Writing 2 - Pertemuan 1 - Modul 1 - Ivan Kristianto Singgih

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Writing 2

1st Tutorial: March 2nd, 2014

Tutor: Ivan Kristianto Singgih

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

O Ivan Kristianto Singgih (Ivan)

O Graduate Student at Pusan National University, Busa



n Studying Industrial Engineering Personal Contact : Skype : ivanksinggih Facebook : Ivan Kristianto Singgih (ivansinggih@yahoo.com) Email : ivanksinggih@gmail.com Motto : Be the Best You! http://koreanlearningeveryweek.wordpress.com/

Mari Belajar dengan Blog (wordpress.com)

Course Introduction
O Text book : Writing 2, Rahmat Budiman, Universitas

Terbuka 2003 O Tutorial method: In class O Grading Components



O Course material can be found at:


Mahasiswa mampu menulis wacana dalam berbagai paragraf

8 Menulis business letter

9 Menulis business letter

7 Menulis dalam bentuk prediksi

6 Menulis naskah pidato dan interview

5 Menyampaikan pendapat

1 Menulis dalam bentuk deskripsi

2 Menulis dalam bentuk narasi

3 Menulis surat pribadi

4 Menjelaskan proses

What we will learn today

Adverbials Mendeskripsikan Benda



on Monday

What we will learn today

Offer and Invitation
Used To

Menulis Notes: Offers and Invitations

O diletakkan setelah kata kerja (verb) atau obyek bila ada

She is smiling sweetly. They are eating apples happily.

O Jenis:

Adverbials of manner bagaimana suatu peristiwa terjadi Julius drives carelessly. O Adverbials of place I found a piece of paper near the body. O Adverbials of time My father died in 2001.

O Urutan pada umumnya:

Adverbials of manner, place, dan time.

I delivered my speech confidently in the party last night.
O Jenis lain:

Adverbials of frequency, probability, dan duration; diletakkan sebelum kata kerja. The letter occasionally comes late. O Adverbials of degree juga diletakkan sebelum kata kerja. She really wanted to come.

O Ingin memfokuskan (memberi penekanan) pada sebuah

adverb, letakkan di depan sebuah klausa:

Slowly, the Titanic sank. Last night, I delivered my speech confidently in the party.

Mendeskripsikan Benda
O Bagaimana bentuknya
O Terbuat dari apa

Made of satu jenis bahan O Made from lebih dari satu jenis bahan

O Apa fungsinya O Bagaimana memfungsikannya O Made in (dibuat di) O Made by (dibuat oleh)

O Could
O Shall we O You might

: menyarankan orang lain : bersama orang lain : menyarankan orang lain (sangat sopan
(+ like/want)

O It might be O What about/how about (+Verb-ing) O Why dont O Lets

(+Verb bentuk pertama) (+Verb bentuk pertama)

Offer and Invitation

O Would you like : menawarkan sesuatu atau mengajak



orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu Will you : tidak formal Can I/Could I : menawarkan sesuatu (Could I lebih sopan) Shall I : menawarkan sesuatu (yakin akan diterima) You have : mengajak orang lain; sangat persuasif Let me : menawarkan sesuatu Bentuk imperative Do di depan kata kerja : penekanan Why dont you/How about

Used To
O Menyatakan kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan pada waktu

yang telah lampau dan sekarang tidak dilakukan lagi Pola I: Subject + used to + verb1 (infinitive)
I used to smoke. Sekarang sudah tidak merokok lagi

Subject + did not + use to + verb1 (infinitive)

I did not use to wake up in the morning. Sekarang selalu bangun pagi

Used To
Pola II: Subject + used to + be + adjective/adverb/noun
I used to be a bartender. Sekarang sudah tidak bekerja sebagai seorang bartender

Subject + did not + use to + be + adjective/adverb/noun

I did not use to be a leader. Sekarang bisa menjadi seorang pemimpin

Used To
O Tidak bisa dipakai untuk menjelaskan kegiatan yang ma

sih dilakukan meskipun intensitasnya sangat jarang.

When I was in college I smoked. Now, I only smoke when I hang around with my college-mates.

Temukan dan garisbawahilah kesebelas kesalahan dalam cerita di bawah ini

I use to live in a village. I did not used to speak bahasa Indonesia wh en I was a child, but I studied it later when I was in kindergarten. Ever yday I speak Sundanese language with my family; my parents, my brothers, and my sisters. I was very like my father. He always taught me bahas a Indonesia and he was the one who introduce English to me.
My father send me to an international school in town when I was 7. I spoke English since then. At school I spoke English with friends and the teachers. At that time, my English was more better than my bahasa Indonesia. I will be never forgot my father. I love him so much. Now, we speak English at home. My sisters and brothers speaks English as well. My mother used to be speak Chinese but now she speak English well.

Well Done!
See you next week!

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

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