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Chapter 1: The problem and its background


Experience around the world in developing, industrialized, and information-based countries has shown that professional development is the key determining factor for improved students performance. Professional development is a critical component of mathematics and science education reform. This study is being proposed to assess the perceived professional needs of mathematics and science student teachers in City University of Pasay. To enhance science and mathematics learning in schools across the world, teachers need extensive opportunities to further develop knowledge and skills in both content and teaching in effective professional development settings (NRC, 1996; NCTM, 1991). This requires the design of effective learning environments for teachers (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000), including the use of successful Professional Development strategies (Loucks-Horsley, Love, Stiles, Mundry, &Hewson, 2003). The National Research Councils (NRC) publication, How People Learn, provides a four perspective framework for designing effective learning environments (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000) for teachers: Community-Centered: Values the search for meaning and understanding, builds collaborative relationships, and enhances participation in educational research and practice. Knowledge-Centered: Focuses on the content that will help teachers develop an understanding of the discipline, including an emphasis on sense making. Learner-Centered: Pays careful attention to the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs that teachers bring to the educational setting. The personal analyses of the respondents regarding their perceived needs shall be correlated to the set of questionnaire that distributed to the science and mathematics student teachers to develop better teachers by improving their knowledge by effectiveness in the classroom.

The Background of Study:

In this researched, we studied what would be their professional needs of Science and Mathematics for employment. At the given curriculum they taken, we will find out if there still need for development. As of now, there is a lot of student teachers of Math and Science are prepared for the employment in the near future. If the professional subjects they taken is enough for them to teach in the real world of teaching.


Research Paradigm

Professional Development Needs of Science and Mathematics Student Teachers: For anAssessment

Science Student Teachers

Mathematics Student Teachers

Professional Subjects
Explanation of the Research Paradigm:

The Research paradigm are divided into (4) parts .Our research Title: Professional Development Needs of Science and Mathematics Student Teachers: For an Assessment.

This research is concerns with the students Teachers of science and mathematics regarding with their professional needs for an assessment. There are 16 professional subjects under the new BSE curriculum. These are Education 1 ( The Teaching Profession), Education II ( Child & Adolescent Development), Education III ( Facilitating of Human Learning), Education IV( Social Dimension of Education), Education V (Principle Of Teaching I ), Education VI ( Educational Technology I), Education VII (Principle of Teaching II), Education VIII ( Educational


Technology II), Education IX (Curriculum Development ), Education X (Developmental Reading), Education XI ( Assessment of learning I), Education XII ( Assessment of learning II), Education XIII ( Special Topic in Education ), Education XIV (Research in Education), Education XV ( Thesis / Research Project ), and Education XVI ( Student Teaching ).

Statement of the Problem: The major objective of this study is to find out the professional needs of student teachers of Science and Mathematics in preparation for an Assessment.

Especially the study will attempt to answer the following questions:

How helpful the professional subjects to Science and Mathematics Student Teachers?

What are the problems encountered by Science and Mathematics Majors in preparation for an Assessment?

What suggestions can be offered to help Science and Mathematics Student Teachers for their assessment?

Scope and Limitation: This researched covers the professional development needs of Mathematics and Science student teachers for employment. It includes Mathematics and Science Student Teachers profile. It also describes the effectiveness of new subjects of a curriculum. Moreover, this stu dy also covers the problem encountered by Science and Mathematics major in preparation for employment. There also includes suggestions offered to help Science and Mathematics major to get an employment.

Significance of Study:

The purpose of this study was to identify the perceived professional needs of Science and Mathematics Teachers. A set of questionnaires of a Modified Mathematics Teacher Inventory of Needs was distributed to school teachers. Descriptive statistics were employed in this study. Analysis of data revealed that the highest perceived needs were related to ICT usage, followed by delivery of science and mathematics concepts and remediation of low achievers. The least preferred perceived needs were related to selection of new text book, developing an instructional plan and updating content knowledge. Limitations of this study were pointed out, implications for professional development were presented and recommendations for future studies were made.

There is some indication that professional development that focuses on specific Mathematics and Science context and ways students learn such content is especially helping particularly for instruction designed to improved students conceptual understanding. In general researched suggests that high quality teacher development education. This study increasing awareness of the importance of effective teaching and learning of science and Mathematics as well as effective professional development and what they look like, involving the public in learning situations and gathering and publishing the results of teaching professional development.


This researched evaluated ultimately on the basis of its impact on teacher effectiveness and student learning. It is designed according to teacher-identified needs. It is driven by disagreed data on student outcomes. Definition of Terms: Professional

A person who is paid to undertake a specialized set of tasks and to complete them for a fee. The traditional professions were doctors, lawyers, clergymen, and commissioned military officers.

Professional development

Refers to skills and knowledge attained for both personal development and career advancement. Professional development encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities, ranging from college degrees to formal coursework, conferences and informal learning opportunities situated in practice. It has been described as intensive and collaborative, ideally incorporating an evaluative stage.


It is the set of courses, and their content, offered at a school or university. As an idea, curriculum stems from the Latin word for race course, referring to the course of deeds and experiences through which children grow to become mature adults. A curriculum is prescriptive, and is based on a more general syllabus which merely specifies what topics must be understood and to what level to achieve a particular grade or standard.

Education 1 The Teaching Profession

The course deals with the teacher as an individual, classroom teacher, community teacher and global teacher. This emphasizes professionalism to cover teachers status and levels of professional rewards and profes sionalism to improve competencies.

Education 2 Child and Adolescent Development

It is a basic course on child and adolescent development focusing on current research and theory on biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and emotional dimensions of development and the factors that affect the progress of an individuals development.

Education 3 Facilitating Human Learning


It is a basic course on contemporary theories and research on the cognitive, metacognititive, motivational, socio-cultural, and individual difference factors relating to the acquisition of knowledge.

Education 4 Social Dimensions of Education

This course is an introduction to social science theory and research as it relates to education and to understanding the four pillars of learning, which are fundamental in making critical and logical decision as an active member in the society and as a global citizen.

