Bahan Latih Tubi SPM Fizik 2010

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Diagram 1 shows the instrument which is used to measure the outer diameter of a cylinder, S.

PAHANG Diagram 1.1 shows the initial reading of a stopwatch at the beginning of an experiment. The stopwatch was used to measure the time for 2w0 complete oscillations made by a simple pendulum length .l

Diagram 1 Name the instrument used in Diagram 1. ... [1 mark] (b) What is the function of X. ... [1 mark] (c) (i) What is the sensitivity of this instrument? ...... [1 mark] (ii) What is the diameter of the object above? .. [1 mark] TERENGGANU Diagram 1 shows two measurement instrument X and Y. (a)

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2 What is the sensitivity of the stopwatch? .. [ 1 mark ] (b) The stopwatch has a zero error as shown in Diagram 1.1. What is the reading of the zero error? .. [ 1 mark ] (c) What is the actual time taken for the pendulum to complete 20 oscillations? .. .. [ 20 marks ] PERLIS Diagram 1.1 shows a micrometer screw gauge. (a)

X Diagram 1.1 (a) Name the scale at the part of X. .. [1 mark] Diagram 1.2 shows the scale of a micrometer screw gauge when the anvil and spindle are closed. Diagram 1.3 shows the scale of the micrometer screw gauge when it is measuring the thickness of a piece of glass. Diagram 1 (a)

Name the physical quantity measured by the measurement instruments above. [ 1 mark] What is the value of the smallest division of measurement instrument Y. [ 1 mark] Which measurement instrument is more sensitive ? [ 1 mark] Complete the following sentence by ticking ( ) the correct box. The measurement instrument Y is connected series in a circuit. parallel in a circuit. [ 1 mark]



Diagram 1.2

Diagram 1.3


(b) Based on Diagram 1.2 (i) give the name of error has shown by micrometer screw gauge. ... [1 mark] (ii) What is the value of error? ... [1 mark] (c) State the thickness of the glass. .............. [1 mark] MELAKA

CHAPTER 2 FORCES AND MOTION KEDAH Diagram 3.1 shows a ticker tape obtained by a student for a moving trolley in an experiment using a ticker timer. The ticker timer records 50 ticks

per second. [2 marks]

KELANTAN Diagram 3.1 The scale given shows the length of the ticker tape measured in centimetres from the first dot marked on the tape. (a) State the type of electric current which is used to operate the ticker timer. ... [ 1 mark ] (b) What is the meaning of '1 tick'? ... [ 1 mark ] (c) Draw the tape chart on the graph in Diagram 3.2 Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 show two pieces of plasticine are attached to two similar hacksaw blades of the same length. The two plasticine then are set to oscillate. The frequency of oscillations for both plasticine is determine as shown in Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2.

Frequency = 15 Hz Diagram 5.1

Frequency = 5 Hz Diagram 5.2



Diagram 3.2 [ 2 marks ] Based on the tape chart, describe the motion of the trolley. [ 2 marks] JOHOR (d) 1 Diagram 1 shows a ticker tape produced when a trolley move along an inclined runway. (c)



What is the meaning of frequency? [1 mark] Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2; (i) Compare the mass of the two plasticines. [1 mark] (ii) Compare the frequency of oscillation of the two plasticines. [1 mark] (iii) Relate the mass and the frequency of oscillation of the two plasticines ... ... [1 mark] Name a physics concept involved in these situations. [1 mark] What happen to the frequency of oscillations when the length of the hacksaw blade clamped is shorter? [1 mark] The time taken for 20 complete oscillations of the plasticine is 10 seconds. Calculate: (i) the period of oscillations.

(ii) Diagram 1 (a) (a) Complete the sentence below by ticking () the correct box. The type of current used for ticker timer alternating current. MELAKA

the frequency of oscillation.

[2 marks]

Diagram 7.1and Diagram 7.2 show a weightlifter is making trial to determine the suitable method to lift a load of mass 60 kg for longer time.

direct current. (b) On Diagram 1 mark X to show one tick . [1 mark] (c) Based on Diagram 1 determine the velocity of the trolley?

[ 2 marks ] (ii) Calculate the momentum of the toy car.

[ 2 marks ] PAHANG Diagram 3 shows a box a box of mass 43 kg on a ramp with 200 slope with horizontal. Frictional force exerted between the box with the ramp is 147 N.

(a) What is meant by equilibrium state? [1 mark] (b). What is the weight of the load? [2 marks] (c) In the space below, draw the scale drawing of the triangle of forces to determine the value of T 1 . [Use the scale 1 cm : 10N] (a) Diagram 3 What is meant by frictional force? .. [ 1 mark ] (i) Calculate the weight of the box ,W. [ [ 1 mark ] Calculate the resultant force parallel to the ramp. m a r [ 2 marks ] k Based s on your answer in (b) explain what happens to the motion ] of the box? .. .. [ 2 marks] (ii) 3



[ 3 marks ] (d) Calculate the tension T 2 in Diagram 7.2 [2 marks] (e) Based on the answer in (c ) and (d), state the suitable way to lift the load for a long time. Give one reason for your answer. . ........................................................................................ . ....................................................................................... [2 marks] NEGERI SEMBILAN Diagram 3 shows a diagram of stroboscopic photographs of a moving toy car.

PERLIS Diagram 3.1 shows a feather and a plastic ball release from the same height.

Diagram 3.1 The velocity-time graph for the two objects is shown in Diagram 3.2.

Diagram 3 (a) Explain the type of motion from A to B and from B to C, shown by the car in Diagram 3. .. [ 1 mark ] What is the acceleration of the toy car from A to B? Explain your answer. .. .. .. [ 2 marks ] Distance from A to B is 6 meter and the toy car took 20 seconds to reach B. The mass of the toy car is 0.5 kg. (i) Calculate the velocity of the toy car from A to B.





Diagram 3.2 Name two forces acting on the feather and the plastic ball [2 marks] Using the graph in diagram 3.2, (i) explain the motion of both objects. ... .. ... ...

[1 mark] state which object will reach the ground first. ... [1 mark] (c) Explain your answer in (b)(ii) [1 mark] (d) The feather and the plastic ball are now dropped in a vacuum. Compare the motion of the two objects? [1 mark] SELANGOR Diagram 2 shows a mass of 0.8 kg T-shirt is hung on a clothes line. (ii)

. (d) [1 mark] Calculate the reading of the weighing scale in Diagram 4.2.

[2 marks] (e) If the cable of the lift in Diagram (b) snaps, what will be the reading of the weighing scale? . [1 mark]

MRSM Diagram 2 shows a baseball player wearing a soft thick glove to catch a ball during a baseball match.

Diagram 2 (a) What is the base unit of the force? .. [ 1 mark ] Mark and label in Diagram 2. (i) the tension force of the string, T, acts on the clothes line when the T-shirt is hung. (ii) the weight of the T-shirt, W. [ 2 marks ] Using the concept of forces in equilibrium, calculate the tension force, T.




Diagram 2 What is meant by impulsive force? .. [ 1 mark ] The ball of mass 0.15 kg moves with a velocity20 ms-1 when it is hit. Calculate the impulsive force acting on the glove when the time of impact is 8 x 10-2 s.



[ 2 marks ] Compare the impulsive force if the baseball player wears a hard glove to catch the ball. Explain your answer. .. .. [ 2 marks ]

TERENGGANU Diagram 2 shows a watermelon fall off a table and drop on to the floor surface. The watermelon of mass 1.5 kg experienced the change of momentum while falling. [ 2 marks ] SBP Diagram 4.1 shows a girl standing on weighing scale in a stationary lift. Diagram 4.2 shows the same girl in a lift which is accelerating upwards at 2 ms-2.

Diagram 2 What is the meaning of momentum? [1 mark] Velocity of the watermelon when hitting the floor surface is 2 m s-1. Calculate the momentum of the watermelon at the moment. (a)

(b) Diagram 4.1 (a) Diagram 4.2



Which of the two weighing scales shows the bigger reading? [1 mark] Name and label the two forces acting on the girl in Diagram 4.1 [2 marks] If the mass of the girl is 50 kg, what is the reading of the weighing scale in Diagram 4.1?

[2 marks] (c) (i) Mark with a ( ) for the correct statement about the impact time between the watermelon and the floor surface. The impact time is longer.

The impact time is shorter. [1 mark] Why the watermelon is broken when hitting the floor surface? ... [1 mark] CHAPTER 3 PRESSURE AND FORCE (ii) KEDAH Diagram 6.1 shows water flowing out of a hole at the side of a container.

JOHOR (a) Diagram 7.1 shows cross-sectional of a wing of a moving aeroplane. The wing of aeroplane experiences a lift force.


Diagram 7.1 Name the cross-section in Diagram 7.1. .... [1 mark] (ii) Draw and label the direction of the air flow. [1 mark] (iii) Label the region of high and low pressure. [1 mark] (iv) Using an arrow, show the direction of the lift force, F, [1 mark] Diagram 7.2 shows a Bunsen burner burning with yellow flame is produced. (i)

Diagram 6.1 Diagram 6.2 shows water flowing out of a hole at the side of another container.

Diagram 7.2 (i) Explain how a blue flame can be produced. [3 marks] (ii) Suggest one modification to the burner to produce bigger flame.Give reason to your answer. [2 marks] (iii) State the physics principle use in a Bunsen burner. [1 mark]

Diagram 6.2 (a) What is the meaning of pressure? .. [1 mark] Observe Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2. (i) Compare the depth of the holes from the surface of the water. . [1 mark] (ii) Compare the horizontal distance travelled by the jet of water. . [1 mark] (iii) Relate the horizontal distance in (b)(ii) to the pressure of water at the hole . [1 mark] (iv) Relate the pressure in the water to the depth of the water. . [1 mark] State two other factors that affect the pressure in a liquid. ... ... [2 marks] Explain why a diver finds it difficult to breathe normally when he is in the deep sea. ... ... [1 mark]


KELANTAN Diagram 2.1 shows two different containers filled with water. The water pressure at point P and point Q are the same.



Diagram 2.1


What is the meaning of pressure? .




[1 mark] State one factor that affect the water pressure at point P and Q. [1 mark] Calculate the water pressure at point P. [Density of water = 1000 kgm-3]



Compare the pressure at point A and point B in the lake. ......................................................................................... [1 mark] (i) Based on the answer in (a)(ii), which dam is stronger? ...................................................................................... [1 mark] (ii) Explain the reasons for your answer in (b)(i). ......................................................................................... .................................................................................. ......................................................................................... [ 2 marks ] Diagram 5.3 shows an apparatus used to remove water from a beaker to a cylinder.


[2 marks] Diagram 2.2 shows the water spurt when a hole is made near the base of container B.

Diagram 2.2

Diagram 2.3 shows the water in container B is replaced by liquid X which has higher density than water.

Diagram 5.3 Name the apparatus shown in diagram 5.3. [1 mark] (ii) Give a reason why water flows from the beaker to the cylinder as shown in Diagram 5.3. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... [1 mark] (iii) In Diagram 5.4, mark the water level in the cylinder when water stops flowing from the beaker to the cylinder. (i)

Diagram 2.3 .Diagram 5.4 [1 mark] [1 mark] NEGERI SEMBILAN Diagram 4 shows a man in a boat filled with goods floating in the sea.

Sketch the spurt of liquid X in Diagram 2.3.

Diagram 4 MELAKA Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 show two dams with different shapes. (a) Explain why the boat does not sink in the sea? .. [ 1 mark ] State the principle involved in (a). .. [ 1 mark ] When the boat entering a river mouth, will the water level on the boat be above mark A in Diagram 4? Explain your answer. . .. .. .. [ 3 marks] If the density of water at river mouth is 1000 kgm-3 and the total mass of the boat, man and goods is 530 kg, calculate the volume of the water displaced.


(c) Diagram 5.1 (a) Diagram 5.2

Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 (i) Compare the dams in Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... [1 mark]


[2 marks] PAHANG Diagram 7.1 shows the position of two identical springs before and after a load is placed on it.



(ii) (a) (b) (c) Diagram 7.1 State the energy stored in the spring when it is compressed. .. [ 1 mark ] (i) What is the compression of the spring in Diagram 7.1(b)? . [ 1 mark ] (ii) Calculate the spring constant , k of the spring. [ 1 mark ] (iii) Calculate the length , l in Diagram 7.1(c). (a)

Diagram 7.1 Name the principle involved in this instrument. [1 mark] Diagram 7.2 shows the hydrometer being immersed in liquid P and liquid Q



[ 2 marks ] Diagram 7.2 shows an arrangement of spring in compression balance. (b)

Compare the density of liquid P and liquid Q [1 mark] (iii) Explain how the hydrometer can be made more sensitive [1 mark] Diagram 7.3 shows a ship marked with Plimsoll lines on the side.


Diagram 7.2 State the relationship between compressions of the spring with the load in the balance. . [ 1 mark ] (ii) What will happen to the spring when a heavier load is placed on the compression balance until the reading exceed the scale of the balance? . [ 1 mark ] Suggest two modifications that can be done to the compression balance so that it can measure load with a bigger mass. 1 2 [ 2 marks ] (i)



Diagram 7.3 State why these lines are important to ships [1 mark] Calculate the volume of water displaced by the ship

PERLIS Diagram 7.1 shows a hydrometer which is used to measure relative density of liquid.

[2 marks] Based on diagram 7.3, state the relationship between the height , h, and density of water as the ship sails across seas. h is distance between surface of water and deck) [1 mark] (d) Give two suggestion on how the ship can be made more stable .. .. [2 marks] SELANGOR Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 show two identical thistle funnels are covered with rubber sheets, immersed in measuring cylinders filled with liquid P which density is 0.8 g cm-3. A manometer is connected to the thistle funnel using rubber tube. The depth, h 1 and h 2 are measured from the surface of the liquid P to the rubber sheet. (c)


Diagram 7 shows a public water tank which supplies water for domestic use to a residential area. Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2 State the function of manometer? .. [1 mark] Observe Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2. (i) Compare h 1 and h 2 . . [1 mark] (ii) Compare the different in height of the water level in the manometer. . . [2marks] (iii) Name the physical quantity that represents the difference in height of the water in manometer. . [1 mark] (iv) Relate the answers in (b) (i) and (b) (ii). . [1 mark] (v) Relate the depth of the liquid and the physical quantity in (b) (iii). . [1 mark] Liquid P with density 0.8 g cm-3 in Diagram 5.2 is then replaced by liquid Q with density 1.0 gcm-3. Predict what will happen to the difference in height of the water in manometer and give your reason. .. .. [2marks





Diagram 7 State one factor which affects pressure in a liquid. [ 1 mark ] Based on Diagram 7, calculate the water pressure at X. (Density of water = 103 kg m-3)


SBP Diagram 2 shows a cross-section of a bunsen burner.

[ 2 marks ] Tenants on the fifth floor of the apartment block are unable to obtain tap water. Why? . [ 1 mark ] (d) Suggest and explain modifications to the water distribution system shown in Diagram 7, to ensure the following: (i) Sufficient water supply for all area residents. .. .. .. [ 2 marks ] (ii) Water supply reaches the fifth floor of the apartment building. .. .. .. [ 2 marks ] TERENGGANU (c) Diagram 5.1 shows a water jet spurts out from a hole in a tall vessel at a distance , d 1 . Diagram 5.2 shows an oil jet spurts out from a hole at the same depth in a tall vessel at a distance , d 2 .




Diagram 2 Name the Physics principle involved in the working principle of bunsen burner. [1 mark] (ii) Which region X, Y or Z, experiences low pressure? [1 mark] State one reason for your answer in (a) (ii). [1 mark] Explain how a bunsen burner can produced blue flame. [2 marks] (i)

Diagram 7 shows the initial situation and the situation after 5 minutes when water is being boiled by an electric heater of power 1000 W.

Diagram 7 (a) What is the meaning of temperature? ... [ 1 mark ] Based on Diagram 7; (i) State one reason why the temperature does not increase even though heat is supplied. . . [ 1 mark] (ii) Calculate the heat energy released by the immersion heater in 5 minutes.




What is the meaning of density? ............................................................................ [ 1 mark] Observe Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2. Compare: (i)

Density of water and oil. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... [ 1 mark] (ii) The distance d 1 and d 2 . ............................................................................... ............................................................................... [ 1 mark] (iii) The pressure produced by the water jet and the oil jet. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... [ 1 mark] (c) Based on your answer in (b), state the relationship between the density and the pressure of ......................................................................................... .......................................................... [ 1 mark] (d) Diagram 5.3 shows the location of a house water tank.

[ 2 marks] (iii) Calculate the specific latent heat of vaporization of water in the above process.

[ 3 marks] The actual value of specific latent heat of vaporization of water is 2.26 x 106 J kg1. (i) Explain why the value obtained in (b)(iii) is different from the actual value. . . [ 1 mark] (ii) Suggest two modifications to the arrangement of apparatus in Diagram 7 that will give a more accurate value of specific latent heat of vaporization of water. . . . . [ 1 mark] JOHOR An experiment is carried out to investigate the relationship between the pressure, P and the temperature, of a fixed mass of a gas. The graph of pressure, P against temperature , obtained is as shown in Diagram 2. (c)

Diagram 5.3 Explain why the water tank should be located on top of the roof. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ [3 marks] CHAPTER 4 - HEAT KEDAH (ii) (a) (i) Diagram 2 What is the value of temperature, T 0 when the pressure of the gas is zero? ................................................................... [1 mark] What is the name given to T 0 ?

................................................................... [1 mark] (b) Name the physics law that explain the observation of the above experiment. . ............................................................................ [1 mark] In the space below, sketch the graph of pressure, P against temperature, when the temperature of a gas is expressed in Kelvin.


(a) [2 marks] KELANTAN Diagram 1 shows a metal sphere with initial temperature of 30oC is immersed in boiling water. (b)

Explain in terms of energy why the reading of the thermometer, (i) remains constant for the first 20 minutes. .................................................................. [1 mark] increases after 20 minutes. ............................................................................. [1 mark]


Calculate the heat absorbed by the ice during the first 20 minutes. [Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.36 x 105 J kg1]

Diagram 1 (a) (i) What happen to the temperature of the metal sphere? ... [1 mark] (ii) Give a reason for the answer in 1(a)(i). [1 mark] (b) After sometime, the metal sphere and the boiling water have the same temperature (i) Tick ( ) in the box below for the correct statement about heat flows between the metal sphere and the boiling water. The rate of heat flows from boiling water < the rate of heat flows from metal sphere. The rate of heat flows from boiling water = the rate of heat flows from metal sphere. The rate of heat flows from boiling water > the rate of heat flows from metal sphere. (ii) State the physics concept involve in (b) (i). [1 mark] MELAKA Diagram 2 shows ice melting in a glass. The initial mass of the ice is 0.20 kg. (a)

[2 marks]


Which statement correctly describes the water in the glass after it is left for a few hours. Mark ( ) in the correct box. There is no transfer of energy between the water and the surroundings There is no net transfer of energy between the water and the surroundings [1 mark]

NEGERI SEMBILAN Diagram 5.1 shows the soup that boil in a metal pot and in a clay pot. Both pot sand soups are supplied with same rate of heat and have same mass. Diagram 5.2 shows the changes in temperature after 5 minutes.


What is meant by specific heat capacity? [ 1 mark ] Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, (i) compare the temperature of the soup in the metal pot and the temperature of the soup in the clay pot after 5 minutes. .


[ 1 mark ] compare the specific heat capacity of the metal pot and the specific heat capacity of the clay pot. . [ 1 mark ] (iii) compare the mass of the soup in both pot. . [ 1 mark ] (ii) (iv) state the relationship between the change of temperature and the specific heat capacity. . [ 1 mark ] After the soup in the pots reaches the same temperature, both pots are removed away from the burner as shown in Diagram 5.3. Diagram 5.4shows the changes in temperature 5 minutes after removing them from the burner.


[ 1 mark ] (ii) Name the law involved in your answer in (c)(i). [ 1 mark ] When the pushing force that pushes the beaker in Diagram 5.2 is removed, the beaker moved upward to the water surface again. Explain why the beaker moved upward to the water surface? [ 2 marks ]


PERLIS Diagram 5 shows a swimming pool.

Diagram 5

Based on Diagram 5.3 and Diagram 5.4, compare the temperature of the soup in the metal pot and the temperature of the soup in the clay pot 5 minutes after removing them from the burner. ......................................................................................... [1 mark] (ii) Explain your answer in (c)(i). ......................................................................................... [1 mark] (iii) State the assumption that you make to answer (c)(ii). ......................................................................................... [1 mark] PAHANG Diagram 5.1 shows air was trapped in a beaker at the surface of water. The beaker is then push into the water until its sinks at a depth, h as shown in Diagram 5.2.




(c) (a) Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2 Name the type of pressure that acts on the surface of water. [ 1 mark ] Based on the Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 compare (i) The volume of air trapped in the beaker . [ 1 mark ] (ii) The pressure of air trapped in the beaker. . [ 1 mark ] (i) Based on your answer in (b)(i) and b(ii) state the relationship between the volume of air trapped and its pressure.





Table 5.1 What is a meant of Specific heat capacity? [ 1 Mark ] Based on table 5.1, (i) compare the specific heat capacity of the pond water and the specific heat capacity of the tiles. [1 mark] (ii) compare the increasing of temperature of pond water and the increasing of temperature of the tiles at from 7.00 a.m to 12.00 p.m. [1 mark] State the relationship between the increasing of the temperature and the specific heat capacity. .. .. [1 mark] State the temperature of pond water and the temperature of tiles at 12.00 a.m compare with the temperature at 7.00 p.m. Explain your answer. [2 marks] Compare the temperature of pond water, x and the temperature of tiles, y at 12.00 a.m. Explain your answer. .. . (i)


. [2 marks]

SELANGOR Diagram 4 shows a temperature-time graph for the heating of 50g substance. The initial state of the substance is solid.



