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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D1: Glimmer Leven Bell Shimmer didn't want to want watch her sister's interview.

Not only was she mad that Glimmer had stolen the spotlight, but she had stolen SHIMMER'S spotlight! What kind of sister did that? What kind of sister was she? Then again, what kind of sister would she be if she didn't watch. "So, Miss Glimmer. Are you prepared for these Games?" She looked up from the sword she was polishing when she heard Caesar address her sister. Shimmer wrinkled her nose at the dress her sister was in. Pink. Very pink. And it was too short, showing of her sister's long legs. The neckline plunged to show a lot of skin around her chest. Layers and layers of pink tulle puffed out around her. It was pretty and sexy and it would've looked much better on Shimmer. "Yes Caesar, I am very prepared." Shimmer rolled her eyes at this and looked back at the sword. Stupid flirty Glimmer. What was with her? Dumb bitch. Though the Capitol crowd DID laugh at what she said... The next few questions were trivial; things about her outfit and her idea of the Capitol. Glimmer's voice was just as empty as always. She was nothing without Shimmer, nothing. She always copied her and what she said and what she did but she couldn't do that now because she'd stolen Shimmer's chance. And now she had to think for herself for once. Shimmer snorted; good luck with that one. "So I'm assuming the girl you were fighting to volunteer against was your sister? Are you twins, you look exactly alike." Shimmer glanced up for a second when she heard herself mentioned. How dare he think they look alike? They looked nothing alike. Shimmer was prettier. Glimmer was just a wannabe. "Um... Yeah. Shimmer. She's my OLDER sister, emphasis on older. But only by nine and a half months." Glimmer had lost some of her bravado when she had to mention Shimmer. The older sister sighed when she realized Glimmer probably wouldn't have mentioned her at all if her hand hadn't been forced. "Why did you volunteer? Why did she? It was kind of like a race, watching the two of you to see who would step up first." Shimmer just wanted to punch Caesar in the face. Could he be any more nosy or annoying? Probably not. He was looking for drama and he had probably found it. "Because I'm better. I needed to prove that I'm better than her. All my life I've been Shimmer's sister. Well I'm done with that. I wanted... I wanted to feel like I'm good enough." Shimmer hadn't heard this vulnerable side of Glimmer's voice in a long time. She was so used to listening to her own snarl that it was hard to hear her sister's voice any other way. They were very similar. More that either would admit. "So you think you can win and prove that for us? I don't doubt it, you're a lovely girl and I'm sure you're very... talented." Did every guy have to sound like a pervert when Glimmer was around? Was it on purpose or on accident? Maybe Shimmer was just being overprotective. Glimmer was her little sister, after all. "Of course. I'm a tough girl. I have the three B's. Brawn, bravery, and good boobs. Besides, as much as I hate her sometimes, my sister taught me well. I can do this. I was born to do this." The sheer arrogance in Glimmer's voice made Shimmer smile. That was the girl she knew best. The little sister she loved. She was a cocky bitch but she loved her for it. "But are you going to win?"

Both Bell sisters bit their lips, Shimmer noticed. Glimmer's face twisted into a frown and she looked at the camera like she was looking to Shimmer for help. Shimmer only wished she could be there to give her that help. She'd been her mentor, her best friend, her enemy for their entire lives. She wish she could be there to do that now. "I hope so. And if I don't? May God help my soul and may my sister dance on my grave for being a moron." Glimmer was joking but Shimmer couldn't take it. It hurt too much. Tears dropped onto the sword as the older sister did the logical thing. She shut the television off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D2: Clove Scorpio "Mama, Mama, when will Clovey be on the screen?" I ask excitedly with a clap of my hands. "In approximately five minutes the interviews will begin. After the girl and boy from District One have their interviews, Clove will have hers," Mama answers. This doesn't help me understand but I nod like I do. When I'm seven I'll be a big girl and big girls always understand what grown ups say. Mama turns away from me. "Gregory! Get off the phone!" Mama's using her angry voice. This isn't good. I scurry to the screen and sit criss cross applesauce. "It's for work!" Daddy yells back. "Your daughter is in the Hunger Games because of a comment you made; the least you can do is watch her interview!" There it is again. The mysterious Hunger Games Clovey is going to play. No one will tell me about it, only that Clovey will be away. I don't mind though. I think I'll understand when I'm a big girl. I know Mama really wants Clovey to win. But as long as Clovey comes home soon, I don't mind if she doesn't win. A girl in a flashy pink dress comes onto the stage. I tug on my mother's pants. "Mama, Mama, won't that girl get cold?" I ask. Mama looks down at me. "Huh?" "The girl's dress doesn't seem very warm," I try to explain. "Won't she get cold? Does she have a fever? Is that why she wears a dress that will make her cold?" Mama shrugs. When I turn back to the screen I hear her mutter, " She's just a slut."