Education 5 Principles of Teaching I It deals with the principles of effective instruction and the concomitant processes involved; instructional planning and actual teaching.

Education 6 Educational Technology 1

It focuses on the application of research findings in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of instruction.

Education 7 Principles of Teaching 2 The course introduces prospective secondary and elementary teachers with knowledge and understanding of the subject area which include: foundation disciplines, structural components and models of teaching and assessment strategies.

Education 8 Educational Technology 2 It introduces innovative technologies to facilitate and foster meaningful, effective learning practices.

Education 9 Curriculum Development

The course is intended to introduce the education students to effective curriculum design and assessment.

Education 10 Developmental Reading 1 It sharpens the teachers reading proficiency in preparation for the instructions to the nature to the reading process.

Education 11 Assessment of Learning 1 It focuses in the development and utilization of assessment tolls to improve the teaching-learning process.

Education 12 Assessment of Learning 2 It focuses on the development and utilization of alternative forms of assessment in measuring authentic learning.

Education 13 Special Topics in Education

The course deals with the student opportunity to explore special topics and issues related to their field.


Education 14 Research in Education

This course orients the students on the basics of conducting research in the areas of education, liberal arts, business administration, information technology, engineering, and nursing, with particular emphasis on designing a study on a topic of interest.

Education 15 Thesis / Research Project

This course imparts an understanding of how knowledge in a discipline is generated, organized, presented, and accessed.

Education 16 Student Teaching

This course requires the students to teach either in high school or elementary school under the supervision of his critic teacher.

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature This chapter was discussed in relation and supporting ideas that existing Foreign and Local literature.

FOREIGN LITERATURE: Developing Effective Teachers of Mathematics: Factors Contributing to Development in Mathematics Education for Primary School Teachers

In response to issues of developing effective teachers of mathematics, this paper investigates the factors, which have contributed to growth related to mathematics teaching and learning for a group of Melbourne primary school teachers. The teachers were surveyed to determine the people or events that had contributed to their development. Major themes identified in the data were the importance of lifelong learning, relationships and reflection upon their classroom experiences. The themes are analyzed in order to make recommendations for appropriate professional development for the teachers. Much of the research into mathematics education in recent years has been driven by concerns about student achievement in mathematics. In response to these concerns there has been a refocusing of attention on the teacher. Teacher effectiveness has come under the microscope, reforms in teaching standards have been formulated and teacher professional development has been re-thought (AAMT, 2002; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000; Zaslavsky, Chapman, &Leikin, 2003). The study reported in this paper investigates primary school teachers views of the factors that have contributed to improvem ent in their teaching of mathematics, over the years. This study varies from many others reported in the literature in that it surveyed whole school staffs rather than just those teachers attending professional development programs or engaged in further study, as in many other published studies. This study was designed to enable all of the teachers in a school to participate, particularly those teachers who avoid mathematics professional


development. Themes in the responses of participating teachers are identified and recommendations are made in the light of these for professional development. Recent research into teacher effectiveness in mathematics has suggested that there are significant differences between teachers. Sullivan and McDonough (2002) found evidence that children from similar backgrounds had markedly different experiences at school. The different experiences could only be attributed to differences between teachers. Similar results were reported by Siemon, Virgona, and Corneille (2001, p. 99) in a Victorian study of middle schools in which they found that there was as much difference within schools, that is from class to class, as there was between schools, in student achievement. This suggests that individual teachers make the difference. The increasing focus on developing teachers abilities to deliver high quality student outcomes means that attention must be devoted to the issue of what constitutes effective professional development when considering the differences between teachers. We are becoming much more aware of what effective teachers of mathematics do in their classrooms (Askew, Brown, Rhodes, Wiliam, & Johnson, 1997; Reynolds &Muijs, 2000) and the debate over what teachers should know to be effective teachers of mathematics continues (Fennema, Carpenter, Franke, Levi, Jacobs &Empson, 1996, p. 403; Carpenter, Fennema, Franke, Levi, &Empson, 2000; Lowery, 2002). A study of Effective teachers of 202 numeracy in UK primary schools

(Askew et al., 1997), which was designed to identify what teachers know, understand and do that enables them to teach numeracy effectively, found that it was hard to identify what aspects of the teachers subject matter knowledge made a significant difference to st udent learning in numeracy. It was not as straightforward as their level of qualifications or the fluency with which teachers could list ideas contributing to numeracy. The more effective teachers tended to demonstrate deeper understanding of the links between different numeracy concepts and could provide alternate meanings and representations. It was not the level of formal qualification, but the nature of the knowledge about the subject that was important. The researchers recommended that primary school teachers may need to develop fuller, deeper and more connected understandings of the number system (Askew et al., 1997). The review of effective teaching conducted by Reynolds and Muijs (1999) provided useful insights into the characteristics of classrooms in which mathematics is taught effectively. This review investigated teacher effectiveness, mainly in primary schools in the United States and Britain identifying features of classrooms, which contributed to effective mathematics teaching. The United States study identified high opportunity to learn, an academic orientation from the teacher, effective classroom management, a high proportion of whole class teaching, and heavily interactive teaching as important attributes of effective teaching. The British review of research reinforced these factors and detailed the provision of a clear structure for lessons, rehearsal of existing knowledge and skills, and the use of a variety of activities on a topic as also important in effective mathematics learning. Classroom processes associated with low achievement, included too much emphasis upon repetitive number work, too much individualization and too little fluency in mental calculation. The developing insight into what effective teachers do raises many questions about professional development. Questions such as how teachers develop their understanding of the processes of teaching and learning and how these understandings grow and change throughout their careers are important considerations for those planning professional development. These questions are by no means trivial and highlight the fact that much research has been done into student learning but we still have much to learn about how teachers develop their understandings. The study reported in this paper is an attempt to identify factors that have contributed to primary teachers learning about mathematics teac hing and to consider how these might be incorporated into planning for professional development. The data in this study were collected, as part of a larger study of primary teachers views of mathematics teaching and learn ing. The data reported in this paper were collected using a survey instrument designed to enable teachers to express their views on their own teaching and