(ii) Give 2 reasons to your answer in (a)(i). .. .. [2 marks] Name the Gas Law involved in (a). [1 mark] Before the journey, En Hassan checked the air pressure of his car tyre. The air pressure of the tyre is 200 kPa at a temperature of 30C. After the journey, the temperature of the tyre becomes 60oC . Calculate the air pressure of the tyre at this temperature. [2 marks]

MRSM A student carries out an activity to record the temperature change of oil and water. Both liquids are heated by identical heaters for two minutes. The initial temperature of the water and the oil are 30oC.





Diagram 4 What is the meaning of temperature? . [ 1 mark] (ii) What is the melting point of the substance? . [ 1 mark] What is the physical state of the substance at QR? .. [ 1 mark] Determine the time taken for the substance to change from solid state to liquid state. .. [ 1 mark] Calculate the heat energy required to raise the temperature of the substance from 30oC to 80oC. Given the specific heat capacity of the substance as 1720 J kg-1 oC-1. (i)

[3 marks ]

SBP Diagram 3 shows one of the tyres of En Hassans car before travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terengganu.


Diagram 3 After a long journey; (i) State what happens to the pressure of the air in the tyre? [1 mark]

Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2 Name the condition in which the temperature of the water is equal to the temperature of the thermometer. .. [ 1 mark] (b) Observe Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2. Compare, (i) the mass of oil and water. [ 1 mark ] (ii) the temperature change in oil and water. [ 1 mark ] (c) (i) Compare the amount of heat supplied by the heater to the oil and the water. [ 1 mark ] (ii) Compare the amount of heat absorbed by oil and water. [ 1 mark ] (iii) Name the physical quantity that will explain the comparison you made in (b)(iii). [ 1 mark ] (d) If the heating time is increased to 5 minutes , will there be any change in the physical quantity in (c)(iii). Explain your answer. .. .. .. [ 2 marks TERENGGANU Diagram 3.1 shows a 600 W electric heater being used to heat a beaker of water on a compression balance. (a)


[ 1 mark ] (b) Calculate the focal length of the mirror.


[ 1 mark ] Complete Diagram 2 by drawing one more ray from point X on the object to show the formation of the image by the mirror. Draw the image formed.

[ 2 marks ] (d) Diagram 3.1 (a) State the energy change involved when using the heater to heat the water. [ 1 mark] The mass of water is 0.5 kg and specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg-1 oC-1. The initial temperature of water is 28 0C. Calculate the energy absorbed by the water to reach its boiling point. State one characteristic of the image. [ 1 mark ]

NEGERI SEMBILAN Diagram 8 shows the structure of a periscope used in a submarine.


[ 2 marks] (c) When the water is boiling, the reading of the compression balance decreases by 0.04 kg in 160 s. Calculate the specific latent heat of vaporization of the water.


[ 2 marks] (b) (d) Explain why at the boiling point , the temperature of water remain unchanged. ... [ 2 marks]


Two glass prisms must be placed so the observer can see the objects outside the submarine. The position of one of the glass prisms is shown in Diagram 8. On Diagram 8, (i) draw and shade the second prism. [ 1 mark ] (ii) complete the path of the light ray from the object to the observer's eye. [ 1 mark ] State the light phenomenon involved. [ 1 mark ] If the critical angle of the glass prism is 44, calculate the refractive index of the glass prism.

CHAPTER 5 LIGHT KEDAH Diagram 2 shows an object in front of a mirror. C is the centre of curvature of the mirror.



Diagram 2 Name the type of mirror used.


[ 2 marks ] Q, R and S are three different materials used as a prism in a periscope. Table 8 shows the characteristics of each material. Material Refractive index Critical angle Q 1.25 R 1.33 S 1.52 Table 8 (i) Calculate the critical angle for each materials and fill in Table 8. [ 1 mark ] (ii) Based on the answers in (d)(i), which material is the most suitable to be used in periscope? [ 1 mark ] (iii) State one reason for the answer in (d)(i)? [ 1 mark ] Mirror can also be used in periscopes



State the light phenomenon applied when using mirror. .. [ 1 mark ] (ii) Give one reason why mirror is not suitable to be used compared to prism. . [ 1 mark ]

SBP Diagram 5.1 shows light rays passing through the eye lens when a person is having a myopia. Diagram 5.2 shows the light rays passing through the eye lens when a person is having a hyper- metropia. Diagram 1 Name the type of mirror shown in Diagram 1. [ 1 mark ] Draw the image in the box given in Diagram 1. [ 1 mark ] Based on Diagram 1, tick ( ) the correct statement about the image formed. The image can be formed on the screen.


Diagram 5.1

Diagram 5.2

(b) (c)



Name the light phenomenon involved in both diagrams. [1 mark] Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, compare; object distance [1 mark] (ii) image distance [1 mark] In order for a person to see clearly, state where should the image formed in the eye? [1 mark] Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, state the type of lens that can be used to correct the situation in; (i) Diagram 5.1: ............................................................................ [1 mark] (ii) Diagram 5.2 : . . [1 mark] By using your answer in (d)(i), draw the lens in the box provided and complete the ray diagram in Diagram 5.3 to show how myopia can be corrected. (i)

The image cannot be formed on the screen. [ 1 mark ] (d) What happens to the size of the image is the object is placed at X? [ 1 mark ] TERENGGANU Diagram 8 shows an object, O placed at the front of a convex lens, W. The focal length of the convex lens is 5 cm. The light rays of the object passing through the convex lens using the phenomenon of refraction.




Diagram 8 (a) State the meaning of refraction of light. .. .. [1 mark] In Diagram 8, draw the ray diagram of the object to form an image. [3 marks] State the characteristics of the image formed. .. [1 mark] Table 8 shows characteristics of three convex lenses X, Y and Z. Convex lenses X, Y or Z can be used as an objective lens to pair with convex lens W as an eyepiece lens to build an astronomical telescope. (i) Fill in the blanks column in Table 8, by calculates linear magnification of the telescope for each lens as an objective lens.. [3 mark] (ii) Choose two lenses as an objective lens that can produce larger image.


(c) Diagram 5.3 [ 2 marks]


MRSM Diagram 1 shows an object placed in front of a mirror.


[1 mark] (iii) Choose two lenses as an objective lens that can produce clearer image. [1 mark] Linear magnification,

Convex Lens

Focal length / cm

m =

fo fe

Diameter / cm Diagram 3.1 Name the phenomenon that involved in the above observation. ........................................................................................... [1 mark] Why are the water waves follow the shape of the beach when its propagated from the sea to the beach? ........................................................................................... [1 mark] Which of the following physical quantity decreases when the water waves propagated from the sea to the beach? Tick ( ) in the correct box. Speed Wavelength Frequency

(a) X 20 15 (b)









Table 8 Which lens is most suitable to be used as an objective lens of the telescope? [1 mark] Give a reason for your choice in (e)(i). [1 mark]


CHAPTER 6 WAVES KEDAH Diagram 1 shows a cross section of water waves in a ripple tank.

[1 mark] The water waves with a wavelength of 1.2 m travels with velocity 2.5 ms-1 from the sea to the beach. The velocity of the waves when reaching the beach is 1.8 ms-1 . Calculate, (i) the frequency of the water waves

[2 marks] (ii) the wavelength when reaching the beach

[2 marks] Diagram 6.1 shows the arrangement of Youngs double-slit experiment. A source of white light is directed through a red filter to produce a monochromatic light.




Underline the correct word in the bracket to complete the sentence below. Water wave is a (longitudinal, transverse) wave. [1 mark] (i) Complete the rays in Diagram 1 to show how the light rays pass through the water waves to form a bright line on the white screen. [1 mark] (ii) Mark on the white screen in Diagram 1 to show the wavelength of the water wave. Label the wavelength using the symbol . [1 mark] Name the instrument used to freeze the motion of the water waves. .. [1 mark]

Diagram 6.1 Diagram 6.2 and Diagram 6.3 show two double slit which have been used in the experiment.

JOHOR Diagram 3.1 shows the pattern of the water wave when the water waves propagated from the sea to the beach.



electric bell. ................................................................................. [1 mark] (ii) When the air in the electric bell is sucked out by using vacuum pump, what happen to the sound produced? [1 mark] (iii) Give one reason for the answer in 8 (a) (ii). ................................................................................. [1 mark] Diagram 8.2 shows a sound wave form produced by a tuning fork displayed on the screen of cathode ray oscilloscope.


What is meant by monochromatic light ? . [1 mark]





Based on (i) Diagram 6.2 and Diagram 6.3, compare the distance of slit separation, a 1 and a 2 . .. [1 mark] (ii) Diagram 6.4 and Diagram 6.5, compare the distance of two consecutive dark fringes separation, x 1 and x 2 . . [1 mark] (i) State the relationship between the distance of slit separation, a, to the distance of two consecutive dark fringes, x . ............. [1 mark] (ii) State one constant variable in the experiment. . [1 mark] Name the phenomenon of light that produces the fringe pattern in Diagram 6.4 and Diagram 6.5. .. .[1 mark] Explain how the fringe pattern in Diagram 6.4 and Diagram 6.5 are formed. .. ... ... [2 marks]

On Diagram 8.3, draw the sound wave form produced when the loudness is increased.

KELANTAN Diagram 8 shows an electric bell produces sound waves.

.[1 mark] (c) Diagram 8.4 shows an electromagnetic wave spectrum.


Diagram 8.4 Name the wave for; P Q.................................................................... [2 marks]


Diagram 8 (a) (i ) Name the type of wave produced by the

Choose one wave that harmful to human body. ....................................................................... [1 mark] (iii) Give one reason for the answer in (c) (ii). ...................................................................... [1 mark] (iv) Choose one wave that used in telecommunications. ... [1 mark] (v) Give one reason for the answer in (c) (iv). ...


[1 mark] (vi) Choose the suitable wave that can be used in cancer treatment. ....................................................................... [1 mark] (vii) Give one reason for the answer in (c) (vi). ... [1 mark]

Diagram 6.2 The sound is received by two microphones placed at different distance in front of the loud speaker. The separation between the two microphones is, d. The time interval, t, between the sounds received by the two microphones is recorded. The results of the experiment is shown in Diagram 6.3.



Diagram 6.1 The siren is located 20 m from a large building, as shown in Diagram 6.1. The siren with the frequency 1000 Hz, is briefly sounded once. A short time later, the sound is heard again. (i) Why is this second sound heard? . [ 1 mark ] (ii) What is the frequency of this second sound? Tick one box. less than 1000 Hz

Diagram 6.3 Diagram 6.4 shows the trace observed at the screen of CRO.

1000 Hz

more than 1000 Hz [1 mark] (iii) What is the amplitude of this second sound? Tick one box. less than the original sound (ii)

Diagram 6.4 The time-base setting on the CRO is 1.0 ms/cm. (i) Determine the time interval, t, from the trace in Diagram 7.4. [2 marks] Using the answer in (a)(i), determine the distance, d, from the graph.

the same as the original sound more than the original sound [1 mark] (iv) Why the second sound is soft than the original sound .................................................................................... [1 mark] (b) Diagram 6.2 shows the correct method used by a student to measure the speed of sound .

[2 marks] PAHANG Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show images are formed in a ripple tank when two water waves are produced by two coherent sources.


Diagram 6.1 Diagram 6.2 What is meant by two coherent sources? .................................................................................................. [ 1 mark ] (b) Observe Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 , compare (i) the wavelength , , of the water waves. ......................................................................................... [ 1 mark ] (ii) the distance between two consecutive nodal lines, x ......................................................................................... [ 1 mark ] (c) (i) Relate the wavelength , to the distance between two consecutive nodal lines, x ......................................................................................... [ 1 mark ] (ii) Name the wave phenomenon involved. ......................................................................................... [ 1 mark ] (d) A student carries out an experiment to investigate the water wave phenomena using the apparatus in Diagram 6.3. (a)

Diagram 6.1 (a)

Diagram 6.2



Based on Diagram 6.1 and 6.2: (i) State two similarities for the situations in Diagram 6.1 and 6.2 . . [ 2 marks] (ii) Name the phenomenon observed. . [ 1 mark ] (i) What is happening to the distances between the wavefronts as the water waves approach the beach? . [ 1 mark ] (ii) Explain your answer in (b)(i). . . [ 2 marks] The trapezium shaped perspex plate is replaced with a convex lens shaped perspex plate as shown in Diagram 6.3.

Diagram 6.3 Diagram 6.4 shows a sideway of a plane water waves in the ripple tank. (i) Complete the paths of the rays to explain how brigh and dark regions formed on the white paper below the ripple tank. [ 2 marks ]

Diagram 6.3 Draw the wave produced as the wave pass through the convex lens in Diagram 6.3. [ 2 marks]

SELANGOR Diagram 1 shows circular water waves produced by a vibrating dipper in a ripple tank with the frequency of 10 Hertz and propagates towards a barrier.

Diagram 6.4 Determine the type of regions thta formed at A and B. A..................................................................................... B..................................................................................... [ 1 mark ] NEGERI SEMBILAN (ii) Diagram 6.1 shows the propagation of water waves in a ripple tank over a perspex plate in the shape of a trapezium. Diagram 6.2 shows the propagation of water waves from the sea as they advance towards the beach.


Diagram 1 Complete the sentence below by ticking ( ) the correct box. Water wave is a transverse wave longitudinal wave




[ 1 mark ] State the wave phenomenon that occurred. .. [ 1 mark ] State the change in the amplitude and frequency of the water wave after it hit the barrier. Amplitude .. Frequency .. [ 2 marks] Diagram 8.2 (b) Suggested Speed in air/ frequency / Hz ms-1 4 X 4.0 x10 3.3 x102 Y 4.0 x 108 3.0 x108 14 Z 4.0 x10 3.0 x108 Table 8.1 Table 8.1 shows the characteristics of three waves, X, Y and Z to be used in the remote control for the gate. Calculate the wavelength of each wave. (i) Wave X Wave

SBP Diagram 1 shows a Bartons pendulum which consists of five simple pendulums hanging on a horizontal string. When A is pulled and released, it will cause the other four pendulums to oscillate.


Wave Y

(iii) Wave Z

Diagram 1 It is observed that the four pendulums B, C, D and E will oscillate with different amplitudes but with the same frequency. (a) What is the meaning of amplitude? ........................................................................................... [1 mark] (b) (i) Which pendulum oscillates with the maximum amplitude? ................................................................................. [1 mark] (ii) State one reason for your answer in 1(b)(i). ................................................................................. [1 mark] (c) Name the phenomenon stated in (b) ........................................................................................... [1 mark] MRSM Diagram 8.1 shows Aini trying to open the houses front gate using remote control. Eve though Amin is blocking her, the get can stll be opened.



[ 4 marks ] Based on your answer in (b) , which wave is the most suitable to be used in the remote control for the gate? [ 1 mark ] (ii) State one reason for your answer in (c)(i). [ 1 mark ] Based on the values of the wave speed shown in Table 8.1, (i) Predict what wave X is? ... [ 1 mark ] (ii) State one application for wave X. ... [ 1 mark ] (i)

TERENGGANU Table 4 shows five different waves with their wavelengths respectively. Wave Sound Radio Micro Light X-ray Wavelength /m 5.0 x10-1 1.0 x103 1.0 x10-2 5.5 x10-7 5.0 x10-9




Diagram 8.1 Name the wave phenomenon involved. [ 1 mark ] On Diagram 8.2, draw the wave pattern based on the situation in Diagram 8.1 .

Table 4 (a) State the type of sound waves. [ 1 mark] (b) (i) Which of the following waves has the highest frequency ? [ 1 mark] (ii) State a reason for your answer in (b) (i). . [ 1 mark]


(c) Sound waves are used to determine the depth of a lake. The frequency and wavelength of the sound waves are 2 500 Hz and 0.5 m respectively. The reflected sound wave is received after 2.0 s transmitted into the lake. Calculate (i) the velocity of the sound wave


If the electricity cost is RM 0.218 per kWh, calculate the total cost for one month.

[3marks] [ 2 marks] (ii) the depth of the lake (c) Diagram 8.3 shows an electric kettle 240V,2500W is connected to the 240 V mains supply by an electric cable.

[ 2 marks] CHAPTER 7 - ELECTRICITY JOHOR (a) A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between potential difference, V and current, I across a wire. Diagram 8.1 shows the graph obtained from the experiment. Diagram 8.3 Table 2 shows the maximum current flows in electric cables with various diameters. Electric cable P Q R S T (i) Diameter/ cm 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 Maximum Current/A 3 6 10 13 15

Diagram 8.1 (i)State the relationship between potential difference, V and current I. ................................................................................. [1 mark] (ii) State the law involved. ................................................................................. [1 mark]

Table 2 What is meant by 240 V, 2500 W ? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. [1 mark] Calculate the current flow in the cable.



Diagram 8.2 shows a circuit consists of electrical appliances.

[2 marks] (iii) From Table 2, select the most suitable diameter of electric cable for the electric kettle. ................................................................................. [1 mark]

KELANTAN Diagram 4.1 shows a polystyrene ball that coated with metallic paint is hung in an electric field between two metal plates. Diagram 8.2 Table 1 shows the power rating and energy consumption per day of the electrical appliances shown in Diagram 8.2.


Table 1 Calculate total energy consumed in one day.

Diagram 4.1 (a) [3marks] (i) What is the meaning of electric field? ............ [1 mark] State the change on the strength of the electric field when the potential difference of the high voltage supply increases.



[1 mark] (b) (i) The polystyrene ball then is touched to the negative plate. State the type of charge received by the polystyrene ball. [1 mark] What happen to the polystyrene ball when it is released from negative plate? [1 mark] The polystyrene ball in Diagram 4.1 is replaced by a burning candle. On Diagram 4.2, draw the shape of the candle flame [ 2 marks ] The 5 resistor is made from a length of resistance wire of uniform cross-sectional area. State the effect on the resistance of the wire if the same length of the same material with a smaller cross-sectional area is used? .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... [ 1 mark ] MELAKA (d) Diagram 8.1 shows an electric iron with specification of 240 V, 1000 W.


(c) (i)

Diagram 8.1 (a) What is meant by specification 240 V, 1000 W? .. [ 1 mark ] The electric iron is connected to a 240 V supply and used to iron clothes for 30 minutes. Calculate: (i) the current that passes through the heating element in the iron. [ 2 marks] the cost of using the electric iron in 30 days, if the cost of electricity by Tenaga Nasional is 23 cents per kW h for first 200 units

Diagram 4.2 [1 mark] (ii) Explain why the shape of the candle flame observed as drawn in answer (c) (i). ................................................................................ ................................................................................. ................................................................................. [ 2 marks ] PERLIS Diagram 4 shows a 12 V battery connected to a number of resistors.




[ 2 marks] A student conducts an experiment to compare the heating effect of bread toasters P, Q and R. Two slices of bread is toasted each time. Table 8.1 shows the result of the experiment. Potential Difference, V/V 240 240 240 Time to toast 2 slices of bread, t/s 90 150 120

Bread Toaster

Current, I/A

P Diagram 4 State the type of circuit connection for combined resistance of (i) the two 4 resistors Q R (i)

6.0 5.0 4.0


Table 8.1 Calculate the energy supplied by each of bread toaster to toast the bread.


the two 6 resistors


Calculate the current in the 5 resistor.

[ 2 marks ]



[ 2 marks ] The total current in the two 6 resistors is 4 A. Calculate the total power dissipated in the resistors.

[ 4 marks ] Using your answer in (c)(i), state which bread toaster is most suitable. Give two reasons for your answer. . . . [ 3 marks ]

SBP Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show circuits used to investigate


the relationship between resistance and cross sectional area of a wire. Constantan wire of s.w.g. 36 and s.w.g 24 with same length are used. (c)

[ 2 marks ] Diagram 7.2 shows a circuit consist of a bulb rated 3V, 6W with potential difference, 3V. When the switch is on, current 2A will flow and the bulb will light up in normal brightness.

Diagram 6.1 (a)

Diagram 6.2


What is the meaning of resistance? [1 mark] Using Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2; (i) Compare the cross sectional area of the constantan wires . [1 mark] (ii) Compare the potential difference across the constantan wires. [1 mark] (iii) Compare the magnitude of the current that flow along the constantan wires. [1 mark]

Diagram 7.2 Diagram 7.3 shows a circuit consist of two bulbs rated 3V, 6W each with the potential difference, 3V.

Diagram 7.3 (c) Using your answers in 6(b); (i) Compare the resistance of the constantan wires. ................................................................................ [1 mark] (ii) Relate the cross sectional area of constantan wire to the resistance of the wire. [1 mark] (d) What will happen to the reading of voltmeter when another constantan wire s.w.g 36 of the same length is connected parallel to the wire in circuit Diagram 6.1? Explain your answer. [ 2 marks] SELANGOR Diagram 7.1 shows a circuit consist of two 1.5 V batteries and two identical resistors, R . The ammeter reading is 1.5 A. (i) Based on the Diagram 7.2, calculate the resistance of the bulb. [ 1 mark ] Based on the Diagram 7.3, calculate the current flow


[ 3 marks ] (iii) Based on Diagram 7.2 and Diagram 7.3, compare the brightness of the bulbs. ... ... [ 1 mark ] (iv) You are given two identical batteries, 1.5 V each and two identical bulbs rated 3V 6 W each. Based on your knowledge in 7(c)(ii) and 7(c)(iii), draw a complete electrical circuit diagram where both the bulbs will light up with normal brightness.

