Chapter 30

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Andrew Choi Period 1 Chapter #30: The War to End War Big Picture Themes 1.

. President Wilson outlined the wars objectives with his Fourteen Points. They set the goals of free seas, self-determination after the war, and establishing a body to prevent future wars. 2. A military draft was instituted, the first since the Civil War. 3. Women went to work more than theyd ever done and black soldiers were drafted into the military into segregated units. 4. The Americans focussed their military effort in protecting Paris from the Germans. 5. At the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson agreed to allow England and France to punish Germany for the war. In return, they agreed to start Wilsons League of Nations. 6. However, the US Senate rejected the Treaty/League. They didnt wish to turn over Americas decision-making to a foreign body like the League of Nations. Chapter #30 Identifications George Creel A journalist that was the leader of the Committee on Public Information and leader of the Committee on Public Information. He used propaganda to advertise the war

Bernard Baruch A stock investor and was on the War Industries board. He was the leader of the board that wanted to regulate the materials made during WWI.

Henry Cabot Lodge He was the part of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and was in charge of fighting against people joining the League of Nations.

James M. Cox A governor of Ohio, US Representative from Ohio and Democractic candidate. Supported the League of Nations.

Self-Determination Belief that people in a territory should have the ability to choose their own government.

Andrew Choi Period 1 Collective security An agreement in which each state in the system accepts that one is the concern of all, and therefore commits to a collective response to threats, and peace. Normalcy The US had gotten involved in a European war that we should not have. The US would return to isolationism from Europe. Zimmerman Note A letter was intercepted by the United States that stated if Mexico were to invade the U.S, then Germany would grant some of the land back to Mexico. A full-on threat towards the United States.

Fourteen Points Goals were to keep the American people strong and strengthen morality. Gave American more confidence as well as make the Allies more courage to keep fighting. It was supposed to ban secret treaties, the seas were open to everyone, take away economic problems.

League of Nations The League of Nations was an idea brought by Wilson to insure peace. They were also powerless to stop the world wars.

Committee on Public Information Created to get Americans and the Allies ready for war. This group focused on creating and dispensing pro-war propaganda to the public.

Espionage and Sedition Acts These acts were restricted the first ammendment. Delivered punishments to people who made wrong statements to help the enemy and proclaiming rebellion inside the military.

Industrial Workers of the World Did not support the war effort and sabotaged factories so they could not make stuff. Wanted to combine all the labor unions of similar motives.

Andrew Choi Period 1 War Industries Board Created to bring justice and order in the war. It was also created to make more industries that are reliable and to get rid of the trash created Nineteenth Amendment Allowed women to vote. The amendment was the peak of the women's suffrage movement, which fought at both state and national levels to achieve the vote.

Food Administration Led by Herbert Hoover to insure that food reaches Allied troops. He was in charge and was created to make more food and ration for the Military Irreconcilables Republicans and Democrats who fought intensely to defeat the ratification of the treaty by the Senate in 1919.

Treaty of Versailles Ended WWI and gave Germany a debt. Main reason that started WWII. Germany was forced to sign and to pay back all the damage costs.

Chapter #30 Guided Reading Questions War by Act of Germany Know: "Peace without Victory," Unlimited Submarine Warfare, Arthur Zimmermann 1. What events led Woodrow Wilson to ask Congress to declare war? The Zimmerman letter being intercepted. It said that Mexico could gain their independence if the rebel against America. It also stated that Germany would begin Unlimited Submarine Warfare. Wilsonian Idealism Enthroned Know: Jeannette Rankin 2. Name Wilsons twin war aims. How did these set America apart from the other combatants? 1) To make the world safe for Democracy, other countries wanted money or land from war 2) Peace without victory, America didnt want to win, it wanted to end the war Wilsons Fourteen Potent Points Know: Fourteen Points 3. List several of Wilsons Fourteen Points.

Andrew Choi Period 1 Wilsons Fourteen Points was to abolish secret treaties, freedom of the seas, abolishment of economic barriers, reduction of armament burdens, and adjustment of colonial claims. Abolish all secret treaties- good for liberals Freedom of the seas- good for germans and anti brits International economic barrier removal- liberals Reduction of armament burdens- good for taxpayers Adjustment of colonization policy- good for antiimperialists Creel Manipulates Minds Know: Committee on Public Information, George Creel, Four-minute Men, The Hun, Over There 4. How were Americans motivated to help in the war effort? Americans were motivated by propaganda and defending democracy for American and all around the world. George Creel was a journalist that was the leader of the Committee on Public Information. His main purpose was to sell propaganda. The Committee on Public Information was created in order to get Americans and the Allies ready for war.

