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Stock Management System

Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

CS6320 Project # 1 by Eun-Jin Kang Andrew Lia !en"o #a$id %obin on

1. Introduction 1.1. 1.2. System objectives and overall description System boundaries 1.2.1. System context 1.2.2. System constraints and assumptions 2. Functional requirements 3. Non-functional quality requirements . Future requirements !. "ppendices !.1 #ontext dia$ram !.2 %ntity-&elations'ip dia$ram !.3 (ata Flo) dia$ram !. *oal dia$ram !.! Sales "nalysis dia$ram !.+ Sales "nalysis model

1. Introduction
,'ere are supermar-ets. suppliers. and )are'ouse mana$ers in t'e system. ,'e company 'as !// supermar-ets and a bi$ )are'ouse. "bout /// items are stored in t'e )are'ouse. %ac' item is provided from exactly one supplier. 1.1. System Objectives and Overall Description 1.1.1. ,'e Stoc- 0ana$ement System 1S0S2 assumes control over t'e boo--eepin$ and accountin$ needed to operate a 3are'ouse for a company speciali4in$ in retail sales of food and $roceries. "ll day-to-day operations of t'e )are'ouse. as )ell as conducted )ee-ly accountin$ of t'e products stored in t'e )are'ouse and disbursed to participatin$ supermar-ets. )ill be performed by t'e soft)are. 1.1.2. " considerable amount of accountin$ needed to operate a typical )are'ouse calls for a reliable and fast soft)are tool to 'elp t'e )are'ouse mana$ement 'andle flo)s of information re$ardin$ incomin$ and out$oin$ quantities of products and a stocinventory. 1.1.3. ,'e problem of stora$e of t'e accountin$ documents suc' as invoices and orders )ould be solved. 1.1. . ,edious arit'metic involved in t'e correspondin$ boo--eepin$ )ill be automated. 1.1.!. " cost of maintenance of a specially trained accountin$ professional in t'e )are'ouse )ould be saved by replacin$ t'is position )it' a soft)are tool and a less costly data entry specialist.

1.2. System Boundary 1.2.1. System #ontext ,'e S0S is located at central )are'ouse and -eeps trac- of t'e stoc- level of eac' item in t'e )are'ouse. orders from supermar-ets. and orders from t'e )are'ouse to t'e suppliers. Items and product $roups and t'eir quantities in t'e )are'ouse are all part of t'e system. ,'e S0S )ill provide supermar-et mana$ers )it' t'e ability to enter orderin$ information directly into t'e system. 5ut it also accepts t'e order by p'one from t'e supermar-et t'at doesn6t 'ave t'e connected computer system. In t'is case. a data entry specialist )ill 'andle t'e paper formats of orders and invoices. " convenient *7I 1$rap'ical user interface2 )ill provide users )it' t'e ability to quic-ly enter t'e information from t'e incomin$ orders from t'e supermar-ets and to output t'e invoices reflectin$ t'e out$oin$ flo) of $oods supplied to t'e supermar-ets. 1.2.1. . ,o maintain t'e current level of t'e stoc- inventory. t'e system )ill be provided )it' easy-to-use )ays of enterin$ t'e product information suc' as names. quantities. purc'asin$8sales prices. and stoc- level. 1.2.1.!. " database of records reflectin$ eac' in and out transaction )ill be automatically maintained. 1.2.1.+. ,'e S0S is supposed to provide t'e )ee-ly sales analysis report reflectin$ t'e )are'ouse operations durin$ t'e )ee- in an automatic manner. " careful analysis and boo--eepin$ )ill be conducted re$ardin$ t'e delayed orders arisin$ from insufficient stoc- levels 'appened durin$ t'e )ee-. 1.2.2. System #onstraints and "ssumptions ,'e S0S assumes t'at all deliveries from )are'ouse to supermar-ets are successfully completed. so t'ere is no loss of item or delay on t'e )ay to t'e supermar-ets. ,'erefore any truc-in$ system is beyond t'e S0S boundary. ,'e S0S assumes all suppliers 'ave enou$' stoc-s. t'erefore )'enever )are'ouse mana$er orders items. t'ey can be delivered )it'in 2 'ours. Specific boo--eepin$ and accountin$ re$ulations reflectin$ t'e current la)s and re$ulations )ill 'ave to be pro$rammed )'en updated. 1.2.2. . ,'e system )ill require some occasional supervision of a trained accountant to verify its correctness upon t'e system update.