learning of mathematics and this paper specifically reports on the teachers views of the factors which have contributed to t he development of their understanding of mathematics and mathematics teaching. The survey also collected biographical data regarding years of experience, mathematics education and type of teacher training. The sample was selected by approaching the principals of 20 schools, randomly chosen from a middle class suburban Melbourne region. The 13 principals who agreed to have their staff participate in the study actively encouraged their teachers to be involved. The teachers were asked to provide written responses to the question: Which things, people or events have been most

influential in your teaching of mathematics? The written responses to the question were analyzed by combining all responses to the question, then reading the responses as a whole and identifying theme in the data. This method of analysis was derived from the Phenomena graphic approach described by Marton (1993). To provide an indication of the strength of themes in the data, percentages have been used in the results. The percentages represent the proportion of the one hundred and eight teachers, who mentioned a particular theme in their response and provide an index of the importance attached, by the teachers, to particular themes in the data. As any one response may contain references to a number of themes, the total percentage of respondents to any one question is often much greater than one hundred. Teachers are identified in the results section by a respondent number which is sometimes abbreviated, for example Respondent 16 becomes R16. Math and Science Teachers Deserve Better Professional Development Effective professional development is an essential part of helping teachers meets the challenges of teaching mathematics and science. Yet most current professional development programs are inadequate, say Susan Loucks-Horsley and colleagues at the National Institute for Science Education (NISE). Many professional development programs are ill designed. They don't give teachers the knowledge and skills they need. LoucksHorsley doesn't mince words: "Professional development that is confined to short, discrete events is usually a wasted effort. Professional development takes time. It requires teachers to be reflective about their practice." Loucks-Horsley and the NISE Professional Development Team have accumulated and analyzed information about effective professional development practices, strategies, and structures for in service staff development. The Team has developed case studies, synthesized research, and assembled the experiences of seasoned professional developers to provide guidance about how mathematics and science teachers can best be assisted in their professional growth. The Team (including Peter Hewson, Nancy Love, and Kathy Stiles) recently published its findings in Designing Professional Development for Teachers of Science and Mathematics (Corwin Press, 1997). The book describes a framework for designing in service professional development for K-12 science and mathematics teachers and includes descriptions and examples of 15 different professional development strategies, critical issues that all programs must address, and professional development programs that use the design framework for development and analysis. "The national standards for science, mathematics, and professional development exhibit a strong knowledge base and a great deal of consensus about what constitutes effective professional development," the authors say. "Yet there's still a gap. There's a lack of rich description of effective programs that are constructed in various contexts and that address common challenges in unique ways. Nowhere is there accumulated the knowledge of effective professional development strategies and structures for teachers of mathematics and science. There's no guidance, in any one place, about how these teachers can best be assisted in their professional growth." Designing Professional Development for Teachers of Science and Mathematics aims to address these needs. The authors insist that science and mathematics teachers need to experience for themselves the science and mathematics learning they will want their students to do. Learning about it in a vicarious manner is no substitute. Effective professional development happens in a


community of learning. Just as students deepen their knowledge of science and mathematics through communication, so too do their teachers learn through formulating, sharing, and challenging what they and their colleagues think they know. Professional development also must go beyond the needs of individual teachers to address entire school systems. "School systems can influence teaching in powerful ways," the authors say. "They have a key role in developing leadership in their teachers." System wide influence occurs directly, through the nature of professional development that's offered and, indirectly, through the structures and policies that help or hinder a teacher's efforts. A Framework for Designing Professional Development Successful professional development planners use distinct but related kinds of knowledge in their work: (a) what is known about learners and learning in general, (b) what is known about teachers and teaching, (c) the nature of the disciplines of mathematics and science, (d) the principles of effective professional development, and (e) knowledge of change and the change process. Designers of effective professional development filter knowledge through their own contexts to arrive at the most appropriate approach for a given setting. This knowledge includes strategies, critical issues, and beliefs. "As professional developers learn from their experiences, they become active contributors," the authors say. "And as their needs and interests change, they look to research for new ideas. Beliefs change, too." When professional developers see the effects of their work, they begin to think differently about students, teachers, their disciplines, professional development, and change. Experience leads designers to consider new issues or gain deeper understanding of the ones they have grappled with. "Professional development is recursive and sometimes messy," Loucks-Horsley says. "It demands flexibility and continuous learning throughout the process." Critical Issues in Designing Professional Development Effective professional development programs support subcultures in which professional development can flourish. The need to create subcultures for high-quality professional development is more than instrumental, the authors say; it has a deeper significance. "The nature of the reform that is embodied in the mathematics and science standards will require a large number of teachers to keep changing and learning," says Loucks-Horsley. "It also implies a different intellectual culture for schools than is typical. So schools need to build capacity not only for teachers to reflect on their own teaching, but for the culture of teaching and schooling itself to change." Viewing reform as a cultural matter as well as an individual psychological one opens new avenues, says Loucks-Horsley. "If we created supportive subcultures in different parts of the system we would begin the process of cultural change. Researchers would then have the opportunity to study the nature of such cultures." Building capacity means initiating, developing, and supporting teacher subcultures at social and organizational levels that will complement efforts designed to build capacity at individual levels. Public support for professional development is intimately related to public support for science and mathematics reform. Professional developers can address the dual purpose of garnering public support for science and mathematics education reform and for teacher professional development. They can do so, the authors say, by paying attention to three areas:

increasing awareness of the importance of effective teaching and learning of science and mathematics, as well as effective professional development--and what they look like;

involving the public in learning situations (those of both students and teachers); and Gathering and publicizing the results of teaching and professional development.


