Er3 E E 4:AN DE LA CRU ~ :## .: ~ ~ 'I ; 'f:1 ?It ~ 9@4 *$,3 l !"' @~ 'A'; It # ~ ~

,~'=:~ +,\.IPPlo\I 11111 E

"8 .#@# %@== %=# 3 (C"+C l"t C@t" E

l$t% C&' B~I.~'#'<<'#,<'<<'#<'<<<<',~

lb, ~ 'C.\\.\~'#<\)..'<#'#<\.~~

Qlq RICAL ~~ ,.,$'

The eal hall $e a !r2 circular eal% c"n i ting "# tw" c"ncentric circle % the "uter circle $eing -* mm in !iameter an! the inner circle $eing 2* mm in !iameter with the appearance "# tw" ring "# twi te! wire . A h"riD"ntal !iametral pace% 0 mm wi!e hall $e pr">i!e! acr" the inner circle #"r the name "# the regi trant. The upper hal# "# the annular pace hall $ear the w"r! RE8I+TERE7 PR59E++I5NAL an! l"wer hal# the w"r! ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEER. The p"rti"n "# the inner circle a$">e the !iametral pace hall c"ntain the name P/ILIPPINE+@ an! the p"rti"n $el"w% the regi trati"n num$er. ARTI.LE III L 7:TIE+ AN7 RE+P5N+I(ILITIE+ 59 T/E (5AR7 R:LE+ -. EN95R.E1ENT AN7 EME.:TI5N 3 The ("ar! in the en#"rcement an! a!mini trati"n "# Repu$lic Act N". 7920% an! in the e&ecuti"n an! per#"rmance "# it p"wer % !utie % #uncti"n an! re p"n i$ilitie 34 et #"rth therein

"RR 59 REP9B "C #C! N1& '()*

hall rel2 "r ee; the re>iew% appr">al% uper>i i"n% a i tance% upp"rt an!'"r a!>ice "# the ."mmi i"n thr"ugh the latterC "##ice % !i>i i"n % ecti"n % an! unit . R:LE ,. PR51:L8ATI5N 59 7E.I+I5N+% R:LE+% ET.. 3 T" pr"mulgate a !eci i"n% re "luti"n "r "r!er in an a!mini trati>e ca e% "r a p"lic2% rule an!'"r regulati"n% mea ure% !irecti>e% "r!er% circular% "r "ther re "luti"n #"r the implementati"n "# RA 7920% the ("ar! hall meet E E an! >"te per "nall2. ("th a ?u"rum an! a maA"rit2 >"te are pre3re?ui ite #"r the >ali!it2 "# an2 "# the #"reg"ing acti"n . A ?u"rum "r maA"rit2 >"te hall c"n i t "# tw" (2) mem$er "# the ("ar!. An2 "##icial acti"n "# the ("ar! "ther than a !eci i"n% re "luti"n "r "r!er i ue! in an a!mini trati>e ca e hall $e >ali!% en#"rcea$le% an! e##ecti>e "nl2 a#ter it hall ha>e $een appr">e! $2 the ."mmi i"n an! pu$li he! in the 5##icial 8aDette "r new paper "# general circulati"n. Pu$licati"n hall n"t $e re?uire! "# a ("ar!C re "luti"n% "r!er% !irecti>e "r circular which i internal% a!mini trati>e an! n"t a##ecting the pu$lic% an! n"r penal "r !i ciplinar2 in nature. t R:LE 0. 599I.IAL (:+INE++ BIT/ T/E .511I++I5N. 3 9"r an2 !ealing% tran acti"n% "r $u ine with the ."mmi i"ner% the .hairman "# the ("ar! hall $e the p";e man% repre entati>e "r liai "n "# the ("ar!. /e ma2 auth"riDe "r !e ignate an2 "# it mem$er "r the +ecretar2 "# the Pr"#e i"nal Regulat"r2 ("ar! % in ca e "# hi a$ ence "r in!i p" iti"n. R:LE 7. A++I8N1ENT 59 7:TIE+. 3 The .hairman hall $e re p"n i$le #"r the a ignment "# !utie an! re p"n i$ilitie t" the mem$er an! #"r the uper>i i"n an! management "# their w"r;. R:LE *. A.TI5N 5N PAPER+% .511:NI.ATI5N+ 5R 5T/ER 75.:1ENT+. 3 ((

IRR $% REPUBLIC #C! N1& '()*

All paper % c"mmunicati"n % certi#icate % !eci i"n "r "ther !"cument hall $e "lel2 an! e&clu i>el2 acte! up"n $2 the ("ar! within the premi e "# the ."mmi i"n. Appr"priate ancti"n hall $e imp" e! $2 the ."mmi i"n #"r >i"lati"n "# thi rule. R:LE 9. 5PINI5N 5N AN7 INTERPRETATI5N 59 R.A. 7920 AN7 T/E (5AR7C+ R:LE+ AN7 RE8:LATI5N+. 3 The ("ar! in the !i charge "# it ?ua i3legi lati>e (rule3ma;ing) p"wer ma2 i ue an "pini"n "n% c"n tructi"n% "r interpretati"n "#% an2 pr">i i"n "# R.A. 7920% "# the ("ar!C Rule an! Regulati"n % ."!e "# Ethic % p"licie % i uance % etc. The i uance "# the herein ("ar!C "##icial acti"n hall $e relea e! thr"ugh the .hairman% "r a ("ar! 1em$er% "r the +ecretar2 "# the Pr"#e i"nal Regulat"r2 ("ar! a ignat"r2 i# auth"riDe! $2 the .hairman. R:LE )0. A.TI5N 5N .511:NI.ATI5N. 3 Nuerie "r c"mmunicati"n which !" n"t re?uire c"llecti>e "##icial acti"n "r repl2 $2 the ("ar!% "r which are mini teriall2 acti"na$le ma2 $e an were! an! igne! $2 the .hairman "r a ("ar! 1em$er% "r the +ecretar2 "# the Pr"#e i"nal Regulat"r2 ("ar! i# auth"riDe! $2 the .hairman. ARTI.LE I6 .5N7:.T 59 EMA1INATI5N R:LE )). PLA.E+ AN7 7ATE+ 59 EMA1INATI5N+.3 The regi tere! Electrical Engineer an! Regi tere! 1a ter

Electrician Licen ure E&aminati"n hall $e hel! in the .it2 "# 1anila an! "ther place twice a 2ear. :p"n rec"mmen!ati"n $2 the ("ar!% the place '>enue an! !ate "# e&aminati"n #"r the 2ear hall $e inclu!e! in the +che!ule "# Pr"#e i"nal Licen ure E&aminati"n #"r the 2ear i ue! $2 the ."mmi i"n.


