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Introduction To VB 254 Program: Write a program in VB to print your personal details on form.

Private Sub Command1_Click() Print " I!"I" #nd Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Print "BB$(C$%)" #nd Sub Private Sub Command&_Click() Print "''(1&4'1)11" #nd Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Print "4T" S#%" #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Program: Write a program in VB to design simple calculator.

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a* b* r $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b - Val(Te.t2/Te.t) r-a0b Te.t&/Te.t - r #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Private Sub Command2_Click() !im a* b* r $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b - Val(Te.t2/Te.t) r-a1b Te.t&/Te.t - r #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Private Sub Command&_Click() !im a* b* r $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b - Val(Te.t2/Te.t) r-a2b Te.t&/Te.t - r #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Private Sub Command4_Click() !im a* b* r $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b - Val(Te.t2/Te.t) r-a3b Te.t&/Te.t - r #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Program 3: Write a program in VB to find out facbonical series.

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a* b* c* . . - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) a-' b-1 Print a Print b 4or i - 1 To . c-a0b Print c a-b b-c e.t #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Pro,ram 5 rever+e countin, $) 4or 6oo7

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) 4or i - a To 1 Ste7 11 Print i e.t #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254 B) !o 6oo7 89ile

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) !o a-a11 Print a 6oo7 89ile (a :- 1) #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

C) !o 89ile 6oo7

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a $+ Inte,er a - 1'' !o 89ile (a :- 1) a-a11 Print a a-a11 6oo7 #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254 Program: Write a program to print 2s table by using : $) !o 6oo7 89ile

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a $+ Inte,er a-' !o a-a02 Print a 6oo7 89ile (a ; 2') #nd Sub B) !o 89ile 6oo7

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a $+ Inte,er a-2 !o 89ile (a ;- 2') Print a a-a02 6oo7 #nd Sub 00613401911 Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254 C) 4or 6oo7

Private Sub Command1_Click() 4or a - 2 To 2' Ste7 2 Print a e.t #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254 Program : Write a program to show Factorial of the i!en "umber.

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a* b $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b-1 4or i - a To 1 Ste7 11 b-i2b e.t Print b #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Program: Write a program in VB to find if a number is e!en or odd.

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im $ $+ Inte,er $ - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) I< $ %od 2 - ' T9en %+,Bo. " T9e ,iven no/ i+ #ven" #l+e %+,Bo. " T9e ,iven no/ i+ =dd" #nd I< #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Program: Write a program in Vb to find leap year or not.

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) I< (a %od 4 - ') T9en %+,Bo. " It i+ a 6ea7 >ear" #l+eI< (a %od 1'' - ') $nd (a %od 4'' - ') T9en %+,Bo. "It i+ a 6ea7 >ear" #l+e %+,Bo. " It i+ ot a 6ea7 >ear" #nd I< #nd Sub
00613401911 Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Program: Write a program in VB to find s#uare $ cube of gi!en no.

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a* b $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b-a2a %+,Bo. "+?uare value i+ " @ b #nd Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() !im a* b $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b-a2a2a %+,Bo. "cube value i+ " @ b #nd Sub
00613401911 Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Program: Write a program in VB to find a!erage $ percentage of gi!en mar%s.

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a* b* c $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b - Val(Te.t2/Te.t) c - Val(Te.t&/Te.t) d - (a 0 b 0 c) 3 & %+,Bo. "T9e $vera,e o< ,iven no+/ i+ " @ d #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Private Sub Command2_Click() !im a* b* c $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b - Val(Te.t2/Te.t) c - Val(Te.t&/Te.t) d - ((a 0 b 0 c) 3 &) 2 1'' %+,Bo. "T9e Percenta,e o< ,iven no+/ i+ " @ d #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Program: Write a program in VB for &ddition' (ubtaction and )ultiplication of matri*.

