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Primary and Secondary Levels - 2011

William Joseph Chaminades 250th birth anniversary The essential in the interior

Yearly Programme 2011

I. Data: Area: Foreign Language Grade: Teachers:
II. 6th. Yvette Aguilar Margarita Gamarra

Subject: Week hours:

English 07


Core Issues: Educate for Service, Justice and Peace: Ethical Christian culture and ecological culture. Educate for Formation in Faith: Seguir a Jesucristo al estilo de Mara. Educate in Family Spirit: Personal, cultural and social identity. Educate for Adaptation and Change: Permanent autonomous learning and critical thinking development. Values and attitudinal basis: Institutional values Marianist charisma FAITH Strong in faith JUSTICE In permanent mision LOVE Family spirit SERVICE Alliance with Mary Oprational values: Values Respect: Show consideration or appreciation, attitude of deference, admiration, or esteem, regard. Esteem for a person or other entity (such as a nation or region), for


Escucho con atencin al interlocutor. Levanto la mano para participar. Muestro apertura y tolerancia hacia las opiniones de los dems. Cuido mis pertenencias y los bienes ajenos como si fueran mos.

rea: English as a Foreign Language

Primary and Secondary Levels - 2011

William Joseph Chaminades 250th birth anniversary The essential in the interior
superiors, parents and the Elderly, other cultures, environment, and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem. Solidarity: Responsible and free adherence to a common cause in search of mutual welfare as members of a community. Responsibility: Act or decide on one's own, without supervision. Carry forward an assigned task to a successful conclusion. Honesty: Fairness and straightforwardness of conduct. It implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way.

Comparto lo que tengo y lo que soy. Propongo alternativas de solucin ante las necesidades de los dems. Asumo una actitud fraterna de ayuda a los dems.

Presento, en la fecha y hora indicadas, mis tareas completas y ordenadas. Fundamento en forma oral o escrita mis trabajos presentados. Realizo las tareas de casa con eficiencia y esmero.

Devuelvo los objetos que no me pertenecen. Digo y defiendo la verdad en todo momento.

rea: English as a Foreign Language

Primary and Secondary Levels - 2011

William Joseph Chaminades 250th birth anniversary The essential in the interior
IV. Chart of Capacities: Fundamental Capacities Institutional Capacities EFL Capacities and Attitudes Reading Comprehension A) Creative thinking Listening Comprehension Writing B) Critical thinking: Reading comprehension a. Understanding of oral, written and audiovisual texts. C) Problem-solving thinking: Solution of problems
b. Living together in Christianity.

Speaking Actitudes ante el rea. Responsabilidad y Honestidad Presenta trabajos en la fecha indicada. Porta material de trabajo Respeto y Solidaridad Pone atencin a la clase. Participa activamente en clase.

D) Managerial thinking: Ethical and Christian decision making

Capacidades Especficas (Destrezas)

Reading Comprehension Vocabulario preciso Anlisis de textos Resumir y concretar Esquematizar Lectura comprensiva Anlisis de mensajes (publicitarios) Interpretacin

EFL Capacities Listening Comprehension Writing Saber escuchar Expresin escrita de las ideas Representacin mental propias. Comprensin de textos ajenos Describir una situacin dada. Interpretacin Vocabulario preciso Dialogar Dominio de la gramtica Redaccin correcta Resumir y concretar Organizacin de la informacin

Speaking Diccin Entonacin correcta Pronunciacin correcta Dominio de la gramtica Lectura rpida Fluidez Verbal Dialogar Narrar un suceso con sus

rea: English as a Foreign Language

Primary and Secondary Levels - 2011

William Joseph Chaminades 250th birth anniversary The essential in the interior
Comprensin de textos ajenos Fluidez lectora propias palabras (parafrasear).


Unidades Didcticas por Bimestre: FIRST TERM

Area: Teachers: Start:

Foreign Language Yvette Aguilar Margarita Gamarra 01st. March End:





April 29th.

Programmed weeks: ATTITUDES Respect other peoples opinions and preferences. Respect others personal ideas


Programmed Hours:


Didactic Unit A good idea

Present tenses Future tenses

CAPACITIES Talk about jobs and free time activities. Interact with others to talk about their holidays.

Criteria / Achievement Indicators Express their ideas using English properly. Make dialogues using English properly.

P.A.A.S (N / Name)

Unit 1 Holidays

Echo Past tenses

Present and past obilgations Present perfect Simple + just/yet/already used to

Unit 2 Food and fitness

Describe their food and fitness activities preferences and make dialogues about life experiences.

Respect and tolerate their friends preferences and likes.

Express their preferences freely.

rea: English as a Foreign Language

Primary and Secondary Levels - 2011

William Joseph Chaminades 250th birth anniversary The essential in the interior
SECOND TERM Area: Teachers: Start: Didactic Unit Unit 3 Abilities Foreign Language Yvette Aguilar Margarita Gamarra 03rd. May End: 15th. July Programmed weeks: ATTITUDES 10 Programmed Hours: 63 Subject: English Grade:

Good at/afraid of Defining relative clauses Too/enough Asas So/such Present perfect simple + for/since. Infinitives of purpose

Describe and identify their abilities.

Criteria / Achievement Indicators

Express and describe freely their abilities using English properly.

P.A.A.S (N / Name)

Unit 4 Town and country Unit 5 Emergencies

Express their opinions.

Talk about where they live. Interact with others to give suggestions and reasons. Make an emergency call.

Express their opinions freely using English properly. Express their ideas freely using English structures properly.

If+ imperative

rea: English as a Foreign Language

Primary and Secondary Levels - 2011

William Joseph Chaminades 250th birth anniversary The essential in the interior
THIRD TERM Area: Teachers: Start: Didactic Unit Unit 6 The media Foreign Language Yvette Aguilar Margarita Gamarra 18th. July End: 30th. September Programmed weeks: ATTITUDES





Programmed Hours:


Passive. Past Perfect simple. Reflexive pronouns.

CAPACITIES Talk to different students to get information about their favorite media. Describe their independence and autonomy. Interact with others to talk about shopping habits and give advice.

Criteria / Achievement Indicators

Express and describe their ideas freely using English properly.

P.A.A.S (N / Name)

Unit 7 Shopping

Adjective endings ed /ING/ Second conditional Negative questions. Reported commands and requests told / asked.

Express their ideas to describe their shopping habits using English properly. Describe their ideas using English properly.

Unit 8 Computers

Talk to others about computers, internet and make excuses.

rea: English as a Foreign Language

Primary and Secondary Levels - 2011

William Joseph Chaminades 250th birth anniversary The essential in the interior
FOURTH TERM Area: Teachers: Start: Didactic Unit Unit 9 The Natural World Unit 10 Friends Foreign Language Yvette Aguilar Margarita Gamarra 03rd. October End: 15th. December Programmed weeks: ATTITUDES 10 Programmed Hours: 63 Subject: English Grade:

CONTENTS Reported statements.

CAPACITIES Use a map to describe a route. Talk about the environment.

Interact with others to give strong opinions about relationships and describe their best friends.


Criteria / Achievement Indicators Express their ideas and opinions using English properly. Express their ideas
fluently and properly.

P.A.A.S (N / Name)

Question tags.

English Teachers

English Coordinator

Head Teacher

rea: English as a Foreign Language

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