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TRANSFER ENDORSEMENT FORM Name of student (Korean name): Hyunwoo Kim English name (if applicable): James Date

of transfer:November &ecent teacher: 'igo !"#$ %ime: $pm (revious teacher: Emerson

)urriculum: ((lease chec* the specific curriculum+ ,or treasures- please indicate if there.s an e/ception) %reasures 0000010000000000000 )onversation: 000002eveled non ,iction reader 300000000000000 Edutimes 000000000000000000 'i/ed: (specify) 0000000000000000000 Books: _______Treasures 6__Wed: %reasures grade 1 (4 page $" _______Fri: Leveled NFR 5 " Niagara Falls " page 9 (Next) 5tudent.s characteristics: 6 7 lot of patience must be e/creted on the student+ He tal*s and tal*s and tal*s if he wanted to and you can.t stop him+HE IS A SMART STUDENT and is aware of what you spea*+ 6 00James is in8uisitive as he spea*s 8uite well in his level+ %al*ative when in the mood+ 7 little mischievous and may re8uire some patience and firmness+000 (next)

5tudent.s wea*ness: 0James is 8uite unpredictable+ He may be mischievous and has a tendency to waste time doing unnecessary things such as drawings and story6telling about anything he li*es- and test the patience of the teacher+ 000000000000 5pecial re8uests:

65po*en grammar needs to be corrected+ (5ub9ect verb agreement- prepositions+):

0James li*e to have interactive discussion incorporated with some activities that may come from the online lin*s or story telling about monsters as his favorite topic+0000 Endorsed by: 0000Emerson ;olipardo0000 &eceived by: 00000000000000000000 TRANSFER ENDORSEMENT FORM Name of student (Korean name): Hyunwoo Kim English name (if applicable): James Date of transfer:November &ecent teacher: 'igo !"#$ %ime: $pm (revious teacher: Emerson

)urriculum: ((lease chec* the specific curriculum+ ,or treasures- please indicate if there.s an e/ception) %reasures 0000010000000000000 )onversation: 000002eveled non ,iction reader 300000000000000 Edutimes 000000000000000000 'i/ed: (specify) 0000000000000000000 Books: _______Treasures 6__Wed: %reasures grade 1 (4 page $" _______Fri: Leveled NFR 5 " Niagara Falls " page 9 (Next) (next)

5tudent.s characteristics: 6 7 lot of patience must be e/creted on the student+ He tal*s and tal*s and tal*s if he wanted to and you can.t stop him+HE IS A SMART STUDENT and is aware of what you spea*+ 6 00James is in8uisitive as he spea*s 8uite well in his level+ %al*ative when in the mood+ 7 little mischievous and may re8uire some patience and firmness+000

5tudent.s wea*ness: 0James is 8uite unpredictable+ He may be mischievous and has a tendency to waste time doing unnecessary things such as drawings and story6telling about anything he li*es- and test the patience of the teacher+ 000000000000 5pecial re8uests:

65po*en grammar needs to be corrected+ (5ub9ect verb agreement- prepositions+):

0James li*e to have interactive discussion incorporated with some activities that may come from the online lin*s or story telling about monsters as his favorite topic+0000 Endorsed by: 0000Emerson ;olipardo0000 &eceived by:

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