The Muddler - October 2009

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com Volume Three, Issue 3 October 2009

IFC Kicks SMU Admins Off Campus

SMU-- In a stunning decision for the first time like everyone
reached just after midnight, the else. Wait, did you say I was the
Interfraternity Council (IFC) voted Chairman of the Interfraternity
David Letterman admits to sleeping
with employees. Claims he would have to remove the SMU administra- Council? Wow, today has been
slept with more, but Paul Shaeffer kept tion from campus. The decision rather informative.”
interupting all his dates. was reached after SMU properly While the decision is final to re-
registered an move the SMU
SMU installs Kindles to elliptical on-campus administration
machines in Dedman to provide soror- party that no from campus
ity girls with more up-to-date celebrity one went to, for three years,
because it was some matters
Real mustang brought in as mascot “super gay, still need to be
after Peruna found dead from auto-erotic bro.” sorted out.
asphyxiation. The admin- Rumor has it
istration must Don’t mess with the ultra-powerful IFC.
that Meadows
Lambdi Chis on double secret proba-
move out by will be torn down
tion following Watermelon Bash/Liza
Minnelli Retrospective run afowl. Friday at the latest before their and turned into a water park, but
offices are locked up. instead of water, it will be filled
Kanye West comments on the Olym- When President Turner was with Keystone Light. One con-
pics: “Yo Rio, Ima let you finish plannin’ reached for comment, he replied, firmed change to the university
the 2016 Olympics, but I just wanna tell
“While the decision saddens me, I is that Dallas Hall will be trans-
ya the Chicago World’s Fair was the great-
est world event of all time, of all time!” see no point in fighting it because formed into a Roman Coliseum
well over two-thirds of the mem- where professors must battle to
Variety reports Barack Obama is slat- bers of the Board of Trustees are the death with a lion in order to
ed to direct biopic about himself upon alums of one of the fraternties achieve tenure.
leaving office. He is rumored to already
present on campus and they’re Other changes to be instituted
be nominated for an Academy Award.
backing the decision. I am, how- include freshman being paddled
ever, suing for joint custody of at Mustang Corral, newly reinstat-
Attention all creative writers: The
the fountains. On this issue I will ed KAs will host weekly screen-
Muddler is looking for lampoon-
ers and editors of all kinds. If you not go quietly into the night.” ings of Birth of a Nation on main
are interested, please alert us IFC President Joe Snyder tells quad, and in Dedman, grunting
through e-mail at ‘themuddler. the Muddler, “I literally don’t and sleeveless shirts will be re-’. remember the last week, so I’m in quired while weightlifting. Listen-
the same boat of hearing all this ing to Fall Out Boy is optional.

The Muddler 1
Dear Christian,

I met the most amazing guy. I was excited about

finally meeting a man who could be “the one.” And
then he casually dropped a bomb on me: He told me
he has herpes.
Dear Christian, He left voicemails asking if we can go out on an-
other date soon, and I had to tell him I just couldn’t
My girlfriend is ten years older than me. Is that a date someone with an STD. My male friends sup-
problem? port me, so why do I feel so guilty about this? Is it
wrong of me not to date someone because of his
-Cougar Catcher STD status?

CC, -Herpes Hating Hag

Nice initials. I date women of all ages: high HHH,

schoolers, co-eds, MILFS, etc. But I have a certain
affection for the older ladies. Like a good bottle of I can’t seem to figure out why your male friends
wine, the older the better. don’t want some herped out dude hitting it. Oh
In fact, I believe women peak in their sexuality wait, that’s because when they get you drunk and
around age 84. When the teeth come out, so does try to bag you they don’t want to catch a case of
their wild side. During the Great Depression, the the gift that keeps on giving.
best birth control was learning to give a great blow As for your prejudice against this leaky dream
job. And that is why they are the greatest genera- boat; if he’s “the one” then you’ll get those lovely
tion. little sores soon enough.

