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Date Submitted: March 23, 2011 at 12:58 pm

Soft Condensed Matter Physics Gordon Research Seminar:

Soft Matter Far from Equilibrium
Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NY
August 13, 2011 - August 14, 2011

Amount requested from ICAM: $10000
Estimated total cost of workshop: $65000
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Soft Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: M Cristina Marchetti
- University: Syracuse
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Heinrich Jaeger
- University: Chicago
- Email:

- Name: Alexandra Zidovska
- University: Harvard
- Email:


Proposal requesting support for the

2011 Soft Condensed Matter Physics Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar
Soft Matter Far From Equilibrium

For the first time this year, the Soft Condensed Matter Physics Gordon Research Conference
(GRC) will be preceded by a Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar (GKRS). The GKRS is a unique
forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience
and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas. The GKRS Chair,
Alexandra Zidovska, is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University. The Associate
Chair, Aparna Baskaran, has just started this year on a tenure-track faculty position at Brandeis
University. This proposal requests I2CAM funding to support the participation of young
scientists in the GKRS.

This two-day event will run August 13-14, 2011, at Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New
Hampshire, to be followed by the Conference on August 14-19 at the same location. The theme
of both events is Soft Matter Far From Equilibrium. The systematic study of materials far from
equilibrium is rapidly emerging as one of the new frontiers in condensed matter physics. The
field of soft condensed matter physics plays a particularly prominent and exciting role in this
regard because it investigates a wide range of phenomena, processes and materials for which far-
from-equilibrium conditions are a key ingredient. This includes phenomena such as turbulence or
fracture, processes like rapid quenching during advanced manufacturing, and whole classes of
materials, such as granular matter, that exist inherently far from thermal equilibrium. The
complexity of these phenomena and systems presents scientific challenges but also opportunities
for new levels of control over materials behavior. For completeness we include below the
program of the GRC.

The GKRS will start on the day before the GRC and will provide graduate students and
postdoctoral fellows in the soft condensed matter physics community with an ideal networking
environment, facilitating peer-to-peer scientific discussions in an informal setting. Professional
networking at an early career stage is essential, in particular, for an emerging new generation of
young scientists working at the interface of physics, biology and materials science. The GKRS
will foster scientific exchanges among the younger members of these often separated
communities and contribute to develop an early sense of unity. In addition, having gotten to
know each other and some of the senior speakers in the informal setting of GKRS, students and
postdocs will be more likely to actively participate in the main conference activities, engaging in
discussions and setting up contacts and collaborations beneficial for their further professional
development. In addition to scientific exchanges and presentations, an important highlight of the
GKRS will be a discussion panel focusing on career advancement and transitions such as from
graduate school to postdoctoral position and further to junior faculty. The non-intimidating peer-
based setting will encourage an exchange of experiences and knowledge in a friendly and open
atmosphere and will serve as a great preparation of the participants for the GRC following the

Two of the scientific session planned for the GKRS will have a keynote speaker. Erich
Sackmann (TU Munich) and Timothy J. Mitchinson (Harvard) have been invited to deliver these

The Mentorship Component will consist of a panel of scientists at various career stages who
will discuss career advancement and transitions, providing young investigators with valuable
career advice. The panel members are Erich Sackmann (TU Munich), Timothy J. Mitchinson
(Harvard), and Cristina Marchetti (Syracuse) on the topic of How to successfully navigate
through career transitions.

We expect at least 50 GKRS participants. The 2009 Soft Condensed Matter GRC attracted many
excellent students and postdocs (about 70 out of a total of 125 partcipants) who took a very
active part in the conference. These junior participants expressed strong interest in attending a
GKRS in conjunction with the 2011 GRC.

GKRS Program:

Saturday, 8/13/11 Sunday, 8/14/11
Check-in begins: 2:00 pm Breakfast: 7:30 - 8:30 am
Introductory Session: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Challenges in Soft Matter Physics
Morning Session: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
The Cell as a Soft Material
Poster Session I: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Poster Session II: 11:00 - 12:30 pm
Dinner: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Lunch: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Evening Session: 7:30 - 9:30 pm
Mechanics and Flow Far from Equilibrium
Mentoring Session: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
How To Successfully Navigate
Through Career Transitions
Program for GRC begins: 6:00 pm

The fee for attending the GKRS is $225/$215 (single/double room). This includes lodging and
meals. We are requesting funds to support partial travel and registration fee for 20-25 junior

Soft Condensed Matter Physics Gordon Research Conference (GRC)
Conference title:
2011 GRC on Soft Condensed Matter Physics: Soft Matter Far From Equilibrium

Chairs: Cristina M. Marchetti, Professor of Physics, University of Syracuse
Heinrich M. Jaeger, Professor of Physics, University of Chicago
Vice-chairs: Andreas Bausch, Professor of Biophysics, Technical University of Munich
Robijn Bruinsma, Professor of Physics, UCLA

Location and date:
August 14-19, 2011, at Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire


4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Arrival and check-in

6:00 pm Dinner

7:30 pm - 7:40 pm Welcome / Introductory Comments by GRC Site Staff

7:40 pm - 9:30 pm Jamming and Glassy Systems

Discussion Leader: Sid Nagel (University of Chicago)

7:40 pm - 8:20 pm Martin van Hecke (Leiden University) Flow near Jamming

8:20 pm - 8:35 pm Discussion

8:35 pm - 9:15 pm Jasna Brujic (New York University) Novel Routes to Jamming Reveal
the Rules of Packing

9:15 pm - 9:30 pm Discussion


7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast

9:00 am - 12:30 pm Active Fluids

Discussion Leader: Jean-Francois Joanny (Institut Curie, Paris)

9:00 am - 9:40 am Davide Marenduzzo (University of Edinburgh)
Pattern formation and nonequilibrium phase transitions in active matter

9:40 am - 10:00 am Discussion

10:00 am Coffee Break/Group Photo

10:30 am 11:10 am Wilson Poon (University of Edinburgh) Aggregation and self
assembly in active particle suspensions

11:10 am - 11:30 am Discussion

11:30 am 12:10 pm Seth Fraden (Brandeis University) Active Emulsions: What are
they and what are they good for?

12;10 pm 12:30 pm Discussion

12:30 pm Lunch

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Free Time

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Poster Session I

6:00 pm Dinner

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Dynamics of Microorganisms

Discussion Leader: Aparna Baskaran (Brandeis University)

7:30 pm - 8:10 pm Ramin Golestanian (Oxford University) From Microswimmers to
Nanoswimmers: The Role of Fluctuations

8:10 pm - 8:30 pm Discussion

8:30 pm - 9:10 pm Jerome Bibette (ESPCI ParisTech) Phenotypic diversity in
monoclonal microorganism population probed with millifluidic

9:10 pm - 9:30 pm Discussion


7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast

9:00 am - 12:30 pm Packing, Geometry and Topology

Discussion Leader: Randy Kamien (University of Pennsylvania)

9:00 am - 9:40 am Mark Bowick (Syracuse University) From local to global: statics
and dynamics of two-dimensional matter

9:40 am - 10:00 am Discussion

10:00 am Coffee Break

10:30 am - 11:10 am Vinothan Manoharan (Harvard University) Dynamics of colloidal
particles binding to liquid interfaces

11:10 am - 11:30 am Discussion

11:30 am - 12:10 pm Sharon Glotzer (University of Michigan) Glassy packings of non-
spherical particles

12:10 pm - 12:30 pm Discussion

12:30 pm Lunch

1:30 pm - 6:00 pm Free Time

6:00 pm Dinner

9:00 am - 12:30 pm Catastrophic Deformations

Discussion Leader: Jeffrey Morris (City College of the CUNY)

7:30 pm - 8:10 pm Wendy Zhang (University of Chicago), Dispersal of vibrational mode
frequencies potentially triggers catastrophic collapse of long-lived ice

8:10 pm - 8:30 pm Discussion

8:30 pm - 9:10 pm Jay Fineberg (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
How things break: the story of fast fracture

9:10 pm - 9:30 pm Discussion


7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast

9:00 12:30 pm Vesicles, Filaments and Drops

Discussion Leader: David Weitz (Harvard University)

9:00 am 9:40 am Petia Vlohovska (Brown University) Microhydrodynamics of lipid
bilayer membranes and vesicles

9:40 am 10:00 am Discussion

10:00 am Coffee Break

10:30 am 11:10 am Ping Sheng (Hongkong University) From electrorheological
mechanism to aligned molecular dipole filament formation

11:10 am 11:30 am Discussion

11:30 am 12:10 pm Emmanuel Fort (ESPCI ParisTech and Universit Paris Diderot)
Memory driven wave-particle duality with walking droplets

12:10 pm - 12:30 pm Discussion

12:30 pm Lunch

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Free Time

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Poster Session II

6:00 pm Dinner

7:00 pm - 7:30 pm Business Meeting
(Nominations for the next Vice Chair; Fill out Conference Evaluation
Forms; Discuss future Site & Scheduling preferences; Election of the next
Vice Chair(s))

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Branching Out, Connecting with Other Disciplines

Discussion Leader: Jane Wang (Cornell University)

7:30 pm - 8:00 pm John Wettlaufer (Yale University) Patterns and scaling in soft, hard and
mushy systems: geophysical mist and applied mathematical grist

8:00 pm - 8:10 pm Discussion

8:10 pm 8:40 pm Bruno Moulia (Univ Clermont Ferrand, France)
Plant growth as a wind and gravity-driven system: mechanosensitive
responses to static and dynamic mechanical loads

8:40 pm 8:50 pm Discussion

8:50 pm 9:20 pm Gustavo Gioia (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

9;20 pm 9:30 pm Discussion


7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast

9:00 am - 12:30 pm Turbulence and Nonlinearities

Discussion Leader: Eberhardt Bodenschatz, University of Goettingen

9:00 am - 9:40 am David Nelson (Harvard University)
Life at High Reynolds Number

9:40 am - 10:00 am Discussion

10:00 am Coffee Break

10:30 am - 11:10 am Bruno Eckhardt (Marburg University, Germany)
Turbulence transition in shear flows

11:10 am - 11:30 am Discussion

11:30 am - 12:10 pm Tom Mullin (University of Manchester)
Using nonlinearity to design novel materials

12:10 pm - 12:30 pm Discussion

12:30 pm Lunch

1:30 pm - 6:00 pm Free Time

6:00 pm Dinner

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Jam Session

Discussion Leader Paul Chaikin (New York University)

7:30 pm - 8:10 pm Andrea Liu (University of Pennsylvania)
The jamming scenario and the glass transition

8:10 pm - 8:30 pm Discussion

8:30 pm - 9:10 pm Poster Winners
Title of Speakers Presentation

9:10 pm - 9:30 pm Discussion


7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast

9:00 am Departure

Date Submitted: February 9, 2011 at 9:02 pm
The 3rd Workshop on Stochasticity in Biochemical Reaction
Banff, Canada
September 11, 2011 - September 16, 2011

Amount requested from ICAM: 25000
Estimated total cost of workshop: 100000
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Biological Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: Brian Munsky
- University: Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Aleksandra Walczak
- University: Ecole Normale Superieure
- Email:
Non-ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Sotiria Lampoudi
- University: University of California at Santa Barbara
- Email:

- Name: David Thorsley
- University: U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command
- Email:

Workshop Title:
The 3
Workshop on Stochasticity in Biochemical Reaction Networks
Dates, Location:
September 11-16, 2011
Ban International Research Station
Ban, Canada
Brian Munsky, Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Contact Organizer:
Aleksandra Walczak, Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Ecole Normale Superieure
Sotiria Lampoudi, Department of Computer Science, University of California at Santa Barbara
David Thorsley, Bioinformatics Cell/BHSAI, U.S. Army Medical Research & Materiel Command
1 Workshop Narrative
The functioning of all cells in biological organisms is based on the complex interaction of many molecular species:
proteins, DNA and mRNA molecules, hormones, etc. Vast developments in molecular biology have characterized
many of the biochemical pathways, but we do not currently understand how they come together to form emergent
properties we observe as the output states of biochemical networks in cells. On one hand we must understand the
many body nature of the interactions between the cellular components. On the other hand we are faced with an
additional diculty, stemming from the nonequilibrium nature of chemical reactions. As a diverse group of young
scientists from dierent backgrounds, we are organizing a workshop to discuss the role of intrinsic stochasticity in
many-body biochemical networks.
Cells in biological organisms are subject to vast amounts of random variation, which can cause isogenic cells to
respond dierently, despite identical environmental conditions. Recent experimental techniques make it possible to
measure this variation in gene expression, protein abundance, and cellular behavior. Combined with computational
modeling, these techniques enable us to uncover the causes and eects of stochastic cellular dynamics. Depending
on cellular function, biochemical processes may act to minimize stochastic variations or exploit them to the cells
advantage; in both cases, cellular processes have evolved to be remarkably robust to both intrinsic and extrinsic
noise. By exploring this robustness in naturally occurring biological systems, we hope not only to improve our
understanding of cellular biology, but also to formulate the design principles necessary to build similarly robust
biochemical circuits and nanoscale devices.
This workshop will unite a broad array of young, international researchers who work on dierent aspects of
the problem of understanding the role of stochasticity in biochemical systems. Experts in developing mathematical
methods to describe cellular behavior, experimentally analyzing biochemical processes, performing advanced compu-
tations of stochastic behavior, and designing novel biological devices will work together to share the latest results in
this exciting area of research and dene new research directions for future study.
1.1 Multidisciplinary Investigation
In this workshop, we will bring together several experts from dierent aspects of this exciting research topic. First,
we will hear from experimental molecular biologists, who are continually developing and perfecting new quantitative
techniques to observe single cell and single molecule dynamics. Tools such as ow cytometry and uorescence
activated cell sorting (FACS) enable researchers to measure the protein levels for millions of individual living cells
in the time span of a single minutethus conducting millions of simultaneous experiments. Time-lapse uorescence
microscopy and microuidics have made it possible for researchers to measure, track and manipulate the behavior of
single cells in carefully controlled micro-environments. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques enable
researchers to explore the spatial distributions of specic, individual RNA molecules within a cell.
Next, the theorists and mathematicians among us will present new quantitative methods to analyze and explain
the vast amounts of statistical data gathered from such experiments. It is known that stochasticity in cells is caused in
part by intrinsic noise - the variability caused by the statistical dynamics of a chemical reaction with a small number
of reactants - and in part by extrinsic noise - the variability caused by random uctuations in a cells environment.
The participants in this workshop have already developed many methods to understand and dierentiate between
these types of noise in experimental data. In addition, as experimental techniques such as FISH provide more and
more information on the spatial dynamics of intracellular processes, it becomes more useful to extend these techniques
to spatially heterogenous reaction dynamics.
Finally, these theorists and experimentalists can integrate their various analyses to understand how, why and
when dierent cellular mechanisms transmit noise in dierent ways, i.e. some suppress it while others amplify or
exploit it. For example, control theory can help us understand feedback and feedforward regulatory motifs in cellular
architectures, while an information theoretic perspective can help us to understand how cells in a developing multi-
cellular organism can determine their exact spatial location. These analyses suggest new methods and appropriate
models for mathematically demonstrating how certain motifs are useful for dealing with noise and uncertainty. Such
analyses are then directly applicable to the work of more applied researchers, who can use these theories to better
constructing synthetic biological circuits and devices at the nanoscale level, including biomolecular motors and DNA
molecular machines.
Together, the participants of this workshop form an intellectually diverse group of researchers united by their
interest in the subject of stochasticity in biochemical reaction networks and complex biological matter; they represent
the elds of biology, biophysics, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science. Each has contributed
to the eld of biochemical networks in either the theoretical or experimental sphere and many have contributed in
both areas.
Despite the great progress made until now in understanding the role of noise in biological regulatory networks,
further insight into the functioning of living cells in the presence of physical constraints imposed on them by the
molecular nature of their components, can only be made through interdisciplinary collaboration. Only by simultane-
ously developing mathematical tools that are appropriately suited for increasingly quantitative experiments, as well
as testing predictions in synthetical molecular architectures and comparing their behavior with regulatory circuitry
that exists in naturally evolved organisms, can we attempt to understand how stochastic molecular interactions result
in predictably functioning cells. The goal of this workshop is to facilitate the interaction of specialists from dierent
elds, who typically would not meet at more traditional conferences.
1.2 Open and Emerging Questions
Recent advances in experimental molecular biology have revolutionized the way people conduct biological research.
Techniques such as ow cytometry, uorescence activated cell sorting, time-lapse uorescence microscopy, and mi-
crouidics have made it possible for researchers to measure and manipulate the behavior of single cells and even
single molecules within them. These experiments have shown that cellular dynamics are intrinsically noisy and that
individual cells may both regulate and exploit this noise. To further understand the mechanisms of organism devel-
opment, evolution, cancer, disease and drug ecacy, we must improve our understanding of the eects of noise on the
corresponding biochemical reaction processes. Such explanations require the close integration of new mathematical
models, techniques and theories with these emerging experimental techniques. An improved understanding of these
systems will help explain newly observed phenomena and may suggest methods by which new behaviors can be
The main goal of the workshop is to suggest new research directions and new synergies between researchers in
complementary elds within the main eld of systems biology. To this end, the workshop will be organized around
a sequence of questions that begins and ends with experimental evidence:
What new experiments are possible and what can they tell us? In the last few years, many of our
participants have devised new experimental techniques to measure intracellular dynamics. Even at their infancy,
the tools presented at BIRS (September, 2009) have already improved our understanding of intrinsic and
extrinsic noise biochemical reaction networks. The particular experimentalists at this workshop will be chosen
not only for their excellent laboratory skills but also for their abilities speak the languages of mathematics,
computation and control. Their insight into the experimental possibilities (and limitations) is the starting
point of the workshop.
What are the available computational tools? How good do they need to be? What new mathe-
matical approaches may be developed to meet these requirements? The addition of stochasticity to
gene regulatory network models severely complicates numerical analyses. Several of the workshop participants
have pioneered new techniques for the analysis, reduction, and solution of stochastic processes in the context
of gene regulatory networks and many are extending these results to treat spatially heterogeneous systems. A
particular emphasis will be placed upon developing coarse-grained computational analyses in order to tailor
biochemical models to the strengths and limitations of emerging experimental techniques.
How does noise aect cellular mechanisms? How do cellular mechanisms aect noise? The
signaling network in the cell is vast and only approximately known. Many of our participants have developed
new ways to examine control, stability, robustness, adaptability, computation and information transfer under
this highly uncertain setting. In this workshop, the participants will apply these tools to begin answering the
questions of why and when stochasticity is important and what nature can do to exploit and/or diminish these
What sorts of synthetic biochemical processes can be designed and constructed? As our compu-
tational and theoretical understanding of cell regulation improves, we can obtain more detailed quantitative
characterizations of biochemical building blocks. Many of our workshop participants in synthetic biology may
then use these design principles to build new organic constructs to perform specic biological and micro-
mechanical tasks.
What new experiments should we do? Measurements at the single cell level are dicult, expensive and
sometimes even disappointingly uninformative. One of the main objects of this workshop is to suggest new
approaches and collaborations to integrate stochastic modeling and experimental studies. The combination of
theoretical and applied approaches represented in this workshop makes this a particularly exciting question.
2 Workshop Organization
Although other meetings have explored stochasticity in biochemical reaction networks, the proposed workshop will
be unlike any other in the eld. The key ingredients that set this workshop apart are (i) a multi-disciplinary and
international organizing committee and participant list, (ii) an emphasis on young researchers and new ideas rather
than tenured professors and established techniques, (iii) a exible schedule with ample discussion time, (iv) a specic
focus on the integration of experimental and theoretical/computational investigations, and (v) integrated live web-
casting and teleconferencing for remote participation. Even though we adopt our title and location from two previous
Workshops on Stochasticity in Biochemical Reaction Networks, these ingredients represent a signicant shift in focus
and organization. The original workshop was organized and attended almost exclusively by researchers connected to
the control engineering community in the USA, whereas this workshop will bring together a multi-disciplinary group
of international researchersincluding not only control engineers, but also physicists, chemists, mathematicians and
biologists (including new organizers). Whereas the original workshops considered mostly theoretical and computa-
tional studies of small network circuitries, this workshop will emphasize the systematic integration of computational,
theoretical and experimental techniques to investigate the interactions of cellular components at myriad length and
time scales. Moreover, the ve-day length of the proposed workshop will allow much more time for discussion and
collaboration than the breakneck pace of the previous two-day workshops. Finally, unlike previous workshops on this
topic, portions of this meeting will incorporate state-of-the-art streaming video and teleconferencing technology to
broadcast live over the Internet, and allow remote participation.
As discussed above, one of the main goals of this workshop is encourage collaboration between researchers from
diverse elds, who often might not be aware of each others research. The following items will help us to achieve this
Diverse organizing committee - The organizers backgrounds are in four dierent communities: mechanical
engineering (Munsky), computer science (Lampoudi), electrical engineering (Thorsley), and physics (Walczak).
One of the key strengths of this workshop, is that we each know and interact with otherwise unconnected groups
of people, who are nonetheless interested in the same questions regarding biochemical stochasticity. The list
of invited attendees, who have expressed interest in coming, reects our ability to bring together dierent
Emphasis on young researchers We consciously made an eort to invite mainly younger scientists; either
young faculty members, or post-doctoral researchers. Experience in previous workshops has shown us that
such a demographic of people just starting their independent research groups, makes it much easier discuss new
ideas and foster new cross-disciplinary collaborations. We have observed that young, enthusiastic researchers
are more prone to engage in lively discussion and they tend to be more exible with regard to considering new
ideas. Most importantly, young researchers have a strong professional motivation to create new collaborations
they can help our workshop, and our workshop can help their careers.
Flexible schedule and emphasis on discussion time The main goal of our workshop is to encourage
long discussions between the participants and foster the exchange of ideas and collaborations. We envision a
leisurely schedule with morning talks, exible afternoon discussions, an hour of pre-dinner lectures, a group
dinner, and an evening with wine and beer in the common room. We will also encourage the speakers to prepare
talks that will stimulate discussions, not just show their latest ndings. The ve day, exible schedule of the
workshop will allow us to make last minute changes to the program, if needed, to allow for more discussion.
Diverse participant list The workshop participants include representatives of diverse elds: chemists,
engineers, control theorists, molecular biologists, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists. These
researchers are also representing a diverse set of locations including US (19), Canada (4), Europe (12) and South
America (1). Most of the participants are young: 14 are pre-tenure faculty members; 7 will have just started
their faculty positions this year; and 6 are currently post-doctoral researchers. At present, we are expecting
6 women to attend the workshop: four invited attendees and two organizers, all of them junior faculty (5) or
post-docs (1). This is a high ratio for research disciplines which include such male dominated elds as physics,
computer science, engineering and theoretical chemistry.
Rosaslind Allen, University of Edinburgh
Gabor Balazsi, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Attila Becskei, University of Zurich
Kevin Burrage, Oxford University
Bernie Daigle, University of California at Santa Barbara
Mary Dunlop, University of Vermont
Hana El Samad, University of California at San Francisco
Eldon Emberly, Simon Fraser University
Andre Esteves-Torres, Centre national de la recherche scientique
Diego Ferreiro, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Paul Francois, McGill University
Calin Guet, IST Austria
Joao Hespanha, University of California at Santa Barbara
Mustafa Khammash, University of California at Santa Barbara
Eric Klavins, University of Washington
Narendra Maheshri, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pablo Meyer-Rojas, IBM Research
Jose Ignacio Molina, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Michael Monine, Bioinformatics Cell / Biotechnology HPC Software Applications Institute
Thierry Mora, Ecole Normale Superieure
Andrew Mugler, FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics
Ilya Nemenman, Emory University
Gregor Neuert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sorin Tanase Nicola, Emory University
Arjun Raj, University of Pennsylvania
Christopher Rao, University of Illinois
Marc Riedel, University of Minnesota
Michael Samoilov, QB3/University of California at Berkeley
Matthew Scott, University of Waterloo
Tom Shimizu, AMOLF
Gurol Suel, University of Texas Southwestern
Peter Swain, University of Edinburgh
James Werner, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Verena Wolf, Saarland University
Linchong You, Duke University
Anton Zilman, University of Toronto
Because of the unusually young demographic of our workshop, travel aid is particularly important for this
workshops success. We are requesting nancial assistance specically to help our junior participants who
have limited grants and start-ups funds with which to attend workshops. Our aim is to bring together an
international group of junior researchers from diverse elds and we are aware that for some people the travel
costs of traveling to Ban are prohibitively expensive.
Ideal venue The Ban International Research Station center is ideally suited for this workshop. Our partic-
ipants will have 24-hour access to many common areas with whiteboards and projectors, open wireless access,
state-of-the-art webcasting and teleconferencing technology, online library resources and journal access, on-site
accommodations each computer terminals, and a self-contained campus with excellent dining and recreation
Outreach The workshop will take place in the mountain resort town of Ban in Canada. We do not
plan on any specic outreach activities during the duration of the workshop. However, seeing that many
attendees are young faculty often involved in formulating the curricula of modern interdisciplinary courses
at their home institutions, we will stimulate informal (and formal on demand) discussions about teaching of
quantied approaches to biochemical networks. For this reason, we will strongly encourage participants to share
their presentations, data and computational algorithms for subsequent use in classroom settings. Participants
will be encouraged to publish these pedagogical materials to the workshop website.
Webcasting Due to the high amount of interest in our workshop and the topic of stochastic biochemistry,
we plan to add a strong Internet component to this meeting. We will establish a website to help participants
communicate before and after the workshop and on which we will post speaker abstracts and links to par-
ticipant websites. In order to allow for remote participation, we will utilize the Ban International Research
Stations state-of-the-art automated equipment for continuous lecture recording, broadcasting, and integrated
These Internet technologies will be used to record and broadcast all of the formal lectures and discussions of
recently published results. However, we plan for the workshop to be exible to the needs of our participants.
Much of the workshop will involve informal discussion of unpublished ideasto increase ease of exchange of
ideas and creativity, we will not record these exchanges.
3 Summary
We are organizing a workshop that aims to bring together researchers studying dierent perspectives on the emergent
behavior of cellular networks. Despite extreme progress over the last decade our understanding of how many cellular
components, which interact in an intrinsically stochastic manner, come together and result in reliable outcomes of cell
is still in its infancy. The organization of our workshop allows for free discussion between scientists who have been
studying similar problems with very dierent tools. Although the large scale goal of understanding the complexity of
cells (the space of possible output states, their relation to biological phenotypes and genotypes, the stability of these
states, and their connectivity) is clear, the intermediate problems the community needs to solve are not obvious.
At this stage of the development of the eld it is essential to bring together diverse young scientist to attempt to
propose novel approaches to these problems. Our goal is to provide such a venue, introduce scientists from dierent
elds to each other and encourage informal discussions and strong, long-lasting collaborations.
Date Submitted: March 16, 2011 at 3:38 pm
International School of Oxide Electronics (ISOE2011)
Corsica Island, France
October 3, 2011 - October 15, 2011

Amount requested from ICAM: 7000 $
Estimated total cost of workshop: 90000 $
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Quantum Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: BIBES Manuel
- University: Paris-Sud, France
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: PETROFF Frederic
- University: Paris-Sud, France
- Email:
Non-ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: PARUCH Patrycja
- University: Geneva, Switzerland
- Email:

- Name: HERRANZ Gervasi
- University: ICMABarcelona, Spain
- Email:









the field of Oxide Electronics took off at the end of the 1990s and is now growing at an
exponential pace. Major breakthroughs over the last 5 or 6 years include the advent of
insulators, LaAlO
and SrTiO
. Novel physical phenomena have also been revealed in
The International School of Oxide Electronics aims at gathering PhD students, postdocs,
young scientists and senior researchers working in Oxide Electronics for almost two weeks,
Island, France), to build up the future Oxide Electronics scientific community. Basic notions
of solidstate physics (superconductivity, ferroelectricity, magnetism, correlations, etc) will
be recalled, but the school will also give an extended overview of the field, covering topics
such as multiferroics, oxide interfaces or manganese, nickel and cobalt perovskites. Oxide
based devices (tunnel junctions, fieldeffect devices, memristors) will also be presented in
detail, as well as key advanced characterization techniques (highresolution transmission
electron microscopy with electron energy loss spectroscopy, xray magnetic circular
dichroism, neutron diffraction, piezoresponse forc microscopy, etc) and computational
techniques (full ab initio, effective hamiltonian, etc). The School will thus be highly
interdisciplinary and span a wide range of topics, from sample fabrication, characterization
During the 11 days of the School, the lectures will be organized by slots of 3 hours, one in
the morning and one in the afternoon, with a long midday break from noon to 4pm. This
will allow participants and lecturers to exchange for 4 hours every day, around lunch (that
a financial support of 7000 $ from ICAM. The budget asked to ICAM would allow to attract


ISOE2011 is oriented towards young researchers (PhD students, postdocs and permanent
scientists with less than 10 years of experience) from Europe, the US and Asian countries.
We anticipate that this will not only provide them with unique opportunities to meet
international leaders from the community of Oxide Electronics, but also yield to the
emergence of collaborative projects, theses in joint supervision and research training
networks. All participants will have the opportunity to present their research during two 2
and postdocs. Depending of the total financial supports from funding agencies and
sponsors, we hope to be able to keep these fees between 400 and 500 for the whole




Following the attribution of the 2007 Nobel prize in physics to Albert Fert, the founding
member of the main organizers institute, this laboratory has been deeply involved in
outreach activities. Many lab members presented the phenomenon of giant
on data storage technology to high school students. They also actively participated in the
lab members were present on site everyday during 3 months to exchange with the public
and communicate on spintronics, solidstate physics, their impact on consumer electronics
of the Unit Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales since its creation in 1994, the importance of
multifunctional oxides has grown at a steady pace for the last 5 years and this field now
represents about a third of the labs activities. The field of oxide electronics is thus


Date Submitted: March 23, 2011 at 6:57 am
Autumn School Hands-on LDA+DMFT
Forschungszentrum Jlich
October 4, 2011 - October 7, 2011

Amount requested from ICAM: 5 Junior Travel Awards (max $12500)
Estimated total cost of workshop: $30000
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Quantum Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: Eva Pavarini
- University: Forschungszentrum Jlich
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Eva Pavarini
- University: Forschungszentrum Jlich
- Email:

- Name: Erik Koch
- University: Forschungszentrum Jlich
- Email:
Non-ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Alexander Lichtenstein
- University: Hamburg
- Email:

