Otori Monogatari

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-The book starts out with a profile of Nadeko like her height, weight and favour ite things

-The actual story then begins with Nadeko under the floor board of the white sna ke shrine -She starts talking to a snake that is coiled around her wrist like a bracelet -She calls the snake Kuchinawa-san -He tells her that everything that has happened up till now is her fault -She then hears a set of footsteps -The shrine above her suddenly gets destroyed and she sees that it fs raining - Kuchinawa-san then reminds her that the whole reason she was under the floor b oard was because she was trying to get away from the rain -The owner of the footsteps is now standing in front of her, it fs Araragi -He says hi and tells her he is here to kill her -Araragi has wounds all over him and is covered in blood - Kuchinawa-san reminds her that she was the one who gave him those wounds -The reason why Araragi isn ft healing is because poison effects vampires and it w eakens them -Nadeko stands up and prepares for battle -In her right hand it fs Kuchinawa-san and in her left it fs a giant fang -Her hair is also snakes and she is in control of all one hundred thousand of th em -Standing next to Araragi is Shinobu and she comments on how Nadeko has complete ly fallen into the ranks of Kaiis or rather risen since she has become a goddess -She tells Araragi not to hesitate since Nadeko is no longer his little sister fs friend nor his cute kouhai but an evil, unsaveable Kaii -Araragi says he understands and admits Nadako is his enemy and Shinobu fs meal, h e tells her to eat Nadeko -Nadeko says she hates Araragi and thrusts the fang straight into Araragi fs heart -The snakes on her head cheers in victory and Nadeko starts laughing -She questions how all this came to be -We get a flashback to October 31 and Nadeko is walking to school -She is depressed about having to go to school -She then sees a bike that is about to crash into her but the rider suddenly put s a trick and the bike and the rider flies above Nadeko fs head -The bike crashes land on another spot and Nadeko goes and see if everything is alright -The rider turns out to be a girl -The rider sits up and asks Nadeko if she was alright -Nadeko is shocked that the girl knows her name -The girl realized what she said and mentioned that she shouldn ft know Nadeko yet -She says something about messing up the order and it fs because she couldn ft find Hachikuji -She introduces herself as Oshino Ougi -She says that she is Araragi and Kanbaru fs kouhai and that calms Nadeko down -She gives Nadeko her hand and tells her she is Oshino fs niece -She gives a speech about how victims can ft remain victims forever and that somet imes they are the perpetrators -She gets on her bike and leaves -Nadeko realizes that she completely ignored Ougi fs hand and she explains that sh e hates being touched and hates the feeling of having someone else fs body tempera ture mixing with her own -She gets to school and tries to get her indoor shoes -She thought she felt a snake in her shoebox but when she checked she doesn ft see anything -She goes to her classroom and she sees the reason why she gets depressed when g oing to school -It turns out that the whole class that she is in was greatly affected by the cu rse craze that happened in June caused by Kaiki -Who like who, who hates who, everyone knows how the other people in class felt about them and everyone fs relationship with everyone else was in ruins

-Nadeko gets to her desk and she sees a snake within but it quickly disappears -After school she phones Araragi and tells him everything -He tells her to meet him at night because that fs when Shinobu is awake and they can ask her for help -He says he could have asked Hanekawa too but she is away -It turns out that the reason Nadeko ran away when she and Hanekawa first met wa s because she could feel the warmth of Hanekawa through the air and she couldn ft stand it -It turns out she left for a month in order to travel the world and prepare for the real deal after she graduates -She finishes talking with him and as she reaches for her phone card a snake app ears on it -She got surprised and she knocks over the phone -A voice appears from it and countless snakes as well -The snakes disappears and the voice tell her to come to the snake shrine -She goes back home for a change of clothes and then heads for the shrine -When she gets there she sees countless snakes chopped up and pinned to the tree s and ground -The voice then appears and tells her she was the one who did this -She counters by saying she didn ft go this far -A majority of the snakes then disappear only around 20 are left, she then cover s her eyes with her hat -The voice comments that they way Nadeko shifts down her eyesight and keeps sile nt allows her to remain as a victim -The voice then gives her two choices, one is to go home and forget everything t hat she have seen and the second is look forward and atone for what she have don e -She pulls her hat up and looks forward and she sees a giant snake -The snake then greets her and says they are now partners -Nadeko admits that she is a mass murderer and a perpetrator - Kuchinawa-san tells her he wants her to do something for him to atone for all the snakes that she killed and she accepts -At night she phones Araragi again to tell him everything is alright and that it was just her imagination - Kuchinawa-san shrunk himself and is now the size of a bracelet and is being wo rn on Nadeko fs hand - Kuchinawa-san tells her that he is the god of the shrine but since no one goes there anymore it has lost its praise -He tells her that what he wants her to do is find his remains -The next day Nadeko goes to school again - Kuchinawa-san keeps talking to her and she leaves her classroom in order to he ad for the highest floor of her school -She tells him to shut up and that she is a shy quiet girl who will become a gpit iful child h if she starts talking to her wrist - Kuchinawa-san says that since she doesn ft talk to anyone else anyways so it doe sn ft matter what other people think of her -She reminds him that their agreement was that during the day she fll have her usu al life and they go searching for his remains at night -We flashback to last night - Kuchinawa-san explains that the shrine basically was dead but when Shinobu cam e she brought along of gjunk h with her and it revived him -However he can ft stay forever and he has been using the gjunk h in the shrine as en ergy -However all of the energy was suddenly used up for a pointless matter -The person who used it all up was Shinobu -The remains will act as another energy source - Kuchinawa-san currently is bonded with Nadeko and is using her as an energy so urce, this however can ft last forever - Kuchinawa-san tells her that the only reason why he chose her is because he ha d no choice and that she was the only person with enough gfate h with him

