Contemporary Literature

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CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE LESSON PLAN PROPOSAL Class: Year 4 (Mixed proficiency level) Time: 30 minutes x 2 Theme: World of Stories

Topic: Story Time Focused Skills: Speakin In e!"a ed Skills: !istenin C"oss#cu""icula": "eo rap#y Lea"nin! Ou comes $Cu""iculum Speci%ica ions&: '() "ive relevant information politely in response to en$uiries made% '(* Tell stories &ased on pictures and ot#er stimuli' and recite poems% '(+ Talk a&out t#e people' places' and moral values of t#e stories #eard' and vie(ed in simple lan ua e% '(, )xpress t#ou #ts and feelin s and ive opinions on t#in s read' seen' #eard and vie(ed in simple lan ua e% In e!"a ed Skills: -(' !isten to and repeat accurately t#e correct pronunciation of (ords and t#e correct intonation and (ord stress in p#rases' expressions' and sentences% -(, !isten to and en*oy t#e r#yme' r#yt#m and sounds of poems' *a++ c#ants and son s% -(. !isten to and en*oy stories' fa&les and ot#er tales of ima inations and fantasy and predict outcomes and dra( conclusions at a level suited to t#e pupils, a&ility% O/0ec i1es: -y t#e end of t#e lesson' pupils (ill &e a&le to. a) /ronounce (ords (it# correct intonation and stress &) !earn onomatopoeic (ords 0 voca&ulary c) -e patient to take turns and cooperate (it# eac# ot#er in real life situations Educa ional Emphases: 1 T#inkin skills 1 2alues and 3iti+ens#ip 1 /reparation for t#e 4eal World Lan!ua!e Con en : 2"amma"5 /resent 3ontinuous Tense 3oca/ula"45 6d*ectives. &eautiful' &i ' narro(' loomy' furry etc% Sound S4s em5 7nomatopoeic (ords. 8splas# splos#,% Teachin! Aids# 9We,re "oin on a -ear :unt; story &ook% P"e1ious 5no6led!e# 6 (ord &ank of simple )n lis# (ords% )% % "rass' Mud' :unt etc%

An icipa ed P"o/lems: a) T#e pupils, #avin pro&lem if t#e instructions are not clear (too many activities at once)% &) Time5constraint% c) /upils un(illin to cooperate% Phase Set <nduction= <ntroduction 7esc"ip ion Teac#er arran es t#e class accordin to t#e settin in t#e story% >las# cards of outdoor activities like #ikin and &utterfly catc#in are used as stimulus to activate prior kno(led e% Teac#er asks $uestions like 8:ave you ever &een on an adventure?, 8W#at do you do (#en you are on an adventure?, Teac#er introduces story &ein read &y sayin 9Today' (e are oin on a &ear #unt@; Storytellin activity. Students are divided into roups of A and iven roles &ased on t#e story settin s (e% % mars#' s(amp) "roups rotate roles in order to play all roles (includin family mem&ers)% )ac# roup is &riefed on #o( to play t#eir roles and say t#eir c#ants% Students practise to et#er% 3lass does final storytellin (it# a 9&ear;% Students 9run; to t#eir seats% Teac#er s#o(s t#e last pa e of t#e story&ook (of t#e sad &ear)% Students are asked to come up (it# a ne( endin to t#e story% Students dra( t#eir endin s and present t#eir dra(in s to t#e class usin t#eir o(n (ords to descri&e t#e picture%

Main 6ctivity


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