, IRR $% REPUBLIC #C! N1& '()* : .:

The ("ar! hall i ue che!ule "# the inter>iew'"ral e&aminati"n "# applicant #"r regi trati"n a Pr"#e i"nal Electrical Engineer u$Aect t" appr">al $2 the ."mmi i"n. R:LE )2. PR58RA1 59 EMA1INATI5N.3 The ("ar! hall i ue a pr"gram #"r e>er2 che!ule! e&aminati"n in!icating therein the u$Aect with their !ate % time an! percentage weight % the in tructi"n % an! the name an! ignature "# the .hairman "# the ("ar! an! the +ecretar2 "# the Pr"#e i"nal Regulat"r2 ("ar! % n"t later than twent2 (20) !a2 pri"r t" the #ir t !a2 "# the e&aminati"n. R:LE )3. T/E P:(LI.ATI5N 59 T/E EMA1INATI5N. 3 The !ate an! the >enue "# the licen ure e&aminati"n hall $e pu$li he! in a new paper "# general circulati"n an!'"r !i eminate! thr"ugh ch""l % c"llege an! uni>er itie "##ering the c"ur e an! thr"ugh the accre!ite! an! integrate! electrical engineering a "ciati"n at lea t "ne ()) m"nth pri"r t" the #ir t !a2 "# the e&aminati"n. R:LE )-. REN:IRE1ENT+ 95R RE8I+TRATI5N A+ PR59E++I5NAL ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEER.3 An applicant #"r Regi trati"n a Pr"#e i"nal Electrical Engineer% hall u$mit the #"ll"wing !"cument = ). PR. Applicati"n 9"rm (PR. 9"rm N".) 0)) 2. Permanent Regi trati"n Rec"r! .ar! (PR. 9"rm N". 203) 3. Pr""# "# Philippine .itiDen hip% e.g. .erti#icate "# NaturaliDati"n% >"terC a##i!a>i:I7 .ar!% Philippine Pa p"rBi a -. .erti#icate "# Li>e (irth an!'"r marriage c"ntract (i# applicant i a marrie! #emale) ,. N(I clearance 0. 6ali! .erti#icate "# Regi trati"n an! a 6ali! Licen e a a Regi tere! Electrical Engineer.

IRR $% REPUBLIC #C! N1& '()*

7. .erti#icate "# E&perience PR. 9"rm N". )0- (Re>i e! Augu t C9,) !ul2 acc"mpli he! an! certi#ie! un!er "ath. Thi hall $e rec;"ne! #r"m the !ate the applicant t""; "ath a an REE ("r A++5 EE "r A++T EE).

er>ice rec"r!

*. Technical Rep"rt'The i '7i ertati"n Paper. Pri"r t" writing the rep"rt% the pr"p" e! title an! "utline hall $e u$mitte! t" the ("ar! #"r appr">al a t" u$Aect matter% "rganiDati"n% technical c"ntent an! pre entati"n. I# !i appr">e!% the ("ar! hall a!>i e the applicant citing the rea "n there#"r. 9i>e (,) c"pie hall $e u$mitte! t" the ."mmi i"n% #"ur (-) "# which will $e retaine! $2 the ."mmi i"n% an! the #i#th c"p2 hall $e returne! t" the applicant a#ter hi c"p2 ha $een tampe! <RE.EI6E7.< The rep"rt hall $e "# legal iDe an! $"";3$"un!. The #"ll"wing element "# the rep"rt hall $e inclu!e! in the "r!er gi>en $el"w= O Title Page O Letter "# Tran mittal O Pre#ace O Ta$le "# ."ntent O Li t "# ta$le % chart % !rawing etc. O +ummar2 O ("!2 Te&t O ."nclu i"n 'Rec"mmen!ati"n O (i$li"graph2'Re#erence O A##i!a>it "# "le auth"r hip O A##i!a>it "# PEE ) O A##i!a>it "# PEE 2 O A##i!a>it "# PEE 3 I O .urriculum 6itae (w'I7 picture) :nnece ar2 an! irrele>ant !ata% chart % !rawing % picture an! in#"rmati"n n"t re#erre! t" in the !i cu i"n hall $e a>"i!e!. 9. A##i!a>it 3* igne! $2 three licen e! pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer t" the e##ect that the e&perience rec"r!

IRR O' REPUBLIC #C! N1& '()*

u$mitte! $2 the applicant i #actual an! that the technical paper u$mitte! wa actuall2 an! "lel2 prepare! $2 the applicant. The ("ar! ma2 call the >"uching PEE #"r an inter>iew in c"nnecti"n with the a##i!a>it e&ecute! in #a>"r "# the applicant. )0.(rie# !e cripti"n "# the m" t igni#icant an! "ut tan!ing achie>ement'c"ntri$uti"n "# the applicant in the #iel! "# electrical engineering. A#ter the e u$mittal are recei>e! $2 PR.% the2 will $e re>iewe! $2 at lea t tw" (2) ("ar! 1em$er wh" will then et che!ule #"r the "ral e&aminati"n "r inter>iew. Th" e wh" will ?uali#2 #ir t #"r the inter>iew will $e inter>iewe! #ir t regar!le "# what 2ear the2 were regi tere! a A++5 EEC "r A++T EEC "r REEC . The in!i>i!ual inter>iew will $e nece ar2 in the a e ment "# the e&perience% c"mpetence an! the rea!ine "# the applicant t" ren!er pr"#e i"nal electrical engineering er>ice. The inter>iew hall $e che!ule! a "#ten a re?uire! thr"ugh"ut the 2ear at the PR. hea! "##ice in 1anila. The applicant "$taining pa ing rating "n the "ral e&aminati"n'inter>iew will ?uali#2 #"r regi trati"n a a pr"#e i"nal electrical engineer. The re ult hall $e p" te! "n the PR. (ulletin ("ar! an! the e&aminee hall $e #urni he! with the re ult . The relea e "# the re ult ma2"r ma2 n"t c"inci!e with the relea e "# the re ult #"r Regi tere! Electrical Engineer an! Regi tere! 1a ter Electrician . An2 applicant wh" #aile! in the "ral e&aminati"n'inter>iew hall n"t re3appl2 until a#ter at lea t "ne ()) 2ear #r"m !ate "# n"tice "# #ailure. In the re3applicati"n% Rule )- hall $e "$ er>e!. R:LE ),. N:ALI9I.ATI5N+ 59 APPLI.ANT+ 95R RE8I+TRATI5N A+ PR59E++I5NAL ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEER B/5 B/ERE RE8I+TERE7 A+ A++I+TANT'A++5.IATE ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEER :N7ER R.A. )*-. 3 -9

