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Production and delivery of TV advertisements

TIPS ON TV ADVERTISEMENT PRODUCTION Format Advertisements must be produced in 16:9 full format. Our specialist team will be happy to discuss with you the various solutions for the adaptation of older ads. Video Please use the colour bar reference signal (100/75%) at the start of the medium; we will continue to use this throughout the TV ad production process. Include a circle in the reference signal to check the 16:9 full format. Please do not use any illegal colours. Digital TV ad production in particular should remain within the tolerated gamut colour space for PAL transfer routes. Please note that we linearly reduce entire TV adverts to the maximum video level of +700 mV if this maximum level is exceeded in places. We are unable to accept a black burst in the minus range; in such cases, the whole TV ad to will be linearly raised to zero. TV adverts lmed on HDCAM devices in HDTV quality will also be accepted. These are currently processed further in standard denition, however. For single adverts (max.10 seconds, without commercial separators), the word Werbung (Advertisement) must appear continuously at the top left of the screen. Lettering: SD (standard denition upper and lower case) Font: Helvetica New LT 65 Medium Size: 25 point The word Werbung (Advertisement) must be easily legible against any background. For adverts lasting 60 seconds or longer, the word Werbung (Advertisement) must appear continuously at the top left of the screen. Audio The loudness of all TV adverts is normalized as per EBU R128 (as is the rest of the programme). The aim is to minimize differences in loudness during the programme (and thus also between different programmes) so that viewers do not have to reach for the remote control to adjust or mute the volume or switch channels. The leeway in dynamic range regained in this way opens up new possibilities which help to dispel advertising clients concerns that their adverts will appear too quiet. It also results in less distortion and thus better sound quality. Advertising clients still have the option to deliver condensed adverts. The digital distribution paths are no longer subject to the preemphasis limiters necessary for analog broadcasts. For the broadcast, multichannel audio (MCA) for Dolby Digital is provided with a metadata set (as per Annex 2) with which various Dolby home decoder parameters can be controlled. We therefore recommend that the MCA production be aligned with this set for a dened, perfect reproduction. Stereo or Dolby surround productions will only work on modern, high-quality TV sets without special sound enhancement. Please therefore pay special attention to mono compatibility and correlation. Timecode Please use a clean and continuous time code, otherwise we will be unable to process your data medium. The tolerance limit for TV advert duration is + 3 frames. 16:9 Full Format SRG SSR has been broadcasting its entire TV schedule in 16:9 full format since December 2007. However, publisuisse offers various solutions for the broadcasting of existing adverts in 4:3 picture format. For example, the adverts can be packaged with black banners left and right, enabling them to be broadcast correctly in both picture formats. Our specialist advertising logistics team will be happy to advise customers on all technical issues.

DELIVERY OF TV ADVERTISEMENTS Electronic delivery Since 1 September 2007 it has been possible to send TV adverts to publisuisse electronically. This simplies the delivery process considerably. Cassettes are no longer required and postage costs no longer come into play. Special software (E-Transfer, Adstream, Adtoox or IMD) is required in order to send adverts electronically. For further information please visit: Data media Digital Betacam MPEG IMX Betacam SP HDCAM Please contact the advertising logistics team for enquiries regarding other formats. Compilation Multiple TV adverts for broadcast on SRG SSR, trc and TRC schedules can readily be sent on the same data medium. Individual TV adverts must be separated by a zero-tone black burst of 10 seconds duration. The data medium must be submitted together with a band pass featuring the name and telephone number of the producer, the time code, the SUISA number, and the language and title of the TV advert. Each change in picture and sound requires a new SUISA number. Please observe the SUISA handling guidelines with regard to clarication of copyright. Delivery TV adverts should be delivered no later than three days before they are rst due to be broadcast. This allows us time to rectify any damage in transit and to clear up any legal or technical problems. If TV commercials cannot be delivered to us on time for production reasons, an alternative delivery deadline and a corresponding procedure must be agreed with the publisuisse advertising logistics team. Data media for the Express-Spot offer can be processed until shortly before broadcast in accordance with a special agreement. Please refer to the relevant information on our website at (in German) and contact us as required. Special information regarding the Event-Spot and Infopool offers (SRG SSR and trc schedules) can be found on our website at All data media for broadcast on all SRG SSR, trc and TRC TV schedules should be sent to the following address: publisuisse Spot-Logistik (Advertising Logistics) Giacomettistrasse 15, P.O. Box 610 CH-3000 Berne 31, Switzerland New adress from october, 16 2013: publisuisse Spot-Logistik (Advertising Logistics) Giacomettistrasse 1 P.O. Box 610 CH-3000 Berne 31, Switzerland