-She asks him if he has any leads and he says he has no idea where or what it lo oks like -We go back to when Nadeko just left her classroom and is on the top floor of he r school - Kuchinawa-san promise that he fll shut up when people are around -Her homeroom teacher appears and asks her what she is doing up there -She says it fs nothing and then kept silent -He lets her go and tells her to get back to class -He then asks her about the favour he asked from her -She doesn ft really say anything and he tells her he fs counting on her -He reveals that Nadeko is the class-rep of her class -Once he leaves Kuchinawa-san starts talking again and comments on how she fs the class-rep -The position was pretty much push onto her -The favour the teacher asked from her was to fix the atmosphere of the class - Kuchinawa-san worries that her jobs at school will affect the favour he is ask ing from her -She tells him it fs no problem since whether it fs the teacher fs favour or the jobs at comes with being a class-rep, she hasn ft done any of it -That night she sneaks out in order to find Kuchinawa-san fs remains -He tells her that she just needs to walk around and he fll detect his remains -He suddenly starts vibrating and tells her to head towards a certain direction -They get to a park and Nadeko starts digging in the sandbox -However even when they reached the bottom they couldn ft find anything -Looks like it was a false alarm -She starts filling up the holes and when she was done started playing with the sand -Araragi then suddenly appeared in front of her -He takes her to his room and gives her a stern talking to -Turns out her parents found out she was gone and phoned Tsukihi, she lied and s aid Nadeko is staying with her for the night -Araragi overheard and went out to look for her -He questions her if she is actually hiding something from him -She lies to him again and he believes her -He tells her it fs getting late and that she should rest -He left for a bit and comes back with a yukata -He tells her she should stay for the night -It seems he went into his little sister fs room, took out the yukata from the dra wers, checked up on their sleeping faces, and came back with the clothing -Nadeko thought that there was an unnecessary step stuck in between what he said -She asks where she is going to sleep and he says that there isn ft any extra room s so she fll sleep here -He tells her that she should be tired so she should use the bed -Nadeko says she doesn ft want to kick Araragi out but he tells her not to worry s ince the bed is big enough for two people -Instantaneously Shinobu comes out of his shadow and knocks him out with an uppe rcut -Shinobu tells her that it was close or else Nadeko would end up being pregnant at her age -She comments on how cute Nadeko is but adds that she is still second only to he r -She says she realizes why Araragi is so attracted to her -Shinobu comments on how being cute can be a weapon, and that she wields both ac tual power and cuteness -As she is leaving the room carrying Araragi she turns to Nadeko and says she fs l ucky that she just happens to be cute -Nadeko wakes up the next day with Tsukihi wrapped around her -Tsukihi wakes up and jumps off when she sees its Nadeko who she fs hugging, she t hought the person who she was holding was Araragi -Nadeko is afraid that she caused a misunderstanding with Tsukihi since she fs wea

