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RECOVERY MANAGEMENT Aurangabad . For Yash Finacial Services Pvt. Ltd.Aurangabad

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
of M.B.A. in FINANCE

Submitted to

Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik


under the guidance of

Dr. S.Y. Patil Director Godavari Institute of Management & Research, Jalgaon.

STUDY CENTER (53106) Nutan Institute of Management Development & Research, Jalgaon. 425001.


I hereby declare the project entitled RECOVERY MANAGEMENT for Yash Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Aurangabad has been written and submitted by me under the guidance of Dr. S.Y. Patil and the project is the result of my original work. The empirical findings in this project are based on the data collected by myself while preparing this report. This project is completed as a part of curriculum and all that information collected is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Place:-Jalgaon Date:-27/04/2011

(Prashant B. Vanjari) Student name and signature


This project is the outcome of sincere and positive contribution of various personalities. The encouragement and guidance extended to me in completing this project cannot be translated by me in word. I wish to acknowledge my sincere gratitude toward my project guide Prof. Dr. S.Y. Patil whose presence has always been source of inspiration for me. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Pravin Kala, CEO Yash Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Aurangabad, who gave me permission for the project work at the company and provide encouragement throughout the project. Lastly, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my father Mr. Balaji Vanjari and my wife Smt.Sapna Vanjari who helped me during the course of preparation to this project.

Place:-Jalgaon Date:-27/04/2011

(Prashant B. Vanjari)

For the Project on

For Yash Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Aurangabad.
For the partial fulfillment of MBA (Finance) degree.


Mr. Prashant Balaji Vanjari PRN No. QP0901450

Under Guidance Of

Dr. S.Y. Patil

Director, Godavari Institute of Management & Research, Jalgaon
Submitted To

Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik


Nutan Institute of Management Development & Research, Jalgaon 425001.

April 2008


Full Name Date of birth Nationality Education Address 1) Permanent b) Communication/Residential : : At. Po. Chahardi Tal. Chopda, Dist. Jalgaon (M.S.) Shilp, 31, Gurudatta colony, Khwajamiya Road, Jalgaon. 0257-2250197 Mob- 9421682631 Director Godavari Institute Of Management & Research, Jalgaon. (M.S.) INDIA. 425001 39 Years i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) i) ii) M.Phil, - 18 Completed Ph.D.- 12 Completed & 10 in Progress Minor Research Projects 05 completed Major Research Projects 1 on going Research Papers 76 published Books 7 published : : : : Dr. Patil Shivaji Yuvraj 30-01-1949 Indian 1) M.A. 62% Marathawada Univ. Aurangabad (1972) 2) Ph. D. University Of Pune (1989)

c) Phone d) Email-ID Designation

: : :

Teaching Experience Research Experience

: :

Extension Work Experience

Chief N.S.S. Programme officer 8 Years Co-ordinator of workshop on Research Methodology iii) Academic Councellor for IGNOU 1993 iv) Academic Councellor YCMOU 2001 i) ii) International Conference -10 National Conference 47 P.R. China, Hongcong, Thiland, Nepal i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) Indian Economic Association Indian Institution of Public Administration Indian Association for the study of population Regional Science Association, India Marathi Arthshatra Parishad, Pune Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education, Pune B.O.S. in Economics University of Pune (1972-75) B.O.S. in Economics, NMU, Jalgaon (1991-2005) B.O.S. in Bus. Eco. Shivaji Uni. Kolhapur (200105) Extra Mural board, University of Pune. All India Radio, Jalgaon-45 Academic Staff colleges, (Maharashtra & Bihar) (Dr. S.Y. PATIL)

Participation/ Contribution in

Academic visits to other countries Academic Membership

: :

Special Lectures Delivered on Population, Environment, black Money, Unemployment, Education Place JALGAON (M.S.) India. Date

i) ii) iii)

