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Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Online Program Housekeeping: Cleaning the Premises NC II

Module 1 Housekeeping Attendant Lesson 1: Duties and Responsibilities of Housekeeping Attendant Module 2 Hotel Housekeeping Lesson 1: Cleaning the Lobby Lesson 2: Cleaning the Corridors Lesson 3: Cleaning the Restaurant Lesson 4: Cleaning the Offices Lesson 5: Cleaning the Public Restrooms Lesson 6: Cleaning the Stairs Lesson 7: Cleaning the Elevator Lesson 8: Cleaning the Lockers Module 3 Basic Cleaning Procedures Lesson 1: Floors A Sweeping B Floor Polishing C Vacuuming D Mopping 1 Dry Mopping 2 Damp Mopping 3 Wet Mopping Lesson 2: Walls and Windows A Glass Cleaning B Wall Washing Lesson 3: Furniture A Dusting B Tidying Lesson 4: Bathroom Cleaning A Replenishing Amenities B Damp Wiping Fixtures C Toilet Cleaning Lesson 5: Garbage A Cleaning and Disinfecting Trash Cans Module 4 Housekeeping Chemicals Lesson 1: Safety in Handling

Module 1 Lesson 1

Housekeeping Attendant Duties and Responsibilities of Housekeeping Attendant

Session Objectives 1 To learn the vital role of a housekeeping attendant 2 To understand the duties and responsibilities of a housekeeping attendant The Housekeeping Attendant is an employee who is given a vital role for cleaning and maintaining the hotel so that the property will look as fresh and attractive as the day it opened for business. Housekeeping Attendant is also responsible for guest satisfaction, comfort, safety and protection of every occupant.

Housekeeping attendants perform any combination of various tasks to maintain lobby, working areas, public restrooms, and the hotel premises in a clean and orderly manner. The following tasks make housekeeping challenging and stimulating. Duties and responsibilities: Window / Glass Cleaning Dusting and polishing furnitures and fixtures. Sweeping floors / grounds Wet, damp, and dry mopping Vacuuming Scrubbing and polishing floors / walls Washing Walls Disinfecting toilet bowls and urinals Collecting and properly disposing garbage and liters

Module 2 Lesson 1

Hotel Housekeeping Cleaning the Hotel Lobby

Session Objectives 1 To be familiar with the different parts of the hotel lobby. 2 To learn the appropriate procedures of cleaning the lobby. 3 To be able to apply your knowledge regarding sweeping, dry mopping, dusting, and glass cleaning in cleaning the lobby. The appearance of the lobby plays a key role in favorably impressing new arrivals; most often, guests first impression are based largely on the condition of the lobby. Remember to keep the lobby clean, warm and inviting. This is where you welcome guests into the hotel. Sofas, easy chairs, and table lamps need to be in great condition all the time because an unkempt exterior means dirty rooms to a customer. The lobby is under constant scrutiny and must look their best at all time. It is also the space of the hotel which is frequently subject to wear and tear. Even so, in performing the necessary cleaning procedures Housekeeping Attendants should always remember to take extra caution of not interfering with efficient guest and staff traffic pattern. The typical hotel lobby consists of the following parts: Entrance Front Desk Lounge Cleaning Procedures: 1 2 3 4 5 Prepare the materials in sweeping, dry mopping, dusting, glass cleaning. Sweep the floor in the lounge from where to where. Dry mop the floor in the lounge from where to where. Dust the front desk, what to dust first. Glass clean the windows, dirtiest first in left or right, where there is no traffic.