IRR O' REPUBLIC #C! N1& '()*

A i tant Electrical Engineer "r A "ciate Electrical Engineer with >ali! .erti#icate "# Regi trati"n an! a >ali! Pr"#e i"nal Licen e i ue! un!er RA )*- an! with #"ur (-) 2ear "r m"re "# acti>e electrical engineering practice a#ter hi regi trati"n un!er the #"reg"ing gra!e% ma2 appl2 #"r regi trati"n a a Pr"#e i"nal Electrical Engineer "nl2 u$ e?uent t" hi regi trati"n a Regi tere! Electrical Engineer un!er +ec. -2 (a)% Art. 6 "# RA ;92D. R:LE )0. REN:IRE1ENT+ 95R EMA1INATI5N A+ A RE8I+TERE7 ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEER. 3 An applicant #"r the e&aminati"n a Regi tere! Electrical Engineer hall u$mit the #"ll"wing= ). PR. Applicati"n 9"rm (PR. 9"rm )0)) #"r e&aminati"n !ul2 acc"mpli he!@ 2. Permanent Regi trati"n Rec"r! .ar! (PR. 9"rm N". 203) 3. Pr""# "# Philippine .itiDen hip% e.g. .erti#icate "# NaturaliDati"n% Philippine Pa p"rBi a% 6"terC a##i!a>it'I7 car!@ -. .erti#icate "# Li>e (irth an!'"r 1arriage ."ntract (i# applicant i a marrie! #emale). ,. Tran cript "# Rec"r! with the name "# the !egree'"r c"ur e% the !ate "# gra!uati"n an! +.5. N". unle accre!itati"n "# a c"ur e $2 the ./E7 "r t" $eing a tate ch""l'c"llege'uni>er it2 gra!uate@ R:LE )7. REN:IRE1ENT+ 95R EMA1INATI5N A+ A RE8I+TERE7 1A+TER ELE.TRI.IAN. 3 An applicant #"r the e&aminati"n a Regi tere! 1a ter Electrician hall u$mit the #"ll"wing= ). PR. Applicati"n 9"rm (PR. 9"rm )0)) !ul2 acc"mpli he! 2. Permanent Regi trati"n Rec"r! .ar! (PR. 9"rm N". 203) -0 e&empt there#r"m !ue t"

"RR 14 REP9B "C #C! N1& '()*

3. Pr""# "# Philippine .itiDen hip% e.g. .erti#icate "# NaturaliDati"n% Philippine Pa p"rBi a% 6"terC a##i!a>i:I7 .ar!. -. .erti#icate "# Li>e (irth an!'"r 1arriage ."ntract% i# applicant i a marrie! #emale. ,. Tran cript "# Rec"r! with name "# the c"ur e% !ate "# gra!uati"n an! +.5.(() N". unle e&empt there#r"m !ue t" accre!itati"n "# a c"ur e $2 the ./E7% TE+7A% 7E.+% "r t" $eing tate ch""l'c"llege'uni>er it2 gra!uate. 0. .erti#icate "r a##i!a>it "n peci#ic rec"r! "# practice "r apprentice hip i ue! $2 in truct"r % train"r ' uper>i "r wh" are them el>e regi tere! electrical practiti"ner . 9"r thi purp" e% PR. 9"rm N".) 0- (Re>i e! Augu t C9,) hall $e u e!. R:LE )*. RE8I+TRATI5N 59 A++5.IATE'A++I+TANT ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEER AN7 1A+TER ELE.TRI.IAN :N7ER R.A. N5. )*-.3 +ucce #ul e&aminee i! A "ciate'A i tant Electrical Engineer "r 1a ter Electrician licen ure e&aminati"n wh" ha>e n"t 2et regi tere! #"r lac; "# age un!er R.A. N". )*- ma2 n"w regi ter i# he i n"w 2)')* 2ear "l!% re pecti>el2. R:LE )9. RELEA+E 59 T/E RE+:LT+ 59 T/E EMA1INATI5N. The ("ar! up"n appr">al "# the ."mmi i"n hall relea e "##iciall2 the re ult "# the licen ure e&aminati"n n"t later than twent2 #i>e (2,) !a2 #r"m the !ate "# the e&aminati"n. The name "# the ucce #ul e&aminee with the name an! gra!e . "# t"pn"tcher an! the name "# t"p3per#"rmer ch""l hall $e "##iciall2 pu$li he! in the new paper "# general circulati"n. E&amineeC rep"rt "# rating hall $e maile! within "ne ()) m"nth #r"m the !ate "# the relea e. R:LE 20. RE3EMA1INATI5N 59 9AILE7 +:(4E.T+. 3 ).C 9"r Pr"#e i"nal Electrical Engineer = .1


I# the applicant wa c"n!iti"ne! in an2 "# the u$Aect "r ha c"mpletel2 #aile! the PEE e&am un!er RA )*-% he ma2 appl2 #"r the ame PEE gra!e un!er RA 7920 C with"ut un!erg"ing an2 written e&aminati"n pr">i!e! he c"mplie with the re?uirement "utline! un!er Rule )- "# the herein Rule . I# he #aile! in the written e&aminati"n % $ut wa gi>en a pa ing mar; in hi Engineering Rep"rt un!er RA )*-% he hall u$mit the title "# hi rep"rt an! the c"rre p"n!ing rating "$taine!. /e hall u$mit the rele>ant an! e ential re?uirement "# Rule )-. /e hall al " un!erg" the "ral e&aminati"n "r inter>iew c"n!ucte! $2 at lea t tw" (2) ("ar! 1em$er . The $"ar! mem$er hall ma;e #inal rec"mmen!ati"n t" the ."mmi i"n $a e! "n the e>aluati"n "# the !"cument recei>e! an! the re ult "# the "ral e&aminati"n'inter>iew. 2. 9"r Regi tere! Electrical Engineer an! Regi tere! 1a ter Electrician = I# an e&aminee "$tain an a>erage "# e>ent2 percent (70G) "r a$">e $ut ha a !i ?uali#2ing rating "# $el"w #i#t2 percent (,0G) in an2 "# the u$Aect clu ter % he get a c"n!iti"nal mar;. /e can rem">e the c"n!iti"n $2 ta;ing the e&aminati"n "n the ame u$Aect clu ter again an! again i# nece ar2 until he hall "$taine! a rating "# e>ent2 percent (70G) "r m"re "n the ame u$Aect clu ter. The u$Aect t" $e ta;en hall $e a !e cri$e! in the c"rre p"n!ing 2lla$i pre cri$e! $2 the ("ar!. ARTI.LE 6 I++:AN.E AN7 REI++:AN.E 59 .ERTI9I.ATE 59 RE8I+TRATI5N AN7 PR59E++I5NAL LI.EN+E


