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G.R. No.


June 5, 2009

LEONILO SANCHEZ alias NILO, Appellant, vs.PEOPLE O !HE PHILIPPINES an" CO#R! O APPEALS, Appellees. RESOLUTION NACH#RA, J.: Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari un!er Rule "# of the Rules of Civil Pro$e!ure see%in& the reversal of the Court of Appeals 'CA( )e$ision* !ate! +e,ruar- *., *../ whi$h affir0e! the )e$ision1 !ate! 2ul- 1., *..1 of the Re&ional Trial Court 'RTC( of Ta&,ilaran Cit-, Bohol, $onvi$tin& appellant Leonilo San$he3 alias Nilo 'appellant( of the $ri0e of Other A$ts of Chil! A,use punisha,le un!er Repu,li$ A$t 'R.A.( No. /4 ." in relation to Presi!ential )e$ree 'P.).( No. 4.1,# with a 0o!ifi$ation of the penalt- i0pose!. The Facts Appellant was $har&e! with the $ri0e of Other A$ts of Chil! A,use in an Infor0ation4 !ate! Au&ust *5, *.. whi$h rea!s6 The un!ersi&ne!, Se$on! Assistant Provin$ial Prose$utor, here,a$$uses Leonilo San$he3 alias Nilo of La7o&, Clarin, Bohol of the $ri0e of Other A$ts of Chil! A,use, $o00itte! as follows6 That on or a,out the *n! !a- of Septe0,er, *... in the 0uni$ipalitof Clarin, provin$e of Bohol, Philippines, an! within the 7uris!i$tion of this 8onora,le Court, a$tin& as a +a0il- Court, the a,ove9na0e! a$$use!, with intent to a,use, e:ploit an!;or to infli$t other $on!itions pre7u!i$ial to the $hil!<s !evelop0ent, !i! then an! there willfull-, unlawfull- an! feloniousl- a,use ph-si$all- one =>>>?, / a si:teen ' 4( -ear ol! 0inor, ,- hittin& her thri$e in the upper part of her le&s, an! whi$h a$ts are pre7u!i$ial to the $hil!9vi$ti0<s !evelop0ent whi$h a$ts are not $overe! ,- the Revise! Penal Co!e, as a0en!e!, ,ut the sa0e are $overe! ,- Art. #5, par. @ of P.). No. 4.1 as a0en!e!A to the !a0a&e an! pre7u!i$e of the offen!e! part- in the a0ount to ,e prove! !urin& the trial. A$ts $o00itte! $ontrar- to the provisions of Se$tion .'a( in relation

to Se$tions 1'a( an! 1',( No. of P) 4.1, a0en!e!.

of Rep. A$t No. /4 . an! Se$. #5'@(

Upon arrai&n0ent, appellant plea!e! not &uilt-. Trial on the 0erits ensue!. In the $ourse of the trial, two var-in& versions e0er&e!. Version of the Prosecution Private $o0plainant >>> was ,orn on Bar$h *", Bentalon&on, )ala&uete, Ce,u to +++ an! BBB. @ 5@" in

On Septe0,er *", 55/, >>><s father, +++, starte! leasin& a portion of the fishpon! owne! ,- Es$olasti$o RonCuillo 'Es$olasti$o(, lo$ate! at La7o&, Clarin, Bohol. +++ an! his fa0il- o$$upie! the house ,esi!e the fishpon! whi$h was left ,- the for0er tenant. 5 On Septe0,er *, *... at aroun! /6.. in the 0ornin&, while >>> was $uttin& &rass in their -ar!, appellant arrive! loo%in& for +++ who was then at another fishpon! owne! ,- Nil!a Parilla lo$ate! in Boa$ao, Clarin, Bohol. >>> %new appellant ,e$ause he is the hus,an! of Bienveni!a RonCuillo 'Bienveni!a(, one of the heirs of Es$olasti$o. . She noti$e! that appellant ha! a sanggot 'si$%le( tu$%e! in his waist. Appellant then went to >>>Ds house an! inCuire! fro0 >>>Ds -oun&er ,rother, BBB, the wherea,outs of the latterDs father. BBB !i! not answer ,ut his 0other, BBB, tol! appellant that +++ was not aroun!. Ri&ht then an! there, appellant tol! the0 to leave the pla$e an! starte! !estro-in& the house with the use of his si$%le. As a result, appellant !estro-e! the roof, the wall an! the win!ows of the house. BBB &ot an&r- an! tol! appellant that he $oul! not 7ust !rive the0 awa- sin$e the $ontra$t for the use of the fishpon! was not -et ter0inate!. >>> was then sent ,- BBB to fet$h a ,aran&a- tanod. She !i! as or!ere! ,ut ,aran&a- tanod Ni$olas Pata-on refuse! to o,li&e ,e$ause he !i! not want to interfere in the pro,le0 $on$ernin& the fishpon!. On her wa- ,a$% to their house, >>> saw appellant $o0in& fro0 his shop with a &allon of &asoline, hea!e! to their house. Appellant warne! >>> to ,etter pa$% up her fa0il-Ds thin&s ,e$ause he woul! ,urn their house. * Upon rea$hin& their house, >>> saw her ,rother, BBB, &et a pie$e of woo! fro0 the ,a$% of their house to !efen! the0selves an! their