- Name: Dieter Vollhardt
- University: Augsburg

Workshop Title
Autumn School
Hands-on LDA+DMFT
Forschungszentrum Jlich
Amount requested from ICAM
5 Junior Travel Awards (corresponding to max $12500)
Estimated total cost of the workshop
$30.000 (lecturers + local expenses for 30 students +equipment+book production)
4-7 October 2011
Type of Support
General Workshop Support Amounts: none applied for.
Block Travel Awards Amount: 5 Junior Travel Awards (corresponding to max $12500)
Primary Organizer
Eva Pavarini, Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jlich,
ICAM Branch Organizers
Eva Pavarini, FZJ
Erik Koch, FZJ,
Non-ICAM Branch Organizers
Alexander Lichtenstein, University of Hamburg,
Dieter Vollhardt, University of Augsburg,
Event description
Soon after the discovery of quantum mechanics, it became evident that the fundamental
obstacle to explaining emergent phenomena in solids from rst principles is the
description of electronic many-body effects.
An important step forward was density-functional theory (DFT) and its local-density
approximation (LDA). The success of DFT in explaining the physical and chemical
properties of solids is so remarkable, that DFT is considered the standard model of
solid-state physics. Nevertheless, LDA and its generalization fail completely for system
in which electrons loose their individuality and whose low-energy properties are
dominated by electron-electron correlations: Mott insulating transition-metal oxides,
Kondo and heavy-fermion materials, organic crystals, and many others. The realistic
description of such strongly-correlated systems remains, to date, one of the grand-
challenges of condensed-matter physics.
During the last years, a major breakthrough came with the development of the LDA
+DMFT method. In this approach, conventional ab-initio schemes are combined with a
modern many-body approach, the dynamical mean-eld theory (DMFT).
The aim of the present school is to introduce advanced graduate students and up to this
state-of-the-art approach.
The lectures will cover
Overview and Introduction
Electron correlations and DMFT
Model Hamiltonians
Density-functional theory and basis functions
Experimental challenges
The LDA+DMFT approach
Wannier functions and hopping integrals
The screened U: cLDA and cRPA
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
DMFT Quantum Impurity Solvers
Hirsch-Fye Quantum Monte Carlo
Continuous-time QMC
Exact diagonalization and Lanczos
Beyond DMFT
cluster DMFT and dual Fermions
The hands-on sessions will include
Wannier functions and model Hamiltonians
Dynamical mean-eld Theory
Hirsch-Fye and continuous-time Quantum Monte Carlo
Screened Coulomb Parameters
Exploratory and Novel Aspects: The school should prepare the next generation of
students for pushing calculations of strongly correlated materials towards predictive
power, thus taking the crucial step needed for rational materials design, realizing novel
functionalities based on emergent phenomena in electronic and energy materials. For
this, students need a broad background ranging from ab-initio DFT to many-body theory
and quantum Monte Carlo. This background goes across different established and well
separated areas of condensed-matter research. It is therefore very difcult to build in
regular curricula. To further advance the eld, the next generation of students needs to
work at the interface of all these research areas and must be able to judge works in all
areas involved. The present school aims at advancing the students to the frontiers of
research, through a set of comprehensive and pedagogical lectures which cover the
essential aspects. The school offers the unique chance of discussing open problems
from many perspectives, ranging from experiments to chemistry to ab-initio approaches
and many-body physics.
Interdisciplinary Aspects: The school will bring together scientists interested in
strongly correlated systems but with a wide variety of expertise: experimental methods,
ab-initio DFT-based approaches, many-body techniques, interfacing DFT and many-
body methods, quantum chemistry, and massively parallel simulations.
Emerging Questions and Unsolved Problems: At the heart of the school are the
experimental and theoretical challenges, which will be presented already on the rst
day. The discussion of these open and emerging questions will be continued in the
course of the school; open problems will be addressed in several of the more advanced
lectures, as well as during discussion time. The school will prepare the students to
identify the unsolved problems in the eld of strong-correlated matter and will work as a
catalyzer for new ideas and novel research directions.
Frauenfelder rules: Each 50 minutes lecture is followed by long breaks for discussion
and open questions (about 25 minutes). The hands-on sessions offer ample time for
gaining working knowledge, asking questions, and clarications of theoretical aspects.
Plans for integrating young scientists: Several lecturers are young researchers (from
the experienced postdoc to the junior professor level). The school is targeted at the next
generation of scientists and gives students ample opportunities for interacting with
experts; it is the natural springboard to the integration in the scientic community.
Students can present posters on their activity.
Reasons to apply for ICAM support: This school is supported by DFG through the
German Research Unit FOR1346, Dynamical Mean-Field Approach with Predictive
Power for Strongly Correlated Material, and from the Forschungszentrum Jlich. With
the funds available we will cover the local and travel expenses of all lecturers, plus local
expenses for maximally 30 students, as well as the production of a book of
comprehensive lecture notes, that will be distributed to the students at the beginning of
the school. Since we cannot cover the travel expenses of students, our funding scheme
obviously favors the participation of students from Europe. This is not optimal, because
many excellent students which are now approaching the eld of strong correlations
work outside Europe, and in particular in U.S. universities/laboratories. We ask ICAM
for 5 Junior Travel Awards to support the participation of excellent graduate
students/PhD students/early postdocs from U.S. universities/laboratories.
Lecturers (conrmed only)
F. Aryasetiawan, Chiba University, Japan
P. Blchl, TU Clausthal, Germany
N. Blmer, Universitt Mainz, Germany
H. Ebert, LMU Mnchen, Germany
K. Held, TU Wien, Austria
E. Koch, German Research School, Jlich, Germany
M. Kollar, Universitt Augsburg, Germany
J. Kune!, Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic
F. Lechermann, Universitt Hamburg, Germany
A.I. Lichtenstein, Universitt Hamburg, Germany
E. Pavarini, IFF, Forschungszentrum Jlich, Germany
F. Lechermann, Universitt Hamburg, Germany
L. H. Tjeng, MPI-CPfS Dresden, Germany
D. Vollhardt, Universitt Augsburg, Germany
P. Werner, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Plans for outreach activities: We will collect lecture notes, which will be published as
a book that will be distributed to the students at the beginning of the school (and will
also be freely available in electronic format). We expect this book to become an
important collection of comprehensive notes on LDA+DMFT for real materials, which will
be of wide use in training future students entering the eld. The school web-page is Talks, tutorials, and associated material (lectures,
lecture notes, examples, test codes, and additional material) will be available on the
web through this webpage.
Plans for webcasting: Our lecture hall has proven webcasting equipment.
Date Submitted: March 23, 2011 at 8:40 am
New frontiers in physics of two dimensional electron systems
Buenos Aires, Argentina
November 24, 2011 - November 26, 2011

Amount requested from ICAM: $30,000
Estimated total cost of workshop: ?
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Quantum Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: Marcelo Rozenberg
- University: University of Buenos Aires
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Vladimir Dobrosavljevic
- University: Florida State University
- Email:
Non-ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Karen Halberg
- University: Instituto Balseiro - Bariloche
- Email:

New frontiers in physics of two dimensional electron systems.

The physics of two-dimensional electron gases (2DEG) remains at the center
stage of modern condensed matter physics. In the late 90's the unexpected
observation of a metal-insulator transition in silicon MOSFETs and GaAs hetero-
structures brought into question some of the accepted pillars of our
understanding of transport in 2D systems. It posed fundamental questions on the
role of electron correlations and disorder, which remain widely open and
debated. In the 00's we witnessed another unexpected discovery: the realization
of a 2D crystal lattice, only 1 atomic layer thick. Graphene research has erupted
in condensed matter physics, providing not only fascinating tabletop realization of
Dirac fermions in a 2DEG, but also an ideal substrate for novel electronic
applications. The dust of these discoveries had not even settled, when Harold
Hwang discovered yet another startling class of 2DEG systems in 2004, that
again shook the foundations of our understanding. He joined two wide gap band-
insulators, SrTiO3 and LaAlO3, and a high mobility 2DEG emerged at the
interface. The advances of thin film fabrication techniques with atomically flat
surfaces are allowing for a novel 'alchemy' of artificial layered materials, with
emergent behavior at the interfaces. The origin of the metallic state of the 2DEG
discovered by Hwang remains hotly debated and is surely to be the first surprise
of many more coming, as experimentalist begin to fabricate novel oxides
heterostructures, including strongly correlated systems.

How many physical properties between these different but equally fascinating 2D
systems are shared, and what is specific to a given material? What is the role of
strong electronic correlations and disorder? Can novel forms of superconductivity
be engineered by tweaking these systems? Are fundamentally new theoretical
ideas necessary to understand their properties, or old concepts suffice? These
basic questions cannot be answered without a gaining a broader perspective on
all these systems. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers
from these three exciting areas, to present the most recent groundbreaking
advances, and to promote a fruitful exchange of ideas and experience.

We propose to hold this meeting in Buenos Aires, to fulfill the important goal of
introducing to the international scientific community this new and remote new
node of I2CAM. The proposed dates are 11/24 to 11/26, at the end of the austral
spring, with very pleasant weather. Importantly, this workshop will create synergy
with the already scheduled International Conference on Recent Progress in Many
Body Theories (RPMBT16) to be held in Bariloche (Patagonia) from the
11/28/2011 to 12/02/2011. Due to the convenient time of the academic year and
the shared interests between the proposed workshop and the RPMBT, we
anticipate a large attendance of about 100 international participants plus 100
locals including 50 students and junior researchers. Note that the enrollment in
the Physics program at just at the University of Buenos Aires is about 100
students per year.

Invited speakers

Harold Hwang (U Tokyo and Stanford), 2DEG in oxide heterostructures
Jean-Marc Triscone (Geneve), Experiments on LAO/STO
Marc Gabay (Orsay), Theory of LAO/STO
Eva Andrei (Rutgers), Graphene
Dragana Popovic (FSU), 2DMIT: from silicon MOSFETs to cuprates
Gabriel Kotliar (Rutgers), Wigner-Mott transitions
Maria Jose Sanchez (Bariloche), Memristors at oxide interfaces
Elbio Dagotto (Tennessee), Numerical studies of heterostructures
Andres Santander-Syro (Orsay), Photoemission of the STO surface 2DEG
Clifford Johnson (Univ. of Southern California), Holographic duality and
the Quantum Hall Effects
Andrew Millis (Columbia) DMFT approaches to oxide interfaces
Philip Kim (Columbia) 2D atomic crystals
Jorg Schmalian (Ames Lab) Quantum transport in grapheme
Isao H. Inoue (AIST, Tsukuba) Electrostatic doping of oxides

Requested funding

We request $30K to support registration fees and partial support for travel
expenses, in particular for graduate students and young researchers. Air tickets
to Argentina, at that time of the year, should be about $1200, from both US and
Europe. Local expenses are about half of those in US and Europe, for
comparable quality.

Plans for integrating young scientists into workshop

Scientific events in Argentina, usually enjoy of a large and curious young scientist
attendance. This has been the case for the Winter Schools of Physics at the
Physics Department of University of Buenos Aires, which have been held yearly
since 1998, with more than 50 students attending and coming from all over Latin
America. As one of the organizers of the present workshop, has been also been
responsible for the organization of several of those Winter Schools (the last one
was dedicated to Condensed Matter Physics), we plan to use that previous
experience to assure a large attendance of young researchers. In addition, a
poster session will allow for young researchers to expose their work and take
advantage of interactions with distinguished international visitors.
Also building from past successful experiences, we plan to waive the registration
fee for young researchers from Latin American countries and dedicate a
significant amount of funds to offer support for their travel expenses to Buenos
Aires and to Bariloche (by bus is quite inexpensive), so to take advantage of the
synergy created by the two scientific events, the I2CAM Worshop and the
RPMBT16, mentioned above.

Plans for outreach activities

We shall introduce to the general Physics and Biology community of students of
University of Buenos Aires, the web-based interactive museum The Emergent
Universe. In addition to the promotion of this novel initiative of ICAM, we shall
also propose students to engage in the project of translating the contents of the
museum and implement a Spanish language version. This will make the museum
available to a new audience through out the Latin American region and Spain,
and also to the large Spanish speaking community in the US.

Plans for webcasting

We plan to videotape the seminars and make them available through the web.


Marcelo Rozenberg
LPS CNRS / Universite Paris Sud and Universidad de Buenos Aires

Karen Halberg
Instituto Balseiro - Bariloche

Vlad Dobrosavljevic
Florida State University and Magnet Lab NHFML
Winter school on nonequilibrium aspects in condensed matter

Location: IISER Kolkata
Amount requested from ICAM: $67,000
Estimated total cost of workshop: $120,000

Dates: Dec 27, 2011 to Jan 11, 2012

General Workshop Support Amount: $2000
Block Travel Awards Amount: $65,000
Identify ICAM Thrust: Quantum matter

Primary Organizer: Nayana Shah (University of Cincinnati, USA), email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
Yuval Gefen (Weizmann Institute, Israel),
Sriram Ramaswamy (IISc and JNCASR, Bangalore )
Non-ICAM Branch Organizers (in alphabetical order):
Sushanta Dattagupta (IISER, Kolkata),
Amit Ghosal (IISER, Kolkata),
Ganpathy Murthy (University of Kentucky, USA),
Sanjay Puri (JNU, Delhi),
Krishnendu Sengupta (IACS Kolkata), and
Subhashis Sinha (IISER, Kolkata).
Proposal for a winter school on nonequilibrium aspects
in condensed matter at IISER Kolkata, Dec 27, 2011-
Jan 11, 2012
1 Organizers
Primary Organizer: Nayana Shah (University of Cincinnati, USA); ICAM Branch Orga-
nizers: Yuval Gefen (Weizmann Institute, Israel), Sriram Ramaswamy (IISc and JNCASR,
Bangalore ); Non-ICAM Branch Organizers (in alphabetical order): Sushanta Dattagupta
(IISER, Kolkata), Amit Ghosal (IISER, Kolkata), Ganpathy Murthy (University of Ken-
tucky, USA), Sanjay Puri (JNU, Delhi), Krishnendu Sengupta (IACS Kolkata), and Sub-
hashis Sinha (IISER, Kolkata).
2 Workshop narrative
During the past decade there has been enormous interest in the nonequilibrium properties
of many-body systems due to the convergence of a variety of technological and theoretical
advances. On the experimental side, the maturation of the eld of cooling and trapping of
atomic/molecular gases has made it possible to access properties of the system at spatial
and temporal scales which would have been inconceivable in solid-state condensed matter
systems. At the same time, it has made it possible to design systems with interesting
properties and to simulate non-trivial model Hamiltonians capturing strong correlations
and disorder. There have also been many other experimental advances in fabrication and
measurement techniques that have made it possible to probe non-equibrium and dynamical
properties of a range of low-dimensional and mesoscopic/nanoscale systems consisting of
quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, graphene, Josephson junctions, one-dimensional quantum
wires, quantum Hall edges, superconducting nanowires/lms etc. in the presence of applied
bias voltages, elds, microwaves etc. These experimental advances promise a revolution in
both the quality and quantity of information about nonequilibrium processes in the near
On the theoretical side there have been corresponding advances as well. The study of
noise correlations in transport has been advanced by the notion of Full Counting Statistics,
which produces the generating function of all noise correlators. Powerful methods of Con-
formal Field Theory and Bethe ansatz have been used to predict the generic behavior of
zero- or one-dimensional systems where a parameter (such as the coupling constant or the
temperature) is quenched (changed abruptly) or the system is driven out-of-equilibrium by a
large bias/eld etc. This is complemented by generalizations of renormalization group, scal-
ing and ow equation ideas as well as various computational methods and Greens function
methods to study these problems. For higher-dimensional systems, large-scale computation
has been used to investigate the approach to thermal equilibrium from initial conditions far
from equilibrium. Last but not least, gauge/gravity dualities originally developed in the
context of String Theory have found application in describing strongly coupled condensed
matter systems, both in equilibrium and nonequilibrium.
Advances on the experimental and theoretical front have generated a lot of excitement
and interest in questions of non-equilibrium in diverse communities studying a variety of
systems and techniques and have helped underline and formulate important problems ahead
of us. It has become clear that in spite of the advances, even the conceptual understanding of
non-equilibrium systems has many challenges, even more so for strongly correlated systems.
In terms of theoretical techniques, generalizations of various methods has been sought but
is far from complete. It is the right time to have critical discussions about the validity
of various generalizations and comparisons between various techniques. In addition, the
renement of experimental techniques to access interesting regimes, the extraction of relevant
non-equilibrium properties and the conceptual and theoretical interpretation of experimental
measurements, all present additional challenges.
Besides being of fundamental interest in condensed matter, nonequilibrium phenomena
are also of interest to the Quantum Computing community for two generic reasons: Firstly,
noise and decoherence are ubiquitous in any substrate, and a better understanding of these
phenomena could be a step towards mitigating its consequences. Secondly, any operation to
be performed necessarily happens in a nite time, and is a nonequilibrium process. General
questions about nonequilibrium are also relevant for other branches of physics as well as
to other disciplines such as biology and chemistry and some of the topics and challenges
discussed in the workshop are expected to have broad implications.
The time seems ripe for a workshop/school on nonequilibrium phenomena. The orga-
nizers, some of whom have already contributed to the growing literature on nonequilibrium,
and others who aspire to enter this exciting eld, wanted to provide a forum where graduate
students, postdocs, and faculty who want to learn more about this eld can do so from
the ground up, with minimal assumptions about prior knowledge. We also did not want
to perpetuate the somewhat articial classical/quantum divide, and have chosen to include
both with a view to presenting the overlaps and dierences and to generate an interchange of
ideas between the two communities. The choice of lecture series outlined in the next section
accentuates this viewpoint and illustrates the interdisciplinary nature and implications of
the proposed workshop.
The proposed workshop is expected to have lots of time for questions and open discussions
not only after and in between talks but also by having a pedagogical setting as well as by
having a presence of many young researchers. In addition, having the lodging and boarding
facility for all participants at the same location (i.e. within the IISER campus) will greatly
facilitate informal discussions during and after meals and allow for dynamic scheduling of
discussion sessions on questions of interest as the workshop evolves.
3 Plans for integrating young scientists into workshop
The format of the school is designed with the goal of educating graduate students/postdocs
in mind. We expect a total participation of about 60-100 people, with at least half being
students, and at least a quarter being postdocs. The bulk of the time will be spent on
Lecture Courses by prominent researchers in the eld. Each lecture will last for 1.5 hours,
with dierent topics (to be described soon) taking up 3 to 5 lectures. These lecture courses
will be interspersed by 1.5 hour talks by leading theorists and experimentalists to give a
picture of our current understanding of nonequilibrium, and also by short talks (half an
hour) by postdocs and faculty on recent results.
The sequence of lecture topics is designed to take a smart student who has nished
coursework on statistical mechanics and solid state physics all the way to being capable of
conducting research. The rough ordering and length is as follows, with details of the contents
of each course and the scheduling to be described in the following sections:
Foundations of Classical Nonequilibrium (Sushanta Dattagupta, 4 lectures, References[1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13])
Foundations of Quantum Transport, Noise and Counting Statistics (Yuval Gefen, 4
lectures, References[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
Quantum Phase Transitions and Quenches (Diptiman Sen, 3 lectures, References[14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]). Topics 1, 2, and 3 will run concurrently.
The Keldysh Technique (Aditi Mitra, 3 lectures, References[24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35])
Classical Driven Systems (David Mukamel, 3 lectures, References[36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45])
Nonequilibrium Bosonization (Igor Gornyi, 3 lectures, References[46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57]).
Fluctuation Theorems (Alex Altland, 3 lectures, References[58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64])
Glassy Systems (Letitia Cugliandolo, 3 lectures, References[65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71])
AdS/CMT (Sumit Das, 3 lectures, References[72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77])
Active Systems (Sriram Ramaswamy, 3 lectures, References[78, 79, 80, 81])
All the lecturers named above (some of whom are also organizers) have already been
contacted and expressed their willingness to attend the school.
We now turn to a brief description of the contents of each set of lectures. Note that there
is some overlap between dierent sets of lectures. This is intentional; we want the students
to see the same method from dierent points of view, and to see them applied to dierent
3.1 Topics and Content of the lectures
3.1.1 Foundations of Classical/Quantum Nonequilibrium
1 Linear Response Theory LRT, generalized susceptibilities, classical limit. Fluctuation-
dissipation theorem. Example: Nanomagnetic Relaxation.
2 Stationary Markov Process, Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, the Telegraph Process.
Quantum dynamics via Stochastic Liouville Equation (SLE). Example: Persistent
current in an Aharonov-Bohm ring and its decoherence.
3 Diusion Processes. Fokker-Planck equation in phase-space, Kramers-Moyal ex-
pansion. Smolushowski equation, Brownian motion. Example: Rotational Brownian
motion of nanomagnets.
4 Quantum Langevin equation, Caldeira-Leggett.
3.1.2 Foundations of Quantum Transport and Nonequilibrium
1 Linear response,Drude, various transport coecients, Onsager relations, Kubo for-
2 Disorder Green Functions: Kubo formula, retrieving Drude, Diuson and Cooperons,
weak localization corrections, the scaling theory of localization.
3 Foundations of mesposcopic transport: Landauer picture; contact resistance; 2 vs.
4-terminal conductance. Dephasing length, temperature length, inelastic length.
4 Noise Nyquist-Johnson, shot, multi-particle correlations (Hanbury-Brown Twiss).
3.1.3 Quantum Phase Transitions and Quenches
1 Imaginary-time formalism, connection between classical and quantum phase transi-
tions. Exactly solvable examples in 1D spin chains.
2 Quenches, adiabaticity versus non-adiabaticity, the Landau-Zener problem.
3 Defect production during quenches, universal power laws depending on equilibrium
exponents. Multicritical points, new exponents.
4 Generation of topological entanglement and entropy during quenches. Example:
Quenches in the Kitaev model.
3.1.4 The Keldysh Technique
1 Introduction to the time-loop path integral. Bosons, kinetic equation for bosons.
Particle in contact with a dissipative environment, Caldeira-Leggett.
2 Recovering Langevin and Martin-Siggia-Rose from Keldysh.
3 Keldysh for the Kondo problem. Revisiting the X-Ray edge when there is current
4 Keldysh technique applied to quantum critical systems. Derivation of Ginzburg-
Landau type theories out of equilibrium.
3.1.5 Classical Driven Systems
1 Steady states of driven systems. Long-range correlations and uctuations. Methods.
2 Matrix product states, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and phase transitions of
long-range order in 1D: Some exactly solvable modes, Asymmetric and Totally Asym-
metric Simple Exclusion Processes.
3 Zero Range Processes and the Chipping model.
3.1.6 Nonequilibrium Bosonization
1 Introduction: 1D systems; Role of electron-electron interactions in 1D; Classical
kinetic equation; Counting statistics; Keldysh technique.
2 Luttinger liquid at equilibrium: Full bosonization and functional bosonization. Dis-
ordered Luttinger liquid at equilibrium: Renormalization and dephasing.
3 Non-equilibrium clean Luttinger liquid: Bosonization, zero-bias anomaly, and relax-
ation. Non-equilibrium disordered Luttinger liquid: Kinetic equation, equilibration.
4 Beyond Luttinger liquid: Spectral curvature, triple collisions, kinetic equation.
3.1.7 Fluctuation Theorems
1 Review of the Langevin and Master equations. Langevin from path integrals: Onsager-
Machlup and Martin-Siggia-Rose. Master equation from path integral: stochastic path
integral. Fokker-Planck as Schr

