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321st Student Assembly, SB 321-051


A Bill To call on members of the Virginia General Assembly to support higher education funding in the budget of the Commonwealth The Students in Support of Higher Education Funding Act

! ! WHEREAS, the Student Assembly of the College William and Mary voices the interests and concerns of the students, ! ! WHEREAS, public funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia is essential to maintaining high quality education for all students at the College of William & Mary, ! ! WHEREAS, the General Assembly is now considering two different budget proposals, ! ! Now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Student Assembly of the College of William and Mary-

An Act of the 321st Student Assembly of the College of William and Mary, Sponsored by Senator William McConnell (14) Supported by Virginia 21 at the College of William and Mary, President Keenan Kelley (14)

1. Adopts the following statement:

We, students of the College of William and Mary, commend the Virginia General Assembly for their continued work to support and advocate on behalf of students at the College of William and Mary. We applaud the work of the Virginia House of Delegates for proposing a total of $220 million for our Commonwealths higher education system. We further commend the Senate of Virginia for proposing $42.3 million in undergraduate financial aid, which will keep pace with rising student need.

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We encourage both legislative bodies to find common ground that best reflects the needs of the families and students they represent. As representatives of the student body of William and Mary, we call upon the House of Delegates to adopt the Senates financial aid recommendation of $42.3 million in additional undergraduate financial aid funding. With the House of Delegates current proposal of $0 in additional undergraduate financial aid, students at William and Mary will receive smaller financial aid packages, and many may be unable to maintain their enrollment at the College. Furthermore, we call upon the Senate of Virginia to adopt the House of Delegates total higher education budget recommendation of $220 million. We believe that the Senates current budget proposal is inadequate to support the needs of the College and of other universities across the Commonwealth. The Senates proposal of $182.6 million is insufficient and a reduction from

! Governor McDonnells former proposal of $194.5 million. The College of William and Mary needs public support to maintain its high-quality, accessible education. We are pleased that both the House of Delegates and the Senate have put forth proposals that seek to aid colleges, universities, students, and Virginia families. Higher education remains one of the smartest investments a state government can make, for every additional dollar invested in higher education returns $17.40 to our Commonwealths economy. Investment in Virginias institutions of higher education ensures that we have a well equipped workforce and a vibrant economic future. Any proposal that seeks to equip tomorrows workforce must strike a balance between supporting colleges base budgets and faculty requirements with essential financial aid that goes directly to students. Combining the best aspects of both the House and the Senates proposals would best represent the interests of the Commonwealth. We encourage both chambers of the Virginia General Assembly to work towards our common goal of strengthening education, the backbone of our economy.

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