house fro0 appellant. 8owever, appellant approa$he! BBB, &ra,,e! the pie$e of woo! fro0 the latter an! starte! ,eatin& hi0 with it. 1 At the si&ht, >>> approa$he! appellant an! pushe! hi0. Ir%e! ,- what she !i!, appellant turne! to her an! stru$% her with the pie$e of woo! three '1( ti0es, twi$e on the left thi&h an! on$e ,elow her ri&ht ,utto$%s. As a result, the woo! ,ro%e into several pie$es. >>> pi$%e! up so0e of the ,ro%en pie$es an! threw the0 ,a$% at appellant. BBB restraine! BBB, tellin& hi0 not to fi&ht ,a$%. After whi$h, appellant left, ,rin&in& with hi0 the &allon of &asoline. " +++ arrive! at a,out .6.. in the 0ornin& of that !a-. Ehen he learne! a,out what ha! happene!, +++ ,rou&ht his !au&hter to the Clarin 8ealth Center for 0e!i$al attention an! treat0ent. # )r. >i$ente Banalo ')r. Banalo( atten!e! to >>> an! issue! her a 0e!i$al $ertifi$ate 4 !ate! Septe0,er *, *..., statin& that >>> sustaine! the followin&6 CONTUSION EIT8 8EBATOBA PROFIBAL LATERAL PORTION O+ T8IG8, RIG8T TIBE TO 8EAL6 19" )AHS, BARRING COBPLICATIONS +ro0 the health $enter, +++ an! >>> went to the Clarin Poli$e Station where the- ha! the in$i!ent ,lottere!. / Thereafter, +++ reCueste! Elie3er Inferi!o to ta%e pi$tures of the in7uries sustaine! ,>>>. @ Version of the Defense Appellant an! his wife, Bienveni!a, !evelope! an! operate! the fishpon! fro0 5@* to 5@/. So0eti0e in 55/, +++ o$$upie! the fishpon! an! the nipa hut ,esi!e the sa0e, ,- virtue of a Be0oran!u0 of A&ree0ent 5 'BOA( entere! into ,- +++ with the 8eirs of Es$olasti$o, as represente! ,- Se&un!ino RonCuillo. After the BOA e:pire! in 55@, appellant an! his wife, Bienveni!a, !e$i!e! to !is$ontinue the lease ,e$ause the- !i! not un!erstan! the 0ana&e0ent an! a$$ountin& of +++. The- 0a!e several !e0an!s on hi0 to return possession of the fishpon! ,ut +++ refuse!, as%in& for a written ter0ination of the $ontra$t fro0 all the heirs of Es$olasti$o. To solve the pro,le0, appellant an! Bienveni!a

en&a&e! the servi$es of +++ as $areta%er of the fishpon!, provi!in& hi0 with fin&erlin&s, fertili3ers an! all ne$essar- e:penses. This notwithstan!in&, +++ still faile! to 0a%e an a$$ountin&. Thus, on Septe0,er *, *..., at aroun! /6.. in the 0ornin&, after pasturin& his $attle, appellant !roppe! ,- the house of +++ to as% hi0 to 0a%e a !etaile! a$$ountin& ,e$ause he an! his wife were not satisfie! with the harvest in Au&ust of *.... BBB, however, retorte!, sa-in& that the- woul! no lon&er 0a%e an- a$$ountin&, as Benn- RonCuillo, ,rother of appellantDs wife, woul! finan$e the ne:t $roppin&. )isplease! with BBB<s state0ent, appellant &ot an&r- an! !e0an!e! that the- leave the fishpon!. +++<s fa0il- resente! this !e0an! an! a $o00otion ensue!. BBB &ot a pie$e of woo! an! stru$% appellant ,ut the latter was a,le to parr- the ,low. Appellant &ot hol! of the pie$e of woo! whi$h a$tuall- ,ro%e. Inten!in& not to hurt an-,o!-, appellant threw the sa0e ,ehin! hi0. Su!!enl- fro0 ,ehin!, >>> appeare!, &ot hol! of the sai! pie$e of woo! an! hit appellant on$e at the ,a$% of his shoul!er. Appellant testifie! that the ,low was not stron& enou&h to in7ure hi0. *. Appellant $lai0e! that he was surprise! that a $ri0inal $ase was file! ,- >>> a&ainst hi0 for alle&e!l- ,eatin& her. Appellant !enie! that he ,eat >>>, sa-in& that the instant $ase was fa,ri$ate! an! was ,ein& use! as a 0eans to e:tort 0one- fro0 hi0. * Boreover, appellant asseverate! that Ronal! Lauren ** 'Ronal!( witnesse! the in$i!ent. Ronal! testifie! that he saw BBB stri%e appellant with a pie$e of woo! ,ut appellant was a,le to parr- the ,lowA that appellant threw awa- the pie$e of woo!A that when appellant threw the pie$e of woo!, there was no one there at the ti0eA an! that appellant left the pla$e i00e!iatel-.*1 The RTC's Ruling On 2ul- 1., *..1, the RTC foun! that at the arrai&n0ent, appellant, throu&h for0er $ounsel Att-. Theo!ore Ca,ahu& 'Att-. Ca,ahu&(, a!0itte! that he hit >>>, althou&h unintentionall-. Thus, appellant ha! the ,ur!en of provin& that, at the ti0e >>> was hit, appellant was perfor0in& a lawful a$t. The RTC rule! that the evi!en$e !i! not