I wonder what a slut is. Maybe it means a-girl-who-is-pretty-but-not-as-pretty-as-Clovey. Yep. I nod to myself. That's what slut means. The girl leaves but is replaced by a boy. I decide he is a boy slut. A-boy-who-is-handsome-but-notas-pretty-as-Clovey. The boy laughs a lot. Is someone tickling him? I don't see anyone tickling him, but shouldn't someone be tickling him if he laughs so much? Then the boy leaves and- It's Clovey! I feel excited. Well, either excited or I just farted. But there was no sound, so I think it's excitement. Clovey's dress is so pretty, I could spend forever staring at it! I sigh. I wish I had an orange dress like Clovey. "So Clove, has the Capital been to your liking?" The man with the blue skin asks Clovey. I almost ask if the man is sick since he has blue skin, but then Clovey speaks. "No Caesar, it's been absolutely dreadful." Clovey answers in an odd tone. A bunch of people in the screen watching Clovey laugh. "What do you like best about the Capital?" I'm confused. Why is he asking what she likes best when she just said she thought the city was dreadful? "I've been overwhelmed with the magnificence of the Capital," Clovey says. I know that tone of voice. It's sweet, like the tone I use when I want Mama or Daddy to give me ice cream. "What's the most magnificent? Come on, we really want to know!" The man with blue skin says. "The people," Clovey decides. The people watching like this. The sick man speaks again, "How sweet. Speaking of people, what do you think of your fellow tributes?" "They're absolutely brilliant," Clovey says using the same odd tone she used earlier. The people laugh again. "I take it you have faith in your ability to win?" Why would Clovey have faith in winning if she thought her competitors were brilliant? Grown ups make no sense. "No, I only volunteered for the food," Clovey replies with the odd tone of voice. The food there must be very good if she left home for it. "Now, why did you volunteer?" Wasn't he listening? Clovey just said she volunteered for the food.

"Why does anyone volunteer? To win." The people like it when Clovey says this. "Is there anyone back home you want to win for?" The sick man asks. "I'm winning for myself," she says but then her tone of voice changes, "But I also want to win for to my siblings." I clap my hands. "She mentioned me!" I squeal. "Clovey mentioned me on TV!" "Now, since we're almost out of time, do you have any thing to say to the folks back home?" The blue man asks. He sure does ask a lot of questions. "Miss me yet?" Clovey says,"I promise I'll be back before you can miss me." Clovey leaves the screen. But Clovey, I already miss you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D3: Mailey Hewitt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D4: Marina Riverdale I watch onscreen as Caeser Flickerman introduces himself to the screaming audience. This year, his hair is blue, and in a bun. Every year he dyes it a new colour, and I guess its better than last years horrendous lime green hair. Pippitypop couldnt come this year to the interviews to watch in the crowd like usual because this year, the tickets sold out so fast she had no chance to buy them. So now, as I sit in her lap and watch the interviews with her on television, its almost relaxing with her here with me. I admit, Pippitypop Syracuse is an annoying person. She might as well just be named the Capitols most annoying citizen, but after all, she is my owner. And I am her cat. Oh my gosh, its on, Persia, its on! The District One girls interview is about to start! Glimmer! Watch it, Persia! Pip screams excitedly, bouncing on the couch. I would have run away, but I couldnt due to the fact that she was holding me in an uncomfortable position and was making me stay and watch the interviews against my will. What happened to freedom of animals? Oh yes, thats right, we have none. She might as well dye my fur purple. Seeing as its already pink. Yes, Pippitypop Syracuse had the nerve to dye my fur pink. And it made me want to claw out her botox fake face. I tune back in to the sound of clapping, and a blonde girl leaving the stage. A tall, fit, boy comes next presumably from the same District. Then a small brunette girl with a malicious smile from District Two. Then her district partner, a huge boy with blonde hair and a smirk on his face. I zoned out for District Threes interviews, and fell into nice nap for a good ten minutes. Persia! Pippitypop yelled, shaking me awake. I hissed at her and lunged to bite the bitch for interrupting my sleep. Whoa, calm down! Look, its District Fours tributes! She trills, carrying me into her lap. I tried to squirm out but it was no use. From District Four, Marina Riverdale! Caesar introduced, and the audience started to clap uncontrollably. So loud it hurt my hears. I tried to say something to get me out of here but all that came out was a meow. And of course Pippitypop was too stupid to understand what I was saying. I