ring her yukata and sleeping in Araragi fs bed -With Tsuhiki being a giant brocon pissing her off means making an enemy with ev ery middle schooler in the area -Nadeko thanks her for what she did last night -Nadeko has her head down and Tsukihi tells her since she fs so cute she shouldn ft hide it -Tsukihi says although she is second only to her -She tells Nadeko that when they were in second grade the first time she saw her she knew she had to be friends with her since she was so cute -Nadeko blurs out the question of if she wasn ft cute then would Tsukihi still hav e been friends with her -Tsukihi is confused by the question and presses Nadeko into making herself clea r -Nadeko keeps saying sorry but Tsukihi wouldn ft let her go -Tsukihi makes an Azumanga reference and Nadeko gives in and tells her that some one told her she was lucky that she just happens to be cute -Tsukihi tells her that it fs just jealously -She asks Nadeko if she dislike being cute and she says it makes her feel like i t fs the only thing she has -Tsukihi gives a whole speech and calls Nadeko an idiot and there is nothing wro ng with Nadeko being only cute -They get to the topic of who Nadeko likes and she admits it fs Araragi -She confirms that she likes him from an opponent sex point of view and Tsukihi says that he has a girlfriend -Turns out Nadeko knew about it a long time ago -She fs seem him with multiple girls but there was one who stood out -Araragi has also been seen carrying Karen on his shoulder multiple times -Tsuhiki then questions her about how she can still love him despite him having a girlfriend -For Nadeko loving someone is a way for her to feel better -Tsukihi tells her that the reason why she is with her boyfriend is because he t old her that calling someone goniichan h despite having feelings for him makes it m eaningless -Tsukihi feels that Nadeko doesn ft have enough reason to like Araragi -She also questions her on why she refer to herself in first-person -Nadeko starts talking about how she doesn ft want to make trouble for Araragi and Tsuhiki goes and grabs a certain stationary -Tsukihi tells her she fs grown tired of Nadeko fs love and she cuts off Nadeko fs ban gs -Nadeko screams -An hour has passed and Nadeko is shown walking wobbly towards school -She searches her memory bank about what just happened -After hearing Nadeko scream Araragi comes rushing in and sends Tsukihi flying -He tries to calm her down and calls for Karen to take her somewhere safe -He wants to have some alone time with Tsukihi and he says what he fs going to do with Tsukihi fs body is not going to be children friendly -Karen comes and tries her best to fix Nadeko fs hair - Kuchinawa-san starts talking to her again and she asks him why he didn ft safe h er and he says it wasn ft a place where he could do anything - Kuchinawa-san tells her that if she really does care about her bangs so much t hen he could maybe do something about it -Since he is a god his job is to grant wishes so if she is able to find his rema ins he could give her bangs back -He also tells her he knows where his remains are but he fll leave it until tonigh t -When she got to school her teacher approached her and asks if she has done anyt hing about his favour -She does her usual technique of looking down but this time her teacher isn ft let ting her go -She realizes that with her bangs cut people can see her face and her expression

s -Nadeko snaps and tells him to shut up -She goes and tells him it isn ft a job that should be given to a middle-schooler and it should be solved by a teacher like him instead -She goes to her classroom and when asked what she fs doing she says she doing the favour he asked her to do -She kicks the door in and starts lecturing her class -She tells them that no matter what they think the time they spent in this class room will be remembered forever and they should fix it -She leaves school early -She tell Kuchinawa-san that there is no point in waiting for night anymore so h e should just tell her where his remains are now -He says it in Araragi fs house -She gets there and sees that the doors are locked - Kuchinawa-san opens the lock and says he has the ability to break barriers -She goes up to Araragi fs room and starts searching -While she is doing that she starts to think about what Tsukihi said and she beg in to think that she started liking Araragi in order to be closer to Tsukihi -She opens Araragi fs bottom desk draw and finds porn mags -She starts reading them and every page too -While she fs reading Kuchinawa-san asks her why she refers to herself in first pe rson and she tells him to think for himself -He says that it because she has no sense of self -She gets to the third mag and a bookmark falls out - Kuchinawa-san tells her to pick up the bookmark -The thing has a drawing of a snake biting its tail -She concludes that it fs an ofuda and not a bookmark - Kuchinawa-san says they fve found it and all she needs to do is eat it -In order to show his gratitude he fll grant her more things including the hair -She says she wants to be together with Araragi and just when she finished, Arar agi appears behind her and tells her that fs going to be hard -Araragi keeps telling her to drop the ofuda and that it fs a really dangerous obj ect -Shinobu however is less calm and starts to insult her and tells Araragi to just steal it back -The ofuda seems to be from Gaen Izuko -After that Nadeko then sees that the thing on her hand is just a band, a band u sed to tie up hair -She puts the ofuda in her mouth and she eats it -Araragi tells her she can still turn back but Shinobu says it fs too late and she rushes in to eat her -Nadeko fs hair turns into snakes and pins Shinobu down and starts biting her -Araragi comes in and pulls Shinobu out -Nadeko pulls out one of her hair and the snake turns into a giant fang and she stabs Araragi with it -The story goes back to present time where Nadeko is at the shrine -Both Araragi and Shinobu have been defeated and both of their skin is black fro m the poison -She says that it would have been good if they didn ft chase her when she ran away and that they are too weak -She asks Kuchinawa-san how this came to be and he says it fs all her fault - Kuchinawa-san is a Kaii that was revived a couple hours ago when Nadeko ate th at ofuda -It seems that Kuchinawa-san started out as nothing more than her delusions -All of the things she saw were just there to give her delusions some story -The reason why Kuchinawa-san knew so much about Kaiis when Nadeko didn ft was bec ause back In June when she was researching on how to get rid of her curse she re ad up on a lot of stuff and even though she doesn ft know it she subconsciously re tained the information -Because of the delusions Nadeko fs memories have holes in them