2. Functional &equirements
2.1. Accepting Orders from Supermarkets 2.1.1 Informal (escription Supermar-et 0ana$er initiates t'e processin$ of t'e order. ,'e mana$er %it'er t'e

provides orderin$ information suc' as t'e name of t'e supermar-et. t'e requested item. t'e requested amount of t'e item. and t'e date and time of orderin$. )are'ouse operator -eys t'e entry into t'e S0S. ,'e orders from different supermar-ets on eac' different item )ill be enqueued daily up until p.m.. after )'ic' t'e queue )ill be processed and t'e supply of eac' item p.m. t'res'old. t'e queue is emptied )ill be determined 1batc' processin$2. "fter t'e supermar-et mana$er -eys t'e data into t'e S0S directly. or 'e orders by p'one and t'e

and t'e accumulation of orders for t'e next business day commences. 2.1.2. :recondition; Supermar-et mana$er is at t'e terminal. and t'e )are'ouse system is in a consistent state. ,'e stoc- level of t'e supermar-et $oes do)n to a certain level. 2.1.3. :ostcondition; ,'e mana$er $ets t'e unique order id number in return.

2.2. Responding to Orders from Supermarkets 2.2.1. Informal (escription "fter t'e batc' processin$ 'as been completed soon after p.m. on eac' business

day. t'e S0S s'all first process t'e delayed 1i.e. carried over from t'e previous day1s2 orders. for eac' of t'e items2 orders. ,'e recent orders 1i.e. ones from current day2 )ill be serviced next. No) t'at t'e order 'as been received. t'e system responds to it and decides 'o) muc' stuff t'e supermar-et )ill $et. For eac' item for )'ic' any quantity 'as been ordered by any supermar-et. t'e S0S c'ec-s t'e amount of available items versus t'e sum of t'e amounts in t'e orders. If t'ere is enou$' in t'e )are'ouse to complete all orders. t'en t'ey )ill all be filled. t'e $oods sent. t'e supermar-ets billed. and t'e amount in stoc- )ill be reduced by t'e amount sent. 2.2.1. . If t'ere is not enou$' stoc-. t'en t'e delayed orders are filled proportionately to t'e amounts desired. ,'e remainders for eac' order s'all t'ereby become delayed for some 1or all2 of t'e items. 2.2.1.!. ,'e stoc- inventory is updated for eac' item to reflect t'e ne) quantities t'at remain. " record is -ept of t'e state of eac' order for eac' item. 2.2.1.+. "n invoice s'all be $enerated to reflect t'e Item. "mount. (estination. and (ate of s'ippin$ for eac' order. 2.2.2. :recondition; ,'e batc' job starts at ;// :.0.. and t'e item. order id. amounts and order date and time are correct. 2.2.3. :ostcondition; ,'e $oods are t'en sent. t'e supermar-ets billed. and t'e amount in stoc- and requested by t'e supermar-et is reduced by t'e amount sent. 2. . !etting Supermarkets Billed 2.3.1. Informal (escription ,'e supermar-et is billed for $oods rendered. 2.3.2. :recondition; " supermar-et<s order is filled and t'e $oods indicated in invoice are sent to it. 2.3.3. :ostcondition; Supermar-et no) o)es t'e amount in t'e invoice more money.

2.". Sending !oods to Supermarket #outside System$ 2. .1. Informal (escription 2. .1.1. :ut t'e items in t'e mail or on t'e truc- to be s'ipped to t'e mar-et. 2. .2. :recondition; ,'ere are enou$' of t'e appropriate $oods in t'e )are'ouse.