Enjoy thinking about that, Best of luck with the virus volcanoes,

Christian Cornwallis Christian Cornwallis

Dayly Campus Circulation Skyrockets as Economy Worsens

SMU— As the economy continues to flounder, one the Dayly Campus too. He tells us, “Well, the other
business on campus is booming. SMU’s funniest night in Umph was Mexican Night, and the day after
newspaper, The Dayly Campus, is flying off news- I had serious digestion problems. All the McElvaney
stands. Its editor-in-chief claims the reason was due restrooms were out of toilet paper due to budget
to the rising quality of the paper. cuts, so I used the Dayly Campus. I especially liked
Evidence, however, indicates otherwise. using John Paul Green’s opinion column. It was ass-
Junior Lisa Raymond says that she started pick- on-ass.”
ing up Dayly Campuses just this September. When Other reasons listed by students for picking up
asked why, she said, “Well, September was like the Dayly Campus included: using it to kill a spider,
really rainy, and, like, I bought some amazingly cute using it for scratch paper, using it to make a bed
rain boots at Neiman Marcus, and then I bought an on your floor so your one night stand doesn’t sleep
awesome sorority rain jacket from McCartney’s, but in your bed, using it to roast a pig if you’re that
I just didn’t have enough money to get this really douche from Hawaii and as a drinking game where
precious umbrella that I saw in Burberry, so I now you take shots every time you find a typo.
pick up a Dayly Campus wherever I see it to protect The last reason clearly explains why SMU has
me from getting all wet in the rain.” recently had so many alcohol related incidents.
Freshman Kyle Murray has become an avid fan of
2 The Muddler
Cracker Ass NBC Attempts To Be “More Colorful”
NEW YORK CITY— The notoriously white bread ties pop-up out of nowhere,” as was declared by
National Broadcast Company (NBC) has recently Jim Gladstone.
launched a new marketing campaign for its fall sea- NBC executives have recognized this problem
son with the slogan “More Colorful.” and declared they are not backing down from their
The network of former mega-hit shows Seinfeld new initiative. “We don’t want to alienate any of
and Friends, whose main casts were entirely Cau- our long-time viewers,” declared NBC President and
casian, has been accused CEO Jeff Zucker, “but we re-
repeatedly of catering solely ally have no choice.
to white audiences. But this “We have spent untold
year is different. millions on this initiative so
“With a black man being far and to scrap it now would
voted into the White House, really piss off our investors.
we have come to realize There’s not as much money
times have changed,” stated to go around as there used
Jeff Gaspin, Chairman of NBC to be.”
Universal Television Enter- So, at least for this year,
tainment. “Apparently, there main cast minority charac-
is an audience out there for So, no one at NBC thought this was offensive? ters on NBC shows are here
minority characters. So, we have made sure all of to stay. Gaspin assured NBC viewers, however, that
our new shows are chockfull of them. no minorities would be playing the sole lead in a
“That’s really the whole strategy behind the show. “Maybe in the future,” he declared, “but cer-
‘More Colorful’ campaign: to show people that tainly not this year. We’re just not ready for that.”
there are in fact minority characters in our television Good call Gaspin. America may be ready for a
shows—and not all of them are criminals.” black man to run their country, but to have a black
The new ad campaign, however, has not been man as the sole lead in an NBC television show? No
received well by everyone. Many loyal NBC viewers God-fearing American is ready for that.
have written in to complain about seeing “minori-

Point System: You Must Earn Your Debauchery

SMU— The SMU Task Force, a ridiculously cool- points), pretending to be interested in community
titled group of four nerds, has recently instituted a service (3 points), scoring a field goal (3 points),
point system wherein groups and fraternities must toilet-papering the Beta House (2 points), and
earn points before they are awarded Thursday having your alumni on the SMU Board of Trustees
night, alcohol permitted parties. (priceless).
“We wanted to take something terrible, like the And while students have been frustrated by the
death of an SMU student by drug use,” said Task new system, one group has been hurt more than
Force chief nerd Howard Kowinski, “and turn it into any other: bus companies. “I used to live off of
a fun and absolutely futile game in which points freshman stumbling on and off my bus,” said bus
are acquired in order to host parties to recruit and driver Freddie Jones. “My children are starving. Earn
molest young men and women.” your points! My kids need shoes.”
In the point system, 15 points must be earned The fraternities, however, did not seem as both-
before recruitment and molestation can occur on ered by the lack of buses. “It’s cheaper this way,”
Thursday nights at alcohol-allowed bus parties. said a fraternity member who wished to remain
Groups can earn points by attending Mandatory anonymous. “We just let the drunk freshman drive
Organization Meetings (5 points), having a 3.0 (3 to the parties now.”

October 2009 3
Rap Lyric of the Month: Musings from R. Gerald
See, niggas come by talkin’ ‘bout they make it rain
From: R. Gerald Turner
I’ll make that bitch Katrina
To: Students
Song: “Alright” by Twista (feat. Kanye West)
As some of you know, SMU is not immune to
tough economic times, which makes funding my
extravagances that much harder. I would increase
your tuitions again, but that may lead to some of
you losing your BMWs and that would simply be
bad for morale—and worse, for image.

I was recently hit with a dilemma. I wanted to

build a new fountain, this one with a statue of
me, fully nude, with the head of a lion, water
gushing from my roaring mouth. I also wanted to
give a raise to June Jones, because, dagnabbit, a
man can’t comfortably live off two million dollars
a year. But the accounting department told me
Picture of student at the Mandatory Organization Meeting. there just wasn’t enough money for both. I wept
for hours.
Celebrity Halloween Costumes
=Barack Obama as Ahmadinejad. But then the answer came to me, as if God him-
=Michael Vick as the kid from My Dog Skip. self was speaking to me from on high. The answer
=Whoopi Goldberg as that tranny South African is this: I will build a new, glorious, thirty foot tall
runner. fountain in front of Ford Stadium, and any loose
=Jesus Christ as a homeless person. change people throw in for good luck will be
=Angelina Jolie as an underfed refugee. scooped up and given to June Jones.
=Megan Fox as slutty/talentless Angelina Jolie-Pitt.
=Maddox Jolie-Pitt as Aaden Gosselin. In conclusion, I thank God, Jesus, and me for this
=Jon and Kate plus 8 as another statistic. beautiful and practical decision.

The Muddler is an independent satirical news-

paper. The opinions expressed herewith are
those of the individual authors and not the
people who give us money to print this thing.
The Muddler Staff The ideas, articles and features are a collab-
John Benson orative effort and are occasionally edited (but
Dane Brannan rarely). We lack a fact checking team but we
Dr Thane Economou, PhD have plenty of creative people to make up for
Admiral Erikbar it, that is we never let facts get in the way of a
good story. Furthermore, The Muddler assumes
Dexter Fontanna
no liability for any injuries you incur while
Ryan Leech reading, or if you miss the point. We welcome
Greg Mandel letters to the editors but only if they’re in the
and Molly Palmison as Worf son of Mogh spirit of The Muddler. Cheers.
4 The Muddler

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