# IRR O' REPUBLIC ACT NO. 792O(R&'( 21. R(EI-+R9+I$* 9*) I--&9*C( $% C(R+I%IC9+(
$% R(EI-+R9+I$* 9*) R$%(--I$*9' 'IC(*-(. #

&po! co3pli2!ce .ith 2ll the le12l re6uire3e!t" for re1i"tr2tio!, 2 re1i"tr2!t "h2ll be 2llo.e0 to e!rol hi"@her !23e
i 2!0

other e""e!ti2l 02t2 i! the Ro"ter of rofe""io!2l (lectric2l rofe""io!2l 'ice!"e.

(!1i!eer", Re1i"tere0 (lectric2l (!1i!eer" 2!0 Re1i"tere0 ,2"ter (lectrici2!", 2!0 2ccor0i!1l4, "h2ll be i""ue0 .ith the

ICertific2te of Re1i"tr2tio! 2!0

R&'( 22. +9FI*E +G( $9+G $% R$%(--I$*9'.#

9ll 2pplic2!t" for re1i"tr2tio! 2" ((", R((" or R,(" "h2ll be 2llo.e0 to t2He their o2th" 2" "uch o!l4 2fter the4 "h2ll h2/e re1i"tere0.

R&'( 23. R(*(I9' $% R$%(--I$*9' 'IC(*-(. #

+he rofe""io!2l 'ice!"e "h2ll be re!e.e0 e/er4 three (3)

2ear "n the $irth m"nth "# the PEE% REE "r R1E up"n c"mpliance with ."ntinuing Pr"#e i"nal E!ucati"n (.PE) re?uirement% unle e&empte! there#r"m% an! up"n pa2ment "# the annual regi trati"n #ee #"r three (3) 2ear . R:LE 2-. 7ELI+TIN8.3 A PEE% REE "r R1E wh" ha $een !elin?uent in the
pa2ment "# hi 'her annual regi trati"n #ee #"r #i>e (,) I

Ic"n ecuti>e 2ear

ince hi 'her la t pa2ment hall n"t $e all"we! t" c"ntinue practicing hi 'her pr"#e i"n a#ter the !eli ting "#.

hi 'her name #r"m the R" ter "# PEE % REE "r R1E . The ai! peri"! ma2 $e interrupte! up"n urren!er "# a Certific2te "# Regi trati"n an!'"r Pr"#e i"nal Licen e t" the ."mmi i"n.

2,. LI9TIN8 59 7E9ER1ENT 59 RE8I+TRATI5N.3

I# the !i ciplinar2 acti"n imp" e! un!er +ecti"n 2*% Art. "" "# R.A. ;92D i n"t the cancellati"n "# e&aminati"n paper an!'"r !e$arment #r"m ta;ing the #uture e&aminati"n% the re p"n!ent3e&aminee wh" ha pa e! the e&aminati"n ma2 $e all"we! $2 the ."mmi i"n t" regi ter up"n rec>33e!02ti!! !f

IRR $% REPUBLIC #C! N1& '()*

the ("ar! a#ter the lap e "# n" le

than "ne ()) 2ear #r"m the !ate "# the !eci i"n.

R:LE 20. RE3I++:AN.E 59 .ERTI9I.ATE 59 RE8I+TRATI5N. 3 A PEE% REE "r R1E wh" e .erti#icate "# Regi trati"n ha $een re>";e! ma2% a#ter the lap e "# "ne () ) 2ear #r"m the urren!er there"#% $e re3i ue! with uch certi#icate up"n appr">al $2 the ."mmi i"n% a#ter he' he ha e ta$li he! t" the ("ar! that he' he i till #it t" c"ntinue practicing hi 'her pr"#e i"n. R:LE 27. RE8I+TRATI5N N:1(ER AN7 EMPIRH 7ATE 59 T/E PR59E++I5NAL LI.EN+E. 3 The PEE% REE "r R1E hall in!icate hi 'her .erti#icate "# Regi trati"n with the !ate "# i uance an! the e&pir2 !ate "# >ali!it2 "# hi 'her Pr"#e i"nal Licen e in the !"cument he' he i ue % ign an! u e in the practice "# hi 'her pr"#e i"n. ARTI.LE 6I 1I+.ELLANE5:+ PR56I+I5N+ R:LE 2*. A71INI+TRATI6E IN6E+TI8ATI5N. 3 The c"n!uct an! pr"ce!ure "# an in>e tigati"n initiate! $2 the ("ar! again t an e&aminee "r a PEE% REE "r R1E hall $e g">erne! $2 the pr">i i"n et #"rth in Article I6% 6% an! 6I "# the ."mmi i"n pertaining t" the <Rule an! Regulati"n 8">erning the Regulati"n an! Practice "# Pr"#e i"nal < an!'"r an2 "ther rule that ma2 $e i ue! $2 the ."mmi i"n% ("ar!% "r the Pre i!ent "# the Repu$lic "# the Philippine . The Re>i e! Rule "# ."urt hall $e upplet"r2 t" the #"reg"ing rule . R:LE 29. 8R5:N7+ 95R 7I+.IPLINARH A.TI5N. 3 The ("ar! hall in>";e the hereun!er cau e in imp" ing a penalt2 "#= cancellati"n "# e&aminati"n paper an!'"r !e$arment #r"m e&aminati"n "# e&aminee @ repriman! "r re>"cati"n "# --