[ 2 marks ] (a) Diagram 7.1 Complete the sentence below by ticking ( ) the correct box. The resistor in Diagram 7.1 is connected in series circuit parallel series [ 1 mark ] What will happen to the ammeter reading when a copper wire is connected between P and Q. Give the reason. MRSM Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 shows two electric circuits each consisting of a copper wire.



Diagram 6.1 (a)

Diagram 6.1

Diagram 6.2




Diagram 6.2 Name the physical quantity measured by the ammeter. [ 1 mark ] (i) Compare the thickness of the copper wire in Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2. [ 1 mark ] (ii) Compare the ammeter reading in Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2. [ 1 mark ] (iii) Relate the thickness of the copper wire to the ammeter reading. [ 1 mark ] (iv) Relate the thickness of the copper wire to the resistance [ 1 mark ] You are provided with three light bulbs labeled A, B and C as shown in Diagram 6.3.

Using Diagram 6.1 and 6.2 , (i) What is the physical quantity shows by the reading of the voltmeter? ............................................................................ [1 mark] (ii) Compare the reading of the voltmeters. ........................................................................................ [1 mark] (iii) Compare the brightness of the bulb. ................................................................................ [1 mark] (iv) Compare the reading of the ammeters. ............................................................................. [1 mark] (b) Based on your answer in (a) (ii) and in (a) (iv) state the relationship between the ammeter reading and the voltmeter reading. ................................................................................ [1 mark] (c) The switch , the ammeter and the bulb are removed from the circuit in Diagram 6.1 (i) What happens to the reading of the ....................................................................... [1 mark] (ii) Give the reason for your answer in (c)(i). ....................................................................... ... ... ... [2 marks]

CHAPTER 8 - ELECTROMAGNETISM JOHOR Diagram 8 shows a transformer with four output terminals, W, X, Y and Z.

Diagram 6.3 Draw and label an electric circuit connecting all the three bulbs in which all the bulbs should light up with normal brightness when connected to a power supply of 240V alternating current. Add switches to the circuit. (a) [ 3 marks ] TERENGGANU Diagram 6.1 a shows circuit contains a dry cell , switch ,ammeter , voltmeter and a bulb. Diagram 6.2 shows a new circuit for Diagram 6.1 when an identical bulb is added to the circuit. (b) State the physics concept used to produce a voltage across the secondary coil of he transformer? ... [ 1 mark] State the two pairs of output terminals that can be used when the transformer is used to step up voltage. 1 Terminal and 2 Terminal and [ 2 marks] (i) Which pair of output terminals will give the largest output voltage? Terminal and [ 1 mark] (ii) Explain your answer to (c)(i). . [ 1 mark] A student would like to use a transformer with the minimum




input power and minimum wastage of power. He can choose the transformers from Table 8.

if a soft iron core is inserted in the solenoid? . [1 mark] (ii) Explain your answer in (e) (i). .... [1 mark] PAHANG Diagram 2.1 shows a bar magnet before and after is pushed into a solenoid.

Complete Table 8 by writing down the values of the input power, Pin, and efficiency, e, for every transformer. [ 3 marks] (ii) Choose the two transformers that have the lowest input power. . . [ 1 mark] (iii) Choose the two transformers that have the lowest loss of power. . [ 1 mark] (iv) Give one reason for the answer in (d)(iii). . [ 1 mark] (v) Based on the answers in 8(d)(ii) and 8(d)(iii), choose the most suitable transformer to be used by the student. . [ 1 mark] KELANTAN Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show the pattern of iron filing formed when the solenoids are connected to the battery.




Diagram 2.1 Name the physics phenomenon involved in Diagram 2.1 .................................................................................................. [ 1 mark ] State the polarity of the solenoid at markX Tick () the correct answer in the box below. North South


[ 1 mark ] Diagram 2.2 shows a magnet bar is pulling away from inside a solenoid.

Diagram 6.1 (a)

Diagram 6.2

Diagram 2.2 Mark with the direction of the current in the circuit. [ 1 mark ] (ii) Draw with to show the deflection of galvanometer pointer. [ 1 mark ] (iii) By using mark the pointer direction on the compass above. [ 1 mark ] (i)

What is the meaning of electromagnet? ....... [1 mark] (b) A compass is located at P in Diagram 6.1.By using an arrow, mark the direction of the pointer of the compass. [1 mark]

PERLIS Diagram 6.1 and diagram 6.2 shows two identical electromagnet X and Y. The current in X is 2.0 A and the current in Y is 3.0 A


Based on Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2, compare; (i) the number of turns of the coil. ............. [1 mark]

(ii) the number of magnetic field line of force. . [1 mark] (iii) the current passing through the solenoid. [1 mark] (d) State the relationship between the number of turns of the coil and the strength of the magnetic field. ....... [1 mark] (i) What happen to the strength of the electromagnet

Diagarm 6.1 (a)

Diagram 6.2


What is the meaning of electromagnet? ....... [1 mark] Observe diagram 6.1 and diagram 6.2 (i) Compare the current of electromagnet X and Y .... [1 mark]


Compare the amount of iron filling attracted in electromagnet X and Y .... [1 mark] (iii) Relate the current to the amount iron filling in electromagnet X and Y .... [1 mark] (c) Based on diagram 6.1 determine polarity of P .............. [1 mark] (d) Draw the magnetic field lines around the soft iron core when the current is switch on. [1 mark] (e) State 2 other factors on how to increase the strength of magnetic field .............. .............. [2 marks] SELANGOR Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show identical copper rods placed on bare copper wire between the poles of magnets. Copper rod is at the initial position when the switch is off. When the switch in each circuit is on, the ammeter pointer deflects and the copper rod moves to the final position as shown in Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2.



State one other factor that affects the magnitude of the physics quantity you stated in 6 (b). .. [ 1 mark ]

MELAKA Diagram 3.1 shows a simple electromagnet.

(a) Diagram 6.1

What is the meaning of electromagnet? [ 1mark ]

draw the pattern of magnetic field on Diagram 3.1 [ 1 mark] (ii) state the magnetic pole at P .. [ 1 mark ] (iii) state what happens to the pin. .. [ 1 mark ] State one suggestion to increase the strength of electromagnet . [ 1 mark ] State one application of electromagnet. . [ 1 mark ] (i)

(b) When the switch is turned on ;





Diagram 6.2 Using Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 (i) compare the number of batteries used. . [ 1 mark ] (ii) compare the degree of deflection of the ammeter pointer. . [ 1 mark ] (iii) compare the amount of current flow in each circuit. . [ 1 mark ] (iv) compare the final positions of the copper rods. . [ 1 mark ] State a physics quantity that causes the rods to move. .. [ 1 mark ] Relate the amount of current flow and the magnitude of the physics quantity that you stated in 6(b). .. [ 1 mark ] Name the rule use to determine the direction of the movement of the copper rod. .. [ 1 mark ]



NEGERI SEMBILAN Diagram 7 shows one of the application of electromagnetic induction in the generation of electricity.






Diagram 7 What is meant by electromagnetic induction? [ 1 mark] What type of generator is shown in Diagram 7? [ 1 mark] Name the part labelled (i) Q.. (ii) R...... [ 2 marks ] Sketch a graph of the voltage (V) against time (t) for the generator.


.......................................... [1 mark] (ii) Describe the motion of the bar magnet. ......................... [1 mark] Using your answers in 7(c) and 7(d),state one application of iron rod with the coil in everyday life. ... [1 mark]

CHAPTER 9- ELECTRONIC KEDAH Diagram 4 shows a transistor circuit. The transistor will switch on when the base voltage Vb is 1.0 V or more. (e) [ 1 mark ] State two ways that can be applied to increase the voltage produced by the generator. .. .. .. [ 2 marks ] Describe the conversion of energy that occurs in the generator .. .[ 1 mark ]


SBP Diagram 7 shows a fixed coil is placed in between an iron rod and a bar magnet.




Name the type of transistor used in the circuit. ... [ 1 mark] Underline the correct word in the brackets to complete the sentence below. The device T is a thermistor and is sensitive to (light / heat / moisture). [ 1 mark] Calculate the resistance of T when Vb is 1.0 V.






Diagram 7 State the polarity at X. ........................................................................................... [1 mark] Suggest two modifications that can be done in Diagram 7 in order to increase the force of attraction between the coil and the iron rod. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. [2 marks] (i) What will happen to the iron rod and the bar magnet when the connections to the terminals of the battery are reversed? ................................................................................. ................................................................................. [2 marks] (ii) Explain your answer in 7(c)(i). ................................................................................. ................................................................................. [2 marks] The battery is then replaced by a low alternating current power supply. The switch is then closed. (i) Describe the motion of the iron rod.

[ 2 marks] Explain what happens to the value of Vb when the temperature of the surrounding increases. ... ... [ 2 marks] (e) Besides being used a switch, state one other use of a transistor. ... [1 mark] JOHOR Diagram 4.1 shows the use of a transistor in a circuit.


Diagram 4.1 Name the type of transistor used.



....... [1 mark] The transistor is switched on when the base voltage V 2 2 V. (i) Write an equation to show the relationship between I B , I C and I E . ............. [1 mark] (ii) Calculate the minimum value of R 2 when the transistor is switched on. [2 marks] The resistor R 2 is then replaced with a light dependent resistor, LDR, which has high resistance when it is dark. (i) State whether the bulb will light up during the day. Give reason to your answer. ..... . [2 marks] (ii) Besides being used as a switch, state other use of a transistor. ..................... [1 mark]

shadow which deflects in Diagram 3.2. [1 mark] (ii) State the physics rule used to determine the direction of the shadow. [1 mark]

PAHANG Diagram 4.1 shows a deflecting cathode rays tube.


KELANTAN Diagram 3.1 shows a cross section of a Maltese cross tube used to study the characteristics of cathode ray. Diagram 4.1 The function of the filament is to heat the cathode and releases electrons on its surface. (i) Name the process mention in (a) . [ 1 mark ] (ii) Explain why a very high voltage of 3000 V is used in Diagram 4.1 . [ 1 mark ] State the change of energy that takes place in the electrons when the strike the fluorescent screen. .. [ 1 mark ] A student uses the CRO to study the output voltage from a bicycle dynamo. Diagram 4.2 shows the trace on the screen and the settings of the CRO.


Diagram 3.1 (a) What is the meaning of cathode ray? [1 mark] (b) When switch S 1 and switch S 2 are turned on, two overlapping shadows are formed on the screen. Explain why the shadows are formed on the screen. ... [1 mark] (c) Calculate the velocity of cathode ray in the Maltese cross tube . -19 [ The charge of electron, e = 1.6 x 10 C and the mass of -31 one electron, m e = 9 x 10 kg ]




[2 marks] Diagram 3.2 shows a pair of magnet with opposite poles are placed at the sides of the tube. One of the shadow deflects.



Diagram 4.2 State the type of current produced by the dynamo. . [ 1 mark ] Determine the frequency, f of the output voltage of the dynamo.


[ 2 marks ] Sketch the new trace in Diagram 4.3 if the time-base setting is now set at 0.01 s / div.


Diagram 3.2 By using an arrow, show the direction of the


Diagram 4.3 [ 1 mark ] (a) PERLIS (b) V.. Name the type of transistor used. ....... [1 mark] The transistor is switched on when the base voltage V 2 2 (i) Write an equation to show the relationship between I B , I C and I E . ............. [1 mark] Calculate the minimum value of R2 when the transistor is switched on.

Diagram 8 shows a transistor-based circuit that function as a heat controlled switch.




Diagram 8 Name instrument P and Q. P... Q.. [ 2 marks ] (ii) What is the function of Q in this circuit? . [1 mark] (iii) Complete the table below. (i)

[2 marks] The resistor R 2 is then replaced with a light dependent resistor which has a high resistance when it is dark. (i) Explain whether the bulb will light up during the day. ..................... ..................... [2 marks] (ii)

Besides being used as a switch, state one other use of a transistor. ........ [ 1 mark ] NEGERI SEMBILAN Diagram 2 shows combination of p-type and n-type semiconductor.

(a) [3 marks] (iv) Explain how the circuit functions. . . . . . [ 5 marks ] (b) Name another uses of this circuit. ... [1 mark]


Diagram 2 Name the electronic device shown in Diagram 2. .. [ 1 mark] Draw a circuit using the device in Diagram 2, a dry cell and a bulb so that the bulb will light up.

MELAKA Diagram 4.1 shows the use of a transistor in a circuit.

[ 2 marks] Replace the dry cell in circuit (b) with an a.c source (i) Is the bulb still light up ? . [ 1 mark ] (ii) Explain your answer in (c)(i). . . [ 2 marks ] MRSM Diagram 4.1 shows the structure of a simple Cathode Ray Oscilloscope(CRO) (c)


Diagram 4.1 Based on Diagram 4.1 , name the component T. [ 1 mark ] (ii) Explain what happens to the electrons on the surface of T when T is heated. [ 1 mark ] (iii) Name the physics process in (a) (iii) [ 1 mark ] (b) A student uses a CRO to study the output voltage o a bicycle dynamo. The time-base is set at 100 ms/division and the Y gain control is set at 0.5 V /division. (a) (i)

Diagram 5.2 Diagram 5.3 shows the graph of the rate meter reading against distance for radioactive source B.

(a) (i) Diagram 4.2 Calculate the frequency of the wave produced by the bicycle dynamo. (b) (ii) [ 2 marks ] On Diagram 4.2, draw a new trace to show the output voltage if the frequency of dynamo is doubled.

[ 2 marks ] CHAPTER 10 RADIOACTIVITY KEDAH Diagram 5.1 shows the arrangement of apparatus used in an experiment to investigate the maximum distance travelled by rays from a radioactive source. (c)


Diagram 5.3 Why is the mica window of the Geiger-Muller tube very thin? .. [ 1 mark] Observe Diagram 5.2 and Diagram 5.3. (i) State one similarity in the change of the ratemeter reading for source A and source B. . . [ 1 mark] (ii) Compare the maximum distance travelled by the radiation from source A and source B. . . [ 1 mark] (iii) Compare the final ratemeter reading for source A and source B. . . [ 1 mark] Name the radiation that causes the final reading of the ratemeter. .. [ 1 mark] State the type of radiation emitted by source A. Explain your answer.

.. ..
(e) Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2 shows the graph of the rate meter reading against distance for radioactive source A. [ 2 marks] State one precaution that should be taken when conducting the experiment. ... [ 1 mark]


(ii) JOHOR Diagram 5.1 and 5.2 show the deflection of a radioactive emission in an electric field. (c)

Give one reason why the deflection of Z more than the deflection of X. ..... [1 mark] In a reactor nuclear, Uranium 235 is bombarded by a neutron produces Barium 141 and Krypton 92 by releasing three neutrons. This reaction experiences a mass defect. (i) Name the type of nuclear reaction. [1 mark] (ii) Complete the equation of the reaction by writing the appropriate number in the boxes provided.





Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2 What is the meaning of radioactivity? [1 mark] Using Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, (i) state the charge of the radioactive emission [1 mark] (ii) compare the voltage of EHT and the deflection of the radioactive emission. [2 marks] state the relationship between (i) the voltage of EHT and the strength of the electric field between the plates, [1 mark] (ii) the strength of the electric field between the plates and the deflection of the radioactive emission [1 mark] A radioactive decay involving the Radium nucleus is given by
226 88

[1 mark] PAHANG A technician is tracing water pipe line laid underground to detect leakage point. Four types of radioactive are suggested to be used to detect the leaking point of the pipe. Small amount of radioisotope is dissolved in the water reservoir. Radioisotope Half life Types of Physical state radiation Sodium-24 15 hours Gamma Liquid Iodine-131 8 days Gamma Liquid Radium-226 1600 years Alpha Solid Phosphorus 15 days Beta Solid Table 8 A Geiger-Muller tube counter is moved over the pipe according to layout plan. At a point, the counter recorded a high radiation level indicating the point of leakage. (a) Based on Table 8, state the most suitable properties of the radioisotope used to detect the leakage. Give reasons for the suitability of the properties. (i) Half life . [ 1 mark ] Reason . [ 1 mark ] (ii) Type of radiation . [ 1 mark ] Reason . [ 1 mark ] (iii) Physical state . [ 1 mark ] Reason . [ 1 mark ] (b) Radioisotope Strontium-90 of half life 28 years. Find the 1 time for the activity to reduce to 8 [ 2 marks ] State one advantages of radioisotope. [ 1 mark ] A possible fusion reaction is shown by
2 1 4 1 H+ 3 1 H 2 He + 0 n + E

Ra 222 86 Rn + X

What is X? [1 mark]

KELANTAN Diagram 7 shows the deflection of three types of radioactive emission in an electric field.

of the original value.

(c) Diagram 7 What is the meaning of radioactivity? [1 mark] (i) Name the type of radioactive emission. X : Z: [2 marks]





Calculate the mass defect ,m.


(b) (ii) [ 2 marks ] Calculate the energy, E released in the fusion reaction.

[ 1 mark ] (c)

PERLIS Diagram 2 shows the nuclear reaction involving the nucleus of uranium-235 in a nuclear reactor SBP

(ii) y... [ 1 mark ] (i) State a suitable type of radiation that can be used in this system. [ 1 mark ] (ii) Give one reason for your answer in (b)(i). [ 1 mark ] (i) When the tins and the radioactive source are removed from the system, the ratemeter still records a reading [ 1 mark ] (ii) What cause the reading stated in (c)(i)? [ 1 mark ]

Diagram 8.1 shows a graph of the number of radioactive nuclei, N versus time for a radioisotope P .


235 92

Diagram 2 Name the process as shown in the diagram 2 [1 mark] The complete equations for the above reactions is given below.
1 Y 1 11 U+ 0 n 141 J 56 Ba + X Kr + 30 n + 2.787 x10

Total mass: 236.0529 a.m.u.

Total mass : 235.86653 a.m.u. (a)

Find the value of x and y. (i) X [1 mark] (i) Y [1 mark] (c) Name the energy produce and what cause the production of energy. [2 marks] NEGERI SEMBILAN Diagram 1 shows a detector system which uses a radioactive substance to detect the level of paints in the tins. The tins H, I, J, K, L and M which contain paints are transported on a conveyor belt, passing between the radioactive source and the GeigerMuller (G-M) tube. Tins which contain less than the standard level of paint are rejected.


Diagram 8.1 What is the meaning of half- life? [ 1 mark] Determine the half- life of radioisotope P from the graph in Diagram 8.1. [2 marks] The equation below shows the decay of Actinium (Ac) to Thorium(Th) by emitting a beta-particle. + Find the value of a and b a: : b:..



[2 marks] Determine the number of protons and neutrons of Actinium227 Proton:.. Neutron: [2 marks]


A company which manufactures breakfast cereals wishes to check the level of cereal in the packed boxes. A radioactive source and a detector are used to detect the level of cereal in the boxes as shown in Diagram 8.2.

Diagram 1 (a) Name the part labelled (i) X [ 1 mark ]



. [ 2 marks ] (ii) State the actual rate meter reading for Q. . [ 1 mark ] The mass of a radioactive source is reduced from 80.0 g to 20.0 g in 30 seconds. Calculate its half life.

Diagram 8.2 Table 8 shows the properties of four radioactive sources.

[ 2 marks ] TERENGGANU Diagram 7.1 shows the rate of decay of radioisotope Iodine-131.

Table 8 Based on Table 8, state the suitable properties of the radioactive sources to detect the level of cereal in the packed boxes. Give reason for the suitability of the properties. (i) Type of radiation ................................................................................. Reason ................................................................................. [2 marks] Half-life ................................................................................ Reason ................................................................................. [2 marks]

Diagram 7.1 (a) What is meant by radioisotope? [1mark] (b) Based on Diagram 7.1, what is the half life of Iodine131? [1mark] ( c) What happen to the activity of Iodine-131 after 24 days? . [1mark] (d) When Iodine-131 decays, it produces a beta particle and Xenon-131(Xe). Complete the following equation for the decay of Iodine-131.



Based on the answers in 8 (d), determine the most suitable radioactive source in Table 8 to detect the level of cereal in the packed boxes. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. [1 mark] MRSM Diagram 3 shows a Geiger-Muller tube(GM tube) and a rate meter which are used to detect the level of milk in containers in a factory.


[2 marks] Diagram 7.2 shows a man moves the Geiger Muller tube which is connected to the ratemeter to detect leakage of underground water pipe. A little substance of radioisotope is dissolved in the water that flows in the pipes. The man must detect the leakage of the pipe accurately to prevent the consumers from being exposed to dangerous side effect of radioisotope.

Table 3 shows the reading recorded by the rate meter four containers P,Q, R and S when a radioactive source is placed near the containers. The rate meter records a reading 100 counts per minute when there is no radioactive source nearby. Container P Q R S Rate meter reading (counts per minute) 460 466 520 458 Table 3 (a) Name the radiation emitted by the radioactive source. .. [ 1 mark ] (b) (i) Based on Table 3, which container has the least amount of milk. State one reason for your answer. .

Diagram 7.2 Table 7.1 shows the readings of ratemeter when the Geiger-Muller tube located at the different location.