favor appellant ,e$ause his !e0an! for +++<s fa0il- to va$ate the fishpon!, $ouple! with threats an! pun$tuate! with a$tual use of for$e, e:$ee!e! the li0its allowe! ,- law. The RTC also hel! that the in7uries sustaine! ,- >>> were !istin&uisha,le, in!i$atin& that the ,low was for$eful, an! that the for$e use! was stron&. Thus, the RTC !ispose! in this wise6 E8ERE+ORE, pre0ises $onsi!ere!, this Court fin!s LEONILO SANC8EI y Aranas &uilt- ,e-on! reasona,le !ou,t of violatin& para&raph 'a(, Se$tion . of Repu,li$ A$t No. /4 ., an! appl-in& in his favor the In!eter0inate Senten$e Law, this Court i0poses on hi0 the in!eter0inate senten$e of an i0prison0ent of Si: '4( -ears of prision =correccional? as 0ini0u0 to seven '/( -ears an! four '"( 0onths of prision mayor as 0a:i0u0, with $osts a&ainst hi0. The Court or!ers hi0 to pa- =>>>? the su0 of TEN T8OUSAN) PESOS 'P .,......( for $ivil in!e0nit- an! the su0 of TEN T8OUSAN) PESOS 'P .,......( for !a0a&esA the awar!s for $ivil in!e0nit- an! !a0a&es are without su,si!iar- penalties in $ase of insolven$-. IN ACCOR)ANCE with letter 'f( of Se$tion 1 of Repu,li$ A$t No. /4 ., the Court e:er$isin& its !is$retion also i0poses on Leonilo San$he3 y Aranas the penalt- of a fine of Two Thousan! Pesos 'P*,......( without su,si!iar- penalt- in $ase of insolven$-. SO OR)ERE).*" Appellant file! a Botion for Re$onsi!eration *# $onten!in& that appellant never a!0itte! that he hit >>>. The RTC, however, !enie! the 0otion in its Or!er*4 !ate! Au&ust @, *..1 for ,ein& pro for0a. A&&rieve!, appellant appeale! to the CA. */ The CA's Ruling On +e,ruar- *., *../, the CA hel! that the re$or! of the pro$ee!in&s ta%en !urin& appellant<s arrai&n0ent ,efore the RTC ,elie! appellant<s $ontention that his !efense was one of a,solute !enial. The CA pointe! to a 0anifestation of appellant<s $ounsel, Att-. Ca,ahu&, in open $ourt that appellant was puttin& up an affir0ative !efense ,e$ause the a$t of hittin& >>> was unintentional. +urther0ore, the !efense of a,solute !enial interpose! ,- appellant $annot prevail over the positive an! $ate&ori$al state0ents of >>>

an! her witnesses, &ivin& full $re!en$e to the fa$tual fin!in&s of the RTC. The CA also rule! that the Infor0ation file! a&ainst appellant was not !efe$tive inas0u$h as the alle&ations therein were e:pli$it. In su0, the CA hel! that the prose$ution ha! full- esta,lishe! the ele0ents of the offense $har&e!, i.e., Other A$ts of Chil! A,use un!er R.A. No. /4 . an! P.). No. 4.1. 8owever, the CA opine! that the RTC erre! in appl-in& the In!eter0inate Senten$e Law ,e$ause R.A. No. /4 . is a spe$ial law. Lastl-, the CA !elete! the awar! of $ivil in!e0nit- an! !a0a&es for utter la$% of ,asis. The fallo of the CA !e$ision rea!s6 $HERE ORE, all the fore&oin& $onsi!ere!, the appeale! 2u!&0ent !ate! 2ul- 1., *..1 of the Re&ional Trial Court of Bohol, Bran$h , Ta&,ilaran Cit- in Cri0inal Case No. . fin!in& a$$use!9appellant &uilt- ,e-on! reasona,le !ou,t of Other A$ts of Chil! A,use un!er Repu,li$ A$t No. /4 . an! Presi!ential )e$ree No. 4.1 is here,#PHEL% with &O%I ICA!ION as to the penalt- i0pose!. A$$use!9 appellant is senten$e! to suffer an in!eter0inate penalt- of si: '4( -ears an! one ' ( !a- as 0ini0u0 to ei&ht '@( -ears as 0a:i0u0 of prision mayor. The fine i0pose! is retaine!. The Or!er !ate! Au&ust @, *..1 !en-in& appellant<s 0otion for re$onsi!eration is here,- A IR&E%. The awar! of $ivil in!e0nit- an! !a0a&es in the assaile! )e$ision is !elete!. Eith $osts. SO OR%ERE%.*@ Appellant file! a Botion for Re$onsi!eration *5 whi$h the CA !enie! in its Resolution1. !ate! 2ul- , *../. 8en$e, this Petition $lai0in& that the CA erre!6 . IN SUSTAINING T8E CON>ICTION O+ T8E ACCUSE) )ESPITE T8E +AILURE O+ T8E STATE TO PRO>E 8IS GUILT BEHON) REASONABLE )OUBT=A? *. IN SUSTAINING T8E RULING O+ T8E TRIAL COURT T8AT IT