gave up and decided to watch the full interview anyway, despite the fact that I was so hungry I might as well eat Pippitypop. And claw out that purple haired bitchs eyes. A brunette haired girl with tanned skin, wearing a blue dress and beige sandals walked to the stage with a smile. She looked nervous, under the fake smile that was obviously plastered to her face. Her hair was in some kind of an up do style, and with so much make up that if she was without it shed be unrecognizable. She sat down in the white chair, and smiled at Caesar. Then I remembered her name which I just forgot. Hello, Marina, how are you feeling tonight? Caesar asked into a microphone. Marina swallowed. If she answered something along the lines of good, or perfect or fine Id lose interest in her. Those responses were obviously the worst. If I was the interviewer, Id ask way better questions, Pippitypop commented. I stared at her, and then tried to squirm out of her grasp. She wouldnt let me. Well, to be honest, Im kinda still shaken up about the training scores. Ive been in anticipation of them all day, actually, she said with a laugh. And other than that, Im well. Ive made allies, and the food and life here in the Capitol is so good, she finished. Lie. The life here in the Capitol is anything but as good as it seems to be. Theres so many rules to abide by, the District people have no idea. If we even say so as have an opinion, we get killed. Have a statement to say? You get killed. Have a suggestion to the way things are run? You get killed. The people in the districts dont have a clue. Ah, I see. And thank you! The food here is known to be good! Only the best offered, Caesar said, with a smile. Isnt that right, folks? He asked, and in response the audience erupted with agreement. Marina smiled along with the crowd. Wasnt she just a people pleaser? Just another Career Capitol lapdog. Just as I suspected. Like, duh! Pippitypop shouted at the television screen. I suddenly felt an urge to bite her so she could shut up. Caesar waited for the crowd to settle down before asking the next question. So, you like the food here, if Im correct? Oh, gosh darn yes, Marina said, earning a laugh from the crowd. I like chicken . . . she mumbled, so low I bet only the cameras could get the sound. What was that? Caesar asked. Nothing. she responded with a smile. So, at your reaping, he began, and Marinas smile faded, and was quickly replaced with seriousness. You seemed pretty confident, there, not a single ounce of surprise. Like you knew exactly what you were doing, Caesar said, looking at Marina. How did you feel? Marina pursed her lips. Under her fake smile and confident exterior, I could find the doubt. Different thoughts came into my mind, she said bluntly. At first, I was thinking, oh crap, she said, and then paused. And then, I thought, wait, what? And then realization hit me. So I just sucked it up, and accepted it. The camera inched a close up on her face, which was only a blunt smile. Good tactics. Caesar said sarcastically, and they both laughed. Now, I have one more question for you Marina, Caesar said, looking at the clock. Im guessing the interview was almost over. At least this one didnt drag on forever. Ask away. Marina replied. Do you really think youll win these games? Sure, most people think they have what it takes to win, but what do you think about it really? Caesar asked, leaning forward. If I were Marina Id push him

away. Guh-ross. Marina was silent. I dont think she heard the question. Either that or she doesnt know how to answer. She slowly opened her mouth to speak. Well . . . To be honest, I am completely unsure, Marina said confidently, with a small laugh. The way she said her words so negatively in a happy voice made it almost impossible to criticize her personality. Why? Caesar asked, surprised at her answer. Marina bit her lip. Well, I mean, Id like to and itd be awesome to win, even if it means taking someones life away and ending it, so be it. And Im sure that people will have no problem doing the same to me. What if I die? Ill die. Someone will win. Maybe I can win. But as my chances are as everyone elses, anyone, out of the entire frigging games, can win. she blurted. A true fact. Caesar said, standing up from his seat. Marina Riverdale, of District Four! Caesar said, and Marina stood up beside him. He raised her hand in the air, and the audience applauded. Then she just trotted off the stage happily, regaining her Career-like composure. Ooh! Now