Location of GeigerMuller tube Reading of the ratemeter / counts per minute






Table 7.1 The water is safe to be used by the consumer when the radioaofctivity in every liter of water is not more than 25 counts per minute. The half life of radioisotope is 5 hours has an initial activity 200 counts per minute. Calculate the time when the water is safe to be used by the consumer


[2 marks] Base on Table 7.1, state the location on the pipe where the leakage takes place. .... [2 marks] (iii) The ratemeter shows the reading before the Geiger Muller tube is moved above the underground water pipe. Suggest one method so that the ratemeter shows the actual reading when it is moved above the underground water pipe at different locations. [1mark]


CHAPTER 2 KEDAH Diagram 9.1 shows the effect of a man falls from a high position to the ground without opening the parachute. Diagram 9.2 shows a man with the same mass falls from the same height when the parachute is open. PERLIS Diagram 9.1 shows a car and a lorry stopping at a red traffic light. When the traffic light turns green as in diagram 9.2, the car is found to move ahead of the lorry.

Diagram 9.1 (a) (b) (a) Diagram 9.1 Diagram 9.1 (i) What is the meaning of free fall? [ 1 mark] Based on diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the acceleration, the rate of change of momentum and the time of impact. Relate the rate of change of momentum with the time of impact to make a deduction on the relationship between the acceleration and the rate of change of momentum. [ 5 marks] A hovercraft moves on a cushion of air which is trapped underneath it, as shown in Diagram 9.3. The trapped air reduces the friction. The hovercraft starts from rest and as it starts, the propeller produces a forward force until it reaches a constant velocity . (ii) What is meant by mass?

Diagram 9.2




[ 1 mark ] Based on diagram 9.1 and 9.2, compare the masses of the vehicles and their ability to speed ahead. Relate the mass of the vehicle and the way it can start moving from rest to deduce a concept in physics with regard to the motion of objects. State the physics concept. [ 5 marks ] Based on the physics concept stated in (b), (i) explain why a driver lurch forwards when a car he is driving comes to a sudden stop, (ii) describe and explain a method which can overcome the situation in (c)(i). [ 4 marks ] Diagram 9.3 shows a water rocket made from an empty 1.5 litre plastic soft drink bottle by adding water and pressurizing it with air for launching.


Diagram 9.3 Sketch a velocity-time graph to show the motion of hovercraft. (ii) Explain why the hovercraft moves with constant velocity in terms of the force acting on it [4 marks] Diagram 9.4 shows a canoe (i)

Diagram 9.3 The objective is to keep the rocket in the air as long as possible. Using the appropriate physics concepts, suggest and explain suitable designs based on the characteristics of (i) the acceleration, (ii) the shape (iii) the structure (iv) the buoyant force (upthrust), (v) the stability of the motion, to improve the water rocket. [ 10 marks ] SBP Diagram 11.1 shows Newtons cradle which consists of five identical balls suspended in a row from a wooden frame by wires.

Diagram 9.4 You are required to give some suggestions to design a canoe which can travel faster and safer Using the knowledge on motion, forces and the properties of materials, explain the suggestions based on the following aspects: (i) the surface of the canoe (ii) the shape of the canoe (iii) the material of the canoe (iv) the material of the canoe (v) the material of the canoe [ 10 marks ]

Diagram 11.1 When the ball on left end is pulled aside (Diagram 11.2) and allowed to fall, the ball on the far end is knocked away from the others with the same speed as the first ball (Diagram 11.3).




Diagram 11.2 Diagram 11.3 Name the physics principle involved which makes the ball on the other far end is knocked away from the others. [1 mark] Explain, in term of momentum and energy transfer, why the ball on the opposite end is knocked away from the others. [4 marks] Diagram 11.4 shows five designs of Newtons Cradle, P, Q, R, S and T, with different specifications. You are required to determine the most suitable design to make the ball at the end swings up to higher level and at bigger speed. Study all the five designs from the following aspects: The arrangement of the balls The type of material used to make the balls the number of string used to hang the balls the position of the ball to start the oscillation

(i) the velocity of the red ball after the elastic collision. (ii) the change of the momentum of the white ball. (iii) the impulsive force acting on the white ball during the collision if it is stopped in 0.05 seconds. [5 marks] KEDAH Diagram 9.1 shows the initial and final position of a student sliding down a slide. Diagram 9.2 shows the initial and final position of the same student sliding down the slide from a different initial position.




What is the meaning of gravitational potential energy of the student? [1 mark] (ii) Observe Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2. Compare the initial position of the student and the speed of the student on reaching the final position. Relate the speed of the student on reaching the final position with the energy gained by the student to make a deduction on the relationship between the initial position and the energy gained. [4 marks] (iii) Name the physics principle that explains the situation in (a)(ii). [1 mark] Diagram 9.3 shows a baby sleeping in a cradle. The cradle is made to oscillate between position P and Q through the equilibrium position O.

Diagram 11.4 Explain the suitability of the aspects. Justify your choice.. (d) [ 10 marks] In a game, a 50 g white ball of speed 0.8 m s-1 hits a 30 g red ball at rest . If the white ball stops after the collision, calculate;

Diagram 9.3


State the changes in energy that occur when the cradle swings from P to O, and then from O to Q. (ii) After some time, the cradle stops oscillating. Explain why. [4 marks] Diagram 9.4 shows an archer getting ready to shoot an arrow towards a target board from a far distance. When he releases the arrow, he observes that the arrow falls short of the target.




Ridges on tyres

Engin e power 518 kW

Horizont al and vertical None

Materia l for the car body Light and elastic Heavy and stiff Heavy and elastic Light and stiff

745 kW

Horizont al and vertical None

518 kW

S Diagram 9.4 Suggest and explain how he would be able to shoot the arrow to hit the centre of the target board, based on the following aspects: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (iv) MRSM Diagram 11.1 shows a balloon taped to straw. The strength of the cord The force constant of the bow The material used for the bow The design of the arrow The way the arrow is aimed at the target [10 marks]

745 kW

Diagram 11.2 Study the specifications of all racing cars from the following aspects: (i) The shape of the car (ii) The ridges on the tyres (iii) The engine power (iv) The material for the body of the car. Explain the suitability of aspects. Justify your choices. [ 10 marks ]


Diagram 11.1 When the paper clip is removed, the balloon propels forward. (i) Name the principle used in the propulsion of the balloon. [ 1 mark ] (ii) Explain what makes the balloon propel forward. [ 4 marks ] (b) The balloon moves with an initial velocity of 4 ms-1. Then it decelerates for 2 seconds and finally stops. (i) Sketch a velocity-time graph for the motion of the balloon. (ii) Calculate the deceleration of the balloon. (iii) Calculate the distance travelled. [ 5 marks ] Diagram 11.2 shows four racing cars , P , Q , R and S, with different specifications. You are required to determine the most suitable car to complete in the Formula 1 Summer Race.


TERENGGANU Diagram 9.1 shows a hydraulic lift used to raise loads Q and R.

SBP (a) Diagram 9.1 shows two identical feeding bottles floating in liquid P and liquid Q respectively. The feeding bottle floats because the net force acting on the bottle is zero.


(i) (ii)

What is meant by pressure?


Diagram 9.1 What is the meaning of net force? [ 1 mark]


(ii) Using Diagram 9.1 compare the position of the bottles in liquid P and liquid Q. Compare also the weights and the buoyant forces that are acting on the bottles in liquid P and liquid Q. Compare the density of liquid P and liquid Q. Relate the position of the bottle and the density of liquid to deduce a relevant physics concept. [5 marks] Diagram 9.2 shows a simple hydraulic jack.


[1 mark] A force of 100 N is used to push down piston P and able to raise piston Q and piston R. With reference to Diagram 9.1 compare the pressure acted on piston Q and R, the cross sectional area and the force produced at the piston Q and piston R. Relate the cross sectional area of the pistons with the force produced on the pistons. Name a physics principle relating the cross sectional area and the force exerted on pistons Q and R. [5 marks] Diagram 9.2 shows a cross section of an aeroplane wing. The wing help the aeroplane to be lift up when the plane speeding along the runaway.

Diagram 9.2 Explain how load M can be lifted and give a reason why the cross sectional area of piston A is smaller than the cross sectional area of piston B. [4 marks] (c) The simple hydraulic jack in Diagram 9.2 is not suitable to use to lift a car in a workshop. Using suitable physics concepts, explain the required modification that need to be done to enable the machine to lift a car easily in a workshop. You can emphasise on the following aspects in your modification; (i) method so that only small force is applied at piston A (ii) component to control flow of liquid in the hydraulic jack (iii) component in the hydraulic jack to lowered the car (iv) size of pistons (v) type of liquid used [ 10 marks ]


Name the shape in Diagram 9.2 and explain how the aeroplane can be lifted up to the air. [4 marks] Submarine is used to move underwater. Using suitable physics concepts, explain how you can design a basic structure of a small submarine so that it can be used for an underwater exploration. The design should include the following aspects: i. the material and thickness of the wall, ii. shape of the submarine, iii. able to submerge, iv. the equipments to detect underwater obstacles and depth [10 marks]

SELANGOR Diagram 11.1 shows a submarine floating in sea water due to the effect of buoyant force.


Diagram 11.1 What is the meaning of buoyant force?



[ 1 mark ] Explain how a submarine is able to submerge into deep sea water. [ 4 marks] You are asked to investigate the characteristics of four submarines shown in Table 11.1. Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the submarines and determine the submarine which can travel faster, stay longer in deeper sea water and able to carry more crew. Give reasons for your choice.

(a) (b)


Name the shape of the cross sectional of the aeroplane wing. [1 mark] The aeroplane can be lifted up when flying due to a difference in pressure of the air between the upper and bottom sides of the wings. (i) Explain how this difference in pressure is produced. [ 3 marks] (ii) Name the principle involved in your answer in (b)(i). [ 1 mark ] Table 11 shows characteristic of four designs of the aeroplane wings.


[ 10 marks ] Diagram 11.2 shows oil drum floats stationary in water. The density of water is 1000 kg m-3. Table 11 You are requested to choose the most suitable wing to be installed to the body of an aeroplane. By referring to the information given in Table 11, explain the suitability of each characteristic and suggest the most suitable wing to be installed with the body of the aeroplane. [ 10 marks ] MELAKA Diagram 11.1 shows the air balloon which is used as a weather balloon to carry a radiosonde instrument for collecting data about the atmosphere. The weather balloon rises up in the air due to Archimedes principle

Diagram 11.2 Calculate (i) The volume of the oil drum immersed in water. [ 2 marks ] (ii) The buoyant force acting on the oil drum. [ 2 marks ] (iii) The mass of the oil drum. [ 1 mark ] NEGERI SEMBILAN Diagram 11.1 shows an aeroplane. Diagram 11.2 shows a cross section of the aeroplanes wing.


(b) Diagram 11.1 Diagram 11.2

Diagram 11.1 State Archimedes principle. . [1 mark] (ii) Explain why a weather balloon that is rising up in the air will stop at certain altitude. . [4 marks] Table 11.2 shows the characteristics of four weather balloons, P, Q, R and S . (i)

Balloon Size of balloon

Characteristics of balloons Density of filled gas in the balloon / kgcm-3 0.090 0.178 Type of balloon fabric Mass of radiosonde


Big Small

Canvas Synthetic nylon Synthetic nylon Canvas

4.5 3.0



0.5 (a) Diagram 11.1 State Archimedes principle. . [1 mark] (ii) Explain why a weather balloon that is rising up in the air will stop at certain altitude [ 4 marks ] Diagram 11.2 shows four hot air balloons P,Q,R and S with different features. You are required to determine the most suitable the most hot air balloon which is able to carry three or four people to a higher altitude in a shorter time. (i) Features Type of balloon fabric Synthetic nylon Temperature of flame: 100oC




You are required to determine the most suitable weather balloons which is able to carry the instrument to a higher altitude in a shorter time. Study the characteristics of all the four weather balloons from the following aspects: - The size of the balloon - The density of filled gas in the ballon - Type of the fabric of the balloon - Mass of radiosonde instrument Explain the suitability of the aspects. Justify your choice. [10 marks] (c) Diagram 11.3 shows a balloon which contains helium. The volume of the balloon is 1.2 m3. Density of helium gas is 0.18 kg m-3.


Hot air balloon P

Hot air balloon Q

Features Type of balloon fabric Synthetic nylon Temperature of flame: 120oC

Diagram 11.3 (i) By neglecting the mass of the balloon, calculate the mass of helium gas in the balloon. [2 marks] Calculate the buoyant force which acts on the balloon. (Density of air is 1.3 kg m-3) [3 marks]


Hot air balloon R

Features Type of balloon fabric Canvas Temperature of flame: 60oC

PAHANG Diagram 11.1 shows the air balloon which is used as a weather balloon to carry a radiosonde instrument for collecting data about the atmosphere. The weather balloon rises up in the air due to Archimedes principle

Hot air balloon S

Features Type of balloon fabric Canvas Temperature of flame: 80oC

Diagram 11.2

Study the characteristics of all the four hot air balloons from the following aspects: - The size of the balloon - The number of burners - The type of the fabric of the balloon - The temperature of the air in the balloon Explain the suitability of the aspects. Justify your choice. [10 marks] (c) Diagram 11.3 shows a balloon which contains helium. The volume of the balloon is 1.2 m3. Density of helium gas is 0.18 kg m-3.

Relate the mass and the time taken by the substance to change into liquid completely to make a deduction on the relationship between the mass and the latent heat of fusion absorbed by the substance. [5 marks] (b) Diagram 9.3 shows the phenomenon of sea breeze.

Diagram 11.3 By neglecting the mass of the balloon, calculate the mass of helium gas in the balloon. [2 marks] (ii) Calculate the buoyant force which acts on the balloon. (Density of air is 1.3 kg m-3) [3 marks] CHAPTER 4 KELANTAN Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 show the heating curves obtained when 50 g and 80 g of the solid substance are heated respectively. The melting point of the substance is 78oC. (i) Diagram 9.3 Using the concept of specific heat capacity, explain how the phenomenon of sea breeze occurs. [4 marks] Diagram 9.4 shows a design of central heating system used in cold country to heat and keep houses warm.


Diagram 9.4 Suggest and explain how to build a house central heating system which can function effectively based on the following aspects: Diagram 9.1 i) The specific heat capacity of the liquid ii) The boiling point of the liquid iii) The properties of material used for transmission pipe iv) The size of the fan used to blow the heat from radiator NEGERI SEMBILAN (a) Diagram 9.1 shows a boy pouring hot coffee into a cup. The hand of the boy is not scalded by the coffee droplets that are spattered from the kettle. Diagram 9.2 shows hot coffee spilling over and getting onto his hand and his hand gets scalded because of the higher heat capacity in it. Diagram 9.2 (a) (i) What is the meaning of melting point? (ii) [1 mark] Based on the information and the observation on Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the mass, the time taken to reach the melting point and the time taken by the substance to change into liquid completely. Diagram 9.1 Diagram 9.2

(a) (b)

What is meant by heat capacity? [ 1 mark ] (i) Observe Diagrams 9.1 and 9.2. Compare the temperature of the coffee, the mass of the coffee droplets spatters on his hand and the coffee from the kettle spills on it, and the injury to the hands. State the relationship between the mass of the coffee and the injury that occurs. [ 4 marks ] (ii) State the relationship between the heat capacity and the mass. [ 1 marks ] Diagram 9.3 shows a radiator of a car



Explain how Ali can see the image of the fish and the image of the dragon-fly. State the phenomenon of light that is involved in each case. [4 marks] (i) Calculate the angle and . [ Refractive index of water is 1.33 ] [4 marks] (ii) State one characteristic of the image of the dragon-fly. [1 mark] Table 11 shows the design of five torchlights P, Q, R, S and T.




Diagram 9.3 Water is used as a cooling agent in a radiator. Explain how water is used [ 4 marks ] You are required to give some suggestions to design an efficient thermometer to be used in physics laboratory. Using your knowledge about heat and properties of materials, explain how to built a thermometer which can function effectively based on the following aspects, (i) Strength of the thermometer (ii) Choice of the thermometric liquid (iii) Sensitivity of the thermometer (iv) Design of the thermometer so that the scale can easily be read. (v) Melting point and freezing point of the liquid [ 10 marks ]

CHAPTER 5 JOHOR Diagram 11.1 shows Ali standing at the side of a pond. Ali can see the image of the fish and the image of the dragon-fly in the water as shown by the ray diagram.

Table 11 You are asked to investigate the characteristics of the five torchlights shown in Table 11. Explain the suitability of each characteristics of the torchlight and determine the torchlight which can produce a strong parallel beam of light. Give reasons for your choice. [10 marks] KELANTAN Diagram 11.1 shows two convex lenses, P and Q, used in an astronomical telescope. The focal length of P is 40 cm and for Q is 10 cm

Diagram 11.1 (a) (a) (i) Diagram 11.1 What is the meaning of virtual image ? [1 mark] (b) What is the meaning of focal length of lens ? [ 1mark ] By using suitable apparatus, explain how the focal length of both lenses can be estimated. [ 4 marks ]


Diagram 11.2 shows an arrangement of lenses to construct a simple astronomical telescope using lens P and lens Q.



An object is placed 30 cm in front of a lens with a power of + 5 D. (i) An object is placed 30 cm in front of a lens with a power of + 5 D. [ 2 marks ] (ii) Calculate the distance of the image. [ 2 marks ] (iii) Calculate the magnification of the image [ 1 mark ] Diagram 11.3 shows an astronomical telescope. An astronomical telescope is used to view very large objects like moon.

Diagram 11.2 You are asked to investigate the arrangement and characteristics of the lenses used to construct the simple astronomical telescope as shown in Diagram 11.3.

Diagram 11.3 Table 11.1 shows the characteristics of four different simple astronomical telescopes. Telescope Type of Objective Type of Diameter Objective of focal Eyepiece of the lens length lens objective lens Diagram 11.3 Explain the suitability of the arrangement and each characteristics of the lenses and determine the arrangement which can produce the brightest and sharp image at normal adjustment. (d) A camera has a convex lens of focal length 5 cm is used to capture an object of 1 m in height and 4 m from the camera. (i) determine the image distance from the camera [2marks] (ii) Calculate the height of image produced in the camera [2marks] (iii) State the characteristics of image formed in the camera [1 marks] 40 Convex 5.0 10 Concave 5.0 10 Concave 2.5 40 Convex 2.5 Table 11.1 Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the telescope and determine the most suitable telescope to be used to observe very far object. Give reason for your choice. [ 10 marks ] KEDAH Total internal reflection occurs when light travels from a denser medium to less dense medium and the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle. (a) What is the meaning of critical angle? [1 mark] (b) (i) Write an equation to show the relationship between the critical angle, c, and the refractive index, n, of a medium. Use the equation in (b)(i) to explain why total internal reflection is easier to occur in diamond than in glass. [ Refractive index of glass = 1.5, refractive index of diamond = 2.4 ] [4 marks] S T U V Convex Concave Convex Concave


Diagram 11.1 and 11.2 show two photographs captured using two lenses with different focal length.


(c) (a) (i) (ii) Diagram 11.1 Diagram 11.2 What is meant by focal length? [ 1 mark ] Using Diagram 11.1 and Diagram 11.2, compare the thickness and the focal length of the lenses. Explain the relationships between the thickness and the power of the lens. [4 marks]

Diagram 11.1 shows a ray of light from an object at point P at the bottom of a swimming pool travelling from water into the air.

Diagram 11.1 Calculate, (i) (ii) the refractive index of the water in the pool. the apparent depth of the image. [5 marks]

Diagram11.1 Table 11 shows characteristics of four types of magnifying glass Characteristics Types of Magnifying glass Percentage of light transmitted /% 90 95 95 85 Type of lens Convex Concave Convex Concave Focal length cm 5.0 20.0 20.0 5.0


Diagram 11.2 shows a glass window which opens outwards at an angle .


J K L Diagram 11.2 Diagram 11.3 M

15.0 5.0 15.0 5.0

Diagram 11.3 shows the side view of the window. If rays of sunlight incident on the window undergo total internal reflection at points like X, direct sunlight would not be able to enter the room and it would be cooler. Four designs P, Q, R and S of the window are available and are designed such that it can be opened at a maximum angle of . Table 11 shows the characteristics of the glass used and the angle of each design. Glass Design Refractive index 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.5 Thickness / mm 3.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 Thermal conductivity low low medium medium /o

(a) (b)

Table 11 What is meant by the focal length?


15 10 15 10

[1 mark] You are requested to choose the magnifying glass to be used by a stamp collector to examines the stamps. By referring to the characteristics given in Table 11, explain the suitability of each characteristic and suggest the most suitable magnifying glass to be used by a stamp collector. [10 marks] (c) A student is using a magnifying glass M to observe a small ant at a distance of 2 cm. (i) Calculate the image distance. [2 marks] (ii) Determine the linear magnification of the image of the ant. [2 marks] (d) You are given a convex lens. Describe how the power of the lens can be determined. State the relationship between power and focal length of a lens. [5 marks]

SELANGOR Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 show the identical objects located at different positions in front of identical concave mirror. Real images with different sizes are produced.

Table 11 Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the glass and the size of the angle and determine the most suitable design to be used so that the room would be kept cool during the day. Give reasons for your choice. [10 marks]

TERENGGANU Diagram 11.1 shows a stamp collector examines a stamp using a magnifying glass. Diagram 9.1 Diagram 9.2



What is the meaning of real image? Using Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the object distance, the size of image formed and the image distance. Relate the position of the object distance and the size of the image formed to make a deduction on the relationship between the object distance and the magnification scale. [ 5 marks ] Diagram 9.3 shows a photograph of a concave mirror producing upright and magnified image.

(i) (ii)


(i) (ii)

Name the phenomenon involved.