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a(1 To &* 1 To &) $+ Inte,er 4or i - 1 To & 4or A - 1 To & a(i* A) - i 0 1 0 A Print a(i* A)B e.t Print e.t #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Private Sub Command2_Click() !im a(1 To &* 1 To &) $+ Inte,er 4or i - 1 To & 4or A - 1 To & a(i* A) - i 1 1 1 A Print a(i* A)B e.t Print e.t #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Private Sub Command&_Click() !im a(1 To &* 1 To &) $+ Inte,er 4or i - 1 To & 4or A - 1 To & a(i* A) - i 2 1 2 A Print a(i* A)B e.t Print e.t #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Program:Write a program in VB to print following matri*: + ++ +++

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a (1to&) a+ inte,er 4or i-1 to & 4or A-1 to i Print C2DB e.t Print e.t #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Program : Write a program in VB to show the wor%ing of option buttons and chec%bo*es.

Private Sub Command1_Click() I< =7tion1/Value - True T9en %+,Bo. " >our Seme+ter i+ Second" #l+eI< =7tion2/Value - True T9en %+,Bo. ">our Seme+ter i+ 4ourt9" #l+eI< =7tion&/Value - True T9en %+,Bo. ">our Seme+ter i+ Si.t9" #l+e %+,Bo. "Plea+e +elect Eour +eme+ter" #nd I< #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Private Sub Command1_Click() I< C9eck1/Value - 1 T9en %+,Bo. "4avourite Colour i+ Voilet" #l+eI< C9eck2/Value - 1 T9en %+,Bo. "4avourite Colour i+ Indi,o" #l+eI< ((C9eck1/Value - 1) $nd (C9eck2/Value - 1)) T9en %+,Bo. "4avourite Colour i+ Voilet @ Indi,o" #l+e %+,Bo. " Plea+e +elect Eour <avourite Colour" #nd I< #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254 Program: Write a program in VB to show wor%ing of if statements.

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a* b $+ Strin, a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b - Val(Te.t2/Te.t) I< (a - "nid9i") $nd (b - "t9areAa") T9en %+,Bo. "$ut9oriFed G+er" #l+e %+,Bo. "unaut9oriFed u+er" #nd I< #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Program : To show the working of Switch Case.

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im $ $+ Inte,er $ - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) Select Ca+e $ Ca+e 1 b - %+,Bo.("%ondaE") Ca+e 2 b - %+,Bo.("Tue+daE") Ca+e & b - %+,Bo.("8edne+daE") Ca+e 4 b - %+,Bo.("T9ur+daE") Ca+e 5 b - %+,Bo.("4ridaE") Ca+e ( b - %+,Bo.("SaturdaE") Ca+e H b - ("SundaE") Ca+e #l+e %+,Bo. ("Plea+e enter t9e IeekdaE no/ ") #nd Select #nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254 Program : Write a program to chec% if the gi!en number is Prime or "ot

Private Sub Command1_Click() !im a* b* c $+ Inte,er a - Val(Te.t1/Te.t) b-' c-2 I< (c ;- a 3 2) $nd (a %od c - ') T9en b-1 #nd I< c-c01 I< b - ' T9en %+,Bo. ("T9e no/ i+ Prime") #l+e %+,Bo. ("T9e no/ i+ ot Prime") #nd I<
#nd Sub


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254



Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Features Of Visual Basic

Visual Basic Is Object Oriented

Writing Visual Basic code involves thinking visually, and thinking first about objects, rather than procedures. A form to receive user input is an object and likely contains other objects--its "children." ommand buttons, te!t bo!es and option buttons are all e!amples of controls you might find on a user form.

Visual Basic Programs Are !ent Dri!en

A natural conse"uence of programming #ith objects is choosing #hich events each object #ill respond to, and then choosing each object$s response to those events. %he follo#ing is a code fragment that represents a radio button$s &an object' response to the event of a user clicking it.