The University of Washington's professional development project for elementary school teachers directly addressed the issue of garnering public support for science education. Teachers learned how to craft messages to address the questions and concerns of various audiences, for example, parents, principals, business executives, and city council members. They interacted with a panel representing these groups around the question, "What would motivate you to support science education?" They identified the common threads and the unique needs of the various groups. Science and Mathematics Teachers Experiences, Needs, and Expectations Regarding Professional Development High quality teachers are essential to improving the teaching and learning of mathematics and science, necessitating effective professional development (PD) and learning environments for teachers. However, many PD programs for science and mathematics teachers fall short because they fail to consider teacher background, experience, knowledge, beliefs, and needs (Loucks-Horsley, Love, Stiles, Mundry, &Hewson, 2003). To develop more effective PD systems, it is necessary to assess and identify tea chers PD needs, expectations, experiences and constraints. In this manuscript, we describe the findings from a study that examined the PD experiences, needs, expectations, and constraints of middle and high school science and mathematics teachers in one state in the U.S. We examine similarities and differences between science and mathematics teachers and among teachers from urban, suburban and rural schools. The findings from this study suggest that mathematics and science teachers participate in a minimal amount of PD and that a number of factors contribute to this reality. Furthermore, science and mathematics teachers do not experience effective PD learning environments described by Bransford, Brown & Cocking (2000) and there is a mismatch between teachers PD needs and experiences.

LOCAL LITERATURE: Meeting the Needs of Science Teachers and Students: The Philippines Experiment Warren Beasley This is a discussion of an on-going teacher continuing education program in the Philippines involving the participation of the University of Queensland. The science teacher component is directed to teachers in grades 5 and 6 in the elementary schools and the first two years in secondary school. Some 500 Filipino principals and teachers were trained as in service facilitators at the University of Queensland in order to run workshops for teachers in their own region. The local workshops will operate from a series of teacher support units attached to lead schools in five different regions of the Philippines. The support units will contain a variety of teaching resources, including media equipment, videos, and reference texts. The intent is to prepare teachers who can reflect on their own teaching practices and become better teachers as a result.

The Philippines-Australia Project in Basic Education (PROBE) is a partnership between the governments of the Philippines and Australia to support the education of Filipino elementary and secondary school students in English, mathematics, and science. PROBE is involved with 588 elementary schools (involving about 12,000 teachers and 420,000 students) and 300 secondary schools (10,400 teachers and 300,000 students). Within the science in service education initiative PROBE focuses on grades 5 and 6 in the elementary school and years 1 and 2 in the high school. This account of the teacher in service education component draws upon the experiences of teachers, principals, consultants, and in service education providers associated with junior school science for its data.

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The history of educational assistance to the Philippines through successive Australian aid projects has been characterized by the provision of in-country resources such as laboratory equipment and reference textbooks. In Australia it has also included the training of subject specialists to enhance their subject matter knowledge. The Philippines-Australia Science and Mathematics Education Project (PASMEP) is one example of a project that preceded the current PROBE initiative. This previous project concentrated on upgrading the content backgrounds of chemistry, physics, and mathematics teachers, as well as providing student reference books and laboratory equipment. Much of this material remains unused, locked away in laboratory cupboards. The distinctiveness of PROBE, compared with earlier projects, is the emphasis placed on providing professional development in Australia for Filipino teachers and principals to enable them to become in service facilitators (ISFs) for their local regions in the Philippines. Most of the $AUD 45 million to be invested over the period 19962001 will be spent on supporting the professional development of these facilitators and their regional teachers. The program is not about buildings and equipment per se, but about the enhancement of human capital. The PROBE designers believe that high-quality training is delivered close to the teachers work situation; is seen by them as meeting their needs; and is characterized by follow-up support and effective monitoring. ISFs will operate both reactivel y to teachers requests and proactively through regular visits to the schools to discuss the concerns and needs of the teachers and to provide on-site advice and assistance. Contextual Factors Filipino students experience 10 years of schooling6 years in elementary school and 4 in secondary school. However, access to education at the high school level is not universal across the Philippines. Of those students who enroll in grade 1 in elementary school, about twothirds complete grade 6. About one-third of the students who enroll in grade 1 go on to secondary school; and about three-quarters of this cohort complete four years of secondary instruction. The national government regards science in the secondary schools as a priority subject for all students in years 1 through 4. Along with mathematics and English, students study science for 80 minutes per day, Monday through Friday. In total, secondary school students study eight subjects per day for four years. Students attend school for about 180 days per year. The designed curriculum requires about 240 hours of classroom time per year.

Although school science is highly regarded, this does not result in high enrollments in tertiary teacher education institutions. In 1992 only 8 percent of Filipino physics teachers studied physics as their major or minor during pre-service training; 21 percent studied chemistry, 41 percent studied biology, and 40 percent studied general science. As is the case in many countries, high school graduates in science would rather study engineering, medicine, or other courses leading to more financially rewarding opportunities. National Priorities The DECS Master Plan for Basic Education (1996) states: In-service teacher training is hampered by a weak institutionalized pedagogical support system. While past interventions have initiated the establishment of teacher in-service training on a continuing basis, these suffered from inherent deficiencies in educational supervision, such as the presence of many unqualified supervisors in science and mathematics, and the control-oriented type of supervision as distinguished from a facilitative or supportive type. As well as recognizing the need for different types of in service programs to enhance the p rofessional skills of science teachers, the national government, through its long-term development vision for the Philippines up to the year 2025, has identified a number of broader issues for the basic education sector to address. Three of these national priorities are directly related to science education and

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are stated as follows: Gearing tertiary education for high tech industries and services, and building an adequate pool of science and technology manpower in light of the shift of competition from military-ideological to trade-technical.