8A) 2URIS)ICTION =O>ER? T8E CASE )ESPITE A )E+ECTI>E IN+ORBATION E8IC8 ALLEGE) T8AT T8E ACTS COBPLAINE) O+ IS 'si$( NOT CO>ERE) BH T8E RE>ISE) PENAL CO)E, AS ABEN)E)=A AN)? 1. IN SUSTAINING T8E CON>ICTION O+ T8E ACCUSE) O+ T8E CRIBE C8ARGE) '>IOLATION O+ SECTION .'a( O+ R.A. NO. /4 .( NOTEIT8STAN)ING T8AT T8E ACT COBPLAINE) O+ IS OB>IOUSLH CO>ERE) BH T8E RE>ISE) PENAL CO)E 'A$t No. 1@ #( AS SLIG8T P8HSICAL IN2URH.1 Appellant posits that his $onvi$tion is not supporte! ,- proof ,e-on! reasona,le !ou,tA that the RTC erre! when it shifte! the ,ur!en of proof to appellantA that the RTC an! CA erre! in rulin& that appellant interpose! an affir0ative !efense when, all throu&hout his testi0on,efore the RTC, he !enie! havin& infli$te! an- in7ur- on >>>A an! that appellant an! his $ounsel !i! not si&n an- written stipulation for appellant to ,e ,oun! there,-, hen$e, the ,ur!en of proof still rests in the prose$ution. Boreover, appellant $lai0s that >>> an! her fa0ilha! ill 0otive to i0pli$ate hi0 ,e$ause of the pressure he e:erte! a&ainst the0 to &ive up the fishpon!. Appellant pointe! out that >>>, in her testi0on-, 0a!e 0aterial in$onsisten$ies as to who &ot the pie$e of woo! at the ,a$% of their house. Appellant also $lai0s that he ha! no 0otive or intention of har0in& an-one, otherwise, he woul! have !one so earlier that !a-A that if BBB was also ,eaten, he shoul! have su,0itte! hi0self for 0e!i$al treat0ent an! e:a0inationA an! that the Infor0ation $har&in& appellant was su,stantiall- an! 7uris!i$tionall- !efe$tive as the a$ts $o0plaine! of were $overe! ,the provisions of the Revise! Penal Co!e. Appellant su,0its that, if !ul- proven, the a$ts $o0plaine! of are $learl- $onstitutive of Sli&ht Ph-si$al In7uries punisha,le un!er Arti$le *44 1* of the Revise! Penal Co!e. Appellant, li%ewise, posits that the instant $ase is not one for $hil! a,use, sin$e >>> was neither punishe! in a $ruel an! unusual 0anner nor !eli,eratel- su,7e$te! to e:$essive in!i&nities or hu0iliation. The a$t was not $ruel sin$e the in7ur- was 0erel- sli&ht per 0e!i$al fin!in&sA the lo$ation of the in7ur- was on the thi&h whi$h is not unusualA an! >>> was not ,eaten in front of 0an- people as to hu0iliate her. Lastl-, no evi!en$e was su,0itte! ,- the prose$ution,

su$h as a testi0on- of a $hil! ps-$holo&ist, or even of >>><s tea$her who $oul! have o,serve! $han&es in the vi$ti0<s ,ehavior, as to prove that the in7ur- was pre7u!i$ial to the vi$ti0<s !evelop0ent. Appellant alle&es that the $har&e was o,viousl- 0a!e as one for $hil! a,use, instea! of sli&ht ph-si$al in7uries, in or!er to su,7e$t hi0 to a 0u$h heavier penalt-. Appellant pra-s for a$Cuittal ,ase! on reasona,le !ou,t an!, in the alternative, if foun! &uilt-, he shoul! ,e $onvi$te! onl- of the $ri0e of sli&ht ph-si$al in7uries un!er the Revise! Penal Co!e.11 On the other han!, the Offi$e of the Soli$itor General 'OSG( asseverates that the instant Petition is fatall- !efe$tive ,e$ause it raises purel- fa$tual issues $ontrar- to the 0an!ator- provisions of Rule "# of the Rules of CourtA that the Trans$ript of Steno&raphi$ Notes 'TSN( ta%en !urin& appellant<s arrai&n0ent on Nove0,er 4, *.. $learl- shows that appellant, throu&h Att-. Ca,ahu&, raise! an affir0ative !efense, hen$e, appellant $annot now $han&e his theor-A that the prose$ution esta,lishe! the fa$t that appellant $o00itte! the a$ts $o0plaine! of ,- virtue of the !ire$t, positive an! $ate&ori$al testi0onies of >>>, $orro,orate! ,- BBB an! !ul- supporte! ,- the 0e!i$al e:a0ination $on!u$te! ,- )r. Banalo an! the entr- in the poli$e ,lotterA that >>><s an! BBB<s state0ents are $onsistent with their alle&ations in their respe$tive $o0plaint9affi!avitsA an! that appellant faile! to present an- reason or &roun! to set asi!e the !e$isions of the RTC an! the CA. +urther0ore, the OSG ar&ues that there is no a0,i&uit- in the Infor0ation as the alle&ations are $lear an! e:pli$it to $onstitute the essential ele0ents of the offense of $hil! a,use, to wit6 'a( 0inorit- of the vi$ti0A ',( a$ts $o0plaine! of are pre7u!i$ial to the !evelop0ent of the $hil!9vi$ti0A an! '$( the sai! a$ts are $overe! ,- the pertinent provisions of R.A. No. /4 . an! P.). No. 4.1. The OSG su,0its that appellant $annot now fei&n i&noran$e of the offense un!er whi$h he was spe$ifi$all- $har&e!, an! to whi$h he voluntaril- entere! a plea of not &uilt- when arrai&ne!. 1" 8owever, the OSG opines that the CA erre! in 0o!if-in& the in!eter0inate senten$e i0pose! ,- the RTC. The offense of Other A$ts of Chil! A,use as !efine! an! punishe! un!er Se$tion .'a( of R.A. No. /4 ., a spe$ial law, $arries the penalt- of prision mayor in its 0ini0u0 perio! whi$h is a penalt- !efine! in the Revise! Penal Co!e. The OSG states that the RTC $orre$tl- applie! the first part of