INTRODUCTION:One of the main source of finance to the organization is the recovery from the customer who had already enjoyed the benefits from the company but are not ready to pay it of Recovery Management is the self explanatory heading suggesting the whole project. The term recovery is the subpart of cash flow, it is included reversible managements. The reversible include debtors and the bills which obviously constituted significant portion of working capital. Recovery become necessary for the company when it sells are render services to the customer and get except cash promise to pay from him but it is not in the position to get the same amount from the appropriate customer. It is not always for the service rendering organization to open up new recovery management depth in the organization for making dues clear. For this purpose these organization uses to appoint any prospective firm as a recovery agent for the service rendering organization. The recovery management also specifies that outstanding amount of the organization is also going to be managed by company prospective who will definitely fix the future of to the organization with the help of amount to be recovered in the future. It allows the credit worthiness of company in the market. Recovery management has become very important aspect of corporate sector likewise it has also a great significance in service / Tertiary sector. RATIONALE:It is observed that increasing in overdue increases NPA which further decrease in profitability of organization. Therefore researchers have selected recovery management as a project work. OBJECTIVES:The Objectives of the proposed project work are:1) 2) 3) To the study the concept of recovery management theoretically. To study the operational system of Yash Financial Service Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad. To analyze the problems and its impact involved in recovery management in Yash Financial Service Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad.


To suggest measures to solve the problems of recovery management in Yash Financial Service Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad.


To suggest a rational policy of recovery management.

HYPOTHESES:The proposed project worked is based on following hypothesis, 1) It is observed that, there is a increasing trend of willful overdue 2) It is observed that increasing in overdue increases NPA which further decrease in profitability. 3) Most of the companies try to collect their overdue through bilateral settlement and deducting certain percentages from the final payment of the customer. 4) Law & order, courts, private collection groups may be harmful for be recovery and future progress of organization. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:I. Survey Method: Researcher has selected descriptive survey method along with case study method for the proposed project. II. Area of study: Researcher has selected Yash Financial Service Pvt Ltd., Aurangabad for the proposed project because researcher was associated with this financial service. III. Duration: The time duration for the implementation of proposed project Recovery Management will be April 2009 to March 2010. IV. Data Collection: The study would be based on primary and secondary data: a) Primary data:

Primary data would be collected from head of departments, agent and customers of Yash Financial Service Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad through interview and questioning technique. b) Secondary data: Secondary data would be collected by researcher from annual report of YFSPL, research books, journals and website. V. Data Analysis: Collected data would be analyzed by the researcher with the help of SWOT analysis, some statistical tools and computer. Results would be drawn and suggestions would be made accordingly.

SAMPLING:For this project researcher will take interview of Mr.Pravin Kala C.E.O. of financial service. Researcher will also take interview of 100 customers for 10 branches of this financial service.

EXPECTED CONTRIBUTION:It is expected that researcher project would be useful to the private recovery companies and public sector telecommunication companies to determine their recovery policy. It would be an important addition to the literature on telecommunication industry. It will not be useful researcher for getting an MBA Degree but would be useful to researchers, who will conduct their research in same field.


Chapter No.1 - Introduction

Chapter No.2 - Review of Literature

Chapter No.3 - Theoretical Framework on Recovery Management

Chapter No.4 - Organizational Profile

Chapter No.5 - Data Analyses and Interpretation

Chapter No.6 - Problems Involved In Recovery Management of YFSPL, Aurangabad.

Chapter No.7 - Measures to Solve Problem In Recovery Management InYFSPL, Aurangabad.

Chapter N0. 8 - Summary, Conclusion, Testing Of Hypotheses and Suggestion.

- Bibliography


Signature of the Student Mr. Prashant Balaji Vanjari Date:-29/04/2008 Place:- Jalgaon

Signature of the Guide Dr. Shivaji Y. Patil

Yash Financial Services, Aurangabad- Organizational Chart

Mr.Pravin Kala C.E.O. Financial Services

P.S.Sharma Mrg.,HR and Training

B.M.Patil Mgr., Payroll

V.V.Chavan Research and Accounting

V.V.Sathe Recovery Officer

3 Admin Clerks

V.V. Gupta Technical Analyst

M.V.Das Asst. Mgr., Payroll

V. Wahde Financial Analyst

8 Clerks

2 Clerks Floater Clerks

12 Clerk

4 Clerk

S.V.Sane Financial Analyst 2 Clerk

P.S.Ghule Operations Analyst 4 Clerks

This is to certify that, the project work RECOVERY MANAGEMENT For Yash Financial Services Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad submitted by Mr. Prashant Balaji Vanjari, in partial fulfillment of awarded of Masters in Business Administration degree of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik. This project report has been carried out by him under my supervision and guidance for the academics year 2009-2010

Prof.Dr. S. Y. Patil. (Project Guide)

Prof. Rajendra V. Deshmukh Centre coordinator Nutan Institute of Management Development & Research, Jalgaon

Place:-Jalgaon Date:-27/04/2011

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