(b) Diagram 9.3 Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image formed as shown in Diagram 9.3. (c) Diagram 9.4 shows a ray diagram of a slide projector.

[ 1 mark ] Observe Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2. Compare the object distance, the size of the image and the power of the lens. Relate the size of the image with the object distance. [ 1 mark ] Diagram 9.3 shows the structure of a simple camera.

Diagram 9.4 The slide projector is needed in your school hall. You are required to modify the slide projector so that it can produce clearer image and can be seen by 800 students. Suggest and explain based on the following aspect: (i) The power of the bulb used. (ii) The position of the bulb from the concave mirror. (iii) The curvature of the concave mirror. (iv) The position of the slide from the projector lens. (v) Position of the screen from the projector. [ 10 marks ] MRSM Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 show light rays from two identical objects passing through two identical convex lens. Both lenses produce real images. F is the focal point for the lens.



Explain how the camera is able to capture the image of a distant object. [ 3 marks ] (ii) State the range of the object distance where the image formed is sharp. [ 1 mark ] A student is given two convex lenses , R and S. The focal length of R and S are 20 cm and 5 cm respectively. Suggest and explain how to build a microscope which produces a sharp image and magnified image based on the following aspects: (i) Arrangement of lenses (ii) Position of object (iii) Position of the first image (iv) Distance between two lenses. [ 8 marks ] Suggest two modifications that need to be done to the microscope to produce a bigger final image. [ 2 marks ]


MELAKA Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 show the parallel rays of light directed towards the convex lenses J and K. Both the lenses produce real images. F is the focal point for each lens.

PAHANG Diagram 9.1 shows a light ray passing through from air into water. Diagram 9.2 shows a light ray passing through from air into glass. [Refractive index: Glass= 1.50 , Water=1.33]



What is meant by focal length? [1 mark]


With reference to Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the thickness of the lenses and the effects it has on the refracted rays to make a deduction regarding the relationship between the thickness of the lenses and their focal length. [5 marks]


Diagram 9.3 shows the ray diagram of a simple microscope.

Diagram 9.1 Diagram 9.2 Name the phenomenon of light as shown in Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2. [ 1 mark ] (ii) What is the meaning of refractive index? [ 1 mark ] (b) Observe Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2. Compare the refractive index, the density and the angle of refraction of light ray. Relate the density of medium with the angle of refraction to make a deduction of the relationship between the density of medium and the refractive index. [ 5 marks ] (c) With the aid of ray diagram, explain how a man shoots a fish in water so that he hits the target. [ 3 marks ] (d) (i) You are given two pieces identical prism with internal angle 45o , 900 and 450 and two converging lenses to make a binocular. Using the material stated above, explain how you are going to build a simple binocular. [ 6 marks ] (ii) Suggest modifications need to be done on the simple binocular to produce brighter and bigger image. [ 4 marks ] CHAPTER 6 (a) (i) PERLIS Diagram 10.1 and 10.2 show wave pattern produced by the vibration of two spherical dippers on the water surface set to be at different distances.


Diagram 9.3 State the function of the eyepiece. [1 mark]


State the characteristics of the image formed by a microscope. [3 marks] You are given two convex lenses S and Q of different focal length. Lens S has a longer focal length than lens Q. (i) Using the two lenses above explain how are you would make a simple astronomical telescope. [4 marks] Suggest modification that need to be done on the telescope to produce clearer and bigger images. [6 marks]


Diagram 10.1


Diagram 10.2

Design P (a) (i) What is the wave phenomenon shown in diagram 10.1 and 10.2? [ 1 mark ] (ii) Explain why the water level in the ripple tank must be at constant depth during the experiment. [ 4 marks ] (iii) Observe Figure 10.1 and 10.2. Compare the wave patterns produced by the spherical dippers. State the relationship between the distance of two coherent sources and the separation / distance of two consecutive nodes or antinodes lines. [ 10 marks ] Sonar technique can be used to determine the distance between two positions. Ultrasonic wave is used in this technique. (i) What is sonar? [ 1 mark ] (ii) Explain why using ultrasonic wave is better than just ordinary sound waves. [ 2 marks ] (iii) A marine researcher wants to use ultrasonic sound to determine the depth of the ocean bed. Explain how he can do so. [ 7 marks ]

Design Q


Design R

SBP Diagram 12.1 shows the pattern of sea waves when approaching the beach.

Design S


Diagram 12.1 Name the wave phenomenon shown in Diagram 12.1. [1 mark] (ii) Explain in terms of the wave phenomena in 12 (a)(i), why the water waves follow the shape of the beach as it approaches the shore. [4 marks] The beach in Diagram 12.1 will be used as a place where fisherman boats are kept. (i) You are assigned to investigate the design for the location to keep the boats and the characteristics of the retaining wall as shown in Diagram 12.2 based on the following aspects: -the location to keep the boat -material used for the retaining wall -the height of retaining wall -size of slit Explain the suitability of the location and the characteristics of the retaining wall and determine the most suitable design to keep the boat safely. [10 marks] Diagram 12.3 show a pattern of wave formed when the water waves with a speed of 6 cm s-1 propagates from a deeper area to a shallow region in a ripple tank.



Observe Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2. (i) Compare the distance between vibrators S and T. [1 mark] Compare the distance between adjacent nodal lines. [1 mark] (iii) Compare the wavelength of the water waves. [1 mark] (iv) State the relationship between a and x. [a = distance between the vibrators, x = distance between adjacent lines] [2 marks] Diagram 10.3 shows the plan of a football stadium. When an announcement was made using only one loudspeaker, spectators at positions such as P, Q and R could not hear the announcement clearly. (ii)

(c) Deep area Wavelength, = 0.8 cm Shallow area Wavelength , = 0.5 cm Diagram 12.3 Calculate: (i) the frequency of water waves at the deeper region (ii) the speed of the water waves at shallow region. [5 marks] KEDAH A student carries out an experiment to investigate a water wave phenomenon using a ripple tank. Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show the pattern obtained on the screen of the ripple tank when two vibrators, S and T, are vibrating simultaneously.

Diagram 10.3 Suggest and explain improvements to the sound system and transmission of the sound so that spectators all around the stadium can hear the announcement clearly. Your answer should cover the following aspects: (i) The number of loudspeakers (ii) The position of the loudspeakers (iii) The amplification of the sound [6 marks] (d) The loudspeaker used in (c) is as shown in Diagram 10.4

Diagram 10.1

Diagram 10.4 Explain whether D and L should be big or small so that sound from the loudspeaker can be transmitted over a longer distance. [4 marks] NEGERI SEMBILAN Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show the pattern of interference using coherent sources of water waves. (a) Diagram 10.2 State the reason why the depth of water in the ripple tank must be uniform. [1 mark] (ii) Name the water wave phenomenon that is being investigated. [1 mark] (iii) State the amplitude of the wave along the nodal lines. [1 mark] (iv) Using a suitable diagram, explain how a nodal line is formed. [2 marks] (i)

Diagram 10.1

Diagram 10.2

(a) (b)

How does constructive interference occur? [ 1 mark ] Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2, compare the distance between the two coherent sources, wavelength of the propagating water waves and distance between two consecutive antinodes. [ 4 marks ] Relate the distance between the two coherent sources with the distance between two consecutive antinodes. [ 2 marks ] Diagram 10.3 shows tourists at a beach observing the sunset.



(a) (b) Diagram 10.3 Using physics concepts, explain why the tourist can still able to see the sun even though it has already set. (e) Diagram 10.4 shows a restaurant in the town of Seremban. The restaurant is always packed with customers and always noisy. A student and his parents often visit the restaurant to enjoy a pleasant dinner. The restaurant in Diagram 10.4 is not suitable for a quiet evening and they decided to suggest a few modifications to the restaurant owner.

Diagram 10.1 Diagram 10.2 What is the meaning of longitudinal wave? [ 1 mark ] Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2, (i) (ii) Compare the amplitude of vibrations of tuning fork. Compare the peak values a 1 and a 2 of the waves displayed by the oscilloscope. (iii) Relate the amplitude of vibrations of tuning fork to the peak values. (iv) Relate the peak values to the loudness of the sound produced. (v) Hence, deduce the relationship between the loudness of the sound and the amplitude of the wave. [ 5 marks ] (c) Explain how the sound wave is used to determine the depth of an ocean. [ 4 marks ] (d) You have been assigned as a consultant to assemble a speaker system to improve the acoustics of a school hall. Using the appropriate concept explain how the installation of the speaker system and the other modifications that can improve audible sound. In your explanation , elaborate on the following aspects: (i) Distance between two stereo speakers. (ii) Wall and floor finishing (iii) Power of the loud speakers (iv) Positioning of speakers and microphones. [ 10 marks ]

Diagram10.4 Using the appropriate physics concepts, suggest and explain the modifications that have to be done to reduce the noise pollution. The modifications should include the following aspects: (i) Materials used for floor, ceiling and wall. (ii) Finishing for table and countertops. (iii) Solution for large windows (iv) Dining space design [ 10 marks ] PAHANG Diagram 10.1 shows a tuning fork vibrating near a microphone. The sound waves detected by the microphone are displayed on the screen of a Cathode -Ray Oscilloscope (CRO). When the tuning fork is struck harder , sound produced is louder and the sound waves produces are shown in Diagram 10.2.

CHAPTER 7 KELANTAN Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show two circuits. Each circuit contains an ammeter, 4 cells, rheostat and a filament lamp labeled 6V, 24 W. Diagram 10.3 and Diagram 10.4 show the thickness of coiled wire of the filament lamp M and N, respectively.

Diagram 10.1

Diagram 10.2

(ii) shape of the heating element of the water heater (iii) melting point of the heating element of the water heater (iv) rate of rusting of the heating element of the water heater (v) additional component used for safety when the water boil [10 marks] Filament lamp M Diagram 10.3 (a) Filament lamp N Diagram 10.4 KEDAH Diagram 12.1 shows a hair dryer labelled 240 V, 500 W connected to a three pin plug. Diagram 12.2 shows the fuse in the three pin plug.

What is the meaning of the labeled 6V, 24 W on the filament lamp? [1 mark] Observe Diagram 10.1and Diagram 10.2. Compare the reading of the ammeter and the brightness of the filament lamp M and N. [2 marks] (ii) Observe Diagram 10.3 and Diagram 10.4. Compare the thickness of coiled wire of the filament lamps. [1 mark] (iii) Relate the brightness of the filament lamp with the thickness of coiled wire to make a deduction on the relationship between thickness of coil wire and the heat produced by the filament lamp [2 marks] (c) Diagram 10.5 shows two types of plug for the electric kettle that can be connected to the electric supply. Diagram 10.5(a) uses two pin plug, while Diagram 10.5(b) uses a three pin plug with an earth wire.

(b) (i)

Diagram 12.1

Diagram 12.2 (a) Diagram 10.5(a) Diagram 10.5(b) (b) State two properties of the material of the heating element in the hair dryer. [4 marks] (i) What is the meaning of the label 0.5 A on the fuse? [1 mark] (ii) Table 12 shows the specification of a few metals to be used as a fuse wire.
Speci fic heat capac ity / J kg1

Explain why a three pin plug is more suitable compared with a two pins plug. [4 marks] (d) Diagram 10.6 shows a water heater used to boil water.


Melting point o C



W X Y Z Diagram 10.6 Using appropriate physics concepts, suggest and explain how to build a water heater which can boil a larger quantity of water faster , more efficient, and more safety based on the following aspects; (i) type of material used for the heating element of the water heater

1100 600 1100 700

900 900 240 240

Big Small Big Small

Low High Low High

Table 12 Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the four metals and determine the most suitable metal to be used as the fuse wire. Give reasons for your choice. [10 marks]


The hair dryer is Diagram 12.1 is switched on. (i) Calculate the current flowing through the hair dryer. (ii) State whether the 0.5 A fuse is suitable to be used in the plug. (iii) Calculate the energy used by the hair dryer when it is switched on for 10 minutes. [5 marks] PAHANG Diagram 12.1 shows a typical circuit on a household electrical appliance that using a fuse.

CHAPTER 8 JOHOR Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show two identical electromagnets, X and Y. The current flow in electromagnet X is 2 A and the current flow in electromagnet Y is 3 A.

(a) (b) Diagram 12.1 (a) (b) What is a fuse? [ 1 mark ] Explain the advantages o parallel circuit in a house wiring system. [ 4 marks ] An immersion heater its specifications of 240V , 500 W is used to boil water. The efficiency of that immersion heater is 85. (i) What is meant by 250 V, 500 W? [ 1 mark ] (ii) Calculate the electric current that passes through the immersion heater. [ 2 marks ] (iii) Calculate the output power of the immersion heater. [ 2 marks ] Fuse takes some time to melt or blow. A fast-blowing fuse is required to protect semiconductor equipments which cannot stand high current surge for too long. When a fuse blows, sparking may occur and produces high temperature. The fuse wire is placed in a sheath or catridge as shown in Diagram 12.2 to prevent its sparks from causing damage.

Diagram 10.1 Diagram 10.2 What is the meaning of electromagnet ? [1 mark] Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2, compare the amount of iron filings attracted, current flow and the magnetic field strength of the two electromagnets. Relate the current flow with the magnetic field strength to make a deduction on the relationship between magnetic field strength and the amount of iron filings attracted in this situation. [5 marks] Diagram 10.3 shows an electromagnet crane.





Diagram 10.3 Explain how the electromagnet crane can be used to lift scrap metal. [4 marks] A man needs an adaptor to charge his handphone as shown in Diagram 10.4. The transformer inside the adaptor is used to reduce the 240 V alternating current (a.c) to 12 V direct current (d.c).

Diagram 12.1 Table 12.1 shows the specifications of five fuses tat can be used to protect a semiconductor device. Fuse Thickness Catridge Rating Melting of fuse Tye point wire P Medium Rubber 10 A Medium Q Thin Glass 10 A Low R Thin Ceramic 13 A Low S Thin Plastic 10 A High T Thick Ceramic 13 A Low Table 12.1 Determine the most suitable fuse to protect a 240V , 2000 W semiconductor material device. Study the specifications of all five fuses based on the following aspects: The thickness of wire The rating of fuse The catridge type The melting point Explain the suitability of the aspects and justify your choice. [ 10 marks ]

Diagram 10.4 Using the knowledge of a transformer and rectifier, suggest and explain how to built an adaptor which can be used to charge the handphone. (i) The type of transformer (ii) The ratio of number of turns in primary coil to the number of turns in secondary coil (iii) The type of core (iv) The electronic component that should be connected to the output of the secondary coil (v) The material of wire used [ 10 marks ]

KELANTAN Diagram 12.1 shows a simple transformer.

PERLIS When a current flows through the solenoid it produces a magnetic field and then becomes electromagnet. (a) What is a meaning of electromagnet ? [ 1 mark ] (b) Diagram 12.1 shows a graph of number of paper clips attached, n against current, I, for a solenoid.

Diagram 12.1 (a) State the transformations of energy involved in Diagram 12.1. [ 1mark] (b) Explain how the transformer works [ 4 marks] (c) You are asked to investigate the design and the characteristic of four transformers shown in Diagram 12.2.Explain the suitability of each characteristics of the transformer and determine the transformer which can be use as an ideal transformer. Give reasons for your choice. [10 marks] P


Diagram 12.1 Based on the graph, state the relationships between n and I . What can you conclude about the strength of electromagnet? [ 2marks] (ii) State two physical quantities that affect the strength of electromagnet? [ 2marks] You are asked to investigate the design and the characteristics of four alternating current generators shown in Table 12.1. Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the alternating current generators and determine the alternating current generator which can supply a large direct current to an electrical component S shown in Diagram 12.2. (i)

Diagram 12.2 S Generator Density of the coil / kg m3 9200 Number of turns of coil Strength of magnets Rectification circuit


Diagram 12.2 Diagram 12.3 shows a 12V, 48W bulb lights up with normal brightness when it is connected to a 240V main supply through a transformer.

6 000



10 000



9 000


Diagram 12.3 Calculate: (i) the output voltage of the transformer (ii) the number of turns of the primary coil (iii) the efficiency of the transformer . [ 5 marks]




Table 12.1 [ 10 marks ]


Diagram 12.3 shows a model for transmission of electrical power. The resistance of the transmission cable in the model is 30.

SELANGOR Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show how induced current are produced in solenoids

Diagram 12.3 Name a type of conductor that is most suitable to be used as transmission cable. [ 1 mark ] (ii) Calculate the current that flows through the transmission cable [ 2 marks ] (iii) The power loss due to heating effect of the transmission cable [ 2 marks ] (i) TERENGGANU Diagram 12.1 shows a bulb labelled 12 V, 24 W is connected to the output of a transformer. The efficiency of the transformer is 40%.

Diagram 12.1 (a) (i) (ii) (b) Name the type of transformer. [1 mark] Explain the working principle of the transformer. [4 marks] Calculate (i) the current flow in the secondary coil. (ii) power input in the primary coil. [5 marks] You are asked to investigate the design and the characteristics of four transformers shown in Diagram 12.2. Distance between primary coil and secondary coil/cm 2 6 2 6 (c) (a) (b) What is meant by induced current? Using Diagram 10.1 and 10.2, compare (i) The number of turns of the solenoid. (ii) The deflection of the galvanometer pointer. (iii) The rate of cutting of the magnetic flux. (iv) The magnitude of induced current produced. [ 4 marks ] Using Diagram 10.1 and 10.2 (i) Relate the number of turns of the solenoid and the rate of cutting of the magnetic flux. (ii) Relate the rate of cutting of magnetic flux and the magnitude of the induced current produced and hence. [ 2 marks ] Name the physics law involved. [ 1 mark] Diagram 10.3 shows a simple step-up transformer



Thickness of the coil

Material of the core

Type of the core

(d) (e)


Thick Thick Thin Thin

Soft iron Laminated Steel Solid Soft iron Laminated Steel Solid Diagram 12.2

Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the transformers and determine which transformer has the highest efficiency. Give reasons for your choice [10 marks] (i) Explain why step-up transformers are used in the transmission of electricity? [ 2 marks ]


You are required to modify the transformer in Diagram 10.3 so that it can use as an efficient laptop adapter with output of 18.5 V of direct current. Your suggestions and 21 aspects: explanation should be based on the following Type of the core used. materials and diameter of the wire used. Ratio of the number of turns in the primary coil to the secondary coil. The arrangement of the primary coil and the secondary coil. The numbers of diodes used. [ 10 marks ]


Diagram 10.4 shows the cross section of a moving coil microphone which converts one form energy into another.

MRSM Diagram 10.1 shows one insulated conductor which is moved downwards in a magnetic field. Diagram 1.2 shows three insulated conductors which are moved downwards in the magnetic field.

When sound vibrates the diaphragm , the attached voice coil moves and cut the magnetic field and generates a small electric current in coil. Using the appropriate concepts in physics , suggest and explain suitable modification or ways to enable the microphone to detect sound effectively and generate bigger current based on the following aspects: (i) The thickness of diaphragm (ii) The strength of the material for the diaphragm (iii) The number of turns of coil (iv) The diameter of the coil wire (v) The strength of magnet [ 10 marks ]

(a) (b) What is meant by electromagnetic induction? [ 1 mark ] Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 , compare (i) The number of conductor wires. [ 1 mark ] (ii) The deflection of the galvanometer pointer. [ 1 mark ] (iii) Relate the number of conductor and the rate of cutting of magnetic flux. [ 1 mark ] (iv) Relate the rate of cutting of magnetic flux and the induced current [ 1 mark ] (v) Name the physics law involved. [ 1 mark ] (c) Diagram 10.3 shows the structure of a generator. Explain how the generator can e used to produce electricity. (i) (a) Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 shows two identical electromagnet, X and Y .

Diagram 10.1 What is meant by electromagnet?

Diagram 10.2

[ 1 mark ] Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 compare the current flow, the amount of iron filing and the magnetic field strength of the two electrodes. Relate the current flow and amount of iron filing attracted by the electromagnet and the magnetic field strength.. [ 5 marks ] Diagram 10.3 shows a circuit breaker. (ii)


[ 4 marks ]

Characte \ ristics

Resistivity at 00C / cm

Melting point /0C

Electron valence of the doping substance

Substance P Q R S T

105 107 1018 103 1024

100 600 800 120

4 3 4 2

Diagram 10.3

Explain how the circuit breaker works. [ 4 marks] (c) Diagram 10.4 shows an a.c generator

300 2 Table 12 Explain the suitability of the characteristics of the substances to be used in the production of a semiconductor with better conductivity and determine the most suitable substance to be used Give reasons for your choice [10 marks] (d) An extra high voltage (EHT) supply gives 4 kV across the anode and the cathode of a vacuum tube. (i) Name the process that occurs. [1 mark] (ii) Calculate the velocity of the electron when it reaches the anode tube. [ mass of electron , m = 9.1 x 10-31 kg, charge of electron, e = 1.6 x 10-19 C] [3 marks] SBP A semiconductor diode is an electronic device made by joining pieces of p-type and n-type semiconductors. n-type and p- type semiconductors are produced through the doping process.

Size of the doping atom compared with the size of the atom Very big Almost the same Big Very small Small

Diagram10.4 (i) Explain how the generator works to produce alternating current.. [ 4 marks ] Explain the modification that needs to be done on the generator and the external circuit to enable the generator to be a d.c generator and produce more current. [6 marks]


Diagram 10.1 (a) (b) What is the meaning of doping?