Lesson 2

Cleaning the Corridors

Session Objectives

Session Objectives 1 To learn the appropriate procedures of cleaning the corridors. 2 To be able to apply your knowledge regarding sweeping, damp mopping, dusting, vacuuming, and floor polishing in cleaning the corridors. The hallways and corridors are places used by guests to proceed to different areas of the hotel such as suites, swimming pools, restaurants, restrooms, and other amenities. Since these areas of the hotel are the most common passageways for guests, cleanliness should always be observed. Cleaning Procedures: 1 Prepare the materials needed in sweeping, damp mopping, vacuuming, and floor polishing. 2 Sweep the corridor from where to where, 3 Damp mop the corridor from where to where. 4 Vacuum the corridor from where to where. 5 Start polishing the sides of the corridor. To avoid chemicals from splashing on the wall To avoid bumping the floor polisher on hard surfaces

Lesson 3

Cleaning the Restaurant

Session Objectives 1 To be familiar with the different parts of the hotel restaurant. 2 To learn the appropriate procedures of cleaning the restaurant. 3 To be able to apply your knowledge regarding glass cleaning, sweeping, damp mopping, dusting, and garbage cleaning the restaurant. The restaurant is one of the common areas of a hotel where cleanliness is important especially for the guests where cleanliness directly affect their dining experience. The restaurant is divided into parts: the entrance, bar, and dining area. While restaurant personnel are responsible for interacting with the guests and clearing out the dishes, attendants clean the floors, windows, and the tables. They are also responsible for clearing out any other garbage restaurant staff may have missed. Cleaning Procedures: 1 Prepare the materials needed for glass cleaning, sweeping, damp mopping, dusting, and garbage disposal. 2 Clean the restaurant windows. 3 Sweep the restaurant floor. 4 Damp mop the floor from where to where. 5 Dust the tables and chairs. 6 Dust the bar. 7 Garbage disposal.

Lesson 4

Cleaning the Public Restrooms

Session Objectives 1 To be familiar with the different parts of the hotels public restrooms. 2 To learn the appropriate procedures of cleaning the public restrooms. 3 To be able to apply your knowledge regarding replenishing restroom amenities, wet

mopping, damp wiping, toilet cleaning, and garbage disposal in cleaning hotel public restrooms. Public Restrooms must be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day. How often this works needs to be done depends on the traffic flow in the hotel. Housekeeping attendants should be assigned to check the public rest rooms at least once an hour. . Different tasks should be done in the public restrooms which include the ff: Replenish all amenities Clean and disinfect toilets Garbage Disposal Damp wiping bathroom fixtures

Cleaning Procedures: 1 Prepare the materials needed for replenishing restroom amenities, wet mopping, damp wiping, toilet cleaning and garbage disposal and put them in your cart. 2 Knock and announce Housekeeping, most especially if you will clean opposite sex rest room. If there is no reply; the attendant may enter. If someone is using the restroom; wait outside until the rest room is no longer occupied. 3 Place a traffic control device at the public restrooms entrance door and lock the door. 4 Put all your equipment tools and materials in a safe area and it should be within your reach. 5 Replenish restroom amenities as needed. 6 Dispose garbage properly and replenish trash bag. 7 Clear any obstacles in the floor area and sweep and de-gum the floor using a putty knife. 8 Wet mop the floor: below the sinks, urinals, and inside each cubicle. 9 Brush the floor using a long brush 10 Remove excess water using a floor squeegee. 11 Damp wipe sinks, mirrors, pipes and faucets. 12 Clean the Toilet bowl. 13 Dry mop the whole area. 14 Clean and store materials, tools and equipment properly.

Module 6 Lesson 1

Offices Cleaning the Offices

Session Objectives 1 To be familiar with the different parts of the hotels offices 2 To learn the appropriate procedures of cleaning the offices 3 To be able to apply your knowledge regarding dusting and tidying in cleaning the offices. The offices, even when guests are not able to access them, are also an important part of the hotel because it houses important documents, equipment, and items. Offices also hold the managers and staffs quarters. The staffs health is also affected by the cleanliness of their offices. Attendants usually clean different offices: the staffs office and the managers office. The staff offices often have chairs and tables, while the managers office includes more items and equipment such as computers, photocopying machines, etc. Cleaning Procedures: 1 Remove obstacles and sweep the office floor, including each cubicle, and below tables. 2 Turn off all electrical equipment and dust computers, air conditioners, etc. thoroughly. 3 When dusting office furniture, always remember that each kind of furniture / surface

