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Grocery Store Tour

Shopping for FIT

This grocery store tour has been designed specifically for the FIT families in order to answer questions, eliminate disparities, educate on reading nutrition labels, and how to determine best cost of items. The tour will take place at a Fred Meyer that the families are familiar with and do most of their grocery shopping.

FIT Families February 8, 2014

! How to Add Flavor Without Salt ! The Dirty Dozen, Produce to Avoid ! How to Navigate a Grocery Store ! Defining Fats (Trans, Saturated,
Monounsaturated, & Polyunsaturated)

! Families will be able to compare and evaluate nutrition facts labels and determine the healthiest options at the best price by scorning an 80% or above on the Nutrition Facts Quiz. Families will be able to independently make shopping lists, buy ingredients, and follow recipes from the cookbook in the future as evidence by an improved score on the follow-up survey.

! What Your Label is Telling You

Fred Meyer 6850 N Lombard St Portland, OR 97203 (503) 240-2700 Dan Hilt, Sam Lee

1. 2. 3. 4. Stoplight Guide to Shopping- identifying foods which foods are Green (Go for it), Yellow (Go easy), Red (Woah!) in the grocery store Identifying the Whole Grain Stamp and identifying whole grains on the nutrition label Evaluating products based on price per ounce Identifying herbs and spices to use for seasoning to reduce daily sodium intake

The cookbook will include all of the educational materials provided during the grocery store tour, as well as several recipes that incorporate the topics covered through out the lesson.

Stick to the perimeter of the store, by doing this the families will be able to find most of their groceries in the produce, meat, dairy and bakery sections. The items they will need to find in the center aisles are items such as grains (rice, pasta, etc.), cereals, condiments, and spices. Emphasis will be on spending the majority of their food budget on fresh, whole foods and avoid foods that are processed and high in added fats and sugars.

Quiz Key
1) 2) 3) 4) d. 50% b. 8 a. Imported Italian Tomatoes c. 150 calories

The primary shopper in the family will complete the Nutrition Facts Quiz following the nutrition class. This quiz asks four questions pertinent to their understanding of the topics covered during the tour.

Shopping for FIT

Nutrition Label Quiz

Shopping for FIT

Shopping for FIT

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