Adinger equation of path integral.

2 Application of stochastic path integral to the description of rare events and large
uctuations. Example 1: Poisson process (rare events). Example 2: Escape process
(Kramers escape). Stochastic path integral as classical limit of Keldysh.
3 Introduction to uctuation relations, the Jarzynski equality. FR from stochastic
path integral, applications to exploring rare events.
3.1.8 Glassy Systems
1 Generic features of glassy systems and their broad importance.
2 Correlations, linear and nonlinear responses. Fluctuation-dissipation and beyond.
3 Coarsening phenomena, domain growth and dynamics of topological defects.
4 Key features of glassy dynamics, length and time scales. Open questions.
3.1.9 Gauge/Gravity Dualities in Nonequilibrium
1 Introduction to AdS/CFT correspondence, Black Holes in GR. D-Branes : classical
solutions and microscopic descriptions in terms of gauge theories. Near horizon physics
and AdS/CFT. Calculation of correlation functions and linear response.
2 AdS/CFT and Critical Phenomena: Black Holes and their dual thermal eld theories.
Quantum criticality from AdS charged black holes. Probe branes in AdS : defect
conformal eld theories and critical behavior. Approaches to Quantum Quenches.
3.1.10 Active Systems
1 Flocks without uid: Flocking as a phase transition, particulate and continuum
theories; analogy with and contrast to ferromagnetism; LRO in d = 2; giant density
uctuations in the broken symmetry phase; uctuations and the order of the ocking
transition; headless ocks;
2 Non-living analogues: osmotic self-propulsion; vibrated granular matter; analogy
with open quantum systems such as Finkler et al., J Stat Phys, 125 (2006) 1079 and
Alicea et al., Phys. Rev. B 71 (2005) 235322; Mitra et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006)
3 Flocks in uid: Liquid crystal hydrodynamics with active stresses: instabilities,
uctuations, rheology of active uids; velocity uctuations; turbulence at zero Reynolds
4 Plans for outreach activities
We plan to have an open evening in an easily accessible venue in Kolkata in which the
public can interact with the workshop organizers and interested participants. They could ask
questions related to the topic of the workshop and beyond and about doing physics (PhD in
physics, job opportunities, working as a scientist, scientic process etc.). Kids and students
of dierent age groups, parents, teachers, science enthusiasts, and other varied cross-section
of society can get an opportunity to interact with an international group of scientists and
vice-versa and have a lot of time to chat and have informal discussions. Given that there
is only a limited time for a public event during the course of a workshop, this event will
put more emphasis on open, informal and dynamic discussion between public and a whole
community of scientists in keeping with the spirit and theme of the workshop.
5 Plans for Webcasting
We plan to make all the lecture courses available online for the benet of the participants
as well as the wider community interested in the topic.
6 Budget Justication
Since IISER Kolkata will be covering boarding and lodging for all the participants, the
budget consists mainly of travel costs and incidental expenses (such as transportation from
Kolkata to the IISER campus).
We have requested funding for full reimbursement of all the school lecturers (8 out of 10
are aliated to ICAM branches) to the International Center for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS).
We have also requested from ICTS full reimbursement for all students/postdocs traveling
within India to the winter school, the expected number being around 80. In addition we
have requested partial support for invited speakers.
The block travel awards amount of $65,000 requested from ICAM is estimated as fol-
lows: (i) Travel reimbursement for students and postdocs travelling from abroad including
travel from emerging nations (estimated cost $40,000) (ii) Travel reimbursement for invited
speakers (including a good number of young faculty) travelling from abroad (estimated cost
$20,000) (iii) Travel reimbursement for some faculty/scientists travelling from emerging na-
tions (estimated cost $5,000).
In addition we are requesting a general workshop support amount of $2000 specically
towards funding the outreach event discussed above.
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[81] The European Physical Journal Special Topics, Vol. 157 (April II 2008): Active Motion
and Swarming.
Date Submitted: March 24, 2011 at 12:32 pm
Growth and Form: Pattern Formation in Biology
Aspen Center for Physics
January 2, 2012 - January 6, 2012

Amount requested from ICAM: 35,000
Estimated total cost of workshop: 50,000
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Biological Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: M. Cristina Marchetti
- University: Syracuse
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Susan Coppersmith
- University: Wisconsin-Madison
- Email:

- Name: Clare Yu
- University: UC-Irvine
- Email:

Growth and Form: Pattern Formation in Biology
January 2-6, 2012
Aspen Center for Physics (ACP)

Workshop Information

Date Submitted: 03/22/2011

Cost Estimate: $35,000

Proposed Organizers:
Susan Coppersmith (University of Wisconsin-Madison, I2CAM Branch)
M. Cristina Marchetti (Syracuse University, I2CAM Branch)
Clare Yu (UC Davis, I2CAM Branch)

Outreach Activities: We will participate in the Aspen Winter Public Lecture and will
invite GrassRoots TV to our meeting.

Plans for integrating young scientists into the workshop: Each invited speaker will
be asked to recommend at least one young scientist (graduate student or postdoc) to
participate in the Conference. All invited speakers will be asked to make a strong effort
to identify other sources of funding to cover their own travel, so that we can increase the
amount of support available for young scientists. The funds requested from ICAM are for
the primary purpose of bringing students and postdocs from ICAM branches. Funds will
also be used to help defray the costs of invited speakers, especially international ones.

Plans for Webcasting: We will do this to the ability of ACP's resources.

Request for Support
To support travel of students and postdoctoral fellows to the Aspen 2011 Winter
Conference, Growth and Form: Pattern Formation in Biology
To help support travel costs of invited speakers, especially international ones

The Aspen Center for Physics will host a Winter Conference entitled Growth and Form:
Pattern Formation in Biology during the week January 2-6, 2012. The conference will
bring together scientists from diverse fields to discuss the general theme of how
biological systems regulate growth and produce the patterns seen in nature. We are
writing to ask support to fund the travel of 10-15 ICAM affiliated students and
postdoctoral fellows to attend and participate in this conference, as well as to help with
the costs of travel by speakers, especially those coming from other countries. Typically,
these conferences are mainly attended by senior researchers because of the expense of
travel we would like the opportunity to introduce junior scientists to this exciting,
interdisciplinary field.

Scientific Theme and Justification
The theme of the conference spans such diverse topics as developmental biology,
biomineralization, and flocking. Specific examples include embryonic development, the
formation and structure of organs and tissues, wound healing, branching structure of
neurons and blood vessels, leaf arrangement and flower patterns, microstructure of
bones and seashells, swarming of bacteria and biofilm formation, and flocking of birds
and fish. An increasing number of physicists, mathematicians, engineers, and biologists
are using physical principles, statistical mechanics, and modeling to approach this wide
spectrum of problems. Indeed, 2010 is the 150
anniversary of the birth of DArcy
Wentworth Thompson, the author of the classic work On Growth and Form. Unlike the
biologists of his day who emphasized the role of evolution in determining the form and
structure of living organisms, Thompson pointed out the importance of physical laws and
mechanics. This is true now more than ever as evidenced by recent biophysics
miniprograms on morphodynamics (2009) and the dynamics of development (2011) held
at the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
For these reasons we feel the theme is highly topical. By bringing together scientists
from diverse disciplines the Conference will stimulate interactions and new directions.
We have already received widespread and enthusiastic interest in the Conference from
over 70 researchers.

The Conference will consist of about 20 invited talks, selected contributed talks by junior
participants, and a poster session. It will follow the format of the ACP Winter
Conferences, with talks in the morning (typically 8:30-11am) and early evening (typically
4:30-7:30pm) and ample time for informal discussions and social activities.

A list of possible invited speakers follows (* indicates faculty at ICAM/I2CAM affiliate).
1. Joanna Aizenberg* (Harvard) Biomineralization
2. Bob Austin* (Princeton) Tumor development
3. Rob Blank* (Wisconsin-Madison) How stress strengthens bones and blood
4. Otger Campas* (Harvard) Beak shape variation in Darwin's finches
5. Ian Couzin* (Princeton) Collective motility in animal groups
6. Patricia Dove (Virginia Tech) The chemical composition of carbonate biominerals
7. Michael Elowitz (Caltech) Synthetic genetic circuits and cell communication
8. Scott Fraser (Caltech) Imaging Cell Lineages and Cell Interactions in Developing
9. Margaret Gardel* (Chicago) Cell-cell contacts and traction forces
10. Pupa Gilbert* (Wisconsin-Madison) The ultrastructure of mollusk shells, and what it
tells us about their evolution
11. Ray Goldstein* (Cambridge) The Role of Collective Behavior in Evolutionary
Transitions to Multicellularity
12. Stephan Grill* (Dresden) Polarizing cortical flows in cell division
13. Terence Hwa* (UC-San Diego) Evolution in heterogeneous environments
14. Jean-Francois Joanny (Institute Curie, Paris) Fluidization of tissues by cell division
and apoptosis
15. Joseph Ks* (Leipzig) Organization principles of biopolymer networks in migrating
living cells
16. Herbert Levine* (UC-San Diego) External and internal constraints on eukaryotic
17. Lisa Manning* (Princeton) Modeling tissue surface tension
18. Cynthia Reinhart-King (Cornell) Cell-cell mechanical communication through
compliant substrates
19. Eva-Maria Schoetz* (Princeton) Dynamics and Mechanics of Zebrafish Embryonic
20. Boris Shraiman (UC Santa Barbara) The evolutionary advantage of sex and
21. Pascal Silberzan (Institut Curie,Paris) Cell dynamics in wound healing assays
22. Ivan Smalyuk* (University of Colorado-Boulder) Elasticity-mediated nematic-like
bacterial organization in model extracellular DNA matrix
23. Joseph Snider* (UC-San Diego) "Neuronal architecture of the brain"
24. Rob Steele* (UC-Irvine) Hydra
25. Claire Tomlin (UC-Berkeley) Algorithms for modeling biological cell networks
26. Doug Weibel* (Wisconsin) Using microfluidics for microbiology
27. Gerard Wong* (UCLA) Biofilms
28. Julie Wortman* (UC-Irvine) Regulating Growth in the Drosophila Wing Disc by
Mechanical Interactions between Cells

Impact on ICAM/I2CAM
Twenty of the twenty-eight scientists above are at institutions that are ICAM/I2CAM

Outreach to Underrepresented Groups
We will every effort to ensure a diverse set of speakers (note that nine out of twenty-
eight in the tentative list above are women) and will specifically set aside resources to
bring women and minority students and postdocs to the workshop. One of the
organizers, Cristina Marchetti, has taken on the role of diversity coordinator and will
specifically work on enhancing participants diversity. We will widely advertise this
workshop and will, in particular, advertise the I2CAM support for special travel grants.

Currently, travel to Aspen from Washington, D.C. is roughly $500, roundtrip during that
week. Last years double-occupancy room rate was $130/night and the registration fee
for ACP Winter Conferences was $400. Thus, in order to support (at least in part) fifteen
to twenty young scientists, we would need $25,000. We plan to seek additional funding
from sources such as NSF to cover the registration fee and partial travel of some of the
speakers. I2CAM funds will be used primarily for the support of young scientists. We are
also requesting $10,000 in I2CAM funds to help pay the travel expenses and registration
of some of the invited speakers. Thus we are requesting a total of $35,000 from I2CAM.