should be cleaned by a specific dusting tool. Whisk brush for corners Static duster for ornaments Glass cleaner and glass cloth for glass furniture 4 Tidy sofa and chairs. Use dusting cloth in wiping leather and leatherette types of sofa. Tidy up sofa chairs by re-arranging all cushions and pillows. Make sure to fluff cushion and pillow. Use whisk brush in cleaning corners of wooden sofas. 5 Clean and store materials, tools and equipment properly after use.

Module 7 Lesson 1

Stairs Cleaning the Stairs

Session Objectives

Module 8 Lesson 1

Elevator Cleaning the Elevator

Session Objectives

Module 9 Lesson 1

Lockers Cleaning the Lockers

Session Objectives

Module 10 Lesson 1

Basic Cleaning Procedures Floors

Session Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 To learn the different procedures in cleaning hotel floors. To perform the correct procedures of sweeping. To perform the correct procedures of using a floor polisher. To perform the correct procedures of using a vacuum cleaner. To perform the correct procedures of using the different types of mopping.

Lesson 2

Walls and Windows

Session Objectives 1 To learn the proper procedures of cleaning glass surfaces. 2 To learn the proper procedures of washing walls. A Glass Cleaning Window / Glass Cleaning require mastery of special techniques using tools, most notably a squeegee. The use of proper window cleaning tools and materials results in a better cleaning method, like rubbing windows with newspaper or rubbing a pane of glass

with a cloth can result in "stroke" marks that are visible in sunlight due to the residue left behind. BEFORE: 1 Prepare materials needed. Squeegee Towel Sprayer with chemical (Glass Cleaner) Newspaper DURING: 1 Lay down newspaper on the floor. 2 Spray the glass cleaner on the glass surface. 3 Starting in the upper left corner, pull your squeegee straight across at about a 45 angle. As the squeegee hit the right frame of the window, slowly start to turn the squeegee on the glass to start an "S" like motion. 4 Remove excess liquid by using the rubber part of the squeegee and drag it downward. 5 Wipe off the squeegee blade with a towel. 6 Clean and wipe dry the window frames. 7 Repeat the procedure until the whole surface has been cleaned. AFTER: 1 Clean and store materials used properly. B Wall Washing It is a good idea to regularly clean painted walls to remove marks, scuffs, dirt, dust, and fingerprints. Clean walls will help the property look bright and fresh. Regular maintenance and proper care during cleaning will sometimes prevent difficult-to-remove stains. BEFORE: 1 Prepare the materials needed: Personal Protective Equipment (Gloves, Hairnet) All Purpose Detergent Cleaner Wall Mop Frame and Handle Cotton Cloth Scouring Pad Sponge Bucket with Wringer (2) Dust Cloth Vacuum Ladder 2 Test the wall for porosity. Test the all-purpose detergent/cleaner for compatibility with the surface (unseen part of the wall). 3 Set up wet floor/caution signs. 4 Put cleaning materials in a safe place. 5 Put dust cloth on the floor if the floor is sensitive (e.g. carpet floor / wooden floor) DURING: 1 2 3 4 Dust / vacuum the wall. Clean the wall in a framing pattern (4 square feet area)/ Spray cleaning solution on the wall/ Use sponge in scrubbing; move gradually up the wall using circular motion.(Washing should always start at the bottom) 5 Rinse the area using damp cloth. 6 Rinse the damp cloth as often as possible.

7 Clean the next frame area, overlapping the preceding frame. 8 Repeat these steps until wall is finished. AFTER: 1 Clean up all cleaning equipment 2 Return all cleaning equipment to the storage area. 3 Finally, when you are finished, wash hands and dry thoroughly.