Diagram 10.2

CHAPTER 9 JOHOR As a research engineer in a factory, you are asked to investigate the characteristics of several substances in order to produce semiconductors with better conductivity. (a) What is meant by semiconductor? [1 mark] (b) Name two types of semiconductors. Explain the differences between this two types of semiconductors [5 marks] (c) Table 12 shows the characteristics of five substances P, Q, R, S and T.


[1 mark] Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 , compare the connection of diode to the dry cell, the lighting of bulbs and the reading of ammeter. Relate the lighting of bulbs with the connection of diode to the dry cell to make a deduction regarding the relation between the current flowing in the circuits and the connection of diode to the dry cell.. [5 marks] Box Y contains four identical electronics component for full wave rectification.

Diagram 10.3


On Diagram 10.3 draw the electronic components in the circles provided. (ii) A capacitor is placed across the output to smooth the current. In Diagram 10.3, draw the wave form produced . Explain how a capacitor is used to smooth the current. [4 marks] Diagram 10.4 shows a circuit with a transistor that acts as an automatic switch. LED will light up when it is dark.

(a) (b)

Diagram 10.3 What is the meaning of transistor circuit? [1 mark] Using Diagram 10.1, compare the microammeter reading and the milliammeter reading. (ii) Using Diagram 10.2, compare the microammeter reading and the milliammeter reading. (iii) Using Diagram 10.2 and Diagram 10.3, compare the change in microammeter reading and the change in milliammeter reading. (iv) Relate the microammeter reading, milliammeter\ reading and deduce a physics concept for base current , I b and collector current, I c in a transistor circuit. [5 marks] Diagram 10.5 shows a transistor circuit is used to light up a bulb at night. (i)

Diagram 10.4 A technician wants three fans labelled 240 V, 100 W in a room to be automatically switched on when the room is hot. Suggest modifications that can be made to the circuit in Diagram 10.4 so that the three fans can be automatically switched on when the room is hot based on the following aspect: State and explain the modifications based on the following aspects: - The electric component to replace light dependent resistor in the circuit. The position of electric component. the used of relay switch in the circuit.. the arrangement of the three fan. electric component to protect the transistor [10 marks] TERENGGANU Diagram 10.1 shows a transistor circuit. Diagram 10.2 and Diagram 10.3 show the transistor circuit with different microammeter reading and milliammeter reading.


Diagram 10.5 Explain why the bulb light up at night. (d) [4 marks] Suggest the modifications need to be done to the circuit in Diagram 10.5 so that it can function as automatically fire alarm switch that needs high voltage. Explain your suggestions base on the following aspects: (i) The electrical components that are needed to replace any components in the circuit (ii) The position of these components in the circuit (iii) The electrical components that is connected to the output transistor [10 marks] NEGERI SEMBILAN (a) (b) What is meant by a semiconductor? [ 1 mark] Diagram 12.1 shows a full wave rectifier circuit.

Diagram 10.1

Diagram 10.2

Diagram 12.1


Draw the waveform of a full wave rectification.


[ 1 mark ] (ii) What modification can do on the circuit in Diagram 12.1 to smooth the current? [ 1 mark ] (iii) Draw on Diagram 12.1 the modification you suggest in (a)(ii). [ 1 mark ] (iv) Draw the smoothen current. [ 1 mark ] (d) The door of the lift is fitted with a light transmitter and a detector which is a light dependent resistor (LDR). If the LDR detects light, the relay switch is activated and the lift door will close.You are asked to investigate the circuit of the lift, and design suitable circuit to close the door of the lift, if there is no people in front of the lift as shown in Table 12.

Sketch the trace of CRO screen of the same current if the timebase is off

[ 1 mark ] CHAPTER 10 SELANGOR Radioisotopes can be used as tracers to detect leaks from pipes underground. Diagram 12.1 shows a leak that occurred in an underground water pipe.

(a) (b)

Diagram 12.1 What is meant by radioisotopes? [ 1 mark ] With the aid of diagram, explain how radioisotopes can be used to detect the location of the leakage as shown in Diagram 12.1. [ 3 marks ] Table 12.1 shows the characteristics of five radioisotopes. Characteristics of radioisotopes Radioisotope Type of ray P Q R Beta Gamma Gamma Beta Gamma Half-life 28 years 5 years 8 days 5 days 6 hours State of matter Solid Solid Liquid Gas Liquid



Table 12 Explain the suitability of the characteristics in Table 12 and than determine the most suitable circuit for the door of the lift. Give a reason for your choice. [ 10 marks ] Diagram 12.2 shows trace of CRO screen when a potential different connected on it. The Y- gain setting is 2 V / div and time-base is set to 0.1s / div.



Table 12.1 Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the radioisotope and determine the most suitable radioisotope to be used in detecting the leak from pipes underground. Give reasons for your choice [ 8 marks ] Diagram 12.2 shows the decay chain of Radon-222.

Diagram 12.2 What type of current that is connected to the CRO? [ 1 mark ] (ii) What is the peak-voltage of the current? [ 1 mark ] (iii) Calculate the frequency of the current. [ 2 marks ] (i)

(i) (ii)

What is the number of neutrons in Rn-222?


[ 1 mark ] Write an equation to show the decay of Rn-222 to Po-218. [ 2 marks ] (iii) Determine the number of alpha particles and beta particles produced in the decay. [ 2 marks ] A lab assistant measures the number of particles emitted per minute from two different radioactive sources K and L. The measurements are repeated each hour for four hours and the results are shown in Table 12.2. Number of particles emitted per minute Source K Source L

Time /hour

(i) (ii)

160 1600 113 800 80 400 57 200 40 100 Table 12.2 Name the source that has the shortest half-life? [ 1 mark ] The experiment continues until the time is 6 hours. Calculate the number of particles emitted per minute from source K. [ 2 marks] Table 12.1 (d) (i) [ 10 marks ] Copy and complete the equation for the radioactive decay shows below by writing the appropriate numbers in box provided.

0 1 2 3 4

MRSM Diagram 12.1 shows a Geiger Muller tube (GM tube) an a rate meter which are used to detect radioactive radiation.

[ 1 mark ] Diagram 12.1 What is meant by radioactivity? [ 1 mark ] Explain how the GM tube is able to detect the radioactive radiation. [ 4 marks ] Radioactive material is also used in smoke detectors. You are assigned to study the characteristics of some radioactive materials and the type of logic gates used in the smoke detector shown in Table 12.1.

(a) (b)



Calculate the mass defect in kg.

[ 2 marks ] (iii) Calculate the energy released.

[ 2 marks ] MELAKA Diagram 12.1 shows a system used in a factory to ensure the volume of guava juice in a bottle is uniform.

The radioactive source, radiation detector and counter are used to detect the volume of guava juice. The radioactive source contains a radioisotope. (a) What is meant by a radioisotope? [1 mark] (b) Table 12.2 shows the characteristics of five radioisotopes P, Q, R, S and T.

As a factory engineer, you are required to determine the most suitable radioisotope that can be used by the system to ensure the volume of guava juice is uniform. Study the characteristics of all 5 radioisotopes and explain the suitability of the aspects. Determine the most suitable radioisotope and give the reason for your choice. [10 marks] (c) Table 12.3 shows the reading of the rate meter for 6 bottles through detector and radioactive source .


State one detector that is suitable to be used for this purpose. [ 1 mark]


Based on table 12.3, which bottle shows the least volume of juice and state the reason for your answer. [3 marks] In a radioactive decay series, Uranium-238 decays to become Radium-226 by emitting alfa and beta.


Determine the values of X and Y? [5 marks]

CHAPTER 2 TERENGGANU MELAKA A boy pushes the boxes along a level walkway as shown in Diagram 3.1. The boy experiences that the boxes on trolley move slowly. When the boy removes two of the boxes as shown in Diagram 4.2, he experiences that the trolley move faster than before although the same force was applied, 8 N. Diagram 3.1 shows a diver is diving into the sea. Diagram 3.2 shows a diver is diving into the swimming pool. They are at the same depth but the diver in Diagram 3.1 feel that his ear was sick.

Based on the information and obsevation above : (a) (b) (c) State one suitable inference. [ 1 mark ] State one suitable hypotesis. [ 1 mark ] With the use of apparatus such as a trolley, ticker timer, ticker tape, elastic cord and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b). In your description, state slearly the following : (i) The aim of the experiment (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) The variables in the experiment The list of apparatus and materials The arrangement of the apparatus The procedure of the experiment. Describe how to control the manipulated variables and how to measure the responding variables. The way to tabulate the data The way to analyse the data [10 marks] Based on the observation above and your knowledge of pressure in liquid; (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as thistle funnel, meter ruler and others, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b) CHAPTER 4 JOHOR Diagram 3.1 shows a half glass of hot coffee that is left for ten minutes. Diagram 3.2 shows a full glass of similar hot coffee that is left for the same time. It is notice that the hot coffee in Diagram 3.1 cools down faster than Diagram 3.2. Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.2

(vi) (viii)

CHAPTER 3 SBP A man who is fishing, pulled out a fish out of the water as shown in Diagram 3.1. It becomes more difficult to pull out the fish out of the water and the rod is getting bender in Diagram 3.2.

Diagram 3.1

Diagram 3.2

Based on the information and observation above: Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.2 (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as immersion heater, beaker and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b).

Based on the information and your observation above: (a) (b) (c) State one suitable inference. State one suitable hypothesis. With the use of apparatus such as measuring cylinder, spring balance, metal rod and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b)

MRSM Diagram 3.1 shows a worker pushing down on the piston of a clogged bicycle pump. Diagram 3.2 shows the same worker finding it harder to push the piston further down.

Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as beaker, thermometer immersion heater and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in Question 3(b).

SELANGOR Diagram 3.1 shows a boy accidentally spilt a few drops of hot noodle soup onto his hand and felt slight pain. Later on, he accidentally spilt the whole bowl of hot noodle soup onto himself and felt extreme pain as shown in Diagram 3.2.

Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis (c) With the use of apparatus such as a Bourdon gauge and the other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). NEGERI SEMBILAN Before going to Johor Bahru, Afiff measures the air pressure of the tyres of his car, as shown in Diagram 3. He noticed that the air pressure one of the tyres is 200 kPa. At Johor Bahru, Afiff measured the air pressure. He found that the air pressure in tyre has increased to 240 kPa. Afiff also found that the tyre become hot after he arrived at Johor Bahru. However the size of the tyre remains the same.

Diagram 3.1

Diagram 3.2

Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated (c) With the use of apparatus such as power supply, beaker, immersion heater and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). CHAPTER 5 KEDAH Diagram 3.1 shows a student using a convex lens to form a sharp image of a lamp at the ceiling. Diagram 3.2 shows the student using another convex lens to form a sharp image of the lamp.

Diagram 3 Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis. (c) With the use of apparatus such as Bourdon gauge, a round bottom flask and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in Question 3(b). PERLIS Diagram 3.1 shows two pot, X and Y, with X containing more water than Y. Both the pot are heated. After a few minutes it was observed that the water in pot Y is hotter than the water in pot X. Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.2

Observe the thickness of the lens and the distance from the lens to the image in both situations. Based on the observation: (a) (b) (c) State one suitable inference. State one hypothesis that could be investigated. With the use of apparatus such as convex lenses, a screen and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b).

Diagram 3.1

KELANTAN Diagram 3.1 shows a line under a glass block. Diagram 3.2 shows an identical line under a Perspex block of the same size. An observer noticed that the image of the line formed in the glass block is nearer to the surface of the block.

(a) (b) (c)

State one suitable inference. State one hypothesis that could be investigated. With the use of apparatus shown in Diagram 4.3 and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).

Diagram 4.3 MELAKA Based on the information and observation : (a) State one suitable inference, (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated. (c ) With the use of apparatus such as a tall beaker, water and other apparatus and material, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). CHAPTER 6 WAVE KEDAH Diagram 4.1 shows a boy standing beside the road and a motorcycle moving towards the boy from a far distance. Diagram 4.2 shows that the boy has to close his ears when the motorcycle has come nearer to him. Diagram 4.1 and diagram 4.2 shows the interferance patterns formed by two continuous coherent water waves with different distance between two spherical dippers.

Diagram 4.1

Based on the information and the observation above: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis . (c) With the use of apparatus such as ripple tank, stroboscope and other suitable apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b). In your description, state clearly the following : Diagram 4.2 Based on the information and observation:

NEGERI SEMBILAN Diagram 4 shows a man testing a newly bought audio system in a mini theatre by changing his seating position. Loud sound can only be obtained at some seating positions with a certain distance from the loudspeaker.

CHAPTER 7 JOHOR Diagram 4.1 shows a worker lifting a load using a reel and a pulley. The worker notices that it takes a longer time to lift a heavier load to the top of the building.

Diagram 4 Based on the observation above and your knowledge on waves phenomena; (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated. (c) With the use of apparatus such as an audio generator, loudspeakers and other apparatus, describe an experimental framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). SBP Diagram 4 shows two audio technicians is going to set a close hall so that the audient can enjoy the sound perform by a singer clearly. When the workers bring the two speakers closely to another, the distance beside two chairs must be set further apart so that the sound effect is good enough. The works can be illustrated as shown in the Diagram 4.

Diagram 4.1 Based on the situation above, (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated. (c) With the use of apparatus such as d.c. motor (12V), slotted weight and others apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b). KELANTAN Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show an identical bulbs connected to the conductor wires of identical length but of different thickness. When the power supply is switched on, the bulbs lighted with different brightness.

Based on the situation above, (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated. (c) With the use of apparatus such loudspeakers, audio signal generator and others to set your apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b).


State one suitable inference,

(b) (c)

State one hypothesis that could investigated. With the use of apparatus such as a dry cells, constantan wire and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).

(a) (b) (c)

State one suitable inference State one suitable hypothesis With the use of apparatus such as beaker, an ammeter, an immersion heater and the other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b).

MRSM SELANGOR Diagram 4.1 shows a lamp which lights up with normal brightness when the dimmer knob is set at its minimum value. Diagram 4.2 shows the lamp dimmer when the dimmer knob is set at its maximum value. Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show two night market stalls which are fixed with two identical bulbs that are connected to two identical car batteries 12 V with different length of connecting wires. Both bulbs bright up with different brightness.

Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference. (b) State one hypothesis that could be investigated (c) With the use of apparatus such as dry cells, constantan wire, and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b). CHAPTER 8 Diagram 4.1 Diagram 4.2 Based on the information and observation: (a) State one suitable inference (b) State one suitable hypothesis (c) With the use of apparatus such as constantan wire , voltmeter and the other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b). PERLIS Diagram 4.1 shows Aminah ironing her school uniform. After the iron is switched on for a while, there are still wrinkles on the uniform. Diagram 4.2 shows that the wrinkles are gone when the temperature control knob as shown in figure 4.3 on the iron is turned. Based on the observation above and your knowledge of electromagnet; (a) (b) (c) State one suitable inference. State one suitable hypothesis. With the use of apparatus such as solenoid, paper clips and othersdescribe an experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b) Diagram 4.1 and 4.2 shows the electric circuit consist with an electric bells, switch and battery. When the switch is closed, it is observes that the bell in Diagram 4.2 rings louder than the bell in Diagram 4.1. Both electric bells in each diagram are same.

Based on the observation on Diagram 4.1, Diagram 4.2 and Diagram 4.3 and using your knowledge of the effect of current on heating:

CHAPTER 2 MELAKA (a) Acceleration is influenced by the mass (b) When the mass increased, the acceleration will be decreased. (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the acceleration and the mass. (ii) Manipulated variable : mass Responding variable : acceleration Constant : Force applied (iii) 5 Trolleys, ticker timer, ticker tape, a rubber band, a wooden runway, 12 V a.c power supply, ruler (iv) A rod which is 10 cm long is marked at intervals of 1 cm and suspended from the hook of a spring balance. The experiment is started by lowering the rod to depth of 5.0 cm and reading on the spring balance, W is recorded. The length of rod below the liquid level is measured and the reading on the spring balance is recorded. The experiment is repeated by lowering the rod to different depths, i.e,H = 6.0 cm, 7.0 cm, 8.0 cm and 9.0 cm (vi) Tabulate the data : (v)



The ticker-timer is switched on and a trolley (of 1 kg) is pulled using a rubber band. The extension of the rubber band is ensured to be of the same length Acceleration of the trolley is calculated using the tickertape. a = ( v-u ) / t Procedure 2 and Procedure 3 are repeated using 2, 3, 4 and 5 trolleys


TERENGGANU (a) The density of the water affects the pressure (b) As the density increase , the different level/pressure increase. (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the density of liquid and the pressure/ different level. (ii) MV : density RV : pressure //different level CV : Depth (iii) Tall beaker, small thistle funnel, flexible tube, manometer, meter rule, retort stand, liquids (iv)


CHAPTER 3 SBP (a) The buoyant force can be determined by finding the weight of water displaced (b) The more the rod is immersed, the lower the reading on the spring balance (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between weight of water displaced and the buoyant force (ii) Manipulated : length of rod below the liquid level Responding : weight/ loss in weight Constant : Density of liquid (iii) Beaker, rod, spring balance, metre rule (iv)


Insert the thistle funnel vertically down to the bottom of the beaker of liquid density of 1.2 gcm-3 Measure the different level in manometer, l. Repeat the experiment 4 time using another liquid with different density such as 1.5 gcm-3. 2.0 gcm-3 .3.0 gcm-3 3.5 gcm-3 and 4.0 gcm-3 (vi) Record the data

(vii) Plot graph pressure against density.

CHAPTER 4 JOHOR (a) (b) (c) The change in temperature of water depends on its volume / mass When the volume / mass increases, change in temperature decreases (i) To investigate the relationship between the volume / mass and temperature (ii) Manipulated variable : volume / mass of water Responding variable : change in temperature Fixed variable : heating time (iii) Power supply, immersion heater, connecting wires, beaker, stirrer, thermometer, water, measuring cylinder / balance , heater and stop watch (iv)


Weight is added onto the piston until the Bourdon gauge shows a reading 10 Pa Record the enclosed volume, V , of the syringe Repeat the experiment by increasing the pressure to 15 Pa , 20 Pa, 25 Pa and 30 Pa. (vi) Tabulate the data.

(vii) Plot graph V against P.


20 cm3//g of water is heated by an immersion heater for 5 minutes. Final temperature is recorded after 5 minutes. Repeat step 1 and 2 using 40 cm3, 60 cm3, 80 cm3 and 100 cm3 of water

NEGERI SEMBILAN (a) (b) (c) Pressure depends on temperature The higher the temperature, the higher the pressure (i) To investigate the relationship between the air pressure and its temperature (ii) Manipulated : temperature Responding : pressure Fixed : volume / mass of gas (iii) Round-bottomed flask, glass tube, bourdon gauge, thermometer, rubber tube, retort stand, tripod stand, Bunsen burner, stirrer, beaker, wire gauze, water, water bath. (iv)



MRSM (a) (b) The force // weight affects the volume of the gas The pressure affects the volume of the gas When the pressure of a fixed mass of gas decreases , the volume of the gas increases//The bigger the acting force the smaller the volume of the gas // The bigger the acting force the smaller the volume of the gas // The greater the weight the smaller the volume of the gas. (i) To investigate the relationship the pressure and the volume of the gas (ii) MV : Pressure of gas , V RV : Volume of gas , P CV: Temperature and mass of the gas. (iii) 100 cm3 glass syringe , rubber tube , Bourdon gauge , load, triple beam balance , retort stand. (iv)



Setting up of apparatus is as shown in diagram above. Read thermometer when the temperature reach 30C. At the same time, read the bourdon gauge to get the reading of gas pressure. Stir the water continuously, and repeat the experiment when the temperature reach 40C, 50C, 60C and 70C. (vi) Tabulate the data

(vii) Plot the graph pressure against temperature

The 20 g of water is filled in the beaker. The initial temperature, 0 , of water is recorded. The heater is switched on until the water boiled. The time taken for the water is observed and recorded/ The heat is calculated. Repeat with masses of boiling water 40 g, 60 g, 80 g and 100 g. (vi) Tabulate the table


PERLIS (a) (b) (c) The mass // volume affects the rise in temperature // temperature The greater the mass // volume, the smaller the rise in temperature // temperature (i) To investigate the relationship between the mass and rise in temperature (of water) (ii) Manipulated variable : Mass Responding variable : Increase in temperature Fixed variable : Heat supplied // Time of heating // Power of the heater (iii) Beaker, water, thermometer, immersion heater, stopwatch, balance for measuring mass (iv) Draws a labeled and functional diagram of the set up of the apparatus (v) Put a mass of 100 g of water in a beaker Switch on the heater for 5 minutes and record the temperature rise Repeat the experiment with 150 g, 200 g, 250 g and, 300 g of water. (vi) Tabulate the data


CHAPTER 5 KEDAH (a) To investigate the relationship between the thickness of the lens and the distance from the lens to the screen / focal length (b) The greater the thickness of the lens, the smaller the distance from the lens to the screen / focal length (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the thickness of the lens and the distance from the lens to the screen / focal length (ii) Manipulated variable : Thickness of the lens Responding variable : distance from the lens to the screen focal length / f (Note: Constant variable can be ignored) (iii) Convex lenses, screen, metre rule, lens holder (iv)

(vii) The graph of temperature rise against mass is drawn SELANGOR (a) (b) (c) The heat/ time taken of the water depends on its mass/volume The greater the mass/volume, the time taken increase (i) To investigate the relationship between the time taken and mass/volume (ii) Manipulated variable : mass/volume Responding variable : Time taken Constant variable : Initial temperature/specific heat capacity/ changes in temperature (iii) Power supply, thermometer, beaker, immersion heater, stirrer (iv)


A convex lens with thickness 0.4 cm is placed in front of a screen The screen is adjusted until a sharp image of a distant object is obtained and the distance between the lens and the screen is measured. The previous steps are repeated using convex lenses of thickness 0.6 cm, 0.8 cm, 1.0 cm and 1.2 cm


(vii) The graph f agianst d is plotted

KELANTAN (a) Apparent depth depends on the density/type of block/material (b) When the density (of material) increase , the apparent depth decrease/depth of image (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between density and apparent depth/depth of the image (ii) manipulated V : density// mass of salt responding V : apparent depth/depth of image fixed V : real depth , volume water(ignore the change of volume of water + salt ) (iii) Tall Beaker/cylinder, pin, retort stand , water , salt , meter rule, triple beam balance (iv)

CHAPTER 6 KEDAH (a) (b) (c) The loudness of the sound depends on the distance (between the source and the observer The smaller the distance (between the source and the observer), the louder the sound (i) To investigate the relationship between the loudness of a sound and the distance (between the source and the observer) (ii) Manipulated variable : distance, d Responding variable : loudness of sound (amplitude, a) (Note: Constant variable can be ignored) (iii) Audio signal generator, loudspeaker, cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO), microphone, meter rule / measuring tape (iv)


Fill the beaker with ( V = 1000 cm3 ) water. Put the 20 g of salt into the beaker and stir . Place a pin O into the water. Adjust the position of the pin I (at the retort stand) by observing above the beaker until it appears in line with the image Measure the apparent depth of the straight line,d. Repeat the experiment with( different four densities of liquids) by mixing the mass of salt , m = 30g , 40g, 50g, and 60g .


