Pamintul o Minune A Creatiei

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Pmntul trebuie:

Sa se afle in zona galactica habitabila, potrivita pentru viata galactic habitable zone
An annular region of our Galaxy in which it has been hypothesized that conditions are best suited to the development and survival of life as we know it. The GHZ was first proposed in !! by Guillermo Gonzalez of "owa #tate $niversity and %onald &rownlee and 'eter (ard of (ashington $niversity) and has subse*uently been endorsed by a number of other researchers) including +harles ,ineweaver. -utside the galactic habitable zone .GHZ/) the theory goes) various factors make the existence of complex .multicellular/ life difficult if not impossible. The current GHZ is said to extend from 0 to ! kiloparsecs .12)333 to 1!)333 light4years/ from the galactic center) is widening with time) and is composed of stars that formed between 5 and 6 billion years ago. The GHZ is analogous to the much more well established concept of the habitable zone of a star.

According to the GHZ hypothesis) the width of the GHZ is controlled by two factors. The inner .closest to the center of the galaxy/ limit is set by threats to complex life7 nearby transient sources of ionizing radiation) including supernovae and gamma ray bursters) and comet impacts. #uch threats tend to increase close to the galactic center. The outer limit is imposed by galactic chemical evolution) specifically the abundance of heavier elements) such as carbon. you can8t be to far from the center) because you won8t get enough heavy elements from the lower number of dying stars in the spiral arms.

Sa orbiteze in jurul unei stele potrivite(main sequence G2 dwarf star)

G stea galbena dwarf star stea pitica

Parent Star's Mass
"f the star9s mass is too great) the luminosity of the star would change too *uickly: and the star would burn too rapidly and too hot for lengthy enough life4support. .e.g.) "f the #un in our solar system were one of the most massive and hottest stars) all of the li*uids and lighter things on earth would boil and burn off/ ...&$T) if the star9s mass is too small) the range of suitable planet distances for life would be too narrow and close: also) tidal forces would disrupt the life planet9s rotational period to rapidly: also) $; radiation would be inade*uate for plants to make sugars and oxygen. 44 !!.!< of all stars have the wrong mass for proper luminosity) burning rate) $; radiation) and proper range of suitable planet distances for life4support. "n other words) = 3th of < are -> in this regard.

Parent Star's Age

"f star9s age is too old or too young) the luminosity of the star changes too *uickly for stable life4support. 44 ?3< of stars are the wrong age to maintain stable luminosity suitable for life4support.

Parent Star's Metallicity

"f the star9s metal4content is too small) then insufficient heavy elements for life chemistry would exist. &$T) if its metal4content is too large) then radioactivity would be too intense for life: also) life would be poisoned by to large of concentrations of heavy elements. 44 !@< of all stars have a metallicity which is too small or too large for suitable life4support on nearby planets.

rotejat de planete !giganti gazosi!

A(ithout those two planets .and especially Bupiter/) there would be thousands of times more comets in the C>uiper &eltC) a relatively short distance outside the giant planets.

And they would wander into the inner #olar #ystem so fre*uently that such impacts might completely devastate Darth as often as once every 33)333 years 44 enough to make absolutely certain that metazoan life would never have the slightest chance to even start evolving on this planetA by Bruce Moomaw Cameron Park - May 2, 2000

"n zona circumstelara habitabila

#he planet must be the right distance from its star $$$if it is too close, the surface sta%s too hot for life, and the star&s winds and radiation strips the planet of free gases$ '' (r if the plante is too far from its star, then it sta%s too cold$ '' ("n this regard, onl% 1 planet out of 1000 is suitable for life' support$)

( orbita aproape circulara

#he planet&s orbit must be almost circular $$$not too eccentric, which puts the planet either too close for part of the orbit (ma)ing it too hot) or too far from its star for part of its orbit (ma)ing it too cold)$ ' ((nl% *+, of planets are (- here$)

( atmosfera bogata in o.igen

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