"#SI"I$ %orm Designer

Another characteristic of Visual Basic is its WYSIWIG (what you see is what you get) form designer. You can create forms visually and uic!ly" while Visual Basic su##lies the s!eleton code $ehind your form and its controls. %reate a new form in Visual Basic through the menu item &'ro(ect ) Add Windows *orm.& You drag and dro# controls onto the form from a #alette of controls" which you then si+e and #osition according to your #ro(ect,s needs. Visual Basic remem$ers the settings you assign in the design window when you finally e-ecute your #rogram.

Adding Code to ac& Object

.ou$le/clic!ing each o$(ect in the designer window causes Visual Basic to create some s!eleton code for that o$(ect. Your (o$ is to fill in the $lan!s to ma!e the o$(ect do something. If you create a $utton control for your form" dou$le/clic! it while in the form design window. Visual Basic ta!es you to the su$routine $utton01%lic!. In that su$routine" you code what you want to ha##en when your #rogram,s users #ress the $utton during #rogram e-ecution.


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

GUI Interface

VB i+ a Jra79ical G+er Inter<ace (JGI) lan,ua,e/ T9i+ mean+ t9at a VB 7ro,ram Iill alIaE+ +9oI +omet9in, on t9e +creen t9at t9e u+er can interact Iit9 (u+uallE via mou+e and keEboard) to ,et a Aob done/ T9e <ir+t +te7 in buildin, t9e VB 7ro,ram i+ to ,et t9e JGI item+ on t9e +creen/ T9i+ i+ done via 7ull1doIn menu+ t9at li+t t9e available ,ra79ical obAect+/ 4or e.am7le* i< t9e JGI item i+ a +Iitc9* le<t1 clickin, Iould alloI t9e 7ro,rammer to +aE 9oI bi, t9e +Iitc9 Ia+* 9oI it Ia+ labeled and I9ere on t9e +creen it i+ 7o+itioned/ Ki,9t1 clickin, on t9e +Iitc9 Iould brin, u7 a IindoI t9at alloI+ t9e 7ro,rammer to Irite t9e code t9at de+cribe+ I9at 9a77en+ I9en t9e u+er click+ t9e +Iitc9/

Macros IDE

T9e %acro+ inte,rated develo7ment environment (I!#) i+ +imilar in de+i,n and <unction to t9e Vi+ual Studio I!#/ T9e %acro+ I!# include+ a Code #ditor* tool IindoI+* t9e ProAect #.7lorer* #ditor and Pro7ertie+ IindoI+/ T9e di<<erence betIeen t9e %acro+ I!# and Vi+ual Studio+ I!# i+ t9at t9e %acro+ I!# a77lie+ to t9e code and 7roAect+ Iit9in t9e %acro+ environment.


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

Types Of Projects
Windows &pplication ,emplate -lass .ibrary ,emplate -onsole &pplication ,emplate WPF &pplication WPF Browser &pplication G+ed to create 8indoI+1ba+ed a77lication+ t9at run locallE on u+er+L com7uter+/ >ou can build anEt9in, <rom a +im7le +in,le1IindoI tool like 8indoI+ Calculator to a com7lete a77lication t9at 9a+ multi7le IindoI+ and advanced ca7abilitie+/ G+ed to create reu+able cla++e+ or com7onent+ t9at can be +9ared Iit9 multi7le 7roAect+/ G+ed to create command1line a77lication+* 7ro,ram+ t9at run <rom a 8indoI+ command 7rom7t and 9ave no vi+ual inter<ace/ G+ed to create +tand1alone 8indoI+ Pre+entation 4oundation a77lication+/ G+ed to create broI+er19o+ted 8indoI+ Pre+entation 4oundation a77lication+/


Nidhi Thareja

Introduction To VB 254

/V0(1&. B&(0-2 .&B.

(3((04" 2563 BB&/-&)2 0V (3). "idhi ,hare7a 55863956:66

16 X, Karkardooma Institutional Area, New Delhi, Delhi- 110092


Nidhi Thareja

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