Dissemination and Broader Impact
Typically, each Winter Conference has an Aspen public lecture. We will participate in
this outreach with a public lecture on some aspect of pattern formation in biology. In
addition to the usual large audience that the Winter Public lecture attracts, this lecture
will be broadcast on local television and streamed over the internet. We will contact
GrassRoots TV 12 in Aspen closer to the date of the meeting to encourage them to
videotape and stream our conference presentations. We will set up websites where we
intend to post slides and other content.

List of researchers who have expressed interest in participating (notice that some
may be also listed above as possible invited speakers):
1. Stanislas Leibler, Rockefeller University
2. David Weitz, Department of Physics, Harvard University
3. Andrea Liu, Department of Physics, University of Pennsylvania
4. Boris Shraiman, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa
5. L. Mahadevan, Department of Applied Physics and Dept. of Physics, Harvard
6. Alan Newell, Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona
7. Rob Steele, Department of Biological Chemistry, School of Medicine, University of
California, Irvine
8. Victor Luria, Departments of Genetics and Development, and Dermatology Columbia
University Medical Center
9. Stphane Douady, Laboratory for Complex Matter and Systems (MSC),
University of Paris Diderot
10. Arezki Boudaoud, Department of Biology, Plant Reproduction and Development
Center, Joliot-Curie Interdisciplinary Center, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
11. David Sprinzak, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The George S.
Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University
12. Lisa Manning, Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University
13. Alan Newell, Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona
14. Michael Elowitz, Departments of Biology and Applied Physics, California Institute of
15. Patrick Shipman, Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University
16. Petros Koumoutsakos, Department of Computer Science, ETH, Zurich
17. Chin-Lin Guo, Departments of Bioengineering and Applied Physics, California
Institute of Technology
18. Brian Cox, Teledyne Scientific Company
19. Jayanth Banavar, Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University
20. Karen Alim, Statistical and Biological Physics, LMU, Munich
21. Ivan Smalyuk, Department of Physics, University of Colorado-Boulder
22. Martin Falcke, Mathematical Cell Physiology, Max Delbrck Centre for Molecular
Medicine, Berlin
23. Eva-Maria Schoetz, Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton
24. Aparna Baskaran, Martin A Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University
25. Arshad Kudrolli, Department of Physics, Clark University
26. Masayasu Mimura, Department of Mathematics, School of Science and
Technology, Director, Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences
(MIMS), Tamaku, Japan
27. Terrence Hwa, Center for Theoretical Biology and Department of Physics, UC San
28. Marcus Hauser, Institut fr Experimentelle Physik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitt,
29. Dennis Discher (+ 2 postdocs), Biophysical Eng'g & NanoBio-Polymers Lab,
University of Pennsylvania
30. Erwin Frey, Department of Physics, Munich
31. Nir Gov, Department of Chemical Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science,
32. Jacques Prost, ESPCI, Paris
33. David Lubensky, Department of Physics, University of Michigan
34. Sam Safran (would send a group member. Has altitude problems and cannot come
in person), Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizman Institute
35. Robijn Bruinsma, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA
36. Herbert Levine, Department of Physics, UCSD
37. Ben Simons, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge
38. Edwin Munro, Center for Cell Dynamics, University of Washington
39. Ray Goldstein, Cambridge
40. Tommy Angelini, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida
41. Cynthia Reinhart-King, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University
42. Martin B. Forstner, Department of Physics & Syracuse Biomaterials Institute,
Syracuse University
43. Davide Marenduzzo, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
44. Andreas Bausch, Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich
45. Pascal Silberzan, Institut Curie - Centre de Recherche, Paris
46. Mike Cates, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
47. Frank Jlicher, Max Planck Institut fr Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden
48. Stephan Grill, Max Planck Institut fr Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden
49. Rebecca Christianson, Olin College
50. Jean Huang, Olin College
51. Jean-Francois Joanny, Institute Curie, Paris
52. Otger Campas, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
53. Bulbul Chakraborty, Department of Physics, Brandeis University
54. Adrienne Roeder, Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology
55. Stefan Gnther, Cell Biology and Biophysics & Genome Biology, European
Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
56. Jeff Axelrod, Stanford University
57. Alex Mogilner, Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior and
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Davis
58. Elia Beniash, Dental School, University of Pittsburgh
59. Rob Blank, Medical School, University of Wisconsin, Madison
60. Timothy Bromage, Dental School, NYU
61. Jim De Yoreo, Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
62. Pupa Gilbert, Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin
63. Daniel Morse, Department of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, University of
California, Santa Barbara
64. Steve Whitelam, Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
65. William Bialek (or someone from his group), Department of Physics, Princeton
66. Rob Phillips, Department of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of
67. Matthias Kaschube, Carl-Icahn Laboratory, Princeton University
68. Joseph Snider, Institute for Neural Computation, University of California, San Diego
69. Lars Hufnagel, Cell Biology and Biophysics, European Molecular Biology
Laboratory EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
70. Eric Mjolsness, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine
71. Andras Czirok, Department of Biological Science, Eotvos University, and
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center
72. Robert Austin, Department of Physics, Princeton University

Date Submitted: March 23, 2011 at 11:44 am
Computational Approaches for Electronic/Magnetic
NHMFL, Florida State University, Tallahassee
January 9, 2012 - January 13, 2012

Amount requested from ICAM: 10,000
Estimated total cost of workshop: 40,000
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Quantum Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: Efstratios Manousakis
- University: Florida State University
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Vladimir Dobrosavljevic
- University: Florida State University
- Email:

3/23/2011 5:57:00 AM
Computational Approaches for Electronic/Magnetic Materials

While a variety of different computational approaches have been developed to tackle the many-
body problem from various angles which can address different aspects of the particular problem,
there is no clear text-book like literature to help the young investigator choose the approach and
find out the advantages and disadvantages of a particular method or a comparative study of the
related techniques.

This Winter School aims to invite many students, post-docs and young investigators in a short
course where the various aspects, weaknesses, advantages, suitability, etc., of various methods
will be detailed, as well as a comparison between them will be made. In addition, we expect a
number of experimentalists to participate. Lectures will be delivered by experts in the field of
such computational approaches in the areas of electronic structure, magnetism, quantum phase
transitions, and more generally correlated many-body systems. The following topics will be

Review of the Density Functional Theory (DFT) in conjunction with the Local Density
Approximation (LDA) approach and beyond
LDA and Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) for realistic correlation
Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) approach and time-dependent DMRG for quasi
1D systems: chains and ladders
Stochastic Series Expansion approach: Application to Frustrated quantum magnets and dimer
Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC)
Diagrammatic and continuous- time QMC
Greens function Monte Carlo
World-line Monte Carlo for spin systems
Classical simulations with non-local update which avoids critical slowing down.
The Worm algorithm
Path Integral Monte Carlo for continuous systems
Semi-analytical techniques
Real time dynamics
Functional Renormalization
Other approaches and topics

A tentative list of speakers to be invited is provided with the application. These speakers are all
leading experts in the above topics and have been very carefully selected. The talk will be
informal with a lot of time for questions, discussions along with breaks for small working group
sessions and interactions. We plan to have sessions where the floor will be open to discussions
and an attempt will be made to compare the various methods and to address questions from the

We are seeking support form ICAM for 10,000 $ to cover approximately 25% percent of the
total cost. We are also requesting 10,000 $ to be covered by the Florida State University Office
of the Vice President for Research. Our aim is to keep the registration fee for students and post-
docs to a minimum.

Date Submitted: March 23, 2011 at 12:19 pm
International Workshop on Topological Order and
Quantum Computation (TOQC)
UC Berkeley Richard B. Gump South Pacific Res
May 27, 2012 - June 3, 2012

Amount requested from ICAM: $21,000
Estimated total cost of workshop: $28,000
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Quantum Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: Kirill Shtengel
- University: UC Riverside
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Jason Alicea
- University: UC Irvine
- Email:
Non-ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Parsa Bonderson
- University: Microsoft Station Q
- Email:

This workshop will focus on topologically ordered phases of matter and possible ways of
utilizing them as platforms for topologically-protected quantum computation. The aim of our
workshop is to bring together experts from around the world and encourage research driven
interaction between them.
Topologically ordered phases represent a departure from the well-established Landau paradigm
of broken symmetries. They cannot be described by local order parameters, yet they have many
peculiar properties clearly distinguishing them form the conventional quantum-disordered
phases. Historically, the most studied topological phases (both theoretically and experimentally)
are those found in the fractional quantum Hall systems. Therefore, a significant portion of the
proposed workshop will be dedicated to theoretical and numerical approaches to studying such
systems, as well as the recent experimental progress in discerning their topological nature. We
will also focus on more recently proposed topological systems, such as topological insulators,
semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures, and quantum wires hosting Majorana fermions,
as well as cold atom systems. Taking a broader look on the interplay between topology and
condensed matter physics, we will also consider mathematical structures behind topological
states of matter, as well as topological phase transitions.
Aside from hosting many novel physical phenomena, topological phases of matter also hold
great technological promise. They can support non-local Hilbert spaces which provide an ideal
platform for encoding and processing quantum information due to their intrinsic fault tolerance.
In this regard, we will examine theoretical issues associated with implementation of topological
quantum computers. These will include topics such as topological quantum computing
architectures, quantum algorithms, quantum circuits, and the control and manipulation of such
systems. Broader issues such as computational universality of various proposed systems and the
possibility of building hybrid computing platforms by combining topological and non-
topological elements will also be discussed.
The topic of our workshop is, by its very nature, interdisciplinary and brings together researchers
in condensed matter physics, computational physics, quantum information science, computer
science, and mathematics.
The structure, setting, and participants of the workshop will be specifically selected to encourage
an informal, friendly, tranquil, and open exchange of ideas and results at the cutting edge of the
field. The daily schedule will typically include two formal talks (1-1.5 hours each) and one
organized topic-focused discussion session (1-2 hours). The remaining time (3-5 hours per day)
will be dedicated to informal discussions, which will crucially facilitate the inception of new
ideas and research projects. The topics and speakers will be chosen to focus on the most
interesting, recent, and discussion invoking results.

Plans for integrating young scientists into the workshop:
Particular emphasis will be placed on identifying and inviting young scientists to our workshop,
where we will be sure to spotlight their research (e.g. giving them a high fraction of invited
talks). Moreover, travel awards will be reserved exclusively for young scientists, who typically
have very limited travel funds.

Invited speakers/participants:
Anton Akhmerov (Leiden University), Jason Alicea (UC Irvine), Parsa Bonderson (Microsoft
Station Q), Fiona Burnell (Oxford University), Claudio Castelnovo (University of London, Royal
Holloway), Claudio Chamon (Boston University), Sankar Das Sarma (University of Maryland),
Adrian Feiguin (University of Wyoming), Mike Freedman (Microsoft Station Q), Duncan
Haldane (Princeton University), Taylor Hughes (UI Urbana-Champaign), Alexei Kitaev
(Caltech), Roman Lutchyn, Joel Moore (UC Berkeley), Chetan Nayak (Microsoft Station Q/UC
Santa Barbara), Masaki Oshikawa (University of Tokyo), Didier Poilblanc (CNRS Toulouse),
Srinivas Raghu (Rice University), Nicolas Regnault (CNRS/ENS Paris), Jay Sau (Harvard
University), Kirill Shtengel (UC Riverside), Matthias Troyer (ETH Zurich), Guifre Vidal
(Perimeter Institute), Xin Wan (Zheijang University, China/APCTP Pohang, Korea)

Describe plans for outreach activities:

Plans for Webcasting:

Impact on ICAM/I2CAM
Thirteen of the twenty-four invited speakers/participants are at institutions that are ICAM/I2CAM
University of California, iverside
University of California, Irvine
University of California, !erkeley
!oston University
University of Maryland
"rinceton University
University of Illinois Ur#ana-Cha$pai%n
ice University
&arvard University
University of 'eiden ()utch Consortiu$*
University of Tokyo, Institute for +olid +tate "hysics
"aris Consortiu$
,hei-an% University, China (,hei-an% Consortiu$*
Outreach to Underrepresented Groups
.e have $ade every effort to ensure a diverse set of speakers and will atte$pt to #rin% wo$en and
$inority participants, several of who$ have #een included on the list of invited speakers/ 0ur efforts
are underscored #y the fact that one of the or%ani1ers is a $e$#er of an underrepresented %roup/
Plans for webcasting
.e will post the slides of of the talks on the conference we#site/
.e will also atte$pt to videotape the lectures and $ake the$ availa#le online throu%h the conference
Date Submitted: March 22, 2011 at 4:48 am
From Solid State to BioPhysics VI
Dubrovnik, Croatia
June 9, 2012 - June 15, 2012

Amount requested from ICAM: USD25000
Estimated total cost of workshop: USD200000
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Biological Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: Davor Pavuna
- University: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name:
- University:
- Email:
Non-ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Laszlo Forro
- University: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
- Email:

This is an esquise of the 6
conference and the details on previous workshops are given
at the web page of the previous meeting:

Program esquise of the 6
From Physics to Life Sciences
Hotel Croatia, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, June 9-16, 201

Following the success of our first five conferences in this series, the 5th conference will
continue the cross-disciplinary approach toward the emerging understanding of the living
matter, which given its enormous complexity may require some of the techniques and
approaches elaborated in solid state physics or contemporary bio-sciences. The
interdisciplinary discussion of carefully selected leading experts in solid state, soft-matter and
bio-sciences will take place in a relaxed yet rigorous, stimulating setting.

Especially we feel a close relation with specialists in nanoscience whose expertise is at the
length-scales of biological structures. New techniques, new approaches to mergence and the
living matter in the spirit of I2CAM are the priority of this 6th workshop.

International Conference

Sunday 10.6. Morning Plenary opening session

Opening by Danica Ramljak director general of Rudjer Boskovic Institute

David Pines tentative: ICAM Vision and Emerging New Science

Alan Bishop tentative: Emerging Topics in Basic Physics and Beyond

Peter Littlewood tentative: Recent Insights into Emergence


B. Ubbo Felderhof A Sperm Swimming down an Artery

Dolores Bozovic Coupling between nonlinear oscillators: hair cells of the inner ear

Lunch break

Afternoon session - Emergence in Quanum and Bio- matter :

Contributed talks by young scientists

Evening Poster session

Monday 11.6. Morning session: Progress in Emerging Biosciences

Alan Heeger (UCSB) TBA

Jacques Prost (Paris) TBA

Rudolf Podgornik Disorder effects in Casimir - van der Waals interactions

Paolo de los Rios New regimes in the physics of polymers

+ contributed talks by young scientists

Afternoon session: NANO- Bio I

Oded Millo Transport Properties of Single Semiconductor Nanorods and their Arrays

Toshio Ando High-speed AFM and Dynamic Visualization of Biomolecular Processes

+ talks by young scientists

20h The POSTER session

Tuesday 12.6. morning : Emergence

Robert Laughlin TBA

Alan Fersht (Cambridge) tentative: Progress in Understanding of Protein Folding

Coffee break

SEQUENCING: Bioinformatics / Genomics


+ contributed talks by young scientists

at Noon: The 2012 Pierre Gilles de Gennes Prize

The 20122 de Gennes prize winners talk

Sandwich break

Excursion at 15:30

All afternoon in DUBROVNIK

Wednesday 13.6. Morning session

James Spudich (Stanford) In vitro motility assays and single molecule analyses reveal
functional structural transitions in the molecular motor myosin

Henrik Flyvbjerg Directed Self-Assembly of Single DNA Molecules in a Nanoslit via
Embedded Nanopit Arrays

+ contributed talks

Afternoon NANO- Bio II

Klaus Kern The Nano- Bio- vision revisited

Silvija Gradecak (MIT) Frontiers of nanotechnology: semiconductor nanowires

+ contributed talks by young scientists

20:30 THE Official conference dinner

14.6. Thursday morning : Viruses, Macromolecules and Beyond

Nenad Ban Progress in studies of macromolecules structure and finction

Igor Stagljar Protein Networks Regulating Cell Signaling in Human Health and Disease

+ contributed talks

Afternoon Bioimaging session

Theo Lasser (tentative) Optical functional imaging methods

Gyula Faigel Structure Determination of Individual Small Particles by XFEL-s

+ contributed talks by young scientists

Evening Poster session

Friday 15 June morning session:

Theo Geisel The Scaling Laws of Human Travel: Tracking Dollars for New Approaches to
Epidemic Modeling

Iva Tolic-Norrelykke Do All Organisms Age?