-Her delusions started in September when she found out Araragi had a girlfriend and she started going crazy -She wanted to get rid of that girl so she started praying -She went to the snake shrine whenever she had time -However since that shrine already lost everything praying there was useless -It was then revealed that Ougi was the one who told Nadeko everything -She told her that the shrine had no god but if it came back then it fll be differ ent -She tells her the object is with Araragi, it fs a piece of paper and all she need s to do is a catch a snake and feed the object to it -After that Nadeko would be able to have her wish granted -Even the band on her wrist was a gift from Ougi to represent their relationship -The way she opened the door to Araragi fs house was using the actual keys -She deliberately let her parents catch her sneaking out and wanted them to phon e Tsuhiki -She got into their house that night and she was able to get herself the key in which she could use the next day during the day when everyone was away -She could have searched of the ofuda that night too but she worried if Tsukihi might come in suddenly in which she actually did -Shinobu starts talking again and Nadeko strikes her until she got quiet again -She goes towards Araragi and decides to kill him -Just when she is about to deal the final blow she hears vibrating sound -It the phone coming from Araragi and she picks up -It fs Senjougahara -She asks if her man is alive and Nadeko says currently still is -She says she save it and Nadeko responds by saying unless she can get here with in one second she didn ft save anything -She says that had Nadeko killed Araragi then Senjougahara would have had to bec ome a murderer and what she saved was her future -She wants to trade her life for Araragi and Shinobu fs -Technically she doesn ft care for Shinobu but since she is Araragi fs treasure if s he is gone there is no point in Araragi living -Nadeko says its impossible since she plans on killing all of them -She then tells Nadeko if that is the case then the order is important since if Araragi dies first then Shinobu will get her powers back and a small character s uch as Nadeko would get swallowed in an instant -More importantly she needs to kill Senjougahara first since if she don ft then sh e fll kill everyone -When asked what she meant by everyone she says she meant everyone -She then asks for a favour and since Nadeko is now the owner of the shrine and a goddess she should listen to the wishes of a civilian like Senjougahara -Nadeko tells her she fll listen and Senjougahara says she wants to postpone their deaths until graduation since she doesn ft want all her effort to go to waste -Nadeko agrees and tells her that right after the ceremony they need to come str aight to the shrine -Nadeko then tells her that had they met under different circumstances maybe the y could have been friends and Senjougahara disagrees saying she hates cute brats like her -Senjougahara then hangs up and Nadeko does so as well thinking the same thing -A while after this all happens Nadeko starts thinking about what happened after wards with her class, such as if they finally turned back to what they were in t he beginning -She also starts thinking about her parents -We then jump to March on the day of Araragi fs graduation -She is sitting on the shrine fs coin collection box and the band that used to be on her hand is now used to make a ponytail with her snake hair -The shrine is also going to be rebuilt -When it was a mess no one gave it any attention but when it was completely dest royed people started paying attention -Three people, Senjougahara, Araragi and Shinobu is now approaching the shrine

-Shinobu is at an age where she fs near Araragi fs -She wished that Hanekawa and Kanbaru would have appeared too so it would have s eem like all characters have gathered in order to fight the last boss -She stands up and welcomes them

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