its time for her district partners interview, Breck! Pippitypop explained, but as her hands were free, I took my chances and ran away to the bedrooms, and away from Pippitypop as far as possible. I hate television. And Pippitypop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D5: Finch Sinovel It's finally my time to shine tonight. For the entire evening, people will be staring at me - or at the person sat on me, but that's close enough. This is the best night to be a chair. The next contestant to approach me is small - can't be much older than fifteen - and a girl. From District Five, probably; the boy who just finished was from Four, and so was the girl before him. I can count, though this tends to surprise people. I couldn't possibly imagine why. She sits down and by some miracle, she's light. Not as much as the boy who went just before her, but light enough. It's a welcome change from the girl in her place last year, who was dreadfully fat. How anybody manages to be overweight in an impoverished district like Five, I've no idea, but my back is very thankful that this one is considerably smaller. Though I can't see, it's easy for me to picture how her dress looks. The soft fabric rubs one of my right legs - velvet, probably - letting me know that her dress is fairly long. However, it doesn't touch me on the left, so it's probably been cut up on that side. From what I've heard, green is in fashion this year, and it looks good on redheads, which I overheard somebody mention to their friends, so she's probably wearing some shade of that colour. Apparently, the girl is a redhead. Oh; there'll probably also be sequins. There always are. "Finch!" shouts the voice I have come to know as Cesar Flickerman. It always bothers me when he begins to talk because I can't see him, though I'm beginning to grow used to it. His tone reminds me

of the one people use when greeting old friends at household parties, but judging by Finch's microscopic shift in posture, she does not feel the same. "It's great to see you!" "Thank you, Cesar. I wish I could say the same," she replies. Her words are cold and cutting, though her tone is amiable. Yet the eerie stillness she sits in indicates that every word she used was perfectly intentional; Finch meant to take a jab at the interviewer, no matter how small. "Sadly, the prospect of a fight to the death doesn't thrill me enough to be compensated even by your presence." I've heard that mentors tend to give their tributes approaches to use in interviews, like the girl from One who was clearly told to play the seductress - I felt her bare thighs against me more than I would care to remember. It's not difficult to see what role she was instructed to play: clever, crafty, almost fox-like, though she's too good at it, too calm, for this all to just be an act. "So you must have had a pretty good life back home, then, if you're so upset about being here. Could you tell us a bit about that?" "Well, the quality of my life depends on whether you like poverty and starvation. Though it wasn't all bad; I love my family, even if we struggled more often than not. But we didn't have remotely as much as you saps, who actually have too much food." Though to the average viewer, Finch's words could sound like a mild sob story, the smooth and concealed hate in her tone says otherwise. I can't say that I wouldn't feel the same in her place. "Well, if you win and make it back to your family you'll have plenty of food," says Cesar. There's a brief silence, so I assume he's putting a hand on Finch's in a gesture intended to be comforting; I know he's done it a few times in the pass because he's always had to sanitize right after the show. Apparently, those from outlying districts carry all sorts of diseases. "What do you think will get you there?" "I'm smart. I can make plans and they work often, and I'm quick so I should be able to stay away from those who could hurt me. I know I'm not big or, but maybe I'll be able to outlast the strong competitors if I hide from them; I'm used to surviving off of little." The audience cheers, but I worry. There was no concealed fighting in her answer, just honesty and that in itself makes her seem much more vulnerable. Behind all her snark and wit, Finch Sinovel is just a young girl who doesn't want to die. The buzzer sounds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D6: Tamora Cable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D7: Willow Stray ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D8: Savannah Stark

