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Cosmic Carl

by Francisco Pham

Copyright (c) 2014

1. FADE IN EXT. PLANET JEFF - JUNGLE - DAY A dark, lush jungle. A small spaceship crashes through the canopy and trees. It grinds into the ground to a stop. Its doors swing open. CARL(11) peeks out. A boy with spiky hair in a jump suit. Behind him is "M"; A 3-foot tall bipedal robot. CARL You sure this place has oxygen, M? M Indeed, otherwise you'd be dead. CARL Alright, lets get going then. Carl leaps to the ground. M Can we find something to eat first? I'm starved. CARL You don't eat, remember? Oh right. M

There's RUSTLING in the bush next to them. Carl jumps back. A small lizard walks out on its hind legs. This is JEFF. Alien! CARL Alien! JEFF

CARL I'm not an alien. You are! JEFF Hey man, this planet is mine. No, you! M floats in between them. M Uh, technically we're the aliens. CARL

2. CARL You can fly!? M glares at him. He can't be serious. JEFF Look, I don't know what you guys want, but you're gonna have to pay for destroying my yard. Sorry Mr... CARL

JEFF Jeff. The name's Jeff. CARL Okay, Jeff. We're sorry for your yard, but how do you expect us to pay you? JEFF I can either eat your skin or your gall-bladder. Carl thinks for a moment. Yes. CARL

M Well, I don't have either soJEFF I'll just eat your brains then. CARL Hey, that wasn't one of the choices! Jeff grows into a enormous lizard beast with tentacles growing out his tail. He unleashes a thunderous ROAR. M What a fascinating creature, don't you think? M turns to Carl. He's already running away. Dear me. M

A tentacle grabs M and swings him in the air, squeezing him. Carl turns around.

3. CARL Aw come on man. With M in his grasp, Jeff charges at Carl. He slashes at Carl. Carl leaps way. A tentacle swings downward. Carl rolls to the side. Carl runs into the jungle. Jeff CRASHES through, knocking trees over. Jeff throws M. Carl ducks. M crashes into a tree. It catches on fire. He crawls out. M (struggling) Your blaster. Use your blaster! M collapses. Carl takes out a giant piece of cheese from his pocket. What the? CARL

He tosses the cheese away and takes out a shiny BLASTERPISTOL. Jeff STOMPS towards him. JEFF Any last words? Carl smiles and turns a KNOB on his pistol from 10% to 110%. He takes aim. CARL Takes one to know one. What? JEFF

Carl squeezes the trigger. SMASH-CUT TO: EXT. SPACE - PLANET JEFF The planet EXPLODES with a force greater than a thousand colliding stars. It vanishes completely. TITLE CARD: COSMIC CARL FADE OUT

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