Se$tion of the In!eter0inate Senten$e Law, senten$in& appellant to an in!eter0inate senten$e of si: '4( -ears of prision correccional, as 0ini0u0, to seven '/( -ears an! four '"( 0onths of prision mayor, as 0a:i0u0, the 0ini0u0 ter0 thereof ,ein& within the ran&e of the penalt- ne:t lower in !e&ree to the pres$ri,e! penalt-, as there were no atten!ant 0iti&atin& an!;or a&&ravatin& $ir$u0stan$es. Thus, the OSG pra-s that the instant petition ,e !enie! an! the assaile! CA )e$ision ,e 0o!ifie! as afore0entione! ,ut affir0e! in all other respe$ts.1# Our Ruling The instant Petition is ,ereft of 0erit. Un!er Su,se$tion ',(, Se$tion 1 of R.A. No. /4 ., $hil! a,use refers to the 0altreat0ent of a $hil!, whether ha,itual or not, whi$h in$lu!es an' o( )*e (ollo+in,6 ' ( Ps-$holo&i$al an! -*' a/use, ne&le$t, $ruelt-, se:ual a,use an! e0otional 0altreat0entA '*( An- a$t ,- !ee!s or wor!s whi$h !e,ases, !e&ra!es or !e0eans the intrinsi$ worth an! !i&nit- of a $hil! as a hu0an ,ein&A '1( Unreasona,le !eprivation of his ,asi$ nee!s for survival, su$h as foo! an! shelterA o0 '"( +ailure to i00e!iatel- &ive 0e!i$al treat0ent to an in7ure! $hil! resultin& in serious i0pair0ent of his &rowth an! !evelop0ent or in his per0anent in$apa$it- or !eath.14 In this $ase, the appli$a,le laws are Arti$le #5 1/ of P.). No. 4.1 an! Se$tion .'a( of R.A. No. /4 .. Se$tion .'a( of R.A. No. /4 . provi!es6 SECTION .. Other A$ts of Ne&le$t, A,use, Cruelt- or E:ploitation an! Other Con!itions Pre7u!i$ial to the Chil!<s )evelop0ent. J 'a( An- person who shall $o00it an- other a$ts of $hil! a,use, $ruelt- or e:ploitation or ,e responsi,le for other $on!itions pre7u!i$ial to the $hil!<s !evelop0ent in$lu!in& those $overe! ,-

Arti$le #5 of Presi!ential )e$ree No. 4.1, as a0en!e!, ,ut not $overe! ,- the Revise! Penal Co!e, as a0en!e!, shall suffer the penalt- of prision mayor in its 0ini0u0 perio!. In this $onne$tion, our rulin& in Araneta v. People1@ is instru$tive6 As &leane! fro0 the fore&oin&, the provision punishes not onl- those enu0erate! un!er Arti$le #5 of Presi!ential )e$ree No. 4.1, ,ut also four !istin$t a$ts, i.e., 'a( $hil! a,use, ',( $hil! $ruelt-, '$( $hil! e:ploitation an! '!( ,ein& responsi,le for $on!itions pre7u!i$ial to the $hil!Ds !evelop0ent. The Rules an! Re&ulations of the Cuestione! statute !istin$tl- an! separatel- !efine! $hil! a,use, $ruelt- an! e:ploitation 7ust to show that these three a$ts are !ifferent fro0 one another an! fro0 the a$t pre7u!i$ial to the $hil!Ds !evelop0ent. Contrar- to petitionerDs assertion, an a..use" .an /e -0ose.u)e" an" /e .on1i.)e" un"e0 Se.)ion 102a3, A0)i.le 4I o( Re-u/li. A.) No. 7510 i( *e .o66i)s an' o( )*e (ou0 a.)s )*e0ein . The prose$ution nee! not prove that the a$ts of $hil! a,use, $hil! $rueltan! $hil! e:ploitation have resulte! in the pre7u!i$e of the $hil! ,e$ause an a$t pre7u!i$ial to the !evelop0ent of the $hil! is !ifferent fro0 the for0er a$ts. Boreover, it is a rule in statutor- $onstru$tion that the wor! KorK is a !is7un$tive ter0 si&nif-in& !isso$iation an! in!epen!en$e of one thin& fro0 other thin&s enu0erate!. It shoul!, as a rule, ,e $onstrue! in the sense whi$h it or!inaril- i0plies. 8en$e, the use of KorK in Se$tion .'a( of Repu,li$ A$t No. /4 . ,efore the phrase K,e responsi,le for other $on!itions pre7u!i$ial to the $hil!Ds !evelop0entK supposes that there are four punisha,le a$ts therein. +irst, the a.) o( .*il" a/useA se$on!, .*il" .0uel)'A thir!, .*il" e7-loi)a)ionA an! fourth, /ein, 0es-onsi/le (o0 .on"i)ions -0e8u"i.ial )o )*e .*il"9s "e1elo-6en). The fourth penali3e! a$t $annot ,e interprete!, as petitioner su&&ests, as a Cualif-in& $on!ition for the three other a$ts, ,e$ause an anal-sis of the entire $onte:t of the Cuestione! provision !oes not warrant su$h $onstrual. 15

Appellant $onten!s that, after proof, the a$t shoul! not ,e $onsi!ere! as $hil! a,use ,ut 0erel- as sli&ht ph-si$al in7uries !efine! an! punisha,le un!er Arti$le *44 of the Revise! Penal Co!e. Appellant $onvenientl- for&ets that when the in$i!ent happene!, >>> was a