Clapping, cheering and even sounds of disgust filled my ears. I myself joined in, almost jumping up and down with excitment when the next girl climbed up the stage. Her orange curls bobbed up and down as she sat down on the chair, her short green dress a perfect match. 'Savannah Stark' was her name. "Savannah, Savannah, Savannah! What a lovely dress you're wearing," "Thank you, Ceasar," she said casually. The audience stayed silent, waiting for the next words she would utter. But they never came. "Right," began Ceasar, "You've got family waiting at home?" He leaned forward, as if interested. "Just my father," she said, and nothing more. 'Not really talkative', I thought bitterly. 'You are not making a good impression, girl.'. "Don't be like that, Savannah, talk to me!" called Ceasar brightly, and to my surprise Savannah allowed a chuckle to escape. "Oh, I just - miss my father very much," said Savannah. The crowd aaw'd. Though I, sitting on the first row, could see right through her homesick expression. This was her sob story; her key to get sponsers. "Are you and you're father close?" he asked next. A short sillence followed, but she eventually answered with a sad, fake smile, "Oh yes, very! Because my mother died - rest that poor woman's soul - he's all I got left." "Oh, darling, I'm sorry to hear that," said Ceasar symphatically. I always wondered if he really was that overly excited, or if it was just an act. If so, her sure was a good actor. "So, darling, what are you're tactics for the games?" She sighed - what a drama queen. "I think I'll just find someone kind so we can look after each other." The crowd made more noices, varianting from 'aaw!' to 'grow up!'. I was with the latter. This girl definitely did not do well in my books. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D9: Demetria Thore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D10: Susan Anna Ayala ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D11: Rue Malina

There was a buzz in the air often found around the largest celebrations of the night; and of course, this would definitely be considered a big night for the citizens- the citizens of the Capitol, anyway. The buzz was almost tangible, electrifying the night and giving the distinct appearance of a hyped event being prepared. The stars twinkled in the air, and the interviews were well on their way; Caesar Flickerman joyous and excitable as always; his blue hair and twinkling suit coming in to the producers at the highest resolution. Or at least I can only hope so since its my job to make sure the images go through crystal clear. No moving around or glitches or faults or sneezing; the last time that happened the other one was put out of production. The crowd has been getting noticeably quieter- their yawns and murmurs becoming louder than the cheers that emanated at the beginning of the program; obviously expected but nonetheless always astounding to hear the difference. Quite disheartening, to say the least; since my first run will be taking place in another ten minutes; when the farthest one will be shut off and Ill be aired for the last four interviews plus the much anticipated after-party. The after-party itself, oh what a treat! Especially this year, with those new Gamemakers coming into play! I bet old Rick will be just fuming smoke when he finds out I got the job. I can feel something inside of me switch on, my stomach beginning to churn with the wonderful feeling of being the focus of the spotlight. My body begins to flicker with its lights; and I shift a bit to accommodate the pesky light that is oh so important on my right side. I feel my body being turned gracefully, my eyes finally opening as the crowd begins to cheer for the tribute heading off the stage; unfocused in my eyes. Caesar Flickerman, his voice coming in clear as ever grins madly at the crowd, and his suit lights glitter in perfect definition as his voice rings out, joyous and excited, Are you guys ready for the next tribute? the crowd cheers, though the volume is still lower than typical, and Caesar introduces the tribute as Rue Malina, who comes out walking on her tiptoes, her elegant purple dress floating behind her, her hands floating gracefully behind her back, as if she wants to run off at any moment. Folded strands of string on the back seem to be wings, and as I come in closer on her, her face seems quite ashen, though a smile is plastered on her face. I heard a rumor she was the youngest tribute in a few years, though her appearance gives off the aura of being much younger than Reaping eligibility, enhanced even more by her hair, plaited back in rows and into an intricate design popping out behind her head, wisps of dark brown hair floating around her face, shimmering. She takes a seat on the couch beside Caesar, who has taken a seat as well. My focus switches to Caesar, though the majority of the program I am dedicated to the tribute only- my counterparts