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2) Stereotypes are simply assumptions about certain groups of people. These judgements are based on appearance, ethnicity, race and culture. It is argued that the stereotypical view has become increasingly common and unfortunately, increasingly real. When asking students at the Sixth Form College, Solihull, 87% of them admitted to stereotyping other people based on first impressions. The media plays a huge part in portraying stereotypes, as they give labels to groups, especially teenagers and their subcultures. A subculture is a group of people in society that is based on religion, race, interests and occupation. People often use stereotypes to describe a subculture, which can often distort reality. Although these stereotypes can be true, they are often exaggerated assumptions based on a group of people as a whole. If you prejudge a person and put them into a stereotype your not seeing the person as an individual, therefore youre more likely to make errors in your assessment of a persons character. 3) Generally people are associated with tag names like chavs, hipsters, geeks, emos and bimbos. Were looking in the Sixth form College Solihull, to see just how true these facts are. We spoke to expert Andy Morris (caption on screen showing Andy Morris-Student Advisor) 4) Interview-Andy 6) (Introduce the interview 2) 7) (introduce the interview 3) 8) Monday 12.30am the canteen is full and the students are all together in their peer groups. So, do you stereotype people? (They give the answer in a vox pops) 11) There are also many views of the use of stereotyping on the Internet. For example, a comment on an online blog said Stereotypes are used too often in the world that we live in; people today make judgements about others before they know anything about them, and its just not fair. (Type out on screen in front of creative shot) Another online blog said stereotypes do not help characterise different groups of people simply because most stereotypes do not describe a person or group by its values or ideas but mainly by physical or easily seen traits. (Type out on another corner of the screen) These statements demonstrate the negativity people associate with stereotypes. EXTRA - However, though stereotypes are generally portrayed as negative, it is part of pop culture. What music people listen to, how they dress, their actions and their decisions are loosely based on both the subculture they belong to and the way that people stereotype them.

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