$hil! entitle! to the prote$tion e:ten!e! ,- R.A. No. /4 ., as 0an!ate! ,- the Constitution.". As !efine! in the law, $hil! a,use in$lu!es ph-si$al a,use of the $hil!, whether the sa0e is ha,itual or not. The a$t of appellant falls sCuarel- within this !efinition. Ee, therefore, $annot a$$ept appellant<s $ontention. In the sa0e 0anner, we re7e$t appellant<s $lai0 that the Infor0ation file! a&ainst hi0 was !efe$tive. In Rest- 2u0aCuio v. 8on. 2oselito C. >illarosa," we hel! that what $ontrols is not the title of the infor0ation or the !esi&nation of the offense ,ut the a$tual fa$ts re$ite! therein. Eithout !ou,t, the aver0ents in the Infor0ation $learl- 0a%e out the offense of $hil! a,use un!er Se$tion .'a( of R.A. No. /4 .. The followin& were alle&e!6 ' ( the 0inorit- of >>>A '*( the a$ts $onstitutin& ph-si$al a,use, $o00itte! ,- appellant a&ainst >>>A an! '1( sai! a$ts are $learl- punisha,le un!er R.A. No. /4 . in relation to P.). No. 4.1. In!ee!, as ar&ue! ,- the OSG, the $o00ission of the offense is $learl- re$ite! in the Infor0ation, an! appellant $annot now fei&n i&noran$e of this. Appellant $oul! onl- proffer the !efense of !enial. Nota,l-, the RTC foun! >>> an! BBB to ,e $re!i,le witnesses, whose testi0onies !eserve full $re!en$e. It ,ears stressin& that full wei&ht an! respe$t are usuall- a$$or!e! ,- the appellate $ourt to the fin!in&s of the trial $ourt on the $re!i,ilit- of witnesses, sin$e the trial 7u!&e ha! the opportunit- to o,serve the !e0eanor of the witnesses. "* ECuallnoteworth- is the fa$t that the CA !i! not !istur, the RTC<s appre$iation of the witnessesD $re!i,ilit-. Thus, we appl- the $ar!inal rule that fa$tual fin!in&s of the trial $ourt, its $ali,ration of the testi0onies of the witnesses, an! its $on$lusions an$hore! on su$h fin!in&s, are a$$or!e! respe$t, if not $on$lusive effe$t, espe$iallwhen affir0e! ,- the CA. The e:$eption is when it is esta,lishe! that the trial $ourt i&nore!, overloo%e!, 0is$onstrue!, or 0isinterprete! $o&ent fa$ts an! $ir$u0stan$es whi$h, if $onsi!ere!, will $han&e the out$o0e of the $ase. Ee have reviewe! the re$or!s of the RTC an! the CA an! we fin! no reason to !eviate fro0 the fin!in&s of ,oth $ourts an! their unifor0 $on$lusion that appellant is in!ee! &uilt,e-on! reasona,le !ou,t of the offense of Other A$ts of Chil! A,use."1 8owever, the penalt- i0pose! upon appellant ,- the CA !eserves

review. The i0posa,le penalt- un!er Se$tion .'a(, Arti$le >I of Repu,li$ A$t No. /4 . is prision 0a-or in its 0ini0u0 perio!. Appl-in& the In!eter0inate Senten$e Law, the RTC i0pose! upon appellant the penalt- of si: '4( -ears of prision correccional, as 0ini0u0, to seven '/( -ears an! four '"( 0onths of prision mayor, as 0a:i0u0. The CA 0o!ifie! this ,- i0posin& upon appellant the in!eter0inate penalt- of si: '4( -ears an! one ' ( !a-, as 0ini0u0, to ei&ht '@( -ears, as 0a:i0u0, of prision mayor, postulatin& that sin$e R.A. No. /4 . is a spe$ial law, the RTC shoul! have i0pose! on appellant an in!eter0inate senten$e, Kthe 0a:i0u0 ter0 of whi$h shall not e:$ee! the 0a:i0u0 fi:e! ,- sai! law an! the 0ini0u0 shall not ,e less than the 0ini0u0 ter0 pres$ri,e! ,- the sa0e.K "" On the other han!, the OSG $onten!s that the RTC appropriatelapplie! the In!eter0inate Senten$e Law, $itin& our rulin& in People v. Simon."# Ee a&ree with the OSG. Se$tion of the In!eter0inate Senten$e Law, as a0en!e!, provi!es6

SECTION . 8ereafter, in i0posin& a prison senten$e for an offense punishe! ,- the Revise! Penal Co!e, or its a0en!0ents, the $ourt shall senten$e the a$$use! to an in!eter0inate senten$e the 0a:i0u0 ter0 of whi$h shall ,e that whi$h, in view of the atten!in& $ir$u0stan$es, $oul! ,e properl- i0pose! un!er the rules of the sai! Co!e, an! the 0ini0u0 of whi$h shall ,e within the ran&e of the penalt- ne:t lower to that pres$ri,e! ,- the Co!e for the offenseA an! if the offense is punishe! ,- an- other law, the $ourt shall senten$e the a$$use! to an in!eter0inate senten$e, the 0a:i0u0 ter0 of whi$h shall not e:$ee! the 0a:i0u0 fi:e! ,- sai! law an! the 0ini0u0 shall not ,e less than the 0ini0u0 ter0 pres$ri,e! ,- the sa0e. To repeat, the penalt- for Other A$ts of Chil! A,use is prision mayor in its 0ini0u0 perio!. This penalt- is !erive! fro0, an! !efine! in, the Revise! Penal Co!e. Althou&h R.A. No. /4 . is a spe$ial law, the rules in the Revise! Penal Co!e for &ra!uatin& penalties ,- !e&rees or !eter0inin& the proper perio! shoul! ,e applie!. Thus, where the spe$ial law a!opte! penalties fro0 the Revise! Penal Co!e, the In!eter0inate Senten$e Law will appl- 7ust as it woul! in felonies. "4 In