"RR 14 REP9B "C #C! N1& '()*

.erti#icate "# Regi trati"n "r u pen i"n #r"m the practice "# the pr"#e i"n "# PEE % REE % R1E @ "r cancellati"n "# +pecial Permit h"l!er = ). The gr"un! et #"rth in +ecti"n 2* an! 29% Article III "# R.A. 7920@ 2. 6i"lati"n "# an2 "# the herein Rule % an2 p"lic2 "r a!mini trati>e i uance i ue! $2 the ("ar! "r ."mmi i"n@ 3. 6i"lati"n "# an2 pr">i i"n "# R.A. 7920@ -. (reach "# the ."!e "# Pr"#e i"nal Ethic #"r Pr"#e i"nal an! Regi tere! Electrical Engineer an! Regi tere! 1a ter Electrician . R:LE 30. EN95R.EA(ILITH 59 T/E (5AR7C+ 7E.I+I5N. 3 The !eci i"n "# the ("ar! imp" ing a !i ciplinar2 acti"n again t the re p"n!ent in an a!mini trati>e ca e hall $ec"me #inal an! e&ecut"r2 unle it i appeale! $2 the re p"n!ent t" the ."mmi i"n within #i#teen (),) !a2 #r"m the receipt "# the !eci i"n. The ("ar!C "r ."mmi i"nC !eci i"n i appeala$le $2 the re p"n!ent t" the ."urt "# Appeal in acc"r!ance with the pr"ce!ure pr">i!e! un!er the Rule "# ."urt. R:LE 3). APPLI.A(ILITH 59 T/E <R:LE+ AN7 RE8:LATI5N+ 856ERNIN8 T/E RE8:LATI5N AN7 PRA.TI.E 59 PR59E++I5NAL+<. 3

l In the en#"rcement% implementati"n% an! a!mini trati"n "# the pr">i i"n "# R.A. ;92D an! the herein <The New Rule an!
Regulati"n "# the ("ar! "# Electrical Engineering<% the Rule an! Regulati"n 8">erning the Regulati"n an! Practice "# Pr"#e i"nal hall $e upplet"ril2 applica$le theret". R:LE 32. EMA1INATI5N% RE8I+TRATI5N% LI.EN+E 9EE+ AN7 9INE+. 3 The Acc"unting 7i>i i"n% "ut "# the ten ()0G) percent c"llecte! e&aminati"n #ee #r"m the e&aminee % hall pr">i!e an! ;eep a eparate $""; "# acc"unt #"r a tru t #un! that will !e#ra2 4

"RR 59 REP9B9C #C! N1& '()*

the e ta$li hment an! maintenance "# the .enter #"r c"ntinuing e!ucati"n an! re earch@ an! "ut "# the #i#t2 percent (,0G) c"llecte! a regi trati"n an! licen e #ee % an! #ine % hall pr">i!e an! ;eep a eparate $""; "# acc"unt #"r a pecial #un! #"r the uper>i "r2 an! regulat"r2 #uncti"n "# the ("ar!. R:LE 33. +EPARA(ILITH .LA:+E. 3 I#% #"r an2 rea "n% an2 ecti"n "r pr">i i"n "# the herein <Rule an! Regulati"n < "r the applicati"n "# uch rule an! regulati"n "r pr">i i"n t" an2 per "n "r circum tance i !eclare! unc"n tituti"nal% unlaw#ul "r in>ali!% n" "ther ecti"n "r pr">i i"n "# thi <Rule an! RegulaEi"n < hall $e a##ecte! there$2. R:LE 3-. E99E.TI6ITH .LA:+E. 3 The herein <Rule an! Regulati"n < hall $e% up"n appr">al $2 the ."mmi i"n% $e e##ecti>e a#ter #i#teen (),) !a2 #"ll"wing it #ull pu$licati"n in the 5##icial 8aDette "r an2 new paper "# general circulati"n% whiche>er i earlier. 7"ne in the .it2 "# 1anila thi 3) t !a2 "# Augu t% )99,. (+g!.) R9%9(' 9. 9L5RENTIN5 .hairman (+g!.) R5H 9. 8IL (+g!.) (A HL5N 8. T5LENTIN5 1em$er 1em$er ATTE+TE7 T5= .ARL5+ 8. AL1EL5R +ecretar2% Pr"#e i"nal Regulat"r2 ("ar! APPR56E7= (+g!.) /ER158ENE+ P. P5(RE ."mmi i"ner (+g!.) 1ARIAN5 A. 1EN7IETA (+g!.) AL95N+5 8. A(A7 A "ciate ."mmi i"ner A "ciate ."mmi i"ner


Repu$lic "# the Philippine Pr"#e i"nal Regulati"n ."mmi i"n 1anila RESOL#TION NO. 20 Se0ie2 o4 '997 PR5.E7:RE 95R APPLI.ATI5N% EMA1INATI5N AN7'5R RE8I+TRATI5N P:R+:ANT T5 R.A. N5. 7920 (NEB ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEERIN8 LAB) AN7 (5AR7 59 ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEERIN8 RE+5L:TI5N N5. )*% +ERIE+ 59 )99, I RE3RE8I+TRATI5N REN:IRE1ENT+= A. 9r"m A "ciate Electrical Engineer (A ". EE) "r A i tant Electrical Engineer (A t. EE) un!er R.A. )*- t" Regi tere! Electrical Engineer (REE) un!er REA. 7920. ). 9ill 5ut an! +u$mit= . Applicati"n PR. 9"rm )0)

. Permanent Regi

trati"n Rec"r! PR. 9"rm 203

2. +u$mit'+urren!er the 5riginal ."pie of: - A.7

PR1CE,9RE 41R #PP "C#!"1N& E;#0"N#!"1N P BEE RES1 9!"1N )*

. 6ali! Certific2te "# Regi trati"n a A "ciate EE "r A . 6ali! Pr"#e i"nal Licen e (I7) a A "ciate EE "r A i
3. Pa2=

i tant EE tant EE

. Regi

trati"n 9ee P2,0.00

. Pr"#e i"nal Licen e (I7) 9ee P)20.00'*0.00 )-0.00

. 7epen!ing "n the La t Renewal "# Pr"#e i"nal Licen e a A "ciate EE'A i tant EE
(. 9r"m 1a ter Electrician (1E) un!er R.A. )*- t" Regi tere! 1a ter Electrician (R1E) un!er R.A. ;92D ). 9ill 5ut an! +u$mit= . Applicati"n PR. 9"rm )0) . Permanent Regi trati"n Rec"r! PR. 9"rm 203 2. +u$mit'+urren!er the 5riginal ."pie "#= . 6ali! .erti#icate "# Regi trati"n a 1a ter Electrician (1E) . 6ali! Pr"#e i"nal Licen e (I7) a 1a ter Electrician (1E) 3. Pa2=