The Developed Curriculum The developed curriculum (the interpretation of the syllabus in learning materials) manifests itself in the form of nationally writtentextbooks that are distributed to schools by the DECS. These textbooks are written explicitly to the nationally mandated list of competencies and use the same headings and organizational framework. Each unit is broken down into a lesson sequence (subto pic) with the typical structure being: Introduction to topic Concept description and explanation Activity Summary Self-test. This structure is repeated for each subtopic or lesson. In year 2 the 357 -page textbook is structured into the nine competency units described previously and 22 subtopics. From 1998 the developed curriculum in the textbooks will no longer be produced by the national government. Private publishers will be invited to produce textbooks that meet the government-mandated competencies framework. The Assessed CurriculumThat Which Is Tested in Formal Examinations The existence of the nationally mandated competencies for science education as well as the National Secondary Assessment Test (NSAT) together exert a huge influence on the taught curriculum and the formative assessment of learning outcomes in the science classroom. The NSAT is the nationally administered external examination taken in the final year of secondary school. It counts for 20 percent of the final grade awarded to a student. The NSAT assesses directly the competencies listed in the nationally prescribed syllabus (the designed curriculum). The NSAT does not measure higher-order cognitive skills such as critical thinking and decision making. At best, it encourages the recall of knowledge and its simple application. The assessment of laboratory outcomes and project or field works is not addressed by the NSAT instrument and, therefore, is not emphasized in the classroom. The existence of grading periods every three months reinforces an assessment -driven curriculum process in schools. These grading periods provide a measure of student performance that is monitored at the school, regional, and divisional levels. Other public accountability measures also influence the taught and assessed curriculum. For example, principals and teachers sign a performance contract each year that indicates the level of proficiency expected of at least 75 percent of the students. These testing results during grading periods at the regional and divisional levels are publicly displayed in reception areas within the school administrative center. The results of the Third International Study in Mathematics and Science (TIMSS) are public knowledge. The Philippines ranked 37 of 39 for 13- and 18-year old students in science. This performance was discussed at a cabinet meeting of the national government and was reported in local newspapers. There is a sense of urgency about improving student outcomes, with the teachers feeling that they are being blamed to some extent by government and department officials for the poor results. However, students are expected to learn a longer list of competencies at least two years younger than their western counterparts. Reform of the curriculum, an increase in resources available in classrooms, much smaller class sizes, a refinement of the NSAT instruments, and

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massive in service education initiatives could perhaps reverse the current trends in student achievement. One additional issue is that the official language of instruction in science classes is English. However, it is recognized that for most teachers and students, a mixture of English and Filipino dialects is used in classroom instruction and conversation. The impact of this on meaningful verbal learning at the high school level is not clearly understood. Filipinos generally believe that if the medium of instruction were their first language, then more meaningful learning might be forthcoming. Government policy would suggest that this is unlikely to occur in the foreseeable future. The contextual background to this report, as discussed above, provides some illustration of the societal and educational dimensions of the classrooms that teachers must face each day. These factors are clearly identified and articulated by the education profession in the Philippines. It was clear to the providers of in service education at the University of Queensland that there was little that PROBE could do to change the context in which the Filipino teachers must work. What the program can and must attempt to do is produce 500 talented individuals who have new skills to influence the professional actions of thousands of additional teachers in the areas supported by the teacher support units. Professional teachers are the ones in the best position to make decisions about appropriate learning settings to enhance student understanding and enthusiasm for science. In summary, There are no simple solutions, just intelligent choices. Designing Professional Develop ment Courses for the ISFs The training courses at the University of Queensland have concentrated on: In service education skills and strategies159 Teaching, learning, and assessing science Developing an action plan and identifying resources for the operation of teacher support units. Research by the Bureaus of Secondary and Elementary Education (1996) into the training needs assessment for science has revealed particular areas of concern on the part of the teachers. These areas were prioritized in a study of 243 teachers in the PROBE institutions across the five regions. The teachers identified the following as being of particular concern: Upgrading teachers competencies through in service training that should include hands -on operation of modern technologies such as computers and laboratory equipment (51 percent). Developing specific teaching strategies in physical science and biology, as well as the process approach to science teaching (28 percent). Preparing materials such as low-cost instructional aides, prototype lesson plans, and constructing assessment instruments (11 percent). In addition to these responses the teachers also identified topics, such as ethics in science teaching; conducting experiments; developing questioning techniques; and the safe storage, handling and disposal of chemicals. More background knowledge of specific topics was also valued. In year 1 teacher identified the following topics: the solar system, plate tectonics, forces, and environmental problems and solutions. In year 2 teachers mentioned genetics, respiration, reproduction, and molecular biology.

The challenge to refocus the teachers teaching away from the teacher instruction to student learning was immense. However, unless classrooms become more student-centered and less teacher directed the problems associated with the contextual factors discussed above will be unsolvable. Thus, it was appropriate that the in service education courses enhance teacher thinking about the following: How students think about scientific ideas Teaching models that emphasize student-centered behaviors The role of formative and summative assessment in learning science

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Authentic assessment techniques Classroom management skills for small groups and individual activity settings for large class sizes. These topics are not unique to the Filipino context but, at present, the taught curriculum is en trenched in a teacher-telling approach to learning rather than a student-centered learning approach. The courses at the University of Queensland had to engage the ISFs with alternative methodologies that make sense of the reality of the large classes, the lack of resources, and the external examination system. This was accomplished by introducing the following strategies: Small group techniques Meaningful learning from text Concept mapping for students Group project work in science Field-based learning Peer teaching. For a developing economy like the Philippines, it is especially important that the usefulness of science learning is made central to the classroom experience. Thus the teachers must place the teaching learning processes in a conte xt that makes sense of the students daily tasks, informs the students attitudes about environmental degradation, and encourages critical thinking and decision making strateg ies. These outcomes can be partially achieved if teachers are as concerned about contexts for student learning as concepts to be learned. Operation of the Teacher Support Units Each teacher support unit (TSU) will be a resource center where a variety of in service initiatives will be available. Each facility will be housed in a district-lead school and be provided with video replay equipment, an overhead projector, a video camera, and a mimeo graphic copier. They will also house reference texts, science demonstration equipment, and training videos recommended by the PROBE lecturers and the Australian advisers who undertook the original needs analysis. The role of the principals will be crucial in providing the TSUs with leadership and legitimacy in the wider educational community. Each TSU must operate as a stand-alone resource that can be accessed independently by district teachers. Therefore, the effective operation of each TSU will require that ISFs are prepared with the following competencies: The skills to enhance teacher development in group settings The skills to produce stand-alone materials to be accessed by the teachers Management and technical skills to operational the TSU as an effective learning resource for teachers Generic adult learning skills. In the Philippines in service education has focused on modeling teacher-student interactions consistent with the teaching or coverage of the major concepts contained in the national competencies framework document. The Department of Science and Technology provides the majority of in service initiatives to a limited number of teachers each year. This is usually a one-day event and includes the demonstration of laboratory equipment. This type of in service has been directed at the content to be taught and has not taken into account the needs, beliefs, and personal practical knowledge of teachers in the process. It is different in content and philosophy from that envisaged in PROBE, but because of the Departments willingness to continue to invest in science education in all regions, that model of in service will still b e available to schools and teachers. When teachers are given specific lesson plans to follow in order to teach specific concepts and do not know how to develop the lessons themselves, this is akin to giving teachers the fish rather than teaching them the skills of fishing. For the ISFs to become reflective practitioners

