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Final Exam ME111 Stress, Strain and Strength Monday, December 6, 1999 Three hours Open Notes and Textbook (Only)

Tc 8.5 d / 2 1 = = 43.29 3 4 I p d / 32 d 74.98 2 s = 3t a = t a 3 = d3 Sf Now N f = 2.5 =

ta = s


ComputeS f : S f = aN b
Sm 0 .9 S ut 1 1 b = log10 S = 3 log10 S = 0 .09889 3 e e

Problem 1 (20 points) A machined shaft is subjected to a fully reversed torque of 8.5 in-klb. Determine the diameter of the shaft needed to provide a factor of safety of 2.5 if a life of 105 cycles is required. The material properties are:

log10 (a ) = log10 (S m ) 3b = log10 (0.9 Sut ) 3b = 2 .5933 a = 392.04 S f = 392.4 100,000 0.09889 = 125.57 Now, Sf 74.98 s= ; s = ; S f = 125.57 2.5 d3 74.98 2 .5 3 d = = 1.493 ; d = 1.14 in 125.57

S ut = 220 kpsi, S y = 67 kpsi, S m = 0.9 Sut , S e = 100 kpsi ( fully corrected)

ME111 Lecture 9


Problem 2 (20 points) In a machine component subject to a fluctuating multiaxial stress state, the von Mises effective alternating and mean stress are: s sa =

Part (b)

24 kpsi, s sm = 40 kpsi

The relevant material properties are:

S ut = 80 kpsi, S y = 67 kpsi, S m = 0.9 Sut , Se = 40 kpsi ( fully corrected)

(a) Determine whether or not the element is safe for infinite life f atigue (hint: compute the appropriate factor of safety assuming a fixed ratio of stresses), (b) If it is not safe for infinite life, estimate the number of cycles to failure.

For failurein HCF : S f S ut Nf = 1= S f = 48.0 sa Sut + s m Sf Now S f = aNb 1 Sm 1 0 .9 S ut b = log10 S = 3 log10 S = 0 .085 3 e e log10 (a ) = log10 (S m ) 3b = log10 (0.9 Sut ) 3b = 2 .1126 a = 129.6 Giving: 48.0 = 129.6 N 0 .085 N = 117,341 cycles

Part (a)

For infinitelife fatigue: Nf = S e Sut

sa Sut + s m Se =

0 .909 not safe for infinitelife fatigue. Sy

+sm sa =

Note: no failure by yielding: N y =

67 = 1 .05 24 + 40

ME111 Lecture 9


Problem 3 (20 points) The figure below shows a schematic drawing of an automobile jack which is subject to a load of W = 10 kN. The opposite-handed threads on the two ends of the screw are cut to allow the link angle to vary from 15o to 70o. The links are rectangular in cross -section with dimensions 25 x 7 mm. They are made from steel with E = 206.8 GPa and Sy = 290 MPa. If the load is to be supported over the full range of the jack, what is the factor of safety against buckling of the links? Assume that the axial load in the links is central (i.e. there is no eccentricity) and that the links can be modeled as pinned-pinned about both axes.

Computeaxial load in link from statics : W 2 Plink sin 150 = W P = 19.318 kN link = 2 sin 150 bd 3 / 12 d 7 = = = 2.02 ( using weak axis) bd 12 12 L 220 Sr = = = 108.87 r 2 .02
r =

10 kN

( Sr ) y / 2 = p
220 mm

2E = 118.6 Johnsoncolumn Sy

25 mm thickness: 7 mm

Pcr 1 S y Sr = Sy Pcr = 29.382 kN b d E 2p Nb = Pcr 29.382 = = 1 .52 Plink 19.318

link angle : 15 to 70

ME111 Lecture 9


Part (a) Problem 4 (20 points) A thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel has an inner radius of r = 10 in. and a wall thickness of t = 0.8 in. The pressure vessel supports an internal pressure of p = 5 kpsi and an axial compressive load of N = 9000 klb. Consider the following: (a) The pressure vessel is made of a ductile material with a yield strength of Sy = 250 kpsi. Determine the factor of safety against yielding under the applied load using: (i) The von Mises (i.e. distortion energy) criterion, (ii) The maximum shear stress criterion. (b) The material is brittle with an ultimate tensile strength of Sut = 180 kpsi. What is the minimum ultimate compressive stress Suc that is required of the material to provide a factor of safety of 1.5 against brittle failure? Use the modified Mohr theory and assume plane stress conditions.

pr = 62.5 t s 2 = p = 5.0 pr P s3= = 140.9 2t A

s1 = s= s 1 + s 2 + s 3 s 1s 2 s 2s 3 s 3s 1 = 179.45
2 2 2

250 = 1.39 179.45 Sy Sy 250 Tresca : N y = = = = 1.23 max(s 1 s 2 , s 2 s 3 , s 3 s 1 ) s 3 s 1 203.4 von Mises : N y =
s =


Part (b)

Since fourth quadrant and s 3 > s 1 , SutS uc Sucs 1 S ut(s 1 + s 3 ) 180 Suc or = 1.5 Suc = 245.5 kpsi Suc 62.5 180(62.5 140.9) Nb = 1 .5 =

5 kpsi F

9,000 klb

10 in

t = 0.8 in

ME111 Lecture 9


Problem 5 (20 points) Part (a) The beam shown has depth of 50 mm and a thickness of 20 mm. A crack through the thickness of the beam is detected in the bottom face as indicated. The crack is measured to be 10 mm long and it needs to be determined if the beam can safely support the two point loads P = 30 kN. The beam is fabricated from AISI 4340 steel with a yield strength Sy = 800 MPa and a fracture toughness Kc = 185 MPa(m) 1/2. (a) Using LEFM, determine the value of the load P that will cause the crack to propagate. Repeat (a) taking plasticity at the crack tip into account. Can the beam support the design load of P = 30 kN?

a = 0 .2 b 1.0 d K = KC = 185 = bs p a ; Mc 200P 50 / 2 = I 20 503 /12 200P 25 10 Now 185 = (1.0) P = 43.5 kN p 3 1000 20 50 / 12
s = 2

(b) (c)

Part (b)

K = KC

P 200 mm

30 kN

30 kN 200 mm

aeff = a + 1 KC p Sy


1000 = 27.0 mm

aeff = 0.54 b 1.7 d K = KC = 185 = bs p aeff 20 mm

Now 185 = (1.7 ) 20 50

50 mm

200P 25 27 P = 15.6 kN p 3 / 12 1000

10 mm

Part (c) No, fails when plasticity at the crack tip is considered.


ME111 Lecture 9

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