Production and delivery of TV advertisements 1

Technical reQuirements Digital Betacam Data medium Video cassette, small or large Digital video signal As per EBU Tech 3267 Audio signal Peak amplitude is at -9 dBFS under the 1 kHz-0 dBFS level of Sony test tape ZR 5-1P. All TV adverts will undergo a remodulation on transmission in the TV studio. This will include audio signals being adjusted to those of the other broadcasters in the relevant regions. Audio track utilization The monotone signal must be recorded in parallel on audio 1 and audio 2. For stereo sound, the left channel must be recorded on track 1 and the right channel on track 2. Time code The cassette must have a continuous EBU/SMPTE time code increasing from the start of the tape (as per EBU Tech. 3097). Reference signal The cassette must include a reference signal (including circle for checking the 16:9 full format) of at least 50 seconds duration at the beginning (colour bars Y 100%, chroma 75%, audio 1 kHz, 9 dB below full amplitude or -18 dBFS). A 10-second black burst without audio modulation must be recorded before and after the TV advert. Test tape Sony Alignment Tape ZR5-1P Betacam SP Magnetic tape data medium Video cassette, small or large Recording standard PAL-System (625/50) Digital video signal -Video signal Component level as per EBU N 10 Luminance max. 100% = 1 Vss Chrominance max. 100% = 700 mVss (component signal) Audio signal Reference level 0 dBu (= 100 nWb/m) Full amplitude +6 dBu (= 200 nWb/m) All TV adverts will undergo a remodulation on transmission in the TV studio. This will include audio signals being adjusted to those of the other broadcasters in the relevant regions. Audio track utilization The monotone signal must be recorded in parallel on both longitudinal tracks audio 1 and audio 2. For stereo sound, record the left channel on track 1 and the right channel on track 2. Noise reduction: Dolby C. Time code The cassette must have a continuous EBU/SMPTE time code increasing from the start of the tape (as per EBU Tech. 3097). Reference signal The cassette must include a reference signal of at least 50 seconds duration at the beginning (colour bars Y 100%, chroma 75%, audio 1 kHz, 9 dB below full amplitude). A 10-second black burst without audio modulation must be recorded before and after the TV advert. Test tape Video: Sony Alignment Tape CR5-1 BPS Audio: Sony Reference Tape CR8-1 BPS Mechanical adjustment: Sony CR2-1 BPS

MPEG IMX Data medium Video cassette, small or large Digital video signal As per EBU Tech 3267 Audio signal Peak amplitude is -9 dBFS. All TV adverts will undergo a remodulation on transmission in the TV studio. This will include audio signals being adjusted to those of the other broadcasters in the relevant regions. Audio track utilization The monotone signal must be recorded in parallel on audio 1 and audio 2. For stereo sound, the left channel must be recorded on track 1 and the right channel on track 2. Time code The cassette must have a continuous EBU/SMPTE time code increasing from the start of the tape (as per EBU Tech. 3097). Reference signal The cassette must include a reference signal (including circle for checking the 16:9 full format) of at least 50 seconds duration at the beginning (colour bars Y 100%, chroma 75%, audio 1 kHz, 9 dB below full amplitude or -18 dBFS). A 10-second black burst without audio modulation must be recorded before and after the TV advert. Test tape Sony Alignment Tape MR5-1P

HDCAM (HDTV) Magnetic tape data medium Video cassette, small or large Recording standard -Digital video signal SMPTE 274M-2005; 50i Video signal -Audio signal Level as per EBU R128 (new loudness standard) The key elements of the standard: Programme loudness: -23 LUFS. Programme loudness tolerance: +/- 1 LU Maximum permitted true peak: -1 dBTP Loudness range (LRA): A quality descriptor. No reliable and meaningful guidelines can be provided for short clips Maximum short term loudness: +8 LU (additional specication for short sequences such as advertising clips and trailers)

Production and delivery of TV advertisements 2

Level as per EBU R68 (old QPPM standard) publisuisse still accepts material produced according to R68. The peak amplitude for R68 material is -9 dBFS under the 1 kHz-0 dBFS level of Sony test tape ZR 5-1P. When ingesting EBU R68 material, publisuisse normalizes the loudness by continuously adjusting the volume as per EBU R128. This ensures that the dynamic range remains the same. When the TV advert is broadcast it is subjected to a modulation process in the TV studio which does not make any corrective changes if the material was correctly adjusted. It is therefore merely a protective measure. Audio track utilization Stereo: Type 1 track utilization Stereo plus multichannel audio: Type 16 track utilization Audio channel utilization Embedded channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Embedded group 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Audio utilization Stereo L Stereo R MCA L MCA R MCA C MCA LFE MCA Ls MCA Rs Not used Not used Not used Not used

Annex: Dolby Digital metadata preset Metadata Dialogue Level Channel Mode LFE Channel Bitstream Mode Line Mode Compression RF Mode Compression RF Overmodulation Protection Dolby Surround Mode Audio Production Information Mix Level Room Type Copyright Bit Original Bitstream Preferred Stereo Downmix Lt/Rt Center Downmix Level Lt/Rt Surround Downmix Level Lo/Ro Center Downmix Level Lo/Ro Surround Downmix Level Dolby Surround EX Mode A/D Converter Type DC Filter Lowpass Filter LFE Lowpass Filter Surround 3dB Attenuation Surround Phase Shift

Preset 2: Advertising -23 3/2 Enabled Complete Main Film Light Film Light Disabled Not Indicated No N/A N/A No Yes Lo/Ro Preferred 0.707 (-3.0dB) 0.500 (-6.0dB) 0.707 (-3.0dB) 0.500 (-6.0dB) Not Surround EX Standard Enabled Enabled Enabled Disabled Disabled

The monotone signal must be recorded in parallel on audio 1 and audio 2. For stereo sound, the left channel must be recorded on track 1 and the right channel on track 2. Multichannel metadata For the broadcast, multichannel audio (MCA) for Dolby Digital is provided with a metadata set (as per the Annex) with which various Dolby home decoder parameters can be controlled. publisuisse therefore recommends that the MCA production be aligned with this set for a dened, perfect reproduction. Time code The cassette must have a continuous EBU/SMPTE time code increasing from the start of the tape (as per EBU Tech. 3097). Reference signal The cassette must include a reference signal of at least 50 seconds duration at the beginning (colour bars Y 100%, chroma 75%, audio 1 kHz, 9 dB below full amplitude). A 10-second black burst without audio modulation must be recorded before and after the TV advert. Test tape Sony Alignment Tape HR5-1A Note: For standard denition channels, TV adverts in HDTV quality (HDCAM) will continue to be processed and broadcast in standard denition.

Production and delivery of TV advertisements 3

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