Lesson 3


Session Objectives

Lesson 4

Bathroom Cleaning

Session Objectives 1 To learn the proper procedures of replenishing bathroom amenities. 2 To learn the proper procedures of damp wiping bathroom fixtures. 3 To learn the proper procedures of cleaning the toilet. A Replenishing Bathroom Amenities B Damp Wiping Fixtures C Toilet Cleaning

Lesson 5


Session Objectives 1 To learn the proper procedures of cleaning and disinfecting trash cans. 2 To learn the proper procedures of segregating and disposing trash. A Cleaning and Disinfecting Trash Cans By far, one of the most germ-ridden things, the garbage is a source of bacteria and odor that is often overlooked. Though liners catch much of the debris, liquids and trash residue still find their way onto the inner surface and need to be cleaned away regularly. BEFORE: 1 Prepare materials needed for cleaning and disinfecting the trash cans. Trash Bag Soap and Water Disinfectant Scrub Brush Personal Equipment (Gloves, Hairnet, Face mask) DURING: 1 Begin by emptying all of the contents from the trash can. Remove as much residue as possible. 2 Wash the entire trash can with soap and fill the trash can 1/4 1/3 full with hot water. Remember to discard water afterwards in the drainage. 3 Spray the inside of the trash can with a disinfectant. 4 Use a soft cloth to scrub the surfaces and remove any odor causing residues. Be sure to get all of the edges where residue can build up. 5 Replenish the trash bag. AFTER: 1 Dispose the garbage bag in its proper place.

2 Return the used chemicals, tools, and equipment in their proper area.

Module 11 Lesson 1

Housekeeping Chemicals Safety in Handling

Session Objectives 1 To learn the proper method of handling housekeeping chemicals 2 To understand safety measures handling housekeeping chemicals Chemicals are only part of the housekeepings departments arsenal of weapons in its war against dirt. Although there are a number of chemicals in the housekeeping department that are used to protect and beautify floors, walls and, furniture, the majority of housekeeping chemicals are intended to clean, disinfect and sanitize the environment. Proper Handling of Cleaning Chemicals: Wear personal protective gear when handling cleaning chemicals. Do not inhale cleaning chemicals. Read and follow all direction on the label. Leave the cleaning product on a surface long enough to be effective but not too long to damage the surface. Dilute chemicals correctly. Use only the amount as directed. Use only clean water when mixing a solution. Select the temperature of the cleaning solution based on the item being cleaned. Scrub with the correct tool for the surface being cleaned.

DURING: 1 Clear the area from obstacles and start sweeping the floor from the center of the room to the outer part. 2 Remove sticky materials or gummy parts using the putty knife. 3 Fill the two buckets with 3/4 level of water. 4 Add 10 to 20 ml of floor cleaning solution into the water of one bucket. (Change the solution often to ensure the water use in clean is not overly saturated with dirt.) 5 Place the 2 buckets in a safe and accessible area preferably at the bottom part of the area to be clean. 6 Mop from the top of the room to the bottom, so that you are always standing on unmopped floor. This will prevent tracking. 7 Dip your mop in the bucket with the cleaning solution and wring it out with a wringer or by hand. 8 Mop the area thoroughly. 9 Rinse and wring mop using the second bucket. 10 Discard and change mopping water when it becomes dirty. 11 Discard dirty water properly (drainage only). 12 Repeat the procedure until task is done. AFTER: 1 Cleaning mopping equipment properly Dump mop bucket out and rinse repeatedly until mop bucket is completely clean. Rinse out mops thoroughly and hang up to dry 2 Remove all wet floor/caution signs originally put in place. 3 Return any moved objects to their original places. 4 Store materials, tools and equipment properly.