. Regi

. Pr"#e

trati"n 9ee P)7,.00

i"nal Licen e (I7) 9ee P 90.00'00.00
t Renewal "# Pr"#e i"nal Licen e a 1a ter Electrician i tant EE an! 1E Licen ure E&aminati"n hall #ir t regi ter a A "ciate EE'A i tant EE

. 7epen!ing "n the La

N"te= ). Th" e wh" pa e! the April% )99, A "ciate EE'A an! 1E un!er R.A. )*- i# the2 are 2)')* 2ear "l!. 2. 7ea!line 3 9e$ruar2 2-% )997 -*

PROCE)URE 41R #PP "C#!"1N& E;#0"N#!"1N P BEE RES1 9!"1N )*

II RE3EMA1INATI5N REN:IRE1ENT+= A. 9"r Pr"#e i"nal Electrical Engineer (PEE) E&aminee wh" 9aile! un!er R.A. )*-=

). N" written re3e&aminati"n "n #aile! u$Aect re?uire!. 2. I# technical rep"rt wa gi>en a pa ing gra!e% u$mit #i>e (,) c"pie 3"# the ame% #"ur (-) #"r PR. an! #i#th c"p2 with tampe! <Recei>e!< #"r e&aminee. 3. +u$mit e&perience rec"r! "n PR. 9"rm )0-. +u$mit a##i!a>it per Rule )- "# Implementing Rule an! Regulati"n (IRR) "# R.A. ;92D ,. +u$mit $rie# !e cripti"n "# the m" t igni#icant an! "ut tan!ing achie>ement'c"ntri$uti"n in the #iel! "# electricallengineering. 0. :n!erg" "ral e&aminati"n'inter>iew. (. 9"r A i tant Electrical Engineer E&aminee wh" where ."n!iti"ne! un!er R.A. )*-= ). Appl2 #"r re3e&aminati"n "n the #aile! u$Aect $ut c">ering 2lla$i $a e! "n R.A. ;92D. .. 9"r A "ciate Electrical Engineer E&aminee wh" were ."n!iti"ne! un!er R.A. )*-= ). There will $e n" m"re e&aminati"n "r re3e&aminati"n #"r A "ciate Electrical Engineer. III +TAN7AR7 EMA1INATI5N REN:IRE1ENT+= A. Re?uirement #"r 5ral E&aminati"n #"r Pr"#e i"nal electrical Engineer (PEE)= ). 9ill 5ut an! +u$mit=

. Applicati"n PR. 9"rm )0)

. Permanent Regi
trati"n Rec"r! PR. 9"rm 203 PR. .erti#icate "# E&perience 9"rm )0- (Re>i e! Augu t '95)

PROCE)URE 41R #PP "C#!"1N& E;#0"N#!"1N P BEE RES1 9!"1N )*

2. +h"w 5riginal $ut +u$mit Mer"& ."pie "#= . Pr""# "# Philippine .itiDen hip i.e. .erti#icate "# NaturaliDati"n% 6"terC A##i!a>i:I7 .ar!%

Philippine Pa p"rBi a . N(I .learance . 6ali! .erti#icate "# Regi trati"n an! 6ali! Pr"#e i"nal Licen e. a Regi tere! Electrical Engineer (REE)

. (irth .erti#icate an!'"r 1arriage ."ntract i#

1arrie! 9emale 3. +u$mit #"r Appr">al=

. Title an! 5utline "# Technical Rep"rt a



Title Page Letter "# Tran mittal Pre#ace Li t "# Ta$le % .hart % 7rawing % etc. +ummar2 ("!2 Te&t ."nclu i"n'Rec"m men! ati"n (i$li"graph2'Re#erence A##i!a>it "# +"le Auth"r hip A##i!a>it "# PEE ) A##i!a>it "# PEE 2 A##i!a>it "# PEE 3 I .urriculum 6itae (w'I7 Picture)

. (rie# !e cripti"n "# m" t igni#icant an!. "ut tan!ing achie>ement'c"ntri$uti"n "# applicant in #iel! electrical engineering

-. Pa2= . 5ral E&aminati"n 9ee P 3,0.00 ,. Pa e! 5ral E&aminati"n Pa2= 5n

r!<,..~..,u!~ r<,! ,.rr..,..,.<<<4. ~,.,..<4,.<<<4 ~ 1~~ !~~<,..u<<,! 'J

. .

Re1i"tr2tio! %ee 25D.DD

Pr"#e i"nal 'ice!"e (I)) %ee 12D.DD

K. If %2ile0 # Re 9pplic2tio! 9fter $!e Le2r fro3 Rele2"e of Re"ult" *ote: 9""oci2te (( or 9""i"t2!t (( .ith /2li0 certific2te of re1i"tr2tio! 2!0 /2li0 profe""io!2l lice!"e i ue! un!er R.9. 1:4 2!0 .ith four (4) 4e2r" or 3ore of 2cti/e electric2l e!1i!eeri!1 pr2ctice 2fter hi" re1i"tr2tio! un!er the #"reg"ing gra!e ma2 appl2 #"r regi trati"n a PEE "nl2 u$ e?uent t" hi regi trati"n a Regi tere! Electrical Engineer (REE) un!er +ec. -2 (a)% Art. 6 "# R.A. 7920. (. Re?uirement #"r E&aminati"n #"r Regi tere! Electrical Engineer (REE)= ). 9ill 5ut an! +u$mit= Applicati"n PR. 9"rm )0)

. Permanent Regi

trati"n Rec"r! PR. 9"rm 203

2. +h"w 5riginal an! +u$mit Mer"& ."pie "#= . Pr""# "# Philippine .itiDen hip i.e. .erti#icate "# NaturaliDati"n% 6"terC A##i!a>it'I7 .ar!% Philippine Pa p"rt'6i a

. (irth .erti#icate an!'"r 1arriage ."ntract i# 1arrie! 9emale . Tran cript "# Rec"r! with Name "# 7egree% 7ate "# 8ra!uati"n an! +.5. (() Num$er :nle
Accre!itati"n "# a ."ur e $2 ./E7 "r t" (eing a +tate +ch""l'."llege':ni>er it2 8ra!uate. 3. Pa2=

E&empt There#r"m 7ue t"