2. .3. :ostcondition; ,'e $oods are no lon$er in t'e )are'ouse but are on t'eir )ay to t'e supermar-et. ,'ey are assumed to eventually arrive.

2.%. Ordering from Suppliers 2.!.1. Informal (escription 2.!.1.1. 7pon processin$ all orders. t'e system c'ec-s t'e stoc- inventory. For eac' item. if t'e remainin$ quantity is less t'an 1// items 1i.e. may be from / to 1//2. an order is sent to t'e correspondin$ supplier for 1/// units of t'e item. 2.!.1.2. If t'ere is none of an item and t'e supermar-ets 'ave requested some. additionally request t'e number for )'ic' t'e supermar-ets 'ave as-ed. 2.!.2. :recondition; It is just after !;// :.0. after completin$ all on a )ee-day and t'e item bein$ ordered is already in t'e system. 2.!.3. :ostcondition; &estoc- t'e supermar-et s'elves )it' t'e appropriate items.

2.&. Receiving 'ayment 2.+.1. Informal (escription 2.+.1.1. *et a payment from t'e supermar-et mana$er on duty. 2.+.2. :recondition; ,'e supermar-et o)es at least as muc' money as t'e payment amount. 2.+.3. :ostcondition; ,'e amount t'e supermar-et o)es 'as been decreased by t'e amount of payment.

2.(. 'aying Suppliers 2.9.1. Informal (escription *ive a timely payment to t'e suppliers )'o )ould be really 'appy to 'ave t'e money. 2.9.2 :recondition; ,'e )are'ouse o)es t'e supplier money.

2.9.3. :ostcondition; ,'e supplier 'as accepted t'e payment. ,'e )are'ouse no) o)es t'e supplier t'e amount less money.

2.). 'rocessing Deliveries from Suppliers 2.=.1. Informal (escription 2.=.1.1. Items from t'e supplier on a truc- 'ave arrived at t'e )are'ouse. boo--eepin$ needs to be done. 2.=.1.2. ,'e supplier is responsible for providin$ t'e information suc' as name of supplier. delivered item. amount. date and time of s'ippin$ from t'e delivery slip into t'e S0S system. 2.=.1.3. ,'e delivery slips are put into a )aitin$ queue in order to be processed at on eac' business day. "fter t'e accumulation of orders for t'e next business day commences. 2.=.1. . ,'e stoc- inventory is updated to reflect t'e incomin$ amounts of all t'e items. 2.=.2. :recondition; ,'e delivery slip 'as arrived. ,'e supplier and t'e item 'ave been entered into t'e system. 2.=.3. :ostcondition; ,'e stoc- of t'e item 'as been increased by t'e appropriate amount. ,'e amount in question 'as been added to )'at t'e )are'ouse o)es t'e supplier. p.m. Some

pm t'res'old. t'e queue is emptied and t'e

2.*. +onducting a Daily Sales Analysis 2.>.1 Informal (escription 2.>.1.1. ,'e system starts )it' t'e number delayed yesterday and subtracts t'e number of delayed orders t'at 'ave been processed. ,'en it adds t'e number of ne) orders t'is day and subtracts off t'e number of non-delayed orders processed. ,'is $ives t'e ne) daily number of orders processed. 2.>.1.1. t'e system $ives t'e output in ro)s and columns. accordin$ to accountin$ re$ulations. For eac' supplier. it outputs t'e amount due to t'at supplier. For eac' supermar-et. t'e amount it o)es is $iven too.

2.>.2. :recondition; It is t'e end of t'e )or-in$ day. at !;// :.0. 2.>.3. :ostcondition;. ,'e )are'ouse mana$er can see t'e sales analysis report of t'e previous business day in t'e mornin$.