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(that is, to reflect before they teach, to reflect while teaching, and to reflect about their teaching) they need to develop generic adult learning skills. The framework for designing appropriate learning experiences for the ISFs was developed using a number of learning models for teaching adults. The following guidelines and approaches were identified and incorporated into the courses at the University of Queensland: Help teachers identify and clarify the problems they experience in the classroom and that they wish to overcome. Accept each teacher as of worth, respect their feelings and ideas, and develop a relationship of mutual trust. Encourage cooperative activities and refrain from competitiveness or making judgments. Contribute your resources as a co-learner in the spirit of mutual inquiry. Involve the teachers in a collaborative process of formulating the learning objectives, taking into account the needs of the school, society, and learners. Share your thinking with the group of teachers about the options available in the designing and articulation of learning experiences; they will then decide among the options jointly and collaboratively in mutual inquiry. Help the teachers use and understand their own experiences as resources for learning through the use of discussions, role playing, and simulations. Help the teachers apply the new learning to their own experiences, to make the new learning more meaningful. Help the teachers develop procedures for self-evaluation. This project is an investment in the sustainability of the professional development of science teachers in five regions of the Philippines. At the national accounting level the principals and science in service fellows have been given the skills to enhance science education in 888 schools. They will work out of teacher support units with other local teachers in their own classrooms. As emphasized earlier, the PROBE in service initiatives in Australia have attempted to produce reflective practitioners by modeling for them the benefits of action research and action planning as the basis for catalyzing change in teachers thinking and classroom practice.

Chapter 3 Research Methodology In this chapter discusses the method of research used, source of data, sampling procedures, respondents of the study and statistical treatment of data.

Method of Research:

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In this study, the descriptive methods of research were used in a fact finding study with an adequate systematic and accurate interpretation of the finding. Since the study is about professional development needs of science and mathematics Student Teachers for an assessment .The data gathered were collected, tallied and interpreted to come up with the final result of this study.

Source of Data:

The Data came from the questionnaire assessed by the student teachers of City University of Pasay major in Mathematics and Science.

The following are the cooperating schools of PLP student teachers:

Pasay City East High School (PCEHS) Pasay City West High School (PCWHS) Pasay City South High School (PCSHS) Pasay City North High School-Main (PCNHS) Pasay City North High School-Annex (PCNHS) Kalayaan National High School (KNHS) Research Instruments Used:

The instrument used to collect data was the answer from the questionnaire. This was used because it gathers data faster than any other method. The respondents were the 4TH year BSE Student Teacher of science and mathematics at City University of the Pasay.

Questionnaire: Title:Professional Development needs of Science and Mathematics Student teachers: For an Assessment Respondent Profile Name: Course/Year& Section: Cooperative School: Direction:Please rate, how helpful are the Professional subject of new BSE curriculum. Put ( ) check mark in the column opposite the item and under your assessment . Legend: ( 5 ) -- to a very great extent ( 4 ) -- to a great extent ( 3 ) -- to some extent ( 2 ) -- to a little extent ( 1 ) -- not helpful at all Major:

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5 1.Educ. 1 ( The Teaching Profession) 2.Educ. II ( Child & Adolescent Development) 3.Educ. III ( Facilitating of Human Learning) 4.Educ. IV( Social Dimension of Education) 5. Educ. V (Principle Of Teaching I ) 6.Educ. VI ( Educational Technology I) 7.Educ. VII (Principle of Teaching II) 8.Educ. VIII ( Educational Technology II) 9.Educ. IX (Curriculum Development ) 10 .Educ. X (Developmental Reading) 11.Educ. XI ( Assessment of learning I) 12. Educ.XII ( Assessment of learning II) 13.Educ. XIII (Special topic in Education) 14.Educ.XIV (Research in Education) 15.Educ. XV (thesis/Research Project) 16.Educ. XVI (Student Teaching)

II. What are the problem encountered by Science and Mathematics major in preparation for employment?

III. What suggestions can be offer to help Science and Mathematics Student Teachers for an Assessment?

Respondent of the Study: The respondents of this study are limited to 4th year BSE Mathematics and Science Student Teachers, SY: 2011-2012.The Respondents of this study are the following: Cooperating School Pasay City North-Main High School Pasay City North-Annex High School

Student Teachers Math Science Math

Frequency 2 4 2

Percentage 9.52 19.05 9.52

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Science Pasay City East High School Math

1 2

4.77 9.52

Pasay City West High School Math Pasay City South High School Science Kalayaan national High School Science 8 - Mathematics 13 Science 4 21 19.05 100 4 19.05 2 9.52


This table shows that the respondents are BSE of mathematics and science, SY. 2011-2012 has the percentage of 100%.

Data Gathering Procedure:

In this data gathering procedure, the method used was descriptive; the main concern of this is to find out if the development needs of student teachers in preparation for employment. The instrument used that gathers data is reliable and valid. The respondents have a free will to answer question that has been given.