have the tedious and boring part of watching Caesar, or Mike, who listens to the crowd. Caesars blinding white grin is accentuated by his microphone, which he booms into, spittle floating over it. So Rue! District Eleven, twelve years old! Wow, the Capitol must be such a change for you, hasnt it been? It has, dont lie to old Caesar here, he grins in her direction. Being reaped at such a young age too is such a shame for you, but at least youve been to the Capitol. Now! I bet the crowd is just dying to get the inside scoop from you, so shall times a-ticking, so lets get on with the questions! The crowd cheers loudly, static coming into my ear. I focus back to the young girl, the small smile still formed on her face, her hands placed neatly on her lap. She gives a small nod, and without missing a beat, Caesar begins to question her, the sound coming in crystal clear. So Rue, first question- going into the arena against such a fierce bunch of competitors, what is your greatest strength in going into the games? The crowd murmurs behind me in approval.

Rues voice, crisp and delicate, comes out carefully and quiet, Im very hard to catch. So if they cant catch me, they cant kill me, right? I like to hide, but I can usually look out for others. Her words come in calculated; her expression neutral; a clear indication to me that she is holding back, as per instructions, however that doesnt matter, since its unlikely shell make it that far. Thats wonderful, Rue, Caesars voice comes in, a smile most definitely on his face. Next question! I hear him flip some cue cards; just a ruffle of the paper is all. Lets talk about that dress. Wow! Isnt it lovely everyone? The crowd cheers politely. So tell me Rue, when you were fitted with that dress, what was your thought on it? And dont hold out on us! Her voice comes out slightly stronger, a genuine smile playing at her lips, her eyes twinkling. Oh I was absolutely in awe! Her voice comes out just above a whisper, and a hush comes over the crowd; It was just so beautiful, its just so pretty and goodness, I love it a lot- I feel like it just represents me. Caesars voice comes after a pause, probably nodding or hand gestures of the sort. It is quite beautiful, isnt it? But how do you feel it represents you? What makes it so lovely for you? Well, other people always told me I looked a bit like a bird, she looks shyly to the lap of her dress, So I guess my designer saw that and thought so too. I like the thought of being able to soar around, yknow? Absolutely, absolutely! Now Rue, time is running out, so one last question before well have to move on. You, being reaped in Eleven, must have been hard, but we`ve found out you have siblingsis that true? How are you feeling, with them down there and you up here? The crowd begins to murmur with themselves, becoming bored quickly. Rue looks up from her dress just enough to eye the crowd. Her eyes cast downwards again, but then her body becomes a bit straighter, her eyes finally coming to meet Caesars. Yes, her voice comes out in a tremble, but she smiles, I do have siblings- Ive got a few of them actually, all of em younger than me. Its quite hard, with all of them being back home and Im here, since I was always there to help them. I can only hope that theyre doing alright, and will do, if you know, something happens. Her voice tapers off at the last part, her smile becoming a thin line filled with remorse and forgotten memories. Well, lets hope they will see you again, yeah? Caesars voice bubbles out, just as the buzzer rings. I let out a sigh of relief- no glitches tonight. Caesar shout out to the crowd, his voice once again joyous and eccentric, Rue Malina of District Eleven everybody! The crowd cheers and my focus is once again directed to something else. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D12: Katniss Everdeen
C: (waving to audience) Ladies and gentlemen, that was Thresh Furrow of District Eleven! Lets see you give him a round of applause! (Applause. Some audience members cheer; in the front row, the Eleven mentor looks smug. C winks at the nearest camera.) Now, Im sure youve all been waiting for this one. I know I have! Its Miss Katniss Everdeen of District Twelve! Come out here, Katniss can I call you Katniss? and take a seat. K: Uh. Thank you. (She sits, fiddling with her dress. C spots it.) C: If Im not mistaken, thats a Cinna design, isnt it? Very niche here in the Capitol at the moment, but I bet hes just blown that out of the water with that gorgeous dress. Its absolutely stunning, isnt it? (This question is addressed to the audience; they respond accordingly) But of course, its not about what they think. Quieten down, you lot, this isnt your show. Katniss, do you like it?