. E&aminati"n 9ee P3,0.00

PR1CE,9RE 41R #PP "C#!"1N& E;#0"N#!"1N P 2EE RES1 9!"1N )*

.. Re?uirement #"r E&aminati"n #"r Regi tere! 1a ter Electrician (R1E)= ). 9ill 5ut an! +u$mit=

. Applicati"n PR. 9"rm )0) . Permanent Regi trati"n Rec"r! PR. 9"rm 203
. PR. .erti#icate "# E&perience 9"rm )0- (Re>i e! Augu t C9,)
2. +h"w 5riginal an! +u$mit Mer"& ."pie "#=

. Pr""# "# Philippine .itiDen hip i.e. .erti#icate "# NaturaliDati"n% 6"terC A##i!a>it'I7 .ar!% Philippine Pa p"rt'6i a . (irth .erti#icate an!'"r 1arriage ."ntract i# 1arrie! 9emale . 7ipl"ma (/igh +ch""l% 6"cati"nal "r /ighe t E!ucati"nal Attainment)@ Tran cript "# Rec"r!
3. Pa2=

. E&aminati"n 9ee P2,0.00

The ("ar! "# Electrical Engineering /ere$2 A!"pt the 9"reg"ing Pr"ce!ure an!% Acc"r!ingl2% Re?ue t the ."mmi i"n A#ter it Appr">al /ere"#% that Thr"ugh it .hairman I= the .hie# Applicati"n an! Regi trati"n 7i>i i"n $e 7irecte! an! t" Implement the /erein Pr"ce!ure an! the Pr"ce!ure $e Bi!el2 7i eminate! t" All ."ncerne! Thr"ugh the In titute "# Integrate! Electrical Engineer % Inc. (IIEE) an! the ."llege ':ni>er itie 5##ering Electrical Engineering an! 1a ter Electrician ."ur e .

1anila% Philippine +eptem$er 20% )99,


PROCE)URE 41R #PP "C#!"1N& E;#0"N#!"1N P BEE RES1 9!"1N )*

(+g!.) RA9AEL 9. 9L5RENTIN5 .hairman (+g!.) R5H 9. 8IL (+g!.) (AHL5N 8. T5LENTIN5 1em$er 1em$er Atte te! T"= (+g!.) .ARL5+ 8. AL1EL5R +ecretar2 Pr"#e i"nal Regulat"r2 ("ar! APPR56E7= (+g!.) /ER158ENE+ P. P5(RE ."mmi i"ner (+g!.) 1ARIAN5 A. 1EN7IETA (+g!.) AL95N+5 8. A(A7 A "ciate ."mmi i"ner A "ciate ."mmi i"ner


Repu$lic "# the Philippine Pr"#e i"nal Regulati"n ."mmi i"n 1anila


Bo*+, R-.ol/t$o0 No& 22

Series of )99, .57E 59 ET/I.+ 95R ELE.TRI.AL EN8INEER+ 95REB5R7 Ethic i a et "# m"ral principle "r >alue that g">ern the c"n!uct "# an in!i>i!ual $el"nging t" a gr"up "r pr"#e i"n. /"ne t2% #airne % an! Au tice #"rm a m"ral phil" "ph2% which when a "ciate! with mutual intere t am"ng pe"ple% c"n titute i

the #"un!ati"n "# ethic . I The Electrical Engineer hall "$ er>e uch a 2 tem "# m"ral. %
principle an! >alue a a et "# !2namic tan!ar! t" gui!e hi c"n!uct an! wa2 "# li#e. It i hi !ut2 t" practice hi pr"#e i"n acc"r!ing t" thi ."!e "# Ethic . It i the !ut2 "# the electrical engineer t" in>"l>e him el# in acti>itie !e igne! t" pr"m"te the wel#are "# hi c"mmunit2 in particular a well a "# man;in! in general. 54

C1,E 59 E!H"CS 41R E EC!R"C# EN$"NEERS

9rticle I # R$%(--I$*9' 'I%(

-ectio! 1. 9! (lectric2l (!1i!eer "h2ll 0i"ch2r1e hi" 0utie" with

a$ "lute #i!elit2 t" hi client an! empl"2er % an! hall% at all time % act with "ptimum margin "# a#et2 an! with #airne impartialit2 t" all% ha>ing !ue regar! t" pu$lic intere t an! wel#are. an!

+ecti"n 2. An Electrical Engineer hall uph"l! the h"n"r an! !ignit2 "# hi pr"#e i"n an!% there#"re% hall a>"i! a "ciati"n "r $u ine !ealing with an2 per "n "r enterpri e "# ?ue ti"na$le character. +ecti"n 3. An Electrical Engineer hall tri>e t" upgra!e hi ;ill an! ;n"wle!ge in electrical engineering in "r!er t" gi>e the $e t p" i$le er>ice t" the pu$lic which c"ul! $e attaine! $2 e&changing in#"rmati"n an! e&perience with "ther engineer % an! $2 un el#i hl2 c"ntri$uting t" the mi i"n "# engineering "cietie % in titute % ch""l an! engineering an! cienti#ic me!ia% an! "ther pu$lic in tituti"n .

-ectio! 4. 9! (lectric2l (!1i!eer "h2ll "nl2 a!>erti e hi w"r;

"r merit in a imple manner an! a>"i! an2 practice that will !i cre!it "r !" inAur2 t" the !ignit2 an! h"n"r "# hi pr"#e i"n. +ecti"n ,. An Electrical Engineer hall en!ea>"r t" e&ten! ;n"wle!ge "# electrical engineering t" the pu$lic an! hall !i c"urage prea!ing the untrue% un#air% an! e&aggerate! tatement regar!ing electrical engineering. +ecti"n 0. An Electrical Engineer hall ha>e !ue regar! at all time #"r the a#et2 "# the li#e an! health "# hi empl"2ee % "ther w"r;er % a well a "# the general pu$lic an! t" the pr"tecti"n "# li#e an! pr"pert2 that ma2 $e a##ecte! $2 the w"r; un!er hi
re p"n i$ilit2 .

-ectio! ;. 9! (lectric2l Engineer ma2 e&pre

hi "pini"n "n an electrical engineering u$Aect% whether pu$licl2 "r pri>atel2% "nl2 when uch "pini"n i calle! #"r@ he h"ul! ha>e a!e?uate ;n"wle!ge an! in#"rmati"n "# the rele>ant i ue an! #act $e#"re he >enture an "pini"n $a e! up"n hi h"ne t c"n>icti"n . +ecti"n *. An Electrical Engineer hall n"t i ue tatement % a~

C1,E 59 E!H"CS 41R E EC!R"C# EN$"NEERS

critici m% "pini"n % argument "r "ther >iew "n en iti>e matter in>"l>ing the pr"#e i"n e&cept when pu$lic intere t i a##ecte!.