Point Range / Interpretation:

Point range



Helpful to a very great extent


Helpful to a great extent


Helpful to a some extent


Helpful to a little extent


Not helpful at all

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Statistical Treatment: In formula shown below, it merely presents the computation of findings in the different of organization at City University of Pasay (CUP) as perceived by students.

The Researchers get the Percentage by Using this Formula: P=F x S/R




S-number of scale

R-Total number of respondents

As a whole, the findings should follow a standardized method of computation and tabulation of data.

Chapter 4 Presentation of Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Presentation of Findings:

After retrieving the questionnaire, this research tallied, analyzed and interpreted the data gathered from the questionnaire.

How helpful are the professional subjects of the new Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education (BSE) Curriculum?

Table presentation for Mathematics Student Teachers

5 Education 1: The Teaching Profession




Education 1 (The Teaching Profession) has a percentage of 3.88 which means helpful to a great extent.

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5 Education 2: Child and Adolescent Development




Education 2 (Child and Adolescent Development) has a percentage of 3.75 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 3: Facilitating Human learning 2





Education 3 (Facilitating Human Learning) has a percentage of 4.00 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 4: Social Dimensions of Education




Education 4 (Social Dimensions of learning) has a percentage of 3.50 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 5: Principles of Teaching I




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Education 5 (Principles of Teaching I) has a percentage of 3.63 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 6: Educational Technology I




Education 6 (Educational Technology I) has a percentage of 3.88 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 7: Principles of Teaching II





Education 7 (Principles of Teaching II) has a percentage of 3.50 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 8: Educational Technology II




Educational 8 (Educational Technology II) has a percentage of 3.88 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 9: Curriculum Development




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Education 9 (Curriculum Development) has a percentage of 3.63 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 10: Developmental Reading




Education 10 (Developmental Reading) has a percentage of 4.00 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 11: Assessment of Learning I





Education 11 (Assessment of Learning I) has a percentage of 4.00 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 12: Assessment of Learning II





Education 12 (Assessment of Learning II) has a percentage of 4.00 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 13: Special Topics in Education




Education 13 (Special Topics in Education) has a percentage of 3.50 which means helpful to a great extent.

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5 Education 14: Research in Education




Education 14 (Researched in Education) has a percentage of 3.75 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 15: Thesis/Researched Project




Education 15 (Thesis/Researched Project) has a percentage of 3.75 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 16: Student Teaching





Education 16 (Student Teaching) has a percentages of 4.50 which means helpful to a great extent.

The table demonstrated that professional subjects are helpful to a great extent for the assessment of Mathematics Student Teachers.

Table Presentation for Science Student Teachers 5 Education 1: The Teaching Profession 4 3 2 1 Total


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Education 1 (The Teaching Profession) has a percentage of 4.46 which means helpful to a very great extent. 5 Education 2: Child and Adolescent Development 4 8 1 0 0 13 4 3 2 1 Total




Education 2 (Child and Adolescent Development) has a percentage of 4.23 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 3: Facilitating Human learning 6






Education 3 (Facilitating Human Learning) has a percentage of 4.31which means helpful to a very great extent.

5 Education 4: Social Dimensions of Education






Education 4 (Social Dimensions of learning) has a percentage of 4.23 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 5: Principles of Teaching I





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Education 5 (Principles of Teaching I) has a percentage of 4.46 which means helpful to a very great extent.

5 Education 6: Educational Technology I






Education 6 (Educational Technology I) has a percentage of 4.31 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 7: Principles of Teaching II






Education 7 (Principles of Teaching II) has a percentage of 4.38 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 8: Educational Technology II






Educational 8 (Educational Technology II) has a percentage of 4.15 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 9: Curriculum Development






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Education 9 (Curriculum Development) has a percentage of 3.92 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 10: Developmental Reading






Education 10 (Developmental Reading) has a percentage of 4.38 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 11: Assessment of Learning I






Education 11 (Assessment of Learning I) has a percentage of 4.00 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 12: Assessment of Learning II






Education 12 (Assessment of Learning II) has a percentage of 4.08 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 13: Special Topics in Education






Education 13 (Special Topics in Education) has a percentage of 4.38 which means helpful to a great extent.

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5 Education 14: Research in Education






Education 14 (Researched in Education) has a percentage of 4.15 which means helpful to a great extent.

5 Education 15: Thesis/Researched Project






Education 15 (Thesis/Researched Project) has a percentage of 4.62 which means helpful to a very great extent.

5 Education 16: Student Teaching






Education 16 (Student Teaching) has a percentages of 4.69 which means helpful to a very great extent.

As this table demonstrated that education 1, education 5, education 15 and education16 are helpful to a very great extent for the assessment of Student Teachers and other professional subjects are helpful to a great extent.

Table presentation for both Science and Mathematics Student Teachers:

Science Subjects Educ. 1 Educ. 2 Educ. 3 Educ. 4 Educ. 5 Educ. 6 Educ. 7 Educ. 8 Educ. 9

Science Student Teachers 4.46 4.23 4.31 4.23 4.46 4.31 4.38 4.15 3.92


Math Student Teachers 3.88 3.75 4.00 3.50 3.63 3.88 3.50 3.88 3.63


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Educ. 10 Educ. 11 Educ. 12 Educ. 13 Educ. 14 Educ. 15 Educ. 16 Total

4.38 4.00 4.08 4.38 4.15 4.62 4.69 4.29


4.00 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.50 3.82


The professional subjects under the new curriculum are helpful to a great extent to science and mathematics Student Teacher.

Chapter 5 Summary, conclusions and recommendations This final chapter of the study deals with the findings, conclusion draws and recommendation forwarded.


Based on this study the summary of findings are the following:

The new BSE Curriculum is helpful to a great extent for Science and Mathematics Student Teachers. Problems encountered by Science and Mathematics Student Teachers for assessments are the following: Computer background Problems connected with class schedule Problems with resource materials Problems connected with teacher and subject matter. Evaluation

Suggestions offered to help Science and Mathematics Student Teachers for their Assessments are the following: Provide an additional computers and computer laboratory. Enroll and select time that appropriate with your schedule. Acquire more materials that appropriate in learning. Assigned teachers who are expert in subject matter. Fairness on assessing in evaluating the learners.