People v. Simon,"/ the Court applie! the first $lause of Se$tion of the In!eter0inate Senten$e Law to $ases of ille&al !ru&s. In Cadua v. Court of Appeals,"@ the Court applie! the sa0e prin$iple to $ases involvin& ille&al possession of firear0s. In those instan$es, the offenses were also penali3e! un!er spe$ial laws. +inall-, in Dulla v. Court of Appeals,"5 a $ase involvin& se:ual a,use of a $hil! as penali3e! un!er Se$tion #',(, Arti$le III of R.A. No. /4 ., the Court li%ewise applie! the sa0e first $lause of the In!eter0inate Senten$e Law. This $ase shoul! ,e no e:$eption. In the a,sen$e of an- 0o!if-in& $ir$u0stan$es, an! ,e$ause it is favora,le to appellant, we fin! the penalt- of four '"( -ears, nine '5( 0onths an! eleven ' ( !a-s of prision $orre$$ional, as 0ini0u0, to si: '4( -ears, ei&ht '@( 0onths an! one ' ( !a- of prision 0a-or, as 0a:i0u0, proper.

As a final wor!, we reiterate our view in Araneta,#. to wit6 Repu,li$ A$t No. /4 . is a 0easure &eare! towar!s the i0ple0entation of a national $o0prehensive pro&ra0 for the survival of the 0ost vulnera,le 0e0,ers of the population, the +ilipino $hil!ren, in %eepin& with the Constitutional 0an!ate un!er Arti$le F>, Se$tion 1, para&raph *, that KThe State shall !efen! the ri&ht of the $hil!ren to assistan$e, in$lu!in& proper $are an! nutrition, an! spe$ial prote$tion fro0 all for0s of ne&le$t, a,use, $ruelt-, e:ploitation, an! other $on!itions pre7u!i$ial to their !evelop0ent.K This pie$e of le&islation supplies the ina!eCua$ies of e:istin& laws treatin& $ri0es $o00itte! a&ainst $hil!ren, na0el-, the Revise! Penal Co!e an! Presi!ential )e$ree No. 4.1 or the Chil! an! Houth Eelfare Co!e. As a statute that provi!es for a 0e$hanis0 for stron& !eterren$e a&ainst the $o00ission of $hil! a,use an! e:ploitation, the law has stiffer penalties for their $o00ission, an! a 0eans ,whi$h $hil! traffi$%ers $oul! easil- ,e prose$ute! an! penali3e!. # $HERE ORE, the Petition is %ENIE%. The Court of Appeals )e$ision !ate! +e,ruar- *., *../ in CA9G.R. CR No. */@ / is A IR&E% with &O%I ICA!ION that appellant Leonilo San$he3 is here,- senten$e! to four '"( -ears, nine '5( 0onths an! eleven ' ( !a-s of prision correccional, as 0ini0u0, to si: '4( -ears, ei&ht '@( 0onths an! one ' ( !a- of prision mayor, as 0a:i0u0. Costs a&ainst

appellant. SO OR)ERE). AN!ONIO E%#AR%O :. NACH#RAAsso$iate 2usti$e EE CONCUR6 CONS#ELO ;NARES<SAN!IAGO Asso$iate 2usti$eChairperson AN!ONIO !. CARPIOL Asso$iate 2usti$e %IOS%A%O &. PERAL!AAsso$iate 2usti$e ATTESTATION I attest that the $on$lusions in the a,ove Resolution were rea$he! in $onsultation ,efore the $ase was assi&ne! to the writer of the opinion of the CourtDs )ivision. CONS#ELO ;NARES<SAN!IAGO Asso$iate 2usti$eChairperson, Thir! )ivision CERTI+ICATION Pursuant to Se$tion 1, Arti$le >III of the Constitution an! the )ivision Chairperson<s Attestation, I $ertif- that the $on$lusions in the a,ove Resolution ha! ,een rea$he! in $onsultation ,efore the $ase was assi&ne! to the writer of the opinion of the CourtDs )ivision. RE;NA!O S. P#NOChief 2usti$e oo)no)es A!!itional 0e0,er in lieu of Asso$iate 2usti$e Con$hita Carpio Borales per Spe$ial Or!er No. 4"4 !ate! Ba- #, *..5.

RENA!O C. CORO Asso$iate 2usti$

A!!itional 0e0,er in lieu of Asso$iate 2usti$e Binita >. Chi$o9 Na3ario per Spe$ial Or!er No. 41 !ate! April *5, *..5.

)ate! Au&ust *@, *../A rollo, pp. .91..

Parti$ularl- !o$%ete! as CA9G.R. CR No. */@ /, penne! ,Asso$iate 2usti$e Pris$illa Balta3ar9Pa!illa, with Asso$iate 2usti$es Arsenio 2. Ba&pale an! Ro0eo +. Bar3a, $on$urrin&A rollo, pp. 159##.

Parti$ularl- !o$%ete! as Cri0. Case No. 2u!&e Teofilo ). Balu0aA rollo, pp. 4 9@*.
1 "

. an! penne! ,-

The Spe$ial Prote$tion of Chil!ren A&ainst Chil! A,use, E:ploitation an! )is$ri0ination A$t.

The Chil! an! Houth Eelfare Co!e. Rollo, pp. #594..

Per this Court<s Resolution !ate! Septe0,er 5, *..4 in A.B. No. ."9 9.59SC, as well as our rulin& in People v. Cabalquinto 'G.R. No. 4/451, Septe0,er 5, *..4, #.* SCRA " 5(, pursuant to Repu,li$ A$t No. 5*4*, also %nown as the K Anti !iolence Against "omen and #heir Children Act of $%%&,K an! its i0ple0entin& rules, the real na0e of the vi$ti0 an! those of her i00e!iate fa0il- 0e0,ers other than the a$$use! are to ,e withhel! an! fi$titious initials are instea! use! to prote$t the vi$ti0<s priva$-.
/ @

Re$or!s, p. .. TSN, 2anuar- *#, *..*, p. ".