Enforcing Loyalty and Stifling Dissent Know: Liberty Cabbage, Espionage Act, Sedition Act, Eugene V. Debs, William D. Haywood 5. How was loyalty forced during WWI? The Espionage Act and Sedition Act said that Americans could not criticize the government and what they do. If they did they would be put into jail under treason. Liberty Cabbage was when Americans were being racist towards anything German. The Nations Factories Go to War Know: Bernard Baruch, War Industries Board 6. Why was it difficult to mobilize industry for the war effort? The War Industries Board was set up to bring justice and order in the war effort. Bernard Baruch was a stock investor and was on the War Industries board for a short period of time. Workers in Wartime Know: "Work or Fight," National War Labor Board, Wobblies 7. How did the war affect the labor movement? The National War Labor Board ,vontrolled by Taft, helped workers get more pay and 8 hours. The American Federation of Labor AF of L with Samuel Gompers supported war The IWW Industrial Workers of world or Wobblies or I Wont Works sabotaged efforts Race Riots in Chicago and St Louis. Suffering Until Suffrage Know: NAWSA, 19th Amendment, Womens Bureau

Andrew Choi Period 1 8. How did the war affect women?

Women were able to work in factories and increased the workforce because men were fighting the war. The Womens Bureau was established after the war to give rights to women. The 19th amendment was passed to give rights to women. Forging a War Economy Know: Food Administration, Herbert Hoover, Meatless Tuesdays, Eighteenth Amendment, Heatless Mondays, Liberty Bonds 9. Did government become too intrusive in peoples lives during the war? Give examples to support your answer. Yes the government did. They wanted the measure of war to be very marine and strong. The Food Administration was set up to give food to allied troops. Liberty Bonds were sent out to give money to the government to support the war. Making Plowboys into Doughboys 10. Was the governments effort to raise an army fair and effective? The governments effort to raise an army was effective because it allowed the soldiers to give out their opinion and provide workout sessions. Fighting in France--Belatedly 11. How were American troops used in Russia? 5,000 were sent to Archangel to prevent Germans from taking Russian munitions America Helps Hammer the Hun Know: Marshal Foch, John J. Pershing, Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Alvin York 12. Describe the effect of the American troops on the fighting. American troops were young and able men who were ready to fight for their country. Marshal Foch commanded these troops in the spring of 1918. Alvin York was a American soldier who killed many Germans and was a war hero. The Fourteen Points Disarm Germany Know: Armistice 13. What role did America play in bringing Germany to surrender? America provided Food, weapons, money, men, intimidation. Wilson Steps Down from Olympus Know: Henry Cabot Lodge 14. What political mistakes hurt Wilson in the months following the armistice? Wilson broke his agreement of Politics Adjourned by helping the Democrats. Henry Cabot Lodge went against Wilson in the election. Wilson refused to take him to the conference in Paris and it made the Republicans very mad.

Andrew Choi Period 1 The Idealist Battles the Imperialists in Paris Know: Vittorio Orlando, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, League of Nations 15. How did Wilsons desire for the League of Nations affect his bargaining at the peace conference? Wilson said that he would not take conquered colonies. The League of Nations was set up to be a peace parliament to oversee colonization. Vittorio Orlando and Georges Clemenceau was one of the Big Four at the Yalta conference.

Hammering Out the Treaty Know: William Borah, Hiram Johnson, Irreconcilables 16. What compromises did Wilson make at the peace conference? Wilson settled a dispute between Italy and Yugoslavia over the seaport of fiume by letting the port go to Yugoslavia. He also disputed with Japan over chinas Shangdong province and pacific islands, he mandated Japan let the islands go but had to let them hold Shangdong until an unspecified date, breaking self-determination. The Peace Treaty That Bred a New War Know: Treaty of Versailles 17. For what reasons did Wilson compromise his 14 Points? Wilson wanted to compromise his 14 points, but kept only four due to conflicting interests of the other allied nations, but he kept the League of Nations. The Domestic Parade of Prejudice 18. Why was the treaty criticized back in America? Many Americans didnt want to be involved with foreign affairs. The Anti Germans thought the treaty was far too lax, the liberals thought the treaty was too harsh. Wilsons Tour and Collapse (1919) 19. What was the purpose and result of Wilsons trip around the country when he returned to America? To gain support for the League of Nations. Wilson conducted his tour to convince the American people towards the merits of the treaty, though treated coldly in the German filled Midwest, on The Rockies and the Western coast welcomed him with fervor. Defeat Through Deadlock 20. Why was the treaty finally rejected? The treaty was finally rejected because it was deadlocked and Wilson hated Lodge very much to let the treaty pass. It refused to let it past because he didnt back the Democrats.

Andrew Choi Period 1 The "Solemn Referendum" of 1920 Know: Warren Harding, James M. Cox, Normalcy 21. What did the results of the 1920 election indicate? Between Republican Warren G. Harding with Calvin Coolidge as Vp and Democrat James Cox with Franklin D. Roosevelt as Vp vs Eugene Debs. Harding won by a lot. People The Betrayal of Great Expectations 22. How much should the U.S. be blamed for the failure of the Treaty of Versailles? The main error of the treaty was that none of the Allies were willing to lose their chances to humiliate Germany. The US is to blame for the League of Nations, since they backed out of and the same with Frances Security Treaty. Varying Viewpoints: Woodrow Wilson: Realist or Idealist? Know: Realism, Idealism, Wilsonianism 23. To what extent was Wilson realistic when he called for a world of cooperation, equality and justice among nations? Wilsons Plans were idealistic, in reality it led to little due to the lack of both external cooperation from foreign nations and lack of internal cooperation from the American people.

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