We therefore conclude that the professional subjects under the New BSE Curriculum are helpful to a great extent for the assessment of Science and Mathematics Student Teachers.

The Professional development needs of Science and Mathematics Student Teachers for an assessment are the following:

Computer background

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Problems connected with class schedule Problems with resource materials Problems connected with teacher and subject matter. Evaluation


We therefore recommend for the professional development needs of Science and Mathematics Student Teachers for an Assessment the following:

Provide an additional computers and computer laboratory. Integration of ICT into teaching and learning Select appropriate software Integrate technology into classroom instruction Enroll and select time that appropriate with your schedule. Acquire more materials that appropriate in learning. Prepare and developed instructional and learning activities Assigned teachers who are expert in subject matter. Select appropriate, instructional strategies Learning new methods of teaching Delivering instructions in English Selection of new textbooks Fairness on assessing in evaluating the learners. Provide remediation for low achievers Update knowledge related career opportunities.


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Baird, W.E & Rowsey, R.E. 1989. A survey of secondary sciences teachers needs. School Science and Mathematics, 89(4). 272 -284.

Cohen, D. K., & Hill, H. C.1998. International policyand classroom performance: The mathematics reform in California (RR-39). Philadelphia: Consortium for Policy Research in Education.

Dhamotharan, Morgan. 2002. improving the role of teachers. Challenges for professional development of teachers in Malaysia. International journal of learning, 9.

Zakaria, E & Iksan, Z. 2007. Promoting Cooperative Learning in Science and Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 3(1), 35-39.

Easterday, K.E & Smith, T. 1992. A survey of Mathematics Teachers Needs. School Science and Mathematics, 92 (4), 212.

Garet, M.S., et al. 2001. What Makes the Professional Development Effective? Results from a National Sample of Teachers. Amaricam Educational Research Journal, 38 (4), 915-945.

Hea-Jin Lee. 2001. Enriching the professional development of mathematics teachers. ERIC DIGEST.

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Marivel E. Melchor Nickname: Mavel Age: 19 Gender: Female Date of Birth: January 8, 1992

Place of Birth: Paraaque City Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino Contact No.: 09304596205 Religion: Roman Catholic

Present Address: 07 Sampaguita Hills U.P.S. IV Paraaque City Fathers Name: Victor T. Melchor

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Mothers Name: Marilou Melchor Educational Attainment:


City University of Pasay Pasadea st. Pasay City Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in Mathematics 2008 Present Secondary: Paraaque National High School 2004 2008 Elementary: San Antonio Elementary School 1995 - 2000

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Psyche T. Deberto Age: 28 Gender: Female Date of Birth: December 13, 1986

Civil Status: Married Citizenship: Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic

Present Address: Blk. 07, lot 17 Phase Ext. Greengate Subd. Imus, Cavite. Fathers Name: Clodualdo P. Astorga Mothers Name: Elena T. Astorga

Educational Attainment: Tertiary: City University of Pasay Pasadeast. Pasay City Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in General Science 2008 Present Secondary: Leyte Institute 2001 Elementary: Barugo 1 Central School 1997

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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Maricris R. Garcia Nickname: Cris Age: 26 Gender: Female Date of Birth: September 25. 1985

Place of Birth: Paraaque City Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic

Present Address: 5099 San Bernardo st. SAU.S Paraaque City Fathers Name: Santos Garcia Mothers Name: Lorna Garcia Educational Attainment:


City University of Pasay Pasadea st. Pasay City Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in General Science 2008 Present Secondary: Paraaque National High School Elementary: San Antonio Elementary School 1999 - 2000

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Loisa S. Oabel Nickname: Loisa Age: 23 Gender: Female

Date of Birth: October 29, 1988 Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Present Address: 5J Buenaventura st. Pasay City Fathers Name: Luisito L. Oabel Mothers Name: Luzviminda S. Sena Educational Attainment: Tertiary:

City University of Pasay Pasadea st. Pasay City Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in Mathematics 2009 Present Southern Luzon State University Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

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Major in Mathematics Secondary: infanta National High School 2003 2005 West Palale National High School 2001 - 2002 Elementary: Ilasan Elementary School 1995 - 2000 Curriculum Vitae

Name:Czyrene A. Labor Nickname: Czy Age: 19 Gender: Female Present Address: 675 Gloria 1st st. M. de la Cruz Pasay City Fathers Name: Cesar M. Labor Mothers Name: Learni A. Labor

Date of Birth: March 16, 1992 Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino Religion: RomanCatholic

Educational Attainment:


City University of Pasay Pasadea st. Pasay City Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in General Science 2008 Present Secondary: Tanza National Comprehensive High School 2004 - 2008 Elementary: Amaya Elementary School 1998 2004

Curriculum Vitae Name:Fely May L. Llamas Nickname: Fely Age: 29 Gender: Female Date of Birth: May 31, 1982 Present Address: 32 Bagong Lipunan, Baclaran, Paraaque City Fathers Name: Demetrio Llamas Mothers Name: Edna Largado Llamas

Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic

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Educational Attainment:


City University of Pasay Pasadea st. Pasay City Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in Mathematics 2008 Present Secondary: Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy 1995 - 1999 Elementary: Nabuslot Central School 1990 - 1995

Curriculum Vitae

Name:Danica Ashtrid B. Balcueva Nickname: nica Age: 24 Gender: Female Date of Birth:May 27, 1987

Place of Birth: Quezon City Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino Contact No.: 09282505614 Religion: Roman Catholic

Present Address: 166 Gotamco st. Pasay City Fathers Name: Apolinario H. Balcueva Mothers Name: Vilma Besitula

Educational Attainment: Tertiary:

City University of Pasay Pasadea st. Pasay City Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in General Science 2008 Present Secondary: Pasay City West High School 2003 - 2004 Elementary: Mandurriao Elementary School 1999 2000

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