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Fred Westens dilemma in hiring Mimi Brewster

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Fred Westens dilemma in hiring Mimi Brewster

The purpose of this report is to provide an analysis to the dilemma faced by Hathaway Jones CEO, Fed Westen, in hiring Mimi Brewster and suggests a course of action most appropriate for the situation. This report proposes four alternative courses of action which are evaluated against various criteria to judge their sustainability and feasibility in the given situation. The analysis suggests that Fred Westen should hire Mimi Brewster for leading Hathaway Jones operations in China. Since Hathaway is entering a new market in china, it needs the quality, potential and aggressiveness of someone like Mimi Brewster. This reports concludes with outlining an action plan to pursue this alternative and a contingency plan if it does not work out as intended.

Fred Westens dilemma in hiring Mimi Brewster

S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Situation analysis Problem statement Alternatives for Fred Westen Criteria for evaluating the viability of alternatives Prioritization matrix Evaluation of alternatives Recommendation Action plan & implementation Contingency plan

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3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6

Fred Westens dilemma in hiring Mimi Brewster

Luxury apparel retailer Hathaway Jones was planning to expand its operations into China owing to diminishing markets in America. Mimi Brewster expressed her interest to be part of the move through her father, who was an old friend of Hathaway CEO, Fred Westen. Mimi was a bright young professional raised in China with excellent education background and a short but successful career. Even though Fred Westen was impressed with Mimi Brewsters credentials, he got into a dilemma when his human resource department dug up some of her activities against the Chinese government in the past. Though Fred Westen was convinced about Mimi Brewsters skills, he was unsure about how potential his Human resources departments findings were.

Should Fred Westen hire Mimi Brewster for China operations, given her excellent credentials and the past issues with the Chinese government?


1. Hire Mimi Brewster for China operations: In spite of her negative past records and unfavorable recommendations from vice president human resources, hire Mimi Brewster for her excellent credentials. Have another round of interview and decide: Have another round of interview(s) with Mimi Brewster to clarify the issues raised by Virginia Flanders, vice president human resources. Hire Mimi Brewster for American operations but associate her in the strategic team for Chinese operations: Since there are no doubts regarding the value Mimi Brewster can add to the company, hire her and place her into revamping American operations. Hathaway can use her aggressive marketing skills and fashion sense for good in the diminishing American market. She may also be made part of back end strategy formulation team for Chinese operations. Do not hire Mimi Brewster: Do not consider Mimi Brewster for hiring sine her past records are unsuitable for companies interests in China.




Fred Westens dilemma in hiring Mimi Brewster


A. B. Enhancing business: Will Hathaways business improve? Stance from Chinese government: is there any risk of unfavorable stance from Chinese government? C. Credentials of candidate: How qualified and suitable is the candidate? D. Internet reputation of Mimi Brewster: How will the revelations of Mimi Brewsters past actions affect company? E. Favor for friend John Brewster: Can Fred Westen do the favor for his friend John Brewer

Assigning priority weights to criteria for evaluation: Criteria A B Priority weight 27.5 22.5 C 20 D 20 E 10

The primary objective in front of Fred Westen is enhancing the business of Hathaway Jones. Since this strategy includes extending business to China, the stance of the Chinese government towards opening stores there becomes next important criterion. The positive and negative aspects of Mimi Brewsters profile are given equal weightage. Doing his old friend John Brewster a favor is the least prior option in front of Mr. Fred.

Hire for Chinese operations 5 Another interview and decide 3 Hire and place in back end operations in China 2 Do not hire


Enhancing business Unfavorable stance of Chinese government Candidates credentials Internet reputation Doing favor to old friend Total

1 5 1 4 320

3 2 5 2 310

3 4 3 4 302.5

4 1 5 2 285 4

Fred Westens dilemma in hiring Mimi Brewster

All the alternatives have been rated on a scale of 1-5 for each of the evaluation criterion, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest rating. These points have been multiplied with the associated weights to obtain the aggregate score for each alternative. Hiring a person like Mimi Brewster, with very high credentials and valuable insights about Chinese market and up-to-date fashion sense will enhance Hathaway operations in China. But placing Mimi Brewster in back end strategy development team will be less challenging for a person of her potential and thus the company will be underutilizing her skills. The fact that Mimi Brewster had been part of protests against the government of China in the past, might invite displeasure to Hathaway company from the government, if she is to lead their operations in China. The excellent credentials of Mimi Brewster favor hiring of the candidate. But at the same time her poor internet reputation acts prohibitive in hiring. Hiring Mimi Brewster will strengthen Fred Westens relationship with old friend John Brewster. But John Brewster might have displeasure with Fred Westen if Mimi Brewster is not hired by him.

Fred Westen should hire Mimi Brewster for China operations owing to her excellent credentials and the value addition that she will bring to the company.


1. Fred Westen should have an interview with Mimi Brewer in presence of Virginia Flanders, vice president of human resources, and clarify whether Ms. Mimis attitude towards Chia government has changed or not. 2. Try to remove the negative contents about Mimi Brewster from internet as much as possible. 3. Take Mimi Brewster on board and after induction, and assign her for China operations. 4. In order to ensure that there is no resistance from government towards Ms. Mimi being part of Hathaway, ask her to do some public relations activity to make the government pleased.

Fred Westens dilemma in hiring Mimi Brewster

Put Mimi Brewsters hiring on hold. Since Hathaway company want a smooth and large scale entry into Chinese market, it is better not to risk the plan for a person. Once the China operations are setup and started running in full scale, Fred Westen can place Mimi into one of Hathaways three stores through a low profile induction. Thus the potential risk of a negative stance by the Chinese government can be avoided during the time of entry.

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