The microphone is placed at a distance, d = 20.0 cm from the loudspeaker The amplitude, a, of the trace on the screen of the is measured. The procedure was repeated for the values of distance, d = 30.0 cm, 40.0 cm, 50.0 cm and 60.0 cm



(vii) A graph of a against d is drawn


MELAKA (a) The distance between two spherical dippers affects the distance between two constructive/destructive interference. (b) The distance between two constructive/destructive interferente decrease when the distance between 2 spherical dippers. (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the distance between 2 spherical dippers and the distance beteen 2 constructive /destructive interference. (ii) Mv : The distance between 2 spherical dippers Rv : the distance between 2 constructive /destructive interference. Fv: Depth of the water// speed of the motor// the perpendicular distance between the 2 spherical dippers and the place where the interference pattern is observed. (iii) Ripple tank, power supply, white paper and ruler (iv)


Two spherical dippers are attached to the water The distance between spherical dippers on the screen are adjusted to a = 5.0cm The distance between 2 constructive /destructive interference on the scree n , x is measured with the ruler and Repeat the previous step by increasing the distance between 2 spherical recorded. dippers. a =6cm,7cm,8cm and 9cm.

(v) Setting up of apparatus is as shown in diagram above. Switch on the audio generator. A student walked slowly along a parallel straight line at a distance, D = 5.0 m from the loudspeakers using a metre rule /measuring tape. The distance, x between two successive positions of loud sounds is measured using a metre rule. The experiment is repeated for D = 1.0m, 1.5 m, 2.0 m, 2.5 m and 3.0m. (iii) Tabulate the data



(vii) Plot the graph x against D

NEGERI SEMBILAN (a) The distance between two successive loud, x sound depends on the distance from the loudspeakers, D (b) The distance between two loud sounds, x increases as the distance of separation of two sources, a increases. / the longer the distance between two loud sounds, x ,the longer the distance from the loudspeakers, D (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between distance, x and distance, D (ii) Manipulated : Distance between the observer and loudspeakers, D Responding : Distance between two successive positions of loud sounds, x. Fixed : Distance between the two loudspeaker, a, frequency of audio generator (iii) Audio signal generator, two identical loudspeakers, connecting wires and metre ruler (iv)

SBP (a) The distance between 2 loud speaker affect the distance between 2 loud or soft sound (b) When the distance between two coherent sources of sound is increase, the distance between two consecutive constructive or destructive interference is decrease. (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between two coherent sources and the distance between two consecutive constructive and destructive interference. (ii) Manipulated : Distance between two coherent sources, a Responding : Distance between two consecutive constructive or destructive Interference,x Constant : Distance between the source and the screen. (iii) Loud speaker, audio signal/frequency generator, connection wire, power supply, measuring tape. (iv)

KELANTAN By using a metre rule the distance between the listener from the loudspeaker is measured= D The audio-frequency generator is switched on. Use a distance between two loud speaker, a= 1.0m. The listener is requested to walk in a straight path from left to right. The distance between two successive loud regions is measured by a metre rule = x The experiment is repeated using a distance between two loud speaker a=1.5m, 2.0m, 2.5m and 3.0m. (vi) Tabulate the data (v) (a) (b) (c) Resistance// brightness of bulb depends on the diameter/thickness of the conductor wire When the diameter/thickness increase , the resistance decrease (i) To investigate the relationship between the diameter /thickness of the conductor wire and resistance (ii) Manipulated : diameter / thickness Responding : resistance / voltage Constant : length of conductor (iii) Dry cells, insulated constantan wire, connector wire, ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat , switch, meter rule (iv)


(v) CHAPTER 7 JOHOR (a) The time to reach the top depends on the mass // The current supply depends on the mass (b) When the mass increases, time / current increases (c) (i) To investigate the relationship between the mass and time / current (ii) Manipulated variable : mass Responding variable : time / current Fixed variable : height (iii) Battery / DC power supply, slotted mass, connecting wires, 12V DC motor, pulley (iv)

A 20 cm length of constantan wire of diameter of 0.1 mm is connected to a circuit as shown in diagram above. Adjust the rheostat and until the ammeter reading is I = (0.2A). Measure the corresponding reading on the voltmeter, V Calculate the resistance of conductor using equation; R = V/I Repeat the experiment with the diameter of constantan wire , 0.2 mm , 0.3 mm, 0.4mm and 0.5mm.



MRSM (a) (v) 20 g of slotted mass is lifted by a motor to a height of 1 m. The time taken to reach the top is recorded // The ammeter reading is recorded. Repeat step 1 and 2 using 40 g, 60 g, 80 g and 100 g of slotted mass (b) (c) The brightness // dimness of bulb is affected by the length of wire The longer the wire , the higher the resistance // the smaller the current (i) To investigate the relationship between the length of wire and the resistance // the current flow (ii) MV : length of wire,l RV : resistance ,R // Current ,I CV : diameter of wire // thickness of wire // cross sectional area of wire // temperature of wire (iii) Ammeter , voltmeter , rheostat , constantan wire , dry cells , meter ruler , connecting wire (iv)




Measure the length of a constantan wire with a ruler , l = 10 cm The switch is on and adjust rheostat until ammeter reading shows current , I = 0.5 A Record the potential difference from voltmeter , V Calculate the resistance , R = V / I Repeat the experiment by using constantan wire of l = 15.0 cm, 20 cm , 25 cm , 30 cm and 35.0 cm. (vi) Tabulate the data


The length of wire is measured at 10 cm. The current is observed and recorded using the ammeter/ The resistance is calculated. Repeat with different lengths of 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm and 50 cm. (vi) Tabulate the data

(vii) Plot the graph R against l


PERLIS (a) (b) (c) The heating effect of a conductor is affected by magnitude of the current. The larger the current, the higher the temperature of the water which is being heated (i) To investigate the effect of current on heating (ii) MV : current ,I RV : temperature , CV : volume of water (iii) Beaker, ammeter, immersion heater, thermometer, connecting wire, rheostat and stop watch (iv) Draws a labeled and functional diagram of the set up of the apparatus. (v) Pour 200cm3 of water into the beaker and measure its temperature. Switch on the circuit and adjust the rheostat until the reading of ammeter is 1.0 A. The stop watch is started. The final temperature is recorded after 2 minutes. Step repeated by adjusting the rheostat so that the ammeter readings are 2.0 A, 3.0 A, 4.0 A and 5.0 A. (vi) Tabulate the data

CHAPTER 8 TERENGGANU (a) (b) (c) The electric current affects the loudness of the bell // The loudness of the bell depends on the electric current The strength of an electromagnet increases as the current increases (i) To investigate the relationship between electric current and the strength of an electromagnet (ii) Manipulated variable : electric current Responding variable : strength of an electromagnet Constant variable : number of turn solenoid // soft iron core (iii) Ammeter, connection wires, rheostat, retort stand, ,switch, d.c. supply , soft iron core, solenoid, small iron nails and plastic container. (iv)

(vii) The graph of increased in temperature against current is drawn SELANGOR (a) (b) (c) The length of wire affects the resistance/current The shorter the wire, the higher the current/the resistance is decrease (i) To investigate the relationship between the length of wire and current/resistance (ii) Manipulated variable : length Responding variable : Current/Resistance Constant variable : Potential difference/Temperature/Diameter (iii) Ammeter, voltmeter, dry cells, constantan wires, ruler (iv)


The switch is closed. The reading of the ammeter is recorded = I The end of the solenoid is dipped into the plastic container full of small iron nails The plastic container is removed and the number of nails attached to the electromagnet is counted = N The experiment is repeated 5 times with different value of current by adjusting the rheostat. (vi) Tabulate the data

(vii) Plot graph N against I

CHAPTER 2 (d) KEDAH Acceleration

Design or way
Smaller mass

The smaller the mass the smaller its inertia. Therefore the rocket will accelerate faster. To improve the aerodynamics of the rocket.

(a)(i) The object falling under the force of gravity only (a)(ii) The acceleration Diagram 9.1 larger than Diagram 9.2 The rate change Diagram 9.1 more than Diagram 9.2 The time impact Diagram 9.1 more than Diagram 9.2 When the time impact is smaller, the rate change of momentum When the acceleration is large, the rate change of momentum is large is large



Buoyant force (upthrust)

Nose cone // Bullet shape on top of the body The bottle filled with mixture of water and air Equipped with parachute

Serves as the propulsion of the water rocket//The air pressure propels the rocket skyward (upward) The parachute increases the surface area of an object so it has more contact with the wind, which decreases the speed of the object (due to air resistant) Helps to stabilize the water rocket by lowering the centre of pressure (gravity)

Stability of the motion (b) (i) (ii) The force forward = friction The resultant force is zero The object move with constant velocity

Fitted with fins spaced equally around the rocket body.

(c) modification The surface is smooth Aerodynamic Low density Big peddle strong reason Reduce water resistance Reduce friction Lighter Increases the force Not easy to broke down

PERLIS (a) Mass is the amount of matter in an object. (b) Mass Ability to speed ahead Stopping (from rest) Lorry Mass of the lorry is bigger. Takes longer time to speed ahead. Harder//slower to stop moving. Takes longer time to stop moving. Car Mass of the car is smaller. Easier//faster to speed ahead. Easier//faster to stop moving. Takes shorter time to stop moving.

SBP (a) The Principle of Conservation of Momentum / Energy (b) When the ball on one end is pulled up and let to fall, it strikes the second ball which is at rest and comes to a dead stop. The momentum of the ball becomes zero as its velocity is zero. The Principle of Conservation of Momentum states that in a collision between two objects the total momentum of the objects in the system remains unchanged. The energy and momentum from the first ball is transferred to the second ball and then transmitted through the balls at rest to the ball on the other end. Because the momentum and energy is maintained in this system, the ball on the opposite side will move at the same velocity as the ball that were in initial motion (c) The balls touch each This will reduce losses of energy which other will reduce the speed of the balls Steel balls are hard and produce highly The type of material elastic collision. Energy can easily used to make the balls is propagates through the intermediate steel balls. Two strings used to This string arrangement restricts the hang each ball balls movements to the same plane. High position of the ball, high potential the position of the ball energy and will change to high kinetic to start the oscillation energy. The last end ball will swing at bigger speed. The most suitable design is Q because the ball s touch each other, made from steel, use two strings attached to each ball and the initial position of the ball is high. (d) (i) m1u1+ m2u2= m1v1 + m2v2 (5)(0.8) + (3)(0) = 0 + (3) v 2 v 2 = 1.33 ms-1 (ii) m 1 v 1 - m 2 u 2 = 0 (0.05)(0.8) = -0.04 kgms-1 (iii) Impulsive force = -0.04 / 0.05 = 0.8 N KEDAH (a) (i) (ii)


(i) (ii)

The inertia of the driver maintains the forward motion when the car stops suddenly. Wearing a seat belt: Restrains the body of the driver from being thrown forward//inside or outside the car. It slows down the forward movement of the driver when the car stops suddenly

Energy due to height Initial position of the student in Diagram 9.1 is higher



The speed of the student on reaching the final position in Diagram 9.1 is higher The higher the speed of the student, the higher the energy The higher the position , the higher the energy gained (iii) Principle of Conservation of Energy (i) elastic potential energy to kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy elastic potential energy and kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy (ii) due to damping work done against air resistance // loss of energy due to the extension and compression of the molecules in the system strong // high strength it wont break easily high force constant store higher elastic potential energy strong // high strength // any suitable material it wont break easily thin // aerodynamic // streamline less air resistance slightly above the target the path is parabolic / curved/downward // due to free fall motion

CHAPTER 3 SBP (a) (i) Sum of two or more forces to produce one resultant force. (ii) 1. Bottle in liquid Q floats lower 2. Weight and the buoyant force are equal and the same in both cases. 3. Density of liquid P is higher. 4. As the density of liquid decreases, the lower the bottle floats. 5. When density of liquid decreases the volume of liquid displaced increases to produce the same buoyant force. 1. 2. 3. 4. (c) Suggestion Fix a long handle on piston A Equip the hydraulic jack with valves Use released valves Piston A is made smaller // piston B bigger. Oil as liquid Reasons Small force can produce bigger force /torque to press piston A Liquid can flow in one direction and does not back flow Liquid flows back to the storage reservoir To produce large output force. Does not evaporate easily // does not flow out easily// prevent from rust. When force is applied to piston A Pressure is produced and transmitted uniformly throughout the liquid towards piston B // Pascals Principle Pressure multiply by the surface area of piston B will produce the output force that lift load M. Cross-sectional area of piston A is smaller than piston B to produce large output force.


MRSM (a) (i) (ii)

Priciple of conservation of momentum Air expels at high velocity Produces momentum backwards / to the left Causes thrust of momentum forward/ to the right With same magnitude of force but in opposite direction




a=vu t =04 2 = 2 ms-2 (iii) s = 1 2


(4) (2)

= 16 m (c) Characteristics Shape Inverted aerofoil Ridges on tyres -none Engine power -high Material light and stiff

Reasons High pressure at top // greater downward force//high stability Less friction during motion Greater forward thrust Does not break easily on impact

I choose S Because shape inverted aerofoil , ridges on tyres none, engine power high and material light and stiff

TERENGGANU (a) (i) Force per unit area (ii) Pressure on piston Q = pressure on piston R Cross sectional area of piston Q < Cross sectional area of piston R Force acted on piston Q < force acted on piston R The greater the area, the greater the force Pascals principle (b) aerofoil shape The air speed on the upper surface > the air speed on the lower surface. The pressure on the lower surface > pressure on the upper surface. Different in pressure produce lift force. (c) Design Thick wall High density material Strong material Aerodynamic shape Ballast tank Sonar transmitter and receiver Reasons Water pressure increase with depth Increase mass / can submerge easily Does not break easily Reduce water resistance To increase or reduce weight To estimate distance and depth

(ii) SELANGOR (a) Upwards force cause by weight of fluid displaced by an object when the object is immerse in the fluid. (b) Valve release air from ballast tank. Sea water flooded ballast tank The weight of water displaced is smaller. Buoyant force < Weight of the submarine (c) Choices Reasons The volume of ballast To produce bigger buoyant force tank is higher / easy to rise up / can carry greater weight inside More number of air Can stay longer time under the tanks cylinder carried water / Can rise and submerge many times / more air supply for respiration of crews Can withstand higher Safe when the submarine maximum water submerge very deep in the sea / pressure The body will not break due to high water pressure The suitable shape of Less water resistance in the submarine is motion / can move faster aerodynamic Submarine X Because the volume of ballast tank is higher, more number of air tanks cylinder carried, can withstand higher maximum water pressure and the suitable shape of submarine is aerodynamic. (d) (i) V = 0.2 x 0.8 = 0.16 m3 (ii) B = Vg = 0.16 x 1000 x 10 = 1600N (iii) mass = 1600 10 = 160 kg NEGERI SEMBILAN (a) (b) Aerofoil (i) The shape of cross section of the wing causes the speed of airflow above the wings to be higher than the speed of airflow below. When the speed of moving air is higher the pressure is lower. Hence air pressure below the wings is higher compare to above the wings. (ii) Bernoullis Principle

Resultant Force = 20 000 900(10) = 11000 N Direction of force : upwards

MELAKA (a) (i) Buoyant force equal to weight of fluid displaced (ii) Volume of air displaced equal to volume of a balloon Density of air decreased as a altitude increase Weight of displaced air become smaller At certain height weight of displaced air equal to weight of the balloon (iii) Large balloon To produce bigger buoyant / up thrust // Increase the volume of the air displaced Low density of gas filled in the balloon Lighter Synthetic nylon Light-weight, strong and air-proof material Low mass of radiosonde instrument To produce a bigger upward resultan force R is choosen Large ballon/low density of gas /synthetic nylon / low mass of radiosonde instrument (b) (i) (ii) mass = density x volume m=0.216kg V= 1.2m3 m= 1.56kg = 15.6N

PAHANG (a) (i) Buoyant force equal to weight of fluid displaced (ii) Volume of air displaced equal to volume of a balloon Density of air decreased as a altitude increase Weight of displaced air become smaller At certain height weight of displaced air equal to weight of the balloon (iii) Characteristics Large ballon Explaination To produce bigger buoyant / upthrust // Increase the volume of the air displaced To produce bigger flame // heat up the gas in the balloon faster Light-weight/ strong /airproof material Reduce the density /weight of the air in the balloon Large balloon, use 2 burners / many burners, use synthetic nylon and has high temperature of the air in the balloon.

(c) Use 2 burners // Many burners Synthetic nylon High temperature of the air in the balloon Hot air balloon Q is chosen


The most suitable wing is Y. Because it has a shape of cross section which is upper side is longer than the bottom, large the area of the wing, the low density of the wing materials and the high the difference in speed of air. (i) P=F/A F = 400 x 50 F = 20000 N


(i) (ii)

mass = density x volume m=0.216kg V= 1.2m3 m= 1.56kg = 15.6N

CHAPTER 4 KELANTAN (a) (i) The temperature in which a solid substance change to liquid at atmospheric pressure (ii) The mass of substance in Diagram 9.1 < in Diagram 9.2 Time taken to reach the melting point in Diagram 9.1 < in Diagram 9.2 Time taken by the substance to change into liquid completely in Diagram 9.1 < in Diagram 9.2 The greater the mass the longer the time taken by the substance to change into liquid completely. The greater the mass the greater the latent heat of fusion absorbed (b) In daytime the sun warms the land to higher temperature than the sea. The land has a lower specific heat capacity than sea-water. The air above the land is heated and rises The cooler air above the sea moving to land. (c) Aspect High specific heat capacity of liquid High boiling point of liquid Low rate of rusting material Strong material The size of the fan is big Explanation Becomes hot faster Not easily change into vapour Long lasting // not easily rust Not easily breaks To blow large amount of heat

CHAPTER 5 JOHOR (a) (i) (ii) Cannot be shown on screen Incident ray from the fish refracted / change direction at B. Refraction Incident ray from the dragon-fly reflected by water surface at A. Reflection = 90o 30o = 60o 1.33 =

(b) (i)

= 58.75o
(ii) (c) Characteristics Concave mirror Bulb at principal focus Batteries connected in series Copper connecting wire

sin sin 40o

Virtual / same size / same distance / laterally inverted

Explanation Reflected ray is converging Reflected ray form a parallel beam Produces larger current Low resistance / large current

Torchlight Q is chosen because it has concave mirror, bulb at principal focus, batteries connected in series and copper connecting wire KELANTAN (a) Distance between focal pint and the optical centre of a lens (b) 1. The convex lens is aimed/focused to a distant object (infinity) 2. The screen is adjusted until a sharp image is formed on the screen 3. The distance between the screen and the lens is measured 4. Focal length = distance between the screen and the lens (c)

NEGERI SEMBILAN (a) (b) The total amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of an object by 1oC (i) 1. the temperature of water droplet = the temperature of water poured on the hand 2. The mass of water droplets is smaller than water poured 3. Hand in diagram 9.1 less injured than that in 9.2 4. the bigger the mass , the more injury to the skin (ii) The bigger the mass of an object, the bigger the heat capacity of the object Water has high specific heat capacity When water in tube pass through the engine it can absorb large amount of heat energy Once water reach the radiator, the heat of the water absorbed by the fin blade of the radiator . The same time the fan in the radiator push the heat out of the car. Thermometer is made from- transparent glass that is strong so that it is not easily broken The thermometric liquid- chosen is mercury uniformly / opaque because it easily expands The capillary tube is made- narrow and thin so that it is more sensitive the shape of the thermometer- is round effect so that it has a magnifying high boiling point and low freezing point so that it can measure very high and low temperature


Aspect Longer focal length High magnification Distance = fo + fe Bigger diameter J is chosen

Explanation To produce real, inverted and smaller image Produce bigger image Produce image at normal adjustment // image at infinity More light can enter objective lens // more brighter Longer focal length, higher magnification, Distance between two lenses = fo + fe and bigger diameter




1 =1 + 1 f u v 1 = 1 1 v 5 400 v = 5.063 cm h2 = v2 h1 v1


h 2 = 5.063 100 400 h 2 = 1.27 cm (iii) Real , inverted and diminished.

