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KONES Corporation

Overview Liquid Radwaste System (LRS) Gaseous Radwaste System (GRS) Solid Radwaste System (SRS) Radioactive Waste Radwaste ALARA Holdup Tank Sump Radioactive Waste Management Building

Applicable Codes & Standards

MHTGR 10CFR20 Standards for Protection Against Radiation 10CFR50 App. I Numerical
Guides for Design Objectives and Limiting Conditions for Operation to Meet the Criterion "As Low as is Reasonably Achievable" for Radioactive Material in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Effluents

PWR Liquid Radioactive Waste Processing System for Light Water Reactor Plants, ANSI/ANS-55.6, 1993. Gaseous Radioactive Waste Processing System for Light Water Reactor Plants, ANSI/ANS-55.4, 1993. Solid Radioactive Waste Processing System for Light Water Reactor Plants, ANSI/ANS-55.1, 1992.

10CFR100 Reactor Site Criteria

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2011-7 2012-49 2012-53 2012-59 2012-60 2012-62 2013-49 3 12

System & Equipment Classification Safety Class LRS GRS SRS NNS NNS NNS Quality Class T/S T/S T/S Seismic Category II/III II/III II/III Electrical Class Non-1E Non-1E Non-1E

Liquid Radwaste System Source: Potential Radioactive Contaminated Drains Source Receiver Tank (3 or 4 Tanks) Receiver Tank Leakage Room Flexible Design Common Header Filtering - Demineralizing Components shall be Redundant Reliability & On-line maintenance Effluent Monitoring Dilution and Release Recycling Chemical Waste Reference P&ID

Gaseous Radwaste System Primary radioactive gaseous inputs to the GRS: Helium purification system off gas Fuel handling system purge gas Instrument purge gas Effluents from the shutdown heat removal loop Non-radioactive Gas Treated by Reactor Building Ventilation System If High Radiation Signal Diverted to Gas Waste Compressor Low Level Gas Waste Temporary Storage for Activity Decay Release to Reactor Building Ventilation System High Level Gas Waste Waste Surge Tank and/or Charcoal Adsorber for Activity Decay (1 Year) Release to Reactor Building Ventilation System Reference P&ID


Solid Radwaste System Wet Source : Spent Resin Slurry, High Conductivity Liquid Waste Dry Source : High Temperature Filter, Spent Filter Cartridge, Compressible Wastes (Rags, Paper, Clothing etc), HEPA and Charcoal Filtration Unit Spent Reflector Blocks Volume Reduction Compactor Airborne Contamination is minimized Filtered Vent to Radwaste Building HVAC System Separate High Activity Level and Low Activity Level Drums Area Radiation Monitoring Reference P&ID



Discharge Volumes for the Solid Radwaste System SRS Annual Volume(m3/yr) Source Spent Filter VHTR (600MW) 52 5,6 (1000MW) 155.43 1,2 (1000MW) 160.34 1,2 (1400MW) 224.87

VHTR 52m3 30m3 Spent Reflector Block Graphite (NGNP End-Products Study, General Atomics, 911106, Rev.0) 1,2 160.34m3(801Drums) 207 Drum(1,2 2011)

Graphite Quantity in a HTR / VHTR

GT-MHR Fuel blocks weight (tons) Lifespan (years) Replaceable reflectors blocks weight (tons) Lifespan (years) Permanent reflectors blocks weight (tons) Lifespan (years) Fuel Compacts weight (tons) Lifespan (years) Total (without compacts) after 60 years weight (tons) 27 3 89 3 353 6 258 60 370 3 670 15 230 60 VHTR



GT-MHR data : NT DER/STR/Dir/2002/002 VHTR data : pr? entation by FRAMATOME-ANP (Feb. 11th, 2003)

Graphite Disposal Option

1. Conventional Burial Option Land Disposal Sea Dumping Stabilization & Packaging 2. Preparative Treatment Separation of Graphite from other Materials Conditioning of Disposal Preparative Treatment prior to Re-processing 3. Incineration 4. Chemical Decontamination 5. Mobilization of Isotopes by Heating & Grinding


6. Pyrolysis and Steam Reformation 7. Vitrification 8. Recycling and Reuse 9. Carbon-14 Isotope Separation Technique

Overview Radioactive Waste management Building Liquid Radwaste System Gaseous Radwaste System Solid Radwaste System Seismic Category II, Quality Class T Grade-founded, Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structure


Functions and Design Criteria Spatially Accommodate and Arrange, Structurally Support the Radwaste System & Components Protects from Various Hazards both Internally and Externally Generated Limit or Control the Spread of Contamination Adequate Resistance to Fire and Limit Fire Propagation from one Cubicle to Another Resist any Credible Sabotage Threats


Arrangement Reference Plant : Standard Modular HTGR (350MWt X 4 Unit) Size : 35m long X 30.5m wide (cf. 5,6: 77m long X 29m wide) Section : 3 Floors (cf. 5,6: 6 Floors) 15 US tone Bridge Crane is provided to handle Drums High Activity Level Drums : Stored in a Shielded Area(10 Drums) Low Activity Level Drums : Stored in the Shipping Area(65 Drums) Storage Space is controlled by Drums and Reflector Blocks Reference GA Drawings





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