I!. at 19#. I!. at 4.

I!. at 49 .. Re$or!s, pp. 19". TSN, +e,ruar- #, *..*, pp. *9/. I!. at /9@. Re$or!s, p. . 9 1A re$or!s, p. @*.


Supra note *, at

TSN, Ba- 1, *..*A re$or!s, p. @#. Re$or!s, pp. .49 ./. TSN, 2ul- *", *..*. TSN, Au&ust *@, *..*. Initiall- referre! to ,- appellant as Ta&oro LaurelA i!. at TSN, O$to,er ", *..*, pp. #94. Rollo, p. @*. I!. at @19@@. I!. at @595*. Re$or!s, p. @1. Rollo, pp. #"9##. I!. at #49#@. I!. at 1491/. Supra note , at @. .











A0). 255. Slight physical in'uries and maltreatment. J The $ri0e of sli&ht ph-si$al in7uries shall ,e punishe!6

. B- arresto menor when the offen!er has infli$te! ph-si$al in7uries whi$h shall in$apa$itate the offen!e! part- for la,or fro0 one to nine !a-s, or shall reCuire 0e!i$al atten!an$e !urin& the sa0e perio!A *. B- arresto menor or a fine not e:$ee!in& *.. pesos an! $ensure when the offen!er has $ause! ph-si$al in7uries whi$h !o not prevent the offen!e! part- fro0 en&a&in& in his ha,itual wor% nor reCuire 0e!i$al atten!an$eA 1. B- arresto menor in its 0ini0u0 perio! or a fine not e:$ee!in& #. pesos when the offen!er shall ill9treat another ,- !ee! without

$ausin& an- in7ur-. Supra note pp. @19 5*.

11 1"

an! AppellantDs Repl- !ate! O$to,er #, *..@A rollo,

OSG<s Co00ent !ate! 2une 4, *..@A rollo, pp. # 9 /5. I!. E0phasis supplie!. ART. #5. Crimes. M Cri0inal lia,ilit- shall atta$h to an- parent who6




' ( Con$eals or a,an!ons the $hil! with intent to 0a%e su$h $hil! lose his $ivil status. '*( A,an!ons the $hil! un!er su$h $ir$u0stan$es as to !eprive hi0 of the love, $are an! prote$tion he nee!s. '1( Sells or a,an!ons the $hil! to another person for valua,le $onsi!eration. '"( Ne&le$ts the $hil! ,- not &ivin& hi0 the e!u$ation whi$h the fa0il-Ds station in life an! finan$ial $on!itions per0it. '#( +ails or refuses, without 7ustifia,le &roun!s, to enroll the $hil! as reCuire! ,- Arti$le /*. '4( Causes, a,ates, or per0its the truan$- of the $hil! fro0 the s$hool where he is enrolle!. KTruan$-K as here use! 0eans a,sen$e without $ause for 0ore than twent- s$hool!a-s, not ne$essaril$onse$utive. It shall ,e the !ut- of the tea$her in $har&e to report to the parents the a,sen$es of the $hil! the 0o0ent these e:$ee! five s$hool!a-s. '/( I0properl- e:ploits the $hil! ,- usin& hi0, !ire$tl- or in!ire$tl-, su$h as for purposes of ,e&&in& an! other a$ts whi$h are ini0i$al to his interest an! welfare. '@( Infli$ts $ruel an! unusual punish0ent upon the $hil! or !eli,eratel- su,7e$ts hi0 to in!i&nitions an! other e:$essive

$hastise0ent that e0,arrass or hu0iliate hi0. '5( Causes or en$oura&es the $hil! to lea! an i00oral or !issolute life. ' .( Per0its the $hil! to possess, han!le or $arr- a !ea!l- weapon, re&ar!less of its ownership. ' ( Allows or reCuires the $hil! to !rive without a li$ense or with a li$ense whi$h the parent %nows to have ,een ille&all- pro$ure!. If the 0otor vehi$le !riven ,- the $hil! ,elon&s to the parent, it shall =,e? presu0e! that he per0itte! or or!ere! the $hil! to !rive. KParentsK as here use! shall in$lu!e the &uar!ian an! the hea! of the institution or foster ho0e whi$h has $usto!- of the $hil!.

G.R. No. /"*.#, 2une */, *..@, ##4 SCRA 1*1. I!. at 111911#. 'E0phasis supplie!, $itations o0itte!.(


Arti$le F>, Se$tion 1, para&raph *, of the 5@/ Constitution provi!es that KThe State shall !efen! the ri&ht of the $hil!ren to assistan$e, in$lu!in& proper $are an! nutrition, an! spe$ial prote$tion fro0 all for0s of ne&le$t, a,use, $ruelt-, e:ploitation, an! other $on!itions pre7u!i$ial to their !evelop0ent.K
". "

G.R. No. 4#5*", 2anuar- 5, *..5. "/554, Septe0,er 1., *..#, "/

People v. (oma, G.R. No. SCRA " 1, "*49"*/.

"* "1

Casitas v. People, G.R. No. #*1#@, +e,ruar- #, *..", "** SCRA *"*, *"@.

Se$. , A$t No. " .1. G.R. No. 51.*@, 2ul- *5, 55", *1" SCRA ###.


REGALA)O, Cri0inal Law Conspe$tus, +irst E!ition, p. *.#, $itin& People v. )artin SimonA i!.
"4 "/

Supra note "#.


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