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In Plato's allegory of the cave, people still chained to the wall only see:

Correct Answer: shadows

What problem do the Forms solve?

Correct Answer: The one over the many

According to Plato, the source of all knowledge is...

Correct Answer: The Forms

According to Plato, the relation of a physical object to a Form is that of…

Correct Answer: an imperfect copy

Plato argues in the Theaetetus that knowledge is identical to

Correct Answer: Reasoning

For Plato, the sun is a metaphor for the ___, which allows us to see the Forms.
Correct Answer: Good

Plato's allegory of the cave is an allegory for:

Correct Answer: learning

Metaphysics is the study of?

Correct Answer: Reality

A deductive argument results in…

Correct Answer: proof

The premises in a deductive argument provide _____ for the conclusion.

Correct Answer: Proof

In Plato's allegory of the cave, when the prisoners were chained to the cave they were
looking at:
Correct Answer: Shadows
For Plato, one comes to have knowledge through:
Correct Answer: the Forms

In The Allegory of the Cave, blindness represents:

Correct Answer: Confusion during coming to know

With what does the demiurge create the world?

Correct Answer: blueprints and geometrical objects

In the Simile of the Line, the physical world consists of:

Correct Answer: Objects and Images

When it is likely that a conclusion will follow from its premises it is:
Correct Answer: an inductive argument

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Plato’s Forms?

Correct Answer: c. Material

In the Simile of the Line, the intelligible world consists of:

Correct Answer: Concepts and Forms

For Plato, there are two realms:

Correct Answer: being and becoming

Which of the following is NOT a branch of philosophy?

Correct Answer: Etymology

Aristotle’s goal-directed change can also be understood as…

Correct Answer: actualization of potentiality
What does Aristotle conclude about the problem of the one over the many?
Correct Answer: Forms can't solve the problem because they result in absurdity

To understand the Essence of some object,one must UNDERSTAND:

Correct Answer: It's telos and entelechy

For Aristotle, what element is closest to the center of the universe?

Correct Answer: Earth

Telos is a things:
Correct Answer: Goal

According to Aristotle, physical things are a combination of...

Correct Answer: essence and substance

For Plato white things are white because they share in Whiteness, but for Aristotle...
Correct Answer: Whiteness exists because there are white things

Aristotle divides change into two kinds. They are…

Correct Answer: natural and violent

Aristotlian essences consist of ___________________ and ______________________

Correct Answer: Telos, Entelechy

According to Aristotle's physics, the natural movement of terrestrial bodies are:

Correct Answer: up and down

The four Aristotelian elements are:

Correct Answer: Earth, Air, Water, Fire
For Aristotle, the natural position of the Earth is:
Correct Answer: the center of the universe

According to Aristotle, understanding goal-directed change is impossible, if:

Correct Answer: knowledge is based on Plato's Forms

Aristotle defines violent change as:

Correct Answer: Change due to anything other than the essence of a thing

According to Aristotle, why will some things not actualize their potential?
Correct Answer: bad luck

Aristotle argued that our ability to understand something's essence ...

Correct Answer: Depends on experience, observation and reason

Entelechy is ___________________
Correct Answer: The means to achieve one’s telos

The study of goal-oriented behavior is:

Correct Answer: teleology

According to Aristotle, the Celestial Realm is:

Correct Answer: Perfect and Eternal

According to Aristotle's physics, the natural movement of fire is:

Correct Answer: up
_________ was the combination of Christianity and Aristotelianism.
Correct Answer: Scholasticism

Which newly invented instrument allowed Galileo to study the heavens?

Correct Answer: Telescope

The phases of Venus indicated that ___________.

Correct Answer: Earth is not at the center of the universe

When Galileo saw _________, this broke down the barrier betwen Aristotle's realms.
Correct Answer: Mountains on the moon

What did Galileo's observation of the Ears of Saturn show about the Aristotelian
Correct Answer: Not all celestial bodies are perfectly spherical

The Ears of Saturn and the Moon's mountains challenged which of Aristotle's concepts?
Correct Answer: Aether

Which of Galileo's observations did NOT play a role in discrediting the geocentric
Correct Answer: the rays of the Sun

Galileo's heavenly observations undermined ____________ worldview.

Correct Answer: Aristotle's

The moons of Jupiter and phases of Venus challenged which of Aristotle's concepts?
Correct Answer:
Earth is at the center of the universe
Galileo's observation of the Ears of Saturn challenged Aristotle's concept of
Correct Answer: Aether

What does "ex nihilo, nihil fit" mean?

Correct Answer: from nothing, nothing comes

What does Descartes know for certain at the end of Mediation 1?

Correct Answer: nothing

Ultimately, not even the evil genius argument could cause Descartes to doubt:
Correct Answer: That he is thinking

_____________ guarantees the reliable epistemic connection between Descartes' ideas

and the external world
Correct Answer: God

Descartes uses ______________ as a guarantee for the reliability of his knowledge of the
external world.
Correct Answer:

The two things Descartes knows at the end of Meditation 2 are:

Correct Answer: he exists; his ideas exist
What is Descartes' epistemic goal for the Meditations?
Correct Answer:
to arrive at a “secure and lasting foundation in the sciences”

What did Descartes' dream argument give him reason to doubt?

Correct Answer: Knowledge that this is my body

Which method does Descartes employ in order to arrive at certain knowledge?

Correct Answer: systematic doubt

The achievement of __________ in epistemology and life is Descartes's main goal for
methodological doubt.
Correct Answer: certainty

According to Descartes, the senses deceive us about __________ and ____________

Correct Answer: Small and Far Away

What did Descartes intend to accomplish with his method of doubt?

Correct Answer: All of the above

n order to explore the nature of judgment, Descartes studies a piece of...

Correct Answer: Wax

What does Descartes know at the end of Mediation 2?

Correct Answer:
I think, I exist

According to Descartes’ method of doubt,

Correct Answer:
any dubitable belief must be rejected
Why can't Descartes doubt his own existence?
Correct Answer:
Doubting itself implies his existence

According to Descartes, even if there were no God and the Evil Deceiver is tricking us,
one statement is true. It is:
Correct Answer:
“I think, therefore I am”

Which of Galileo's observations did NOT play a role in discrediting the geocentric
Correct Answer: the rays of the Sun

By the end of the third meditation, what does Descartes know with certainty?
Correct Answer: All of the above

Towards making sure he has certain knowledge, Descartes discards all thoughts
Correct Answer:
That can be doubted

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