2.1,. +onducting a -eekly Sales Analysis 2.1/.1. Informal (escription 2.1/.1.1. ,'e S0S s'all $enerate a )ee-ly sales analysis report t'at s'all contain t'e follo)in$ information; ,otal amount of delayed orders from previous sales analysis ,otal amount of orders received durin$ t'is )ee- from supermar-ets ,otal amount of delayed orders processed t'is )ee,otal amount of non-delayed orders processed t'is )ee,otal amount of orders currently delayed.

2.1/.1.2. Sets t'e number delayed for t'e )ee- equal to t'e number delayed at t'e end of t'e last )ee- minus t'e sum of t'e numbers of delayed orders processed plus t'e ne) orders t'is day minus t'e sum of t'e number of orders processed daily. 2.1/.1.3. ?utputs all of t'ese numbers for t'e day and for t'e )ee- neatly in ro)s and columns accordin$ to day and $ives t'e sums in t'e ri$'t places. 2.1/.2. :recondition; It is Friday ni$'t after completin$ t'e daily sales analysis for Friday. ,'ere 'ave been no problems )it' t'e daily sales reports for t'e last )ee-. 2.1/.3. :ostcondition; *ives t'e )ee-ly sales analysis for eac' of t'e five business days. from 0onday until Friday.

3. Non-functional 1@uality2 &equirements

.1. .sability 3.1.1 3are'ouse mana$ers s'ould be able to order and vie) t'e levels of any stoc- in t'e system at any time t'rou$' a *rap'ical 7ser Interface. ,'e *rap'ical 7ser Interface s'all conform to company standards outlined later. 3.1.2 ,'ere )ill be a separate *7I for t'e supermar-et mana$ers to use. It )ill conform to t'e #ompany *rap'ical 7ser Interface Standard. 3.1.3 ,'e )are'ouse mana$ers and executive mana$ement. as )ell as mar-etin$ personnel. )ill be able to read t'e sales and reports of 'o) muc' money t'e various supermar-ets o)e as )ell as 'o) muc' money is o)ed to suppliers. 3.1. ,'e #ompany *rap'ical 7ser Interface Standard states t'at t'e interface be clear. uncluttered. consistent. and efficient. " -eyboard and mouse )ill be used. as numbers need to be entered into t'e system. 3.1.!. ,'ere s'ould be fe) errors and all numerical input s'ould be double-c'ec-ed )it' t'e user. ,'e interface learnin$ curve s'ould be s'allo). and occasional users s'ould enjoy learnin$ t'e system.

.2. System 'erformance and Reliability 3.2.1. ,'e central )are'ouse system s'ould be$in its processin$ of orders at ;// p.m. and finis' by !;// p.m. at least >!A of t'e time. loo-in$ at intervals of at least t)o mont's. 3.2.2. ?rders from t'e supermar-et to t'e central )are'ouse )ill arrive )it'in one 'our >=A of t'e time. loo-in$ at any interval of at least one mont'. 3.2.3 ,'e supermar-et systems s'ould run )it' 182/ second response times on systems )it' state-of-t'e-art as of 1 year a$o B1!// des-tops. 3.2. . ,'e central system s'ould meet all its requirements on a server costin$ less t'an B2/./// dollars 1 year a$o.

3.2.!. ,'e system s'ould not use more t'an double an absolute lo)er bound on its band)idt' consumption. 3.2.+. ,'e mean time bet)een failures of t'e system s'all be no more t'an once every 1/./// 'ours. Failure of t'is means a system cras' or more t'an 'alf of t'e data is corrupted. 3.2.9. ,'e mean time bet)een failures of t'e individual supermar-et systems s'all be no more t'an once every 1./// 'ours. Failure of t'is means a blan- screen. -ernel panic. free4in$ up. but not )eb bro)ser cras'es.

. . System Scalability and /odifiability 3.3.1. ,'e company s'ould be able to double t'e si4e of its operations )it'out seriously affectin$ t'e response time of t'e system. 3.3.2. ,'e system s'all be very extensible; t'at is. it s'ould be able to become real-time. and it s'ould be implemented in a type-safe lan$ua$e )it' modern pro$rammin$ principles and practices and s'ould be as extensible and modifiable as possible. .". 'ortability ,'e system )ill be portable to t'e various 'ard)are platforms it needs to run on includin$ Cinux. 3indo)s N,. and 0ac?S. ,'e system s'ould be easily portable to :alm?S.