+ecti"n ). An Electrical Engineer hall $e #air% impartial an! rea "na$le in ren!ering pr"#e i"nal er>ice t" hi client % empl"2er an! c"ntract"r regar!ing c"ntract "r "ther agreement . +ecti"n 2. An Electrical Engineer hall% $e#"re un!erta;ing an2 engagement "r entering int" an2 c"ntract which call #"r hi pr"#e i"nal er>ice that will re?uire "r nee! the u e "# apparatu % "ther e?uipment "r thing in which he ha #inancial intere t% ha>e uch ituati"n clari#ie! in the c"ntract "r agreement t" a>"i! c"n#lict "# intere t . +ecti"n 3. An Electrical Engineer hall $e >igilant in guar!ing again t c"n!iti"n that ma2 $e !anger"u "r threatening t" li#e% health% "r pr"pert2 "n w"r; #"r which he i re p"n i$le% "r t" $ring t" the attenti"n "# th" e re p"n i$le #"r uch c"n!iti"n .

-ectio! -. An Electrical Engineer hall pre ent clearl2 the ;n"wn p" i$le c"n e?uence "r limitati"n "# the w"r; #"r which he will
$e re p"n i$le. +ecti"n ,. An Electrical Engineer hall h"ne tl2 a!>i e hi client "r empl"2er i# pecialiDe! w"r; i calle! #"r t" engage the er>ice "# c"mpetent e&pert an! peciali t % an! "nce engage! he hall c""perate with them in the intere t "# hi client "r empl"2er. +ecti"n 0. An Electrical Engineer hall n"t accept c"mpen ati"n #r"m m"re than "ne intere te! part2 #"r the ame pr"#e i"nal er>ice pertaining t" the ame w"r;% with"ut the c"n eT)t "# all a##ecte! partie . +ecti"n 7. An Electrical Engineer hall n"t !i>ulge c"n#i!ential matter "r in#"rmati"n which ha c"me t" hi ;n"wle!ge c"ncerning a##air "# hi client "r empl"2er % with"ut their c"n ent. +ecti"n *. An Electrical Engineer wh" ha $een engage! t" prepare the peci#icati"n "# machinerie % e?uipment "r thing ,0

C1,E 59 E!H"CS 41R E EC!R"C# EN$"NEERS

nee!e! in a pr"Aect% hall n"t ma;e the peci#icati"n t" #it the machinerie % e?uipment "r thing "# a pr" pecti>e $i!!er #"r which he ha $een "r e&pect t" $e empl"2e! a an engineer% unle he ha the c"n ent "# hi client "r empl"2er. +ecti"n 9. An Electrical Engineer hall pr"mptl2 !i cl" e t" hi client "r empl"2er an intere t which he ma2 ha>e in a $u ine with "r a##ect hi !eci i"n regar!ing engineering w"r; #"r which he i empl"2e! "r which he ma2 $e calle! up"n t" per#"rm. that ma2 c"n#lict


+ecti"n ). An Electrical Engineer hall en!ea>"r at all time t" pr"tect the electrical engineering pr"#e i"n in!i>i!uall2 an! c"llecti>el2 with hi c"lleague again t mi repre entati"n% !i t"rti"n% mi un!er tan!ing "r un#air critici m. +ecti"n 2. An Electrical Engineer hall gi>e cre!it t" the engineering w"r; "# the per "n t" wh"m the cre!it i legall2 !ue. +ecti"n 3. An Electrical Engineer hall li>e up t" the tan!ar! "# pr"#e i"nal practice "# electrical engineering. +ecti"n -. An Electrical Engineer hall n"t !irectl2 "r in!irectl2 inAure the pr"#e i"nal reputati"n% pr" pect % "r practice "# hi c"lleague in the pr"#e i"n. Bhene>er he #in! an Electrical Engineer >i"lating the rule "# ethical "r pr"#e i"nal practice % he hall $ring the matter t" the attenti"n "# the pr"per #"rum #"r !i ciplinar2 "r #"r "ther appr"priate acti"n. +ecti"n ,. An Electrical Engineer hall n"t c"mpete with an"ther Electrical Engineer "n the $a i "# c"mpen ati"n #"r. a particular w"r; $2 mean "# un!er$i!!ing% a#ter the re ult "# a pu$lic $i!!ing ha! $een ann"unce!. +ecti"n 0. An Electrical Engineer hall n"t alter% m"!i#2 "r impr">e the wh"le electrical plan "r an2 p"rti"n there"# prepare! an!'"r igne! an! eale! $2 an"ther Pr"#e i"nal Electrical Engineer with"ut the latterC written c"n ent "r permi i"n@

:l -ectio! 7. An Electrical Engineer

hall n"t malign% >ili#2% "r . E !e tr"2 the g""! name an! reputati"n "# "ther .

C1,E 14 E!H"CS 41R E EC!R"C# EN$"NEERS


9rticle IM # (*9' R$MI-I$*-ectio! ). 6i"lati"n "# an2 pr">i i"n "# thi ."!e hall c"n titute unethical% unpr"#e i"nal an! !i h"n"ra$le c"n!uct an! the >i"lat"r hall $e u$Aecte! t" !i ciplinar2 acti"n $2 the ("ar! "# Electrical Engineering. 9rticle M 8aDette. A!"pte! in the .it2 "# 1anila% thi )*th !a2 "# 5ct"$er% 1995. (-10.) R9%9(' %. %'$R(*+I*$ Ch2ir32! (-10.) R$L %. EI' (-10.) 89L'$* E. +$'(*+I*$ ,e3ber ,e3ber 9++(-+() +$:

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+hi" Co0e hall ta;e e##ect up"n appr">al $2 the ."mmi i"n an! a#ter #i#teen (),) !a2 #"ll"wing it pu$licati"n in the 5##icial

(-10.) C9R'$- E. 9',('$R I

+ecretar2% Pr"#e i"nal Regulat"r2 ("ar!

APPR56E7= (+g!.) /ER158ENE+ P. P5(RE ."mmi i"ner (+g!.) 1ARIAN5 A. 1EN7IETA (+g!.) AL95N+5 8. A(A7 A "ciate ."mmi i"ner A "ciate ."mmi i"ner

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