+ contributed talks


Condensed Matter III :

Henry Alloul : TBA

Kroly Holczer Microwave Frequency Pound-Drever-Hall Technique
for Atomic Resolution SPM Spectroscopy

+ contributed talks by young scientists

Closing session

Saturday June 16: Departures
Date Submitted: March 21, 2011 at 8:08 pm
Gordon research conference and Gordon research seminar
on correlated electron systems
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
June 23, 2012 - June 29, 2012

Amount requested from ICAM: 20,000
Estimated total cost of workshop: 84,000
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Quantum Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: Eva Y. Andrei
- University: Rutgers
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Eva Y. Andrei
- University: Rutgers
- Email:

- Name: Steven Kivelson
- University: Stanford
- Email:

- Name: Babak Seradjeh
- University: UIUC
- Email:

March 2011

Gordon research conference and Gordon research
seminar on correlated electron systems

Dates June 23-29, 2012
Venue Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA

Conference chairs: Eva Y. Andrei (Rutgers)
Steven Kivelson (Stanford)
Seminar chair: Babak Seradjeh (UIUC)

Requested ICAM funding $20,000
Purpose: partial support to cover registration fees and travel for speakers
students and post-doctoral fellows.


The field of correlated electrons represents the frontier of our understanding of the
electronic properties of solids, and contains probably the deepest open scientific issues
within the broad area of quantum phenomena in matter. It is also a rapidly progressing
area, due to a combination of new experimental advances driven by improvements in
materials synthesis and characterization tools such as scanning microscopy and
electronic, neutron, and light scattering, all of which are enjoying large increases in
resolution. Theoretical understanding is in a similar stage of expansion benefiting from
the convergence of condensed matter theory, quantum information, improvements in
computational methods, and atomic physics techniques. Finally, the electronic materials
that are the subject of the field of correlated electrons have the greatest potential for
revolutionary applications in future technology.

The proposed Gordon conference will bring together a diverse group of students,
junior scientists and experts to brainstorm on key current and future problems in the field.
The unique Gordon conference format allows informal and extended interactions, and is
especially exciting because of the emphasis on presenting unpublished results. Junior
attendees and members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to actively
participate in the open discussions and at poster sessions. To stimulate interactions that
go beyond the focus of the speakers, each topic will be covered in a round-table panel-
discussion lead by experts in the field with the participation of all the conferees. This will
provide an overview of the status and main advances in each area and help bring to the
fore the open questions. The conference will provide a forum for junior scientists to
initiate interactions and collaborations that could lead to advances of inestimable value to
our national competitiveness in this important scientific area

We have added three new components to the 2012 program which will
significantly enhance the potential for synergy and student participation: a Gordon
Research Seminar, student Lunch with experts and Round table evening discussions.
These are designed to provide new forums for debating current questions in the field, to
open opportunities for student participation in open scientific discussions, to foster
interactions with scientist at all levels and to establish a networking base. By providing a
stimulating and synergetic environment the conference will foster new collaborations and
introduce new modes of thinking that will help identify and tackle future challenges in
this field.


The Gordon research conference on correlated electron systems is a biannual conference
that covers the most active research topics in the physics of strongly correlated electronic
systems (SCES). Our primary goal is to strike a balance between well-established but
scientifically vigorous subjects of deep fundamental importance and emerging areas with
special promise, and thereby to encourage dialog between researchers working on these
two types of topics. In the former category, we have included sessions on high-
temperature superconductivity, interplay of superconductivity and magnetism and
quantum criticality. We believe recent experimental and theoretical developments in
these particular areas are more exciting and telling than any in several years. In the
emerging category the conference will cover Dirac materials including graphene and
topological insulators, applications of AdS/CFT techniques to critical phenomena in
metals and systems far from equilibrium. Even though these areas are very recent they
have already produced most exciting results. In particular the topic of topological
insulators is very young, yet it enjoys a very rapidly growing materials and
characterization effort, and has the potential to grow into a revolution for SCES
research and applications. We have also set aside a session for late-breaking
developments, to be filled only very close to the conference date.

A further aim of the meeting is to maintain the special qualities of a Gordon conference
extended informal interactions between experts and non-experts at all levels, with
significant participation of students, postdocs, and younger faculty and to broaden the
participation of under-represented groups in the Gordon Research Conference experience.
The number of participants is limited, following Gordon Research Conference rules, to a
maximum of 180. Time will be set aside for informal discussion among all participants.

The informal atmosphere of a Gordon conference provides students with a unique
opportunity to network with leading researchers as well as their peers. Our intention is
that approximately two thirds of the participants will be graduate students who are close
to finishing their degrees or postdoctoral researchers who are trying to identify new areas
of enquiry for the next stage of their scientific careers. We will encourage the
participation of students, postdocs and faculty from underrepresented groups by alerting
research advisors that funding for this purpose is available.

We have added three new components to the program which will significantly
enhance the potential for synergy and student participation.
1. Gordon Research Seminar. This is a two-day tutorial / seminar for students and
postdocs that will be held immediately before the conference. Its purpose is to
provide students and postdocs with background material in tutorials that will prepare
them to follow the lectures in the main Conference and participate in discussions as
well as with a venue to present and discuss cutting-edge work. The tutorials will
address the main topics covered by the conference and will be given by experts who
are also known to be engaging speakers. The student and postdoc presentations will
be chosen from the abstracts submitted to the Seminar with ample time reserved for
discussions. The discussions are led by an expert in the field. We will conduct the
seminar in an informal and collegial atmosphere conducive to discussions, bonding
and networking.

2. Student Lunch with Experts Every day at lunch-time we will reserve 3 expert
tables that will be each manned by one of the speakers. Students will sign up to sit at
the table with the speakers of their choice providing them with the opportunity to
meet with established researchers in an informal and friendly lunch setting.
3. Round Table Discussions The last session each evening will be devoted to a round
table panel discussion with audience participation. This will provide an overview of
each topic in which participant will summarize the status of the field and questions to
be addressed.

Organizational details

By tradition, there is no formal organizing committee. However, we have consulted
broadly with past chairs of the conference and prominent researchers in the field to help
choose the topics and speakers.
The GRC will place an advertisement in Science. In addition, there will be a website, a
mailing to previous attendees that includes a poster advertising the meeting. Speakers are
chosen and invited by the chair with the advice of the co-chair.

Each session will have a discussion leader, whose mission is to encourage interactions.
We expect up to 180 participants to attend the ~50 talks spread over the two-day seminar
and five-day confernece. Afternoons are free for informal discussions and networking
with poster sessions and social hours occupying the later afternoons. Gordon
Conferences rules forbid any publications or citations.

The current list of proposed speakers is shown in the preliminary program below. We
will make a special effort to recruit participants from under-represented groups. The
website will contain the statement; the organizers encourage those from groups
underrepresented in science and engineering to attend and has funding earmarked for
members of these groups. Overall, we expect a diverse meeting, with a high number of
women, foreign, and minority participants. All Gordon Conferences are held in meeting
places that conform to the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Budget Justification

The total amount of funding sought from ICAM for both the 2012 Correlated Electron
Systems Gordon Research Conference and the 2012 Gordon Research Seminar is
$20,000. These funds will provide partial support to speakers, graduate students and
post-doctoral fellows towards registration fees and/or travel to attend the conference and
the seminar. The projected total budget of the conference (all sources of funding) will be
kept to the minimum required to provide for support while still allowing for an
intellectually stimulating conference. Support will be capped in order to encourage
participants to limit travel expenses. All attendees at Gordon Research Conferences are
expected to attend for the full meeting period. The provisional program includes 50
speakers (40 for the conference and for the Gordon seminar) and is designed to attract a
diverse cross-section (age, gender, nationality) of the scientific community. The
registration fee will be approximately $900 per attendee and will cover the cost of
lodging and meals. Participants receiving travel support will be required to travel on
economy class tickets.

Estimated Costs and Revenues:
Estimated Total Costs:
Registration Fees
Speakers (approximately 50 @ $900) $45,000
Student/Postdoc (approximately 20 @ $900) $18,000
Travel, includes Domestic & International
Speakers/Discussion leaders (approximately 20 @ $500) $10.000
Student/Postdoc (approximately 20 @ $500) $10,000
Total Estimated Costs $83,000
Estimated Total Revenues:
Gordon Research Conferences $23,619
ICAM (this proposal) $20,000
Department of Energy $20,000
National Science Foundation $20,000
Total Estimated Revenue $83,619

Proposed Schedule for the
2012 Gordon Research Seminar on Correlated
Electron Systems
2:00 pm 9:00 pm Check-In Begins
3:30 pm 3:45 pm Introductory Comments by GRC Site Staff / GRS Chair
3:45 pm 4:30 pm Keynote: Graphene, M. Dresselhaus (MIT)
4:30 pm 6:00 pm Poster session (I)
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm 9:30 pm
Topological Insulators Discussion Leader: L. Fu
7:30 pm 8:05 pm Tutorial: Topological insulators theory, L. Fu / C. Kane
8:05 pm 8:20 pm Discussion
8:20 pm 8:45 pm Student/Postdoc Presentation
8:45 pm 8:55 pm Discussion
8:55 pm 9:20 pm Student/Postdoc Presentation
9:20 pm 9:30 pm Discussion
7:30 am 8:30 am Breakfast
8:45 am Group Photo
9:00 am 11:00 am
Critical Phenomena in Metals
Discussion Leader: P. Coleman
9:00 am 9:35 am Tutorial: Quantum critical phenomena, P. Coleman
9:35 am 9:50 am Discussion
9:50 am 10:15 am Student/Postdoc Presentation
10:15 am 10:25 am Discussion
10:25 am 10:50 am Student/Postdoc Presentation
10:50 am 11:00 am Discussion
11:00 am 12:30 pm Poster Session (II)
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm 3:00 pm
Magnetism and Superconductivity
Discussion Leader: T. Senthil
1:30 pm 2:05 pm Tutorial: T. Senthil
2:05 pm 2:20 pm Discussion
2:20 pm 2:45 pm Student/Postdoc Presentation
2:45 pm 3:00 pm Discussion
3:00 pm Gordon Research Seminar ends.

Proposed Schedule for the
2012 Gordon Research Conference on Correlated
Electron Systems

2:00 pm - 9:00 pm Arrival and Check-in (Office Closed 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm)
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm - 7:40 pm Welcome / Introductory Comments by GRC Site Staff
7:40 pm - 9:30 pm
Discussion Leader: M. Dresselhaus (MIT)
7:40 pm - 8:20 pm K. Novoselov (Manchester)
8:20 pm - 9:00 pm V. Falko/Katznelson
9:00 pm 9:30 pm Round table Discussion: P. Avouris, M. Katznelson, K.
Novoselov, Dresselhaus, Falko
7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast
8:45 am Group Photo
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Topological Insulators
Discussion Leader: C. Kane (U. Penn)
9:00 am - 9:40 am J. Moore
9:40 am - 10:20 am Molenkamp
10:20 am-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 am - 11:20am Yazdani/Hanaguri
11:20 am - 11:55 am Hasan/Fisher
11:55 pm - 12:30 pm Cava/Canfield
12:30 pm Student Lunch with expert (Novoselov, Moore, Cava)
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Free Discussion Time
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Poster Session
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Interplay of Magnetism and superconductivity
Discussion Leader: C. Varma (UCR)
7:30 pm - 8:10 pm G. Kotliar
8:10 pm - 8:50 pm Dai/Tranquada
8:50 pm - 9:30 pm Round table Discussion- Sachdev, Varma, Mackenzie,
Chubukov, Schmalian
7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Advances in graphene
Discussion Leader: Novoselov
9:00 am - 9:40 am Lanzara/Rotenberg
9:40 am - 10:20 am P. Abamonte
10:20 am -10:45 am Coffee Break
10:45 am -11:20 am M. Cromie/ G. Li
11:20 am - 11:55 am M. Fuhrer/ P. Jerillo-Herrero/ P. Kim
11:55am - 12:30 am Avouris/Lau
12:30 pm Student Lunch with expert (Jerillo-Herrero, Novoselov,
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Free Discussion Time
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Poster Session
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Quantum Critical Phenomena in Metals
Discussion Leader: G. Kotliar (UCR)
7:30 pm - 8:10pm A. Mackenzie
8:10 pm - 8:50 pm S. Hartinoll/ S. Sachdev
8:50 pm - 9:30 pm Round table Discussion- Sachdev, Varma, Mackenzie,
Chubukov, Schmalian

7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Interplay of Magnetism and superconductivity
Discussion Leader: Tranquada
9:00 am - 9:40 am E-A. Kim
9:40 am - 10:20 am J. Hoffman
10:20 am -10:45 am Coffee Break
10:45 am - 12:30 pm
Systems far from equilibrium
Discussion Leader: S. Sachdev
10:45 am - 11:20 am R. Hulet
11:20 am -10:55 am T. Giamarchi
10:55 am - 12:30 pm N. Andrei
12:30 pm Student Lunch with expert (Sachdev, Giamarchi, Hulet)
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Free Discussion Time
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Poster Session
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm Business Meeting
(Nominations for the next Vice Chair; Fill out Conference
Evaluation Forms; Discuss future Site & Scheduling
preferences; Election of the next Vice Chair)
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Dirac materials
Discussion Leader: J. Moore
7:30 pm - 8:00pm Kane/Zhang
8:00 pm - 8:30 pm Ong
8:30 pm - 9:00 pm Beenekkar
9:30 pm - 10:00 pm Round table Discussion (Ong, Zhang, Kane, Moore,

7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Quantum Critical Phenomena in Metals
Discussion Leader: Brown
9:00 am - 9:40 am Chubukov
9:40 am - 10:20 am Taillefer
10:20 am - 10:45 am Schmalian
10:30 am Coffee Break
10:45 am - 12:30 pm
Advances in low dimensional systems
Discussion Leader: Ong
10:45 am -11:20 am C. Marcus
11:20 am - 11:55 am Yacobi
11:55 am - 12:30 pm Eisenstein/Gao/ Xia
12:30 pm Student Lunch with expert (Marcus, Yacobi, Schmalian)
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Free Discussion Time
4:00 pm 6:00 pm Poster Session
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm 9:30 pm
Last minute Developments
Discussion Leader: TBA
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm Speaker TBA
8:00 pm 8:30 pm Speaker TBA
8:30 pm - 9:00 pm Speaker TBA
9:00 pm -9:30pm Discussion
7:30 am - 8:30 am Breakfast
9:00 am Depart

New innovations in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems
ICTP Trieste
July 3, 2012 - July 14, 2012

Amount requested from ICAM: 50,000
Estimated total cost of workshop: 100,000
Type of support:
Identify ICAM thrust: Quantum Matter

Primary Organizer:
- Name: Piers Coleman
- University: Rutgers,USA
- Email:
ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Andrey V. Chubukov
- University: Wisconsin,USA
- Email:

- Name: Hidenori Takagi
- University: U. Tokyo, Japan
- Email:

- Name: Hai-Hu Wen
- University: Nanjing, China
- Email:
Non-ICAM Branch Organizers:
- Name: Andy Schofield
- University: Birmingham, UK
- Email:

- Name: Erio Tosatti
- University: Sissa, Italy
- Email:

Event Title:

New innovations in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems

Type of event: Workshop (two weeks)
Date: July, 2012, ICTP Trieste, Italy.

1. Prof. Piers Coleman
Materials Theory Group, Department of Physics and Astronomy Rutgers
University, 136 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019, USA
Tel. +1 732 445-5082 FAX (732) 445-4400

2. Prof. Andrey V. Chubukov
Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin Madison,
Madison, WI 53706, USA
Tel. +1 608 263-3919 FAX +1 608 2652334

3. Prof. Andy Schofield
Theoretical Physics Group, School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Birmingham, B30 2AD, UK
Tel: +44 121 414 4565

4. Prof. Hai-Hu Wen
Center for Superconductivity Physics and Materials, National Laboratory of Solid
State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing
210093, Peoples Republic of China
Tel:+86-25-83593863 Fax +86-25-83593863

5. Prof. Hidenori Takagi
Department of Advanced Materials, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8561, Japan
also at RIKEN Advanced Science Institute Wako 351-0198, Japan
Tel:+81-471-36-3791 Tel:+81-471-36-3792

6. Prof. Erio Tosatti
SISSA, Via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy
Tel. +39 040 3787 438

Requested ICAM contribution:
30k direct support.
20 travel grants for participants from N. America.