. Future &equirements
.1. ,'e S0S )ill need to support t'e estimation of economic orderin$ quantity and time from suppliers. ,'erefore it )ill 'elp to minimi4e t'e cost of 'oldin$ items in t'e )are'ouse. .2. ,'e S0S )ill need to support real time stoc- -eepin$. .3. ,'e S0S )ill need to support ur$ent delivery requests from supermar-ets.

!. "ppendices
%.1. System +onte0t diagram


Sa)e Ana)y e

*rder Su'er(ar"et +n$oice

S&S 0

*rder Su'')ier #e)i$ery S)i'

%.2. 1ntity Relations2ip Diagram


Product grou' *rder #ate A(ount #e)i$ery #ate Proce ing Statu ,e)ong to Proce ing Statu *rdered by +te( Su'')ied by *rder #ate u'')y #ate A(ount


Sa)e Price +te( -a(e

Stoc" )e$e)

Purc!a ing Price












%. . Data 3lo4 Diagram

Su'er(ar"et &anager


de)i$ery )i'/ ite( 0 1uantity0 due0 date0 ti(e0 id

*rder/ ( ar"et0 ite( 0 a(ount0 date0 ti( e0 order id

'ay( ent/ ite(0 order id0 a(ount

2'dated Stoc" +n$entorie

+nitia) Stoc" +n$entorie

*rdering Sy te(
#e)ayed *rder Proce ing

A( ount *wed to Eac! Su'')ier

*rder #e)ayed

-or( a) *rder Proce ing

+n$oice to Su'er(ar"et/ ite(0 1uantity0 a(ount0 u'')ier0 !i''ing

A(ount *wed by Eac! Su'er(ar"et

*rder %ecei$ed


#e)ayed *rder Proce ed

-on-de)ayed *rder Proce ed

#ai)y Sa)e %e'ort

3ee")y Sa)e %e'ort

%.%. !oal Diagram

?rder Supplies :rocess *ranted Store (elayed

:rocess 5atc'

#alculate (elayed #alculate *ranted

Store (elayed &etrieve (aily

#alculate ?rders

#alculate (eliveries

#alculate Stoc-

:rocess (elayed ?rders

:rocess Ne) ?rders

"naly4e (elivery Slips

&etrieve :revious

7pdate (eliveries

:rocess Sales "nalysis

#alculate (aily Sum

#alculate Ne) 3ee-ly

&etrieve :revious 3ee-ly

Store Ne) 3ee-ly

%.&. Sales Analysis /odel !.+.1. ,'e S0S is supposed to provide t'e )ee-ly sales analysis report for )are'ouse mana$ers every Friday after closin$ daily data $at'erin$. !.+.2. ,'e business 'ours of t'e )are'ouse are from >am to !pm. but all supermar-ets are open 2 'ours a day 3+! days a year. !.+.3. (efinition of sales analysis items !.+.3.1. ,otal available amount of eac' item ,'e S0S $enerates t'e total available amount of an item by addin$ t'e total remainin$ amount of t'e item at previous business day plus t'e total amount delivered by suppliers for eac' item every day at supplier t'is day before ;//;// p.m. !.+.3.2. ,'e amount of orders received today Supermar-et mana$ers can order items at any time t'ey )ant. but only orders placed before pm everyday )ill be treated an order occurrin$ on eac' specific day. In ot'er )ords. t'e amount of orders from supermar-ets on Dune 1 st is actually t'e orders placed from 0ay 31. ;//;/1pm to Dune 1. ;//;//pm. !.+.3.3. ,'e amount of delayed orders at t'e sales analysis on t'e previous business day ,'e S0S assi$ns t'e amount of items to t'e correspondin$ orders every pm from 0onday to Friday. "t t'is point. if t'e stoc- level of t'e requested item is not sufficient to serve all of t'e orders. t'e remainin$ quantity is parcelled out bet)een t'e orders proportionally to t'e quantities desired. If t'e total amount of orders minus t'e total assi$ned amount is $reater t'an 4ero. t'is amount is defined as t'e total delayed amount of orders for t'e next business day. p.m. ,otal amount delivered by suppliers for eac' day is defined as amount of an item for )'ic' )are'ouse 'as received t'e delivery slip from t'e p.m. For example. t'e amount delivered on Dune 1 st is equal to total amount on t'e delivery slips S0S received from 0ay 31. ;//;/1 p.m. to Dune 1.