PERLIS (a) (i) (ii) Distance between optical centre and focal point Lens in Diagram 11.1 is thinner Focal length in Diagram 11.1 is longer The thinner the lens the longer the focal length The thinner the lens the higher the power of lens


(i) (ii)

1 5 20 30 30 20
= 60 cm

600 10

60 1


60 30

- Convex lens - Image is real and inverted - Convex lens - Image is virtual and magnified - Longer - must have a lower power - have the larger diameter - produce the brighter image S and Convex lens of objective lens, Convex lens of Eyepiece lens, longer f o and larger diameter KEDAH (a) (b) angle of incidence when the angle of refraction is 90o (i)


1 sin c
41.8o // refractive index for glass is smaller 24.6o // critical angle for diamond is smaller The smaller the critical angle, the easier total internal reflection can occur




sin 42 o sin 30 o 1 apparent depth

n = 1.34 (ii)

1.34 =

0.75 m high refractive index total internal reflection easier to occur // smaller critical angle thick keep cool / cut off more light low cut off more heat // reduce transmission of heat small critical angle can be easily exceeded // total internal reflection easier to occur Q High refractive index, thick, low thermal conductivity and small angle

TERENGGANU (a) The distance from the primary focus to the optical center type of lens is convex, percentage of light is high , focal length is short and size is bigger (b) It should be convex The magnified image can be obtained Percentage of light of the lenses should be high The image would be brighter and clearer Its focal length should be short The power of lens will be high and can be focused at a short distance diameter of lens should be large it is gives a bigger display the most suitable brand is J type of lens is convex, percentage of light is high , focal length is short and size is bigger (c) (i) 1/f = 1/v + 1/u 1/5 = + 1/v v = - 3.33cm (ii) magnification = v/u 3.33/2 1.67 times (d) The lens is directed to a distant object such as tree The screen was adjusted behind the lens until a sharp image Formed the distance between the lens and the screen measured The power of the lens are determined using 1/f The shorter the focal length the more the power of lens. SELANGOR (a) (i) (ii) Real image is an image which can be formed / projected on a screen. object distance in 9.1 is shorter than 9.2 Size of image formed in 9.1 is bigger than in 9.2 Image distance in 9.1 is smaller /shorter The shorter the object distance, the bigger the size of the image formed When the object distance is shorter, the magnification scale is bigger.

MRSM (a) (i) (ii)

Refraction Object distance in Diagram 9.1 < 9.2 Image distance in Diagram 9.1 > 9.2 Size of image in Diagram 9.1 > 9.2 Power of lens is same The shorter the object distance ,the greater the size of image.



(ii) (c) (i)

Range greater than two focal length ( u 2f)

Modification f u 2f Distance = f 0 + f e

f o = 10 cm and f e = 20 cm Position of the first Final image is magnified many image < f e times (ii) use less power// longer focal length of eye piece lens Move the object nearer to the focal point (still in between (1F and 2F) MELAKA (a) (i) (ii) Distance from the optical centre to a focal point. Lens K is thicker than lens J Light ray is refracted more in lens K than lens J. Focal length of lens K is shorter than lens J. Therefore the thicker the lens, the greater the refraction of light and with that the shorter the focal length of a lens will be As a magnifying glass. Enlarge/magnified Inverted/upside down Virtual Choose lens S as objective lens Choose lens Q as eyepiece Lens S is placed in front of lens Q The two lenses are adjusted so that they are in normal adjustment where distance between the two lenses is equal to (fo + fe)

Reason Image magnified and real Eyes are not strained// to get normal adjustment microscope 25 cm First image is magnified

(b) (b) (i) (ii)

(c) (c) Use higher power bulb The filament of the bulb is at the focus point of the concave mirror More curvature lens between f and 2f Increase the distance / further away the screen


Higher intensity of light / more light produced. The light ray focuses to one point. (ii) Increase the intensity. To produce real and enlarge / bigger images. Larger image produced

Modification 1. Use low power convex lens as the objective lens.

Explanation - Magnification of telescope =

fo fe

2. Use high power convex lens as the eye lens 3.Use bigger diameter of objective lens

Low power lens has a longer focal length, fo , magnification High power lens has a shorter focal length, fe , magnification More light permitted to enter the telescope and a clearer image is


the nodal/antinodal line will be affected (iii) wavelength produce by the two spherical dipper in diagram 10.1 is the same as in diagram 10.2 the distance between the two consecutive antinodes is greater in diagram 10.1 than 10.2 the distance between the two consecutive nodes is greater in diagram 10.1 than 10.2 increase in the distance between the two coherent source will decrease the distance between the two consecutive nodes or antinodes (i) sonar is a reflection from an ultrasonic waves. (ultrasonic echoes) ultrasonic wave has a higher frequency waves , it has more energy so it can move further it do not produce noise (iii) attach ultrasonic transmitter to a ship use a microphone receiver to detect ultrasonic pulses direct the ultrasonic pulses from the transmitter to the seabed use microphone receiver to pick up the reflected pulses from the seabed measure the time taken by the pulses to travel to the seabed and return calculate the depth of the water using the formula

PAHANG (a) (i) Refraction (ii) Ratio of sin i / sin r // The ratio of speed of light in vacuum relative to that speed through a medium (b) Refractive index of the glass is higher. The density of glass is higher The angle of refraction of light ray in glass is shorter The higher the density of medium, the smaller the angle of refraction of light. The higher the density of medium, the higher the refractive index. (c)


(d) (i) SBP (a) (i) (ii)

v x t 2

Refraction wave move from deeper to shallow area the wavelength decrease the speed decrease the direction of wave bends towards normal


Characteristics Bay Concrete retaining wall High wall Smaller opening/ aperture / slit of retaining wall P Reasons More light passes through the lens Act as a strong magnifying glass (ii) = 6 0.8 = 7.5 Hz V= f = 0.5 x 7.5 = 3.75 cm

(ii) Modifications Objective lens with larger diameter. Eyepiece lens with higher power // Thicker eyepiece lens

Reason Wave is calmer Stronger/ / lasting Prevent high wave Diffraction obvious // low wave energy At bay, concrete retaining wall , high wall and smaller slit



f = v

WAVES PERLIS (a) (i) (ii) Interference of waves wavelength depend on depth of water increasing/decreasing of depth will cause the wave to refract refraction will increase/decrease the length of wavelength

KEDAH (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

To ensure constant velocity of water wave / ripple. Interference Zero or minimum zero // minimum // smaller than the original amplitude The distance in Diagram 10.1 is higher The distance in Diagram 10.1 is smaller Same The higher the a, the smaller the x // a inversely


Proportional Increase the number of loudspeakers // use more Loudspeakers To produce louder sound // Sound transmitted covers a bigger (ii) Placed at all corners // different locations Cover a bigger area // the spectators around the area can hear clearly (iii) High amplification to produce louder sound // sound can travel further Large/big Less diffraction // spreading // sound travels straight Large/big Vibrates more air // produces louder sound (i)

(d) Suggestions Loudspeakers are positioned at quite a distance away. Reason So that the distance between consecutive constructive / destructive interference is smaller. To prevent multiple reflections

NEGERI SEMBILAN (a) When two crests or two troughs meet each other to form maximum amplitude (b) (i) Distance between two coherent sources in Diagram 10.2 is bigger than diagram 10.1 (ii) The wavelength are the same (iii) The distance between two adjacent antinodal lines in diagram 10.2 is smaller than diagram 10.1 (c) As the distance between two coherent sources increases, the distance between two adjacent antinodal lines decreases. (d) Refraction of light ray Light travels from less dense to a denser medium towards the normal / bending closer. In the observer eyes, the sun is still not setting as they can still see the image from refraction.

The two main loudspeakers are not positioned opposite to each other Fix soft boards/ wooden/ materials which are sound absorbers Use thick carpet/ Wooden floor/ Rubber floor Assemble a high power speaker system Assemble the speaker at a high place

Reflection effects can be reduced

To prevent echo

To produce a high amplitude of sound wave

Wide coverage // the wave is not blocked

CHAPTER 7 KELANTAN (a) Distance between focal pint and the optical centre of a lens (b) 1. The convex lens is aimed/focused to a distant object (infinity) 2. The screen is adjusted until a sharp image is formed on the screen 3. The distance between the screen and the lens is measured 4. Focal length = distance between the screen and the lens (c) Aspect Explanation Longer focal To produce real, inverted and length smaller image High Produce bigger image magnification Distance = fo + fe Produce image at normal adjustment // image at infinity Bigger diameter More light can enter objective lens // more brighter J is chosen Longer focal length, higher magnification, Distance between two lenses = fo + fe and bigger diameter

(e) PAHANG (a) A wave in which the vibration of particles in the medium is parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave (b) (i) The amplitude in Diagram 10.2 is higher


(ii) The peak value, a 2 in Diagram 10.2 is higher (iii) The higher the amplitude of vibration of tuning forks, the higher the peak value (iv) The higher the peak value, the louder the sound (v) The higher the amplitude, the louder the sound - Use ultrasound - Ultrasound is transmitted to the sea bed - a receiver will then detect the reflected the reflected pulses - the time taken by the pulse to travel to the seabed and return to the receiver being recorded, t - the depth of the sea can be calculated using the formula,
vt d= 2

(d) (i)

1 =1 + 1 f u v 1 = 1 1 v 5 400 v = 5.063 cm

(ii) h2 = v2 h1 v1 h 2 = 5.063 100 400 h 2 = 1.27 cm

(iii) Real , inverted and diminished. KEDAH High melting point Can withstand high temperature / heat // does not melt easily Not easily oxidized Can last longer (b) (i) Maximum current flowing through the fuse is 0.5 A (ii) 1 Low melting point 2 Can melt easily 3 Low specific heat capacity 4 Can heat up easily 5 Small 6 High resistance // more heat released // easy to break 7 High 8 High resistance // more heat released 9 Z 10 Low melting point, low specific heat capacity, small diameter and high resistivity (a) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) CHAPTER 8 JOHOR (a) An electromagnet is a coil wrapped around a soft iron core which will be magnetized when a current flows through the coil and demagnetized when the current is switched off Amount of iron filings attracted in Diagram 10.1 is smaller / less// amount of iron filings attracted in Diagram 10.2 is higher / more Current flow in Diagram 10.1 is smaller / less // current flow in Diagram 10.2 is higher / more Magnetic field strength in Diagram 10.1 is weaker // Magnetic field strength in Diagram 10.2 is stronger When the current is higher, the magnetic field strength is stronger, or vice versa When the magnetic field strength is stronger, the amount of iron filings attracted is more, or vice versa When current flow through the solenoid, a magnetic field is produced The (soft) iron core will be magnetized The scrap metal attracted to the iron core When the current is switched off, the soft iron core will be demagnetised and the scrap metal falls down Transformer step down To reduce the voltage from 240 V to 12 V The ratio of number of turns in primary coil to the number of turns in secondary coil is 240 : 12 // 20 : 1 To reduce the voltage from 240 V to 12 V Type of core is soft iron core // laminated iron core Soft iron core is easy to magnetized and demagnetized // Laminated iron core to reduce eddy current Diode is connected to the output To convert alternating current output to direct current Use copper wire Good electrical conductor // has low resistance // produce low heat


500 240
= 2.08 A Not suitable 500 x (10x60) 300 000 J


(d) PAHANG (a) A fuse is a very thin wire, which either melts or vaporizes when too much current flows through it (b) - A parallel circuit can run several devices using the full voltage of the supply. - If one device fails, the others will continue running normally - If the device shorts, the other devices will receive no voltage, preventing overload damage. - A failure of one component does not lead to the failure of the other components. - More components may be added in parallel without the need for more voltage. - Each electrical appliance in the circuit has it own switch. (c) (i) The electrical appliance use 240 V of voltage to generates 500 W of power. (ii) Current = Power/Voltage Current = 500/240 = 2.08 A (iii) Efficiency = Output Power x 100 % Input Power Output Power = 85 x 500 100 Output power = 425 W (d) Characteristics Explanation Thin fuse wire Less space needed/ to carry a limited electrical current/ less mass hence low heat capacity/ shorter time to heat up to melting point and blow. Ceramic cartridge Can withstand higher temperature because sparks created by high voltage, 240V can be huge/ Maximum rating must be higher than normal current. For fast blow/ Melting faster when excessive current flow/ Easy to cut the current flow. Because it has thin fuse wire, ceramic cartridge, fuse rating is 13 A and low melting point.

Fuse rating is 13 A Low melting point

KELANTAN (a) Electrical energy light energy (b) (i) 1. When an a.c. voltage is supplied to the primary coil, the soft - iron core is magnetized 2. The magnet produced varies in magnitude and direction 3. This causes a changing magnetic flux to pass through the secondary coil 4. Induced e.m.f across the secondary coil is produced. (c) Aspect Explanation Soft iron core Easy to magnetized and demagnetised Laminated Less eddy current/ reduce energy lost Thick wire Reduce the resistance/more current Copper wire Low resistance/ reduce the lost of heat Q Soft iron core, Laminated , thick wire, Copper wire (i) 12 V Np = 240 x 200 = 4000 12 (iii) Efficiency = Po x 100 Pi = 240 x 0.2 x 100 = 100% 48 (d) (ii)

R is chosen because

PERLIS (a) Magnet produce by current (b) (i) Current, I directly proportional to the number of paper clips attached, n The strength of electromagnet increases (ii) The magnitude of the current / number of batteries (dry cells) The use of soft iron core (c) High strength magnets Larger force acting on the coil High number of turns of coil Larger force acting on the coil / higher electromagnetic field strength Low density material Coil has smaller mass / lighter Using 4 diodes and a capacitor 4 diodes to produce full-wave rectification and capacitor as a smoother Y and high number of turns of coil, low density, high strength of magnets and 4 diodes and a capacitor. (d) (i) Aluminium (ii) SELANGOR (a) (b) Current produced when the magnetic flux is cut by conductor. (i) No. of turns of the solenoid in Diagram 10.2 is greater. (ii) the deflection of the galvanometer pointer in Diagram 10.2 is bigger / larger. (iii) the rate of cutting of the magnetic flux in Diagram 10.2 is greater. (iv) Magnitude of induced current in Diagram10.2 is greater. (i) No of turns increases, rate of cutting of magnetic flux increases. (ii) Rate of cutting increases, magnitude of induced current increases. Faradays Law (i) The greater the transmission voltage, the smaller the current in the power lines. Power loss during transmission due to resistance will be smaller. / P=I2R (ii) 1. laminated soft iron core 3. thick copper wire 5. the ratio of turns in primary coil to the number of turns in secondary coil is < 1 7. Wind the secondary coil on top of the primary coil 9. 2/4 diodes 2. to reduce the effect of eddy current 4. reduce heat loss due to resistance 6. to reduce output voltage to 18.5 V (i)


(d) (e)

240 30

240 30

= 1920 W

TERENGGANU (a) Step-down An alternating current flows through primary coil The soft -iron core is magnetized. The magnet produced varies in magnitude and direction. This causes a changing magnetic flux to pass through the secondary coil. An induced e.m.f across the secondary coil is produced. I = 24/12 = 2A (with unit) Efficiency = Output power x 100 % Input power = 24 x 100 40 = 60W (i) (ii)

8. to reduce the leakage of magnetic flux 10. to produce full-wave rectification



(c) Characteristics Thick Soft iron Reasons Reduce the resistance of the coil Reduce the hysteresis loss// can be magnetized and demagnetized easily// Little energy used to be magnetized and demagnetized . Make the iron core as insulation. Eddy current are not able to flow through the layers of insulation// reduce eddy current


Low// Reduce leakage of magnetic flux near//shorter Choose P because copper wire thick, soft iron core, laminated core and distance is low.

The current maximum when the coil cut the magnetic field at right angle // current decreased (become zero) when the coil move in parallel with magnetic field lines The direction of current flow determine by using Flemings right hand rule After 90o the direction of current in the external circuit reversed/ diagram (ii) Modification Change slip rings with commutator Explanation To reverse contact with brushes so that the current flow in same direction in external circuit To increase the magnetic field strength Increase the rate of change of magnetic field/increase the induced current

Use stronger magnet Use more number of turn for the coil/ Increase the speed of rotation

TOPIC 9 JOHOR (a) Semiconductors are a group of materials that can be conduct electricity better than insulators but not as good as metal conductors (b) n- type semiconductor p-type semiconductor For n-type, majority charge-carries are electrons / minority charge-carries are positive holes but for p-type, majority charge-carries are positive holes / majority charge-carries are electrons For n-type, the doping substance is pentavalance but for p-type, the doping substance is trivalance (c) Characteristics The resistivity at 00C is low Explanation A current can flow through it more easily// Increasing the conductivity of the substance Not melting at high temperature Valency of 3 is used to make ptype semiconductor and valency of 5 is used to make n-type semiconductor Can maintain the crystal-line structure of the substance// Give good effect in the doping process

MELAKA (a) (i) Electromagnet is a device in which magnetism is produced by an electric current // temporary magnet made by winding a coil round a soft iron core and magnetic field produce when current flow. (ii) Current flow in diagram 10.2 is more than 10.1 // vice versa. The amount of iron filing attracted by iron core in Diagram 10.2 is more than 10.1 // vice versa. The magnetic strength in diagram 10.2 is more than 10.1 // vice versa. Amount of iron filing attracted increase when current increase The magnetic field strength increase when current increase (b) When too high current flow, magnetic field strength become very strong / wire expand electromagnet pull the soft iron armature / pulled to the right by spring P. release the catch, contact separate and current does not flow When reset button is pressed, spring Q pulls the soft iron armature back to its original position (c) (i) When the coil rotates the coil cut across the magnetic field lines Induced current flow in the coil.

High melting point The valency of the doping substance are 3 and 5 Size of the atom of the doping substance is almost the same as the size of the substance


Substance Q is chosen Because Q has low resistivity at 00C, high melting point, valency of the doping substance is 3 and the size of the doping substance is almost the same as the size of the substance (i) Thermionic emission (ii) Velocity of the electron,

v =

1 2 mv 2 2 x 1.6 x 10 19 x 4000 9.1 x 10 31 eV =

= 3.75 x 107 m s-1

SBP (a) (b) Doping is a process of adding a certain amount of specific impurities to semiconductors to increase their conductivity Diagram 10.1, the p end of diode is connected to negative terminal of dry cell // Diagram 10.2 the p end of diode is connected to positive terminal of dry cell Bulb in Diagram 10.1 does not lights up No current flow in Diagram 10.1 // Current flow in Diagram 10.2 The bulb will lights up when the p end of diode is connected to the positive terminal of dry cell // vice versa Current only flow in the circuit when p end of diode is connected to positive terminal of dry cell or in forward bias (i) (ii) Draw correct symbol and correct direction Draw smooth waveform Capasitors store charge when current flow Capasitor discharge when current does not flow LDR is replace by termistor / diagram resistance decrease when temperature increase Termistor is place at R 1 and R 1 replace LDR / diagram So that V across R 1 increase when the room is hot Relay switch replace LED To switch on secondary circuit /to switch on the fan Fans are arranged parallel All fans received 240 V power supply / other fans still functioning even though one fan did not function Resistor connected to the base of transistor limit the current to the transistor



(ii) connect a capacitor in parallel to the output (iii)

(iv) (c)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


TERENGANU (a) Circuit consists transistor, resistor and cell 10.1 : Microammeter no reading // 0 A, milliammeter no reading // 0 A (iii) 10.2 : Microammeter has a reading // 1 x 10-6 A , milliammeter has a reading // 1 x 10-3 A (iv) Change in microammeter reading small, change in milliammeter reading is bigger I b Increase, I c increase // I c depends on I b A small change in I b caused a big change in I c At night resistance LDR increases V BE increases I b increases and switch on transistor I c increases and lights up bulb (i) (ii)



(i) current a.c (ii) 4V (iii) T = 4 x 0.1 =0.4s Frequency, f = 1/T = 1/0.4 = 2.5 Hz (iv)

(c) Modification Replace LDR with termistor Replace bulb with siren / bell Connect relay switch to output transistor Interchange the position of resistor R and termistor Use 240 V power supply NEGERI SEMBILAN (a) Semiconductor is a material with electrical conductivity better than an insulator but weaker than a conductor. Explaination To detect heat when temperature is high To produce sound To switch on the siren To increase base voltage / / voltage across R // base current Siren is function at high voltage SELANGOR (a) Unstable isotopes which decay and emit radioactive particles / ray (b) Radioisotope is injected into the pipe G-M tube as detector is used to find the leakage Reading on detector increases when near a leakage (c) 1. type of ray is 2. high penetration power gamma can penetrate through the pipes 3. short half life 4. Decay faster and detection can be done faster 5. in liquid state 6. Easy to flow/ dissolve


(i) (ii) (iii)


MELAKA (a) Radioisotopes are isotopes which have unstable nuclei. (b) Characteristics Has a long half-life Explanation Can be used for a long time hence save cost Can penetrate box and liquid and is less dangerous than gamma Easy to handle and contain. Does not change the state and taste of juice. It has long half life, emits beta, in solid form and has low ionising power.


(i) (ii)

3 alpha 2 beta Source L

Emits beta

Solid form Low ionising power 20 min-1 Radioisotope T



(i) (ii)

Geiger Muller Tube Bottle E Rate meter reading is the highest Most radiation can reach the detector without being block by juice Correctly stated that as Correctly stated that as Working is shown X=3 Y=2
4 2


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