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by Attie from Anmore, Canada

My hero is Iqbal Masih. He was born in Pakistan in 1982 and he died when he was 12 years old. Iqbal Masih is a hero because he helped to free slaves in Pakistan. I think he is a true hero he is not like the cop type of hero! he is a person who really helped the world and who was not paid to do it. He has inspired "e that #ust one kid can "ake a hu$e difference in a country. Pakistan is the country Iqbal is fro" and it would not be the sa"e without hi"! especially for the kids. I hope you en#oy readin$ "ore about hi". Iqbal was born in 1982 in a very poor fa"ily. %hen he was four years old his parents sent hi" to work in a carpet factory. &hey sent hi" there to pay off a debt to a "oneylender. 't the factory Iqbal and the other children were treated like slaves. Iqbal worked till a$e 1( when he finally escaped. He wanted to help the other children who were slaves. Iqbal #oined the )onded *abour *iberation +ront of Pakistan. Iqbal wanted to free all of the children and slaves who were like hi" and workin$ in factories in Pakistan to pay off debts owed by their fa"ilies. &he slaves worked hard. &hey had to work fro" dawn until dusk doin$ #obs that da"a$ed their bodies. %hen they $ot hurt they could not $et help. &hey had to keep workin$. &hey were not $iven enou$h food and they could not $et an education because they had to work all the ti"e. Iqbal Masih was an$ry that children had to work as slaves in Pakistan. He wanted to help to end slavery in his country. He #oined the )onded *abour *iberation +ront of Pakistan which was already fi$htin$ a$ainst slavery. He helped to educate people about what was $oin$ on in factories. He "ade speeches in public to tell people about the slavery even thou$h it was dan$erous for hi". ,o"e reports say that he snuck into factories to take pictures of the workin$ conditions. )ecause he was tryin$ to free the slaves Iqbal Masih was a tar$et for the Pakistan "obsters! "oneylenders and factory owners who used slaves to "ake a lot of "oney. Iqbal was "urdered when he was 12 years old. )ecause he was a hero Iqbal Masih brou$ht a lot of attention to the slavery that was happenin$ in Pakistan. He traveled to '"erica and did "any speeches about it. He spoke to students and other $roups. He told one $roup that 'braha" *incoln was his role "odel. In one of his speeches he said! -I want to do for "y country what 'braha" *incoln did for his country-. Iqbal Masih had a drea" to beco"e a lawyer and free slaves in Pakistan. He never $ot to see his drea" co"e true but he still inspires children like "e. I hope his story will inspire you too.

Iqbal worked till a$e 1( when he finally escaped . Iqbal works till a$e 1( when he finally escapes. )ecause he was a hero Iqbal Masih brou$ht a lot of attention to the slavery that was happenin$ in Pakistan . )ecause he is a hero Iqbal Masih brin$s a lot of attention to the slavery that is happenin$ in Pakistan.

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