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Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 72October, 2005 849

Special Article
Correspondence and Reprint requests : Dr. B.R. Thapa, Additional
Professor and Head, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh-160012, India.
Colostrum is a pre-milk substance that is produced
immediately after the birth of the baby. Within few
minutes of the birth the newborn can suckle the breast of
the mother. The BC contains a lot of immunological
factors which are passed to the baby and is said to be the
first immunization of the baby. The passive immunity
from mother gets transferred to the new born. This is
protective against many microbes. The bovine colostrum
simulates that of human colostrum and can be obtained in
large quantity for use.
Historically, colostrum has been used by mankind for
various disorders. The traditional practices vary from
country to country. Cake of BC is made and birth of the
calf is celebrated in many countries. The bovine
colostrum is given to old and sick individuals to build
their immunity. In certain parts of our country this is also
fed to weak and sick animals. Sabin vaccine against
rotavirus was prepared from the colostrum of the
immunized cows. Before the antibiotic era the BC was
used to treat bacterial infections in US. It has also been
used in rheumatoid arthritis and to enhance the healing of
the tissues injuries.
Bovine colostrum contains around ninety useful
components. The two primary components are immune
factors and growth factors. In addition to this, colostrum
also contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins,
fats and carbohydrates for the new born. Various
immune factors are specific antibodies, immunoglobulins,
proline rich polypeptide, lactoferrin, cytokines and
tryspin inhibitors, hysozyme, leucocytes, lactoperoxidases
Therapeutic Potentials of Bovine Colostrums
B.R. Thapa
Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology , Postgraduate I nstitute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh,
I ndia
Abstract. Colostrum is the first milk produced by mammals for their young ones. This transfers the passive immunity gained
by the mother to the baby. The bovine colostrum (BC) can be obtained in large quantity and has properties similar to human
colostrum. It has been used for various disorders of the body. It has properties to stimulate immune system, contains growth
factors and many bioactive substances needed for the body to combat with wear and tear. The BC has been used for various
gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory tract infection, rheumatoid arthritis, healing injured tissues of body etc. There are not much
double blind placebo-controlled trials to prove its efficacy, though a lot of experience about its good effects in various disorders
is available in the literature. The dosage and duration of therapy need to be worked up. The BC has potential to treat as well
to prevent certain diseases in the body. In future this will prove to be a very useful product to treat and control diseases in a
natural way. [Indian J Pediatr 2005; 72 (10) : 849-852] E-mail :
Key words : Bovine colostrum; Therapeutic potential
and lactalbumins
The quality of the colostrum used depends upon the
processing units. The heat per say spoils the properties of
colostrum to make it into powdered form for its use. The
colostrum composition is superior when collected during
first 24 hours of the birth of calf. The colostrum collected
from well-supervised herds of cows is also superior.
Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT)
Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is barraged with lots of
microbiological organisms, antigens, food ingredients and
drugs. These do have an effect on the GIT by way of direct
action or by stimulation of the immunological process.
Colostrum has the immunological factors which protect
against these organisms. Colostrum contains trypsin
inhibitor and the unchanged colostrum goes down into
the intestine and maintains the health of epithelial lining
and immune system. This way BC is protective against
many GI disorders.
2, 2a
The hyper immune bovine
colostrum raised against particular infection is very
specific to treat and prevent the infection in host.
Infectious Diarrhea
Diarrhea can be due to bacterial, viral, protozoal and
fungal infections. The BC, by virtue of having specific
antibodies, can give protection against enteric infections
The therapeutic effect of BC has been shown in study
published from Dhaka. The immunoglobulins were
extracted from BC containing high titres of rotavirus
antibodies. This was a double blind placebo-controlled
trial. Eighty children with Rotavirus diarrhea were
randomly assigned to receive orally 10 grams of HBC
B.R. Thapa
850 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 72October, 2005
containing 3.6g of anti Rotavirus antibodies daily for 4
days or same amount of placebo preparation. The daily
stool and ORS intake were recorded. The children
receiving HBC had significantly less daily total stool
output and stool frequency and required small amount of
ORS as compared to children who received placebo
(p<0.05). The clearance of Rota virus was also earlier in
HBC group (1.5 vs 2.9 days p<0.001). No side effects were
encountered. The treatment with anti Rotavirus
immunoglubulins of bovine colostrums is effective in
management of acute Rota virus diarrhea in children.
In another study where hyperimmune colostrum was
given for 10 days to the children in 3-15 months of age, 55
were in trial group, whereas 65 were in placebo group.
Nine (14%) of 65 on placebo developed rotavirus
diarrhea, whereas none in the trial group none developed
diarrhea. This indicates that hyperimmune colostrum
gives protection against rota virus infection in infants.
The protection against cryptospridium, shigella and
toxin producing E.coli has been shown when treated with
colostrum. Colostrum also contains antibodies against
salmonella, E.coli, Candida and H. pylori infection.
H. pylori Infections
H. pylori requires lipid to bind with the gastric mucosa.
Colostrum prevents the organisms from attaching to the
lipid binding sites in GIT. In vitro studies have shown that
BC has potential to stop adhesion activity of H.pylori and
H. mustelae. Colostrum also intensifies the growth of H.
pylori and so can prevent the occurrenee of peptic ulcer.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
Induced GI Disorders
NSAIDs are widely used in orthopedic rheumatology
practice. These are associated with increased
gastrointestinal mucosal ulceration and increased
permeability. These effects are due to decrease in the
prostaglandins and ischemic injury to the mucosa. In
experimental animals, it has been shown that BC
decreases and prevents this effect of NSAIDs in GIT.