Lesson 3


Session Objectives 1. To learn the proper procedures of dusting furnitures and fixtures. 2. Demonstrate the proper procedure of using the tools, materials and equipment use in dusting. 3.1 Dusting

Dusting is a basic cleaning procedure use in removing dirt, dust from a given surface. In dusting make sure that all surfaces, furnitures, fixtures, and appliances are free of grease, dirt, dust, deposits, marks, stains and cobwebs. Inaccessible areas such as edges, corners, folds and crevices are free of dust, grit, lint and spots. BEFORE: 1 Prepare materials needed. Organize all materials in a dusting bag. Handy brush Dusting Cloth (lint cloth, microfiber cloth, cotton cloth) Whisk Brush 1 Prepare the chemicals needed. 2 Spray bottle with cleaning chemicals (APC) Furniture Polish 3 Use personal protective equipment. Gloves Hairnet Goggles DURING: 1 Identify the type of dirt /dust and surface texture before commencement of work so that you can perform the correct procedure of dusting the surface. 2 Use the correct dusting tools in cleaning the following surfaces: a Dusting corner Use whisk brush in cleaning corners. b Dusting ornaments Use static duster in dusting ornaments. Stabilize the ornaments by gently pressing on the item with your finger. Items must be lifted to wipe the base. c Dusting wooden furniture Use a clean barely damp cloth, turn it often to remove dust from surface Use whisk brush in removing dust from corners of furniture. Use soft brush to remove dust on top of wooden furniture to avoid scratches. Spray wood polish on dusting cloth and wipe it on the wooden furniture. AFTER: 1 Clean all equipment and tools after using them. Be sure to store them in the right place afterwards. Module 6 Lesson 1 Offices Overview

Session Objectives 1. To know the different types and parts of an office in a hotel. 2. To be familiar with the different items cleaned in an office. The offices, even when guests are not able to access them, are also an important part of the hotel because it houses important documents, equipment, and items. Offices also hold the managers and staffs quarters. The staffs health is also affected by the cleanliness of their offices.

Attendants usually clean different offices: the staffs office and the managers office. The staff offices often have lockers and tables, while the managers office includes more items and equipment such as computers, Xerox machines, etc. Lesson 2 Cleaning Procedure

Session Objectives 1. To learn the appropriate procedures of cleaning the hotel offices. 2. To be able to apply your knowledge regarding dusting in cleaning the different furnitures and electrical equipment. 2.1 Cleaning Office Furniture When dusting office furniture, always remember that each kind of furniture / surface should be cleaned by a specific dusting tool, as mentioned in Module 2. These include: Whisk brush for corners Static duster for ornaments Glass cleaner and glass cloth for glass furniture Tidying Sofa / Chairs Use dusting cloth in wiping leather and leatherette types of sofa. Tidy up sofa chairs by re-arranging all cushions and pillows. Make sure to fluff cushion and pillow. Use whisk brush in cleaning corners of wooden sofa. Cleaning Electrical Equipment All electrical appliances are switched off /unplug before the commencement of work. Back of the House Overview


Module 7 Lesson 1

Session Objectives 1. To know the different parts of the back of the house of a hotel. 2. To be familiar with the different items cleaned in the back of the house. This is the section of a hotel that includes locations only hotel staff can access. The back of the house comprises of different areas such as locker and storage rooms, stairs and elevators. To maintain the standards of cleanliness in the whole establishment and to ensure a healthy environment for personnel and guests, the housekeeping staff takes care of cleaning the back of the house from the storage to stairs, lockers and elevators, and garbage.

Lesson 2

Cleaning Procedure

Session Objectives 1. To learn the procedures needed to clean the back of the house. 2. To apply their skills in sweeping, wet mopping, dusting, wall cleaning, and garbage disposal. Cleaning Procedures: 1 Prepare the materials for wet mopping, sweeping, dusting, wall cleaning, and garbage disposal. 2 Sweep and wet mop the storage and locker area. 3 Sweep and dust the steps and railings of large stairs. 4 Sweep the elevators and clean its walls. 5 Dispose of any garbage properly.

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