K: Itsits different. (C gestures for her to elaborate. She looks for Cinna in the crowd, who gives her a thumbs-up and twirls his fingers.) Its beautiful. Cinna did an amazing job. C: He sure did, didnt he? Why, I wouldnt be surprised if I woke up tomorrow morning and every boutique was filled with those fabulous gemstones! You could be a trend-setter, dear. Thats got to feel good. K: (confused). Uh. Yeah. Yeah, I suppose. (A dark look crosses her face and she falls quiet, staring at the floor. In the audience, Haymitch throws his hands up in despair. C laughs.) C: A bit crowd-shy, huh? Dont worry, they should all be at work anyway! So, Katniss, tell us. Youre the first person from District Twelve to volunteer inoh, decades. Weve been getting quite worked up about it here, I can tell you. Ive even heard a few people whispering that you can go the whole way and win this. What do you think? K: (looks to Haymitch, then back to her hands. She is no longer fiddling with her dress.) I know I can. My sister needs me. My mother needs me. C: Your sister! Thatll be that charming young lady you volunteered for, wouldnt it ? K: Yes. (After a pause, she continues). Prim. Id do anything for her. (The crowd coo and sigh and C pretends to wipe away a tear, leaning forward to pat K on the knee. She automatically draws away from him.) C: Im sure you would, dear. Do you have a message forPrim, was it? Beautiful name, by the way, Mrs Everdeen, if youre watching. Such beautiful names, Katniss and Prim. Oh, arent I going on? Back on topic! Katniss, do you have a message for your little sister? K: (sharply) Nothing I didnt say already. (Looks to Haymitch and Effie; Haymitch has his head in his hands. Pauses, then continues hesitantly). Prim? I love you and Im coming home, okay? (More sighs from the audience. Effie gives her a thumbs-up.) C: That wasthat was so sweet. So heartfelt, ladies and gentlemen! Not many of you would do this for your sisters, would you? I know I wouldnt. That was a joke, Prissy, before you start. Now, Katniss, tell us. Obviously we havent got your scores yet, but how do you think your private session went ? K: It would have gone better if the Gamemakers had bothered to watch. (Gasps from the crowd, especially Effie. Haymitch slaps his forehead.) C: Er. Well, well see, wont we? Im sure you didnt do that badly (trails off, looking for something to say. K pulls at her dress, back to looking at the floor). Im sure you must be a girl of many talents, yes? K: Some. C: (getting desperate) And, of course, youre a beautiful young lady. Before our boys get their hopes up, is there someone back home we should know about? (he attempts to nudge her; she shuffles out of the way, red faced. P is watching closely). K: No! C: Oh, come on. You can tell us, cant she, folks? A message for him like you had for your sister? K: (snapping and looking straight up at the camera) He doesnt exist. C: (recovering) Well! If you say so, dear. Did you hear that, boys? Youre in with a chance here! (The crowd whoops and cheers, a few people whistling) K: No theyre not. (The crowd hiss playfully and she turns back to the ground, frow ning. Effie is making frantic gestures and nearly knocks her own wig off.) Wait. What I mean is, I dont C: Of course not, of course not. There are other things on your mind, right? K: Unfortunately. C: We all think youre incredibly brave, you know. And dont tell the others I said this (chuckles from the crowd and a few of the other tributes) but Ive had my ear to the ground and Katniss, it sounds like people are betting on you as the dark horse of this competition! Isnt that something? And we havent even seen you at work yet. So give us a clue; if theres one thing that will make you stand out from the others in the arena, what is it? K: I survive.

(The buzzer goes). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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