The colostrum also decreases the permeability, hence
checks the entry of various allergens and toxins produced
by enteric organisms. Based upon these benefits of BC, it
is felt that this may be beneficial in ulcerative colitis,
Crohns disease and chemotherapy induced mucositis.
Well-conducted scientific studies are required to show the
therapeutic effects of BC in these disorders.
Respiratory Tract Infections
It has been shown that BC increases the salivary IgA and
is useful in treatment of upper respiratory tract infections
(URTI), dental infection, chronic bronchitis and
respiratory allergic disorders. Most of the allergic patients
while on BC remain free from symptoms. In addition, BC
contains oligosaccharides, which, while traveling through
the oral cavity, stick to the mucosa and prevent the
bacteria to attach. Colostrum also protects the mucosal
membranes in GIT and respiratory tract.
Patients undergoing abdominal surgery, partial and total
gastrectomy, pancreatic and other abdominal surgery
show that the endotoxins rise was not observed.
Normally after surgery the endotoxins do increase. This is
evidenced by the fact that post surgical interleukin <6 (II-
6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) did not rise when BC was
given before surgery. This effect was not seen in coronary
bypass surgery. Studies are required to prove this effect
when it is done in extra abdominal organs of the body.
General Immunity
Bovine colostrum has been studied for important
therapeutic effect in various chronic infections like
bacterial, viral, parasitic or fungal. When given as a
nutritional supplement in certain chronic conditions like
chronic fatigue syndrome, infectious diarrhea, sinusitis
and fibromyalgia, it leads to immunogical boosting.
There are 4 immune enhancing factors in the bovine
colostrum, like growth factor, immunoglobulin, putative
permeabilty fraction and fraction containing enzymes
protein, odd peptides etc
Transfer factor present in BC is an immuno regulatory
and immuno supportive agent with normalizing effect on
the aberrant immune response. This affects the immune
system of stimulating the inducer/ helper T cells as well
as the T suppressor cells in the body to keep the immune
balance healthy.
The insulin like growth factors (IGF) are of two types:
IGF-I and IGF-II. Both promote the muscle growth and
promote its growth. They are present in the BC and have
similar effect as human growth hormone (HGH)
However, clinical trials are required to show that IGFs in
BC have similar effect as HGH.
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
It is also present in BC and stimulates the repair process at
the site of inflammation. The EGF plays an important role
in preventing bacterial translocation and stimulating gut
Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)
Transforming growth factor is present in small quantity in
colostrum. The TGF stimulates gastrointestinal growth
and repair, inhibit acid secretion, stimulate mucosal
restitution after injury and increases gastric mucin
concentration. Both TGF alpha and TGF beta are helpful
in the repair and integrity of epithelium of GIT.
Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PGDF)
The PGDF has mitogenic activity for fibroblasts and
Therapeutic Potentials of Bovine Colostrums
Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 72October, 2005 851
smooth muscle cells. They are very helpful for healing
Bovine Colostral Growth Factor (BCGF)
This also has similar effect and enhances the immunity.
The growth factors in the BC are responsible for the
synthesis of protein. Excess of fat is utilized whereas
muscle tissue is preserved. During the illness, post
surgery and injury, the colostrum is very helpful for
recovery and for rebuilding of tissues.
Cytokines and Lymphokines
They trigger the acute response for chemotaxis and
protein synthesis and play as immunomodulators.
This is an iron binding glycoprotein which facilitates iron
absorption and also acts as antimicrobial agent. It
promotes the growth of fibroblasts and intestinal
epithelial cells. It plays a role in gut immunity.
Nowadays, everybody is subjected to some form of stress
or the other in life, and it is unavoidable. Moreover, there
is stress to the body due to pollution and food material
treated with chemicals. These lead to the production of
free radicals which are responsible for the tissue injury.
Colostrum has adequate amount of vitamin A, D, C and E
which has antioxidant property hence, protective for our
Colostrum has properities to build immune system and
help in the healing process. It has an antioxidant effect on
our body. Through these types of influences BC is able to
maintain our health. Colostrum is being used by altheletes
for building body tissues and increasing longevity of life.
3g (colostrum equivalent to 700 mg) of colostrum daily is
good for treatment as well for the prevention of diseases.
The duration of treatment is not optimized as yet, though
it is given for 7-10 days. There are no side effects.
Moreover there is no danger of transmission of bovine
spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease).
To conclude, BC has lots of scope for its use to treat
various disorders without altering the physiology. There
are no side effects. This provides natural ingredients for
treatment and to prevent various infections and
noninfectious diseases almost affecting all systems of the
body. But there is scarcity of double blind-randomized
placeto controlled studies in human beings.The BC is
available in the market and most of the observations are
based on experience. But more evidence is required for its
optimum use. There is no standard dose and duration
therapy established as yet.
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AIIMS Golden Jubilee Symposium
Pediatric Malignancies
By the Department of Pediatric Surgery, AIIMS, New Delhi
29-31 December 2005
Venue : J.L. Auditorium, AIIMS, New Delhi
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