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Title: New Zealand Presented by: Donnalayha Cook Date: November 16, 2010 I. Introduction A. Good Afternoon Dr.

Jones and my fellow classmates my name is Donnalayha Cook B. How would you feel if you were introduced to an entirely different government and culture C. I am here to inform you about various aspects about the country of New Zealand D. I chose this topic because some people are not familiar with the worlds last landmass to be discovered E. What I will be discussing today is the country of New Zealands history and government, culture, and geography F. References: "Aotearoa - The Maori Name for New Zealand." Maori - Culture, Language, Art and Tattoo. Maori Tourism Limited, 16 Nov. 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. <>. "Geography and Geology New Zealand." New Zealand Vacation - The Official Website For New Zealand: US Edition New Zealand. New Zealand Tourism Board, 1999. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. <>. McGuire, Edna. The Maoris of New Zealand. New York: Macmillan, 1968. Print. Waite, Paul. "Haka." The Haka Website., 2000. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. <>. II. Body A. History and Government 1. The first to inhabit New Zealand were the Maoris a. Migrated from Polynesian homeland in 1180 Ca. b. European migration followed in 1769 2. First European to sight New Zealand, Dutch explorer Abel Tasman in 1642 a. Though a Dutchman was the first Europeans to sight the country, it was the British who colonized it 3. The Treaty of Waitangi is New Zealand's founding document a. Signed February 6, 1840 b. Consists of two texts, (Mori and English)





c. English text is not an exact translation of the Mori text and the document was comprised only within a few days i. Some argue and question if the translation was rushed, ambiguous or misleading. d. However, both documents represent an agreement i. Guaranteed Maori full possession of their land in exchange for their recognition of British sovereignty The Parliament was established by Constitution Act (1852) a. Created bicameral arrangement. (Bicameral having two legislative chambers E.G: the Senate and House of Representatives in the U.S.) b. Abolished upper house (Legislative Branch 1951) Legislature is now unicameral Parliament Consists of two part: a. Head of state, Queen Elizabeth II-,represented in Parliament by the GovernorGeneral b. Democratically elected House of Representatives. c. Each elector has two votes one for a local member of Parliament and one for a preferred political party. New Zealand has been in the forefront of social welfare legislation. a. First country to give women the right to vote (1893). b. It adopted old-age pensions (1898) c. A national child welfare program (1907); In recent years, New Zealand has introduced extremely liberal social policies a. Legalization of prostitution in June 2003 b. Recognized same-sex unions December 2004

B. Culture 1. As I stated before the Maori are New Zealands indigenous people 2. The name Maori did not come used until the Europeans arrived a. Name derived from a phrase in the native language, tangata maori. b. Tangata -man c. Maori - normal, usual, ordinary, and belonging to the place 3. Maori, same racial origins as other Polynesians and retained most basic elements of Polynesians culture. 4. Defining aspects of Maori culture (art, tattoo, performances, customs, and community) 5. Traditional Maori art a. Using the materials available (wood, bone, jade, shell, flax, and feathers) b. Used colors black, red. i. Red being a symbol of prestige, power, status ii. used in the decoration of important items such as the buildings and structures

6. The most elaborate form of building was the meeting house a. Picture meeting house- The Maori boo-w/ text on the back in The Maori of New Zealand pg 75 7. A haka is a traditional Maori dance. Haka are performed for various reasons, such as celebrating an achievement, welcoming distinguished guests, or as a pre-battle challenge. a. Picture of haka peruperu: i. War dance where dancers perform with weapons in hand ii. There were exaggerated movements and facial expressions (jumping and bulging of the eyes) b. Picture of poi: i. Women performed dance ii. Twirled small balls made of dried rushes (marsh plants) which were attached to cords c. Picture of All Blacks performing Ka Mate: i. Most well-known haka, Ka Mate, ii. ceremonial haka performed by the ruby team the All Blacks C. Geography 1. Picture Polynesian Triangle: a. In Central Pacific Ocean -vast spread of islands which lie in a huge triangle. b. Known as the Polynesian Triangle c. New Zealand lies on its southwest corner 2. Picture isolation: a. One of its most distinctive features is its isolation. b. No other major place of human settlement is situated so far away from other larger centers of population. c. Its closest large neighbor is Australia is 1,200 miles away (Further than the distance of Los Angeles to New York. d. And its nearest continent is South America, over 4,000 miles to the east. 3. Picture of N. and S. Island of New Zealand: a. New Zealand consists of two main islands - North and the South Island b. The North Islandi. Spine of mountain ranges running through the middle ii. Dominated by the Volcanic Plateau, an active volcanic iii. Thermal area c. South Island i. Erosion of the mountains left plains with fertile farm land 4. New Zealand is straddled over two tectonic plates and sitting on the Pacific ring of fire which makes it susceptible to natural disasters a. However, it has spectacular geothermal areas such as mud pools, geysers, and hot springs b. Benefits i. Electricity and heating in some areas

ii. Picture of the wooden oven: 1. Maori use of hot springs for cooking and bathing c. Negatives i. Trademark Sulphur City smell. III. Question and Answer IV. Conclusion A. New Zealand has a remarkable history that is attributed to both its indigenous people the Maori and the British. Throughout time it is seen that the government and culture is also effected by both of these influences. Not only do these aspects make this country unique, but its geographical manifestation set it apart. B. Try to incorporate any new information you may have gathered from the audience during the Q&A period C. Thank You

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