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Your Name: Judy Lee Subject: Art Lesson Title: Primary/Secondary Bubbles Materials Needed: - Little Blue and

Little Yellow by Leo Lionni - Watercolors - Black crayons - Brushes - Paper - Large, medium, and small circles (for tracing) Prerequisite Skills: - Functional motor skills - An understanding of primary vs. secondary colors Standard(s):

Grade Level: 1st Grade

1.1 Solve problems with a variety of art materials and art processes 1.2 Mix primary colors to create secondary colors 1.3 Develop skill in the use of basic art tools and materials 1.6 Clean and put back to order art-making areas after projects Lesson Objective(s): This lesson will reinforce the students abilities to mix colors. Students will be able create secondary colors by mixing primary colors together successfully. They will also be able to draw dark black lines while tracing circles on their paper, which further strengthens their motor skills. 1. Provide objectives: (What are students going to learn?) After reading Little Yellow, Little Blue, students will participate in a talk about primary and secondary colors. They will know that the primary colors are red, blue, and yellow and that the secondary colors are green, orange, and purple, as well as reinforce terminology. They will also know which two primary colors make which secondary color. 2. Demonstrate knowledge or skill: (Input/Modeling by the teacher) The modeling will happen through the demo. The demo is a step-by-step visual/physical form of instruction. During the demo, the students will be asked clarification questions so I know we are on the same page. At the end of the demo, there will be a verbal review session on what the criterion is.

3. Check for understanding and provide student feedback: (How will you know students understand the skill or concept? How will they know they get it?)? Before dismissing them for work time, I will get a verbal response of what the steps are. I also will walk around and classroom and do visual checks. Students are able to come up and me for feedback and suggestions. 3: Provide extended practice and transfer: (Independent practice of the skill) The independent practice is the creation of their project. 4. Assessment / Closure: (How do you evaluate student progress or provide closure to this lesson?) When the students are done, they will turn in their work. A finished work has the following: - At least 10 circles - At least 3 overlaps - Dark, black circles - Dark, black diagonal lines - Use of all primary colors (red, blue, yellow) - Use of all secondary colors (green, orange, purple) 5. Plans for differentiation: There may be students that do not understand the verbal instruction. I will write the instructions on the board so the students will always know what the criterion is. TOTAL LESSON TIME: 70 minutes total (35 minutes each) DAY 01 1-2 min Allow the class to settle in 5-7 min Read Little Blue and Little Yellow and explain project 5-7 min Demo ~15 min Work time 5 min Clean up DAY 02 1-2 min Allow the class to settle in 5-7 min Reinforce previous understanding and demo painting portion ~20 min Work time 5 min Clean up

DAY 03* Demo next project and allow students who did not finish to finish up projects afterwards. Those who finished can move on to next project.

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