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Dear Mr. Prime Minister I am a typical mouse from Mumbai. In the local train compartment which has capacity of !! persons" I tra#el with $!! more mice. Mice at least s%uea& but we 'on(t e#en 'o that. To'ay I hear' your speech. In which you sai' (NO )OD* +O,LD )E SP-RED(. I woul' li&e to remin' you that fourteen years has passe' since serial bomb blast in Mumbai too& place. Dawoo' was the main conspirator. Till to'ay he is not -ll our bolywoo' actors" our buil'ers" our /ut&a &in. meet him but your /o#ernment can not catch him. Reason is simple0 all your ministers are han' in .lo#e with him. If any attempt is ma'e to catch him e#erybo'y will be e1pose'. *our statement (NO)OD* +O,LD )E SP-RED( is nothin. but a cruel 2o&e on the unfortunate people of In'ia . Enou.h is enou.h. -s such after seein. terrorist attac& carrie' out by about a 'o3en youn. boys I reali3e that if same thin. continues 'ays are not away when terrorist will attac& by air" 'estroy our nuclear reactor an' there will be one more 4iroshima . +e the people are left with only one mantra. +omb to )omb to Tomb. *ou promise' Mumbai&ars 5 Shan.hai 5 what you ha#e .i#en us is 6alianwala )au.. To'ay only your home minister'. +hat too& you so lon. to &ic& out this 2o&er7 Only reason was that he was loyal to /an'hi family. Loyalty to /an'hi family is more important than bloo' of innocent people" isn(t it7 I am born an' up in Mumbai for last fifty years. )elie#e me corruption in Maharashtra is worse than that in )ihar . Loo& at all the politicians" Shara' Pawar" )hu2bal" Narayan Rane" )al Thac&ray " /opinath Mun'e" Ra2 Thac&ray" 9ilasrao Deshmu&h 5 all are rollin. in money. 9ilasrao Deshmu&h is one of the worst 8hief minister:s I ha#e seen. 4is only business is to increase the ;SI e#ery other 'ay" ma&e money an' sen' it to Delhi so 8on.ress can ne1t election. Now the clown has foun' new ways an' will increase ;SI for fisherman so they can buil' concrete houses on sea shore.So that ne1t time" terrorists can comfortably li#e in those houses " en2oy the beauty of sea an' then attac& Mumbai at their will.

Recently I ha' to purchase house in Mumbai. I met about two 'o3en buil'ers. E#erybo'y wante' about <!= in blac&. - common person li&e me &nows this an' with all your intelli.ent a.ency > 8)I you an' your finance minister are not aware of it. +here all the blac& money .o7 To the un'erworl' isn(t it7 Our politicians ta&e help of these .oon'as to #acate people by force. I myself was #ictim of it. If you ha#e time" please come to me" I will tell you e#erythin.. If this has been lan' of fools" i'iots5 then I woul' not ha#e e#er care' to write you this letter. 6ust see the tra.e'y" on one si'e we are reachin. the moon" people are so intelli.ent an' on other si'e you politicians has con#erte' nectar into 'ea'ly poison. I am e#erythin. 4in'u" Muslim" 8hristian" Sche'ule caste" O)8" Muslim O)8" 8hristian Sche'ule caste" 8reamy Sche'ule caste 5 only what I am not is INDI-N. *ou politicians ha#e rape' e#ery part of mother In'ia by your policy of 'i#i'e an' rule. Some elements of society are tryin. to 'i#i'e Mumbai with north an' south In'ia . These elements were comfortably hi'in. last wee& in their holes li&e a rat 'oes. Their acti#ities month bac& were not less than terrorists" the only 'ifference was that 5 there was no bullet. Ta&e e1ample of former presi'ent -b'ul ?alam. Such a intelli.ent person" such a fine human bein.. *ou politician 'i'n(t e#en spare him. *our party alon. with opposition 2oine' han's" because politicians feel they are supreme an' there is no place for .oo' person. Dear Mr Prime Minister" you are one of the most intelli.ent person" most learne' person. 6ust wa&e up" be a real S-RD-R. ;irst an' foremost e1pose all selfish politicians. -s& Swiss ban& to .i#e names of all In'ian account hol'ers. /i#e reins of 8)I to in'epen'ent a.ency. Let them fin' the wolf amon. us There will be political uphea#al but that will better than the 'ance of 'eath which we are witnessin. e#ery 'ay. 6ust .i#e us the ambience where we can wor& honestly an' without fear. Let there be rule of law. E#erythin. else will be ta&en care of. 8hoice is yours Mr. Prime Minister. Do you want to be lea' by one person or you want to lea' the nation of !! 8rore people7

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