6!e a(ount o4 de)ayed order at t!e a)e ana)y i on t!e 're$iou bu ine day

6!e a(ount o4 de)ayed order 'roce ed today

6!e a(ount o4 de)ayed order not 'roce ed today

6!e a(ount o4 order recei$ed today

6!e a(ount o4 non-de)ayed order 'roce ed today

6!e a(ount o4 non-de)ayed order not 'roce ed today

At t!e beginning o4 t!e ne5t bu ine


6ota) a(ount o4 order current)y de)ayed

!.+.3. . ,'e amount of delayed orders processed today ,'e amount of items )'ic' assi$ned to process !.3.3.3 today !.+.3.!. ,'e amount of non-delayed orders processed today ,'e amount of items )'ic' assi$ned to process !.3.3.2 today ?nly )'en !.+.3.3 equals !.+.3. . !.+.3.! can be $reater t'an 4ero. In ot'er )ords. delayed orders must be processed before ne) ones. !.+.3.+. ,'e amount of delayed orders not processed today (efined by !.+.3.3 less !.+.3. !.+.3.9. ,'e amount of non-delayed orders not processed today (efined by !.+.3.2 less !.+.3. !.+.3.=. ,otal amount of currently delayed (efined by !.+.3.+ plus !.+.3.9

!.+. . %vent-&esponse 0odel

"$ent Supermar-ets 3are'ouse 3are'ouse Suppliers %vent :lace orders (eliver orders (eliver orders (eliver orders &esponse ,otal amounts of orders received today 8 Increase ,otal amounts of delayed orders processed today 8 Increase ,otal amounts of non-delayed orders processed today 8 Increase ,otal available amounts of items 8 Increase

!.+.!. ,'e )ee-ly sales analysis report )ill include t'e follo)in$ information !.+.!.1. ,otal amount of delayed orders at previous sale analysis ,otal amount of orders )'ic' could not be served at pm on t'e last Friday. !.+.!.2. ,otal amount of orders received t'is )ee- from supermar-ets ,'e sum of amount of orders received durin$ eac' day from 0onday to Friday of t'is )ee-. !.+.!.3. ,otal amount of delayed orders processed t'is )ee-

,'e sum of amount of delayed orders processed durin$ eac' day from 0onday to Friday of t'is )ee-. !.+.!. . ,otal amount of non-delayed orders processed t'is )ee-

,'e sum of amount of non-delayed orders processed durin$ eac' day from 0onday to Friday of t'is )ee-. !.+.!.!. ,otal amount of orders currently delayed E ,otal amount of orders received t'is )ee- from supermar-ets - 1,otal amount of delayed orders processed t'is )eeF ,otal amount of non-delayed orders processed t'is )ee-2

!.+.+. Sample Sales "nalysis &eport for an item 6@6

(aily Sales "nalysis 1units2 Mon

,otal available amount of item @

3ee-ly Fri Sales "nalysis









,otal amount of delayed order at t'e sales analysis on t'e previous business day ,otal amount of ?rders received today ,otal amount of delayed orders processed today ,otal amount of non-delayed orders processed today Total amount of orders currently delayed







200 100 100 100

100 100 50 50

250 50 50 200

200 100 0 300

200 150 0 350

950 500 200 350

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