Facilities and ICTP contribution: The ICTP will make available highly
subsidized hotel accommodation at the Adriatico and Gallileo Guest houses (50%
market cost). By arrangement, the meeting is scheduled in the main Lecture Hall
of the ICTP, one of the most superb Lecture Halls in the world. It has a 40ft
blackboard, dual projection and recording facilities. Posters will be presented
and displayed on the outdoor patio of the ICTP. Conference facilities are being
provided gratis by the ICTP, along with full secretarial support for organizing the
meeting. No registration fees are charged for the meeting.
We have requested 30,000 Euros support from the ICTP, which will be used in large
part to participants from emerging economies. The facilities of the ICTP, including
secretarial support, the main lecture Hall and substantially subsidzed accommodation
will be provided free of charge.

Other Support: RIKEN in Japan has committed to providing financial resources to
the workshop. We shall seek substantial funding from Intel Biomat in Europe and
from Chinese funding sources.

Description of the workshop:
Strongly correlated electron systems remain at the center of experimental and
theoretical activities in condensed-matter physics. These complex systems exhibit
self-organized behavior and the search for the underlying physics principles that
govern them lies at the heart of current research. The vitality of the field is
fueled by a stream of discoveries which continue to profoundly change our view
of quantum materials. Examples of the tremendous changes taking place in this
field today include

the discovery of new kinds of insulators, metals, magnets and
new kinds of experimental probes with radically improved signal to noise
profound new connections between new theoretical methods of high
energy physics and the many-body problems and
the discovery that topology can play a major role in strong correlation,
forming new kinds of interface excitation, such as Majorana fermions.

This workshop will bring together experts in the field to capitalize on the latest
analytical, numerical, and experimental developments in correlated electron
systems, to promote a new generation of innovation in this field.

Understanding the complex behavior of correlated electron materials and
casting it simple conceptual and mathematical frameworks constitutes one of the
greatest challenges of condensed-matter physics. The discovery of
superconductivity in the cuprates has generated an unprecedented number of new
ideas, new theoretical proposals and techniques, and led to the development of
experimental tools in the fields of quantum magnetism, unconventional
superconductivity, and Mott transition. Unexpected normal state and
superconducting properties have also been discovered in new materials,
graphene, cobaltates and ruthenates are just few examples.

This is a field that continues to re-invent itself through a stream of new
discoveries: the last few years have seen the observation of quantum oscillations,
the prediction of new kinds of interface excitations such as Majorana fermions,
the discovery of new kinds of orbital order and new kinds of quantum critical
behavior in f- and d- electron materials, new ordered states in doped grapheme
and new spin liquid and exotic spin ordering in triangular antiferromagnets. In
parallel with these developments, an exciting new generation of theoretical
techniques are under development, such as the application of Anti-de Sitter
holography to the physics of quantum critical methods, applications of topology
to correlated electron systems and a range of powerful new numerical techniques.

Two manifestations of complex physical behavior are of particular current
interest: the emergence of non-Fermi-liquid behavior near quantum critical
points, and the observation of unconventional superconductivity and
unconventional density-wave order over a wide range of materials exhibiting
very different physical properties. An example of the first case can be found in
heavy-fermion materials. Here, the competition between Kondo screening and
antiferromagnetic ordering was believed to result in a unique quantum critical
point giving rise to non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) properties in its quantum critical
region. However, groundbreaking experiments of the last decade were able to
detach NFL behavior from the quantum critical point, forcing us to rethink many
of the concepts developed over the last three decades. An example of the second
kind is the discovery of unconventional superconductivity in the iron-based
superconductors, which has (re-)opened the question to what extent "Mott
physics" is crucial in understanding the emergence of the pseudo-gap and
unconventional superconductivity at high temperatures. Very recent studies of
possible superconductivity in doped grapheme also fall in the same category.

On another front, the potential for new kinds of correlated electron behavior
at interfaces is undergoing a renaissance. The integer and quantum Hall effect are
classic examples of new physics resulting from the novel edge states formed at
around novel gapped states. Today, we know that new kinds of correlated
behavior can develop at the interface of topological matter, such as the Majorana
modes predicted to form at the interface between s-wave superconductors and
strong topological insulators.

These examples open up an extraordinary opportunity for innovation in the
science of correlated quantum matter. They also reflect the vitality of strongly
correlated systems and call for developments of new theoretical tools adequate to
challenges presented by emergent materials. The key to advances in this area lies
in the understanding of strong electron correlations and development of new
techniques and concepts in many body physics, e.g., new concepts associated
with the topology and the possibility of new kinds of large N expansion growing
out of the application of the Maldacena conjecture and "holography" to
condensed matter physics.

The proposed workshop at the ICTP will capitalize on this new opportunity,
aiming to seed fundamental progress by bringing together a new generation of
physicists involved in new mathematical, phenomenological and experimental
innovation at the cutting edge of condensed matter physics researchers active in
topology and AdSCFT along with theoretical and experimental condensed matter
physicists active in the area of quantum materials: heavy fermions, frustrated
spin systems, oxide metals, and high temperature iron and copper-based

These areas of research traditionally involved intensive collaboration
between scientists from developed and developing countries. Many new ideas
and concepts in the fields of heavy-fermion superconductivity have been
developed by Brazilian scientists. The developments in cluster DMFT involved
strong efforts from Argentinian scientists. New concepts concerning spin liquids
and frustrated magnets have been developed by scientists from India. And major
effort to study iron-based superconductors has been undertaken by scientists
from China. In China a new cycle of research and development, seeking new
families superconductors is now fully funded and has been initiated. ICTP is an
ideal location for fruitful exchange of results and ideas between scientists from
all around the world, and we plan to bring a large group of researchers from
developing countries to our workshop.

The workshop will focus on the following key issues:

Innovative Concepts and new theoretical techniques for correlated quantum
This is an extraordinary time for new conceptual and theoretical techniques. We
shall operate a special focus on the new developments in the application of anti-
de Sitter holography methods to many body physics, bringing together experts
from main-stream many body physics with experts in holography/string theory
with the goal of bringing the methodologies from String theory closer to practical
application to condensed matter physics.

New directions in topological matter.
The past few years have seen an explosion of interest in topological insulators.
This workshop hopes to take the next step, posing a bold set of questions on the
interplay of strong correlation and topology. Can topological insulators develop
in d- or f-band materials and what new kinds of topological insulator are possible
with interactions? How does one characterize strong topological insulators in an
interacting environment? What new kinds of interface excitation are possible
between topological and other strongly correlated states of matter (e.g.,

Developments in quantum magnetism:
We will bring together experts to discuss advances in field theoretical and
numerical methods driven by a search for novel, previously unexplored magnetic
and non-magnetic phases in low dimensions and highly frustrated materials (e.g.,
multipolar spin ordering, longitudinal density-wave phases in localized spin
systems, etc).

Developments in the Quantum-critical theory of strange metals:
Strange metal behavior and quantum criticality are increasingly seen as general
features of the strongly correlated metals. There is a growing consensus that
there must be universal explanation of this behavior in the copper and iron-based
superconductors, heavy-fermion materials and organic superconductors. Many
systems hold in common a linear temperature dependence to resistivity and a
log(T)-divergence in the specific heat coefficient. We will pose the question:
what is the minimal set of assumptions necessary to derive a unified theory of
quantum criticality in the presence of fermions, and how can we link various new
metrologies, such as local quantum criticality and holography with these general

New perspectives on Mott physics
Mott insulators evolve and eventually become metals upon introducing
carriers, which interact with localized electrons. This is the issue of tremendous
importance for heavy-fermion systems, as well as the transition metal oxides like
superconducting layered cuprates and even Fe-based superconductors, some of
which show tendency towards localized behaviour. How the tendency towards
electron localization affects the behavior of fermions on the itinerant side of the
transition is currently the hot topic and we plan to address it.

Superconductivity and its interplay with spin or charge order.
Recent experiments on pnictides, electron-doped cuprates and weakly hole-doped
cuprates show that there is new, previously unexplored physics of co-existence
between superconductivity and density-wave order.
We will pose the question what are fundamental new effects related to co-
existence. In particular, does superconductivity requires the Fermi surface to be
present if it is developed out of a density-wave ordered phase?

Some of the issues we propose have been discussed in some length in previous
ICAM-sponsored workshops. We emphasize that the proposed workshop has a
different goal compared to previous workshops, namely to understand whether
there exists the fundamental underlying principles of collective behaviour, which
govern the behavior of all classes of materials which are at the forefront of the
research in strongly correlated electron systems -- high temperature cuprate
superconductors, iron-pnictides, heavy-fermion materials, organic
superconductors, graphene, etc. We believe that there is growing volume of
evidence that such underlying fundamental physics does exist and time has come
to discuss it.

The structure of the event:

We propose a focused Workshop with the specific goal to bring together the
leading scientists working in this field, and discuss the issues which are often put
under the rug in formal presentations. The talks will be organized with large
expanses of time for questions and discussion. In the long tradition of the ICTP,
we will make a particular effort to be inclusive towards researchers and students
who are new to the field. Specifically - each talk will contain a substantial
pedagogical and motivational introduction, geared towards students. We will also
organize separate "meet the speaker" events for students and participants from
developing countries to pose questions and seek more in-depth information about
the speakers talks. Given the nature of this fast developing field, it is necessary to
gather experts in a smaller meeting for in-depth exchange of results, ideas and
newly emerging concepts.

In this dynamic and fast moving field, we expect our program to adapt
to developments in the field that are sure to arise between now and
Summer 2012. The following preliminary list is therefore a snapshot of
current topical developments.

Preminary list of senior participants:

a) Innovative concepts and theoretical techniques for correlated
quantum matter.
S. Sachdev (Harvard University, USA),
Sung-Silk. Lee (Toronto, Canada)
Joe Polchinski (UCSB)
Elena Gubankova (Freiberg, Germany)

b) New directions in topological matter.
J. Moore (UC-Berkeley, USA),
Zhong Fang (Tsinghua)
C. Kane (U. Penn, USA)
Liang Fu (Harvard, USA)

c) Developments in quantum magnetism:
H. Takagi (U. Tokyo, Japan)
K. Damle (India)
L. Balents (UCSB, USA)
H. Tsunetsugu (ISSP, Japan)
R. Moessner (MPIPKS Dresden, Germany)

d) Quantum-critical theory of strange metals:
M. Metlitsky (Harvard, USA)
B. Keimer (MPI Stuttgart, Germany)
M. Continentino (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
L. Benfatto (University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy)
Suchitra E. Sebastian (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, UK)

e) New perspectives on Mott physics
J-P Hu (Beijing)
T.M. Rice (ETH, Switzreland)
M. Capone (Italy)
M. Rosenberg (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

f) Superconductivity and its interplay with spin or charge order.
H. Ding (Beijing)
J. Schmalian (Karlsruhe, Germany)
R. Arita (Tokyo, Japan)
P. Hirschfeld (Florida, USA)

ESF Research Conferences - Proposal Submission Form 2010
All sections of this Proposal Submission Form are required. If sections are not addressed, your proposal will become ineligible.
A) Contact Details
Conference Title: Single Cell Physiology
Contact Person Name: David Bensimon E-mail address:
To understand physiological processes (development, cancer, memory, etc.) at their fundamental level, i.e. the single cell,
techniques are required to perturb and study these processes at the single cell level. Recently new tools have been developed
to achieve that level of interference: optogenetic techniques (i.e. light sensitive channels and proteins) and caged molecules
(mRNA, morpholinos, ligands, neurotransmitters, etc.) allow for the non-invasive perturbation of intra- and intercellular
processes with single cell resolution and fast (~sec) timescales. To study the response of these systems to fast localised
perturbations one needs similarly matched localised fast reporters. Except for neurophysiology where fast readouts exist, the
current reporters (mostly fluorescent proteins and derivatives) do not usually give access to fast response timescales. The
purpose of this conference will be to gather experts from various fields (physiology, chemistry, physics, molecular biology) to
address those issues and sketch the possible solutions to the challenges raised by the study of physiology at the single cell
level. The conference program will address: (i) Physiological systems: the problems and the experimental challenges (overview
of the various systems where single cell approaches might contribute significantly to an improved understanding: development,
cancer, neurophysiology); (ii) Optogenetic tools and caged molecules (description of the various systems and their use in a
variety of physiological contexts); (iii) Non-optical perturbation methods. (description and use of alternative perturbation
methods at the single cell level: heat shock, electroporation, etc.); (iv) Non-invasive read-out techniques (description of the
various possible non-invasive readouts: voltage sensitive dyes, fluorescent proteins, FRET systems, etc. and their use in a
variety of physiological contexts); (v) Invasive read-out techniques (description of read-out techniques that require the sacrifice
of the animal - high-throughput RT-qPCR, proteomics, genomic lineage, etc. - and their use in a variety of physiological

B) Scientific Domain
Select the applicable scientific domain of your proposed conference. Please choose only ONE domain by deleting the others.
Molecular Biology +

C) Dates and Location
The ESF will select the final dates and location for the conference.
Indicate your preferred dates or date range for the conference.
J uly-August 2012
D) Conditions of the Award
Your proposed conference must comply with ALL of the conditions below. If your proposal does not comply with these
conditions, it will be ineligible for funding. Each of these conditions should be elaborated upon in section 6 and 8 of this form)
70-130 participants
No more than 25 invited speakers and convenors
Duration of 5 nights/4 days (4 nights/3 days for Social Sciences and Humanities)
Plenary format (no parallel sessions)
Lectures by invited speakers
Active participation by early stage researchers through short talks, poster sessions and discussion periods
Inclusion of Forward Look Plenary Discussion
Appropriate gender balance (minimum 40% participants and speakers from minority gender)
Appropriate geographical balance (70% of participants from ESF member organisation countries**, no more than 20%
from a single country)

1) Scientific Scope and Interdisciplinarity
Describe the scientific scope of the proposal
To understand physiological processes (development, cancer, memory, etc.) at their fundamental level, i.e. the single cell,
techniques are required to perturb and study these processes at the single cell level. Recently new tools have been developed
to achieve that level of interference: optogenetic techniques (i.e. light sensitive channels and proteins) and caged molecules
(mRNA, morpholinos, ligands, neurotransmitters, etc.) allow for the non-invasive perturbation of intra- and intercellular
processes with single cell resolution and fast (~sec) timescales. To study the response of these systems to fast localised
perturbations one needs similarly matched localised fast reporters. Except for neurophysiology where fast readouts exist, the
current reporters (mostly fluorescent proteins and derivatives) do not usually give access to fast response timescales. The
purpose of this conference will be to gather experts from various fields (physiology, chemistry, physics, molecular biology) to
address those issues and sketch the possible solutions to the challenges raised by the study of physiology at the single cell
List the disciplines covered by the proposal
physiology, chemistry, physics, molecular biology

2) Scientific Relevance
Describe the scientific relevance in terms of novelty, originality and timeliness
Living organisms are made of cells that are capable of responding to external signals (food, hormones,
neurotransmitters, morphogens, etc.) by modifying their internal state (e.g. gene expression, protein phosphorylation patterns)
and subsequently their external environment (e.g. via the release of signalling molecules). Revealing and understanding the
spatio-temporal dynamics of these complex interaction networks is the subject of a field known as systems biology. In multi-
cellular organisms in particular, cellular differentiation and inter-cellular signalling is essential for the coordinated development
and behavior of the organism. While the major actors in these processes are often known much less is known of the kinetic
rules that govern their interaction with one another and with other cellular players (such as the type of complexes, rate
constants, strength of feedback or feed-forward loops, etc.).
To investigate these dynamical interactions (a necessary step before understanding or modelling them) tools have
recently been developed to control or interfere in a non-invasive manner with intra and intercellular processes by light. These
tools consists of light-sensitive channels and proteins which function can be controlled locally by light and of caged molecules
(ligands, mRNA, morpholinos, neurotransmitters, etc.) which can be activated locally and quickly (~sec) by appropriate
illumination. Combining these approaches with fast readouts of the cells response to local perturbations will allow for an
investigation of dynamical physiological processes with unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution.
The projected conference proposes to gather for the first time the major actors in that nascent field in order to define
the problems in physiology where this approach could most efficiently be applied to and to identify the technological hurdles that
still need to be overcome in order to proceed further, in particular with respect to the development of fast readout techniques.
The field being very recent (in particular its so-called optogenetic aspect) we believe it is an appropriate time to gather
the still rather small group of active senior researchers together with the early stage researchers (who will provide the ideas and
the drive that will propel it in the future) in order to identify the goals that are worth pursuing with this novel technology.
Will your conference take place regardless of the outcome of this call for proposals?
It will depend on the level of financial support we will manage to obtain from other sources.
Are there any other conferences on a similar topic taking place within the same year? If so, please list.
Has the ESF already held of scheduled and ESF Research Conference on a similar topic? If so, please list.
No, the field is very recent.
Have you previously participated in and ESF Research Conference? If so, please list the title and dates of the conference and
your role (chair, invited speaker, participant).
EMBO conference: Single Molecule Biophysics, Tours (France), 1999, organiser
EURESCO conference: Bionanotechnology, Grenada (Spain), 2003, invited speaker.

