Feb 28

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Bronte School Headmasters Newsletter

28th February 2014

Looking further aheadWednesday 12th March is French Day about which you have already had some details. There will be more to tell you next week. After the half term break, we were immediately aware of the attractive, newly-marked car park.

Ready, Steady, Read!

Congratulations and thank you to all who rose to the challenge of the Usborne sponsored reading programme, Ready, Steady, Read over the half term break. Children across the year groups have been going potty over Potter and mad about Morpurgo to raise money to buy new and exciting books for both school and home. A representative from Usborne will be coming in on Monday to issue reward vouchers and brochures to individual participants and to the school. Please do make sure all forms and sponsor money are returned by then. Its looking promising with over 300 collected already! All efforts are appreciated but a particular well done to Alex McMaster (year 5) for raising a tremendous 90! Next weeks events:

.. And in the back garden there were new vehicles on the road!

Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday and that means Pancake Races which start at 2.45pm. All year groups are included and parents, of course, are most welcome. All children should bring to school on the day a thick pancake and a frying pan. Reception children should also bring a hat. Year 1 to Year 6 need to bring a hat and an apron. We look forward to an enjoyable afternoon. Tuesday is Forest School day for Reception. Wednesday is a visit to the National Army Museum for Years 3 and 4. .. And Open Morning for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (09.0011.00). On Saturday 8th Mrs. Rogers is taking the school Tag Rugby team to Gravesend Rugby Club to play in a tournament organised by Mr. Owen (Max, Year 5).

Summers Activity Club lists and the Optional Extras forms will be with you very shortly. The Slumber Party of three weeks agoso much enjoyed by all the childrenraised as much as 120 for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. More CDs for their listening stations are being purchased. Thank you Mrs. Wood and all the team. .. And mentioning Mrs. Woodwe are so sorry to hear about her minor operation. Get better quickly and come back to us as soon as you can. We shall miss you. (Because of Mrs. Woods absence there are no science workshops at Sevenoaks School next week).

Our very own Tudor village has been built at Bronte School. Year 3 have made some wonderful Tudor houses over the half term holiday. In addition to this, many children made Tudor roses and Tudor people. This supports their Tudor project work in history. Mrs. Ansell is so impressed with the range of techniques used to build the houses. Well done Mrs. Ansell and year 3.

.. And congratulations to Rohan Aujlas mother for appearing on Dragons Den with her amazing curry sauces (already seen in Sainsburys Vini and Bals Rustic Indian Curry Saucesand certainly fully recommended by Rohans teachers!). Theres another Activity Club for you to be aware ofthe Craft Club on a Tuesday.

Mrs. Ansell has searched high and low for Ciara Patels almost new tracksuit top. Can you please check the name just to be sure that Ciaras top is not being worn by mistake?

Finallyan appeal! Old tights needed ! As many as possible, as soon as possible all sizes and colours but flesh-coloured would be best! No, dont ask!

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