3) European Dimension
Is European research in this area reflected? To what extent will European research benefit from this conference?
Many groups in Europe are involved in the study of physiology at the single cell level and in the development of tools to perturb
and study processes at that level. European researchers will benefit from the interactions with other Europeans researchers in
the field as well as from the contributions of non-European researchers.
Describe the international dimension of your conference proposal if applicable
While the field of single cell physiology is at an early stage some of its major actors are from the US (Tsien, Deisseroth, Chen).

4) Draft Programme
Describe the structure of the conference in terms of coherent sessions.

Physiological systems: the problems and the experimental challenges. (An overview of the various systems where single cell
approaches might contribute significantly to an improved understanding: development, cancer, neurophysiology)
Optogenetic tools. (Description of the various light sensitive channels and proteins and their use in a variety of physiological
Caged molecules (Description of a various caged molecules and their use in a variety of physiological contexts)
Non-optical perturbation methods. (Description and use of alternative perturbation methods at the single cell level: heat shock,
electroporation, etc.).
Non-invasive read-out techniques (Description of the various possible non-invasive readouts: voltage sensitive dyes,
fluorescent proteins, FRET systems, etc. and their use in a variety of physiological contexts).
Invasive read-out techniques (Description of read-out techniques that require the sacrifice of the animal (high-throughput RT-
qPCR, proteomics, genomic lineage, etc.) and their use in a variety of physiological contexts).
Provide a tentative list of invited speakers, including their name, gender, nationality, home institution, area of expertise and
special contribution to the conference. Particular attention should be paid to the gender of the invited speakers and the
geographical balance (see Conditions of Award).

A list of 25 speakers fulfilling the EMBO requirements will be finalized after contacting the speakers for their availability during
the conference period.
J ames K.CHEN, male, USA, Stanford, Caged morpholinos
Benjamin F. CRAVATT, male, USA, Scripps Institute, Chemical physiology
Timothy .M.DORE, male, USA, U.Georgia, caging groups and light-activated inhibition of protein synthesis
Graham C.R. ELLIS-DAVIES, male, USA, Philadelphia, caging groups and caged molecules
Ehud ISACOFF, male, USA, Berkeley, optical switches in neurophysiology
Richard KRAMER, male, USA, Berkeley, optical control and sensing of neural activity.
J ohn T. KOH, male, USA, Delaware, caged molecules (tamoxifen,estradiol,)
David LAWRENCE, male, USA, Chapel Hill, caged molecules (ecdysone)
Wen-Hong LI, male, USA, UT-Southwestern, caged biomolecules and new MRI probes.
Gerard MARRIOTT, male, USA, Berkeley, new sensors for biology
Kevan SHOKAT, male, USA, UCSF, Chemical Approaches to Deciphering and Controlling Signal Transduction Pathways
Roger TSIEN, male, USA, UCSD, fluorescent and photo-activable proteins (Nobel prize, 2008)
Christopher VOIGT, male, USA, UCSF, light-controlled protein activation
Roger A. WEINBERG, male, USA, MIT, cancer

Christian BOCHET,male, CH, Fribourg, caging groups, orthogonal uncaging
Sydney CAMBRIDGE, male, UK, Heidelberg, caged molecules (doxycycline)
Karl DEISSEROTH, male, D, Stanford, Optogenetics
Alexander DEITERS, male, D, North Carolina, caged molecules (IPTG, photoactivable DNAzymes)
Michael HAUSER, male, D, U. Coll. London, light control in electrophysiology
KlausHAHN, male, D, UNC, light-control of protein activity
Alexander HECKEL, male, D, Frankfurt, photoactive molecules
Stephan W. HELL, male, D, MPI Gttingen , sub-micron microscopy
Kai J OHNSSON, male, UK, EPF Lausanne, new methods for specific protein labelling
Thomas KNOPFEL,male, D, RIKEN Inst., voltage sensitive fluorescent proteins.
Tom MUIR, male, USA, Rockefeller, light-activated protein splicing
Olivier POURQUIE, male, F, Strasbourg, morphogenesis
J ason W. CHIN, male, UK, MRC, synthetic chemical tools for biological investigations
Carsten SCHULTZ, male, D, EMBL Heidelberg, novel fluorescent sensors for Biology
Dirk TRAUNER, male, Austria, Munich, synthetic chemistry for photo-control of ion-channels.
C. VAN OUDENAARDEN, male, NL, MIT, Single cell systemic analysis

Cori I. BARGMANN, female, USA, Rockefeller, in vivo imaging of neuronal and behavioral activity in C-elegans
Carolyn R. BERTOZZI, female, USA, Berkeley, orthogonal derivatization of biological media
Barbara IMPERIALI, female, USA, MIT, fluorescent reporters of biological activity
J ennifer KOHLER, female, USA, UT-Southwestern, photo-crosslinking of carbohydrates
Denise MONTELL, female, USA J ohns Hopkins, light-control of cell migration in Drosophila)
Alana SCHEPARTZ , female,USA,Yale,synthetic chemical tools for biological investigations
Alice Y. TING, female, USA, MIT, site-specific protein labeling inside living cells

Antigoni ALEXANDROU, female, Gr, LOB Polytechnique, fluorescent nanoparticles in biology
Mireille BLANCHARD-DESCE, female, F, Rennes, Biophotonics.
Nadine PEYRIERAS, female, F, CNRS, live fluorescent imaging of developing embryos.
Petra SCHWILLE, female, D, Dresden, FRET in single cells and live animals
Sophie VRIZ, female, F, Paris, caged molecules in developmental studies
Claire WYART, female, F, Paris, optogenetics use in zebrafish
Describe how Early Stage Researchers will be actively involved in the proposed conference and how the interactions between
participants and speakers will be promoted (for example through the organisation of poster sessions, round table discussions,
Candidate early stage researchers will be selected by the speakers and will be actively involved in the conference through
round table, poster sessions and oral presentation of selected works.

5) Participation
How many early stage researchers* are likely to participate?
What proportion of participants is likely to be from outside of Europe?
What is likely to be the largest national group? How large is this group expected to be?
From experience we expect a large contingent of French or German researchers (which we will keep to less than 20% each, in
accordance with ESF rules)
What is likely to be the gender and geographical balance of participants?
We will try to aim for a gender balance of 40% female researchers. However we cannot guarantee that level of participation in a
field that has (so far) few major female players. In view of the interest and activity of European researchers in this new field we
expect a participation of about 70% of European researchers, 25% of US researchers and 5% from other places.

6) Publicity
How will you contribute to the advertising of this conference (e.g. mailing lists, websites, journals, etc.)? How many people will
be reached?
The conference will be publicised in specialty J ournals and via mailing lists and a dedicated web-site. We expect to reach a few
thousand researchers. A previous conference that we organised in Tours in 1999 at the early stages of single molecule
biophysics was largely oversubscribed and was a huge success, fondly remembered until today. We aim to reproduce that
success in the present conference.

7) Sponsorship
Indicate which organisations will be approached for additional sponsorship and the amount of sponsorship that you expect to
We will try to get money from the ANR, NIH and private companies, in particular microscopy companies and biochemical ones
(Invitrogen, NEB, etc.) and from the IICAM network to which we belong.

8) Curriculum Vitae of Proposed Chair and Co-Chair

Name: David Bensimon
Address: Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, Ecole Normale Suprieure
24 rue Lhomond, Paris 75005
Phone: 01 44 32 34 96

Education: (Institution, Degree, Years of study, Fields of study)
Technion, Haifa B.Sc. (summa cum laude) Physics 1972- 1976
Technion, Haifa B.Sc. Electrical Engineering 1972- 1976
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, M.Sc. Applied Physics, 1978-1980, Optical propagation in a turbulent atmosphere
University of Chicago, Ph.D. in Physics, 1982-1986 Pattern formation

Visiting Scientist, Bell Labs, Murray Hill, 1986-1988
Visiting Professor of Physics, University Paris 7, 1988
Charg de Recherche CNRS (CR1), 1989-1992
Directeur de Recherche CNRS (DR2), 1992-2001
Directeur de Recherche CNRS (DR1), 1991-present
Full Professor UCLA, 2009- present

Regents Professor, UCLA (2007)
ICAM Fellow , KITP- UCSB (2006)
Special Prize of the French Physical Society (2000)
Michael visiting professor, Weizmann Institute (1997).
LVMH Vinci dExcellence (1997)
J acques Monod Prize (1994)
Weizmann Fellow (1986 - 1987)
Telegdi Prize, University of Chicago (1983)
Rotschild Predoctoral Fellow (1982)
Fullbright Fellow (1982)

Publications: Five representative publications
1. D. K. Sinha, P. Neveu, N. Gagey, I. Aujard, C. Benbrahim-Bouzidi, T. Le Saux, C. Rampon, C. Gauron, B. Goetz, S.
Dubruille, M. Baaden, M. Volovitch, D. Bensimon, S. Vriz, L. J ullien, Photocontrol of Protein Activity in Cultured Cells and
Zebrafish with One- and Two-Photon Illumination, Chem. Bio. Chem., 2010, 11, 653-663.
2. D. K. Sinha, P. Neveu, N. Gagey, I. Aujard, T. Le Saux, C. Rampon, C. Gauron, K. Kawakami, C. Leucht, L. Bally-Cuif, M.
Volovitch, D. Bensimon, L. J ullien, S. Vriz, Photo-activation of the CreERT2 recombinase for conditional site-specific
recombination with high spatio-temporal resolution, Zebrafish, 2010, 7, 199-204.
3. K. C. Neuman, G. Charvin, D. Bensimon, V. Croquette, Mechanisms of Chiral Discrimination by Topoisomerase IV,
Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci. USA, 2009, 106, 6986.
4. P.Neveu, D.Sinha, P.Kettunen, S.Vriz, L.J ullien, D.Bensimon, Single Cell Physiology, in Proceedings of the Nobel
Symposium on Single Molecule Spectroscopy in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, ed. R.Rigler and J .Widengren (2009).
5. P. Neveu, I. Aujard, C. Benbrahim, T. Le Saux, J .-F. Allemand, S. Vriz, D. Bensimon, L. J ullien, A Caged Retinoic Acid for
Use with One- and Two-Photon Excitation in Zebrafish Embryos, Angewandte. Chem. Intl. Ed., 2008, 47, 3744-3746.


Name: Ludovic J ullien
Address: Dpartement de Chimie, Ecole Normale Suprieure
24 rue Lhomond, Paris 75005
Phone: 01 44 32 33 33
Email: Ludovic.J

Education: (Institution, Degree, Years of study, Fields of study)
Ecole Normale Suprieure/Paris 6 University, B.Sc., Chemistry, 1983
Ecole Normale Suprieure/Paris 6 University, M.Sc., Organic Chemistry, 1985
Paris 6 University/Collge de France, Ph.D. , Supramolecular Chemistry, 1990

CNRS research assistant, Collge de France, Paris, 1991-1995
CNRS research assistant, Ecole Normale Suprieure, Paris, 1995-2001
Professor of Chemistry, Ecole Normale Suprieure, Paris, 2001 to date

Chair of the Chemistry Department of the Ecole Normale Suprieure, Paris, from 2006 to date
Bronze medal of the CNRS, 1997
Award of the Scientae Europae/Rhone Poulenc Fondation, 1996
Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship, 1991

Publications: Five representative publications
1. I. Aujard, C. Benbrahim, M. Gouget, O. Ruel, J .-B. Baudin, P. Neveu, L. J ullien, o-Nitrobenzyl Photolabile Protecting Groups
with Red-shifted Absorption : Syntheses and Uncaging Cross-sections After One- and Two-photon Excitation, Chem. Eur. J.,
2006, 12, 6865-6879.
2. N. Gagey, P. Neveu, C. Benbrahim, B. Goetz, I. Aujard, J . - B. Baudin, L. J ullien, Two-photon uncaging with fluorescence
reporting: Evaluation of the o-hydroxycinnamic platform, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129, 9986-9998.
3. P. Neveu, I. Aujard, C. Benbrahim, T. Le Saux, J .-F. Allemand, S. Vriz, D. Bensimon, L. J ullien, A Caged Retinoic Acid for
Use with One- and Two-Photon Excitation in Zebrafish Embryos, Angewandte. Chem. Intl. Ed., 2008, 47, 3744-3746.
4. D. K. Sinha, P. Neveu, N. Gagey, I. Aujard, C. Benbrahim-Bouzidi, T. Le Saux, C. Rampon, C. Gauron, B. Goetz, S.
Dubruille, M. Baaden, M. Volovitch, D. Bensimon, S. Vriz, L. J ullien, Photocontrol of Protein Activity in Cultured Cells and
Zebrafish with One- and Two-Photon Illumination, Chem. Bio. Chem., 2010, 11, 653-663.
5. D. K. Sinha, P. Neveu, N. Gagey, I. Aujard, T. Le Saux, C. Rampon, C. Gauron, K. Kawakami, C. Leucht, L. Bally-Cuif, M.
Volovitch, D. Bensimon, L. J ullien, S. Vriz, Photo-activation of the CreERT2 recombinase for conditional site-specific
recombination with high spatio-temporal resolution, Zebrafish, 2010, 7, 199-204.

* Early Stage Researcher is a term used to define a researcher whose career spans less than 8 years between the date of the PhD/doctorate (or similar experience)
and the date of involvement in the ESF activity.
**ESF member organisation countries are listed here

(JULY 2012)

Format : 4 days and 5 nights in a location to be defined ;
24 invited lectures (30 min) + 8 oral
presentations (20 min) respecting the Frauenfelder rules : 50% lectures and 50 % discussions ; 5h30
of lectures+discussions/day. In addition to the 5h30 per day of lecture room activities, poster
sessions, round-table discussions or discussion groups will be organized. Extended lunch periods
will be kept free of lectures in order to allow time for free time activities.

Attendees : 150 including 24 invited lecturers, young and confirmed scientists. Chairs (David
Bensimon, Ludovic Jullien) will select participants from applications received as a result of
publicizing the conference. The basic criteria for accepting participants will be their scientific merit
and their scientific needs. Participants including speakers, may be accepted from any country.
Without compromising scientific standards, organizers will aim for a wide geographical
representation of scientists. Special attention will be paid to the involvement of younger applicants
and those from developing countries, as well as not to over-represent scientists from the host
country. Moreover, the gender balance will be taken into consideration.

Budget :
Costs : 170 000 euros
- Symposium fees (subsistence + registration ; all-inclusive i.e. full board & lodging, meeting
facilities for the duration of the meeting, a social program, and group bus transfers) : 1000
euros/attendee, 150 000 euros.
- Travels (for invited lecturers, on the basis of East-cost USA to Europe : 1000 euros ; West-cost
USA/Asia to Europe : 1300 euros ; Europe to Europe: 200 euros). Overall estimation : 20 000
Demands to the sponsors : 59 000 euros
Among those costs, the organizing committee would like to cover the expenses of the
invited lecturers (44 000 euros) as well as the support of the venue of 50 young scientists by an
average 300 euros allocation (15 000 euros).
- 30 000 euros from EMBO-ESF (pending demand; answer in April 2011);
- 25 000 euros (35 000 $) from ICAM;
- 3 000 euros from various research agencies (CNRS, INSERM,...), organizations (Pierre-Gilles de
Gennes Fondation,...), and Universities;
- 3 000 euros from industrial sponsors.

Most probably Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliu de Guixols (near Barcelona), Spain if EMBO would support the meeting.

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